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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
The embodied light beings' willingness to help....
Believe Me that people would be in a dire straights during the last days before the end if I did not continually send messengers of light to earth to bring them light and strength directly from Me and thus contribute towards saving at least those people who have not yet entirely handed themselves over to My adversary. These messengers of light consequently fight against the prince of darkness by exposing the misconceptions which people adhere to, by bringing them the light of truth and thereby also illuminating the path of return to Me into their Father's house. There has to be an activity of strong counteracting forces, for the adversary's power is great given that people concede to this power themselves with their wrong attitude towards Me, their God and Creator of eternity. They are living in his realm and constantly move in spiritual darkness. My kingdom, however, is the kingdom of light and bliss, and from this kingdom helpful beings of light, motivated by their love towards the wretched, avail themselves to Me to descend to earth in order to help them still find the way back before the end. And since they are only impelled by love for this work of redemption, I accept it and place them where there is a possibility of success, where they are then lovingly active, both earthly as well as spiritually. __For now they are living as human beings amongst human beings and thus.... although their souls are already fully mature.... also have to fit in with people. Consequently they do not stand out in any special way but live like everyone else, often in underprivileged circumstances. Yet they will never need to suffer adversity, because they work as My servants on earth and, like a good Master, I will also always take care of all their earthly needs on their behalf. Nevertheless they are not conspicuously noticeable in their environment, yet every believer can recognise them by their unusual mission. For they serve Me as bearers of light, as bearers of truth, which they can receive directly from Me and pass on to their fellow human beings. Only the pure truth can still bring salvation to those people who still live in complete error, in spiritual darkness, and who are therefore at greatest risk of getting lost. For you humans are unable to assess in what danger humanity finds itself during these last days before the end. And this motivates Me to send messengers of light to earth which, as human beings, will then do their utmost to work on My behalf on earth to prevent people from becoming subject to compulsory faith. These bearers of light might well sense where they are coming from as soon as they, as people, receive revelations from Me in order to be able to fulfil their mission.... For they will soon recognise their fellow human beings' spiritually low level and their hopelessness of ever attaining the light of truth unless they will receive special help.... And since they themselves will be guided into the knowledge of all correlations by Me through the conveyance of the Word, they will also know that they have come from a different sphere for the sake of a mission. __And yet, I Myself shall keep their origin concealed until they have reached a specific degree of maturity as human beings which, however, they will only attain just before the end of their physical life, for it is irrelevant for the human being's mission which spirit has embodied itself in him, since all beings of light offering themselves to live on earth for the salvation of people are spirits of love which are close to My heart, and My love to all My living creations is so profound that I on My part do not apply any classification, as is always the case with limited thinking.... You humans, however, harbour this wish to know about your previous existence, and then I Am occasionally motivated by your love to give you small hints, providing you interpret these indications correctly.... For in My kingdom are countless beings with the same degree of love whose characteristics.... even though every individual being is self-aware.... correspond to a great original spirit again, precisely because of their greater than great love.... And I also embrace these again with My love and Am present to them on earth in order to support them in their spiritual mission, which is urgently needed because humanity has reached such a spiritually low level that only the pure truth can help it ascend again which you, My messenger, shall receive directly from Me and pass on, so that the error can be recognised.... so that there shall be light on earth, so that I Myself shall be recognised by people in My whole Being.... For it is precisely this realisation which My opponent tries to suppress in order to prevent people from looking for and finding the path to Me.... For anyone who recognises Me in My infinite love, unsurpassable wisdom and overwhelming might will also strive towards Me, and he will be saved from a repeated fall into the abyss.... __Amen
The most important commandment has to be fulfilled: Love....
You, who want to serve Me, will repeatedly be reminded of the immense spiritual darkness which necessitates My Gospel to be carried into the world, which alone is the true light that can penetrate the darkness providing it is offered in all purity, just as it once originated from Me and is now conveyed to you from above to earth again. For only truth is the true light.... but what became spoilt will only ever intensify the darkness. However, the reason why the darkness is so extensive is because many lies and errors were added to the spiritual knowledge which guaranteed the most brightly shining light when it came forth from Me. __And so it is necessary that people are correctly instructed, that they receive clarification about areas which so far were closed to them or were not truthfully brought to light. It is only important that people change their nature to love, that they overcome their selfish love and change it into selfless neighbourly love.... And this important teaching, the fulfilment of My commandment of love, was placed into the background whereas other teachings came to the forefront and people's endeavours were pushed in the wrong direction. Commandments are being observed and fulfilled which are utterly immaterial and don't lead to any kind of advancement for the soul. And love is being put aside which simultaneously means that the light cannot shine brightly, that it only glows faintly.... that people's realisation, their knowledge of truth, is therefore poor.... that they exist in a spiritually darkened state, that they have an entirely wrong view of life, that they only ever strive for material possessions because no inner light is shining for them, which can only be kindled by love. __If all preachers preached nothing else but love.... if people were only ever encouraged to give up their selfish love and practise selfless neighbourly love.... truly, then they would also live in the light of realisation, they would recognise the irrelevance of earthly commodities, they would establish the right kind of relationship as of a child to its Father, for all this results in selfless, divine love.... Instead people are given misguided teachings, they are obliged to perform deeds and customs which can only be valued as external formalities and can never result into changing the state of the soul, because I only value what results in a living relationship with Me.... and this living bond with Me can only be established through kind-hearted activity. And therefore I will continue sending My messengers into the world to proclaim the Gospel of love to people.... And I Myself will always convey the pure Gospel to you who want to accept it and pass it on.... For by way of divine love, which you ought to practise, you will attain a living faith, you will arrive at the inner certainty that I Am close to you and that you can associate with Me directly. And by way of the light, which was kindled in you by love, you will also receive the kind of knowledge which corresponds to the truth, you will no longer live your earthly life in a blind state but possess truthful knowledge regarding the reason for your life on earth and the goal you are supposed to reach.... hence also regarding the earthly task you ought to fulfil. __And as soon as you know the truth you will also achieve spiritual progress, your earthly life will not be in vain, you will become more and more perfect.... which, however, is only the result of receiving the pure truth from Me. And this is what you much search for and desire, then you will also partake of it.... Then you will always be considered by Me, and then My adversary will have lost all claim on you, as soon as your nature has changed itself into love again, as you were in the beginning.... __Amen
Clarification about UFOs....
You will receive light on all subjects through My divine revelations, no question will remain unanswered which you submit to Me in full trust that I will give you an explanation. Therefore nothing needs to stay unexplained; you need only ask yourselves in order to receive a truthful answer. __Time and again doubts arise in you because you believe that you are allegedly able to prove the existence of so-called spaceships, (whether evidence could be produced of the existence of so-called spaceships), which come to earth from other stars.... But if you seriously investigate these alleged appearances you will not be able to provide one hundred per cent proof. You will find that these statements are always based on mere presumption or self-suggestion, for which no proof can be found. The explanation rests in the fact that people fall victim to the adversary who, in the last days, resorts and is able to resort to lies and deception because people themselves want to experience sensationalism, and nothing is too fantastic for them.... and that their thoughts are completely confused. If people had spiritual knowledge they would know that there is no prospect of contact between the individual stars, that the inhabitants on other stars will never be able to leave their sphere and approach other worlds.... The claims made by these people are pure inventions and no person will ever be able to prove his claim to have been in contact with inhabitants from other stars. However, people can fall prey to the adversary's works of deception and, due to their imagination, can be receptive to delusions which originate from him, but these cannot have physical consistency since My adversary lacks the power to produce material objects. __Nevertheless, where actual physical objects have been sighted by people they have their origin on this earth.... They are test objects of researchers who, with intensified effort, intend to dominate earth's outer space.... Rumours that are spread about extraterrestrial beings, who supposedly come from other stars, are deliberate lies because no human being will be able to prove to have spoken to such alleged `star-dwellers'. The circle of those who affirm such appearances will never include spiritually enlightened people because they are My adversary's absolute servants, whom he can use for his purposes.... always provided that it does not concern earthly test objects which could be seen by anyone.... which then, however, will be portrayed as extraterrestrial objects by unenlightened people, or by people enslaved by My opponent. Time and again I emphasize that there is no contact between individual stars and that there is good reason for it.... If you humans even assume that these alleged messengers from other stars want to come to earth to save you, then they would also have to actively help you humans on My behalf.... Consequently, if I had given them this task....they would always have to establish and maintain the connection with those who are My Own, with those whom I will lift up to heaven in the end.... In that case My Own would see these objects and their occupants too.... which will never happen.... because I explain this misconception to them and inform them of the pure truth. __But those who make and believe such assertions cannot be spiritually enlightened, they always pursue purely earthly goals and believe My adversary's promises, who wants to prevent people from making heartfelt contact with Me, which is the only guarantee for their rescue at the forthcoming end of this earth. You should believe that it is truly possible for Me to protect every individual person and at the end of the earth lift him up to heaven because the destruction of earth, as it exists now, is inevitable.... And believe that I have countless angels in readiness for this, but that they will never appear to people beforehand as inhabitants of other stars.... And since I convey the pure truth to earth because you humans are in need of it, I would truly also inform you of this if it corresponded to the truth. But I will continue to warn you about My adversary's artful deception in the last days before the end, who uses earthly activities to deceive people, as well as suggestions to cause mental confusion.... because people will blindly believe what is presented to them as long as they are not permeated by the longing for truth, then they would also always receive the truth.... __Amen
I want to guide you ever deeper into truth so that you will bear up against all challenges by My adversary who leaves no stone unturned in order to prevent your work for Me and My kingdom. And the more knowledge you possess, the more you penetrate the truth which can only be imparted to you by Me, the more firmly will you stand your ground, for you will realise that all objections and contradictory statements are pointless and unfounded, they will only ever be empty words without deeper meaning and significance. But it is My will that the light in you shall become brighter, that in your ever more enlightened state you will learn to recognise all correlations and will therefore not be unsettled by objections anymore. And I also want you to correct errors when you are confronted by them.... I want you to be sincere fighters for Me, I want you to fight with the sword of your tongue where you are opposed by error, for you have been chosen by Me as bearers of light to convey the truth to wherever there is the will to know the truth.... And in particular the end of this earth will often be a controversial subject because hardly anyone wants to believe in it.... and precisely because the process of final destruction will be such a momentous event it does not seem credible to people.... for they have no comparison to such an event, no matter how far back they can think. __And yet, it will happen and take everyone by surprise apart from the small group of those whose life of love granted them inner enlightenment and who therefore also consciously expect the end of this earth. But wherever even the slightest worldliness prevails, where people have still not entirely detached themselves from the longing for worldly possessions, there will only be weak belief or none at all at the end of this earth, and they will reject all proclamations of this kind as false prophesies and time and again try to contradict them. And extensive explanations will not suffice either, because they simply lack the will to believe in such prophesies, their love for the world is stronger than their love for their neighbour or they would be spiritually awake and incapable of doubting in the slightest what I Myself proclaim through the working of the spirit to people time and again, so that they will prepare themselves for a near end. __However, you, My bearers of light, shall ever more strongly believe in everything I say to you, you shall experience My love and My constant presence, you shall lovingly and gratefully accept the immense gift of grace I give to you because you are faithful to Me and fight for Me and My name because you love Me and your neighbour. And for that reason I want to give you a proclamation which again will only be accepted by the profoundly devout person but which soon will also be able to convince the doubters, for not much time will pass until the first signs of a great cosmic change become apparent.... which cannot be explained by any scientist or even the sharpest of intellects and which will give rise to serious concerns.... And you will have no possibility of protecting yourselves from the looming disaster; you will only be able to wait and thus become greatly agitated, for the said cosmic phenomena will be the onset of the immense natural disaster, for the universe will revolt against all unspiritual beings within the vicinity of earth and which at present exert an extraordinary influence on the spiritual beings striving towards ascent.... __A tremendous battle has erupted between the spirits of light and of darkness, for these spirits know that a turning point is approaching and both sides will use the last days to an extraordinary extent.... And these spiritual battles for people's souls on earth affect the various stars in the universe which in some respects are in spiritual contact with Earth.... And with My approval the inhabitants of these stars also participate in the final battle on this earth, and they express themselves by way of massive eruptions which can be observed from earth and cause acute anxiety in people who are able to monitor the course of the stars and their changes of movements, which in all probability will not bypass Earth without a trace.... Humanity can only be woken up by science now, for they do not listen to spiritual notions but cannot deny scientific observations and by thinking about it they can still find the right path with good will. __For the greatest prophets may arise on earth and yet people will not believe them.... And neither can I speak to people in a compelling way in order to make them aware of being in danger due to the approaching end.... But I can let unusual things happen in My creation by apparently revoking the order and yet this, too, is part of My law insofar as that it is included in My plan of eternity for the sake of a specific purpose. And again there will be people who won't even allow themselves to be impressed by this, who will continue to live their sinful life and head towards the abyss without letting anything get into their way.... But there will also be a few who will start to wonder and then listen to the explanations given to them by My messengers of light.... And the faith of those who want to remain loyal to Me will be strengthened again, for they recognise the truth of My Word and therefore firmly hold on to My promise that I will remember all of them and fetch those home on the day of Judgment who believe in My Words and remain faithful to Me until the end.... __Amen
About the origin of evil....
Surely you don't believe that I will instruct you wrongly if you so sincerely appeal to Me for truth. Remember My Words `If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children.... how much more shall I give My spirit to them that ask Me?....' Hence you do not write down your own thoughts but they are given to you by My spirit, and always in a way so that you can also understand the meaning, so that you need not fear that you are being misled. The information you receive from above has to be clear and understandable for everyone, it must not include contradictions and completely openly describe My nature so that not even the slightest doubt will arise in you.... You, who live on earth as a human being, are the spiritual beings which once fell away from Me.... Your thinking became confused due to your apostasy from Me, you accepted all evil characteristics from My adversary.... Your nature became ungodly, thus it was in contradiction to Mine.... These ungodly qualities had to be eliminated from you again, which was achieved by the infinitely long path through the creations. Hence you had already attained a certain degree of maturity when you were allowed to incarnate on earth. But then, in your state of awareness, you also realised.... with good will.... your great distance from Me and therefore had to overcome your bad characteristics yourselves which, however, I Myself had not implanted in you but which, as a result of your apostasy from Me through My adversary's influence, were still inherent in you.... you had to bear the consequences since you voluntarily accepted that which is evil from My adversary.... This truth will irrevocably remain.... I Myself certainly created you such that you were able to feel what was good and what was bad.... I Myself created you such that you were able to desire good as well as bad.... But I did not compel you to accept evil within yourselves, nevertheless you desired it with the result that you still incorporate all evil instincts within yourselves in earthly life which My adversary once transferred onto you, and that you have to fight against and finally prevail over them.... You cannot assume that I Myself was the origin of evil, otherwise you would have to regard the whole plan of Salvation as a defective piece of work although it was, in fact, a work of supreme perfection. At no time ever can something originate from Me which I classify as a sin against Me. Consequently, if you have sinned you must have violated My law of eternal order and you must.... as far it is possible for you.... atone for your sin in earthly life yourselves. But you can never say that I Myself created you the way you are now as a human being.... if you refer to the flaws and vices you have to fight against. This contradiction is so obvious that you should have recognised it as such and rejected it. Indeed, I created the human being but the essence is the soul which was already able to repel many ungodly qualities during the infinitely long process before. It is the once fallen original spirit which still has to bear the consequences of its apostasy until it is redeemed from its original sin, but which nevertheless has to deal with the cravings My adversary implanted in it in order to completely unite itself with Me, its Father of eternity, from Whom it once emerged in a supremely perfect state.... My Word from above is truly given to you such that it is comprehensible to you, and nothing else is expected of you other than that you accept it as truth.... Yet I wisely left the scribe in ignorance of the Scriptures so as not to cloud his perception and only to transcribe that which I consider of great significant in view of the end, because precisely these questions will be the cause of heated discussions. However, it should not be underestimated that people rather choose to believe in a supremely perfect God and that every virtuous person feels repulsed to imagine God as the bearer of evil too. __The point is that I don't want to gain worldly scholars but those who are of good will. But how can the many quotations be explained from which the reader derives the impression that I Myself can be compared with evil.... This is a satanic question and an opportunity where he can most easily slip in.... and the human being's will only too gladly fits in with his will.... No one else is better suited to being of assistance to him than My John when Satan asked him the same question.... (Bishop Martin, chapter 197-198) And thus My John will now get to work by igniting a bright light for you which no-one will be able to extinguish. He will explain the contradiction to you which, however, is no contradiction.... All His beings emerged from God, therefore he did too, the greatest and most powerful spirit, whom He created for Himself in order to possess a mirror image of Himself into which He was able to constantly radiate His strength of love and which was also returned. Hence He created an image of Himself which He endowed with all abilities so that there was no difference between Him and the created work other than the fact that He Himself was the source of strength but His creation was the recipient of strength. Therefore the first-created spirit.... Lucifer or the bearer of light.... was also `emanated strength' which was externalised by God as the first visible being and which afterwards also remained visible for all successive beings until his fall. However, it was not yet God's opposite pole, for it neither possessed anti-divine characteristics nor anti-divine feelings, instead it was aglow with burning love for Him sharing the same will as God's will. Here, too, satanic cunning is instantly recognizable: the fact that he transfers the moment of apostasy from God to the act of creation in order to portray God as being responsible and himself as being `created in this way'. After all, think about this seriously: How can an opposite spirit to God.... hence one which is different from God Himself.... not be called anti-divine? In other words, how can a true opposite.... thus being different than God Himself.... not be called ungodly? Lucifer only became His opposing spirit after an incredibly long time.... when, motivated by the host of created original spirits, he began to change his will and thinking capacity.

Yet this infinitely long act of beatitude preceded his apostasy and these ungodly characteristics emerged out of him, and it was not that God had placed them into the created being, which could only have been created as God's mirror image.... This advice, too, was necessary in order to provide utter clarification that it was not God Who was the source of sin and that, without any doubt whatsoever, His works emerged from His love and therefore could not have been anything else but perfect.... i.e. good in supreme perfection. You must be able to understand the revelations from above, or you must assume that you are already externally influenced if something incomprehensible is offered to you. For God conveys His Word to Earth in order to enlighten you, and only where you really receive light will you also be able to recognise God Himself as the source, but then you will also know for certain that you are living in truth.... because He will not leave those in spiritual darkness who entrust themselves to Him and appeal to Him to receive the truth.... __Amen

Do the Gospels correspond to truth?....
The question occupying you is understandable if you wish to know the truth. The fact that changes had occurred everywhere cannot be denied, because I do not exert force on a person's free will even if he himself implements changes, partly as a result of wrong translations, but partly also caused by the use of language which differs everywhere and also promotes various interpretations. Even the transcripts of the original text diverge from each other were you to compare them, but they do not distort My teaching, they describe My Words as I had spoken them, because these Words of Mine are and will remain everlasting. But now you desire to know who has been instructed by Me to record My divine teaching of love, as well as My way of life, and I can only reply to this that John.... My favourite disciple.... had the direct order from Me and thus also complied with this task. However, My disciple Matthew, having been likewise capable of writing, also left scripts behind in which he mentioned more factual events, hence he was an equally faithful servant, yet minor discrepancies occurred in his transcripts which, however, cannot be explained such that every scribe saw the same events differently, instead, it concerns multiple events, for I have often done the same. Even so, this Gospel is still hidden from you and was replaced by a disciple of the same name who was impelled by the spirit of God, just like the evangelists Luke and Mark, who only during later years wrote down what they had heard about Me and My act of Salvation. You can rest assured that they were influenced by My spirit, otherwise they would never have attempted to tackled such work.... And it will indeed be possible for every spiritually awakened person to recognise these minor discrepancies, which had slipped in later, but he will always be able to keep to My direct Words, since I protect 'My Word' from being changed. Admittedly, you can also interpret these Words of Mine wrongly, which indeed you have done, thereby giving the spoken Word a different meaning, but a spiritually awakened person will always recognise them as being wrong. __So if you know that you are allowed to unhesitatingly accept all Gospels as being conveyed by My spirit, as long as you merely assign different periods of time to the process of the transfer, then the Gospel of John was the first one given by Me, because John more or less witnessed everything and was therefore able to describe it in greatest detail. However, the other Gospels can also be unreservedly believed. For they do not contradict each other, merely in the course of time minor changes have occurred which, however, are insignificant and recognisable. If the translators keep firmly to the original text, if they don't change the words according to their linguistic usage, it can also be assumed that the Gospels will remain pure, but the latter should be avoided because it can completely change the meaning. And even the 'expositions' require an awakened spirit.... worldly studies, even if they are of a spiritual nature, are to no avail.... And time and again such 'expositions' arise which deviate from correct thinking, and so many a passage exists which is purely interpreted in a human way, whereas it should only be understood spiritually.... and this always ever concerns passages where clarifications were given.... On account of people's free will I cannot prevent this, nevertheless, wherever possible I protect the Word I have spoken during My life time on earth, so that those of you who want to know the truth may find the right explanation.... For such questions will only be asked by a seriously-minded person who is not satisfied with scriptures of unknown origin and whose questions only prove that he loves the pure truth and therefore also Me Myself, Who is the eternal Truth.... __Amen
Spiritual knowledge must concur with the Word conveyed fr...
Only that which I Myself convey to you from above can be regarded as pure truth.... Therefore everything that claims to be true must concur with it. There is only one truth and this comes forth from Me Myself and will give pleasure to all those who want to think correctly. However, anything that contradicts My directly received Word cannot be advocated as 'truth', for the guidelines are always the same and can be used as a yardstick as to whether a person knows the truth. So if you humans have reason to doubt the information you receive you must always first ask yourselves the question: What is the attitude of people, who advocate this knowledge, towards Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation? What the act of Salvation means for the whole of humanity has been clearly explained to you from above, hence you must evaluate all other knowledge in relation to that, for as soon as it contains no information about this at all, it cannot demand to be regarded as pure truth. And in order to understand the reasons and significance of the act of Salvation you must also receive the knowledge about the original fall of the spirits, because you yourselves are these fallen spirits.... Wanting to convince people of life after death is all very well, but if you don't inform people about the reason for their human existence, the knowledge about life after death is not sufficient in order to let them attain beatitude one day.... For without the redemption through Jesus Christ the kingdom of light cannot be opened for you and you will wander about in the beyond for eternities if the souls of light over there were not to take pity on you and provide you with the knowledge you had rejected on earth because you were thinking wrongly. And thus it follows that every person has to shape himself into a vessel for the divine flow of spirit, which he can only achieve through love, which will subsequently brightly enlighten him from within and give him the right knowledge. But since this is almost impossible at a time of heartlessness, people should gather around a vessel from which the bright and clear water of life flows forth, they shall stoop down and refresh themselves in order to be at least able to receive what is most important.... the knowledge about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation. __This knowledge is necessary and cannot be replaced by anything else, since only One exists Who can bring people forgiveness for their original sin, but Who will then also remove all guilt the person had incurred during his life on earth. For the fact that Jesus, the man, sacrificed Himself and paid for the guilt through His crucifixion was a unique mission. Time and again you humans must be informed of this, you cannot describe Jesus life on earth merely as a life of supreme perfection, which it undoubtedly was, but nevertheless not know about the profound spiritual reason for His crucifixion, which was unique and accomplished for all human beings past, present and future. Only the acknowledgment of His act of Salvation as an act of supreme mercy for the spiritual beings and the appeal for forgiveness are the key to the gate into the kingdom of light, which you will never be able to unlock without Him.... for He atoned for the sin, which consisted of rejecting the divine strength of love, out of love for God and His fallen brothers.... And this sin cannot be forgiven in any other way than through acknowledging Jesus as the Redeemer of the world, this is why a life of love as preached by Him will produce the prerequisite of acknowledging Him, but the blessings of His act of Salvation must be knowingly accepted in order to be released from the original sin. The knowledge of this must be repeatedly imparted to you humans, time and again you must be informed of the fact that it is not enough to adopt His doctrine, instead, you must consciously desire to be redeemed from your original sin, for which a life lived in love will indeed help you, since the success of a life of love rests in the fact that the light of realisation will shine in you.... However, in that case you will no longer deny the redemption through Jesus Christ, you will know that you have found a Saviour in Him, Who has relieved you of the immense burden of the original sin and Who will also open the gate into the kingdom of light and bliss for you again.... __Amen
Old Testament....
Your spiritual knowledge will grow if you willingly put your trust in us and stay devoted to your Saviour in constant love. We are instructed to tell you about the teachings of the Old Testament. Before the Saviour became a human being, God gave His voice to His prophets and conveyed His commandments through them. They taught that the Messiah would come to bring Salvation to all mankind. Yet God, the Lord, never gave them the instruction to provide information about the sins of the Fathers.... Just like today, God has always proclaimed to people that they should live in faith and with love for the Creator. And yet people brought documents into being which intended to testify of the Lord's will.... It could be called presumptuous had such documents not been produced with the best of intention to thereby serve the Lord and Creator of heaven and earth. __And now, as a result of these teachings, people try to deny everything.... even the Words of the Lord Himself, Who had given them through His prophets for the benefit of people. Therefore, do not reject what is beyond your judgment.... Let God reign anew and accept what He sends to you in clear Words which will touch your hearts and which you will understand better than the Book of the Fathers. But this, too, is incorrect.... what you do not understand you should not judge.... Do not reject it, for in so doing you can reject much truth as well.... No house should be without the Word of God, yet even if the Old Book no longer provides anything of comfort to you, do not dismiss it.... times have changed and with it also people's way of speaking.... Do not renounce the Word of God, instead, appeal to the Father for enlightened reading.... that you correctly understand what He gave to you through the prophets.... and that the teachings of truth should be imparted to you. Time and again the divine Father's love will find ways and means for His teachings to find a way into people's hearts.... and to protect you from error He will guide your thoughts, if only you want to understand and to receive divine truths from the Book of Books and not try to ascertain people's weaknesses and faults in a human way. __Only pure, virtuous, God-devoted thinking will vouch for the truthfulness of the Words which God lovingly conveys through His instruments to His earthly children. If this thinking is combined with earthly endeavour.... if it is not entirely focussed on the Heavenly Father, then every work created by human hand will no longer be purely divine but humanly misguided.... and this explains why so many spiritual investigators refuse to accept the spiritual teachings. Yet here again the fact applies that science is unable to fathom what is truth and what are wrong teachings.... the realisation only comes to those who take refuge with the Heavenly Father and appeal to Him for enlightenment. He will not refuse His grace to them and lead them onto the right path.... the path of realisation. Hence, confidently submit yourself to our Words and take notice of everything God bestows on you in order to reveal the pure truth to you.... __Amen
Thoughts are spiritual strength....
In a state of realisation the human being no longer regards his thoughts as having been acquired by himself, that is, that they came from himself, but he sees them for what they really are.... the emanation of spiritual beings which want to share their knowledge with the human being and which try to impart it to him for as long as it takes until he has accepted it as mental knowledge. Every thought is therefore spiritual strength, hence something spiritual, which has paved its way from the kingdom of the beyond to earth in order to be received by the human being's thinking apparatus of which he subsequently becomes aware. Consequently, the human being's thinking must correspond to the spirit of the being which takes possession of the person.... or to which the human being concedes. The spiritual beings' emanation of strength is enormous, yet good and evil beings alike are anxious to send these emanations to earth, and this emanation will always be received by likeminded earthly beings. Thus, every person will always be given those mental transmissions which correspond to his nature.... whatever is desired will be distributed, and thus truth will be offered to someone who is hungry for truth but lies where lies are at home. Therefore, the nature of the human being's thoughts will be as the human being wants it, since the spiritual beings will endow him according to his will. The human being cannot produce anything of his own, he is entirely incapable of letting thoughts arise from within himself, precisely because thoughts are spiritual strength, but that this strength will first have to be given to him from the spiritual realm. Only the ignorant person believes himself to be the originator of his thoughts. He merely repeats the opinion of those who are of this world, namely that thinking is merely a function of certain organs, that it happens entirely without outside influences, that therefore all thoughts of a person are his own, that they are not based on direct or indirect influence.... and that therefore good or bad, profound or superficial thoughts always originate in the human being himself and are therefore his own merit. In so doing, he denies the spiritual strength because he does not acknowledge such at all. For this reason, such people cannot easily be convinced of the truth either, if it was mentally imparted, because they still don't properly understand the process of thinking and are therefore unable to believe. The actual nature of thought is still something incomprehensible to them and will also remain so until they recognise their own inadequacy where it concerns finding a solution to profound problems.... when the train of thought fails if the human being should give a final explanation by himself. Only when he trustingly turns to the spiritual beings with a desire for truth and appeals to them for clarification will he experience for himself how spiritual strength in the form of thoughts flows to him and he will realise that he cannot be the originator of such thoughts but that something spiritual is imparted to him by spiritual beings from the kingdom of the beyond.... __Amen
Human corrections of the messages from above....
The messages from above have to be written down unaltered otherwise human will disobeys God's will. Each message has its purpose, however, the human being cannot as yet understand this purpose and if an amendment of a word results in another meaning the original purpose will be lost. God Himself reveals to the human being when he fails to comply with His will, when human inability had not received His Word as it was given. People are not authorised to modify the messages because their assessment ability is not sufficient to scrutinise a creation which is not just planned for the present time but is intended to survive future times. The human being himself may well have the best of intentions; however, he needs a certain degree of maturity to have the knowledge at his disposal which will enable him to make corrections in accordance with God's will. Human knowledge alone does not qualify him to judge the substance of spiritual truth. The spirit of God only transmits the purest truth and if the human soul is not yet able to receive this truth accurately then its thinking will be guided in such a way that it will not transcribe an error. The arrangement of the words might not be accomplished to perfection but will never be completely wrong either. However, every human correction can incorporate error and therefore does not comply with God's will. The less the receiver refuses to accept the message, the clearer the spirit of God can reveal itself. Hence all personal thoughts should be avoided where possible. The will to serve God is the best guarantee for correct, unrestricted reception and then the human being truly will not need to worry about transcribing anything else but God's will, because God's will protects his thoughts from error. Whatever God wants to create He will indeed also protect from transcripts which could divert the earthly child from the right path because it is His will to give humanity the purest truth and to instruct it correctly.... __Amen
Mental activity....
The human being cannot be compelled to get in touch with spiritual forces, but it is a deliberate act of free of will. Consequently, he must also have the opportunity to be mentally active if he does not establish a connection with knowledgeable forces, only in that case is his activity limited insofar as he can only solve earthly questions. Then only his physical organism will be active; he will use the energy of life which flows to him entirely independently from support from the beyond, as long as he does not appeal to these forces for it. The thoughts the person is now thinking have no spiritual value at all, thus no value for eternity, they are not spiritual but earthly, i.e. transient knowledge. However, mental activity can also touch upon problems which lie beyond worldly things, but the human being, due to his will and his attitude towards God, resists the influence of knowledgeable beings from the beyond with the result that his thoughts will utterly contradict the truth.... Hence, only those spiritual forces will express themselves which are requested by the human being's will.... But at all times spiritual forces are at work as soon as spiritual questions are raised, whereas earthly question only need the vitality which flows to him, even though the person believes that his intellectual thinking always solves every problem. Ignorant or lying forces will certainly let the person believe that he has gained the result by purely intellectual means, since it is their intention to deny all spiritual activity, in order to also destroy the belief in divine working. Consequently, the human being considers himself the originator of every thought, and the forces supporting him will encourage this opinion, and only a person aspiring towards God understands the nature of thought. He feels the currents which flow to him from the kingdom of light. He willingly allows himself to be influenced by the good spiritual forces. And therefore, only the person aspiring towards God will know the truth, for that which flows to him in the form of thoughts is from God.... purest truth will be imparted according to His will through bearers of light to the human being, because God is the Truth Himself.... __Amen
Listening within.... Gifts from above.... Everything that...
Every spiritual gift requires undivided attention for the divine expression of will; for this means that the human being must listen within in order to hear this declaration of will. God's will can only be revealed to someone who withdraws into his inner life, since God's voice is only perceptible in the human being's heart; hence, a person has to listen within if he wants to hear God's voice. And thus a person must first detach himself from the world, i.e., he must completely free his thoughts from earthly interests, he must establish a bond with the spiritual kingdom through consciously focussing within and enter into a silent communication with the spiritual beings in a perfect state or with the eternal Deity Himself. He has to present his spiritual adversity to God and appeal for being guided towards realisation, he has to try to live according to divine will and have the serious will to become worthy of God's voice, then God will also let His voice be heard in the heart of someone who wants to hear it. For God requires people who clearly and understandably convey to fellow human beings what the voice of the heart has imparted to them, consequently He will also always be willing to instruct people according to the truth. Therefore, He also expects the attention of those who are prepared to pass on the knowledge they receive. For this knowledge is so extensive that people can be offered something new every day and every hour. But it must also be accurately communicated, and thus the teacher himself must be knowledgeable and always and forever accept this knowledge, and this requires constant mental concentration, that is, the recipient must willingly detach the soul from the body and utterly hand himself over to the working of spiritual forces.... he must listen to what his spiritual friends impart to him and know that every message from the spiritual kingdom is offered to him according to God's will.... that he therefore receives the truth which he should pass on in exactly the same way. Thus, his own mental concepts must not precede the knowledge he receives but he must strictly keep to that which is offered to him from above. As soon as the person fails to listen to this voice in his heart he cannot be instructed either, for God will not manifest Himself more markedly as not to endanger people's religious liberty. However, to the listener His voice sounds so clear and pure that he cannot misunderstand it, and thus he grows in wisdom because he is instructed by God Himself, Who also avails Himself of His heavenly messengers in order to impart the truth through His devoted earthly child to people on earth.... __But God is at all times the Giver of gifts from above, for it is God's voice which can be audibly perceived by a person if he attentively listens within. Everything that is good is a divine gift.... everything that urges a person to do good, that teaches him to love and points him into the direction of God.... And these instructions are always given to a person when his striving applies to God and the eternal truth and when his heart has made itself receptive through the will to hear the voice of God and through a God-pleasing way of life.... otherwise the desire for God will not be rooted within the person. But then his thoughts will be influenced by God Himself and the spiritual beings devoted to God, and these thoughts will predominantly arise in his heart and need only be grasped by the person's will by means of listening inwards to the divine gifts he is offered. If the person lives a life of love these thoughts will make such an indelible impression on him that he will accept these thoughts without doubting that it is the divine voice, since through love he is already so united with God that he knows His will and always strives to fulfil it.... __Amen
New school of thought.... Human work....
It will be the object of those who no longer recognise God, due to their heartless way of life, to coerce people into a completely new school of thought. They reject the old belief and will try to replace it with new teachings, their intention will be to confuse people's thought by seeking to disprove everything and, through objections, will awaken their doubts in order to introduce them to the new school of thought, to recruit them for it with guile and force. Because they do not shy away from achieving their aim by unfair means, they will rigorously proceed against people who remain faithful to their old belief and honour those who do their will and promote the spreading of the new teaching. These teachings are the work of human beings, they incorporate neither wisdom nor love; the aim of these teachings is to de-spiritualise people, to make people get the wrong idea about the purpose of earthly life, they do not originate from the spiritual realm but deny all spiritual concepts and only accept worldly goals. __And these teachings are offered to people in such a way that no one may evade their influence, that daily life will more or less depend on the acceptance of these teachings so that people will have to make the serious decision to accept or reject them. This school of thought will find approval everywhere because it takes people's worldly attitude into account which is the key factor for most people, because humanity is becoming increasingly materialistic and has completely turned away from the spiritual kingdom. They accept what they are given by people but do not recognise spiritual gifts as such, they laugh at or mock God's Word and reject any truthful explanation. __On the other hand, human structures and human ideas, which heartless people are trying to spread, meet the approval of most, and thus a school of thought will evolve which completely contradicts the pure truth. This is a school of thought which has nothing in common with Christ's teaching since Christ's teaching of love will be frowned upon. Since love is not taught first and foremost it will grow cold and wisdom, which is unthinkable without love, will also come to an end. People's thoughts will be ever more misguided, fewer and fewer people will take refuge in God as the source of all wisdom and it won't be possible, therefore, to give the pure truth to them anymore either. Nor will the truth be recognised any longer while error will assert itself, since humanity will no longer be able to distinguish truth from error due to its heartlessness. And thus it will allow itself to be encouraged and descend ever deeper into a state of ignorance. There will be spiritual darkness for humanity and no one will want to see the light.... And for this reason the adversary will have an easy time.... The battle against faith will be carried out on all levels of society since unkindness dominates everywhere and prevents people's perception. However, human work will not last.... It will disintegrate, like everything that is not of God, after it has triggered an enormous chaos, because these things do not survive for long and will therefore be eliminated by God Himself when the time for the end has come.... __Amen
God's Word reflects the spirit of love....
Recognise the spirit of love speaking to you through My Word.... Consider that you are spiritually weak, that you certainly carry Me within yourselves as a very tiny spark but that this spiritual spark will continue to rest dormant in you until you awaken it through acts of love. The Father-Spirit speaks to you with Words of love in order to awaken love in you, so that you will activate your indwelling spiritual spark and give life to it through love. Once you have gained realisation you will also understand why I constantly remind you to love, yet those of you who are still spiritually blind must first pay attention to the fact that every Word you hear through My servants on earth was given by Me with love and shall motivate you to love. Were you able to say that even one of My Words lacks love, you could be forgiven for not having accepted it. Yet every Word must prove to you the love of the Giver, every Word must testify to Me as the eternal Love Which only wants to regain what it had lost through heartlessness. And I only want to win you back because My love wants to make you blissfully happy for all eternity. Time and again I point your wretchedness out to you, your imperfect state, which cannot make you happy and which I want to resolve. And since only love is able to do so I incessantly preach love to you and remind you with each one of My Words, that you can only shape yourselves through love into blissfully happy creatures which are indescribably happy when they are close to the Father, the eternal Love. As soon as you have gained the conviction that all My Words are given with love, that they merely draw attention to love, you will also have to recognise their origin, you will have to regard My Word as the outpouring of Myself, as a work of love for the sinful human race in order to provide it with help. And if you recognise the spirit in My Word, you will soon also recognise Me, it will no longer be incomprehensible to you that I speak to you Myself, for love brings forth wisdom. If you allow the Words of love to take effect in you, then you will soon comply with them, and then you will also think correctly, you will become knowledgeable, recognise the immense truth inherent in My Word and thus also learn to recognise and love Me ever more profoundly. But this serious examination has to be conducted by you of your own free will.... you must ask yourselves, if My Word is offered to you, whether the spirit of love speaks through it.... You cannot be forced into asking this question, it must arise of your own free will, for this proves your will for truth, for right understanding. And you will receive an answer, the spirit of love itself will speak inside of you and aim to influence your heart and, providing you are willing, not without success. Truth exists where you can recognise love, for love is divine and can only originate from the eternal Love. Those of you who doubt the truth of My Word should bear this in mind. You may accept without hesitation what is inherent in the spirit of love, and you need never fear to be led astray by this spirit, for God is the source of love, and the goal of love is God.... And you will always reach Me if you allow yourselves to be drawn by My love, which approaches you in the Word time and again, which can be recognised in every one of My Words by anyone who wants to recognise it.... __Amen
Origin of thought....
You receive your knowledge from the spiritual kingdom.... If you understand this idea you also have faith and therefore accept a mental concept which is not of this world, which would either have to come from the kingdom of infinity or it originated in yourselves, if the former is not acceptable to you. And thus I want to explain to you how your own thoughts relate to the spiritual kingdom.... __Without knowledge you will find it difficult to give an inherent thought the right direction, i.e. truthfully answer a question you raise yourself. You could certainly answer it yourselves, but without any guarantee of truth. And now I ask you where the thoughts which are passing through your brain come from in proportion to your understanding.... Furthermore, I ask you who gave you the gift of thought and what, in principle, is a thought.... You can certainly reply that it is a physical function, an inherent human characteristic that need not have been given to the human being.... Nevertheless, thinking in itself is something tremendous when you take a closer look at the process. It takes place without any observable activity, it is not evident to any other person nor does it leave any noticeable consequences or results. It is a process which can take place anywhere and at any time without the means to be scrutinised by other people. Thus it could already be considered a spiritual process, in contrast to every other activity for which the human being requires his body in some form or other. __Whatever the human being does, he will use a bodily organ to perform the function designated for this part of the body. And it will also always be noticeable. However, this does not apply to the human being's mind. This can work while the body is completely at rest, although the human being considers the seat of intelligence, the brain, as the organ which also exercises its function. But its function merely consists of receiving thought emanations when it is touched by them. But where is the origin of thought to be found, especially when it does not concern worldly-perceptible but spiritual things, which cannot be grasped by the human being's senses. The human being occasionally experiences thoughts in a flash although he had previously not intellectually concerned himself with them. And every answer to a self-posed question is also a suddenly emerging thought, which thus has to come from a reservoir, if the person believes that a thought originates in himself. This reservoir has to be somewhere within himself from which he draws the mental concepts during his intellectual activity. Consequently, one should also be able to empty and refill this thought container, if it is to be found inside the human being. __Or it has to be recognised as being external to the human body, it has to be looked for in the spiritual kingdom, which transmits every thought into the human heart in order to be deliberately grasped from there and processed by the thinking organs. The human being's will to make use of the emanations touching him can fluctuate, and in proportion to this is the person's outwardly recognisable ability to explain things and be deemed knowledgeable.... Whether and when the person accepts emanations which correspond to the truth will require further instruction, but that he receives these emanations from the spiritual kingdom is a fact and can, after some consideration, also become a conviction. Because something that is not physically perceptible cannot be created by human will, rather it exists as something that has always existed. It has its origin in the spiritual realm, just as all spiritual substances are emanations of God's strength, which is accessible to the human being in proportion to his will. But thought is, in fact, the evidence that the human being is a carrier of spiritual essence and who, as an earthly constrained being, is able to make mental contact with the spiritual kingdom. He can lift himself in thought into this realm, he can detach himself from earth and mentally reside in spiritual spheres.... And if he believes that such a stay in the spiritual kingdom is a figment of his own imagination, it should be explained that the human being cannot think of or imagine anything that does not exist.... that everything he imagines also exists somewhere, and the thoughts are more or less a reflection of what the person is trying to ascertain by virtue of his will. Only, the images can be offered to him in a distorted way, but this is also caused by his will. However, the human brain is never the origin of thought, it is merely the device which has to receive mental concepts touching it from the spiritual realm if they are to become perceptible to the person. It is beyond doubt, even for the unbelieving person, that he has to receive wisdom first, that he cannot bring it forth from himself unless it is in him.... __But this requires a stronger faith, because then he also has to acknowledge the Divinity in himself which rests dormant in him and which can also truthfully instruct him from within.... However, in that case he will receive the same explanation, because then he is in direct contact with the spiritual realm, with Me, with the eternal Father-Spirit, Who will instruct him Himself.... and then he will know that all mental concepts are an emanation from Me and that he will receive the absolute truth as soon as he has made contact with Me, the Provider of truth.... __Amen
Constrained souls.... Act of Salvation....
Try to put yourselves into the position of a soul which is tied down by evil forces and unable to free itself without help. This is certainly of its own doing but pitiable because of its weakness, because it does not walk the right path, the path to Me as divine Redeemer, Who is able to remedy its weakness of will. It is completely under the influence of these forces who guide its thoughts into the wrong direction in order to keep it from the truth and therefore also from its own salvation. Such a soul is disadvantaged in every way. First of all, due to its misguided thinking it lacks understanding but it is constantly influenced to strive for what will stop it from becoming aware of it. Furthermore, it is encouraged to believe that it is on the right track in order to paralyse its willingness to investigate other avenues.... Hence it has to think and want what My adversary's forces mentally induce, and the soul itself is not strong enough to offer resistance, which is the result of not acknowledging My act of Salvation.... The human being is engaged in a far greater spiritual struggle against the forces of darkness, and he will lose if he does not call on Me Myself for help, to strengthen his will, for salvation from My adversary's power. __For he has immense power over the souls, over their will, even though the will is free. He intensifies the weakness of will and the soul cannot defend itself against him by itself as he is far stronger than the soul. Hence I came to the world to help humanity in the fight against their souls' enemy. Through My death on the cross I brought them salvation from the constrained state, I acquired strength of resistance for every single person who is willing to accept it from My hands.... who acknowledges Me and believes in My act of Salvation. I cannot endow the human being with this strength of increased will against his will if I want to create a free, perfect being which has found Me voluntarily. Thus free will has to be considered in all situations in life if the last goal is to be achieved..... ultimate perfection, thus Godliness of the being which is living on earth embodied as a human being for the test of its will. This test of will necessitates the adversary's immense power over every individual soul, just as the blessings of My act of Salvation are necessary to overcome this power. Therefore it is My continuous endeavour to make people believe in Me as Redeemer of the world, and by conveying the pure truth I seek to make the act of Salvation, My mission as a human being on earth, comprehensible to them. __However, it is up to every person himself to form his own opinion since I do not force anyone to believe in Me, but he makes it impossible for himself to receive the blessings of the act of Salvation, the reinforcement of his will against My adversary, if he does not acknowledge Me. And then it is extraordinary difficult for the soul to pull itself away from the enemy. Because it does not recognise the danger it is in, it believes to be on the right path, its understanding is clouded because the adversary's influence also affects the human being's every thought and activity, so that he will not establish the right relationship with Me and will even be prevented from acting with love. Nor will he allow himself to be taught because the adversary's influence is stronger than the influence of fellow human beings who want to help him. Only the right attitude towards Me as the Redeemer of the world.... the right attitude towards Jesus Christ and His teaching.... can bring help to a soul, and an effort has to be made for this. If the person can find the will to penetrate the knowledge of Jesus Christ's mission he will also receive assistance from Me, he will be guided into the right understanding in spite of My adversary's most eager influence, because I will help wherever I feel but the faintest willingness to come close to Me.... Although the human being cannot muster the understanding for My act of Salvation quickly, as soon as he acknowledges Jesus Christ as God's representative, as soon as he accepts that He was given a mission by God, his train of thought will be on the right track and he will continue to be guided correctly, and then the adversary will already have lost his power. __But this has to come first before the soul can withdraw from his influence, only then will it be saved, and only then will it be open to all other information. The battle of light against darkness is enormous, and where the light shines it has to be guarded so as not to get extinguished.... The prince of darkness also rages against the bearers of light, and that should prompt them into utmost caution, they should not go near his entrapments, they should take flight when his activity becomes evident, but always let the light shine when someone lingering in darkness desires the light. However, they should never allow My adversary the triumph to have darkened the light from the heavens.... thus never give him the opportunity to successfully influence his victims.... because only where I Am acknowledged is it possible to break his power.... And thus those souls should only ever be informed of the significance of My act of Salvation, so that they can liberate themselves of their own accord, so that they learn to differentiate between truth and error, and through truth alone become blessed.... __Amen
Activity of intellect and heart.... Truth....
All spiritual knowledge can certainly be processed by the intellect but it first has to be grasped by the heart, whereas worldly knowledge is closer to the intellect than the heart.... And therefore it is understandable that an intellectually very active person would try to ascertain subjects which are closely related to world events, even if he tries to give them a spiritual character.... that he thus would like to investigate My plan of eternity purely because of its worldly outcome, which he believes he can calculate with mathematical certainty.... As long as the human being is still focussing his attention on external events his intellect is more active than his heart.... only when he starts to attend to purely spiritual problems will his heart be active, but then he will take little notice of external life, the unfolding of worldly events, and will only look at these as accompaniment of the actual happening. Only then will he approach the truth, which enters through his heart and wants to be understood by the intellect. It is not possible for a human being to understand My eternal plan of Salvation such that he can establish any intervention by My will. Only when it is revealed through My spirit will it be proclaimed by a prophet in accordance with My will, but I will not disclose the time even to this prophet, as this corresponds to My wisdom. A spiritually aspiring person will also know that it is necessary to keep the date and time of the end secret, consequently he will not ever believe the account of a person who trusts that he can calculate it. __This kind of intellectual activity is a clear indication of an unenlightened spirit, because a spiritually awakened person lets Me rule and work and only aims to achieve utmost maturity for the soul, and by the signs of the time he will recognise humanity's spiritual low.... He will also know the reason and cause of the spiritual decline, he will know about the correlation of all things and thus also the course (sequence) of events of the earth period in accordance with certain basic laws, he merely finds his knowledge confirmed in the sequence of world events but does not attempt to derive world events themselves from it. World events are indeed also a consequence of spiritual decline, but the latter has to be recognised and heeded first, and thus every single person has to endeavour to first remedy the spiritual hardship, and for this it is essential that the heart is activated first and then the intellect. The serious work on oneself also results in spiritual enlightenment and gives reliable vision for future events, and then the heart is active. However, by using the intellect alone it is not possible to reach the goal of becoming knowledgeable and to understand My plan of eternity.... Because I set a limit to the human being's intellect which he cannot transcend, but I gave the heart unlimited leeway.... Its spirit, which is part of Me and to which nothing remains hidden, can gain unrestricted access. Therefore, if you want to become wise, i.e. acquire knowledge which corresponds to the purest truth, your heart needs to be constantly active.... Love has to guide you into truth.... but you will never reach the goal by just using your intellect, your knowledge will be and remain inaccurate as long as My spirit cannot become effective in you through the activity of your heart.... through love.... __Amen
Divine revelation is the greatest source of grace....
No person should ignore a divine revelation for it is an invaluable source of grace; where God is expressing Himself He intends to help people advance in their development and wants to guide them onto the right path because they have gone astray; and God only reveals Himself in times of spiritual adversity when people are at risk of falling away from Him or are entertaining the wrong thoughts. In that case He tries to convey the truth to them, and the truth can only be conveyed to earth by God Himself. __Indeed, is there anything more powerful than to be directly taught by God Himself? Is there anything more delectable than to be nourished by Him directly with food for the soul which provides strength in abundance? Can there be, in fact, a substitute which even remotely would have the same effect? Is the Word of God not the most precious gift of grace which a human being on earth can receive? __His Word, the direct emanation of Himself, can be heard by a person and passed on to other people so that they can likewise come into possession of this precious gift of grace. Since God Himself speaks to people they should also have a greater impetus to comply with His Word, it should motivate the will to become active, just as the human being's will should, in fact, be urged by the Word into the right direction. Yet this will only ever be the case if people believe that the Word comes from above, that it is a direct communication of divine truth, for only this belief will encourage the human being to live a way of life which corresponds to the Word. And this belief can be gained by a person if he seriously examines it and appeals to God to enlighten his thinking. Then he will indeed feel in his heart what gift of grace he is receiving.... __Then the possession of the divine Word will make him very happy, then he will never again want to miss it and will always allow himself to be nourished with the bread of heaven by God Himself, with the nourishment which guarantees the soul's life and which therefore is so extremely valuable and delectable. You shall hunger for it, then you will also experience the strength flowing to you by accepting the heavenly manna, and you will never again want to be without it, since such a valuable gift of grace cannot be replaced by anything else on earth. Your desire for it will grow ever stronger and also lead you to God without fail, for God is Truth, and God is the Word of eternity.... __Amen
The church of Christ.... Peter, the rock.... Worldly orga...
Those who belong to My church will find each other and form a close bond, and they will always want to know the truth, to live with love and to be of service to Me for time and eternity. For they carry My spirit within themselves, they have awakened the spiritual spark, which is My share, into life and thereby became a member of My church which I founded Myself. And I will bless them evermore. Anyone who knows the truth, that is, who is educated by My spirit within him, also knows that love and faith are the foundation of My church; he also knows how I want My Word to be understood 'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church....' He further knows that it is not to be understood as an organisation formed by people but that My church comprises all people who have established the right kind of relationship with Me as a result of their will and their love for Me and their neighbour. I only require people's fulfilment of My commandment of love and strong faith and have promised eternal bliss, eternal life, to those who believe in Me.... but to believe in Me means to accept My teaching as being divine and to live accordingly.... And to them I promised eternal life. Consequently they must also belong to My church, to the community of believers whom I call My church. But does that mean that they require a worldly union which is established by joining an organisation which has a worldly origin? This question is of such great significance that it needs to be considered in-depth. No organisation exists which could boast to have been founded by Me, however, each one can fully and completely affiliate itself to the church founded by Me. Hence, their members would be able to consider themselves as belonging to My church if they shaped themselves into a rock of faith.... The character of My church first must prevail in an organisation, their followers must be imbued by profound faith in Me, then the worldly founded church will include My believers and they, in turn, can regard themselves in every organisation as aspirants of My kingdom, for they belong to My church which I Myself founded on earth. My Words have to be understood purely spiritually, i.e., they only contain the request for unshakeable faith, and on this alone depends the working of the spirit, which is the most certain characteristic of My church, for anyone who has true faith also has love, because true faith is only alive through activity of love. And the sign of life is the expression of My spirit in the human being. Anyone who thus is taught by My spirit, who is permeated by its truth, can rightfully claim to belong to My church, he belongs to My Own, and he will also stand up for My teaching with conviction, for he has absorbed it himself with heart and mind, it has fortified his belief and made him free and happy, and he is driven by love to want to give the same to his fellow human beings.... __However, a worldly-religious organisation is by no means necessary to first shape people into aspirants of the spiritual kingdom, for again, I only look at the person's heart, his will and his thoughts. If they strive towards Me then he will already have found Me.... if they digress from pure spirituality then an ecclesiastical organisation will not achieve a change, for whatever takes place under compulsion is of no value before My eyes. But desire for Me can only be aroused in every person through the announcement of My Word. This is why I don't condemn the worldly-religious organisations but support them insofar as that I support the teachers working in them where feasible, providing their life corresponds to My commandments at the same time. And if one of them belongs to the church founded by Me, so that he therefore firmly and steadfastly believes in My love, might and wisdom, then I will also permeate him with My spirit, enabling him to successfully influence the flock of his small congregation so that they, too, will desire the Word which alone makes it possible for them to mature fully. Nevertheless it is of far greater merit if the person struggles and searches of his own accord, if he pays attention to his inner voice which will always advise him of what is right and encourage him to be lovingly active. If he complies with this voice he will come closer to Me considerably earlier, he will have a living understanding of My Word, he accepts it in his heart and will also live accordingly.... he will belong in truth to the church of Christ, which is insurmountable and will stand firm against even the staunchest onslaughts still waged by infernal forces before the end. For I also gave people the promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, because My church is unchangeable and will continue to exist until the end.... It will also become the basis of all spiritual striving on the new earth. Everyone will belong to My church because only profoundly faithful people who love Me above all else will inhabit this new earth, whereas all others will fall away if they are mere members of worldly-religious organisations who are without inner life.... __Amen
Seeming contradictions in God's Word....
Don't take exception to the contradictions which seem to exist in My Word but consider the fact that your intellect cannot grasp everything My spirit imparts to you. Accept in good faith in Me and My love, wisdom and omnipotence that everything offered to you from above is not comparable to earthly wisdom; that even that which seems impossible to you is possible in the kingdom of the free spirits. Two worlds exist, the spiritual and the earthly world, and both stand in opposition to each other. However, it is My goal to spiritualise the earthly world, to educate it such that it can join the spiritual world in order to finally be a spiritual world itself. And on this earth, amid the earthly world, a spiritual world can also be established through the unification of those people who are in contact with the spiritual kingdom, who receive spiritual knowledge, strive spiritually and are thus averted to the earthly world and only still accomplish the work which has been assigned to them for their earthly life. They will likewise be in opposition to worldly-minded people who belong to the earthly world, and their thinking will also seemingly be in contradiction to the thoughts of the general public, for a spiritually directed eye sees things differently, the ear hears differently, and the soul feels differently than is otherwise the norm, and the earthly-minded person will not understand him. Then two worlds exist side by side and their inhabitants can be at various distances from Me even though they are together. One of them can understand that which he hears from Me, for the other it is and will remain inaudible or strange if it is passed on to him. __And this is what you have to accept if you want to judge My gifts from above. Whatever I give to one person corresponds to his maturity of soul, and it need not be wrong by any means if it seems incomprehensible to someone else. In that case it is not the gift itself which should be questioned but the person's degree of maturity which is therefore insufficient to grasp spiritual knowledge. In that case it concerns information which goes above and beyond earthly knowledge, not commandments or proclamations intended to clarify My will to people but more profound wisdoms touching upon subjects beyond human knowledge. Then My Word will have to be the guarantee for truth, for neither examinations nor your own findings can provide you with proof. However, enlightened people will be able to believe it, that is, accept it as truth with complete inner conviction because they let their heart speak more than their intellect. For the heart is in contact with Me, the human being feels the truth, he does not make use of his intellect in order to seek the evidence of what is an inner conviction for him. Strive towards the spiritual world and your thoughts will be spiritually inclined, i.e., you will also be able to grasp spiritual concepts. Create the world that is your actual goal on earth already.... Detach yourselves from the earthly world by not desiring it any longer, instead only seek to carry out your earthly task.... to shape yourselves into beings whose greatest aspiration rests in their love for Me and their fellow human beings and thus approach Me, which aim to bring their nature into line with Mine by doing deeds of unselfish neighbourly love.... And you will become brightly enlightened and capable of understanding the most profound wisdom which, however, will never originate from the earthly but only from the spiritual world and be exceedingly valuable. And nothing you are offered from above will seem contradictory to you, you will be able to believe, i.e., be fully convinced, you will know the truth.... __Amen
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