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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 2 transcriptions | ID of collection 636023
Developing the ability to hear God's voice....
You can confidently defend that which you hear from Me Myself as pure truth, you can stand up for it with conviction and you can believe that every future event I have revealed to you will come to pass. You can depend on the voice of the spirit, for it is My voice which you hear inside of you, because it is My will that the truth shall be conveyed to you humans and that you, who hear Me, shall distribute this truth amongst people. If you believe in Me at all then it must also be understandable to you that you are also in a certain relationship with Me, that you, as My living creations, are despite your isolation in spiritual contact with Me which is therefore demonstrated to you through My address. You can hear Me in the form of thoughts arising in you which, however, do not originate in yourselves but which flow to you from Me but of which you only become clearly conscious when your soul is capable of hearing with spiritual ears.... when it has shaped itself such that it thus can understand My mentally spoken Word and subsequently also pass it on to the intellect. Although My Word sounds constantly it nevertheless requires the ability to hear it which the human being first has to acquire through a way of life according to My will. My Word cannot be heard where this ability has neither been aspired to nor where the faith is missing that the human being is able to hear Me Myself within himself.... The human being has to prepare himself as a receiving terminal, he must comply with all conditions, only then will he be able to grasp and understand My thoughts which incessantly pour into infinity, so that he will feel himself addressed by Me Myself and perceive every Word from Me as a lovingly offered nourishment for his soul and then only ever strives for this bread from heaven.... __And thus you will be unable to say that I only speak to this or that person but My Word sounds always and forever in the spiritual kingdom and everyone can hear it, whether he still lives on earth or already in the kingdom of the beyond. However, it will only be heard by the spiritual ear, and this spiritual ear has to be trained first, which always requires a life of love.... the fulfilment of My commandments. I will reveal Myself to anyone who lives up to the easy commandments of love for God and one's neighbour, that is, he will hear My voice within himself, for he has prepared himself to receive My spirit.... You need only ever understand these Words correctly: My spirit works incessantly but it will not forcibly penetrate where it meets with opposition. Once the opposition is broken, which consisted of the fact that the being became heartless and rejected My love, it will also open itself again for My illumination, and that means as much as that it will become bright and light within, so that it will see what it previously did not see and hear what it was unable to hear before: Me Myself, My Word, which sounds in him again as it was in the beginning.... And during the last days before the end the inner opposition is particularly strong, which shows itself in people's heartless attitude. And the result of this is that a person only rarely believes in My direct speech through My spirit. A completely natural process, which in the very beginning was known to all beings, has become something inconceivable when, in fact, it should take place in every human being, because everyone has the ability within himself but does not develop it.... or, due to lack of knowledge and unbelief, does nothing in order to be able to communicate with his Father like a child so as to be deemed worthy by Him of His speech.... And people can only ever be instructed but not forcibly be transformed in a way that all requirements exist in order to be able to hear My voice within themselves. It has to be left to every human being himself what he makes of the instructions.... My Word can only be given indirectly to everyone, but then it must also be lived up to so that the person will then experience the truth of My Word for himself.... __Amen
Unusual phenomena.... (UFO's)
Anyone who mentally ventures beyond earthly spheres will also be influenced by forces of the beyond, for he is constantly surrounded by such forces. But this influence is of a spiritual nature, because contact between this world and the world of the beyond gets established through the human being's will. However, you humans must differentiate between establishing contact with Me through prayer.... and contact with the spiritual world due to your will to gain knowledge from these spiritual powers, thus opening yourselves up to the influence of this spiritual world. No such established contact will remain unused, irrespective of whether I Myself or spiritual forces react to it, because the initiated connections from earth to the spiritual world are extremely important for the development of the human being's soul. For the effectively spiritually blind human being shall acquire spiritual vision, and his spiritual eyes can only be opened through an inflow of light which either flows to the human being from Me directly or also through the spiritual beings of light. Hence, any link from earth to the spiritual world is welcomed by the beings of light, who are aware of peoples' state of darkness on earth and would very gladly like to give them light in accordance with My will.... However, they are governed by My will to give what is beneficial for people. And My will also stops them where too bright a light might damage a person by dazzling his eyes and rendering him incapable of perception. __My adversary, however, uses deceptive lights precisely because he wants to impair people's vision, because he wants people's eyes become entirely incapable of recognising the soft light coming from Me, which has a beneficial effect and brightly and clearly shows the right path to Me. Therefore he endeavours to let as many deceptive lights shine as possible in order to confuse people.... He endeavours to lead people into a direction where they apparently can gain information, where the human being believes to get hold of knowledge and yet receives completely misleading spiritual values.... My adversary has many such means which he uses to cause ever greater mental confusion in people. He often ignites such glaring deceptive lights that people will be engulfed by darkest night if they have looked into this light for a long time, since it will not provide them with permanent enlightenment but suddenly return them into total darkness again. And countless dark forces are supporting him by participating and appearing as supposed beings of light.... by prompting people to establish the above mentioned links with the spiritual world by way of improper thought transferences which either flatter people or promise them advantages, so that they will follow these thoughts and thus enter a region which is governed by dark powers. Just the intention of wanting to acquire knowledge without turning to the right source can lure people into a dangerous region from which they can only save themselves again with great difficulty.... The will to step out of the ordinary, to experience the extraordinary and wanting to excel with exceptional knowledge leads people into this dangerous position where dark forces overpower him and thus dazzle his vision. __And in view of the end there is an increased risk, for the universe is full of poison-spitting spirits which are loyal vassals to My adversary in order to corrupt people. His influence is powerful because the human being does not resist him, but he could become master over him by just entrusting himself to Me Myself in Jesus Christ, Who had defeated him through My crucifixion. But instead of calling upon Me the human being calls upon other powers in the universe, and he will indeed be heard by these powers and helped.... frequently in a way which brings ever greater darkness instead of brightness. He moves increasingly further away from the truth, he allows himself to be captivated by delusions, by illusions brought into being by My adversary.... He offers immature spirits the opportunity to express themselves and accepts their information as pure truth.... He is most dreadfully deceived by My adversary and always believes himself to be enlightened.... But he will not accept the truth which consists of the fact that My Word cannot fade away, that it will come to pass and that My Word has announced an end ever since the beginning of this era.... And this end will come and no one will be able to stop it.... And anyone seeking protection will only find it with Me, yet a person will call for help in vain if he turns to powers which promise him protection but are unable to provide it.... For these powers only aim to corrupt you, to withhold the truth from you and not to let you find the light.... And if you listen to them you will then also go astray and remain in their power for an infinitely long time.... __Amen
Blind faith and dead Christianity....
It is difficult to convince people of the fact that I cannot be satisfied with a formality.... and by 'formality' I mean the following of human traditions and customs, which are totally worthless, precisely because they are only a habit, an adopted heritage which is a mere pretence and therefore cannot be pleasing to Me. For I want truth, a living Christianity, I want people to follow eagerly and be alive themselves, for I will never be able to appreciate or approve of that which is dead. And dead is everything people acquire or adopt from their fellow human beings without first having seriously formed an opinion of it themselves. If therefore a person was taught to accept a certain point of view he is, as soon as he is able to think, duty bound to deliberate on it and only what he accepts or rejects of his own free will are his own thoughts, for the use of which he will have to justify himself. But he will also have to justify himself for blind faith.... Such faith can never be credited to him as pleasing to God, for I cannot condone that everything is thoughtlessly and unhesitatingly believed and that the human being himself does not scrutinise anything he is expected to believe. And neither will he ever be able to claim that 'teachers' had instructed him in such ways, for he is.... seeing that he can think for himself.... in a position to think about what he is demanded to believe. And if he seriously wants to discover the truth his thoughts will also be guided correctly. But most people lack this serious will; hence they thoughtlessly accept everything and then live in the belief that they are true Christians as long as they don't reject the religious doctrines regarding Jesus Christ. But what they possess is a far cry from faith, for a faith that is of value before My eyes must be alive and can only be gained through a serious attitude.... But where can this be found?.... __People are often satisfied with the one-time instruction in their youth, which they then take along into adult life and believe that this knowledge is enough and that they have no further responsibility towards a God and Creator.... How very mistaken they are, and how empty they will stand before Me one day when I demand accountability for their life on earth.... Yet they cannot be convinced of their wrong thinking, or they would make an effort to gain insight and with a living spirit also deal with the hitherto dead knowledge they possess. There are only a few who are not satisfied and search in order to find the truth.... And these few will indeed find it because they inwardly search for Me Myself, the Eternal Truth Itself. But all people would be able to search, for all people are able to think, and every serious thought would lead them to the right path of their search, for then I Myself will already be prepared to stretch out My hands and draw everyone desiring enlightenment out of the dark into the light. However, as long as a person does not realise that he is on the wrong path he will not look around in search of the right path either.... And people believe that they take the correct path because they are persuaded to believe it by leaders who have not yet found the right path themselves. And thus it remains up to every individual person himself, but indirectly every individual will be helped time and again, he will be mentally admonished to reflect and to ask himself how he will fare when he must justify himself before Me.... And if he remains in silence for a while after such inner questions I will also answer them, for I only require him to turn to Me consciously.... Then I will never leave his side until he is on the right path of looking for Me and then he will also most certainly find Me.... __Amen
Answers to questions.... Serious examination of the origi...
I want to answer your every question providing you are capable of completely closing yourselves to the world and its impression, thus with an utterly empty heart only yearn for My presence, then you will also be able to hear My Word without any kind of ambiguity.... for which it is absolutely imperative to put all earthly matters aside. This is also why so much is being endorsed as 'My Word' where a person's thoughts were still too involved, where this 'silence in God' had not been established, where My answer had not been waited for. It always depends on the degree of love and unity with Me that and in which way a person is being addressed by Me, and someone who completely hands himself over to Me need not fear misconstruing the communication he receives.... He will, without hesitation, be able to endorse everything as My merciful expression, and therefore he will also unhesitatingly be able to ask questions but they will certainly be mainly of a spiritual content, because a child which totally hands itself over to Me will be far more interested in spiritual than earthly questions. Yet people are still very attached to the world and often desire explanations about purely worldly things, which they always present to Me in the hope that I will give them the desired answer. And this jeopardizes the judgment of My Words, for people with predominantly earthly interests are not yet mature enough to completely close themselves off and enter into a confidential dialogue with Me, their thoughts will more likely keep digressing and return to the world from which they are unable to disconnect themselves completely.... And this makes a divine communication questionable if not entirely impossible.... Therefore, you should very seriously examine that which you endorse as 'coming from Me' and expect your fellow human beings to believe that I Myself Am the Originator of it. __Only he, who was able to establish this heartfelt bond with Me in complete seclusion and allowed no worldly thoughts of any kind to enter during his heart's association with Me, may feel certain and endorse the results of his heartfelt dialogue with Me as being completely without error.... He can also ask any question and it will be answered to him, because it is always his will not to fall prey to error and because the truth means everything to him. I speak to everyone, but whether My Word or his own thoughts come to his mind is determined by the human being's own seriousness of will as soon as it concerns questions which are not only of spiritual substance.… where there is therefore a risk that worldly thoughts creep in and thereby easily endanger the truth.... whereas, on the other hand, purely spiritual thoughts will guarantee inner composure and seclusion with the result that the answers will be appropriately clear and truthful. If you want to speak with Me then I also demand your undivided dedication to Me.... But then I will also take complete possession of you and all results of thoughts will be the outpouring of My love into your hearts.... If, however, you still share your desire for Me with the world then you cannot expect of Me that I make Myself heard by you and you must therefore very seriously examine yourselves and thus exercise self-criticism, which will always be beneficial for you if it is your will that I should address you. For the pure truth must be desired by you, otherwise you will never be able to receive pure truth.... __Amen
Dialogue with the Father.... His Word from above....
You must withdraw into solitude if you want to speak to Me.... I merely require you to withdraw from the world and into your closet and then turn your thoughts to Me alone.... so that you mentally detach yourselves from the world and all its requirements, so that you give no room in your heart to anything but Me and so that you approach Me in a childlike manner in order to hear Me and My Words. I want a prayer in spirit and in truth.... which necessitates that you completely detach yourselves from all worldly thoughts, it necessitates listening within, a silent dialogue with your Father and an attentive ear within for what answer your Father might give you. Your words will not remain without reply, if only you listen for it.... if you truly desire a dialogue, so that you address Me and subsequently wait for what I have to say to you in response.... This private dialogue with My child is exceedingly pleasing to Me, after all, the child is opening its heart to Me so that I can provide it with an answer which is intended only for the benefit of its soul. Yet I can never do this in the midst of the world, when the human being is distracted in every way from heartfelt thoughts of his eternal Father.... He can certainly send a quick prayer up to Me even in the midst of the world, and he will be well advised if he tries as often as possible to send a short thought to Me and thereby remains in constant contact with Me.... But a right prayer in spirit and in truth, when he may distinctly receive My Fatherly love, can only take place in the closet of his heart, in silent retreat and the heartfelt devotion of the child to its Father.... Then peace will enter the person's heart and he can hold a heart-to-heart talk with the Father..... and he will never regret spending any spare time in such silent dialogue, because I very gladly speak with My child and it will draw much benefit for its soul from every conversation. __Detaching himself from the world will often be difficult for a person, My adversary will hinder him from doing so in every possible way, time and again he will try to disturb or prevent it.... But the human being's will should be stronger and resist My adversary.... Then the person will receive strength and be able to accomplish his intention: to unite with Me in heartfelt prayer and to hear the Father's Words. Only an intimate bond like this will enable you humans to hear My Word from above through a fellow human being.... only a union in spirit and in truth makes it possible for My spirit to pour itself into an opened vessel.... And therefore, great blessings rest in this beginning, this intention of becoming receptive to Me and of allowing My flow of grace to pour into oneself. For countless souls participate in the transmission of My Word which also desire to hear the Father's voice and with heartfelt longing are waiting to be addressed by the Father.... You should all withdraw into solitude and listen.... And you may truly hear your Father's voice, it will sound to you like pleasing music, for that which comes from Me can only grant you happiness and blessing, that which comes from Me has to touch your souls like exquisite nourishment for which you long and which you will receive without limitation as soon as you desire it. Send a prayer up in spirit and in truth.... Lift your thoughts to Me and listen. And I will speak to you like a father speaks to his child, and your soul will cheer and rejoice at every Word that comes forth from the mouth of God.... __Amen
Limitation of knowledge....
Your intellectual knowledge is subject to limitations.... Yet by way of inner enlightenment through the spirit you can gain unlimited knowledge, and this particularly applies to spiritual matters, it applies to knowledge which cannot be verified, which concerns everything of a `non-earthly' nature.... For this knowledge can only be received from God Who distributes it in accordance with His wise judgment. Sharp as a person's intellect may be.... he is unable to fathom spiritual domains, for God has reserved Himself the right to enlighten the person who asks Him for enlightenment and who also fulfils the conditions that make him worthy of an answer. But precisely this spiritual knowledge results in the person's true understanding, which lifts him out of his state of darkness into the enlightened state of his original existence. Earthly knowledge is only of some value for the duration of earthly life, whereas spiritual knowledge remains forever. __As long as a person lacks this spiritual knowledge he lives in spiritual darkness. But he can gain this knowledge while he lives on earth..... he can achieve a state of awareness, he can receive clarification about things which his human intellect is unable to explain. He can transcend the limits of his intellect and gain knowledge which will please him and which he can take with him into eternity.... This knowledge is conveyed to him by God Himself through the spirit, providing he sincerely desires it and has fulfilled the necessary conditions: a 1iving faith in God, which he has awakened to life through deeds of love.... a sincere desire for truth and an inward listening in heart-felt contact with God, Whose Word he desires to hear. Living faith is necessary for a human being to believe that a direct communication from God is possible and listens for it.... And he will receive an answer.... God Himself will guide him into truth, God Himself will teach and explain to him whatever he wants to know. For God speaks through the spirit to the spiritual spark within the person, because spirit can only be heard by spirit. __And this divine spirit knows everything without limitation, only the human being himself limits the spirit due to his will.... due to the degree of his love which also determines the degree of realisation he will gain.... He can penetrate the most profound knowledge concerning the reign and work of God and His plan of Salvation, he can learn about everything which explains to him the purpose and meaning of creation and human existence, he can arrive at the most enlightening knowledge and thereby regain the degree of enlightenment with which he was originally blessed.... He can, in fact, find solutions to spiritual problems which human intellect will never be able to solve, and his knowledge will never be restricted by God unless the person limits himself as a result of insufficient love or adverse will.... which usually does not happen once a person could be taught by God's spirit.... For God does not set limits, but human will is free and is always respected.... __Even so, there is no evidence for spiritual knowledge unless a person accepts the working of the spirit in himself as proof, which is indeed absolute proof to the believer, but it will not be accepted as proof by the unbeliever. For that reason spiritual knowledge cannot be conveyed academically, for even if it were passed on from person to person, the other person would lack the conviction that this knowledge is the truth, as long as he, in turn, does not meet the conditions required by God to receive spiritual knowledge. Hence, everyone has to acquire enlightenment for himself, or at least desire it and turn to the right source; but no one should believe he can gain this knowledge with his intellect alone, because God Himself is the primary source of all light.... because a human being can only gain true comprehension by way of God, Who could think of nothing better than guide people into truth, conveying true knowledge to them, and thus lead them from a state of spiritual darkness into the light. For light alone is beatitude, and to gain enlightenment is purpose and goal for every human being on earth . . __Amen
St. John 21, 25....
My Own will receive explanations from Me if they genuinely desire them.... My plan of eternity certainly conceals many things from people, because unlimited knowledge is always just a sign of advanced spiritual maturity or, for that matter, because knowledge increases as soon as love becomes more profound. And I know and have known for eternity which degree of love people will achieve and therefore mentioned no more during My life on earth than people were able to take in, since the understanding of most profound wisdom also depended on their degree of love. Nevertheless I mentioned many other things which were not imparted to people.... for there were also kind-hearted people in My vicinity who were able to absorb and understand deeper knowledge. Yet I always advocated one teaching, I conveyed the commandments of love.... I always urged people to live a life of love. And this teaching of love is still `My Gospel' today which ought to be presented to all people of good will. For the human being's degree of maturity entirely depends on fulfilling My commandments of love, and the human being's degree of realisation in turn depends on the soul's degree of maturity. Love guarantees truthful knowledge which can penetrate all depths. And the human being had also always received remarkable information the more his nature transformed itself to love and desired the knowledge.... Yet not many people wanted to know. They were usually satisfied with the knowledge handed down from person to person and which could be found in the Book of Books. __But knowledge.... the truth from God.... is inexhaustible, it cannot be limited because I, as the most perfect Being, know no limitation and thus do not limit a person's knowledge either if he strives towards perfection and completely shapes himself to love. Then he will learn things which are not written in any book, and he may penetrate divine wisdom ever more and will never cease to be amazed.... However, it would be foolish to make such knowledge accessible to all people through books, for it requires a high degree of spiritual maturity to comprehend it, which too few people on earth posses. But it is possible to achieve, and this is why people should constantly be referred to My commandments of love, the fulfilment of which can indeed enhance their soul's maturity. And although life on earth is short, it suffices for the attainment of a high state of maturity; and therefore every human being can depart from earth with a high degree of realisation providing he readily fulfilled these commandments of love.... for then I will reveal Myself to him in spirit, and I will place the right thoughts into his heart or convey to him the truth through the inner Word. And then he will exceed the knowledge to which he was academically introduced or which he acquired through intellectual reasoning. But he will also recognise that the Book of Books contains the truth because then he will read it with an enlightened spirit, regardless that alterations had occurred through human intellectual thought which, however, can only be detected and rectified by an enlightened spirit. __`He who loves Me and keeps My commandments, to him I will come and reveal Myself....' And I shall truly guide him into truth and give him the right understanding for it. However, what is not absolutely necessary to know in earthly life and what was therefore kept hidden shall, in the last days, also be disclosed to all those who want to belong to Me and to whom I therefore reveal My eternal plan of Salvation. For they should become aware of the gravity of this time, they should know what lies ahead of them, and they should in all kindness be admonished and warned to consider the end and to prepare themselves for it.... And this is why knowledge is conveyed to people which they, depending on their degree of love, will either accept or reject.... They are not forced to accept it but they should think about it.... they should, because they no longer take any notice of the Book of Books, nevertheless receive My Word, which only teaches love again, but which provides people with a deeper insight into My plan of Salvation because the time of the end has come. __Now I can present knowledge to people which is no longer beneficial to them only because their faith is weak or has completely vanished, hence this information will purely be heeded by those of strong faith, who may therefore also gain an insight into My eternal plan of Salvation.... So I Am revealing Myself to them and inform them that what I proclaimed through seers and prophets ever since the beginning of this period of Salvation is coming to fruition, for sooner or later this period will come to an end and the future becomes the present. And anyone with an awakened spirit will also find full concurrence with the Words of the Scriptures, for whatever comes from Me is always the same and never contradicts itself. And just as the harvest is the conclusion of a farmer's efforts, so I, too, will reap in the end and gather those whose souls have fully matured on this earth, and they will enter into life in the spiritual kingdom or on the new earth, as is recognised and determined by My wisdom and love. I will judge the living and the dead.... I will place everything where it belongs in accordance with its state of maturity, and this will also mean that many people who failed in their earthly life and descended into the state of death again will be banished into hard matter once more, from where they will slowly have to find their way back into life over an infinitely long period of time. For nothing shall be lost forever, and one day even the lowest fallen spirit will find the life which it will then never ever lose again.... __Amen
About the UFO convention....
One thing is certain: I will protect My Own in the hollow of My hand when the end has come.... I truly have enough angels to whom I can entrust My Own, whom I instruct to build a protective wall around them. And thus you can all know yourselves protected in My care, come what may. Therefore I want to caution you not to abandon yourselves to and expect help from beings whom you suspect to be outside of My spiritual kingdom.... who thus have not yet reached the perfection of beings of light to implement My instructions.... I want to warn you about looking for contact with inhabitants from other worlds, which you can only establish spiritually but who cannot offer you the guarantee of imparting truth to you. Time and again it has to be said that only `perfect beings' may and are able to carry out tasks which guarantee you protection and assistance.... __Beings who have not yet achieved this perfection will always still reside, for the purpose of their development, on such works of creation to which they are bound by natural law.... Thus you have to distinguish between beings of light who accomplish My will on My behalf and dwell with Me in the kingdom of light, and beings who are still constrained, who have not yet achieved complete spiritual freedom as long as they still live on all kinds of celestial bodies for the purpose of spiritual maturing. You should not rely on mediumistic messages from those worlds which are and remain unreachable for you humans on earth and vice versa. Do not count on help from those worlds when the end of the earth comes in accordance with the eternal plan.... For I Myself will protect and rescue My Own from their adversity, because only I know who belongs to My Own.... Do you believe that you will be rescued by merely mustering sympathy for these dwellers of other stars? __What misconception do you suffer from, you lack all clear understanding of My plan of Salvation, which will certainly be implemented when the time comes. And would I not inform you of it Myself if it were My will that you should entrust yourselves to these beings whom fellow human beings want you to believe in? Since I convey the truth to earth I would not withhold this information from you if it were true.... Yet you rather doubt My Words than the reports which are passed on to you through My adversary's influence. And I want you to know the truth.... I repeatedly want to assure you that My Own will be protected and that innumerable angels will take care of them, because they comply with My will and also have the strength to help you. And therefore it will not require earthly means of help, for My love, might and wisdom will become clearly evident at the end, albeit My working will and can then be contrary to natural law because My Own believe that everything is possible and the unbelievers will be devoured by the earth.... __But I do not require My Own to believe in appearances or reports which come to people by means which do not correspond to My will.... Why don't you contact Me? Why do you call on beings whose degree of maturity you cannot estimate?.... Why do you entrust yourselves to these beings and believe that they will protect you when the last day of the end has come? I only require your faith in Me in Jesus Christ, and anyone who intimately unites with Me Myself in this faith truly will not need visible or invisible helpers, for My angels with an abundance of strength and might will constantly stand by his side and always act in accordance with My will. And he will not want to establish contact with inhabitants of other worlds whose degree of maturity is unknown to him either, for this can only take place by way of mediumship which, due to its great danger, should not be taken by you humans. For you are truly able to hear Me Myself if it is your will and you ask Me for the truth.... And then you will surely be instructed truthfully.... __Amen
You still don't know what it means to be spoken to directly by Me because you people do not believe that your God and Father from high talks to you. For you are still of unenlightened spirit and you deem this not to be possible. You therefore still have a very wrong understanding of God because you put yourselves completely beside the Might that created you and thus cannot feel Its love because you are without love yourselves and therefore the working of the eternal love is incomprehensible to you. But, in not to remote a time you shall have proof that your God and Creator truly does speak and has spoken to you, for you to go through the fulfillment of My continuous announcements yourselves; and that you will go through a natural disaster of greatest extent ,which has never before befallen the earth. __Over and over I announce to you these happenings without finding any faith. But I want you to be able to believe when these My announcements will come true, for then I want you to believe too on the shortly afterwards following end and will prepare yourselves towards it. For the purpose of all My predictions is just always that you do sincerely tackle your soul-work, that you make well use of the short time and then live through the end, regardless, and not to be lost again for eternal times. i.e., having to bear the rebanishment [into matter] which you are irrevocably threatened with at the arrival of the end: if having not found your way to Me yet. __I just want to save you humans but not leave you to perish, but I cannot influence you against your will. I therefore talk to you through My messengers and make you aware of the near end, I remind you to keep thinking of your earthly purpose. I keep telling you over and over my divine teaching of love and all of you could believe if you just had an earnest will to achieve your earthly purpose of life. But you live a carefree life without any serious thought because you don't believe in an afterlife of the soul. But I cannot do more than passing on the truth about your being and your destiny by Myself.....I cannot do more than directly talk to you by My messengers and to explain everything as comprehensible to you to the point where you can truly believe. But you don't want to and you can't be forced to believe My words from on high. Yet you ought to pay attention to every world event, to the condition amongst people and to the obvious spiritual low. You also ought to be critical towards yourself and your walk of life and you should meditate about the meaning and purpose of the earthly life.....You then would recognize the condition of man on your own and consider it plausible, this condition cannot remain like this; a change is due to occur and then attention will be paid to My word from on high. Yet, for obtaining faith the good will is required, for I help everyone who'd like to rise from the depths, who directs his thoughts towards Me in striving for recognition of the right and to detest the wrong..… __Truly, no better information can be given to you people than by My word....Truly you can find no better explanation except I give it to you by means of the direct address and you can believe it - it's the great spiritual need which causes Me to grant help to you people on earth in the way that I direct the truth towards you, which is foreign to you, because My opponent is doing and has been doing everything to increase the darkness upon you people, that you don't see anything properly anymore. To also prevent you from recognizing the voice of your God and Father who wants to help and bring the light to you prior to the coming of the end. __Listen to Me when you hear My voice by means of My messengers, do not refuse what they bring you, for you who do not believe are in greatest danger....And you can still get saved and find faith because the plain truth is presented to you....And I will give you proof of the truth of it because it will very soon be fulfilled what there was proclaimed a long time ago already: that the earth will be befallen by an enormous natural happening as not experienced before....And soon afterwards the end will truly come like proclaimed in word and scripture.... __Amen
Explanation for the unusual knowledge....
Broad fields of knowledge will be opened up to you when you receive My Word from above, for I Myself will introduce you to knowledge which cannot be intellectually acquired by you. You, who should teach your fellow human beings, must first be instructed yourselves in everything that you humans need to know. But you should also be able to refute every objection when it comes to defending the only truth, when rational people try to undermine the spiritual conclusions.... Then you should be able to explain all correlations, and thus you first have to be guided into profound spiritual knowledge which can only take place through My direct Word.... For I can only address you directly if you, through a life in accordance with My will, have shaped yourselves such that My spirit will be able to pour into you, and only then will you also understand what is imparted to you as profound knowledge.... on account of which the same knowledge.... if it is passed on from person to person.... will only be understood and recognised as truth by someone who lives a life of love and has awakened the spirit within himself. __The spiritual information is comprehensive, yet it will always be imparted to you as you require it in order to first become fully mature yourselves and to then carry out the mission which you have accepted of your own free will.... And in view of the approaching end, broader knowledge has become necessary; My plan of Salvation has to be presented to people so that they will recognise the significance of their earthly lives and do whatever it takes to escape the fate of a renewed banishment.... And this plan of Salvation covers the development of all created beings, the origin, present state and goal of everything that came forth from My strength of love. The knowledge is extensive and new to many people, for so far it has not been necessary to inform them of it. Yet the time of the end requires that this information is now conveyed to people, so that they will live more responsibly.... And thus they shall also know about their previous infinitely long earthly process which they already covered as soul-substances.... This knowledge, too, was strange to them and therefore they can only accept it with difficulty. Nor will they be coerced into believing it.... yet mentally they can form their own opinion and derive benefit from it.... __However, no human being can ever intellectually attain knowledge which concerns My reign and activity.... which explains My Being, which substantiates everything, even the forthcoming event, the transformation of earth, the spiritual and earthly turning-point.... Such knowledge can only be imparted to you from above, from Myself.... It can only be conveyed to you through the `working of the spirit' and thus should also be recognised as an exceptional grace, which will still be granted to you in the last days.... And you humans should also understand that I Am only motivated by My greater than great love to inform you of everything in order to effect your voluntary return to Me, that you recognise My love and respond to it.... You should understand why I demand the spreading of My Word ever more urgently, why I would like to give this remarkable information to all people.... __This knowledge can only be conveyed to earth when certain conditions are in place. But wherever this is possible, that is, where people look for clarification, this is where they should acknowledge My direct activity and accept the gift of grace which can help their souls attain maturity during the last days before the end. For then they will truly receive knowledge which is presented to them by Myself and which also exposes every misguided teaching that was able to assert itself in the darkness of the spirit but which can no longer resist the bright light of truth.... The correct knowledge, which I offer you in My love, provides you with information and clarity, and it truly requires no further verbal human addition, it requires no further explanations added by human intellect.... My Word from above is offered to you in all clarity; it is comprehensible to everyone and provides you with the right concept of Me and My Nature, of My reign and activity.... __My Word from above guides you into truth, as I have promised, and should be distributed because all people shall know about My eternal plan of Salvation, because all people shall know about the end.... about the total transformation of the earth, which is intended by My plan of Salvation and will truly be carried out when the time is fulfilled.... __Amen
Free will must accept the light....
I want to bring you light because you are living in darkness.... I want to lead you out of the darkness of night into the light of day, I want to enlighten your spirit and illuminate you with My light of love, I want to make you happy because you are miserable in your spiritual darkness. I want the sun of My spirit to shine upon you.... I want to give you that which you are lacking: the pure truth from God.... I Myself want to teach you, for then the darkness in you can no longer reign, then the light of My love will radiate into your hearts and make you blissfully happy, for then you will no longer repel Me, as you did when you fell away from Me, but listen to Me once again and accept the light of My love, as it was in the beginning.... The fact that you humans are lacking light cannot be denied by you, for you have no idea about the meaning and purpose of your existence, about the reason for your earthly progress, about the meaning and purpose of any work of creation.... you have no knowledge about the correlations and especially not about your relationship with your God and Creator.... You don't recognise your Father in Me and are unaware of the goal that you ought to unite with Me as your Father of eternity in order to be eternally happy again, as you were in the beginning. All this is unknown to you and neither do you question it, and thus you live in darkness and don't look for the light.... but this state is a wretched one for you, because darkness also amounts to death, only light is really life.... But I want to awaken you to life from your lifeless state and therefore I bring you the light. And trust Me, this light will make you happy, you will be glad when you know about everything and can live your earthly life consciously because you want to reach the goal which comprises eternal beatitude. I do not want you to continue your life on earth in this dark state nor do I want you to take notice of the deceptive lights which neither spiritually enlighten you nor give you bliss.... __I want to give you true light, knowledge which corresponds to the truth and which must originate from Me because only I Am the primary source of truth, because I Am the light of eternity. You humans are My creatures and therefore possess My love because you emerged from My love. But I always want to give pleasure to that which belongs to Me.... Darkness is not a blessed state, only light can give joy to the being, and I want to give this gift to you. Yet I can only ever just offer you My gift of love.... and then your free will must be willing to accept this gift.... I can and want to do whatever it takes in order to return you to a state of happiness but one thing I Am unable to do is to give you against your will that which you need to be happy. I can certainly offer you light but I cannot force you to accept it and to let it shine into your hearts.... You must open your heart to Me and allow the ray of My light of love to enter it, then everything will become bright and clear within you and you will be happy.... And since your free will is the only decisive factor as to whether you move in the darkness of night or in the light of day, I can only ever enlighten you of the fact that this free will determines your destiny, your fate, in eternity.... that you have to direct your free will towards Me by relinquishing your opposition and strive towards Me with all your mind.... And you will be brightly illuminated by My divine light of love, then you will receive the kind of knowledge which will bring you joy, for you will realise all correlations and find out about your origin, about your process across the earth and your goal.... And as soon as you become enlightened you will also find the path which leads to Me.... And you will walk it of your own volition in order to reach Me, because in the light of truth you finally recognise Me Myself, because then you will love Me too and aim to join Me forever.... And I will never ever let go of you again, for My love brought you into existence and My love will pursue you until you have become My Own eternally.... __Amen
Is the Bible completed....
How misguided you are to assume that with the Scriptures, the Book of the Fathers, My Word has come to an end.... that I Myself have set a limit in so far as that I now do not communicate anymore, that I do not speak to people any longer.... Who gives you the authority to make such an assumption?.... Who will deny Me to speak time and again as Father to My children? Who gives you the right to make the assertion that the Bible is sufficient on its own, that you humans need no other Word?.... __Those of you who reject every new revelation are still confined in the darkness of spirit.... And in this darkness you will not understand the Bible either, thus it is still a closed book for you because you do not understand the spiritual meaning of the letters, or you would also find the references concerning My continuous revelations in this book and the working of My spirit would be comprehensible to you.... But as long as your spirit is still unenlightened you cannot grasp the meaning of the Word which I Myself spoke to My disciples while I lived on earth.... You humans would be unfortunate if you had to content yourselves with a book which can no longer be checked by you yourselves for changes in its contents.... if you were not repeatedly offered the pure truth from above as a guiding principle as to whether you yourselves are living in truth.... __Those of you who only accept the Book of the Fathers have not yet penetrated `the Word' yourselves, you have only read it intellectually but not allowed the spirit within you to speak, who instructs you and explains to you the spiritual meaning of the Word.... You adhere to the letter and do not understand its meaning.... And when I Myself want to guide you into truth you deny My activity, and you suspect My servants of associating with My adversary.... you question My will and the power to speak to those who devoutly offer their service to Me and who are thus also able to hear My voice within themselves.... __And you stubbornly hold on to your opinion that My Word is concluded with the Scriptures, which you acknowledge as the only book through which I have revealed Myself.... And that is your loss, because by rejecting My Word from above you prove yourselves to be mere dead Christians, because living Christianity is an `activity of love', and this would result in your spiritual enlightenment and thus also in an understanding for My exceptional help in times of spiritual hardship.... __Then you would also comprehend the Bible words, the promises, which I Myself gave to you and which point out that I will reveal Myself to those who keep My commandments.... So how do you intend to interpret My promises, if you deny every `New Revelation'?.... Do you want to call Me a liar when I announce My `comforter' to you who will `guide you into every truth....' How do you understand these Words which have to come to pass, because every promise I gave to people during My life on earth fulfils itself.... And why do you not want to believe? Because your spirit is arrogant, because you lack inner life, spiritual awakening, and thus you believe that you are able to determine and limit Me and My activity as it suits you.... But you are mistaken, even if you believe that you have acquired knowledge through your studies which entitles you to reject My Word from above.... You are spiritually arrogant and therefore you can never receive a revelation from Me yourselves, because I only bestow My grace to the humble, and you are lacking this humility.... And thus you still walk in darkness, and you will not be able to penetrate it since you avoid the light which could give you insight if you wanted to step into its radiance.... __My love for My living beings will never end, and hence I will never fail to speak to you humans wherever the conditions to do so are met. And My Word will always sound in those who are of good will, to whom the Father can speak like to His children and who have a living faith in Me. And to them I will give evidence of Myself, and My Own will recognise My voice because I can be present with them.... I can reveal Myself to them as I have promised.... __Amen
Resurrection of Jesus.... Easter....
My body was resurrected on the third day.... And even if this event seems unbelievable to people because they cannot find any evidence for it, humanity should nevertheless be told through My spirit that I have truly risen from the dead. Because through My act of Salvation I overcame death which My adversary had brought into the world with his descent into the abyss. And with My resurrection I proved to you humans at the same time that death does not exist for the spiritualised being. Hence the re-transformation into the original being.... which is achieved by a life of love as I exemplified to humanity.... also excludes every condition of death, every helplessness and weakness, and as soon as this transformation has taken place during the earthly life the soul can enter eternal life.... Death has been conquered by My sacrifice on the cross because the original sin was redeemed by it and the being has been given the opportunity again to transform into its original essence which then also guarantees its eternal life. __I wanted to prove to you that the physical body can be spiritualised too and thus would not have to fear death either if the human being would succeed in spiritualising his body while still on earth.... I Myself, as the human being Jesus, spiritualised all of My body's still immature substances through My life of love, I matured them; love calmed everything that was unspiritual in Me and persuaded it to unite with My soul, so that body and soul could join the eternal spirit God within Me and thus the complete fusion with Him took place. And an entirely spiritualised being cannot be subject to death anymore, because death is a condition of helplessness, but a spiritualised being is light and strength in abundance and liberated from every restraint. The event of My resurrection was therefore also visible to people because they found My tomb empty.... It was understandable that the disbelievers tried to convince their fellow human beings that My body had been abducted but they could not substantiate this.... And My resurrection will only ever be accepted as truth by believers, by people who are already intimately connected to Me through love or their good will to live in the right way before My eyes.... But it is true that it happened because with it the promises, which were transmitted to the people by seers and prophets, were also fulfilled. __My resurrection was a huge defeat for My adversary to whom I proved that love is stronger than hate.... that he would not keep his followers in the state of death forever, because I Myself had overcome death and therefore could give life to anyone who acknowledges My act of Salvation and accepts the blessings I had acquired for him on the cross. Hence My resurrection was a defeat for My adversary, and for this reason he tried to mislead people and cast doubt into them about My resurrection.... Nevertheless he will not be able to prevent the resurrection of those who follow Me, who believe in Me and to whom I can now give eternal life, as I promised. And he will constantly have fewer followers, since time and again people will rise to eternal life because I overcame death, because he cannot eternally burden a being who has the will to return to Me, and who thus will seek refuge beneath My cross in order to escape My adversary's force.... Death has been conquered for them and their resurrection to life is guaranteed.... __(23.4.1962) Even My disciples did not want to believe that I had risen from the dead, although I made this promise to them beforehand.... But I strengthened their faith, and they recognised Me when I came to them.... Hence they had proof that I had overcome death, because they should proclaim Me with complete conviction. They should speak of My death on the cross and also of My resurrection, since this knowledge had to be given to people who were meant to believe in Me and start on the path to the cross.... since they could only be redeemed if they too would carry their guilt to Me under the cross. But My most important act of mercy would soon have been forgotten again had My spirit not been active time and again in those human beings who had entirely given themselves to Me, and whom.... being redeemed.... I could fill with My spirit in abundance, who educated them from within, who made the knowledge of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation comprehensible to them.... Because the written records passed on to people did not remain truthful for long.... Where human intellect was used on its own misguided opinions crept in, which were also passed on as `written records' and consequently there was no further guarantee for the pure truth.... But where My spirit could work in a person, the pure truth was revealed time and again, and the knowledge of My suffering and death on the cross as well as My resurrection was given to people, because this knowledge is absolutely essential if people should also have complete faith in it. __And My spirit will always work in the person who gives himself to Me in order to receive the pure truth.... Time and again people will hear the message and be given the right explanation, so that you humans can indeed believe in My resurrection and My triumph over death, that death need not exist for you anymore if you keep by My side, if you yourselves want that I have died on your behalf.... when you have a living faith in Me and My act of Salvation, which I Myself accomplished in the man Jesus. I Am resurrected from the dead, and after the death of your body you will be resurrected in this way to eternal life too.... And you need not fear death anymore once you are freed from the enemy of your souls, from My adversary.... once you allow yourselves to be redeemed by Me.... Because then there will be no more death for you, then you will live in and with Me and eternally not lose this life again.... __Amen
Incarnated beings of light.... The working of the spirit ...
Even the incarnated beings of light on earth in the last days are only working according to My will as soon as they live their earthly life in heartfelt contact with Me and thus offer no resistance to Me.... that is, that they consciously submit to My will which also necessitates their voluntarily established bond with Me. Hence no being of light having embodied itself on earth as a human being for the purpose of a mission was forced into this mission by Me, but it has to be prompted by love to dedicate itself to Me, then the human being will also truly accomplish his mission in keeping with My will. And you humans can believe it that they then will also work for your benefit.... but always as a human being without knowing his origin, for such knowledge would neither be a blessing for the being of light.... the human being.... nor for the people it wants to help. They are certainly in close contact with Me and fulfil their earthly task with dedication and joy, but I don't use the people working on My behalf on earth as involuntary shells having to bear witness of Me.... but such a human being.... the embodied being of light.... will completely voluntarily let My spirit work in him, and he will proclaim the truth, since his spiritual spark unites itself with the eternal Father-Spirit and thus he will speak according to My instructions, i.e. he will inform people of the spiritual knowledge which he is constantly receiving from Me. __But don't let yourselves be misled by false prophets, for My adversary will also present himself as a representative of Christ.... in order to lead people astray, especially in the end time. However, he will hide himself behind a mask and not shy away from using divine Words either, which he knows and then tries to interpret in his spirit.... Don't let false Christs and prophets deceive you, for My adversary conceals himself under a cover in order to gain access to people who follow Me and genuinely strive towards Me.... and he is frequently very successful.... And he often uses My name because people's own will allows for it, which accepts everything as truth what gullible people with mediumistic tendencies claim they allegedly have received from Me. Make a distinction between `the working of the spirit in the human being' and `channeled communications'.... in which a person's own will is excluded and My adversary is offered the opportunity to work, which he is truly using well.... __However, anyone who has already kindled the light of realisation within himself will also see through his disgraceful activity and not allow himself to be bothered, for I will impart the truth to anyone who wants to know it, and I will also give him the power of judgment to recognise that the Word I convey to earth is originating from Me, and he will not believe My adversary no matter how cleverly he proceeds to deceive people. For the human being's thinking will be guided correctly and he will receive enlightenment just as soon as he seriously desires to know the truth.... __Amen
Promises relating to divine revelations....
I will reveal Myself to you.... This is My promise which even you, who would like to deny such revelations, cannot dispute.... But how can I reveal Myself to you if you don't believe that My Word is the truth which I told you Myself when I lived on earth? I want to manifest Myself to you and My sole condition is that you love Me and keep My commandments.... Yet My promise means nothing to you or you would faithfully listen and expect My communication. You rely on the Scriptures, on the Book of Books, and yet don't believe what is written in it. For it contains many more promises which announce My working through the spirit whereby I want to reveal Myself.... So how do you understand My Words `I will send you the Comforter....' and `I will remain with you always until the end of time....'? How do you interpret the Words `From your loins shall flow rivers of living water....' and `I shall pour out My spirit upon all flesh....'? Why do you refuse to believe that the Father keeps speaking to His children? Why do you restrict My activity to an extent that suits you? Consider that your intellect can cause a lot of harm if you exclude your heart, if you don't allow your heart to speak, which truly teaches you otherwise.... You want to stop My living creations' direct contact with Me, you want to deem it impossible for me to speak to My children Myself and yet I also said `My sheep know My voice....' __Hence I must talk to them, and I do and will do so for all eternity.... For only what comes forth from My mouth is the pure truth, consequently you should also accept as truth what you call `My Word', what is written in the Scriptures..... __Time and again I must speak to you humans because you.... due to your imperfection.... repeatedly distort or misinterpret My pure Word.... Therefore you should first strive to awaken your spirit, endeavour to live by My Gospel of love which I taught on earth, and your thinking will become enlightened and clear, and you will ask Me to reveal Myself to you.... You will appeal to Me for evidence of My presence and truly.... you will receive it, for your faith will have become alive; you will establish a living contact with Me and what you earlier were unable to believe will then become completely self-evident, namely, that the eternal Father, your God and Creator, `reveals' Himself to His living creations because he wants to be recognised and loved by them. This is why He manifests Himself, He `reveals' Himself as a God of love, wisdom and might.... And if you humans genuinely want to come closer to this supremely perfect Being, He will grant you enlightened knowledge, so that you will no longer live in the spiritual darkness which was the result of your past apostasy from Me. __No matter how eagerly you study the Scriptures, how much you learn every letter by heart.... your intellect will only ever receive knowledge which is of little benefit for your soul.... Only an awakened spirit will find complete clarification, i.e. only shaping your nature into love, only the fulfilment of My divine commandments of love, will grant you clear realisation.... In that case, however, you will also correctly understand the Book of Books, that is, according to its spiritual meaning, whilst until then it will only remain correct knowledge of the letter, for only the spirit gives life to the letter.... If you humans really want to serve Me and carry out successful vineyard work you will first have to establish close contact with Me, your eternal Father, and only then will you become spiritually enlightened yourselves and also know that I reveal Myself to you, as I promised you, for My Word is truth and must come to pass.... And it will fulfil itself just as soon as the requirements are complied with.... as soon as you live a life of love and yearn for Me and My presence.... and then you will listen inwardly and no longer doubt the Father's love, Who reveals Himself through His spirit.... __Amen
Contact with the world of light or the world of immature ...
Again and again I have to point out that the spiritual world is in constant contact with people on this earth, that it is every light being's task to guide the people on earth towards the light and that they faithfully implement this task because they work according to My will and that they are only able to fulfil My will if they are enlightened themselves, hence, if they are permeated by My light. All redeemed spiritual beings participate in the redemption of the unredeemed, be they people on earth or the still unredeemed souls in the beyond.... For since they themselves are blissfully happy their love also wants to help the wretched to attain beatitude. And this motivates them to make contact with people on earth by influencing them mentally and by trying to guide them on the right path which leads back to the Father's house, to Me, from Whom they once voluntarily distanced themselves. However, the beings of light will not implement anything of their own accord which would not be according to My will, and thus their activity relating to people presupposes people's bond with Me, because only this testifies to the will that the human being will be positively minded and thus can receive help.... Once this heartfelt bond has been established with Me, no person need be afraid of falling prey to deceitful spirits, for his bond with Me protects him from this.... Then the beings of light will guide and advise him and also allow earthly events to approach him such that they will benefit his soul, for then they will always be active on My behalf according to My will. And people should indeed be satisfied with the fact that they are being guided and cared for by the spiritual world of light.... If, however, they try to establish a direct connection with these messengers of light in order to receive spiritual clarification, in order to increase their spiritual knowledge, they will always be advised by them to enter into closest contact with Me and to consciously appeal for and accept My Words.... Only if they united with Me and appealed for the transmission of truth will they be allowed to receive and also accept information from these said messengers of light, who are then working on My instructions again. __But then they will be addressed through My spirit.... hence they will not be able to hear the teachings or messages from the kingdom of light with their physical ears, but the eternal Father-Spirit will communicate with the spiritual spark in the human being, irrespective of whether it happens directly or through the messengers of light, which are merely My spiritual organs through which I work so as to be able to make them happy. …Then the spiritual ear will be able to hear and.... if it is My will.... these messages can be recorded.... The fact that this simple process of the 'working of My spirit in the human being' is no longer understood properly.... the fact that it is imitated and that people to this end avail themselves of the spirit world which is still in an unredeemed state in the kingdom of the beyond , is My adversary's activity who wants to prevent everything which might lead to the realisation of a God and Creator but which is essential in order to return to Me, in order to love Me and to submit to My will.... Contacts with this immature world of spirits can never lead to the light, nothing good can come from it, for they will only add to the error in the world, and therefore you humans must time and again be cautioned to hand yourselves over to these forces who misuse you and your will. Don't take detours but turn directly to Me, the Eternal Truth Itself, then you will not run the risk of being mislead. For you are unable to judge which spiritual beings approach you, but you can only be protected from their influence if you completely hand yourselves over to Me to lead and guide you, and then you will truly be well protected.... But don't deliberately hand yourselves over to spiritual forces which always surround you and which try to influence you in every way but which are of service to My adversary. It requires profound sincerity, a humble heart and a genuine desire for truth in order to be chosen for transmissions from the spiritual kingdom which originate from Me.... But then you can be certain that purest truth will be imparted to you, and then you can also pass it on again according to My will.... __Amen
The soul's entry into the kingdom of light....
Every spiritual request shall be granted to you.... I have given you this promise because My love will fulfil everything that will benefit your soul. And thus you can also rest assured that you will enter the kingdom of light and bliss after your physical death if you have lived your life on earth in accordance with My will, if you have demonstrated your love for Me through your activity of unselfish neighbourly love.... if you have lived your life on earth with Me by having allowed Me to be your constant companion on earth.... __`He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life....' And anyone who lives a life of love also believes in Me with a true, living faith, and he will therefore be granted a blissful life in the spiritual kingdom.... And realisation will indeed come to him in a flash, he will move within (true) truthful thinking and his (its) happiness is such that the soul with its light, by which it is permeated, will also be able to delight the souls which still linger in darkness and long for light.... by making others happy it will find its own happiness, and so it has to have a bright light shining within itself first.... __You humans cannot possibly imagine this beatitude nor the nature of the activity, but you may well believe that these souls will no longer desire to return to earth.... especially since they know that no human being will remain on earth and every soul will soon meet its loved ones again. Therefore they should not grieve either but only ever strive to achieve a high degree of love which will facilitate their spiritual vision, because this degree is necessary for souls to meet again immediately after their passing away from this world.... otherwise the souls will first have to strive for and attain this degree in the beyond. __Yet the fact that people will meet again one day is absolute truth, and it will be an exceptionally joyful moment when the union takes place in the spiritual kingdom. You humans, who are affected by harsh strokes of fate, should always bear in mind that whatever happens to you in earthly life is only founded on My love and wisdom.... Stay mindful of the fact that I don't want to cause you suffering but greater beatitudes, which you often gain through suffering.... And you should not doubt it but humbly accept everything and, truly, the blessing will not fail to materialise itself. And if, one day, you look back on your earthly existence, you will be filled by profound gratitude and love for Me, Whom you recognise as your Father, Who only has His children's fate at heart, which will await them in the kingdom of the beyond.... __Be aware of the fact that you won't stay much longer on this earth, and that you therefore will have to accept a greater amount of suffering in order to reach the goal of voluntarily uniting yourselves with Me. And every prayer you send to Me will come from the bottom of your heart and therefore will also be answered by Me.... You will often send your thoughts into the kingdom which is your true home, and will also be allowed to receive currents of light and strength from this realm, you will keep in constant contact with those who merely went ahead of you and who.... if your possess a high degree of maturity and light.... will support you to also achieve your goal while you are still on earth.... For a soul which is already permitted to spread light will also be able to transmit the light to you humans, and that means that you will then live within utter truth, for where light exists no error will be able to sustain itself because it will be recognised as such, and the path of anyone living in truth must lead to the goal without fail. __And believe that I know every thought in your heart, and thus I also know what you still need and take care that it will be imparted to you.... And even if I occasionally use painful means they will nevertheless liberate the souls from their physical constraints and they will merely exchange earthly life with a far more beautiful life in the spiritual kingdom, where they will be of loving service to Me and therefore also enjoy beatitudes which earthly life cannot offer.... For they have entered the eternal truth from whence they once originated.... __Amen
Grace of the act of Salvation: fortified will....
Time and again you need advice, My admonitions and warnings, My instructions, in order to lead that kind of life which results in such maturity of soul that you will be able to enter the kingdom of light. And I will not stop conveying these instructions to you through My Word, I will help you in every way and also steer your destiny of life such that your will can turn around and enter into My will so that you will constantly ascend in your spiritual development. Yet living up to My commandments of love for God and your neighbour always remains paramount.... for then your own thinking will be right and you will always take the right path.... the path to the cross.... It will not be possible for you to completely enter into My will by your own efforts, because your will is weak since it is still determined by My adversary as long as you are not released from him, as long as you are still enslaved by him.... And this fetter can only be severed by Jesus Christ, Who died for your freedom on the cross and thereby also acquired for you the blessings of a reinforced will. Through His crucifixion He redeemed the immense guilt, the consequence of which is your bound and weak will.... If you are therefore released from this guilt the weakness of will is surmounted too, and through Jesus' redemption you also possess the strength to live your way of life according to My will. Your entire earthly life is at a standstill as long as you have not found the One Who will deliver you from the adversary's power, as long as you don't acknowledge Him as the Redeemer of the world, as the Son of God, in Whom I Myself became a human being, and appeal to Him for help, for with this call you acknowledge Me Myself again, to Whom you once denied your acknowledgment and thereby fell into the abyss, into your wretched state. Without Jesus Christ you will never be able to return to Me, without Him your earthly life is futile, for as long as your original sin is not removed from you, you will remain distant from Me, and neither can you be happy, you remain weak and unenlightened beings whose state is painful, because you once originated from Me in light and strength and freedom and lost light, strength and freedom because of your past apostasy from Me.... __As human beings you should express your will again by striving towards Me and your original state, and this will only be possible if your willpower gets strengthened through Jesus Christ's redemption, if you turn to Him with an appeal for forgiveness of your sin, if you want that He also shed blood for you.... You don't know how extremely significant your acknowledgment of Jesus and His act of Salvation is for you, for you don't realise that by calling upon Jesus Christ you call upon Me Myself and you thereby already testify to your will to return to Me, for Jesus and I are One. In Jesus the Eternal Deity manifested Itself for you, My living creations, so that you are able to behold Me since I, as a whole-of- infinity-permeating spirit, could not be visible to you and therefore so completely permeated a form that My created beings were subsequently able to behold Me face to face.... You will never be able to understand this mystery, yet you shall know that you cannot bypass Jesus Christ and understand that time and again I will inform you through My Word that this human manifestation of Mine in Jesus is the greatest evidence of love that your God and Father has given to His living creations, and that faith in 'God' can never exclude faith in 'Jesus' because I can only be conceivable to you in Jesus. And since I expect your acknowledgement of Me in your earthly life, since this acknowledgement is the purpose and goal of your entire earthly progress generally, you must acknowledge Jesus, Who is the embodied Deity Himself and Who redeemed your original sin in order to facilitate your return to Him.... For this reason nothing is more important than to inform people of this and to admonish them to love, so that they will become enlightened and subsequently also fulfil the purpose of their earthly life.... And in order to make this knowledge in all truth accessible to people I convey My Word to earth directly, for truth is the light which shines into your hearts and which will also accomplish your regeneration into your original nature, for only through truth will you learn to recognise and love Me, only truth will illuminate the path which leads to the cross, and you will find redemption from sin and death.... __Amen
Nothing will remain unredeemed forever....
Every human being is responsible for his soul's state of maturity himself, consequently the human being also determines how long he will remain distant from Me, that is, every original spirit.... the embodied soul in a person.... will return to Me without fail, yet the length of time it takes to achieve this return depends on free will, and thus it can take eternities until the soul has become what it was in the beginning: a perfect being which is closely united with Me, which then will be able to work beside Me in light and strength and freedom.... The fact that this return to Me will happen sooner or later is certain, because it is the fundamental law of eternity that everything emanated by Me as strength will have to return to Me again.... Yet the duration of return to Me can stretch across eternities and you humans are incapable of comprehending this period, for your thinking is limited.... __Nevertheless, there is no such thing as `eternal' death, if it is understood as being perpetually distant from Me.... You can indeed speak of eternities but not of a state that will last forever, which thus is without end.... For such a concept is not compatible with My Nature, which is love and wisdom and might.... Do you really think that My wisdom and might don't have the means at their disposal to achieve everything, even the final return of the spirits which once had fallen away from Me? Or do you think that My love is so limited that it would leave even just one being in a state of eternal death?.... __You know that even My adversary will return into the Father's house one day and that he will be accepted by his Father as the son having returned home, even if infinite times will still pass by.... Nevertheless, he will not be banished from My face forever, he, too, will yearn for My love one day and voluntarily return to Me. And nothing will remain in an unredeemed state, for even the hardest matter will dissolve one day, it will release the captured spiritual substance and bit by bit spiritualise itself, for everything in existence in the whole of the universe is spiritual strength, of which I was and Am the source, its effect merely manifests itself at various degrees of hardness, thus consequently hardened or already softened it is approaching its spiritualisation.... but the spiritualisation of all matter will certainly take place and nothing defying Me will remain.... This wrong assumption is also a product of human intellectual thought which has to be corrected through My direct instruction from above, for such a teaching was never conveyed to you humans by Me.... __Time and again My adversary will intrude and influence people to change spiritual knowledge with the intention to mislead you and to awaken doubts in My Nature, for as soon as you believe it possible that unredeemed spirits have to remain in their state forever it will also question My infinite love.... it would be limited, which is impossible with a Being, Which is and will remain supremely perfect for all eternity. My adversary has truly many opportunities to slip in and cause confusion, and he will always do so when My spirit's activity is displaced by intellectual thought, which is only possible when people are not content with a simple explanation and feel committed to add or delete something. If, however, they would shy away from making changes at all, such errors could not creep in, for then they would strictly keep to My Word and could not fall prey to error.... __And therefore I have to keep exposing errors all over again, I have to convey My pure Word to you humans, I have to correct everything so that you will not acquire spiritual information that has not originated from Me but which is eagerly endorsed as My Word.... It was conveyed to earth in all purity and truthfulness, yet if a person takes it upon himself to make changes he cannot be prevented by Me, but I will always make sure that you humans will come into possession of the pure truth time and again.... And if you yourselves desire to know the truth then you will also query every misguided teaching and won't be able to reconcile it with the supremely perfect nature of your God and Father of eternity.... __And the best and safest test you can make is to ask yourselves whether your God's love and wisdom justifies a teaching, for as soon as one quality is missing you may also reject it as incorrect.... And truly, I will also substantiate to you why a teaching of eternal condemnation is misguided.... so that you can believe it and be sure that you are living in truth, which I will keep imparting to people because truth alone is the light which illuminates the path of ascent.... __Amen
Intercession for souls in the beyond.... I.
I repeatedly emphasize that people still live in too much darkness and that therefore a light shall be kindled for them. But much is described as light which is more likely to intensify the darkness. For deceptive lights emerge from My adversary and are transmitted to people by spiritual powers who have no authority to teach but who express themselves where contacts to the spiritual world are established which can be intervened by immature spirits, because the conditions that guarantee the transmission of pure truth do not yet exist.... My adversary will always aim not to lose his followers, and therefore he will try to prevent people from loving activity of any kind. First and foremost he will try to stop the souls from leaving the abyss, from coming out of the darkness into the light of day. Thus he will do whatever it takes in order to prevent the souls being released from the abyss, if they entered the kingdom of the beyond still not having found faith in Jesus Christ. Such souls can only be helped through loving intercession because this means certain rescue from the fall into the abyss, from the worst darkness.... But this is what he wants to prevent people to do, since loving intercession is the only means to strengthen the will of these unfortunate souls, so that they become receptive to the teachings given to them in the kingdom of the beyond by spiritual guides.... __All unredeemed souls lack the strength to improve their situation. They depend on loving intercession by people which in turn gives them strength without any kind of obligation.... No being will be able to resist love forever, and that is what the adversary wants to prevent.... __If a human being willingly accepts to be taught by the spirit within himself, he will always receive truthful clarification.... But if the working of the spirit in the human being is questionable, if he does not receive knowledge from Me directly but from beings in the spiritual kingdom which he cannot control himself, he should be cautious and seriously scrutinise whether the imparted teachings correspond to truth.... For then he can easily become Satan's helper if he spreads spiritual knowledge which contradicts the truth. It is easily verified if a person uses love as a guideline.... __Does it corresponds to My love and wisdom to deny help to an unhappy being? Would I allow a being, which is longing for redemption and light, to remain imprisoned by Satan's claws? __Only the being's will decides whether it accepts help, but help will never be denied, Satan will never be granted this power, for I will never condemn but only ever try to rescue the souls from the abyss. And this salvation.... if the soul itself is too weak.... can only take place by means of strength of love which is imparted to poor souls by people or by the beings of light.... And loving intercession by someone on earth has the effect of strength which benefits the soul and fortifies its will.... but the will of the soul will be complied with. The fact that My act of Salvation is continued in the kingdom of the beyond has its foundation in My immense love for all My living creations.... Time and again I will help the fallen beings to ascend, although I respect their free will. __A person's love on earth for such unredeemed, unhappy souls is a flow of strength which touches the souls and can stimulate their will to accept the instructions which they are also able to receive in the spiritual kingdom, providing them at first with a faint light which will increase in proportion to their willingness of accepting instructions. My love has no end, it also applies to these souls, and I will never allow the adversary to stop them when they look for the path to the light.... So I continually entrust these souls to people that they may remember them in silent intercession and truly, no soul will be lost who is remembered in loving intercession. __Preaching people the futility of intercession for souls in the beyond is a truly satanic doctrine. This teaching cannot have originated from Me since it is completely contrary to My plan of Salvation, which includes the kingdom of the beyond, and everyone on earth can participate simply through loving intercession.... __Time and again I say to you that you could redeem all inhabitants of hell by virtue of intercession.... For My adversary is powerless in the face of love, love will seize from his hands every soul he would like to keep captive.... Compared to love he has no strength, and thus he wants to stop people from acting with love by lying to you humans about the effectiveness of your loving intercession. And he finds willing people who accept such error and eagerly endorse it as truth.... And if these people would consider that their doctrines totally contradict My love and wisdom, they would soon realise their error themselves, for I will always try to redeem and never condemn the souls. And every human being who is willing to love will support Me in this act of Salvation so that I, for the sake of their love, can bestow strength and yet do not act in opposition to the law of eternal order.... __Amen
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