I speak to you                          through  Bertha Dudde

1110    on  24.9.1939

The power of the Spirit ....

The power of the Spirit is unimaginable, He works mightily and unlimitedly, because He is nothing out of Himself, but everything from God .... He is invincible, He controls the height and the depth, He is present everywhere and draws all wisdom from God, He is eternally unchangeable .... He is the eternal God's expression of will .... He is the expressed Divine power itself.  And therefore it cannot pass away, it cannot become less, it can also never change or work differently than what is the will of God .... If man is able to recognize this truth, then every doubt remains far away from him, because he then willingly submits to this Divine power and is seized by it, and he can now likewise only fulfill the will of God.  The power of the Spirit works in all who believe and are active in love.

But those who do not stand in faith, and are devoid of all love, are guided by their own will, and their own will .... without faith and love .... contradicts the Divine will and therefore the Divine Spirit of Love .... One's own will obeys the whisperings of those beings who likewise let their own will rule on earth as well as now in the hereafter .... These are imperfect souls who did not recognize the Divine Spirit and therefore stood outside of it's effect on earth and now assert their influence from the hereafter on the people who are of the same mind .... who live without faith and without love .... The Divine spiritual power, however, is shared by all who recognize God and love Him, who are willing to believe and love and want to approach the eternal Godhead.

The spark of God in man .... the awakened Spirit of God .... establishes the connection with the elemental power, provided that man strives of his own free will to reach the height .... it guides the thinking right, it determines all actions, and therefore the power of the Spirit already works and makes itself more and more noticeable, the more intimately man enters into association with his Creator, and the power of the Spirit can express itself in such an unimaginable way, that man can accomplish things which appear incomprehensible to the world.

And it is therefore extremely important [for man] to arrange his life on earth in such a way that the power of the Spirit can be effectively expressed in him, then everything can be overcome which up to now appeared to be an obstacle, because the Divine Spirit's power is not subject to any laws, it works in fullest agreement with the Divine will; it is the radiation of this Divine will itself, and therefore man will be able to control everything if he makes use of the power of the Spirit by living in faith and love and desiring Divine blessings ....


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