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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 2 transcriptions | ID of collection 643727
New earth.... Romans 8....
No work of creation on this earth will escape the huge upheaval; it will involve everything from hard matter to the plant- and animal kingdom up to the human being.... Everything will be affected by a work of destruction the extent of which will surpass anything that has ever taken place on earth.... Everything will be consumed so that one can truly speak of a new earth after the work of transformation has been completed. Thus all banished spiritual substances will first be released from their material form; but they will not be able to enjoy their state of freedom for long since they will be bound again in new creations according to their respective degree of maturity. This is why the new creations can arise in a very short time and don't need a long process of development because the appropriately matured spiritual substances are already present and only require different forms so that the development can continue to progress on the new earth. And these new creations will be so diverse that it will truly lead to great spiritual advancement within far shorter time than on the old earth, for the spiritual substances will not be subjected to as much opposition as is the case in the last days during which evil forces noticeably exert their impeding influence everywhere. __And so the act of transformation will happen quickly but no human being will be conscious of it, for those who were raptured will be returned to the newly shaped earth but will be unable to estimate how long they had been absent from earth because they lacked all sense of time. But nothing will remain in its old form. And even the people themselves will not experience their earthly garment as burdensome.... to a certain extent they will already be enclosed by a more spiritualised form although it is still earthly-material substance, but they will experience no physical weaknesses and pain and will be able to live their life on the new earth in a state which truly can be called paradise. And this state will continue for as long as people live in close unity with God, for as long as they are in direct contact with the world of light and its occupants and completely live in accordance with God's will. In time, however, a change will take place again when the prince of darkness will gain control over people once more; but that will not happen for a long time since the first generations will still be very intimately united with God, Whose power and glory they were permitted to experience, so that they would remain faithful to Him and constantly live their lives in His love and grace. __As a result the influence of people on all creatures will be most favourable too; people's love will be felt by the spiritual substances in all works of creation and the more love they sense the faster they progress in their development and in this loving environment also abandon their inner resistance faster. It will gladly be of service and can often leave its form very quickly in order to occupy the next higher one, which considerably shortens the process of development compared to the previous period on the old earth. If only for the sake of this bound spiritual substance alone people should recognise God's love in the act of transformation, for not only the human being requires God' help but all creatures sigh for release.... The human being, however, has the opportunity to release himself from the form during his earthly life.... If he fails then it will be his own fault that he has misused his free will again and so he will also have to bear the consequences, for then he will only receive what he had aimed for himself during his earthly life.... since he only desired material things they will become his external shell.... __Amen
Disbelief in an end....
There is not much time left until the end.... even if you believe that the announced end will be in the distant future.... you will be surprised how the signs will increase and the point in time you live in will become only too evident. But everything will always proceed within the framework of natural progression, and that will raise your hope time and again that the end is still far away. However, your will shall remain free until the last day, for you cannot reach your goal by force which consists of establishing your bond with Me, of voluntarily raising your hands to Me and thereby acknowledging Me, Whom you did not want to acknowledge until now. Earthly life will therefore make great demands on you, you will have to endure many adversities and always have the opportunity to turn to Me.... But everything will take place entirely naturally, although the awakened person will recognise it as the last signs before the end. __And if I repeatedly proclaim that you are shortly before the end.... that you are only granted a little time longer on this earth, then you should take this declaration very seriously and not always relate it to the future in line with people's point of view.... You ought to understand the words as they are given to you, you ought to take them literally, and you will do well by doing so.... For the time is close at hand when the earth will be cleansed and a new earth will arise again.... But regardless of how urgently I speak to you, you don't want to believe it, and I cannot provide you with any other evidence that My Word is truth than that you will soon be shocked by a natural event and that you then can equally surely count on the end. Yet do you know whether you will survive the former or fall victim to this natural event? __Hence you should likewise consider it an end, for many people will thereby find their demise, and their life will not last much longer anymore. So don't be thoughtless and prepare yourselves, even if earthly life around you shapes itself as if only progress and prosperity exist.... Just one day, and everything will have disappeared and fallen prey to the destruction of natural forces, and the survivors will be presented with dreadful sights, because it is My will that they should come to their senses and still use the remaining time of grace they have left until the end. For everything I announce to you humans through seers and prophets will come to pass word for word, and you will soon experience the truth of My Word, and blessed is he Who accepted My Word and then found his path to Me, for in great adversity he will always find a way out, he will manifestly experience My help which I have promised to all of you who call upon Me.... __For this reason I speak to you, so that you can appeal to Me for strength in advance and then in utmost distress, when you will only have My help to rely on.... you will receive it, for I do not forget My Own.... Therefore take care that you are counted amongst My Own....Call upon Me in times of need, and I will answer your prayer.... __Amen
The end will come unexpectedly....
And unusual intervention by God will take place when the time is right.... This has been announced to you over and over again, yet you doubt it, because the time I still grant to you as a reprieve seems too long for you; however, you fail to consider that I regard time differently, that a short extension of time is irrelevant in view of the magnitude of My intervention, in view of the overwhelming act of destruction which this intervention as well as the forthcoming end will mean to humanity. You forget the fact that you were nevertheless only granted a short time of grace but that even the longest period of time will one day come to an end and that you should, therefore, expect every day that My announcements will fulfil themselves. And this is how you should also look at your life, always thinking that every day could be the last day for you. One day, when you no longer live on earth in the flesh, you will realise how short your whole lifetime on earth has been. And then you will also understand the urgency of My admonitions and warnings, for only then will you realise that your concept of time on earth is different from that in the spiritual realm. However, you should already recognise this while you are living on earth and therefore accept My admonitions and warnings, you should not doubt even if you think it takes a long time until My intervention will take place. It will nevertheless come unexpectedly and cause tremendous adversity to those people who are not yet so united with Me that, in their distress, they simply take refuge with Me. __The day will come unexpectedly, like all big natural disasters of a similar kind, which you humans are unable to prevent or evaluate in advance.... Even so, it will come without fail.... I will repeat this time and again with all urgency, because it is necessary for you to prepare yourselves for it, for you to believe and always live your life in view of this natural event. For no human being will know whether he will belong to the survivors, no-one will know where the event will take place and which countries will be affected by it. You all should count on it and be thankful to Me if it passes you by. For in that case you will still have to fulfil the task of carrying out labours of love for those affected unfortunate people and of showing them the path to Me, so that I can comfort and uplift them and lead them out of all adversity. For truly, nothing is impossible for Me, and an intimate prayer can avert much suffering and hardship, wherever it may be. This is why I repeatedly come in the Word to you, so that you can draw strength from it in advance and calmly face whatever will affect you. And time and again I say to you: take care that you belong to My Own, who will find refuge and protection with Me, whom I will strengthen over and over again and to whom I will impart extraordinary strength to work for Me and My name. And then the end will not be far away anymore. And you should all prepare yourselves for this end and learn to believe ever more firmly what is proclaimed to you through My Word.... For everything will come to pass when the time is right.... __Amen
End and Rapture.... Paradise of the new earth....
A blissful fate in the paradise of the new earth is awaiting those of you who will stand firm during the last battle of faith, who will remain faithful to Me until the end. It will certainly still be a difficult time for you but you will be able to prevail, for you will receive an exceptional flow of strength from Me, you will be so evidently taken care of by Me and My love that you will patiently accept all difficulties and profess Me and My name before the world. You and your strength of faith will also lift those of your fellow human beings' who are still of weak faith. They will recognise My might and strength if only a person has living faith in Me. But you should not stay with Me for the sake of reward, instead your love for Me should motivate you to resist all hostilities by the adversary. And you will indeed possess this love in view of the distinct help, the love, which I Myself will prove to you.... Then burning love for Me will arise in you and nothing will be able to frighten you anymore, nothing will be able to separate you from Me, Who is and wants to remain your Father, Who wants to transfer you as His children into the paradise of the new earth.... and Who therefore will help you until the very end. And I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own.... This promise shall be your comfort when you look at the chaos around you, when you are subjected to persecutions which originate from My adversary and affect all those who believe in Me. Don't let yourselves be misled by the promises of those who don't want to acknowledge Me.... don't let yourselves be deceived by their apparent good living standard and don't desire it yourselves, for My adversary and his followers will not be able to enjoy it for long.... Everything will cease to exist on the Day of Judgment, and only you will survive this day and be allowed to enter the kingdom of peace when I will carry you away before their very eyes. __And so that you will remain strong in your resistance, so that you will remain loyal to Me until the end, I will fortify you in every adversity of body and soul.... And I will also visibly come to you, if your strength of faith and your love allows for it.... I will provide you with such remarkable strength and comfort that you will be firm enough to resist and that you will also live through the short time without incurring the slightest damage to your body and soul.... For My power is truly great enough to protect you in every adversity and danger. Therefore, if you are unusually put under pressure for the sake of your belief you can count daily on My coming.... Then you will know that the Day of Judgment is not far away anymore, and then wait in love and patience, for I have promised My help to you and I will rescue you from all distress. You don't know how close you are to the end and the day and hour will remain a secret to you as well; but pay attention to the signs which proclaim the end to you.... and you will realise that you are living in the twelfth hour and that time flies. This is why you should make use of it to the best of your ability and always remain in contact with Me so that you will constantly receive strength and increase your strength of faith and your love for Me.... I will truly save you from destruction if only you have the will to belong to Me, therefore I will also give you the strength to prevail until the end or I will recall you before, so that you will not fall prey to My adversary in your weakness.... For as soon as your will applies to Me I shall no longer leave you to My adversary but take hold of you and draw you up to Me.... Yet blessed is he who experiences the end, who will remain loyal to Me and profess Me before the world.... I want to endow him with the delights of paradise, I want to transfer him onto the new earth when the Day of Judgment has come.... and all adversity and suffering will be over for him, he will live in peace and beatitude and I Myself will be with My Own, as I have promised.... __Amen
Implementation of the plan of Salvation....
My plan of Salvation is so clearly presented to you that you will also be able to recognise My infinite love therein, that you need not doubt a God of love even when you have to include the final work of destruction in the plan of Salvation. __Could I ever do anything that is not motivated by My Love?.... But you humans are unable to assess everything, and yet My eternal plan of Salvation should explain to you what your intellect would rather refuse to accept. Only My infinite love determines Me to implement the plan of Salvation, which My wisdom recognised to be right and which will be carried out by My omnipotence at the predetermined time. And you humans should not believe that you can change My decision.... for it no longer concerns the sole deliverance of humanity, but a phase of development for all spiritual substances will start again, which will lead into a new period of Salvation.... __It concerns the reintegration of all spiritual substances and a separation of the spirits which have already acquired self-awareness and which consequently will also be placed to where they belong in relation to their maturity. In the course of a period of Salvation there have always been short periods of time when I had to intervene in the form of various kinds of judgments.... Time and again people have been warned and admonished, and depending on their willingness to improve, these judgments could be deferred or cancelled. Time and again My love intervened and tried to guide people onto the right path.... before My justice expressed itself.... But the duration of a Salvation period is limited, and it would truly have sufficed to redeem the souls completely had people's will used it for this purpose. Yet one day even this limited time will come to an end, and the constrained spiritual substances in the creations will have to be considered again, which must and want to take the same path of development in order to get released from the form sooner or later. __For My love also applies to these still constrained spiritual substances.... My plan of Salvation includes all once-fallen spirits.... And this is what you humans have to remember when this plan of Salvation seems to you incomprehensible and not compatible with My love. A reintegration of all spiritual substances has become necessary and humanity, too, has reached a spiritual low which demands an end, a disintegration of the creation and of those people who have not found the way to Me and will not find it anymore either..... Therefore you should believe that I in My wisdom recognise and have recognised this since eternity, that I knew the human beings' will and state of maturity in the last days and correspondingly established My plan of Salvation, which will now truly be implemented when the time has come. Every day is still a blessing, since it can be used for the return to the Father. Every day can still help the soul to mature, and therefore you should even now recognise every day as a gift of grace and be thankful for My love, which will certainly help you until the end, until the last day has arrived.... But that it will arrive is certainly true, for My Word is and remains eternal truth.... __Amen
The transformation work of Earth....
In My plan of eternity the day is determined which signifies the end of this earth, which both earthly as well as spiritually entails a total change. And My plan will irrevocably be carried out, for I foresaw humanity's low spiritual level from the start, and thus the plan of Salvation is devised such that it will time and again include new developmental eras, as My love and wisdom foresaw this to be good for the spiritual beings which are intended to advance in their maturity.... Thus one developmental period comes to an end and a new one will start again.... The end of the earth can never purely be regarded as a work of destruction. It also must be realised that the still bound spiritual substances also need help to continue their development and that therefore the creation of a new earth has become necessary, which first requires the disintegration of the old works of creation on earth. But I will not let anything come upon humanity without announcing it in advance so that they can prepare themselves for it, so that they can still do what it takes in order to avoid the dreadful fate of a new banishment, which will meet those people who fail, who exist without faith in Me and who therefore have not used their life on earth to liberate themselves. Time after time I announce the end to people, and again and again I point out the signs which reveal the last days.... time after time I warn those people who carelessly and thoughtlessly live from day to day and through seers and prophets refer them to the near Judgment, for the day of the end was set from the start because I foresaw that a spiritual change for the better will not happen anymore and because people's low spiritual level requires an end. __And thus all references, all prophesies, concerning a near end should only ever be considered to be loving gestures of admonition and warning by which your God and Creator would still like to save you before it is too late.... I truly don't want your downfall, I want you to live forever and still obtain this life on earth. But you don't take any notice of what I let you know and have predicted since the beginning of the epoch.... You transfer all these announcements into the future and don't take into account that one day even the future will become the present.... And the time has come when My Word is fulfilling itself, when My plan of Salvation is being carried out.... And no matter how much you doubt when the near end is announced to you.... it will take you by surprise because the time has come to an end. Even if a thousand years are like a day before Me.... this day will also come to an end, just as the thousand years will pass by, and you are standing at the verge.... It is you who will experience the end if I don't recall one or the other of you prematurely for their own sake.... You should always bear the near end in mind, you should live as if every day is your last, as if you will have to justify yourselves the next day. And you will truly do well by turning your thoughts heavenwards, by considering the spiritual life more than the earthly one.... for then you will not need to dread an end either, you will calmly look ahead to whatever approaches you. But you will also believe that the end of this earth has come.... You will recognise the signs of the time and appeal to Me for strength.... and you will certainly be saved from ruin.... __Amen
Space exploration is not God's will....
The strength which emanates from Me and My Word will touch your soul and you will find peace in Me.... When you are ready to serve Me then the strength to accomplish My will, which I place into your heart Myself, will also flow to you. And you will think, want and act in accordance with My will.... And thus you can always safely proceed on your way, My blessing will always accompany you, I will take you by your hand and guide you such as it is right for you and your fellow human beings' salvation of soul. Just put your trust in Me and truly, I will never disappoint your confidence.... For even if your body does not feel the evidence of this strength but your soul receives it in abundance and is grateful for every support, the soul matures and unites itself with its spirit, and this strives towards the Father-Spirit, and the unity with Me will become ever closer. And if I Am then able to speak to My child My presence will be confirmed too and peace has to enter its heart, every worry has to vanish and the child only has to listen to what his Father has to say to him: __And I still want to reveal much more to you, for the end is swiftly approaching.... You will still experience things which will make you doubt Me and My Word.... You will ask yourselves why I do not intervene with My might when humanity arrogantly dares to penetrate the universe.... But a limit has been imposed on their projects, they will not be able to implement their experiments for long, for even these actions merely hasten the end, the forthcoming Judgment. (6.5.1961) I will let them have their way, so that time and again they will have to realise that their capability will never suffice to complete their projects. They have handed themselves over to My adversary who will constantly influence their mind and also give them a certain amount of strength which, however, will always have disastrous effects on people as well as the works of creation My adversary wants to destroy. It is the time of the end, which is merely emphasised by such actions, for people's spiritual state itself will give rise to the end. My adversary wants to destroy the belief in My existence and My might, and such people are already subject to him due to the fact that they have lost all faith, deem themselves masters of creation and try to prove it. Yet they will not have much time left for that, because they hasten the end themselves since they revoke the laws of nature themselves and thereby pave the way for a work of destruction which will encompass the whole world and every living creation in, on and above the earth.... __People's actions oppose God and that will also result in appropriate consequences.... But I allow My adversary's rage, yet people themselves could resist it and would not need to become subject to his rule.... Time and again people are reminded of Me and My might and could quite easily take the path to Me.... Their will, however, is free and thus I do not prevent their actions, but My might and My will shall also reveal itself those responsible for the anti-God activity that can be witnessed by all people.... They, too, will repeatedly be shown that a divine Power keeps expressing Itself Which proves their wrong thinking, for until the body dies I invite every soul to return to Me.... but I will not force it. And since My adversary cannot force it either, he influences all bad characteristics in a person even more and gains the soul for his disgraceful plan, since the craving for power and recognition is particularly strongly developed in people who do not believe in Me. For they are My adversary's characteristics.... It is his nature, which he passes on to them. But his time will soon be over, and My might, too, will soon visibly express itself.... Yet I will never give you such obvious proof of Myself that you have to believe in Me.... Time and again you have to bear in mind that I expect your voluntary faith which you should awaken through love.... And then you will also recognise the signs of the time; you will understand that you live in the last days when My adversary will work in unusual ways, until his hour has come when he and his followers will be constrained, as it is has been proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
You all have to acquire a much firmer faith and that means that you have to love even more, because love brings forth a living faith.... Performing labours of love creates a direct bond with Me, Who is eternal love.... It should be self-evident that you can no longer doubt or have a weak faith when you are connected to Me because then I Am the guarantee Myself that your faith won't be destroyed.... And although your will to believe can be strong.... but you must have an equally strong will to do works of love.... Love has to be the inner driving force of all your intentions and actions, then your faith will be firm and steadfast.... you simply will not be able to doubt anymore but will be sure of what you should believe. And this convinced faith will fill you with joy and give you inner peace because then I Am with you Myself, because your deeds of love draw Me closer to you without fail, because `those who love are in Me and I Am in them....' Love unites us permanently and love gives birth to an unwavering, living faith. And when you pray for a firm faith then you have to pray for a strong will to love at the same time and you will achieve a firm faith indeed. __I repeatedly give you this information because you are approaching the time when you need a firm, unwavering faith to remain resolved until the end.... If you have this faith nothing can upset you, no matter what happens, because then you know that I will help you and thus you are giving yourselves into My hands with blind faith.... And then I Am indeed always willing to help, I will not leave you at times of physical or spiritual distress because your willingness to love, your way of life, has made you My Own already, you have joined Me again and I Am now able to work in and through you. __A firm faith is the best guarantee you can have because it gives you inner peace and calmness during all earthly events which I can avert from you or reduce their effects because you have faith.... And thus you should always pray: `Father, help me to do works of love and let my will to love become ever stronger....' And the will to love will grow at the same rate because love guarantees My presence and My presence guarantees help at all times of distress.... Love also guarantees the recognition of all correlations and hence the understanding for everything which, in turn, contributes to the strengthening of faith. Love is everything.... and if you have love you are also filled with strength from Me and this strength enables you to do unusual things when necessary, when love is the driving force that makes you want to help.... Then you have the faith that moves mountains.... and then you won't fear whatever happens to you. Because then you are connected to Him, Who is Lord above all, Who can command the elements to spare you and Who wants to prove Himself as your Father.... Who loves His children and will not leave them to become victims of destruction.... Ask Me every day for the strengthening of your faith and the will to love, as this is a spiritual request which I certainly will fulfil because love and faith are necessary for your perfection.... __Amen
Renewed reference to the natural event....
Once again I want to inform you through the voice of the spirit that you are approaching an event with inconceivable consequences.... that humanity will experience something the extent of which has never before happened since the beginning of this period of Salvation.... For I want to shake people out of their dream state; I want them to take stock of themselves and this is only possible through a natural event of such enormous proportions that no-one will be able to remain unaffected by the great tragedy which this event will mean for humanity. The whole world will sympathise with it and people everywhere will fear that the same event might happen to them, for no previous signs existed to anticipate an event such as this, and therefore there will be great unrest amongst humankind. And it will also be very obvious to all people that this event was not caused by human will.... they will know that it was caused by a power they cannot fight; they will realise that natural elements had burst through, to which people are hopelessly exposed. And that is My intention, for as long as people always hold other people to account for that which happens in the world, nobody will take a look at himself.... But it is My will that they shall find the path to Me, and since people's low spiritual level has already sunk to the point that they also deny My existence.... since belief in Me has fallen to a minimum, I must use the last means in order to give evidence of Myself, although even then every individual person can still make up his own mind according to his will. For he will not be forced to believe, he can also give himself any other explanation, and that is to be expected. Once again only a few will understand Me and My voice and be receptive to it, they will call upon Me in greatest adversity and, truly, I will miraculously rush to their aid because I want to win them over to testify to Me, they shall be living advocates of Me when the time has come. I must use quite unusual methods because people are already so insensitive that even the most appalling occurrences mean almost nothing to them anymore.... they receive such news with their ears only to forget about them again in a short time because it hasn't happened to them personally. And thus an event will have to occur which will frighten all people because they won't know whether it will repeat itself, whether there will have been only partial destruction or whether the whole earth will finally have been affected.... They must be placed into this state of fear for people are only interested in their own destiny, and therefore they shall be anxious.... __And then there will be a possibility that people will find and take the path to Me, and every single person can consider himself fortunate if he had already established contact with Me or is establishing it.... who prays to Me in spirit and in truth. Time and again I say to you that you will be saved from ruin, from a renewed banishment into matter, if you have found Me, even if your degree of maturity is still very low. You will be able to enter the kingdom of light, you can keep ascending in the beyond and no longer need to fear darkness.... For as soon as you find Me you will also have recognised Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and use the blessings of the act of Salvation: you appeal to Him for forgiveness of your guilt and thus enter the kingdom of the beyond in a redeemed state.... or you accept the help of the guides in the beyond without opposition, who will escort you to the divine Redeemer.... But this always means that you must acknowledge Me Myself during your life on earth, that you accept Me of your own free will, which is proven by every heartfelt prayer to Me. This is why overwhelming adversity will befall the human race, so that this call, which decides your fate in eternity, can come through to Me. You must believe in Me as your God and Creator Who wants to be your Father, hence you must also call upon Me like children to their father. But then you really need not be afraid anymore regardless of what happens to you, for then you will experience My very obvious protection, for the time afterwards will be the final short reprieve during which everyone will be able to work for Me. Then he must be able to stand up for Me with conviction and that is what he will do, because he was allowed to experience Me so evidently that he will remain loyally devoted to Me until the end.... __Amen
Reason for the catastrophe....
In the last days before the end I pour a large measure of grace upon humanity.... For I know of their weakness, of their spiritual darkness and their inclination for the earthly world, their craving for earthly possessions, honour and fame.... I know that they are held captive by My adversary and in their weakness are incapable of releasing themselves from his power. And I try to help people in various ways since everyone requires support in his spiritual hardship. And I also know what each person needs and therefore consider everyone according to his attitude towards life itself or towards Me. For I want to win every single person for Myself. __But people don't know that My adversary keeps them imprisoned when they desire earthly possessions, since they are oblivious to the true purpose of their earthly existence. Consequently they don't try to escape his control either. And people who cling to material possessions with heart and mind have to be helped by Me in a special way which, however, is not recognised by them as help.... I have to deprive them of their belongings, I have to let them get into situations where they learn to recognise the fleeting nature of all earthly things, I must make them realise their own vulnerability so that they will remember Me in their helplessness and consciously approach Me for help.... For I want them to find Me, Whom they have not found in the world and will hardly be able to find either.... This is a manifestation of Myself which affects people painfully but they cannot be aroused from their indifference in any other way.... __And yet, even this manifestation is a blessing in the last days, for a heartfelt prayer to Me and its fulfilment can direct the human being towards Me so that he will not leave Me again, so that he will ask for My guidance from that moment on and hand himself over to Me.... And then I have won him over and saved him from the adversary, who has lost his power over him. You humans will only ever see the destruction in every kind of natural disaster and make thoughtless judgments as long as you are not affected by them yourselves.... Yet nothing happens without My will or permission, and you should always bear this in mind when you hear about unexpected events threatening people's life and property, when people are powerless and only able to help according to their meagre strength.... But I know every individual person's will and also the possibility of leading erring souls onto the right path to Me.... And truly, I will take care of every individual who prays to Me in spirit and in truth and appeals for My help.... And the time of the end justifies such events which human will is unable to prevent if they had been taken into account by My will.... You humans will often still be subject to the fury of natural forces and only rarely recognise therein My loving care for those whose souls are at risk.... I only want to help you release yourselves from My adversary which initially happens when you send a heartfelt appeal to Me and thus acknowledge Me as your God and Creator.... and then recognise the transience of things which still belong to My adversary. Try to let go of your desire for earthly matter, for all sorts of possessions.... For you will always receive whatever you need when you join Me and recognise your real earthly task and aim to comply with it.... __But don't let yourselves be shackled by My adversary who so temptingly portrays worldly goods to you that I have to intervene Myself by showing you that you can lose them at any time if this is My will. These interventions are painful but they can be a blessing for you.... And the One Who takes away from you can also always give to you. And He will help anyone in distress if he hands himself over to Him in complete faith and appeals for His help.... But always recognise My will in every natural event, for My will is truly determined by love and wisdom and thus everything is a blessing for you as long as you find the right attitude towards Me and realise the true purpose of earthly life.... then you will come ever closer to Me and know that everything I allow to befall humanity is a gift of grace.... For it is the time of the end.... __Amen
Purification of earth....
I want to purify the earth and turn it into a place of peace again, where love will reign and where I will be able to stay amongst My Own because their love for Me allows Me to do so.... But first a purification process has to take place, My adversary's activity has to be stopped, and thus he has to be chained up together with his followers.... that is, all souls enslaved by him have to be banished into hard matter again, all spiritual substances on the path of higher development have to be placed into forms which correspond to their state of maturity; and thus My adversary has lost all power, for the spiritual substances which will travel the path across earth in the state of compulsion again will have been removed from him.... and the people whose will he was able to influence have turned away from him and came back to Me for good, so that they, as root of the new human race, can no longer be bothered by him. All power, which he associates with his adherents, has been taken from him, for he has no control over the spiritual substances bound in matter, in the creations of earth.... And there will be peace on earth again for a long time.... __Hence it has to be preceded by a purification process, and this will come about through a work of destruction of inconceivable proportions, for a total transformation of the entire earth's surface will occur, all creations will be disintegrated and shaped anew, which also means the downfall of all people and living beings, the disappearance of everything that shelters spiritual substances.... Although the creation work `Earth' will indeed remain yet the power of natural forces will penetrate far into the core, dissolve the solid matter and give all constrained spirits the opportunity to receive new forms. For everything has become disorderly because people live and act in complete opposition to My eternal order.... Consequently, everything has to be arranged anew, which first requires the disintegration of the works of creation which, to you humans, is the same as your downfall, for no-one will survive the end apart from those who will be taken away by Me before the end.... __Yet this last event will only be dreadful for the human being, because his soul will be banished into solid matter again, whereas the development of all other spiritual substances can only advance, for new forms will be created for all spiritual substances to shelter them.... And the creations on the new earth will be incomparably delightful, and the spiritual substances will be given the opportunity to be of active service again whereby all spirits will be able to ascend and time and again change their present form. __This work of transformation of the old earth is about to happen to you humans.... And although you don't know the day and the hour, you, who do not want to be doomed, who want to belong to Me and not suffer the dreadful judgment of a new banishment, should prepare yourselves for the end.... Believe that you live in the time of the end and consider the thought that you are creating your own fate.... that you can exceedingly blissfully live a glorious life in the paradise of the new earth.... but that you can also descend into utter darkness, if you are not granted the grace to be called back before in order to still find the opportunity of ascent in the beyond.... And take your psychological work seriously, that is, live a life of unselfish neighbourly love and you will thereby establish the bond with Me and without doubt be saved from this downfall. Time and again I will send you My messengers to admonish and warn you, and time and again you will hear of or be afflicted by all kinds of misfortunes and disasters, for they all are reminders for you to consider a sudden departure and your souls' fate, if it has not yet reached the state to enter My kingdom of light and beatitude.... __I don't want you to go astray, I want you to achieve eternal life, but you humans live irresponsibly, you don't consider Me and neither do you consider your soul's fate after the death of your body.... And your attention shall repeatedly be drawn to the fact that you are approaching a dreadful fate.... that you, banished into hardest matter again, will have to start the path of evolution all over again in inexpressible agony and distress.... but that you will be able to prevent this fate if you listen to Me, if you believe those who proclaim in My name that you are shortly before the end.... For the time is fulfilled and it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
`He that shall endure unto the end....'
`But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved....' This is My promise, which certainly makes the greatest demand that you shall persevere until the end.... My promise will only come true with a small flock, for a great test of faith will be demanded of you, passing it will require much strength and an intimate bond with Me, since the believers will be harshly persecuted by the authorities and the human being can only offer resistance with My support by making use of My strength which will flow to him through his heartfelt contact with Me. He must belong to Me with all his will, with all his soul, and the strength of his faith in Me will give him the fortitude to resist. Then he would rather give up his life than Me, Whom he has recognised as the most loving Father from Whom he will never want to separate again.... And I will reward this strength of faith and love for Me, for he will become blissfully happy.... This small flock, which will remain loyal to Me even during the harshest battle of faith, will be rescued by Me from extreme adversity, I will move them to a place of peace in order to then give them the reshaped earth as their abode again, so that a new era will begin, a time of peace and of innermost unity with Me, so that I Myself will be able to stay amongst My Own because their deep love for Me allows for this.... The reward is truly magnificent but My Own will deserve it, for the last days on this earth will be incredibly difficult for them, and yet they will remain faithful to Me. They will abide until the end.... __And by using all means I will truly help them to attain this strength of faith, for I will reveal Myself to them beforehand in many different ways.... I Myself will come to them in My Word, and My direct communication will let their love and faith come alive; their constant contact with Me will fill them with a love that will increasingly intensify.... I will often miraculously intervene in their life and will also visibly appear to those who wait for Me in utmost adversity and firmly believe that I will help them.... I will leave no-one without comfort and Words of encouragement; I will give strength to all so that they will be able to endure even the most difficult situation. And they will firmly believe in Me with indestructible trust in Me.... And thus they will wait daily for My coming, for their deliverance.... until I Myself fetch them because the time will have come to an end, because I will put an end to My adversary's activity and put him into chains along with his adherents.... And the day of Judgment will result in a complete transformation of the earth's surface; all creations in, on and above the earth will be dissolved and be placed into new forms, the day of the end of the old earth will have come for all human beings and only those who belong to My Own will be lifted up from earth and escape destruction, whereas My adversary's followers full of terror will face their downfall and be devoured by the earth.... For the formation of the old earth will have ceased to exist.... Yet a new earth will emerge again and a new epoch of Salvation will start, and this new earth will be populated by those who remained loyal to Me until the end.... They will be blissfully happy, as I had promised them, since My adversary will have no more control over people for a long time to come, for they are devoted to Me in love, and therefore I Myself will be able to dwell amongst them and all hardship will have come to an end.... There will be peace on earth again, a divine state of harmony and beatitude.... where only love will reign.... __Amen
'Judging' the souls at the end....
The hour of reckoning will come, the hour when every person will have to justify himself before his Judge.... For order will have to be restored again sooner or later and everyone who has transgressed this eternal order will have to be answerable.... The sentence will be passed in accordance with justice.... Every soul will experience the fate it has prepared for itself; the spiritual essence, which has taken the path through the creations, will be moved to where it belongs in relation to its degree of maturity.... the old creation will be dissolved, i.e. all forms will be reshaped into different kinds of works of creation, and the unredeemed spiritual substance will be placed into these forms either to re-start or to continue the path of salvation, depending on its degree of maturity. At present you humans still do as you want and please, and you are not prevented from doing so, irrespective of how God-opposing your actions are.... But the end will come soon, and you will no longer be able to do as you want, because the time will have passed when you were able to work for your soul's salvation. For you will not have used the time in accordance with God's will but strengthened your soul's cover even more and thereby will have prepared your own fate by becoming increasingly enslaved by matter, and thus you will become matter again yourselves, which you had already long overcome. Yet the law of eternal order will have to be fulfilled again one day. Every spiritual essence, which lived on earth as a human being, will have to receive new forms, since higher development has to continue where it was interrupted.... And the spiritual essence which had failed in its embodiment as a human being has to be given a new opportunity to integrate itself in the process of return.... This could indeed be called an extremely harsh judgement but it only ever corresponds to the human being's own free will, which he had misused on earth.... with the result that his soul will gain banishment into matter, it will be dissolved again and will have to take the infinitely long path through the creations until it once again enters the stage of a human being.... __One day it will achieve the final goal and leave every external shape behind, but it extends or shortens its own time until it can finally enter the kingdom of light in a redeemed state. And although God is inconceivably merciful and patient and in His love constantly tries to encourage people to make the right decision of will.... one day the time will come to an end and then His righteousness will come to the fore, and He will re-establish the old order which, however, will also signify a 'judgement of the soul'.... a transfer into the external form which corresponds to its state of maturity.... And, at the same time, this 'judgment' is the end of an earth- or salvation-period.... It will necessitate a destruction of all works of creation on earth which shelter unredeemed spiritual substance that travels along its process of development in a state of compulsion, as well as people who did not use their earthly existence to progress in their development. They, too, will be 'judged'.... that is, according to their spiritual maturity they will be placed into hard matter again.... You humans are now facing the end of this old earth, whether this seems credible to you or not.... Time and again your attention will be drawn to this fact in order to improve yourselves before the event and to enter the law of eternal order, which only requires a life of love, for love is a divine principle which you, too, as His living creations, will have to acquire if divine order is to be observed. __You are constantly admonished by seers and prophets, who proclaim this near end to you, to consider your real purpose of earthly life, so that the end will not catch you unawares and you will have to step before God's judgment seat laden with sin if you have done nothing to fully mature in the final form.... as a human being, even if you are not yet released from your original sin by having taken this guilt under the cross and prayed to Jesus Christ for redemption from it.... Only he can take all guilt from you, and then you can step before God's judgment seat free of guilt, and you will not have to fear the Last Judgment, then you will be able to exchange your stay on earth with the spiritual kingdom, which is your true home.... You will be able to enter the kingdom of the blissful spirits and neither have to fear the end of the old earth nor new banishment, for the eternal God is not a strict but a righteous Judge, Who will give to you all in accordance with your own will.... __Amen
The reason for the earth` s restoration....
The earth must be renewed because it no longer serves its purpose as a place of development for the spirits.... All order has been revoked, people pay no more attention to My will, they live contrary to law, for love is the essence of divine Order and this has grown cold among people, hence their earthly path is in vain since it does not ascend but irrevocably leads into the abyss. The human being ought to be of loving service but he strives to dominate, and even many of the bound spiritual substances are prevented from being helpful because people hoard material things and deny them all useful purpose.... People are in a state of complete spiritual darkness, for without love there cannot be light and thus people remain spiritually blind and don't recognise their God and Creator.... Consequently this state has to be brought to an end, everything must be restored to its rightful order again.... the people who fail have to be separated from those who belong to Me, who strive to live an orderly life and who will therefore be treated with hostility by the former.... The lowest point has truly been reached which necessitates a renewal of earth, when all bound spiritual substances will be released and placed into new forms again, when everything will be placed into the most diverse kinds of new creations according to their degree of maturity. And then the human being, who had become totally enslaved by material things, will become matter again himself.... he will be banished into the creations of the new earth. __This is the most horrific fate you humans can imagine, the fact that your `Self' will be dissolved into countless tiny particles once more and has to travel the path through the creations of the new earth in order to reach the stage of a human being again one day, even though it will take an infinitely long time all over again.... You humans cannot imagine such a work of transformation, after all, it means the end of this old earth, even if the planet as such remains My might and wisdom will nevertheless subject it to a complete transformation and thereby make it suitable again to serve its purpose of helping the spiritual substances gain full maturity. You should accept the knowledge you receive about this process and its reasons and think about it seriously. You should know that this work of destruction will particularly affect you humans very painfully since it will be your loss if your way of life does not correspond to My eternal order. You should also know that I will keep to the day which will bring an end to this earth, for My plan was determined by My love and wisdom and is set for eternity.... And so one period of Salvation comes to an end and a new one begins, where order has been restored and where tranquillity and peace prevails, where it is impossible for My adversary to be active because he will be banished for a very long time.... __Don't think that you are being wrongly instructed if I repeatedly send you the information about this impending act of disintegration of all creations on, in and above the earth.... Believe Me that everything is possible for Me and that I also know when such destructive action is necessary in order to guarantee the development of the ascending spiritual substances. Yet those of you humans who lack all love won't accept My Word, hence you will be harshly affected when the last day comes.... But there is no other option because My love applies to all still unredeemed and enslaved spirits.... And even for you, who fail in your free state as a human being, I will create new possibilities to reach the goal one day; yet the fact that you infinitely prolong the time of your distance from Me again is your own free will, thus your own fault, which you have to pay for with a renewed banishment into the creations.... For I truly don't want your unhappiness and will help you until the very last hour of this act of banishment passes you by, so that you will still find Me and call upon Me for mercy before the end.... __Amen
Signs of the last days....
You can rest assured that everything I have announced through seers and prophets will fulfil itself, for the end moves ever closer and by the signs of the times you will recognise the hour you live in. Time and again the objection is raised that the end was always dreaded during bad times and yet the earth continued to exist.... that even My disciples had counted on My early return and that they, too, had been mistaken.... And likewise they don't want to listen and believe in My present proclamations. And I repeatedly emphasize the fact that one day the future will become the presence and that you humans have now arrived at the lowest spiritual point which necessitates an end of this earth which, however, should only be understood as a total transformation of the earth's surface and not the destruction of the earth as a work of creation. For this earth will continue to fulfil its task in the universe, it will continue to shelter people for the purpose of maturing their souls.... Yet first it has to be made suitable for this again. __My Word is truth, and if I send you My Word from above, if I explain My plan of Salvation to you so that you will also know all correlations, then I actually only intend you to faithfully accept My warnings and admonitions and change your attitude towards Me accordingly.... For you should think further than just your daily life, you should think of what lies ahead of you since you know for certain that you will have to die and cannot prolong your life for even one day, that you therefore depend on the Power which had called you into being.... You should seriously deliberate these thoughts, and it will not be to your disadvantage, for then I will also help you to think clearly and to consider the idea of an end, and what this end means for each one of you. If you believe in a God and Creator Whose love called you into being then you will not be so worried when you are made aware of a near end, for then you will know that this God and Creator also holds your destiny in His hands, that you only need to commend yourselves to His love and grace in order to be safely lead through the approaching time.... And the references relating to it won't frighten you, instead you will merely join your God and Creator more closely, Whom you recognise as your eternal Father. __Yet the unbelievers will be badly affected, and to those apply My constant prophesies of a near end, for they can still change themselves during the short time they have left. Just pay attention to the signs of the time, for I have already announced those to My first disciples.... But by now you are at the start of the time of affliction, you hear about wars, about earthquakes.... accidents and disasters are increasing.... you can observe changes in the universe, and you also see how people behave who have degenerated and believe that they can interfere in My creation, who let themselves be driven to God-opposing experiments which will not end well.... __Notice the frame of mind of people who indulge in worldly pleasures, who are harsh and unloving and don't consider their neighbour's hardship.... Pay attention to the lack of faith, to their attitude towards Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, and you will know that you are already living in the midst of time which precedes the end. The battle of faith, too, will flare up with such cruelty you would not think possible. And this spiritual low level will draw the end closer and has already reached the degree which would justify My intervention, but I will not divert from the day that has been determined in My plan of Salvation since eternity.... But neither will I postpone this day, for in My wisdom I also realised when the time is right for the work of transformation to take place.... __And therefore I will let My voice be heard until the end announcing the approaching end, and happy is he who listens to this voice and prepares himself.... happy is he who wants to belong to My Own and remains loyal to Me until the end.... For I will provide him with exceptional strength, he will stand firm and need not fear the day of the end.... __Amen
Unleashed elements of nature....
I will always and forever care for you, who are still very distant from Me and refuse to take the path back to Me, and full of compassion I look upon humanity which makes no attempt to turn to Me and to renounce My adversary for good. The end of this earth comes constantly closer, which decides all its inhabitants' future fates.... I let My admonishing voice sound ever more urgently, and an extent of suffering and adversity goes across earth which could truly suffice to change people's minds, yet most of them remain indifferent as long as they are not affected themselves, and their selfish love grows ever stronger so that they reward themselves with worldly pleasures and barely consider their unfortunate neighbours.... And although more and more accidents and disasters will happen, they even increase the adversities and suffering with their own machinations and thereby drive people into serious difficulties, sin gets out of hand and irresponsible are the actions of the individual person towards his fellow man.... They are so distant from Me that My voice can barely reach them, and thus it will prompt Me to resound loudly from above.... so that they will also experience extreme adversity through the elements of nature, so that they will no longer be able to hold their fellow human beings accountable for that which afflicts them but that they will have to acknowledge that a Power is manifesting Itself Which they themselves cannot oppose. I have to use this last means of force, although even this will not compel them to believe, because people will give themselves all kinds of explanations apart from the one that their God and Creator wants to express Himself in order to be heard by them.... The presence of faith in a God is extremely weak, and even this weak faith will be relinquished by many people in view of the work of destruction caused by the unleashed elements of nature.... And yet I will use this last means because individual people will still find Me when they, in extreme danger, take the path to Me and send a prayer in spirit and in truth to Me.... They will receive help in miraculous ways and then will never want to leave Me again, because they have received My obvious help, but this can only be given to those who call upon Me in spirit and in truth.... __Countless people will lose their lives and will have to replace the earth with the kingdom of the beyond, but they will still have the opportunity to ascend, for the gates to the spiritual kingdom are not closed as yet and for many people it is still a blessing to be recalled from earth. And I truly know the state of their souls, to which extent they are still capable of being taught in the kingdom of the beyond.... However, the survivors on earth will be faced by a time of need which will only be endurable by making use of My strength and help.... For there will be incalculable chaos which you humans will be unable to master on your own, and then it will be shown that My Own will be led through all tribulation because My help for them will be evident.... And they will be able to offer comfort and strength to their fellow human beings too by also referring them to Me, Who alone can improve their situation but Who also wants to be called upon from the bottom of their hearts. This last intervention of Mine before the end will be a greater than great blessing as well, although most people will doubt My love, indeed, even openly deny a God Who lets such a disaster befall humanity. Yet there is not much time left until the end.... Hence everything must be done in advance to spare people the fate of a renewed banishment in the creations of the new earth, because this fate is so appalling that you humans can't possibly imagine it.... And if I want to protect you from this I will therefore continue to use those means prior to it which still promise a little success, even if you doubt them to be the work of a living God Who is love within Himself.... My only concern is that people will remember Me in their distress, that they will take the path to Me, that they will acknowledge Me in their heart and then not go astray if they are being recalled, for then their ascent in the kingdom of the beyond will also be assured to them. And if they survive the huge natural event they will not relinquish Me anymore, and everyone will still be granted a time of grace until the end during which they can make a decision if they are still undecided. The time is approaching the end, and humanity still has to face many difficulties.... Yet those who believe in Me can calmly await even this time, for they will always receive My help, and this adversity, too, will pass by once it has served its purpose.... For soon I Myself will come and fetch My Own from this earth when the last day has arrived, as it is intended in My plan of eternity.... __Amen
Harmonious life on the new earth....
Whatever idea you might have of the new earth, the reality will far surpass your imagination, because a blessed time will dawn for My Own, for the people who will endure to the end and be taken to the new earth.... People will live together in absolute harmony and peace, surrounded by incomparable works of creation.... Even the animal world will coexist peacefully, there will be no hostility between the creatures, for their soul substances are also nearing embodiment as a human being, and all spiritual substances bound in the creations sense the harmony surrounding them and noticeably change their resistance, which becomes apparent by their willingness to be of service, because this spiritual substance, too, wants to arrive at their final path on this earth quickly.... People will be able to enjoy many magnificent things, given that they are fully matured for a life of beatitude, and they would enjoy this beatitude in the kingdom of the beyond were it not for the fact that they shall continue their life on the new earth because the new human race shall arise from them.... __And once again souls will be able to incarnate who had achieved a higher degree of maturity due to the great changes, due to the exceedingly sorrowful last days and the immense destruction, who are now far more willing to fulfil the final functions of service in the material form as a result of people's loving way of life on the new earth. Consequently, they are not entirely without love at the beginning of their human incarnation and thus progress faster, especially since they are not troubled by the adversary, since their love also assures them the light beings' protection and help.... so that they will be able to easily repel the instincts and longings which still adhere to them.... For their will is directed towards Me, and thus they also fully consciously pass their test of will in their earthly life as a human being, because My adversary is unable to bother them and people's love establishes the bond with Me.... This privilege of an easier earthly progress for their descendants was acquired by My Own through their successful battle before the end, which truly necessitated a strong will and immense love for Me and which I therefore will also reward in every sense. In addition, I know when the spiritual substances in the form change their will, and accordingly I Am able to place them into external forms on the new earth again which will guarantee the spiritual substances' willingness to serve.... The situation on the new earth will be such that people will no longer be burdened by suffering and problems, that they no longer will experience earthly or spiritual hardship, that they will be able to enjoy the magnificent creations in perfect happiness, that one person will so love the other that he will want to discard everything that could burden the other.... And this love allows Me Myself to dwell among My Own, to teach them and to bring joy to them with My presence. A truly divine peace will spread across all created beings and remain for a long time, because every activity is determined by love, and thus even succeeding generations will allow Me to dwell amongst them.... and the adversary will be totally excluded.... For he cannot be where I Am present, and all people have been redeemed in truth, for they live in the sign of the cross, they are brightly enlightened about Jesus Christ's act of Salvation and love Me in Him with a passionate heart.... __It is truly a state of paradise which certainly will last a long time, but it will not last indefinitely.... For ever more spiritual substances travelling through the creations, whose resistance has not yet been entirely broken, will attain their final embodiment, and then the longing for matter will come to the fore again and in a manner of speaking loosen My adversary's chains.... For people will desire what still belongs to him and demonstrate their adherence to him and thus will also be controlled by him again.... And then the adversary will have the right to influence the human being's will once more, and he will use it by tempting people into wrongful deeds which offend against the commandments of love and thus also distance Me from the face of the individual who has submitted himself to My adversary.... __And so the battle between light and darkness will start again; earth will once again serve as a place to mature, for an infinite number of constrained spiritual substances will take the path of higher development and they all are given an appointed length of time. And time and again also entirely redeemed souls will depart into the spiritual kingdom, for Jesus Christ's act of Salvation will never remain ineffective, and I, for My part, will always make sure that the knowledge of it will be conveyed to people, for Jesus Christ will always oppose the prince of darkness, Who will sooner or later be victorious depending on people's will, which is and will remain free and which will also achieve the last perfection in earthly life.... because one day it will submit itself to Me and completely subordinate itself to My will.... __Amen
(Continuation of no. 8500) Time indication....
You will never receive any indication in regards to time, because it would only have a damaging effect on your soul if you knew exactly when a prediction would take place. You should certainly take notice of it because I want you to prepare yourselves, because I want to admonish and caution you.... admonish, so that you will eagerly work at improving your soul and caution, so that you will not become complacent, which you will bitterly regret one day. This is why I have informed you of future happenings and indeed pointed forthcoming events out to people since the beginning of this period of salvation, for the idea of approaching them shortly should encourage you to live in accordance with My will and thus fulfil your purpose of earthly life.... Yet the time when you should expect the announced events has never been specified, and this made you become half-hearted regarding these predictions.... You always assume that My predictions will fulfil themselves in the distant future.... But you fail to consider that time passes constantly, that you draw ever closer to this future and that one day even the `future' becomes the `present'.... Thus I once again predict to you that the end of this earth, the end of a period of Salvation, is soon to come. And I keep referring to it with increasing urgency because it seems incredible to you that you should live in this end time.... Once again I don't give you the precise time and will not do so until the end so as not to compel your will.... __Yet one thing I will tell you, you don't have much time left, very soon the time will come when all My predictions will fulfil themselves and you should not rely on the fact that one day is like a thousand years to Me.... Even a thousand years eventually pass by, and thus even the period of Salvation in which you live will come to its end one day, for sooner or later a new period will have to start if only for the sake of the bound spiritual substances in the works of creation which shall continue their development.... And again I only say, you are on the verge of it.... But time and again I repeat these Words with such urgency that you should nevertheless start to think.... Time and again I try to attract labourers during the last days before the end because I urgently need them in view of the forthcoming event, I convey remarkable knowledge to you humans so that you learn to understand My predictions, so that you know the reasons on which My proclamations are based.... I do this because the end is very near and because you ought to believe that My Words will fulfil themselves.... Yet even now I cannot specify the time since I don't want to throw you into incalculable chaos.... For the knowledge of the precise day and hour would throw you into dreadful confusion and no longer result in any kind of maturity. I can only repeatedly and ever more urgently draw your attention to the fact that you must take the fulfilment of all predictions into account, that you should not rely on the fact that you yourselves will not experience them anymore.... __No-one knows the hour of his death and neither will anyone know as to whether he will be taken by surprise by the announced end, by the immense work of destruction and its predecessor, the unexpected natural disaster, and whether he will have to live through everything that happens in the last days, for I keep telling you: You are on the verge of it, you don't have much time left and every day and every hour you must take into account that I will extraordinarily manifest Myself through the elements of nature, and then you will also know that the end is no longer far away.... Therefore you should live in accordance with My will.... It will enable you to approach all events without fear.... You should only unite yourselves with Me through deeds of love, prayer and frequent thoughts and truly, your souls will not be harmed even if I prematurely call you back.... But I will also physically protect you if it is My will that you should still serve Me until the end.... Yet never expect Me to disclose a time to you, for it would not be of any benefit whatsoever for you, who serve Me, nor for your fellow human beings whose state of maturity is even less suitable for such knowledge. Yet whatever knowledge you can possibly impart to your fellow human beings about the forthcoming events, about My eternal plan of Salvation and the Father's infinite love Who wants to save all His children before the end.... should be done by you, and thus you still carry out fruitful vineyard work for Me until the end.... For every soul which still finds deliverance is a gain for Me for which I will truly reward you.... __Amen
Earthly flourishing.... Swift decline....
From a worldly point of view you are able to observe continuous thriving, for people strive overzealously for earthly improvements and prosperity, all their thoughts and intentions are purely earthly minded and they seem to bring everything under control to better their living conditions. And yet, from a spiritual point of view, it is a constant decline, for people keep moving away from God, they lose their faith in Him and therefore also every connection, and that means that God's adversary takes complete possession of them, that he is most successful with those people who only pay attention to his domain and are therefore also enslaved by him.... People's goals are earthly prosperity, honour and fame, spiritual goals are unknown to them, and neither do they feel the bleakness and emptiness in their hearts because these are completely filled by earthly thoughts and earthly plans.... And only rarely can their experiences unsettle or change their present thinking.... only rarely will people get tired of their earthly activity and look for another goal to support.... Then destiny must come down hard on them and people's thinking must be forcibly turned into a different direction.... when they themselves are incapable of averting this fate and thus will also have to fight.... Then they might dwell on the futility of their earthly life.... they will recognise a higher Power above themselves which is stronger than their will to live and makes people aware of their own weakness. But every severe stroke of fate is only a means to shake people out of their tranquil earthly existence.... This is a means I use in order to achieve a change of attitude, which is indeed possible when they, through suffering or illness or other difficult situations, have to recognise the futility of their earthly endeavours and start to reflect on their own inadequacy and weakness to have control over such strokes, that they are dependent on a higher Power. Only then might their thinking change, and then they will also strive for another goal than the one they had before.... And there will only ever be a few who turn their way of life around, who will be able to detach themselves from the world and its possessions and then no longer allow themselves to be deceived by worldly flourishing and achievements. __Nevertheless, worldly accomplishments will become increasingly more amazing, for it is a sign of the end that ever greater plans will be pursued and also undertaken which, however, will more and more divert from that which God demands from people and which is of value for eternity.... Wherever earthly matter is given priority that is where God's adversary is involved, for people who only chase after material goods and only make plans to improve their prosperity already belong to him. And these people will also be willing servants to him, they will get ever more enchained by matter and therefore also determine their later fate themselves.... For even if you humans can observe constant thriving and steady progress around you.... you will only be able to enjoy it for a short time, for soon everything will fall prey to destruction and you will lose all earthly acquired possessions.... because God Himself wants to prove to you the fleeting nature of all that which occupies your thoughts and yet is completely worthless.... Therefore you, who are already on the right path, should not let yourselves be deceived.... Don't let your thoughts be misled by believing that the earth can still count on a long existence in view of the fact that so many human plans are being accomplished, which denote worldly progress and a high living standard.... Everything progresses in a worldly way, sooner than you think it will come to an end and people will experience living conditions which you cannot possibly imagine.... For a divine intervention through the forces of nature will give rise to a complete change to which people will have to resign themselves and will only be able to do so if they are in close contact with God and pray for strength, which they then will certainly receive, so that all those will surely be helped who find and take the path to Him.... Only then will you humans realise the transience of earthly matter, and good for him who draws the right conclusions from this realisation, who will be able to detach himself from worldly things and only seeks to gain spiritual wealth.... He can always expect God's blessing and support, he will hand himself over to Him and be guided through all adversity.... __Amen
Clarification about UFOs....
You will receive light on all subjects through My divine revelations, no question will remain unanswered which you submit to Me in full trust that I will give you an explanation. Therefore nothing needs to stay unexplained; you need only ask yourselves in order to receive a truthful answer. __Time and again doubts arise in you because you believe that you are allegedly able to prove the existence of so-called spaceships, (whether evidence could be produced of the existence of so-called spaceships), which come to earth from other stars.... But if you seriously investigate these alleged appearances you will not be able to provide one hundred per cent proof. You will find that these statements are always based on mere presumption or self-suggestion, for which no proof can be found. The explanation rests in the fact that people fall victim to the adversary who, in the last days, resorts and is able to resort to lies and deception because people themselves want to experience sensationalism, and nothing is too fantastic for them.... and that their thoughts are completely confused. If people had spiritual knowledge they would know that there is no prospect of contact between the individual stars, that the inhabitants on other stars will never be able to leave their sphere and approach other worlds.... The claims made by these people are pure inventions and no person will ever be able to prove his claim to have been in contact with inhabitants from other stars. However, people can fall prey to the adversary's works of deception and, due to their imagination, can be receptive to delusions which originate from him, but these cannot have physical consistency since My adversary lacks the power to produce material objects. __Nevertheless, where actual physical objects have been sighted by people they have their origin on this earth.... They are test objects of researchers who, with intensified effort, intend to dominate earth's outer space.... Rumours that are spread about extraterrestrial beings, who supposedly come from other stars, are deliberate lies because no human being will be able to prove to have spoken to such alleged `star-dwellers'. The circle of those who affirm such appearances will never include spiritually enlightened people because they are My adversary's absolute servants, whom he can use for his purposes.... always provided that it does not concern earthly test objects which could be seen by anyone.... which then, however, will be portrayed as extraterrestrial objects by unenlightened people, or by people enslaved by My opponent. Time and again I emphasize that there is no contact between individual stars and that there is good reason for it.... If you humans even assume that these alleged messengers from other stars want to come to earth to save you, then they would also have to actively help you humans on My behalf.... Consequently, if I had given them this task....they would always have to establish and maintain the connection with those who are My Own, with those whom I will lift up to heaven in the end.... In that case My Own would see these objects and their occupants too.... which will never happen.... because I explain this misconception to them and inform them of the pure truth. __But those who make and believe such assertions cannot be spiritually enlightened, they always pursue purely earthly goals and believe My adversary's promises, who wants to prevent people from making heartfelt contact with Me, which is the only guarantee for their rescue at the forthcoming end of this earth. You should believe that it is truly possible for Me to protect every individual person and at the end of the earth lift him up to heaven because the destruction of earth, as it exists now, is inevitable.... And believe that I have countless angels in readiness for this, but that they will never appear to people beforehand as inhabitants of other stars.... And since I convey the pure truth to earth because you humans are in need of it, I would truly also inform you of this if it corresponded to the truth. But I will continue to warn you about My adversary's artful deception in the last days before the end, who uses earthly activities to deceive people, as well as suggestions to cause mental confusion.... because people will blindly believe what is presented to them as long as they are not permeated by the longing for truth, then they would also always receive the truth.... __Amen
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