Reception capability .... Receptivity ....

B.D. No. 1111

September 24th 1939

On the one hand, regular reception certainly increases the ability to receive the divine word, but on the other hand it is a certain danger for the earthly child insofar as it can easily lose its willingness to receive and thus the offered word is correspondingly more difficult to hear. The reception must be desired with all the senses, it must trigger joy and be received with a grateful heart, and the more willingly the friends on the other side will offer their teaching to the recipient .... however, indifference or habitual acceptance must not occur if the proclamations are to continue to be valuable and make the earthly child happy. Whoever is offered such a precious gift should always and constantly long joyfully for the hour that gives him the most delicious .... the divine word offered in all purity .... He should receive it as a gift of grace of the greatest value, he should give thanks with every breath to the one Who bestows such grace on a person, and he should receive it with the deepest humility and the most joyful devotion .... this hour should be the most delicious thing that can be longed for on earth, it should make him happy and make his heart beat faster, after all, God Himself is close to the earthly child and touches it with His breath .... And therefore it is commanded to first establish a very intimate contact with the divine lord and saviour, so that the earthly child detaches itself from everything that still captivates it and now in all humility desires to hear the voice of the lord. And once this connection has been established and a heartfelt prayer to the father has proven His willingness and joyfulness to receive, the proclamation will flow to him easily and effortlessly and thus also be blessed by the lord ....



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