Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965 |
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BD 0857 10.4.1939
Fulfilling the predictions of Scripture .... "Search in the spirit," says the Lord, "and you will stand in the truth ...." Who is better able to guide you into the truth than the Lord and Master Himself .... It happened by His will that door and gate opened to the spiritual world. He let the call from the earth resound in the beyond, and to those who asked for an answer, it was given, because all will gets fulfilled, which the spirit expresses. Thus began the new time that will take it's course. The Lord referred to this time, He mentioned it during His walk on earth, He also indicated the time when the spiritual decay of mankind would begin and great distress would come over the earth. He has mentioned all the events that precede the difficult time, and has also pointed out the visible strengthening that is offered to His own from heaven, so that they should not perish without protection and desolation in the general chaos. .... If you now pay attention to the appearances of the present time, you will also know that the time is near .... and you will also have to understand that also those predictions have to come true which point to the connection from earth to the hereafter, and all this will no longer seem so improbable to you if you recognize that the Scripture is coming true. The visible help that is offered to you is only to restore the faith that you have already lost, the faith in the eternal Godhead, Who dwells visibly and tangibly among you, recognized by those who love Him and keep His commandments. It is to give you faith in His immeasurably great love which He would like to bestow on every earthly child if it does not resist this Divine love. And that is why he announces Himself in a form which is to stimulate human thinking and at the same time testifies of the constant care which is meant for His earthly children. Whoever respects these gifts, whoever receives them as daily bread from the heavens, whoever lets them become the sole purpose of his life, whoever desires to live in fullest truth, the Lord is close to him at all times. And he never has to fear that the Lord could limit His grace or completely cancel it .... It is rather pleasing to the Father in heaven, if the earthly child asks for the wisdom from the heavens. Every spiritual desire will be met, and the Lord blesses those who desire Him and His Word. Who feels drawn to the height, the Father's love grasps him and gives him carefully what he needs for his flight .... Enlightenment in all things, advice and help, strength, comfort and everlasting grace .... and where love for the heavenly Father is the driving force, the earthly child will soon be provided with knowledge which sufficiently explains all Divine miracles of creation to him and yet is also exceedingly blissful for the person still living on earth who makes himself worthy of the Lord's great grace and endeavours to inform erring humanity of God's visible activity. And so this proclamation will also be understandable to the people who long for God, while the person who does not acknowledge the Divinity, will never grasp the deep meaning of the words from above and therefore does not feel such a longing for truth in himself, because this is only the prerogative of the person who devotes himself to the Father in heaven in all love, that he receives the Words of love from above .... Amen |
A new call The is looking for translators. Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,
for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do. Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English. As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure. If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer
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