Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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God's mercy ....

BD 6352 September 11th 1955

You all experience God's kindness and mercy, for His love is never-ending and applies to all His living creations which suffer hardship but still resist Him and therefore would actually have no right to be loved by Him .... on account of which God's mercy remembers them in their distress. He cannot be angry but only be willing to love, forgive and help .... No sin is so great that His love would not want to absolve it and only His righteousness has to maintain a certain order, in view of which God cannot make His creatures blissfully happy as long as they still openly oppose Him .... However, He does whatever it takes to overcome their antagonism, in order to then be able to give Himself in abundance .... Thus God does not condemn, even if the measure of sin is overflowing, but full of compassion He looks upon the sinner and pours endless blessings upon him, so that he will change and voluntarily turn to Him in order to find complete forgiveness with Him. For God Himself is Love, and love cannot be angry as it only ever tries to give happiness. God is a merciful Judge to every soul, i.e., forgiveness can always be expected from His side .... because His love is never-ending. Only if the soul itself objects to it then it will challenge God's righteousness .... because it is the law of eternal order that opposition renders God's love ineffective and also makes every act of compassion futile. And therefore God's greatest care only ever applies to the human being's change of will, which subsequently enables His mercy to intervene when a soul has fallen and is unable to lift itself up again on its own .... Then it will receive help which, admittedly, it does not deserve but which it will not reject either .... Then it can become blessed due to grace .... for the merciful love draws towards all wretched beings. But only He is compassionate Who knows about the endless misery of those who languish in the abyss .... And only the person who knows the fate of the fallen souls can feel compassionate, even if he is emotionally unable to assess it. Yet the knowledge of the fallen beings' wretchedness can also awaken profound compassion in him, and if he thus, in merciful love, supports these souls which are far away from God .... if he appeals to God to help these unhappy souls, then his merciful call for help can overcome the resistance in these souls, because they feel the petitioner's love and become more compliant ....

For merciful love is valued very highly on God's part, it is, after all, a sign of the soul's higher maturity, a sign of a human being's true love, which can never remain ineffective. God takes pity on every soul, and everything would truly be redeemed from the abyss already were His merciful love unhesitatingly accepted .... Yet it remains ineffective as soon as it meets with resistance. Hence every state of adversity, every misery has not been imposed on the being by God but was aspired to in free will, against which even God's mercy cannot undertake anything but merely continue influencing the person's will so that he will change and clear the path for the merciful love, so that the being will allow itself to be seized and lifted up by it. Every act of Salvation is an act of compassion, because the being shall be redeemed from self-inflicted adversity .... where righteousness should impose punishment were mercy not to express itself first and make a final attempt to break the opposition .... Nevertheless, in the case of opposition even mercy will be to no avail, and then justice will consider the being according to its resistance .... God's love will never end, and this love tries to save all wretched beings, and His mercy will time and again draw down to earth and gather those who let themselves be seized by it, and no being will be able to resist His greater than great love forever, for it is very strong, and one day even the hardest heart will be melted by this strength of love, and it will voluntarily surrender to Him in free will and be eternally happy ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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