Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Destiny according to human will ....

BD 4573 February 26th 1949

I inform you that your destiny certainly takes shape according to My will, nevertheless it adapts itself to your will, so that your will effectively determines the sequence of all happenings, because it requires the necessary opportunities to achieve maturity in order to subordinate itself as quickly as possible to My will. A will that is utterly devoted to Me assures a person maturity of soul and he will be able to enter the beyond as a being of light when his last hour has come.

However, as long as he still resists Me he needs to be tested and always and forever encounter oppositions in his earthly life, unless he has completely handed himself over to My adversary, who will help him in every way during his time on earth. But he shall not take pleasure in his easy earthly life, for after his death he must atone for it a thousand fold. And thus a person who is granted a difficult destiny can know himself to be loved and cared for by Me; he need only ever trust in My help and My strength and humbly accept his destiny and his soul will benefit from it, the extent of which will only be recognised by him in the spiritual kingdom. Wherever suffering and worry can be found, that is where I Myself Am at work to change the individual person's will, that is where My presence, My guidance and My activity are recognisable. Hence, the immense suffering going on across earth should not be regarded as a sign of being abandoned by Me, but as a sign of My never-ending love and concern for you. I will not turn away from you even if you distance yourselves from Me, I constantly try to win you back for Me and therefore let you endure adversity and destitution, because your wrong will requires Me to do so if I want to help you attain beatitude. Every individual person's destiny corresponds to his will, which has been known to Me from the start, and the extent of suffering you have to endure corresponds to the maturity of your soul, which is also known to Me and which I constantly seek to raise. You can pass away from the earthly world in various degrees of light; this is never limited, but I know your will and where the possibility exists to attain a high degree of maturity of soul I make use of all means, and strokes of fate, oppositions in life and suffering and sadness should be regarded as such, for they can be of immense benefit to you if you completely submit yourselves to Me, if you subordinate your will to Mine, if you humbly endure everything you are granted. For I love you, you are My living creations and I want to win you over for Me, for eternity ....




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Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

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