Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Foolish Vvirgins .... woman in the night .... earth wanderer ....

BD 0576 September 8th 1938

People are given so many opportunities to ease their way upwards, and so everyone is inevitably capable of mastering life if only he always lets the lord God rule. Yet people often presume to exercise judgement before they have seriously examined .... are therefore often very close to the source of grace and do not find it because they believe they can do without the refreshment. If the heavenly father takes pity on such earthly children and wants to make it very easy for them to find the way up and encounters stiff resistance, then the valley of life is henceforth a vessel without content for these people .... their lot will continue to be a barren emptiness of the heart, which they try to banish through worldly interests. Your fellow human beings who do not grasp the father's saving hand are also in such need, and their behaviour is like that of the foolish virgins who go into the darkness and leave the light at home. Where such a bright light shines that it can shine far and wide, and yet this light is shunned, there the love of the divine saviour can do just as little until the day comes when they remember you with repentance .... And in this hour a parable will be sent to you, which should explain the father's love for His own quite vividly .... In the darkest night a woman wanders through desolate streets and carries within her the longing to be at home. Longing and hope drive her to hurry, and soon she sees a shining light in the distance .... In her heart she prays to God that this light may shine for her on her way home. And God answered her prayer, and bright light broke through the darkness of the night .... He gave her strength and did not let her tire until she reached her destination .... And this bright light was faith .... strength was love .... and her steps were the will .... As soon as she turned to the father in supplication, she was helped, the night became day, for faith and with it love entered her heart. Who among you earth travellers does not need this bright light? .... Who among you can find the way to the eternal home without faith? .... And where you lack the strength of love, there you resemble a wanderer who never endeavours to advance .... who only ever quarrels about the long path and yet makes no effort to reach his goal.

He lacks the will, and without it he remains in the same place time and time again. Man always remains on the same level if his will does not become active in order to then break through the dark night through faith and love and walk towards the bright morning. Let it be said to all the world that without will, faith and love the eternal home is unreachable .... that without these the traveller remains weary on the path, that the money in his pocket is of no use to him if he does not recognize the abyss in the darkness and strays from the right path .... On the other hand, the brightest light of grace will shine on the earth traveller who calls to the father in childlike faith, and the path to home will be easily and quickly accessible to him. For God's love protects him and gives him the strength he needs ....




   A new call

The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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