Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Arrogance .... Those who raise themselves into lordliness, will be made humble .... Feeling oneself superior to others

BD 0632 October 21st 1938

Depending on how strong your will is, you will receive grace to a measure that can put you into some kind of inner peace, for your calling the Lord in agony and emergency will not die unheard. The weakness of your ghost and your inner discontent results from lacking of love. And thus, increased love alone will rebuild your old relation to your heavenly Father. And it will always be your own will to come to Him that will increase your love activities…. And so your soul will be cured from sickness and illness that has brought you into inner emergency…. So, be full of attention now, devote yourself to our influence and begin:

Those who raise themselves into lordliness, will be humiliated. And those who strive to shine before the world will once, in saddest loneliness, think back to their own lives on earth. It will be extremely important for you to go your own earthen way in modesty and to fully recognizing your own weakness, for that will be the only way to be led to heights. It is just that fighting against lordliness that will bring fruit for your life in eternity. For that pride and lordliness has been the reason for having fallen from God and for the fact that life on earth has been and will be the greatest danger for your soul. Whenever a human will hold his own personal “I” in such a high esteem, his fundamental base for a higher development will be lacking. And so, as to make a human child recognize how little it can fullbring out of itself and how empty and vain it is without God’s help, it will have to endure many events which are immeasurably painful.

All arrogance and lordliness will dwindle and vanish, as soon as a human faces it’s own death. Then, however, a human cannot take enough benefit out of that recognition anymore. For, the time that it was given by God’s grace will have passed away. And it will not have succeeded in gaining any fruit for it’s soul. human should always have thorough thoughts as to what any glamour and wealth, all terrestrial honour and secular prestige will be of worth to it, if you are suddenly forced to leave your earthly vale…. It is not before recognising it’s own weakness that it will surpass yourself and receive the grace of the Lord…. What will a human be able to fullbring out of the power of its own…. Raising lordliness more and more, he will see his soul fall more and more into darkness. And so, then, darkness will destine his soul’s distinction increasingly…. The first will be the last… that is what the Lord says. And those who will follow these words in their belief in God, will certainly think of a good one on earth….

Every talent is a gift of the Lord…. What the human is and what it has – it only owes that to God solely and must be thankful to God therefore. And thus, it cannot to the least claim that talent as it’s own merit. It cannot give itself any honour therefore, either. And all sense of superiority will be a sign of a blind soul. As a consequence, the Light will not come to them, before they recognised how vain and invalid their earthen treasures are and before they give up striving for imperishable wealth. Giving up grabbing and demanding for everything. Keeping distance from glory and honour. Devoting itself deeply to the wonders of God’s creation. It will not before then a man’s inner eye will be opened; and only then will he recognise God’s greatness and his own unworthiness…. He will ask for, and he will receive…. and, following this way, he will return to his Father to whom he once turned his back .... Amen



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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

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