God lenient but just judge .... serving on earth ....

B.D. No. 4009

March 27th 1947

It is God's compensating justice that people who do evil to others are often punished by the same evil and still have to atone on earth for the sins they have committed. However, it is a grace again if they are given the opportunity to repent on earth and don't have to take their guilt in all its severity into the kingdom of the beyond, where it is much more difficult to become free of guilt. On earth the punishment can let them recognize their wrongdoing, they can repent and thereby atone more easily, whereas in the beyond it is far more difficult to recognize and they can only become more and more hardened through torment. However, the human being does not always recognize his wrongdoing and repent of it, but at times he is even more intent on harming his fellow human being, even though he himself feels the effect of the evil will. But then he is hardened, and he takes his guilt with him into the kingdom beyond. This has to be said first in order to be able to understand why infinitely many people will have to bear great suffering in the last days, why they often receive no help from their fellow human beings in the most bitter adversity, for they too were uncaring towards their fellow human beings' adversity at times when they could have helped if they had not lacked the will. And if they think of their sins and omissions and severely criticize themselves, if they now recognize themselves and repent of their wrongdoing, the punishment will also be bearable for them, and their guilt can already become smaller on earth, and then the time of adversity will also be a blessing for them, for it brought them grace, they can seriously consult with themselves, admit their wrongdoing to God and appeal to Him for forgiveness. And then the magnitude of the guilt will truly be reduced, for God is a lenient judge, and where He sees that the human being repents of his wrongdoing, He will lessen his punishment and forgive him. But without the admission of his guilt he cannot find forgiveness, because God is indeed a lenient but just judge ....



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