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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 1 transcriptions | ID of collection 640889
The souls' agonising fate in the beyond....
Anyone having devoted himself to the world must and will fear death, for the human being has not disappeared when he dies yet the soul has left him, which is unable to die and thus continues to exist in the spiritual kingdom in a state which corresponds to its earthly life. Only now will the soul be able to enter the true life, which lasts forever and is a state of blissfulness, for in complete freedom, in light and strength it will be able to create whatever it wants which, however, is also My will, because it has completely subordinated itself to My will.... Yet it is also possible that it will stay in the kingdom of the beyond in an agonising state, in darkness and helplessness but still conscious of itself. In that case one can indeed speak of death, but not of a state of complete disappearance.... And its agony precisely consists of the fact that it knows with how much abundance of strength it had lived on earth, and now it is helpless and incapable of any activity.... The fact that it remains conscious of itself is the very reason for its increased torment but it can also help the soul to emerge from this state of death, by listening to the helpers by whom it is approached in the spiritual kingdom and following their instruction, which will already result in a slight improvement for the soul. __Yet it is extremely difficult to encourage the souls to take care of other wretched souls, because they are only ever occupied with themselves, just like on earth they lack love and their selfishness is still predominant. Yet only love will enable the soul's progress in the beyond.... It has to receive loving intercession which it experiences as strength, and then it will be possible that it will change its will. It has to awaken love within itself by also paying attention to its needy brothers in the beyond and willingly offering small gestures of assistance.... These will then also be felt by the soul as influx of strength and stimulate its will to love, which alone is able to release the soul from its agonising situation. __If it enters the kingdom of the beyond in utter spiritual darkness it can take a very long time before it becomes aware of its wretched condition and yearns for improvement.... But as soon as the desire arises to change its state of death, as soon as it realises that it no longer lives on earth and yet has not ceased to exist, it will also reflect on its situation and try to get out of it. And only this will bring it into contact with helpers, beings of light which come along in disguise and try to explain that it can escape its situation if it has the will to do so.... Especially unbelieving, from earth departed human beings require much intercession from human side which will enable them to muster the will in the beyond to improve their situation. For every prayer on behalf of these souls conveys a flow of strength to them and this strength will never be lost, providing the soul leaves people behind on earth who will remember it in intercession.... __Hence you humans are able to contribute to a large extent that these souls, too, will overcome death, that they will still awaken to life on the other side.... For as long as the soul is self-aware I will not abandon it, for then it will also be capable of changing its will, which need only be directed towards Jesus Christ and its redemption will be assured.... However, if it descends to a point when no spark of light will be able to reach it anymore, then it will continue to strive towards the abyss and harden again, and that also means disintegration and loss of self-awareness, it means renewed banishment into matter and the start of a new period of Salvation, because no being will be lost forever.... Because no being will remain dead forever, but one day for sure will return again to life everlasting. __Souls, which no longer have to go through this new banishment, will also be fought for in the kingdom of the beyond, and every person who lovingly remembers these souls is participating in the redemption work, and the souls will be eternally grateful to him for having led them from the night of death into the light of day.... For what once originated from Me as a being cannot cease to exist, but only when this creation will be able to work in freedom, light and strength has it come alive, but then (it) will never be able to go astray (lose it) again.... __Amen
Danger of arrogance....
Anyone who takes My Word `You are all sinners....' to heart, will also remain profoundly humble, he will not become arrogant nor judge harshly, for the knowledge of not yet being perfect himself will always make him bear in mind that he is a weak individual who needs My strength and support, and with a humble heart he will come to Me and appeal to Me for both.... In contrast, the character of someone sure of himself and his worth will betray pride, he will raise himself above his fellow human beings, and this arrogance will show itself in contempt of the other person, in unkind judgment and in the opinion of having superior knowledge and therefore no need of further instructions, be they of an earthly or spiritual nature.... the arrogant person will always believe himself to have attained the degree which entitles him to look down on his fellow human beings. __And arrogance is truly part of My adversary which made him fall into the deepest abyss, for he exalted himself above Me, his God and Creator, and he drew a vast host of created beings along with him into the depth. Much of this arrogant spirit still adheres to these fallen beings when they have to carry out their last test of will as human beings. Arrogance is a rather worrying sign of imperfection which the person then has to fight against in earthly life until he has attained profound humility towards Me, and then he will no longer show off to his fellow human beings either but will have full understanding of their failings, because he will recognise his own shortcomings himself. __But the right relationship with Me requires profound humility, and as soon as the human being recognises himself as sinful and admits to it, he will also take refuge in Jesus Christ and appeal to Him to deliver him from it.... Humility will make him call to Him from the bottom of his heart and he will find mercy before His eyes.... for `I bestow My grace upon the humble....' And no one can deem himself to be perfect for as long as he lives on earth.... He can only possess a higher degree of awareness, but precisely this will make him consistently more humble, because he recognises the greatness of his God and Creator and the infinite love this God and Creator bestows upon His living creations, which will certainly make the living creation indescribably happy but it will not make it condescending. __Arrogance is still an indication of insufficient knowledge, for the adversary tries to obscure the light, the adversary still has a share in the human being who is assured of himself and his worth.... You all still have to fight very much against this evil, for time and again My adversary will breathe a sense of loftiness into you, time and again he will know how to find a weak spot where he is able to awaken self-deceit in you. And therefore you all should be on your guard and try to nip every sense of arrogance in the bud, for you should always remember that your Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ has taken the path of most profound humility, precisely in order to atone for your fall caused by pride.... You should bear His torments and suffering in mind which this atonement demanded of Him.... And you should know that your path across earth is the result of this fall into the abyss caused by pride. __The return to Me can only take place on the path of humility, and the earthly path should lead you to the realisation that you are weak, helpless beings who require My loving support in order to ascend again, and who only ever have to ask Me for My assistance if they want to travel the earthly path successfully. But the person whose spirit is still arrogant is still distant from Me and thus will hardly find Me. For true love, which includes his neighbour, cannot develop in him correctly since in his arrogance he will stay away from the person to whom he should give his love. And since the human being can only mature through a life of love the arrogant person will not make any spiritual progress but remain on the same level, if he does not sink even lower because My adversary still keeps him captive. __Therefore fight against this evil and exercise strict self-criticism, then you will discover faults which will make you feel small, and you will come down from the throne you have erected for yourselves by incorrectly assessing your worth.... Humility alone will make you mature, then you will receive blessings in abundance from Me, I will take care of you Myself, for you come closer to Me when you are humble, and your prayer to Me will be heart-felt and devoted, and I will grant your request and draw you to Me as My children, for then you finally have separated yourselves from My adversary, who became My adversary because he exalted himself over the One from Whose strength he had emerged.... __Amen
Unleashed elements of nature....
I will always and forever care for you, who are still very distant from Me and refuse to take the path back to Me, and full of compassion I look upon humanity which makes no attempt to turn to Me and to renounce My adversary for good. The end of this earth comes constantly closer, which decides all its inhabitants' future fates.... I let My admonishing voice sound ever more urgently, and an extent of suffering and adversity goes across earth which could truly suffice to change people's minds, yet most of them remain indifferent as long as they are not affected themselves, and their selfish love grows ever stronger so that they reward themselves with worldly pleasures and barely consider their unfortunate neighbours.... And although more and more accidents and disasters will happen, they even increase the adversities and suffering with their own machinations and thereby drive people into serious difficulties, sin gets out of hand and irresponsible are the actions of the individual person towards his fellow man.... They are so distant from Me that My voice can barely reach them, and thus it will prompt Me to resound loudly from above.... so that they will also experience extreme adversity through the elements of nature, so that they will no longer be able to hold their fellow human beings accountable for that which afflicts them but that they will have to acknowledge that a Power is manifesting Itself Which they themselves cannot oppose. I have to use this last means of force, although even this will not compel them to believe, because people will give themselves all kinds of explanations apart from the one that their God and Creator wants to express Himself in order to be heard by them.... The presence of faith in a God is extremely weak, and even this weak faith will be relinquished by many people in view of the work of destruction caused by the unleashed elements of nature.... And yet I will use this last means because individual people will still find Me when they, in extreme danger, take the path to Me and send a prayer in spirit and in truth to Me.... They will receive help in miraculous ways and then will never want to leave Me again, because they have received My obvious help, but this can only be given to those who call upon Me in spirit and in truth.... __Countless people will lose their lives and will have to replace the earth with the kingdom of the beyond, but they will still have the opportunity to ascend, for the gates to the spiritual kingdom are not closed as yet and for many people it is still a blessing to be recalled from earth. And I truly know the state of their souls, to which extent they are still capable of being taught in the kingdom of the beyond.... However, the survivors on earth will be faced by a time of need which will only be endurable by making use of My strength and help.... For there will be incalculable chaos which you humans will be unable to master on your own, and then it will be shown that My Own will be led through all tribulation because My help for them will be evident.... And they will be able to offer comfort and strength to their fellow human beings too by also referring them to Me, Who alone can improve their situation but Who also wants to be called upon from the bottom of their hearts. This last intervention of Mine before the end will be a greater than great blessing as well, although most people will doubt My love, indeed, even openly deny a God Who lets such a disaster befall humanity. Yet there is not much time left until the end.... Hence everything must be done in advance to spare people the fate of a renewed banishment in the creations of the new earth, because this fate is so appalling that you humans can't possibly imagine it.... And if I want to protect you from this I will therefore continue to use those means prior to it which still promise a little success, even if you doubt them to be the work of a living God Who is love within Himself.... My only concern is that people will remember Me in their distress, that they will take the path to Me, that they will acknowledge Me in their heart and then not go astray if they are being recalled, for then their ascent in the kingdom of the beyond will also be assured to them. And if they survive the huge natural event they will not relinquish Me anymore, and everyone will still be granted a time of grace until the end during which they can make a decision if they are still undecided. The time is approaching the end, and humanity still has to face many difficulties.... Yet those who believe in Me can calmly await even this time, for they will always receive My help, and this adversity, too, will pass by once it has served its purpose.... For soon I Myself will come and fetch My Own from this earth when the last day has arrived, as it is intended in My plan of eternity.... __Amen
God will implement His act of Salvation....
Nothing will prevent Me from implementing My eternal plan of Salvation, for My love and wisdom have realised from the start when it is necessary to manifest My Power, to restructure My work of creation called Earth by virtue of My might, and this time will be adhered to, for that which I realise to be necessary will also be carried out by Me. For people's low spiritual level necessitates this change, since it almost cannot be surpassed anymore, and thus the day which was designated for eternity is not far away anymore.... All that needs to be done now is to provide people with the greatest possible help so that those who accept it will still be saved. Yet no-one should think that he can persuade Me to abandon My eternal plan of Salvation.... although I will always grant heartfelt prayers, as I have promised. But you should not pray for the prevention of the last Judgment on this earth, because this act is purely an act of love on My part and you should never prevent Me in My activity of love.... For I know that a complete transformation is necessary, both for you humans as well as all the spiritual substances which are still bound in the creations and which should strive to ascend. And if you pray for prevention then you are only motivated by selfish love because you neither want to forgo your earthly life nor your earthly possessions.... If, however, your love aims in the right direction so that it belongs to Me and your neighbour then your spirit will also be sufficiently enlightened so that you will be able to realise that the last Judgment is an act of love on My part.... Then you will recognise the low spiritual level yourselves and you will know that I must give rise to a change in order to save what can still be saved.... I have indeed always referred to this last end yet never mentioned a time to you, and even now I will not inform you of the precise time but you can be assured that My proclamations will soon fulfil themselves, that you will not have much time left until the end of the earth.... that you are very close to it.... And when you pray then only pray that many people may still become enlightened, that they may take the path to the cross, so that the hour of the end will not mean their downfall but beatitude for them.... Try to explain the commandments of love to all people, try to motivate them into changing their love into unselfish love for their neighbour, and you will truly pray correctly when you pray for help for the people close to you which have not yet gained realisation themselves.... __But do not think that prayer campaigns will be able to determine Me and My will not to accomplish My plan of Salvation, for it really would not be an act of grace, instead My adversary would merely increase the number of his adherents, and even My Own would be at risk of being plunged into ruin by him.... Believe that My love and wisdom only ever want what is best for My living creations, that even this last Judgment is not an act of punishment on My part but only a judgment of that which has completely left My order.... I want to restore the order which was revoked through human will, through My adversary's influence, so that even My living creations' process of return is at risk.... My plan of Salvation only ever intends to return the fallen beings to Me.... However, you humans lack the overall view, the correct realisation, and neither do you know to what depth the human race has sunk already and that therefore the point in time has come that its fall will have to be stopped, that the souls will have to be wrest from My adversary again and banned anew, so that one day they will have the opportunity once more to start on the return path to Me, which they forfeited in this life on earth, which they failed to make use of and are therefore lost again due to their own fault. But My adversary will not keep them in his control, and that is a plus for the fallen soul already, which has to pass through the creations of the new earth in a dissolved state again. You humans are unaware that I Am only ever determined by love because one day you shall become My Own again.... and only see the punishing God in Me.... Yet you have created this `punishment' yourselves, through your inclination towards matter, which has become your downfall, you have aspired towards this fate yourselves.... For matter belongs to My adversary, thus you voluntarily handed yourselves over to his authority, and he will hold on to you until I Myself wrest you away again from him, which will happen through a banishment into hard matter.... but which, at the same time, will be the start of your ascent from the abyss to the pinnacle again.... All this will be said to you time and time again, and therefore prepare yourselves for an end of this earth and do whatever it takes to detach yourselves from the one who wants to ruin you.... Come to Me and, truly, I will help you to resist him.... Then you need not fear the end, which will irrevocably come as I have proclaimed to you.... __Amen
Clarifying traditional doctrines....
You have already been assured many times that everything you have received from Me Myself through the working of the spirit within you can be supported by you as pure truth.... I will certainly not let you live in error if you have the sincere will to live in truth.... to think correctly.... and if you always ask Me to impart the truth to you.... But people are frequently unwilling to abandon erroneous thoughts because they have accepted a mental concept which they deem to be irrefutable truth.... because they had repeatedly adopted and passed it on over a long period of time. And since no particular knowledge was necessary for the souls to mature, but more likely would have confused people's thoughts, they did not need additional knowledge either. But if a person's desire to attain (receive) clarification is very strong, he will also receive it, because only I can give clarification, only I can instruct those people correctly, who allow the working of My spirit within themselves.... __The Word I convey to people excludes all error, but the person who receives My Word has to free himself from all spiritual knowledge received from other sources, because truth can only be given to a heart devoid of error.... in other words, I can only exist where My adversary has left.... __You humans rely on the Book of Books and believe that its content has not been subjected to forgeries.... But I repeatedly tell you that nothing remains pure once it is handled by imperfect human beings. Although it will indeed always be similar to what had originally emerged from Me but you have no guarantee for undistorted spiritual truth.... and this even less the further back you look at the earliest time of people on this earth.... Whatever you are told about it now is only partially true, because pure truth is an attribute of perfection and people are not perfect, consequently you cannot rely on the reports from primeval times which you still consider to be the only truth.... __The truth will never remain pure throughout the generations, whereas error and a misguided doctrine will be tenaciously supported and even maintained for a long period of time without infringement. And these misguided teachings are people's foundation, and they are not willing to be taught differently either.... until once again an opportunity arises when the purest truth from above can be conveyed to people.... But this is not accepted if it differs from adopted ancient spiritual dogma, and only those who desire the truth with all their heart will be touched by it and accept a teaching even if it contradicts traditional doctrines. __My spirit does not err, but My spirit cannot always work in a person who allows himself to be drawn into the world.... when he wants to know things which cannot be considered to be spiritual knowledge, which are of no importance for the maturing of the soul and which the person usually has already answered himself, and thus by his own thoughts he prevents the expression of My spirit.... This is a danger which can only be eliminated by means of an intimate bond with Me and a constant request for protection from error. And if it now concerns a teaching which has never been doubted since time immemorial, which every person has accepted as his mental property by being unable to believe any other account, it cannot be disproved either if I don't want to compel a person's thoughts.... But anyone who desires the pure truth will receive it and then also gain the inner conviction that it is the truth.... The point is to transmit spiritual knowledge to earth during the last days which should make My reign and activity in the universe understandable to people, so that they can extract from it the right explanation for everything, because this pure truth shall be taken along to the new earth. __Consequently, misguided teachings will have to be revealed and counteracted by pure truth, and that is only possible if I Myself, as the Giver of truth, can work within a human being who is so loyally devoted to Me that he unconditionally accepts what I offer him, and then also distributes what he receives.... Particularly at the time of the battle of faith it depends on who has accepted this truth, for he will endure all attacks because the truth has also given him the necessary strength to defend it. The issue is not that the human being should know everything, but every misguided teaching, which was spread amongst humanity by My adversary himself, will be used by My adversary during the last battle of faith to destroy all faith in people when they will have to recognise that they had supported implausible doctrines, and these very doctrines will be quoted by your enemies themselves to encourage you into surrendering everything. You do not known his cunning and trickery, but I know how he proceeds against you who want to believe. __And therefore I inform you of the facts wherever possible. And you, who are receiving My Word, will soon be faced with questions which you cannot answer in any other way but with My given clarification from above, and then you can also understand why such knowledge was given to you by Me, which appears to contradict the Book of the Fathers and yet is the pure truth.... For the origin of this book can no longer be examined by you for its credibility.... __But when I speak to you Myself then I Am also the origin of the spiritual information you receive, and then you need not fear that you receive errors, because I Am the truth of eternity, and I give it to those who sincerely desire it. And ever since the beginning I have informed the people Myself, because the first human beings heard My Word within themselves, but they only possessed the degree of knowledge which was necessary to recognise Me Myself and to fulfil My will. However, due to My adversary's influence the light of awareness faded steadily, the less they observed My commandments. Amongst the first human beings were also embodied beings of light who would let their light shine amid the people, but the growing heartlessness of people resulted in an increasingly darkened state of mind.... And time and again I spoke through the mouth of the prophets to repeatedly kindle a light in them again.... __When Jesus descended to earth, because the darkness had become almost impenetrable, a bright light was emitted yet again into humanity's spiritual night.... And you must know that error could always establish itself during such times of spiritual darkness.... And the people who had accepted the task to record the events which were compiled in the Book of Books had not been without misconceptions either.... __Consider the length of time which has passed since and don't believe that such records have been truthfully preserved throughout this time.... But I have always been able to tell you through enlightened human beings what you require for the maturing of your souls.... And these messages have always remained the same, time and again they have been made known to people as `My Word', and I will continue to convey My Word to earth time and again so that humanity can obtain the pure truth. However, historical records cannot be described and valued as `My Word' as long as they do not relate to spiritual events which had taken place in the spiritual realm at the time of and after the creation of the beings, which had been brought into existence by My love.... __You should know of these events, and thus you will be instructed in all truthfulness, because you should know the meaning and purpose of your earthly existence.... And thus I will also give you clarification about the process of return of what had deserted Me and shall return to Me again.... and this in all truthfulness.... Hence you were also given clarification about the origin of creation and the path of all fallen spirits through the works of creation up to the human being.... The origin of the human being has also been explained to you, but every event of creation had occurred countless times, because I have no limitations and My strength is constantly at work.... besides, countless (innumerable) spiritual beings were also in need of the works of creation, the human being cannot even imagine their huge number. But the human being limits himself even in his thinking and therefore he will also be subject to wrong conclusions, which can only be rectified again by Me if My spirit is allowed to work in him. Then the correct clarification can be given but only if a truthful clarification about it is requested.... because it has nothing to do with the achievement of a person's spiritual maturity.... But such a clarification has been requested and therefore the prayer has been fulfilled.... __Amen
The soul's entry into the kingdom of light....
Every spiritual request shall be granted to you.... I have given you this promise because My love will fulfil everything that will benefit your soul. And thus you can also rest assured that you will enter the kingdom of light and bliss after your physical death if you have lived your life on earth in accordance with My will, if you have demonstrated your love for Me through your activity of unselfish neighbourly love.... if you have lived your life on earth with Me by having allowed Me to be your constant companion on earth.... __`He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life....' And anyone who lives a life of love also believes in Me with a true, living faith, and he will therefore be granted a blissful life in the spiritual kingdom.... And realisation will indeed come to him in a flash, he will move within (true) truthful thinking and his (its) happiness is such that the soul with its light, by which it is permeated, will also be able to delight the souls which still linger in darkness and long for light.... by making others happy it will find its own happiness, and so it has to have a bright light shining within itself first.... __You humans cannot possibly imagine this beatitude nor the nature of the activity, but you may well believe that these souls will no longer desire to return to earth.... especially since they know that no human being will remain on earth and every soul will soon meet its loved ones again. Therefore they should not grieve either but only ever strive to achieve a high degree of love which will facilitate their spiritual vision, because this degree is necessary for souls to meet again immediately after their passing away from this world.... otherwise the souls will first have to strive for and attain this degree in the beyond. __Yet the fact that people will meet again one day is absolute truth, and it will be an exceptionally joyful moment when the union takes place in the spiritual kingdom. You humans, who are affected by harsh strokes of fate, should always bear in mind that whatever happens to you in earthly life is only founded on My love and wisdom.... Stay mindful of the fact that I don't want to cause you suffering but greater beatitudes, which you often gain through suffering.... And you should not doubt it but humbly accept everything and, truly, the blessing will not fail to materialise itself. And if, one day, you look back on your earthly existence, you will be filled by profound gratitude and love for Me, Whom you recognise as your Father, Who only has His children's fate at heart, which will await them in the kingdom of the beyond.... __Be aware of the fact that you won't stay much longer on this earth, and that you therefore will have to accept a greater amount of suffering in order to reach the goal of voluntarily uniting yourselves with Me. And every prayer you send to Me will come from the bottom of your heart and therefore will also be answered by Me.... You will often send your thoughts into the kingdom which is your true home, and will also be allowed to receive currents of light and strength from this realm, you will keep in constant contact with those who merely went ahead of you and who.... if your possess a high degree of maturity and light.... will support you to also achieve your goal while you are still on earth.... For a soul which is already permitted to spread light will also be able to transmit the light to you humans, and that means that you will then live within utter truth, for where light exists no error will be able to sustain itself because it will be recognised as such, and the path of anyone living in truth must lead to the goal without fail. __And believe that I know every thought in your heart, and thus I also know what you still need and take care that it will be imparted to you.... And even if I occasionally use painful means they will nevertheless liberate the souls from their physical constraints and they will merely exchange earthly life with a far more beautiful life in the spiritual kingdom, where they will be of loving service to Me and therefore also enjoy beatitudes which earthly life cannot offer.... For they have entered the eternal truth from whence they once originated.... __Amen
Jesus taught love on Earth....
Jesus' soul brought love along with it to earth and therefore He was able to take excessive suffering upon Himself, since love gave Him the strength to do so. He knew that people were especially lacking love and were therefore weak and powerless. Although they also sheltered a tiny spark of love, hence they were capable of love, nevertheless, they were unwilling to love because it was smothered by My adversary.... who increasingly stimulated their selfish love and prevented selfless love from coming through. Consequently Jesus exemplified a life of love to people.... Jesus only treated His fellow human beings with kindness, He healed their afflictions, He comforted them and helped wherever help was needed.... He was unselfish and always willing to ease people's fate on earth.... __He taught them why they should live a life of love, He warned them of the consequences of a heartless way of life, just as He repeatedly demonstrated to them the effects of a life of love and provided the proof Himself by being capable of great feats of strength, by healing the sick and performing miracles by virtue of His constantly increasing love.... for He was closely united with God, the Eternal Love Itself.... And therefore Jesus taught people to establish the bond with God, their eternal Father, which can only take place through love and through heartfelt prayer.... All this had become unfamiliar to people and only a few lived a life of love, but they soon recognised Jesus as the promised Messiah, they recognised in Him the Father.... This love had kindled a small light in them which subsequently was nourished by Jesus' teaching and made the darkness recede.... And this doctrine was meant to be spread among the human race, for this reason He educated His disciples Himself, sending them into the world with the instruction to proclaim Him, His act of Salvation and the Gospel of love, because people should be shown the right path which leads to eternal life.... However, Jesus would never have been able to accomplish this act of Salvation had He not been full of love, but love achieves everything, no limits exist for love.... nothing is impossible for it, nothing exists that love could not overcome.... for as a human being it would have been impossible to survive such an extent of suffering and pain as was imposed upon Him.... But the strength of love helped Him to be victorious.... by virtue of love He endured the most bitter suffering and excruciating death on the cross and only gave up His life when the act was accomplished.... Only then was it possible for a person to release himself from the adversary who kept him in bondage as long as the guilt of sin had not been redeemed.... Only after Jesus' crucifixion were people able to appeal for strength and reinforcement from Jesus Christ, in Whom God Himself, as the Eternal Love, had died.... People are no longer at the mercy of God's adversary and his arbitrary use of power, they can detach themselves from him if they pray to Jesus for help and through a life of love acquire the strength to fulfil God's will. Consequently, it is most important in earthly life that the Gospel is proclaimed to people, which removes the dense darkness from people and lets them find faith in Jesus Christ as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, and which will always grant the strength to complete the earthly path successfully.... For love is strength, without love a person remains weak and cannot reach his goal, on account of which he lives on earth.... But neither can there be light on this earth without love, for it is the realm of God's adversary who spreads dense darkness with the aim of preventing the recognition of God and not to lose his followers but who can be recognised in the light as an enemy.... __Where love is preached, the faith in Jesus Christ can also be awakened if only people are willing to live up to the commandments of love. And thus the labourers in the vineyard of the Lord shall diligently work and spread the Word of God, which will always consist of the divine commandments of love, because people must be informed of the fact that only love will gain them spiritual advancement, that only love will grant them the strength to improve themselves, and that love also bestows upon them the light which reveals extensive knowledge so that they will consciously travel their earthly path.... conscious of their task and their goal.... and do their utmost to strive for it.... As soon as they acknowledge Jesus Christ, as soon as they know that God Himself has accomplished the act of Salvation in Jesus Christ and then consciously hand themselves over to Him, they will also be released from their original sin and reach the goal on earth and the final union with their God and Father of eternity.... __Amen
Only God is Ruler of the universe....
Another sign of the approaching end is that people will continue to make ever new attempts to penetrate the mysteries of creation but never in a spiritual way by which alone they can receive an explanation.... They intellectually try to ascertain what is still concealed from them, they undertake experiments to explore what exists beyond earth, they want to discover natural laws and only make use of them again for the sake of earthly profit.... They exclude Me Myself, the Creator and Provider, the Ruler of the universe, and believe that they can conduct unauthorised research of creations which exist outside of earth.... __They will carry on with their experiments despite the fact that they fail time and again because it will never be possible for people to occupy other planets without losing their lives.... But even then I will still respect their determination; I will not stop them so that they will recognise the futility of their projects themselves. And although they will believe that they can interfere with My creations they will lose sight of their own intellectual limitations.... __They could gain unlimited knowledge by spiritual means but only the souls would benefit from this, people, however, only look for earthly advantages and for this reason will not chose the path which could lead them to correct understanding.... But all their attempts will fail and only ever cause harm to people who will offer themselves as test objects.... Humanity's place is and remains the earth.... just as all other celestial bodies are self-contained. The beings who occupy every star, be it the earth or other celestial worlds, are subject to the natural laws I decreed to every star. They will be unable to cancel any of these natural laws or associate with beings from other planets, and any attempt will be paid for with their lives, because it is presumptuous to ignore My laws, common sense alone should tell them to refrain from such experiments. This is already a sign of the approaching end, it is a sign of total disbelief in a God and Creator, or they would not dare to destructively interfere with His creations in the belief that they will be able to create works which travel at speed through the universe.... They will be dead works without purpose and goal.... they will only prove how presumptuous people are on earth and how dark their spirit is despite their most astonishing calculations.... which will nevertheless be wrong as they will have to experience time and again. __People already intervene in all existing laws of nature, yet never for the benefit of their fellow human beings, they only cause physical and spiritual damage, for with their experiments they also change their natural living facilities, they poison the air, the water and thus the purely physical living conditions, but with their godless actions also cause immense damage to the souls which will never be able to mature on earth in such great distance from Me, their God and Creator.... This great distance, however, is demonstrated by them, for only satanic influence determines their thinking and doing, only Satan provides them with these thought, because he himself tries to exclude Me and exerts a thoroughly negative influence on people. __The attempt to reach stars beyond earth cannot and will not ever be blessed by Me, but until the end I will still show mercy to those whose souls have not yet completely fallen prey to My adversary.... otherwise every attempt would soon be doomed. But I fight for every soul, and as soon as they turn to Me in heartfelt prayer at times of earthly difficulty I will also help them and let them seemingly succeed, yet always with the aim that people should find their way back to Me and let go of their intentions when they have to recognise that they are dependent on a higher Power, Which can never be understood by their intellect but nevertheless will be grasped by the heart.... __You will still hear much more and perhaps even be surprised by the feats people are able to accomplish. But you should know that they receive their strength from My adversary who, like Me, tries to create works amongst My creations which he himself is unable to do and therefore uses the will of people, whom he can easily influence since they have little or no faith at all.... Yet they are his final attempts, for his time will have run out and he will instigate his fall into the abyss himself, for when he has caused utmost confusion amongst people I will put an end to his activity, and nothing will remain of the works which people accomplished under his influence.... Everything will disintegrate and I will once again restore order on earth, so that it can continue as a school of the spirit and fulfil its purpose in accordance with My will.... __Amen
Knowledge is given according to the soul's maturity....
The knowledge you humans require for the maturing of your souls will always be made accessible to you. For you live in the last days before the end and are in utmost danger of going astray again if you don't receive information about what kind of responsibility you have for yourselves, i.e. for the immortal part in you, for your soul. You humans carelessly live from day to day during these last days because you only take notice of what is useful for your body, which will perish, but not for the immortal part in you.... You are also indifferent towards all spiritual instructions, be they from ecclesiastical organisations or from those who aspire spiritually and who are therefore in contact with the spiritual kingdom, which is not of this world.... You don't believe them and are therefore not receptive for divine revelations when they are conveyed to you through people who work as labourers in the vineyard of the Lord. Yet in your stubborn psychological state you urgently need help, you need a truthful explanation regarding yourselves, the meaning and purpose of your existence and your actual task on earth.... This is so essential for you because you don't have much time left until the end. And you are truly richly endowed by God, for everything you need for your salvation of soul will be conveyed to you, providing you do not close yourselves to God's grace when it so evidently flows to you. However, such spiritual knowledge should not remain worldly information which you, in turn, only utilise again in a worldly sense.... It should be the one and only nourishment for your soul, so that it can mature fully and reach its goal in earthly life.... to join God forever, since eternal life in beatitude depends on it.... And you should always pray for correctly realising what benefits your soul, and truly, such prayer will be granted to you.... For as soon as you consider your spiritual welfare imperative, you will also receive support in every way so that, with increasing maturity, you will turn away from the world and ignore its demands. And you can rest assured that a serious spiritual aspirant will also attain clear thinking, because the spirit in him is able to express itself as soon as he lives according to God's will, of which every person is informed.... For every person will have the opportunity to hear the Word of God, irrespective of whether he hears it directly through His messengers or in the traditional way in churches.... He will be instructed of the commandments of love and if he lives up to them his thinking will become clear, his knowledge will increase, since he may also receive direct revelations through his heart in the form of thoughts which will be conveyed to him from the world of light.... And these beings of light.... because they are merely the implementers of divine will.... also know the spiritual state of the people in their care, and thus they will also know what a person will need for his soul's salvation, and that is what he will receive.... For the soul will be offered what it desires.... __However, the intellect's desire for knowledge is not part of the soul's nourishment but will only ever benefit the intellect, which will then make earthly use of it, thus it does not signify any particular gain for the soul.... This is why you should be content with the spiritual information you are given and not ask for knowledge you have not yet received, which therefore remains purely intellectual knowledge as long as you are not so spiritualised that your spirit can delve into it, so that nothing will remain unknown to you because you yourselves, that is, your spirit, can penetrate everything and inform you of it, for then such knowledge will no longer pose a danger to your souls.... Just live a life of love, then you will instantly be placed into brightest radiance when you enter the kingdom of the beyond and no more unsolved questions will exist for you. But above all, try to attain maturity of soul yourselves, which allows the divine spirit to take effect in you.... Only then will you have reached the degree of perfection when you will receive clarification about everything.... Yet this degree of maturity is prerequisite first before the knowledge about the most profound secrets of creation can be disclosed to you and also be utilised by you in the right manner.... But as long as you lack this psychological maturity one can only speak of intellectual curiosity and not of a desire for spiritual knowledge which reveals your God and Creator's nature to you and which lets your love flare up for Him.... Anyone who seriously strives spiritually can find his own explanation, because his train of thought is guided by knowledgeable forces, and these thoughts will become increasingly clearer the more he enters into God's will and entirely subordinates Himself to His will....Then he need only appeal to Him for clarification and he will receive it, if it is conducive for his perfection.... __Amen
(Continuation of no. 8500) Time indication....
You will never receive any indication in regards to time, because it would only have a damaging effect on your soul if you knew exactly when a prediction would take place. You should certainly take notice of it because I want you to prepare yourselves, because I want to admonish and caution you.... admonish, so that you will eagerly work at improving your soul and caution, so that you will not become complacent, which you will bitterly regret one day. This is why I have informed you of future happenings and indeed pointed forthcoming events out to people since the beginning of this period of salvation, for the idea of approaching them shortly should encourage you to live in accordance with My will and thus fulfil your purpose of earthly life.... Yet the time when you should expect the announced events has never been specified, and this made you become half-hearted regarding these predictions.... You always assume that My predictions will fulfil themselves in the distant future.... But you fail to consider that time passes constantly, that you draw ever closer to this future and that one day even the `future' becomes the `present'.... Thus I once again predict to you that the end of this earth, the end of a period of Salvation, is soon to come. And I keep referring to it with increasing urgency because it seems incredible to you that you should live in this end time.... Once again I don't give you the precise time and will not do so until the end so as not to compel your will.... __Yet one thing I will tell you, you don't have much time left, very soon the time will come when all My predictions will fulfil themselves and you should not rely on the fact that one day is like a thousand years to Me.... Even a thousand years eventually pass by, and thus even the period of Salvation in which you live will come to its end one day, for sooner or later a new period will have to start if only for the sake of the bound spiritual substances in the works of creation which shall continue their development.... And again I only say, you are on the verge of it.... But time and again I repeat these Words with such urgency that you should nevertheless start to think.... Time and again I try to attract labourers during the last days before the end because I urgently need them in view of the forthcoming event, I convey remarkable knowledge to you humans so that you learn to understand My predictions, so that you know the reasons on which My proclamations are based.... I do this because the end is very near and because you ought to believe that My Words will fulfil themselves.... Yet even now I cannot specify the time since I don't want to throw you into incalculable chaos.... For the knowledge of the precise day and hour would throw you into dreadful confusion and no longer result in any kind of maturity. I can only repeatedly and ever more urgently draw your attention to the fact that you must take the fulfilment of all predictions into account, that you should not rely on the fact that you yourselves will not experience them anymore.... __No-one knows the hour of his death and neither will anyone know as to whether he will be taken by surprise by the announced end, by the immense work of destruction and its predecessor, the unexpected natural disaster, and whether he will have to live through everything that happens in the last days, for I keep telling you: You are on the verge of it, you don't have much time left and every day and every hour you must take into account that I will extraordinarily manifest Myself through the elements of nature, and then you will also know that the end is no longer far away.... Therefore you should live in accordance with My will.... It will enable you to approach all events without fear.... You should only unite yourselves with Me through deeds of love, prayer and frequent thoughts and truly, your souls will not be harmed even if I prematurely call you back.... But I will also physically protect you if it is My will that you should still serve Me until the end.... Yet never expect Me to disclose a time to you, for it would not be of any benefit whatsoever for you, who serve Me, nor for your fellow human beings whose state of maturity is even less suitable for such knowledge. Yet whatever knowledge you can possibly impart to your fellow human beings about the forthcoming events, about My eternal plan of Salvation and the Father's infinite love Who wants to save all His children before the end.... should be done by you, and thus you still carry out fruitful vineyard work for Me until the end.... For every soul which still finds deliverance is a gain for Me for which I will truly reward you.... __Amen
God requires a living faith....
Only ever believe in Me with a living faith, that is, don't be satisfied with words or other people's assurances but closely unite with Me in thought and speak to Me like a child speaks to its father, plainly and simply and full of childlike trust; always let Me walk beside you as your friend and brother, and tell Me everything that inwardly bothers you, always appealing for My assistance to help you reach perfection while you are still on earth. You should no longer lead a single life, you should always request My presence and feel it too, for every sincere thought draws Me to yourselves, and if you establish this bond with Me yourselves then strength will always flow to you as well, which you can use for deeds of love again.... thus through love you join with Me ever more closely. Hence anyone who does not exclude his God and Creator from his thoughts is also daily and hourly under His Fatherly care, and his earthly life will always proceed such that it will benefit his soul.... For anyone connected with Me in thought already leads a spiritual life, and his soul will constantly ascend.... __But how many people spend their lives without considering their God and Creator, they only ever entertain earthly thoughts and just anxiously worry about their physical wellbeing.... And although they call themselves Christians because they belong to a religious organisation they only occasionally establish a relationship with Me, and this is not sufficiently alive in order to generate spiritual achievement.... Much has become a formality which, however, is only of value if it is carried out with a living faith, just as prayer is not what it should be.... a child's heartfelt dialogue with the Father; instead people are satisfied with empty words which don't come from the heart and are merely voiced by the mouth. __I, however, Am a living God, everything has to be truthful before Me, and therefore I want a living contact established by you with Me, but this also guarantees higher development and leads the soul to the goal. For would I leave a child or consider it poorly, be it spiritually or even earthly, once it has made heartfelt contact with Me, to whom I Am truly the Father it can unreservedly trust? But where this intimate bond is missing there still exists a broad gulf, the human being looks for Me in the distance, he speaks of Me as a Being Which is unattainable to him and Which he indeed acknowledges because of Its might which he cannot deny in view of the creations, who also admits to Its wisdom which is demonstrated to him through the creations, but who does not know anything about the love of a God Who wants to be a Father to all living creations because he has not spent serious thought on the Being Who had brought him into existence. And as long as I Am merely the distant God for people they will live their earthly life without spiritual achievements, for they lack the flow of strength to travel the path of ascent which, however, requires the living creation's heartfelt connection to Me in order to enlighten him. __This is why every human being will achieve his goal if he is able to establish this close relationship with Me, if he expresses a living faith in Me through a constant desire for My presence.... And such desire will be granted by Me, and forthwith the person will no longer walk any path alone, I will always guide him, I will always direct his thoughts, and because I no longer meet any resistance the person will also completely enter into My will and improve himself ever more. Where I have found the entrance into a human being's heart My adversary will have lost his power, albeit he will still try everything to win him over for himself again, but My strength, which the human being constantly receives due to My presence, will resist him. __Just let your soul come to life, which will always happen when I can take effect on it Myself, when I can illuminate it with My strength of love, and you always enable Me to do this through a heartfelt bond with Me.... Then you will ask for Me, and the danger will have passed that the adversary can take possession of you, who will take flight from Me and is unable to besiege you so long as I Am present in you.... And you will soon not undertake anything, nor walk anywhere, without having asked for My blessing, and then you can also be certain that I will walk by your side wherever you go, that I will mentally instruct you and let My strength and light flow to you in abundance.... Yet all this is not possible when a person only mentions his God and Creator with his mouth without being inwardly urged to establish contact with this God.... His earthy life will not bring him much spiritual success unless he still changes his thoughts and actions, so that he will learn to recognise Me and then believes in Me with a living faith.... __Amen
The Revelation of John....
Everything concurring with My Word can be accepted and upheld by you as truth. And thus you will also know how to judge the mental concepts presented to you.... For this is what you, who are directly instructed by Me, must be able to do.... For you are required to reject everything that is wrong and advise your fellow human beings not to accept it. __Part of spreading the pure truth from Me also includes denouncing error as coming from the adversary and to protect yourselves as well as your fellow human beings from his influence. He equally makes use of human vessels in order to succeed, in order to undermine the pure truth, for he causes confusion amongst people who no longer know what to accept. But as soon as you recognise that My adversary is at work it is also your duty to take action against it. And therefore I want to provide you with an explanation which yet again can only be given to you by the One Who knows everything, to Whom nothing is hidden and Who is able to impart this knowledge through the spirit: __Many things are hidden from you humans which only I can reveal to you. And I have always informed seers and prophets of events which were still in the distant future. However, according to people's state of maturity My predictions or visions were usually veiled and always required an awakened spirit to summon the right understanding for it. And since many prophesies related to the last days before the end they also remained incomprehensible to people, because I Myself wanted to lift the veil when the time was right. The visions they saw were even concealed from My seers and prophets, and they described them partly impelled and partly enlightened by My spirit, which also let them behold and report things which were in the distant future. And thus records exist and were preserved until now which proclaim the visions of My disciple John.... records, which will be explained in the last days before the end and which previously were meaningless to people and consequently not understood by them. Yet they have a profound meaning, they merely depicted what My disciple who had received the spiritual vision had seen but who was unable to interpret his visions himself because it would not have been beneficial for him or his fellow human beings, since the whole time of development was still ahead of them, which was meant to be utilised through Jesus Christ's Salvation.... but knowledge of the visions' significance would have stifled all spiritual impetus.... thus it would have restricted free will. For I knew that My adversary's activity would take on immense proportions at the end of a period of salvation, and that humanity's spiritually low level would be so widespread at the end that the precise knowledge of it would have been damaging to people. __But I allowed My disciple to spiritually foresee all these manifestations of the end, yet in an awakened state.... when he recorded his visions.... he only saw images he didn't understand himself.... which thus was My will.... __You cannot fail to recognise Satan's activity in the last days, yet you humans have no idea of the immense spiritual disaster his activity will wreak on all human beings.... My disciple saw the clearly evident state of affairs in the last days as well as My adversary's activity which was the cause for the terrible vision, which showed his activity figuratively and which only remained veiled to people because they would have abandoned their spiritual endeavour in view of the failure and My adversary's supreme control. __But John also foresaw the fall into the abyss and My adversary's captivity, and for that reason the disciple's vision was intended to be preserved, for one day they will understand everything, if only in the spiritual kingdom when their spiritual state results in their realisation. And thus you know how to evaluate messages which are allegedly from above and yet originate from below.... You know that everything contradicting My Word is erroneous spiritual knowledge and particularly highlights My adversary's activity in the last days, who wants to cause confusion wherever possible and who avails himself of My name as a disguise in order to be believed.... __Be vigilant and don't allow yourselves to be driven into darkness.... when a bright light is shining for you which very clearly shows the path to Me, Who still wants to save all those people before the end who have the will to let themselves be saved. Look for Me in all sincerity and, truly, I will not let you fall into My adversary's hands, I will enlighten your thoughts if only you sincerely ask Me for the pure truth.... But then you will receive it through your heart, so that the intellect need not be involved, for My adversary avails himself of the intellect as long as the heart does not reject him. __You fully consciously have to break your connection with him who wants to corrupt the world.... You have to closely unite with Me and appeal to Me for My protection against his influence.... And truly, your prayer will be granted as soon as it is sent up to Me in spirit and in truth.... __Amen
Belief in God in Jesus....
It is only necessary for you to believe in Me and take the path to Me when you suffer hardship.... for you, like children, to take refuge with the Father, Who will protect you in every spiritual and earthly adversity because you entrust yourselves to Him.... Time and again I emphasise that you only ought to contact Me in thought, through kind-hearted activity or in prayer and, truly, you will not be able to go astray anymore, because your bond with Me also guarantees you My help to be delivered from My adversary and to return to the One from Whom you once originated. Admittedly, evidence for the existence of a God and Creator cannot be given to you, you have to believe in Him.... Yet if you are willing to do so then you will see the evidence that bears witness to Me in everything that surrounds you.... And by just thinking about it you will already be able to come to believe in Me.... I just do not want you to spend your life thoughtlessly, to only take notice of the world and believe that your earthly life is an end in itself.... __You should always ask yourselves why and for what reason you live on earth.... in order to then also get hold of the thoughts about a God and Creator, which will time and again encircle you like waves, for the purpose and goal of your earthly life is to recognise a God and Creator, to acknowledge Him and to desire making contact with Him. Then this God and Creator will also take hold of you and never ever let you fall again.... And He will also convey the knowledge of Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, to you . For you will have to find Him so that you lose your weaknesses, so that your ascent to the pinnacle is assured.... For even if you recognise Me, you will have little willpower to seriously strive for Me, since you are too weak due to the sin of your past apostasy from Me.... And for the sake of strengthening your will the man Jesus died on the cross in order to acquire the blessings of a stronger will for you.... I Myself came to help you in your great spiritual adversity which was the result of your original sin, and I Myself accomplished the act of Salvation for the redemption of your guilt in Jesus the human being . So the path of return will now be possible for you if you appeal to Jesus Christ for strength, if you place your guilt of sin at his feet and express the sincere will to return to the Father, Who took abode in Jesus, Who united Himself with Him for all eternity.... Even if you thus believe in God as the Creator and Redeemer, this God can never ever be regarded as being separate from Jesus Christ, for God and Jesus are one, God merely made use of a external human shell which people called `Jesus', but Who sheltered the fullness of Me in Himself. __I created everything, even the human shell of Jesus came forth from Me, Which I chose for Myself in order to be able to stay amongst people. You humans, too, came forth from My will yet you once separated yourselves from Me voluntarily, for only love establishes a bond with Me but you forfeited it of your own free will, whereas the human being Jesus was permeated by love, thus My fundamental substance was in Him, for this is Love.... Hence, in keeping with His nature He must be God Himself, and only his external shell was human until He spiritualised it as well, so that it was able to unite with His divine Soul and nothing human remained once Jesus had accomplished the act of Salvation.... Anyone who therefore has recognised Me in Jesus has also escaped the darkness, for then the Light Itself will draw him into higher spheres, for I Myself Am the Light, and the light shone to earth through the human being Jesus because it permeated the human being completely. And I would like to send this ray of light to all of you, yet your heart has to open itself to Me, you must direct your thoughts towards the One Who created you.... You have to muster this will freely but then you will also be seized by My merciful love and everything will be done to impart the correct knowledge about Jesus Christ to you.... and if you acknowledge Him as God's Son and Redeemer of the world Who became as one with Me you will never ever be able to go astray again.... __Amen
Gathering strength ahead of the chaos....
Keep drawing strength from My Word for you will need this fortification in the forthcoming time and should gather strength now, since you will be unable to collect your thoughts in prayer when My long-announced intervention will take place.... Whatever is decided by My wisdom and love will also be implemented, and every prediction which I sent to you so that the event will not take you unawares without warning will be fulfilled.... __You shall always remember it and try to set your heart free from all earthly longings.... You shall try to let go of matter, for one day you will have to give it up, and the less your heart clings to it the easier will be your loss, the less you will be burdened by My intervention.... Again and again I Am telling you to prepare yourselves for this period of unprecedented chaos when only your heartfelt bond with Me will give you the support to do justice to all demands. For anyone not directly affected by the disaster by losing his life will then have to lead a difficult existence, because there will be no ordered living conditions and you will be burdened by earthly adversities which you will be unable to handle on your own, without My help. __Time and again you shall accept My Word in your hearts and draw strength from it, you shall gain such strong faith from My direct Word that nothing will be able to unsettle you in the forthcoming time, that you will completely rely on Me and only ever wait for My help.... And believe that I will help you.... that just the heartfelt bond has to be established with Me which, however, can only be achieved by a person who is completely dedicated to Me and who will merely recognise the fulfilment of My predictions in the huge disaster and thus will even more devotedly wait for My help, which indeed will be granted to him. Then I will carry out the seemingly impossible on those who place their complete trust in Me. __And every human being should get used to the idea that the orderliness surrounding him will not continue, he shall believe that the earth will be affected by an unimaginably huge tremor, and that countless people will fall victim to a natural disaster.... the survivors, however, will experience extremely difficult living condition which require much strength and confidence in My help in order to cope with them. Then it will become evident where neighbourly love will be practised, for only there will My help be evident as well.... And anyone who is just anxiously concerned about himself and his well-being will also have to labour by himself and yet be unable to master his situation.... For you humans must learn that love is strength and that you will be able to achieve much if your actions are motivated by neighbourly love. __Time and again I refer to the time when a great chaos will befall you caused by a huge natural disaster.... because I still want to give you human a last sign of a Power Which is in charge of you.... But you, who receive My Word directly or given to you through My messengers, you shall constantly listen to My admonition, engross yourselves as often as possible in My Word and your strength will grow, even at times of extreme adversity you will not lose the connection with Me and then you will also always be certain of My help, for I manifestly want to help My Own to strengthen their as well as their fellow human beings' faith so that they will establish and never again abandon the living bond with Me. __And don't count on being spared, don't believe that other, distant regions will be affected.... This disaster will be far-reaching and involves a large area, even though it will not affect the whole earth.... Consequently, the immense adversity will not pass anywhere without a trace, which you will only understand after the occurrence has happened, when My voice resounds in the world and you realise the dreadful effects.... the full extent of which will take a long time again to be assessed. __As yet you are still living in peace and are unable to imagine such chaos.... But I draw your attention to the fact that everything will come to pass what was announced in advance, I only want to influence you insofar as that you should do everything that will give you the strength to endure.... For I will not abandon you, who have submitted yourselves to Me and want to belong to Me.... And I will always provide you with strength.... Let Me talk to you time and again and draw strength from My Word and truly, you will be able to find Me even in utter suffering, and I will always be ready to help, I will always stand by your side and through you also bring help to those whom you lovingly try to take care of.... __Amen
Reason for the work of transformation....
You will find it increasingly more understandable that a tremendous change will have to happen, which will involve people's spiritual as well as their earthly life.... For the state they have reached can only be improved by a massive intervention, and although this will take place in an earthly way it will also result in a spiritual change.... For everything has become disorderly, people's spiritual development has come to a standstill and in many cases even a decline can be noticed, hence the earth is barely fulfilling its purpose anymore and needs to go through a transformation.... lawful order has to be restored again, all spiritual substances must be allocated the place which corresponds to their degree of maturity or development. And people must especially integrate themselves into the right order again if they are to reach the goal one day: to become perfect according to their purpose.... Were you humans able to have an overview of the spiritual as well as the earthly chaos which presently prevails on earth, you, too, would realise that the only way out is a huge change, yet for the most part you are spiritually unenlightened and have no idea about your actual purpose of existence. This is already part of the low spiritual level, for you do nothing to obtain a little light as to why you live on earth. And you also reject your fellow human beings when they want to enlighten you of it. Everything has become disorderly because people's free will itself revokes the order, with the result that all still developing spiritual substances are unable to make progress, since people prevent their being of service and yet they can only advance by way of being of service.... Therefore divine order has to be restored again one day, and everything must fit in with this law.... People must voluntarily live in divine order, then they will also help the spiritual substances still bound within the works of creation to fulfil their serving function, they will be used appropriately and thereby slowly ascend too. Anyone who is spiritually enlightened, who, through a life of love, has awakened the spirit within him to life, will recognise the urgent situation and will also fully understand the work of transformation, which will shortly be carried out on earth, for he knows that there is no other way out, he knows that all spirits are in the midst of a process of return, that this has come to a halt and that something urgently needs to happen so that this process can continue with promising results. __The time granted for the spiritual beings' development has come to an end, and thus all that which failed when it reached the state of free will must start the process of development again according to its degree of maturity, whereas the still bound spiritual substance will enter into new forms, also in line with its degree of maturity. This, therefore, necessitates a total transformation of Earth, the termination of all life, the dissolution of all external covers which still held the spiritual beings captive, and a complete redevelopment, the emergence of new creations. And this new work of creation will also be inhabited by people again who had reached full maturity on the old earth, who had remained faithful to their God and Creator even during their worst temptations through God's adversary, who remained faithful to Him until the end.... until they were lifted away in order to be returned to Earth again as the root of a new human race.... You humans are facing this enormous transformation, and you are told time and again to prepare yourselves for it.... so that you will not belong to those whose fate will be a renewed banishment into the creations of the earth.... And if you only have a glimmer of faith in a God and Creator, then pray to Him that He may save you from this fate, and He will truly grant your prayer.... If you are unable to believe, that is, if you are not convinced of an end, then at least take the possibility into account and live your life on earth accordingly, for the time which is still granted to you until the end will pass by quickly and you should and still can use this time well if only you didn't reject the thoughts in you which keep reminding you of that which is proclaimed to you through your fellow human beings.... Live as if the next day would be your last, and truly, you will not get lost.... And only pay attention to what is happening in the world and around you, and you yourselves will realise that the only successful solution is for everything to be replaced.... that a new Earth has to be created, so that the spiritual development can be continued again with a favourable outcome.... __Amen
Everyone would be able to hear God speaking....
Just as I originally spoke to the beings having emerged from Me in order to reveal Myself to them as Creator and Father, so I speak today to you humans, who are these very beings.... The light of realisation you possessed in the beginning, because you were perfectly created, is no longer yours in your human state, for you once separated yourselves voluntarily from Me and therefore stepped out of the state of light into that of darkness.... But you are wretched in your darkened state and I want to help you become blissfully happy again and must therefore enlighten you again.... First I must speak to you and inform you of My will so that you as human beings can live according to this will of Mine. For the point is, that you will adapt yourselves to the law of eternal order again, that you will live according to My will, which requires you to fulfil the commandments of love.... Since, at the start of your earthly life, you are entirely without knowledge you need to be instructed about the meaning and purpose of your earthly life.... But you also need to be informed of the full truth, this is why I speak to you Myself as the eternal Father-Spirit by addressing the spiritual spark within yourselves, which conveys My Word to your intellect for you to think about it and thus, according to your will, either comply with it or oppose it once again. In the beginning, My Word made you very happy since you thereby recognised My love which time and again expressed itself in the Word. When you were no longer able to hear My Word, because you closed yourselves to My illumination of love, you also lost all knowledge and your state became dark and weak and therefore wretched. __However, if you, as a human being, become receptive to My illumination of love again, then you will be informed of My will which you only need to live up to so as to be spoken to by Me through the spiritual spark and thus, through My Word, receive the knowledge again which will make you happy because you enter the state of light again. My Word can always be heard within you if your will allows for it, for the connection between Me and you will forever remain on My part, only you yourselves can deliberately disconnect it by consciously turning away from Me.... Thus it will always be up to you as to whether you allow yourselves to be addressed by Me, but the possibility to hear Me Myself exists for every one of you humans, and every one should use it, for with My Word he also receives the strength to live his life on earth according to My will. Due to your vast distance from Me, which you aspired to of your own free will, you have lost the knowledge and understanding that you are able to communicate with your God and Father directly, that you can enter into a dialogue with Him, that He will answer your questions and that you can present all your thoughts to Him and communicate with Him at all times. And yet, if people inform you of it, you won't believe and ridicule them as fantasists and thereby you forfeit every gift of strength which is guaranteed to you by My Word. And only if you try it for yourselves, if you, after heartfelt prayer, quietly listen within, will the voice gently speak in you and you will be happy, for then you will be touched by My Fatherly love which wants to reveal itself in order to gain your love as well. __Yet only a few put this to the test, only a few desire My communication, and only a few believe that I Myself draw close to people in order to demonstrate the direct bond with them again, because they should recognise Me as their God and Father, Who is supremely perfect and also intends to guide people towards perfection. But this knowledge of My direct communication has to be accepted with faith, for it can only be effective if a person, through living a life of love, has gained the faith that the Father speaks to His child. Only then will he also be able to recognise the results of My Words as truth, and only then will his soul make use of them and advance in its development. However, you humans should always consider that My Words will always be more credible than a complete silence by your eternal Father.... For My fundamental nature is love, and you emerged from this love.... Love, however, always seeks to make contact with that which originated from it. This is why the sound of My Word will always be more credible than shrouding Myself in silence and never revealing Myself as a loving Father.... For My perfection would have to be doubted were I not to have mercy upon all My living creations who dwell in darkness, and this mercy therefore shows itself by the fact that I let a light shine into the darkness.... And this light is My Word which is conveyed to you from above, it is the emanation of My love which only requires an open heart in order to be able to take effect in you.... __Amen
There shall be light among people....
A vast spiritual region is opened up to those of you humans who allow yourselves to be instructed by Me Myself, because through My messengers and mediators I can convey the knowledge to all who merely desire it and whose life of love enabled them to understand it. This region is closed to your intellectual studies; it is and will also remain unverifiable to you humans until you are granted such bright inner light by the spirit that it is conclusive for you to have the true knowledge. And this spiritual region is inexhaustible, your God and Creator will instruct you constantly and grant you ever more profound realisation if only you would always comply with the prerequisite which is expected of you: that you make heartfelt contact with Me in prayer or through deeds of love, for the bond with Me must be present otherwise you will forever remain spiritually blind.... For I Myself Am the light, I Am the truth, I Am the spring from which love, light and strength.... profound wisdom.... come forth. And this flow can only pour out if the contact has been established, which you have to establish yourselves because you once discontinued it voluntarily.... But then a region will be opened up to you which you, as mere humans, cannot enter if this contact with Me does not exist. But then everything becomes clear to you, you recognise the spiritual correlations, you understand My reign and activity, My eternal plan of Salvation will be revealed to you and you will be able to comprehend it. You learn about spiritual happenings which form the basis of your existence as humans, you also understand the natural processes and can explain to yourselves the happenings around you, My nature will be revealed to you and many a veil will be lifted before your eyes.... You will also be able to examine spiritual worlds, even if you are only mentally informed of them at first.... until your spiritual eye opens when you have attained a specific degree of maturity which allows for spiritual vision.... Knowledge you are entirely lacking as humans will be bestowed upon you by My Fatherly love, which would like you to be in the same state again as you were before your apostasy from Me, when you were brightly illuminated by the light of realisation and blissfully happy.... You are meant to attain this state again and can indeed achieve it during your life on earth as human beings.... However, you must strive for it, it cannot be given to you.... You must make conscious contact with Me, acknowledge Me as your God and Creator, as your Father and long for My presence which will subsequently grant you the highly valuable gifts of grace, because My infinite love wants to give itself and thus also wants to once again send you the bright light of realisation, which you yourselves clouded out and finally lost entirely.... __Now consider the spiritual darkness humanity lives in, consider that only a few people create a sphere of light around themselves, that, in a manner of speaking, merely sparks of light flare up on earth, which certainly could be caught by every person and which would suffice to ignite a light again in a person's heart who would like to escape the darkness. Consider how much happier people would be if only they had a small degree of realisation, which they could raise at any time. Then you, who have already kindled a light in yourselves, will understand that I favour everything which helps to bring a light among the people.... You will understand that I educate My own bearers of light whom I endow with an abundance of knowledge, whom I guide increasingly deeper into the truth, which can only originate from Me.... and that I instruct these bearers of light to let their light shine forth again, so that it shall penetrate the darkness which burdens the human race.... It is not My will that you humans leave earthly life in the same darkness as you entered it.... It is My will that you, in this life as a human being, desire light again and, truly, your desire will be granted, and it will make you happy on earth already when you learn to understand why you live on earth and what your actual task on earth is.... Only I know what darkness means for a free and blessed spirit which was created in brightest light.... Only I know that this spirit can only be happy again when it moves within the circuit of My emanation of love.... I want to draw it into this circuit of My flow of love on earth and therefore repeatedly send rays to him which should kindle a light in him that urges towards the eternal Essence of light of its own accord.... It means, that I first grant every person a small amount of knowledge pertaining to spiritual spheres, which the person can increase of his own will. He can constantly avail himself of the flow of My strength of love, he can gain spiritual possessions if he uses this flow of strength for acts of love whereby the love ignites an increasingly brighter light in him.... And light signifies knowledge, realisation, most profound wisdom.... but only ever pertaining to spiritual regions which are inaccessible to the intellect, because I Myself make a point of instructing those people who hand themselves over to Me and appeal to Me for spiritual enlightenment.... They may receive extensive knowledge and thus gradually enter the very state of realisation they enjoyed in the beginning. The darkness My adversary had imposed on them will recede, they will attain the light again by having established conscious contact with Me, the eternal Essence of light, and allowing themselves to be illuminated by Me once more as in the beginning, when they originated from Me in all perfection.... __Amen
True church service requires a Father-child relationship....
Many people believe that they think and act religiously, but they lack the right attitude towards Me.... They certainly think of Me as their God and Creator, but not as their Father, and thus they do not establish the relationship of a child to its father. As a result they will not confide in Me in prayer either, they only see the distant almighty God in Me to Whom they are subjected as human beings, and Whom they rather fear than love.... because they are still unable to recognise My true nature. __And again it has to be explained that the degree of a person's love determines his correct attitude towards Me.... that love will recognise the Father, Who is love Himself, and that the human being will then strive for Me with love and call to Me as My child. Only then can one speak of a person's `religious' way of life, because this way of life will lead back to Me for sure. But as long I Am still a person's distant God and Creator Who, due to His might, will have to be feared, there is little prospect that the person will approach Me with love. He will merely fulfil, as a matter of formality, things which are demanded of him by his church. He is only motivated by his upbringing to conduct himself accordingly but this will not guarantee a change of his inner being, which is the purpose and goal of earthly life. __Consequently, if you humans experience heavy strokes of fate they are only intended to make you come alive, to forego mere formality and start thinking more about God, Who created you.... to start pondering why you are living on earth, and then voluntarily surrender yourselves to the power to Which you owe your life: because your indifferent attitude about Me will not result in your spiritual advancement.... However, if you seriously want to know what your God and Creator requires of you during your earthly life you are certain to find out. First of all you should ponder the nature of your God and Creator, and the urge to act with love will be aroused in you.... because this is My voice with which I Am speaking to your conscience and initially make Myself known to you. __By following the voice of your conscience you will come closer to Me, and then you will also establish the kind of connection with Me which corresponds to the relationship between a child and its father.... My gentle voice will always direct you towards actions of love which will bring you the light of knowledge and with it an understanding of My nature, Which is love Itself.... Then you will leave `empty formalities' behind and become alive in your essence and actions. You will no longer perform formal acts but begin to lead a second life next to your earthly life.... You will have set out on the spiritual path, since due to your new life of love you will be inwardly driven towards Me. __And thus you know that everything which tends towards love, is taught by love and is the activity of love, is good and acceptable to Me. For love is the indicator of truth and also the indicator of a person's spiritual maturity who, as My representative, wants to lead his fellow human beings to Me. As long as he has no love himself, his 'preaching' will be without strength too; it will be a formal, lifeless service without benefit to anyone because I Myself Am distant to him, since only idle words are spoken which can never reach My ear. Only the close relationship with Me established through love will make your thinking, willing and actions come alive. Only then will you come to life yourselves, because as long as you are without love you are still dead. __And thus, taking part in a 'church service' is always just an external formality, and there can be no question of My presence as long as you humans only believe in a God and Creator but do not find the right attitude towards Me.... First you have to come to the Father as children and trustingly talk to Me, only then can you be sure that I Am close to you. And then your faith will also have come alive, because a `child' will always endeavour to fulfil its father's will. It will no longer just comply with external formalities but desire My presence with all its heart, which it will certainly also receive. __I only want you to come alive, to abandon useless habits and customs which you were taught to observe, but which are and remain completely worthless for your soul. You will only be able to love Me when you recognise Me as a Father, and only then will you fulfil the purpose of your life on earth.... Only then can you mature, which is always achieved by love alone.... __Amen
The adversary's activity will not be prevented....
Though I Am ruler indeed over heaven and earth and no being shall be capable of opposing Me, yet I do not contest My adversary's right within the domain which is his kingdom: the terrestrial world which harbours everything that still belongs to him and where he can exercise his influence when the developing spiritual essence has reached the human stage.... Then he will pursue this spiritual essence.... the human being.... in every way in order to prevent his development and to pull him down into the abyss again, from where he had worked his way up by means of an infinitely long process.... Then he is, in fact, lord over his world.... __And this explains why I allow so many disasters, why I don't intervene where the adversary's activities are so clearly apparent.... He has a right to you humans because you once followed him voluntarily into the abyss; and he also exercises his right in order to dominate you. But you can resist him yourselves since you possess free will. And you do not lack strength either, if only you ask Me for it. But My adversary's activity will not be prevented by Me. For the physical world is his share.... even all matter, over which he has no control, is part of him because it harbours the fallen spiritual substance, which is only temporarily beyond his control due its constraint in matter. But as soon as it lives on earth as a human being he can exercise his power over it again without being hindered by Me.... And he truly makes full use of it.... __Yet in Jesus Christ, the divine Saviour, he has a very powerful opponent indeed.... And every human being can turn to Him in order to be liberated from the enemy of souls. For Jesus is stronger than he is, and He delivers every soul from his power which simply appeals to Him for it and with its prayer demonstrates its faith in Him and His act of Salvation, which thereby also acknowledges Myself, Who in Jesus Christ became a human being in order to redeem all fallen spirits. Thus the adversary's power on earth is great indeed, and yet in Jesus Christ he finds his Master.... And regardless of how much control he has over people, in Jesus Christ they nevertheless have a Redeemer and Saviour from his domination.... Thus the human being cannot expect that I, his God and Creator of eternity, will curtail My adversary's activity, that I will prevent him from carrying out disgraceful actions, because I will not, by any means, remove his right to influence a person in order to hold on to him.... The human being himself, however, does not have to tolerate it, for he can always turn to Jesus Christ and ask for His help to be released from his prison guard, to become free from the power to which he, however, will succumb without the help of Jesus Christ. __How often do you humans say `Why does God allow this?....' I do not prevent My adversary's activity because you once accepted his domination yourselves and he is still your lord today if you don't want to free yourselves and approach Jesus Christ for salvation from him. But I also know what serves you and each individual soul best.... I know the nature of every individual soul, I know what it needs in order to mature fully, and even the dark world has to be of service to Me, for I also know how to direct the effects of the dark forces' actions such that they will be successful for people's souls who are willing to get released from his power and strive towards Me. __And this is always determined by the person's will, since this is free.... As long as the spiritual substance is still bound within the works of creation My adversary is unable to influence it; but in the human stage he has the right to do so because it involves the being's free decision which the adversary wants to win for himself. Hence he takes advantage of every opportunity, and the human being is at his mercy the further away he is from Me, the less often he establishes contact with Me, or: As long as he does not acknowledge Jesus Christ by seeking sanctuary with Him in his distress, he is at the mercy of the opposing power, which nevertheless is determined by his own free will. __I certainly have the power and can prevent anything, including the adversary's activities, but then the human being's life on earth would be in vain, where he has to freely choose between Me and him. But you humans should also understand that and why difficult tests are given to you, that and why he often causes you extreme distress and I don't stop him, because you yourselves do not turn to Me for help and this is the real purpose of every adversity, which I therefore allow so that you will find your way to Me.... __Yet you can rest assured that I will not leave you on your own and will help you if you try to get away from him and trustingly flee to Me and thereby also acknowledge Me as your God and Father.... when you call upon Jesus for forgiveness of your guilt and for deliverance from the enemy, who also fights in order not to lose you.... Yet truly, My might is greater, and if you call upon Me in spirit and in truth you will indeed get released from him and your earthly life will not have been in vain.... __Amen
Truth emanates from God himself....
Desire the truth.... and truly, this spiritual request will be granted to you. But don't search for this truth in books which are based on human intellect again, which are purely intellectual thoughts.... assumptions, for which no evidence can be provided. For as soon as you assume that people are capable of ascertaining the truth by themselves, you are mistaken, because pure truth originates from Me alone, as I Myself Am the Eternal Truth. Therefore I say, request the truth from Me, sincerely appeal to Me for it and you shall receive it. The truth, as I want it to be understood and which you should request of Me, is a wealth of knowledge of a spiritual nature.... It is knowledge which extends into spiritual spheres and which can never be substantiated by evidence.... it is the knowledge of your existence, its reason and purpose.... it is the knowledge of the Power Which brought everything into existence and of the relationship between you humans and this Power.... It is the knowledge about the nature, reign and activity of this Power, Which has created everything that exists.... It is impossible for any human being's intellect to provide a truthful explanation of this, such an explanation can only be given by the Eternal Truth Itself.... Hence you have to ask It yourselves. It is I Who can and wants to give you an answer because I Am the highest Authority and also the Love, Which wants to please you, My living creations, with this knowledge. But I can only reveal Myself to those who sincerely desire truth.... yet they will not ask Me in vain to impart the truth to them.... __However, only a few people have this sincere desire.... Mostly they are indifferent or they unreservedly accept what is given to them by their fellow human beings who also merely use their intellect but cannot guarantee that their reasoning was guided correctly. Not many are interested in the basic questions relating to their existence as human beings, and the belief in a God of love, wisdom and might is not always strong enough to ask Him for enlightenment. The pure truth, however, can only emanate from Me, and their wrong attitude towards Me, their God and Creator, is the reason why people live in error and devoid of all truthful knowledge and thus don't make use of their earthly life which could lead them to perfection.... Their indifference towards truth is a side effect of the human souls' immense immaturity, for they are still dominated by My adversary who tries to prevent everything which could provide people with clarification, because he doesn't want to lose them and can only control them as long as their spirit is dark, far removed from the truth; but only truth leads people to perfection, truth alone is beatitude, it is a light which illuminates the darkness of night that is spread across the earth.... __I Myself Am the Truth, and thus anyone who knows the truth is closely united with Me.... As long as you humans are not truthfully instructed you lack the light for your earthly path of life.... Admittedly, you keep walking, but where is the path leading to without truth?.... It can only lead into the abyss, whereas you will irrevocably ascend if you take the path of truth, for this is brightly illuminated and leads you to the goal, to Me Who is Eternal Truth Itself. And I Am truly always willing to guide you into truth, as I promised when I lived on earth.... I will reveal Myself in My love, wisdom and might to every person who simply desires in his heart to hear Me, to be guided into truth by Me.... This is the most important prayer you can send to Me, for this plea demonstrates your serious will to return, it also proves to Me that you acknowledge Me as your God and Father, and it is a spiritual request which will surely be granted.... For as soon as I can convey the pure truth to you, you will also learn to get to know and love Me in My nature.... And I want your love, I yearn for your love which is only deep and pure if you, through the conveyance of pure truth, know about everything, your origin and past relationship with Me and the goal which shall unite you with Me again.... Then love will ignite in you and you will push ever closer to Me and thus can also be guided into ever more profound knowledge which will make you extremely happy.... You will learn about My eternal plan of Salvation, about the Father's love for His children and the great work of return, for which every single person can also offer Me his services.... You will learn to love Me.... And this love will make you blissfully happy, for it will lead to the final union with Me, to eternal life.... Yet only the truth leads to the goal and thus you humans should strive for the truth, you should lovingly hand yourselves over to Me and let yourselves be taught by Me, and then you will indeed be instructed by Me, your God and Father, Who knows everything and Who thus can and wants to teach you everything because He loves you.... __Amen
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