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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Concerning end time revelations....
I will never give people the precise time of the end as it would not benefit a human being's spiritual progress.... Because they should ascend entirely of their own free will, they should further the maturity of their souls of their own accord and not because of fear, which would be the case if the exact hour of the end would be announced. In this respect I will never give you humans complete clarity, but that does not exclude that the end will eventually come to pass. And that it will happen one day has been revealed to you from the start of this redemption period even if only a fraction of this revelation is known to you. Because the periods of redemption, which were established in My eternal plan of Salvation, always consist of a limited time span, the duration of which has been calculated by My knowledge of humanity's process of development. Every human being, who can believe in Me as God and Creator, can believe this with good will. __However, most people will doubt that they themselves could live at the time when every prediction will become a present-day event.... Because to imagine the end of the earth is for people something extremely shocking, it is something which can only be believed by a few people, if they do not already possess such profound spiritual knowledge that they can also recognise a cause and purpose in the disintegration of earthly creations and the emergence of a new earth.... But there will only ever be a few of these.... __Therefore you humans cannot completely disavow the end of this earth.... you can only never want to belong to those who will experience this end, to whom a potential future will become the present-day.... And for the sake of their soul's maturity they may well keep those doubts, but they should also reflect on such thoughts, and it will not be to their disadvantage. However, every enforced faith would be detrimental and will therefore never be exerted by Me, hence I will only ever announce the signs but never the `day of the end'.... __And yet I will say it time and again: You are on the verge of it.... You cannot judge humanity's state of mind.... you cannot see the profound darkness which is spread across the earth.... you do not know of the battle between light and darkness which rages so extremely violently.... you do not know that the work of darkness expresses itself in the dissemination of falsehood, of misguided teachings and blatant lie, because you cannot see the extremely low level of inaccuracies which occupies people's thoughts either.... Only the pure truth is light.... But where do you humans look for and find the truth? You may well believe that you have the truth, but then you would recognise people's state of mind with dismay and would also understand that this situation has to come to an end.... And wherever you humans presume to be light the lord of darkness has merely erected a deceptive light for you, which weakens your judgment even more until you are no longer able to distinguish anything. For he certainly knows how to stop people from the work on their souls, he knows how to turn their eyes towards tempting goals, but which you humans will never achieve, because My plan has been determined since eternity.... __ (23.2.1956) That I allow you an insight into this plan of Salvation should not force you to believe, I only want to give you humans the opportunity to be able to believe, because the motives which prompt Me to end a redemption period are explained to you, because the expediency of such an end is also explained to you, because with this knowledge you yourselves can follow every event and then also realise that an intervention on My part has become necessary. __People who are merely told of an end without further explanations cannot be blamed if they don't believe it, although even they should reflect on the possibility of the prediction coming true.... But those who are willing yet think that they cannot believe will also be introduced to My plan of Salvation; they will be given the knowledge of My reign and actions, and they will not be able to ignore the reasons, since My love and wisdom is clearly evident, which only ever plans and accomplishes what is best for the souls. If you humans only look at an end of this earth as an act of punishment you will resent such teachings.... However, if you look at it as a rescue operation, which not only applies to the worsening spirit in the human being but also to the still constrained spirit in the creations which one day shall also ascend from the abyss, then you can also recognise a God of love and of wisdom, and then the end of the earth will appear to be feasible to you. __Only I can judge humanity's present level of development on earth, although you yourselves could also see the spiritual low level. However, I know since eternity when My order has to be established.... when I have to curb My adversary's activities, and what is required for the earth to serve as a place for the maturing of the imperfect spirit again.... I alone know when the low level has been reached and when the point in time has come that My adversary's activities have to be stopped.... And because I know this, I instruct My servants to mention the forthcoming end, even though not many will believe them. But I will never specify the day and hour.... which, however, should not encourage you to assign My proclamation to the distant future.... __You do not know how soon it will happen, yet you all should make great haste, you all should eagerly work on your souls, because every day is a grace for you, because you can achieve a lot with good will. Just do not expect to have plenty of time.... The end comes sooner than you think, and everyone who believes My Words will also prepare himself, he will deem his spiritual welfare more important than his physical wellbeing and truly gain much for eternity.... __Amen
Sudden end even for the believers....
The hour of the end will come unexpectedly for many of those who know of it, for they, too, still deem it far away, because the commotion in the world does not yet reveal any decline, because the signs of the end are not yet obvious enough, even if they certainly consider it possible that they are living in the end time. And even My believers are as yet unable to seriously get used to the idea that they will live to see the end, for they are still firmly down to earth themselves, they see their fellow human beings constantly bustling with activity and the spiritual knowledge seems almost unreal to them in view of worldly people's aspirations, in view of the earthly progress and people's future hopes and expectations. Hence they, too, will be taken by surprise and realise that the apparently unreal is becoming reality and that people's hopes will be shattered. The end will come like a thief in the night.... yet it announces itself in advance, it casts its shadows, prior to it something will happen on a smaller scale, a natural disaster of immense proportions will announce itself and this will be the last admonition, the final indication of the end.... And although you humans doubt or refuse to believe it.... My plan of eternity is definite, and everything in the universe happens according to this plan. The end will arrive suddenly, because My admonitions and warnings are being ignored, which are truly constantly sent to humanity so that they will not experience the end unprepared. And the only reason for My announcements is to make sure that people will prepare themselves for it, that they consider the end and start the work of improving their soul, that they will live according to their short physical life which can nevertheless lead to the soul's maturity. __It is My will that all My admonitions and warnings shall be distributed, I want people to be informed of it, just as it is My will that the day of Judgment and the fate of those who have deserted Me shall be bluntly presented to them, for people can achieve their own deliverance, the end need not signify the hour of terror for them, they can also calmly look forward to the end if they comply with what is lovingly recommended to them, if they prepare themselves, that is, if they still live on earth according to My will until the last hour has come. Although they are indeed unable to postpone this hour they can nevertheless await it consciously because it signifies the end of suffering for those who have found Me and will only harshly affect people who have renounced Me and therefore are no longer entitled to inhabit the earth which is only intended to help the soul attain maturity.... The end will come as certain as night will follow the day.... the day was determined an eternity ago yet you don't know when it will come.... However, you should believe that everything I announced and continue to announce through seers and prophets will come true, that the day is close at hand for you, that it will take all of you by surprise and that you therefore should consider every day as the last one in order to live consciously and to work at improving yourselves. Then you will never again need to fear the end but look forward to it with complete trust in My coming, which will deliver those of you who believe from greatest adversity.... __Amen
God's end-time revelation....
You are approaching the end.... And therefore I reveal Myself to you so as not to leave you in ignorance of what this end will mean for you. I reveal Myself so that you will prepare yourselves, so that you will live in the right way and need not fear an end. You humans don't believe in an end and reject all admonitions and warnings which you receive on account of My revelations.... You ridicule and laugh at those who proclaim the near end to you, you deem yourselves knowledgeable and feel superior to the knowledge which is imparted to a person in an unusual way. You are spiritually blind and unable to see anything, and yet you don't believe those who have vision and therefore tell you in which hour you live.... And it will be as in the time of Noah when I also announced the near judgment to people and found no belief, when the proclaimers of the judgment only reaped scorn and ridicule until the day arrived when My proclamations came to pass, until the day arrived when the scorners fell prey to the judgment.... And once again it will be like this, again the Judgment has been announced a long time in advance, and it will be proclaimed time and time again, yet the last day for this earth and all its inhabitants will come suddenly and unexpectedly, for My Word is truth and it will come true when the time is right. But who believes that people live in the midst of this time, that they will only have a short time left until the end.... Who believes that they are facing a change for the worse, something which no-one on this earth has ever experienced?.... Who allows himself to be impressed by divine revelations, by predictions concerning the near end? Which one of you humans is consciously expecting the end and preparing himself for it? __There are only a few who believe that which was proclaimed by seers and prophets, and these few only reap scorn and ridicule if they profess their belief in it and also try to inform their fellow human beings.... few people listen to My voice and live their life such that they are not afraid of the end but rather feel pleased in view of the blissful time which will follow the end of this earth. However, I want to increase their number, I would like many more to realise that the time has been fulfilled.... I also would like to reveal Myself to those who are without knowledge.... Yet their will is defying Me and I will not compel anyone.... Therefore I content Myself with those who believe My Words and stand up for them, and I will grant them great power of speech.... I will let them speak in My place and although they, too, will have little success, although their words, too, will not be taken seriously, the world will nevertheless take notice of the proclamations of the near end.... There will be no shortage of indications and all over the world an end will be spoken of, but it will only ever affect a few such that they will believe and prepare themselves for it. And I will support those who have accepted the task of spreading enlightenment. I will bless all efforts which aim to distribute that which is conveyed to you humans in the form of revelations.... And the information of the forthcoming end will reach far and wide.... However, My revelations will prove themselves to be true faster than you suspect. For people will experience days of terror and thereby the truth of My Word will be pointed out to them.... And then they will still have sufficient time to prepare themselves for the end which irrevocably will follow these days of terror within a very short time.... And regardless of whether you, who spread My revelations, find credence or not.... don't stop proclaiming the forthcoming event; warn and admonish your fellow human beings and convey My revelations to them.... Proclaim to them the imminent Judgment which will affect everyone, even if they don't believe your words.... __Amen
The transformation work of Earth....
In My plan of eternity the day is determined which signifies the end of this earth, which both earthly as well as spiritually entails a total change. And My plan will irrevocably be carried out, for I foresaw humanity's low spiritual level from the start, and thus the plan of Salvation is devised such that it will time and again include new developmental eras, as My love and wisdom foresaw this to be good for the spiritual beings which are intended to advance in their maturity.... Thus one developmental period comes to an end and a new one will start again.... The end of the earth can never purely be regarded as a work of destruction. It also must be realised that the still bound spiritual substances also need help to continue their development and that therefore the creation of a new earth has become necessary, which first requires the disintegration of the old works of creation on earth. But I will not let anything come upon humanity without announcing it in advance so that they can prepare themselves for it, so that they can still do what it takes in order to avoid the dreadful fate of a new banishment, which will meet those people who fail, who exist without faith in Me and who therefore have not used their life on earth to liberate themselves. Time after time I announce the end to people, and again and again I point out the signs which reveal the last days.... time after time I warn those people who carelessly and thoughtlessly live from day to day and through seers and prophets refer them to the near Judgment, for the day of the end was set from the start because I foresaw that a spiritual change for the better will not happen anymore and because people's low spiritual level requires an end. __And thus all references, all prophesies, concerning a near end should only ever be considered to be loving gestures of admonition and warning by which your God and Creator would still like to save you before it is too late.... I truly don't want your downfall, I want you to live forever and still obtain this life on earth. But you don't take any notice of what I let you know and have predicted since the beginning of the epoch.... You transfer all these announcements into the future and don't take into account that one day even the future will become the present.... And the time has come when My Word is fulfilling itself, when My plan of Salvation is being carried out.... And no matter how much you doubt when the near end is announced to you.... it will take you by surprise because the time has come to an end. Even if a thousand years are like a day before Me.... this day will also come to an end, just as the thousand years will pass by, and you are standing at the verge.... It is you who will experience the end if I don't recall one or the other of you prematurely for their own sake.... You should always bear the near end in mind, you should live as if every day is your last, as if you will have to justify yourselves the next day. And you will truly do well by turning your thoughts heavenwards, by considering the spiritual life more than the earthly one.... for then you will not need to dread an end either, you will calmly look ahead to whatever approaches you. But you will also believe that the end of this earth has come.... You will recognise the signs of the time and appeal to Me for strength.... and you will certainly be saved from ruin.... __Amen
A redeeming period is ending, for the time is fulfilled....For My plan of salvation is arranged since eternity, and it will be carried out, according to My decision by My love and wisdom. But you human can not estimate the meaning of the ending of a redeeming epoch, for the taking place of a transformation on this earth is unimaginable to you, which will destroy all creature, in which all creation, every life, will be dissolved and wiped out.... __For such a parallel mankind has never lived through, henceforth it is unbelievable to man that earth is heading towards its end. Mankind is standing before unimaginable events, but you won't be able to estimate the proper meaning in all events, because you are not aware of the seriousness in your situation. __You are heading towards the end....What you see around you, what is in existence and what you can watch, that is what will cease to exist.... everything will be destroyed, and you yourself will perish in this destruction, if you do not belong to My Own, which will be guided away through My power and My will, like I proclaimed it.... which I will carry away before the eyes of the fellow man, because they belong to Me and I can and will transplant them upon the new earth, once the transformation has taken place. __For the time is fulfilled....For every redemption period is within a restricted time frame, regardless the endless length, that man no longer knows of the beginning, thus an end you therefore think impossible....That you must experience this end, is only the result of your own will, in the resistance against Me, which you caused and are still causing with your spiritual setting within you, otherwise it could not have gotten lost, meaning you would not had to worry for the captivation into the matter in the creations of the new earth. __Your resistance alone is cause to your fate and your lot after the end of this earth, for as soon as you drop the resistance, you are turning to Me and will belong to My own, which I will save, before the coming end. For you human beings with no spiritual connection what so ever involved with everything that has to do with the "End of the old earth", it is incomprehensible, and you will never believe the time has come, whereby every single person has to make the decision for life or death, you must make the decision, for none of you will be spared of it. __You should not gloat in confidence that there will be no end to this "creation earth"....For faster as you can think; the end will be here....because the time is fulfilled. And I Myself am constant and steadfast in My Being with My action and reign. Henceforth what I have told you I must fulfill, once the time has come, My plan must be carried out. __And that which I have brought your attention to it is here, it is apparent visible in many signs, to which I showed you every time I have mentioned the end of the earth.... For who has ears to hear, he might hear....For who has eyes to see, he shall see....But you human will not hear nor see. Thus neither can I reveal Myself more plainly in order to force faith out of you. __But My indications will have no end, until the day has come. And blessed be the ones that believe My Word, who will live according to their believe and bind themselves to Me in love and trust. For those are the ones that are saved for time and eternity, for those I will take on in any earthly and spiritual need, and nevermore will they have to fear an end, because I will take them up beforehand the hour of horror but not without them being able to watch the scene of destruction, but only, for them to recognize My power and magnificence and for them to testify on the new earth, where there will be an end to every sorrow and where they can experience the happiness of the paradise. The time is fulfilled, and it will come just as foretold, for my word is truth and it will last forever.... __Amen
Signs of the last days....
You can rest assured that everything I have announced through seers and prophets will fulfil itself, for the end moves ever closer and by the signs of the times you will recognise the hour you live in. Time and again the objection is raised that the end was always dreaded during bad times and yet the earth continued to exist.... that even My disciples had counted on My early return and that they, too, had been mistaken.... And likewise they don't want to listen and believe in My present proclamations. And I repeatedly emphasize the fact that one day the future will become the presence and that you humans have now arrived at the lowest spiritual point which necessitates an end of this earth which, however, should only be understood as a total transformation of the earth's surface and not the destruction of the earth as a work of creation. For this earth will continue to fulfil its task in the universe, it will continue to shelter people for the purpose of maturing their souls.... Yet first it has to be made suitable for this again. __My Word is truth, and if I send you My Word from above, if I explain My plan of Salvation to you so that you will also know all correlations, then I actually only intend you to faithfully accept My warnings and admonitions and change your attitude towards Me accordingly.... For you should think further than just your daily life, you should think of what lies ahead of you since you know for certain that you will have to die and cannot prolong your life for even one day, that you therefore depend on the Power which had called you into being.... You should seriously deliberate these thoughts, and it will not be to your disadvantage, for then I will also help you to think clearly and to consider the idea of an end, and what this end means for each one of you. If you believe in a God and Creator Whose love called you into being then you will not be so worried when you are made aware of a near end, for then you will know that this God and Creator also holds your destiny in His hands, that you only need to commend yourselves to His love and grace in order to be safely lead through the approaching time.... And the references relating to it won't frighten you, instead you will merely join your God and Creator more closely, Whom you recognise as your eternal Father. __Yet the unbelievers will be badly affected, and to those apply My constant prophesies of a near end, for they can still change themselves during the short time they have left. Just pay attention to the signs of the time, for I have already announced those to My first disciples.... But by now you are at the start of the time of affliction, you hear about wars, about earthquakes.... accidents and disasters are increasing.... you can observe changes in the universe, and you also see how people behave who have degenerated and believe that they can interfere in My creation, who let themselves be driven to God-opposing experiments which will not end well.... __Notice the frame of mind of people who indulge in worldly pleasures, who are harsh and unloving and don't consider their neighbour's hardship.... Pay attention to the lack of faith, to their attitude towards Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, and you will know that you are already living in the midst of time which precedes the end. The battle of faith, too, will flare up with such cruelty you would not think possible. And this spiritual low level will draw the end closer and has already reached the degree which would justify My intervention, but I will not divert from the day that has been determined in My plan of Salvation since eternity.... But neither will I postpone this day, for in My wisdom I also realised when the time is right for the work of transformation to take place.... __And therefore I will let My voice be heard until the end announcing the approaching end, and happy is he who listens to this voice and prepares himself.... happy is he who wants to belong to My Own and remains loyal to Me until the end.... For I will provide him with exceptional strength, he will stand firm and need not fear the day of the end.... __Amen
The day of the end is decided for eternity....
Even if you inwardly resist the thought that everything around you shall perish, as it is constantly proclaimed to you, it will nevertheless come to pass with certainty, for My Word is truth and the end of this world in its present form has been decided for eternity.... My plan of Salvation will proceed, for once I make a decision it will not change, because profound wisdom has recognised what serves My intention from the start.... the return of all fallen spirits.... and therefore I will implement what has been decided. The fact that the precise date will never be given to you humans is explained by your freedom of will, which would be at risk were you to know the exact day and hour. But the human race will never remain without warning, I will always announce what is to come, so that they can prepare themselves and the end need not be an end to be scared of for people. And thus I reiterate over and over again that the length of time the souls were granted for this salvation or earth period has expired.... that the total transformation of the work of creation called Earth is also necessary because everything has become disorderly, because nothing which furthers the soul's development is utilised anymore and because the earth shall fulfil its purpose again: to help the souls attain maturity, which, however, makes a total transformation of its surface unavoidable. And even if you are still granted a reprieve, you should not believe that the end has been revoked.... The day will be upheld which has been preordained for eternity.... You should merely know that you have already reached the lowest point which entails an end, thus, according to the state of you souls the prerequisites for a disintegration of earth would exist already.... However, My decision is irrevocable, and thus you may regard your remaining time as a gift of grace, for you can still change, since it is never too late for that.... And therefore I call to you time and again: Believe that you are shortly facing the end. For even if a short time still passes by, it is nevertheless but a moment compared to the immense happening which will subsequently take place, which will conclude one period, the beginning of which you are incapable of ascertaining because the beginning and end of an earth period are so far apart that you cannot produce any clear evidence, nevertheless, you can be convinced that they are infinitely long periods of time. __Although the individual human being is apparently unimportant and tiny in the great events of the world, he is nevertheless a once originally created spirit whose return means a lot to Me and whom I would therefore like to save before this end, so that he will not have to spend infinitely long times in agony and wretchedness again, which he can avert from himself by merely paying attention to My admonitions and warnings which he will still receive during the last days. The remaining time of grace is only short, and every day should be regarded by you as a gift which can manage to achieve your inner change, it can mean turning back on the path you are walking.... providing you believe in an end of this earth and therefore also in an end of all living beings on earth, as it is constantly proclaimed to you. You don't believe because one day goes by like another and nothing unusual happens, and yet I give you so many wake-up calls.... you are constantly faced by different natural disasters, time and again different commotions bother you, which are intended to arouse you from the state of sleep you find so comfortable.... But you don't want to accept anything as a sign from above.... You continue with your thoughtless way of life, you smother every sense of responsibility.... You live on earth and yet do not acquire eternal life but approach death instead. Nevertheless, you have reached the end of an earth period, and if you don't believe this you will be taken by surprise and will find no way out, but prior to this you can still find it if you take the path to Me, if you hand yourselves over to your God and Creator and appeal for My shelter and protection from all difficulties of the impending time.... if only you acknowledge Me as your God Who wants to be your Father.... Then you truly no longer need fear the end, for then your return to Me will have been accomplished and I will be able to accept you in the spiritual kingdom where you can still continue to ascend if you leave this earth in a low degree of maturity. Nevertheless, you will have found Me and accomplished your return to Me in the last minute, you will have escaped My adversary and, while still on the old earth, have come to the correct realisation that you can only find salvation and beatitude in Me, and then you won't need to fear the end anymore either.... __Amen
Spiritual turning point.... The approach of night....
You humans cannot expect a spiritual revival on this earth anymore, for all forces of hell have been let loose which work on My adversary's instructions and truly have immense influence over people, because due to the extent of their own lack of spirituality they don't recognise who is controlling them. A spiritual turning point can no longer take place anymore, yet individual people can still be led onto the right path, individual people will still accomplish a change in themselves, and for the sake of these individuals everything will still be done before the end arrives. However, it will be strikingly obvious how rapidly humanity slides down, how increasingly deeper it descends into darkness and shuns the light.... it will be obvious how brutally the light of truth will be fought against, how much the unbelief comes to the fore, how far away from God people live yet pay homage to My adversary.... And therefore there can be no delay anymore because there is no further prospect that a change will ever take place unless I accomplish this change Myself.... but in a way which is unwanted by humanity.... by putting an end to everything and creating a new beginning.... The time span until the end is exceedingly short yet no-one knows the day, and therefore everyone strives half-heartedly, even My believers don't imagine it to be forthcoming so soon as to diligently work for their souls.... But I keep telling you time and again: You will be approaching it shortly.... I must reiterate this call over and over, I must incite you to be extremely active, I must also ask My servants to do their work ever more eagerly, because it is important and can still save individual people from ruin when the end arrives, which I announced on and on.... Although the events in the world will have to take their natural course, and this also places My Own into a certain state of calm, yet time and again I say to you: The end will arrive suddenly.... the day will dawn unexpectedly and end differently than usual.... it will be followed by an everlasting night and the light of day will only shine again for the few who are and will remain My Own despite the testing hostilities and pursuits by My adversary.... Admittedly, you still have to face the time of the battle of faith yet even this will only last for a short period of time, because it will be extremely fiercely waged, so that the day of My coming to earth will be precipitated by people themselves.... Events will very quickly follow each other and yet appear to people as completely natural occurrences which deserve no special merit.... hence they will not want to associate these events with the shortly approaching end.... __For this reason it will also take My Own by surprise, for I will come like a thief in the night.... because no-one will think of it if the announced event still appears to be far away. If only you humans believed that your attention is merely drawn to it so that you can prepare yourselves.... Your remorse will be painful, for all of you still do far too little for the salvation of your soul. Earthly life was not given to you as an end in itself, and every day could be utilised such that you could attain an incredible abundance of light which will provide you with incomparable beatitude in the spiritual kingdom.... and one day you will realise this and sorrowfully remember the insufficiently used time on earth. But at the time of the end no-one believes or understands it, the prevailing low spiritual level can almost not be thought worse anymore, for you humans are unable to see that which is open before My eyes, you humans must believe what cannot be proven to you, and this also includes the termination of this earthly period, which is of great spiritual significance. You must, if you don't want to believe or think yourselves unable to believe, make an effort to live a life of unselfish love, and then you will feel within yourselves that you are approaching a completely different era.... And you will not go astray, for I take pity on all those who don't entirely belong to My adversary and help them to progress further in the kingdom of the beyond, if their earthly life comes to an end before the Last Judgment.... An extremely dark night is approaching, the day soon comes to an end but as yet there is still light.... you are still able to use the light of the day and ignite a light within yourselves which will never be extinguished again.... And then you need not fear the approaching night.... . __But woe to you if you are sluggish.... if you believe that the day will never end.... Woe to you if you live from day to day without considering your soul.... And to those of you who don't fear death because you believe that you will cease to exist.... I say that you will experience death with all its terrors and that you will be unable to escape these terrors.... Then you will no longer be able to discard your life for you cannot cease to exist, you will continue to live even in the state of death, you will have to suffer agonies which you cannot get away from.... For spiritual death is far worse than the death of the body, which can also be your admission into a blissful life.... Listen to My call from above, let yourselves be warned and admonished.... Don't be indifferent and let these Words pass your ears unheeded but vividly imagine the hardship which will await you if you don't give credence to My Words.... You will constantly be able to observe the signs of the end, yet everything will happen so naturally that you certainly could believe but don't have to. Nevertheless, your beatitude depends on your belief, for only the believer will prepare himself, he will remember Me and stay in contact with Me, even when the work of disintegration has begun. For time has run out and in keeping with divine order, what has been determined in My eternal plan of Salvation will come to pass. The earth will be transformed and with it all living creations, so that all spiritual substances will be engendered into those forms again in which they belong according to their degree of maturity.... The divine order will be restored again, because there is no other way to guarantee the spirits' higher development, yet the goal of My love is only ever this higher development which intends to bring you, My living creations, closer to Me again.... __Amen
Signs and indications pointing to the end....
Unmistakable signs will announce the near end to you, yet they will only ever be recognised by those who believe, for all others will explain them as natural occurrences and ridicule those who attach a deeper significance to them. But they will nevertheless be noticed by people and everyone can form their own opinion according to their will. However, the fact that your attention will be drawn to this is a special grace, for it enables you to prepare yourselves and work more eagerly at improving yourselves, because these signs are a serious admonition for those of you who believe. These are still final times of grace which may be experienced by every person in order to successfully conclude their path of earthly life if they are used correctly. But the unbelievers, who spend their days indifferently, will be surprised by the end and their souls will experience the end in an immature state. For this end will come without fail.... If you humans are therefore constantly admonished and reminded of the end, then these, too, are blessings which you should pay attention to, which you should utilise for your soul's salvation, for God Himself approaches you with such indication, but they can only ever occur in a way that you will keep your free will.... that it will be left up to each individual person to expect or not to expect an end. But those who believe anyway will have a considerable advantage, for they will also live accordingly, they will make an effort to live in accordance with God's will and become fully mature by the end.... Nevertheless, only very few will have a fully convinced faith, for the announced event will be too huge, no-one will be able to imagine such an event and which, for as long as people populated the earth, has never before happened either, for the end of all previous redemption periods proceeded differently, it will never happen in the same way again, and no evidence as to how such a process of disintegration of creations has taken place will ever exist. Yet the Word of God is truth, and God has at all times spoken through seers and prophets and announced the forthcoming happening, He just did not state a date, for this reason people will always doubt all proclamations of this kind. But those who believe can be called blessed.... Not much time will pass anymore before the earth enters a different phase of development and a new period will start under entirely different prerequisites and living conditions, for the people of this period will have reached a degree of maturity which will also require different living conditions and tasks in order to conclude the process of development. You can take it for granted that your natural life is limited, that many will be unable to complete their normal life span on earth but that they will be recalled prematurely or still experience the forthcoming end in early life, although only hints can be given without any evidence.... for the sake of your free will.... __However, take these indications seriously and you will not regret it.... live today as if it were your last day, for the world can only offer you worthless goods which you cannot take along into eternity. Yet a right way of life according to God's will can still increase your spiritual possessions to such an extent that the end of this earth will merely open the gate to eternity for you which you subsequently will be able to enter with a rich blessing of treasures.... It will not cause you any kind of harm if you are more likely to take an end into account than a long life time on earth, for you will learn to live consciously on earth, you will think about eternity, about God and His kingdom, and you will always strive towards perfection.... You will not have much time left, therefore you should make full use of it and the benefit will not fail to materialise.... This is why the indications are constantly given to you, so that you will consider the end and live your life on earth accordingly.... __Amen
End time prophesies and admonitions....
As yet the period of Salvation is not concluded, a short period of time is still separating you humans from the final work of destruction on this earth.... And all of you could still become blessed if only you would recognise and acknowledge Me Myself in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, the spiritual state you are in when the end of this earth, or even the end of your earthly life, comes upon you depends on this..... For the end you are granted will come suddenly and unexpectedly. And yet, no human being need be unprepared, for every person will still be told often enough what is in store for all of you, he just will not want to believe it. What is about to happen to you will ring in every person's ears again and again, for all coming worldly events are also indications and signs of a near end. And likewise all people will also hear My voice resound from above, for this event will not remain hidden from any person and can still be a last warning for everyone that the end can happen just as suddenly to them as it will happen to those who fall prey to the natural disaster. It will only be a little while longer, yet it will soon pass by.... But then the end will come without fail along with the Judgment which will decide the fate of every single soul. If only you humans would just acquaint yourselves with this idea that you create your own future fate, and if only you would believe Me that you can still attain your goal with ease providing you still make use of the short time, providing you entrust yourselves to Me and appeal for My guidance.... But you don't listen to My warnings and admonitions, you remain indifferent, and you allow the disaster to confront you without protecting yourselves from it or averting it.... For you do not believe.... You don't believe My Words and I Am unable to inform you of the coming events in any other way than through My Word, in view of the fact that you must find the path to Me of your own volition and therefore you may not be given more obvious proof.... __And the wheel of time keeps turning relentlessly.... Countless people will still be recalled by Me and this, too, should arouse people from their sluggish, routine life that is like a sleep from which they will be rudely awakened one day but then have no more time to prepare themselves for the end. The sleepers don't want to forgo their rest and slowly slip into a sleep of death, for their souls can only look forward to death because they don't appreciate life enough in order to acquire eternal life for themselves. People distance themselves ever further from Me Whom they should, after all, strive towards, and they think of their divine Redeemer even less, His act of Salvation is totally ignored, and thus My adversary, who can only be overcome by the One in Whom I embodied Myself for the sake of sinful humankind, is in control of people.... But without Him the end will also be terrible for people, for they will be hopelessly at the mercy of their destiny, they will be unable to find redemption because they reject the Redeemer Himself.... because they don't take the path to Me Who alone can help them. Again and again I approach people in Jesus Christ, again and again will people be told about His Gospel, they will repeatedly be invited to profess Jesus Christ and to adopt His divine teaching of love, and the approaching end will also be repeatedly mentioned. But it will be left to them to profess Him and to accept His blessings. But without Jesus Christ they will be unable to survive this end and neither can they be admitted to the kingdom of light if they are recalled earlier without having found Him.... All the same, the end will come without fail. However, it would not have to be feared, it would not have to be dreadful if faith in My Word impelled people to diligently work at improving their soul, for then a person would establish the connection with Me in Jesus Christ and the blessings of the act of Salvation would be utilised and assuredly also lead to maturity, so that he would not have to fear the end and the Judgment.... __Amen
Signs of the last days.... Battle of faith.... Chaos....
To specify (know?) the moment of spiritual change would not benefit humanity since the precise knowledge is an interference with free will, because at the approach of the predicted time the human being would feel obliged to change his way of life. But it is not God's will that people shall receive knowledge of the day and hour when He sits in judgment over them, they shall only know that the end is near and by the signs of the time become aware of this end. However, if devout human beings ask Him for clarification He will answer them in a manner that is helpful for the salvation of their soul.... __The Last Judgment is preceded by the last days, which last just a few months and are characterized by an exceptionally rigorous battle of faith. As soon as this battle of faith is carried out quite openly, as soon as all secrecy is ignored and all spiritual aspirations are bluntly and recklessly attacked, as soon as laws and decrees are endorsed which prohibit people's spiritual pursuits, as soon as all divine commandments are no longer observed, as soon as all believers are persecuted and have no more rights, the last days have entered into their final phase and the Last Judgment can be expected daily and hourly.... However, before this battle of faith flares up, humanity will find itself in a spiritual and worldly chaos; there will be noticeable regression in every respect. And this regression will be initiated by people who are dominated by Satan. He will show himself in earthly devastation and destruction, in heartless laws, in a God- opposing way of life, in civil disobedience and rebellion against the governing powers and in brutal oppression by the latter, in restriction of freedom and in evasion of law and justice. __These conditions will ensue after a huge earthly tremor, which takes place in accordance with God's will in order to terminate a conflict between nations that human will fails to end. For the people who are affected by this earthly tremor it will denote a change of their accustomed way of life, it will be a time of greatest deprivation and most difficult living conditions, and although this time will be favourable for the spreading of the divine Word it will not signify a revival of a worldly-clerical power. People will indeed eagerly strive to improve their earthly living conditions but these efforts will not be compatible with spiritual aspirations, with the belief in an Authority Which holds them to account and with the divine commandments that require love. And that is why everything that interferes with the return to the former good living standard comes under attack. Thus the battle of faith will start soon after the divine intervention which turns global affairs into a different direction. The events will follow each other quickly as they are hastened by people's low spirit, and this spiritual low shows itself in people's heartless actions, in their thinking, which shows extreme depravity and which prepares deeds that can only be called satanic. And thereby you can identify the moment in time when God's intervention can be anticipated. The global affairs themselves shall be a timetable to you, by the actions people are capable of doing you can see that they have totally distanced themselves from God and this clearly contradicts the opinion that this human race can still expect a spiritual renaissance. __The people who faithfully remain with God will indeed intensify their intimate relationship with Him, they will be in truth His Church which will stand firm amid misery and affliction, but it is just a small group. The world, however, denies God, it is hostile towards all who support God, and this spiritual need signifies that the end is near.... Therefore pay attention to the signs of the time, pay attention to humanity's conduct, to their desertion of God and their preference of the world, when people are evidently influenced by Satan, when they are enslaved by him and do everything to disobey the divine commandments, when nothing is sacred to them any longer, neither the life of their fellow human beings nor their possessions; when lies triumph and the truth is treated with hostility you know that the end is not far. Then you can watch the events unfold as they are revealed to you, because it will all take place during the lifetime of a man who, in a manner of speaking, hastens the disintegration, who pays homage to the destructive principle, who is not constructively but destructively active. And this man's end is also the end of the world, i.e. the end of the world in its present form and the end of those people who presently inhabit the earth, which are separate from those who belong to God. And now you know that there is not much time, that you are not given a long period of time and that the end is upon you shortly. And for this reason you have to prepare yourselves, you have to live as if every day is your last because you don't know when you will be called back and whether you will live to see the end of the earth. If, however, you are needed as defenders of God during the time of battle before the end, God will also guide your thoughts correctly and you will know when the time has come.... the time of the divine intervention by means of unleashing the forces of nature, the time of the battle of faith and the time of the Last Judgment.... It is God's will that you make people aware, thus He will also enlighten your spirit and guide your thoughts in a manner that you understand correctly and only voice and reveal to your fellow human beings what you have understood properly.... __Amen
It is exceptionally misguided to state that the time of the breakdown will be in the distant future; this error is detrimental for the souls because they will pay no attention to the admonitions and warnings of the last days. But it is equally misguided trying to determine the point in time, for this knowledge is concealed from people. God always refers to the near end through seers and prophets in order to encourage people to live according to a quickly occurring end, in order to make them aware of their responsibility towards their souls and to constantly prepare themselves for the end. The end is near, yet no-one but God knows the day. The signs of the time point towards the end, nevertheless, it will come suddenly and unexpectedly for all people including the faithful who are knowledgeable and make an effort to live in accordance with the approaching end. Human mind and human intellect will never be able to penetrate the divine plan of eternity and therefore never be able to determine the time nor the manner of the end. Only where the spirit of God is at work He will instruct people as to how the end will take place, yet always leaving the day and the hour open when it happens. For this knowledge is God's prerogative and therefore concealed to people. The faithful will be able to recognise the time of the end by the low level of spiritual development, and if they expect the coming of the Lord every day and enter into heartfelt contact with God they will also sense when the Day of Judgment is approaching. __But anyone who wants to calculate the time in advance, anyone who deems himself to know without the obvious working of the spirit, will be mistaken in his announcement, people should not believe him for he only contributes towards increasing the unbelief in the end. Even the forerunner of the Lord, who will be sent to Earth by God Himself in order to save the still undecided, even he will not specify a day.... He, too, will proclaim the imminent end and admonish people to expect it daily and hourly. He will be enlightened by the spirit of God, and the Father-Spirit, Who speaks in and through him, truly knows the day and the hour. And yet he, too, will still keep it secret from people because the knowledge of it will be of no use to them. And thus the hour will come suddenly and unexpectedly, as it was proclaimed by God.... His voice will resound in the midst of the euphoria of the world, to the horror of the unbelievers but to the comfort and joy of those who are faithful.... __Amen
Faithless humanity.... The end is near....
Each day takes you closer to the end. Time passes quickly, yet the human race is not aware of what each day still means for people, what they could still acquire and how soon the time they are still granted until the end will be over. The human race does not consider the end and thus lives without worry or only worries about earthly things. Humanity is blind and does nothing to open its eyes; it is alive and approaches death even though it is meant to acquire eternal life while it still lives on earth. And yet, nothing else can be done than to proclaim to it the near end through seers and prophets, only the Gospel can be conveyed to it, and anyone who believes in it will be saved.... However, people live without faith; although they don't always openly reject what is presented to them by God, by Christ, by the beyond, they nevertheless don't possess the right faith, the inner conviction of it, and thus their belief is worthless. But if you humans don't want to go astray you must gain this faith. For without faith you will neither call upon God nor appeal for gifts of grace so as to be able to become suitable for the afterlife. Without faith you won't establish the connection with Jesus Christ, Who alone is the path to eternal life.... without faith you won't live your earthly life consciously with a spiritual goal, instead you will live purely an earthly life which achieves nothing for eternal life. Faith has to come alive in you or become convinced faith, if it is merely conventional belief.... Hence you must listen to what God's messengers proclaim to you; you should not instantly reject what you are preached but make an effort to think about it.... __If your will is good you won't find it difficult to believe, in that case you will already be consciously considering the end. You will take the possibility into account; you will try to change, for that is the effect of true faith.... If your will is good.... for good will also always develops the love within itself, because a good will always arises from a good heart. __And love helps you to gain a convinced faith. For this reason good and helpful people are more likely to believe in the end, for this belief arises from love and is constantly nourished by love. Just try to gain the right kind of faith, a living faith, which impels you to work at improving your soul.... And once you have gained it you will also confer it on your fellow human beings, for there is great hardship amongst humanity, precisely because you lack the right faith in Jesus Christ as the Redeemer, in eternal life in the spiritual kingdom. This concept is unreal to people, at best they merely profess it with their mouth while their heart is unaware of it; but then the human being lacks the knowledge and strength to transform himself, subsequently, earthly life comes to an end without having led to the goal, without having attained the maturity which assures him eternal life. And the end is coming ever closer.... Anyone who remains without faith is approaching a dreadful end, a fate which would horrify him if he knew of it. God's messengers, the servants He chose Himself, proclaim it to people and draw their attention to the near end. Listen to them if they come to you, and think about what they say.... and take the possibility into account that they have told you the truth. Then you will strive towards changing yourselves, the earthly world will no longer seem so important to you and you will take better care of your soul; then you will not have to fear the near end either, for it will only be a transition for you into a new life which will make you increasingly happier because it can never be taken from you again.... __Amen
Final rescue work.... Callers and admonishers....
I want to accept all those of you who want to serve Me. Much work is yet to be done until the end, and precisely for this work I need faithful and enthusiastic servants who are aware of their task and so devoted to Me that they will only ever undertake what they recognise as My will.... but who also recognise people's spiritual low level and their frightening end if they don't change. The end will come without fail because it will be caused by humanity itself, and even if a few people strive towards ascent.... they will be unable to delay the end because these few cannot achieve a complete spiritual change and the whole of humanity would persistently strive towards the abyss.... thus, a change for the better is entirely out of the question precisely because of people's utter decline of spirituality. The end of this Earth will certainly also signify a Judgment.... compensation for the profane way of life, a separation of good and evil.... But far more than that, it will be an act of mercy for the wretched souls in the abyss.... which intends to put a stop to its constant downward striving and therefore it will be deprived of its freedom of will again.... just as it will signify an act of love for the still bound spiritual substance which is still on the path of higher development. Consequently, the end can no longer be prevented.... And yet, prior to this, much can still be done for these downwards striving souls, for people who blindly rush headlong into disaster. Everyone who is being warned can come to a halt, take stock of himself and take a path which leads to a different goal.... every human being can be stopped in his fall into the abyss.... Although anyone who confronts these constantly downwards striving people and cautions them to stop.... who describes to them the horrors and torments awaiting them at the end of their way, who draws their attention to or leads them to the right path, will not prevent the end anymore but he will save individual people from the pit, for as long as a path of ascent still exists it will not be too late for them to look for and to enter it.... As long as the end has not arrived, every individual person can still avert the horrors of the end from himself. For I Am a God of love and not of wrath, I Am a God of life and not of death and destruction.... My plan has certainly been definite ever since the beginning and no-one will be able to overturn it, no-one can intervene in My law of eternal order, but everyone can integrate in this order before it is too late, and it is only too late when the day of the end has come.... For this reason I bless all those who place themselves at My disposal as callers and admonishers, who advise and help, warn and admonish; I bless all those who - taking the right path themselves - also try to entice their fellow human beings to enter it; I bless every act of love that is done with the aim of rescuing people before the end. As long as the Earth still exists it is a time of grace, since every individual can still turn back, come to his senses and change.... For as yet the human being is still capable of thinking and of praying.... However when the last day has come, it will be too late for those who neglected to look upwards.... Therefore you should all use the time which is still left to you and work diligently for Me, because those of you who are knowledgeable shall carry your knowledge amongst the people, and even if only a few seeds fall on good ground and take root.... it is an incredibly urgent and much needed rescue work which requires all your will.... But don't grow tired and complacent, for there is not much time left.... Therefore take action and work while you still have the light of day, for the night will come when you will no longer be able to work.... __Amen
Rapture.... And the graves will still release many....
Time and again you will receive clarification through My Word concerning spiritual problems which you are unable to work out by yourselves.... where My spirit has to intervene if your thinking is to be correct, thus correspond to the truth. Only truth has a beneficial effect, the soul cannot derive any advantage from misguided thinking, instead it will even thicken its surrounding layer because misguided thinking does not originate from Me but from My adversary. Yet people are not always capable of accepting the pure truth unveiled, like children they sometimes have to be taught by way of images and parables which, however, nevertheless entirely correspond to the truth. And wherever this is the case My adversary likewise seeks to intrude and distort these images and parables to prevent people from thinking correctly. And thus it necessitates enlightenment through the spirit in order to provide a correct explanation or to enable someone to understand what was offered to people in a veiled form, what seers and prophets predicted on My instructions. Humanity's spiritual state demanded such veiled portrayal, because the unveiled truth would have seemed utterly implausible to those who had not recognised people's spiritual development as their purpose on earth and therefore My written Word.... the Book of the Fathers.... would also have been completely discarded, since the events at the end, had they been portrayed unveiled, would not have found belief and thus given rise to total rejection of My Word. I have always prevented an unveiled description of the final events but always provided explanations if they were needed. But as a result there are also various opinions represented amongst people and everyone endorses his own according to his spiritual state, yet only an 'enlightened spirit' will think correctly and be able to 'unveil' the 'veiled' truth! __The end is near.... and only a few people will be able to observe the developments at the end, because they shall inform the coming human generation on the new earth of My Power and Glory, of the conclusion of the old and the beginning of a new period of Salvation. These few, however, will be lifted away by Me from earth as soon as the end has come. But when this happens much wailing and lamenting will arise on earth, for this 'process of rapture' will be seen by all people on earth and triggers.... because it is beyond natural law.... immense terror, for then the people staying behind will know that they will become victims of destruction. These people will not see My coming in the clouds because I cannot be visible to those who adhere to My adversary.... Only My Own will be able to see Me and, full of joy and praise, stretch out their arms towards Me… And I will lift them up to Me before their fellow human beings' eyes. And just a few will cry out to Me in intense distress, not driven by fear but in sudden realisation and utter remorse.... I know them and address them time and again, they merely need a profound shock in order to surrender their resistance and hand themselves over in their hearts.... And these are the people who will 'arise from their graves' in order to also be taken away from the earth, because I know their hearts, they call upon Jesus Christ with profound faith in Him and His help and thus they will find redemption from sin and death. And the graves will still release many.... Dead people who will arise into life.... People who will be more impressed by the final events on this earth than they care to admit, where only the lid will have to be pushed aside from the grave, which will be achieved by the tremors at the end.... But what will still happens before that can yet contribute towards the awakening of dead souls, for hell will spew out its most evil demons.... And elevated beings will descend from the kingdom of light and the struggle for people's souls will be plain and observable by My Own, who will then experience the exposure of what had previously only been announced to them in a veiled form.... __And the scales will suddenly fall from the eyes of My Own, for then they will understand what hitherto had remained concealed to them but what the spiritually awakened person essentially understood. But since people are particularly strongly attached to matter in the end, the knowledge about My 'plan of Salvation' for redeeming the souls will also be little known.... And this alone is the key to all revelations which were given to people in a veiled form. People are unaware of individual periods of Salvation even if they believe in a justification, a last Judgment, and in an end of the world. And according to this knowledge they try to interpret the revelations which relate to this end. And the more intellectually they do so, the more confused become their results. My spirit, however, reveals to them in most simple terms the signs as well as the happenings at the end.... And the rapture of My Own will be the last process taking place on this earth before its destruction, before the complete change of this earth's external shape, which will wipe out all life on it. It is not as if there will still be a long time afterwards in which people can discuss this happening.... for this would undeniably signify compulsory faith for those left behind, no human being would then be able to close their mind to the realisation of a living God and be forced to believe in Him. Yet I don't use such means in order to gain this faith, consequently the end will come as soon as I fetch My Own from this earth. The horror of this will coincide with the horror of certain death facing those who are left behind, for the earth will open up and flames burst through, people will feel paralysed and incapable of thinking apart from the few which only need a small incentive to recognise Me and call upon Me in utmost need.... But they are known to Me and therefore I will have mercy upon them and their souls will not have to share the agonising fate of the others.... __Whatever will come to pass, it was only possible to give people an illustrative prediction, for they would never have understood it as long as My eternal plan of Salvation could not be explained to them. And people's low spiritual state did not allow for this.... My Word, however, has always been preached to people, and My Word urged them to be lovingly active. Complying with My Word, complying with My commandment of love would have guided you humans into realisation and thus also into the knowledge of My plan of Salvation. In that case they would have understood the symbolic descriptions, which certainly were understood by those whose life of love had resulted in spiritual enlightenment. Yet the nearer it gets to the end the more people's thinking will become confused and the more mysterious are the images which their intellect is now trying to decipher. People should only ever try to keep to what I Myself told them while I lived on earth.... They should accept My Words and live accordingly, and they would be surprised to realise that they are becoming enlightened, that they fully understand everything which so far had been ambiguous to them.... for then My spirit can work in them and kindle a bright light for them. However, anyone who believes himself capable of gaining realisation through eager studies yet neglects to live according to My will, will never attain realisation. He will lose himself in ever more erroneous thinking and no matter what he believes himself to have discovered.... he will have to discard it again and find no illumination within himself. Only My commandments of love and their fulfilment ensure your correct thinking, and in that case every Word, every prediction and every indication about the end will be understandable to you, for then you will be enlightened by My spirit, which never errs and always guides you into truth.... __Amen
Catastrophe.... Antichrist.... Battle of faith.... End....
What will still take place before the end of the earth can only ever be announced as something extremely difficult and sorrowful for humanity, for God's voice will sound everywhere, albeit in entirely different ways.... For where His Words of love are ignored He will manifest Himself more clearly; there will be suffering and adversity in all places, accidents and catastrophes will alternate with natural occurrences, where the elements threaten and destroy life.... And all this is God's working or His permission to disturb people and make them aware of the real purpose for their earthly life. And where people are united with Him the hardship will be easier to bear, since He will not abandon His Own even though they are in the midst of these happenings and unable to avoid the immense adversity during the last days before the end. __And you all only need to take notice of what happens around you and in the world, for they are visible warning signs and for the believer always recognisable as God's intervention or permission, because you were foretold that you will have to endure severe hardship and affliction before the end. All the signs which were predicted for the end are recognisable; yet you humans always want to see it in the distant future, you don't want to believe that the time of the end has come. But you have also been told that the time will be shortened for the sake of those who want to believe and stand firm. And thus everything will happen in very quick succession.... The affliction and hardship, the battle of faith and the Antichrist's fury.... which will emerge only too clearly, and this alone should make the end time credible to you. For the people who are enslaved by him will surpass each other in evilness, hatred, lies and vindictiveness, craving for power and tyrannies will clearly identify his actions, and people will support him because they agree with his will and ruthlessly proceed against their fellow human beings who still believe and want to remain faithful to God. __And these will receive exceptional protection and strength, for God will stay with His Own and lead them through all adversity and difficulties. And blessed is he who recognises the time and entrusts himself to the only One, Who can protect him in every hardship.... blessed is he who believes.... blessed is he who lets Him speak to him and constantly receives strength from Him.... For even this difficult time will come to an end and the fate of those who endure to the end will be a blissful one. Sooner or later the power of God's adversary will be defeated, then he and his followers will be bound and there will be peace again on earth.... But not on this earth anymore because its end has come according to the law of eternity.... But it will emerge anew through God's might, and people who endure to the end will be relocated to the paradise of the new earth, because they believe in their God and Father Who will save them from utmost hardship and affliction.... For the time is fulfilled and the end comes as it is announced in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
The predetermined day of the end will be kept....
The day that My wisdom predetermined in order to cause a transformation on earth, which merely serves a worldly inclined human race as a dwelling place but is no longer used as a spiritual place of education, is not far away.... The day is not far away when My will shall implement an act which will aim to achieve the complete transformation of the external shape of the work of creation called earth, which will signify the destruction of all life in, on and above the earth as well as all existing works of creation.... For My plan of Salvation has been determined for eternity and the time will be kept which I, in My wisdom, recognised to be necessary in order to create new opportunities for maturing for the spiritual beings.... And you humans will not be able to persuade Me to abandon this plan or to grant you more time, for I know and have known for eternity humanity's spiritual state at this point in time, which is precisely the reason why a complete change is needed, a renewed transformation of all spiritual beings which are on the path of return to Me.... Consequently, My predictions that you should not count on a long time ought to be taken literally.... that you should not transfer the announced end to the future, for one day even the future will become the present, and this time has arrived. Moreover, you humans can see for yourselves by all the happenings in the world and around you that people's spiritually low level can almost not be surpassed anymore, and therein you will also have to recognise the reason for a near end, for everything has become disorderly, the development of the spiritual beings has come to a standstill if it is not in fact regressing.... __Hence you are living with false hope if you humans believe that you can win Me over through prayer, even if I keep telling you that prayers have great strength.... But what you pray for is only ever a selfish prayer, because you are not prepared to surrender your earthly life, and therefore you only pray that I should preserve the earth so that you will not have to fall prey to the end as well.... Your prayer should only concern the state of your fellow human beings' souls, you should only take care of your spiritual maturation and pray for each other and not appeal to Me to abandon a final destruction, for this is needed for the spiritual substances which are still bound in the creation which, just like you, are entitled to ascend so that one day they will also be permitted to become a human shell. But people forfeit their own right to be embodied on earth because they no longer take even one step upwards but are more inclined to strive towards the abyss again. A prolonged existence on this earth would be of no benefit whatsoever for these souls, instead they would sink even lower still, and they shall be prevented from doing so.... which will happen through a new banishment.... so that they will be wrested away from My adversary again, who had too much control over them as human beings in earthly life. You humans should only pray on behalf of each other that the souls will still release themselves from his control before the end.... Such a prayer of loving intercession for one of your fellow human beings will also reach My ear and be granted.... yet you will not succeed in trying to persuade Me to change My plan of eternity, after all, I know what is beneficial for all My living creations and what will help them to progress. __Therefore, anyone who wants to work for Me in My vineyard should take into account that the imminent end is a fact and thus be appropriately active on earth by preaching love and by also drawing all people's attention to the proclaimer of this divine teaching of love, to Jesus Christ, so that they will take the path to Him and under His cross become redeemed from sin and death when the end has come.... Then they will either enter the kingdom of light or be placed onto the new earth where they will be assured of a paradisiacal stay, which is already comparable to entering the kingdom of light, because people will have passed their test of earthly life and become free from guilt. And so that many people will still be able to reach this goal I continue to address them time and again through you, My messengers on earth, who receive My Word directly and pass it on to wherever it will be faithfully accepted. And this speech will not cease until the end, for I know who is suited to hear My Word, who allows My ray of love to flow into his heart and also makes correct use of it. And they will testify time and again that the end is not far away, they will never cease to mention My plan of Salvation and constantly refer to Jesus Christ and His act Salvation.... Time after time I will also emphasise His great significance and refer people to Him, Who alone can deliver them from the fall into the deepest abyss. And anyone who is able to believe in an end will not fear it either, for his faith has come alive through love and a person who lives in love will always also have the strength to defy all onslaughts which will still confront him in the last days.... For love itself is strength, because love connects the human being with Me, the Eternal Love, and thus constant strength flows to him from Me. And truly, none of you need to fear the end if only you would make the effort to live a life of love.... Humanity, however, is lacking love and is therefore descending ever deeper and thus causing the end itself.... as I have recognised for eternity and therefore My plan of Salvation will be implemented, as it was proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
(Continuation of no. 8500) Time indication....
You will never receive any indication in regards to time, because it would only have a damaging effect on your soul if you knew exactly when a prediction would take place. You should certainly take notice of it because I want you to prepare yourselves, because I want to admonish and caution you.... admonish, so that you will eagerly work at improving your soul and caution, so that you will not become complacent, which you will bitterly regret one day. This is why I have informed you of future happenings and indeed pointed forthcoming events out to people since the beginning of this period of salvation, for the idea of approaching them shortly should encourage you to live in accordance with My will and thus fulfil your purpose of earthly life.... Yet the time when you should expect the announced events has never been specified, and this made you become half-hearted regarding these predictions.... You always assume that My predictions will fulfil themselves in the distant future.... But you fail to consider that time passes constantly, that you draw ever closer to this future and that one day even the `future' becomes the `present'.... Thus I once again predict to you that the end of this earth, the end of a period of Salvation, is soon to come. And I keep referring to it with increasing urgency because it seems incredible to you that you should live in this end time.... Once again I don't give you the precise time and will not do so until the end so as not to compel your will.... __Yet one thing I will tell you, you don't have much time left, very soon the time will come when all My predictions will fulfil themselves and you should not rely on the fact that one day is like a thousand years to Me.... Even a thousand years eventually pass by, and thus even the period of Salvation in which you live will come to its end one day, for sooner or later a new period will have to start if only for the sake of the bound spiritual substances in the works of creation which shall continue their development.... And again I only say, you are on the verge of it.... But time and again I repeat these Words with such urgency that you should nevertheless start to think.... Time and again I try to attract labourers during the last days before the end because I urgently need them in view of the forthcoming event, I convey remarkable knowledge to you humans so that you learn to understand My predictions, so that you know the reasons on which My proclamations are based.... I do this because the end is very near and because you ought to believe that My Words will fulfil themselves.... Yet even now I cannot specify the time since I don't want to throw you into incalculable chaos.... For the knowledge of the precise day and hour would throw you into dreadful confusion and no longer result in any kind of maturity. I can only repeatedly and ever more urgently draw your attention to the fact that you must take the fulfilment of all predictions into account, that you should not rely on the fact that you yourselves will not experience them anymore.... __No-one knows the hour of his death and neither will anyone know as to whether he will be taken by surprise by the announced end, by the immense work of destruction and its predecessor, the unexpected natural disaster, and whether he will have to live through everything that happens in the last days, for I keep telling you: You are on the verge of it, you don't have much time left and every day and every hour you must take into account that I will extraordinarily manifest Myself through the elements of nature, and then you will also know that the end is no longer far away.... Therefore you should live in accordance with My will.... It will enable you to approach all events without fear.... You should only unite yourselves with Me through deeds of love, prayer and frequent thoughts and truly, your souls will not be harmed even if I prematurely call you back.... But I will also physically protect you if it is My will that you should still serve Me until the end.... Yet never expect Me to disclose a time to you, for it would not be of any benefit whatsoever for you, who serve Me, nor for your fellow human beings whose state of maturity is even less suitable for such knowledge. Yet whatever knowledge you can possibly impart to your fellow human beings about the forthcoming events, about My eternal plan of Salvation and the Father's infinite love Who wants to save all His children before the end.... should be done by you, and thus you still carry out fruitful vineyard work for Me until the end.... For every soul which still finds deliverance is a gain for Me for which I will truly reward you.... __Amen
God's intervention.... The end of the struggle....
The more the world becomes entangled in error the more it distances itself from God and the more heartless are the actions and thoughts of people who are worldly minded. And the increased unkindness also propels people into actions which surpass all previous happenings, and so people induce God's intervention themselves. People no longer realise that what they are doing is wrong. Global affairs will be steered into a direction for which no earthly solution can be found anymore, people's thinking is wrong and far removed from the truth, goodness will be persecuted and evil respected, and thus divine order will be revoked which is bound to result in a complete decline. And so the day which puts an end to the chaos comes ever closer, for the situation is so disastrous for humanity that God has set an end to it. And this end is approaching, the end of people raging against each other, the end of the war between nations which could never find God's approval because it is a battle for power which is not based on noble motives. People's hatred and heartlessness have given rise to it, yet they learn nothing in this battle, they have become more heartless than ever and their hate has deepened and manages to achieve such disgraceful deeds that they cannot be surpassed. And God will put a stop to this activity in a way that He shall thereby be recognised.... He will send a dreadful tribulation upon humankind which cannot be averted by their own will. He will terrify them and let them feel their own impotence because the elements of nature will be unleashed, leaving people defenceless and at their mercy. __And this day will not be long in coming. It will arrive so suddenly and unexpectedly that it will cause sheer horror, it will only take hours and yet be of such drastic significance that everything will have changed afterwards and people will only gradually become aware of the disaster when they have realised the full extent of the divine intervention. For God wants to reveal Himself with His intervention, He wants to show them that He Himself will bring about the end because people cannot find an end, because they would rather tear each other apart than give in and bring the indescribable adversity to a close. And this is why the end will be different from how people imagine it, God will demonstrate His power and remove the weapons from the hands of the earthly rulers, He will decide, and the outcome of the war between the nations will disappoint those people who wanted to achieve with violence what they were not entitled to and who therefore shall recognise their helplessness. For it is God Who ultimately determines world events, even if human will thinks that it directs them. And God's wisdom also recognises the most effective means for people and uses it in order to control the chaos which is the result of heartlessness and therefore has to lead to the downfall if God Himself will not put an end to it. __And the period of war will be followed by a new time of conflict which, however, will not erupt for the sake of worldly power but for spiritual supremacy, because the end is near and this spiritual battle will still have to be fought, the battle which concerns the faith in Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer and His teaching.... __Amen
The end is determined by people themselves.... Low level....
My eternal decision included the end, and thus it will come without fail when people's low spiritual level demands it.... The end will therefore be preceded by a time when people distance themselves from Me of their own free will, so that I can no longer influence them with My strength of love because they will prevent it themselves. But where My strength of love stops, i.e. where it is no longer able to affect the spirit, that is where life.... activity.... will also come to an end. The spiritual being will descend into a state of solidification. This will be the result of insufficient strength, to which it will have shut itself off. The human being as such will still be in possession of vital energy, but since he will be using it in a completely wrong way during the last days, since he, instead of striving towards Me, will strive away from Me completely of his own free will, I will also have to take his vital energy away from him, which will therefore signify the physical end of countless spiritual beings which are embodied as human beings on earth and which, deprived of their final form of development, will subsequently completely solidify again, thus descend into weakness and darkness, until My love gives them a form once again in which their process of development can start anew. The spiritual being cannot live, thus be active, without an influx of strength, yet this strength will not flow to it against its will while it is in a state of free will. At the start of its incarnation as a human being the latter is certainly weak-willed, or his will is still undecided, and he can use the vital energy he is granted as a gift of grace in any way.... But once people have reached the lowest point when they no longer make use of this vital energy in order to attain spiritual strength, when they consciously resist the influx of strength from Me, I will also withdraw the energy of life from them.... They will have to repeat the process of development once more, which starts again with an utterly weak state in the most solid form, in hard matter, the overcoming of which takes an infinitely long time again.... I would like to spare the spiritual beings this long captivity, and therefore all conceivable means will be used by My love beforehand, yet people are beyond learning.... __If My servants explain their spiritual hardship to them, if they are reminded of the serious consequences of their unbelief , if their attention is drawn to the shortly approaching end, they close their ears. They don't believe in My eternal plan of Salvation, they don't believe in Me and My never-ending love and thus they precipitate the end themselves.... They not only remain on their low spiritual level but continue to descend ever further.... Their own will hastens the dissolution of that which shelters spirits, just as their own will lets the human being return to that which his soul had already overcome long before.... It is not My but people's own will which determines the end, yet I have foreseen this will for eternity and thus will constrain it once again because freedom of will is being misused. Anyone who has My Word knows about My love, he knows about My plan of Salvation to redeem the souls and he also foresees the end, for he recognises the spiritual hardship. Yet anyone who does not recognise this hardship is not imbued by My love, he is still in spiritual darkness and can hardly step out from this into the light of day. For he needs My Word to do so, the light which illuminates him and enriches his knowledge.... And he will understand the physical adversity of the time, which is caused by the immense spiritual hardship. Anyone who has My Word will expect the end with profound faith, for everything will come to pass as I proclaimed in Word and Scripture. Therefore, pay attention to My Word when it is imparted to you through My messengers.... pay attention to the Word which is conveyed to you from above, which guarantees you the absolute truth which originates from Me, the Giver of truth, and which I impart to you with all My love, so that you will find the path to Me through the Word, so that you will not be lost to My kingdom, so that you need not go through the process of development again, which would mean indescribable agony for your souls.... Pay attention to the Word so that you will belong to My Own, who will be spared at the end in order to enter the kingdom of peace, as I have promised.... __Amen
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