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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Divine revelations can be accepted without scrutiny.... L...
A divine revelation should and must be taken seriously, otherwise the recipient is not worthy of it. Various possibilities to solve earthly problems certainly exist, earthly things can be viewed from various angles, an earthly problem can be answered in different ways, depending on the human being's attitude, however, in a spiritual respect there is only one truth, there is only one solution, and this solution is given by God Himself to those who desire it and are worthy of it. And despite the worthiness, the transmission of truth through revelations of the spirit is a very special grace which must be acknowledged, just as that which God imparts to people through revelations is beyond all doubt and may therefore be accepted without any examination. And, indeed, as soon as God Himself is acknowledged as the source of spiritual revelations his communications are no longer doubted. Yet it is precisely the source of spiritual revelation that is frequently questioned, and then the human being will not be entirely convinced that the content corresponds to the truth. However, the Word speaks for itself, and it speaks in a language which can certainly be understood by all those who live a life of love.... Kind-hearted people, who develop increasingly higher, can also affirm the content of the proclamations, for they grasp the truth and are on the right track with their thoughts, nothing will seem implausible to them, instead, they accept every Word and arrange their life accordingly. Yet a person who lacks love will find it more difficult to believe unconditionally. God's working is incomprehensible to them, and neither can they completely appreciate the content, for love is the key to truth, love is indispensable if the human being wants to penetrate the truth through his acceptance of divine revelations. They can only be advised to practise acting with love, for only through this they will understand everything and disperse every doubt. Through love he will make contact with God and can subsequently also be instructed by God Himself. Then he will know the truth, he will be allowed to receive profound knowledge, it will be easy for him to believe, since the truth speaks for itself, and the Word of God will always be pure and unadulterated truth, because it originates from the One Who is the eternal Truth Himself.... __Amen
The right kind of teacher.... Truth - Error....
People must hand themselves over to a good teacher if they want to be taught correctly, so long as they don't come to Me Myself for schooling. They could be instructed by Me directly at all times, yet they would lack the knowledge of this as well as faith. Consequently, they will have to receive the knowledge from somewhere else and need only make sure that the instructor knows the truth and is able to teach them correctly. Being instructed in the truth must be very important to them, therefore they must investigate the origin of the teacher's knowledge; they should first clarify the relationship the teacher has with Me. Hence, they must first believe in Me as Creator and Father of eternity, they must inwardly acknowledge a Deity and make an effort to get to know this Deity. This is the first condition or hardly anyone would try to penetrate spiritual knowledge. A distinction must be made between people who allow themselves to be instructed and those who want to be instructed.... The first let themselves be pushed into a school without resistance, they let themselves be seized by teachers looking for subjects to whom they want to impart their points of view. The latter look for their own school in order to receive knowledge, and they are serious about attaining the truth. I will come to meet these seekers and guide them to the right teacher. However, since My adversary also wants to gain your soul he will not miss the opportunity to let representatives of error cross your path. Anyone who seeks the truth will also come across incompetent teachers, and therefore indications are given to you that you should conduct an examination in order to entrust yourselves to the right teachers and how you should do this. And again it should be said that your attention must first be drawn to the teacher's attitude towards Me, whether he spiritedly advocates My Word or whether his lips merely pass My Words on, which is very quickly recognisable for the serious seeker, since the repeat of the living Word ignites the listener's heart, whereas the lifeless Word is tiring and puts people off listening. Although someone with a hunger for truth can also derive some benefit from this dead Word, he will nevertheless feel dissatisfied with such teachings so that he will expect more, then he should give in to this longing and look for a different teacher. But teachers who inspire people's keen debates, who repeat My Word animatedly and cause a positive response in people's heart, whose bond with God can be recognised by their kind and loving nature, are true representatives of My Word and in possession of truth. You can trustingly hand yourselves over to them, they will teach you correctly and contribute to the fact that you will soon establish heartfelt contact with Me and thus can be instructed by My spirit directly, either mentally or through the inner Word. The origin of their knowledge might well be the same with both teachers, both might have gained the knowledge through study, and yet their teaching ability will differ and therefore their knowledge will also be either of purest truth or interspersed with errors, depending on their maturity of soul. For this reason you must always pay attention to the teacher's way of life, to what extent the human being follows Christ, that is, to what extent he is permeated by love for his neighbour, which will characterise his entire nature and will always be recognisable, because love does not hide itself. Truth can always be found where love is present because it cannot be gained academically; instead, it can only be gained, recognised and taken possession of through the working of the spirit, which is the result of a life of love. And thus it can always be noticed whether a teacher expresses his own thoughts or merely words which have not yet found the right response in his heart and therefore cannot be repeated spiritedly. Test the teachers and choose a suitable teacher for yourselves, for you will come into contact with both. The right ones will lead you to Me, yet the others will not be prevented from approaching you because you can and should decide for yourselves if you seriously want to be taught the truth.... __Amen
The blessing of spiritual knowledge in the beyond....
My spirit is revealing to you spiritual knowledge which will make you indescribably happy one day, if you work with it in the spiritual kingdom for the benefit of those who are still unaware.... Until people have reached the state of enlightenment pure truth is rarely to be found amongst them on earth and therefore not in the kingdom of the beyond either. For light stands for wisdom, the knowledge of pure truth, and every erroneous thought is a shadow obscuring the light, even if a soul is already translucent. But until the last wrong thought has been banished the light will still be cloudy at times, and the soul first has to make itself completely accessible to the truth, it must have acquired the correct information, before it will be able to work with it as a bearer of light in the spiritual kingdom. __Being able to enter the beyond with spiritual knowledge is therefore an immense grace, since it is the equivalent to wearing a bright gown of light which shines everywhere and distributes light in turn. Now it can instantly carry out its real function, it can educate the ignorant and be of immense help where there is still darkness or twilight. For it will also be confronted by doubters and liars in the spiritual realm, nevertheless it will be able to enlighten them with its knowledge. Since this knowledge is the result of the revelations through My spirit it has a power of conviction which a being can rarely resist unless it is a representative of the prince of darkness and flees from the truth. For such beings will also cross the path of someone who knows in order to extinguish a light in the belief that they are able to do so. And beings like that can only receive clarification from a bearer of light who has received his knowledge from Me.... __For this very reason My revelations, My Word, contain tremendous strength which can even pull down strong walls, for I address these souls Myself if you lend Me your mouth, if you, due to My will, bring the Gospel to the souls in darkness in the same way as you have received it from Me. For it is the pure truth, and this will even convince a soul hitherto steeped in wrong thought since it feels an inner happiness, it more or less perceives the truth like a good deed, its understanding of it begins to develop, it can no longer doubt what it effectively receives from Me.... The strength of My Word has a noticeable effect, the soul suddenly becomes illuminated, and what it had so far failed to understand suddenly becomes clear and is joyfully accepted. Just as misery and confusion caused by misguided teachings are great, so gladdening and intelligible is the truth.... And truth will always be found where My spirit can be effective, what I reveal to people through My spirit will always be truth. Therefore you should remain aware of the abundance of blessings you receive from Me and work with this gift of grace, pass on My Word, carry light into the darkness, illuminate everyone, give them the truth which you have received from Me Myself, and work for the benefit of those who are still living in spiritual darkness.... __Amen
Adam.... Original spirit.... Lucifer's test.... Bursting ...
Anyone who strives to arrive at the truth leaves all darkness behind him, he will have an explanation for everything, he will know the correlation between all things, he will recognise that his path leads upwards, that he has found the connection with God, that he cannot err anymore because God Himself conveys the truth to him. But striving for the truth means that it first has to be sincerely desired, and then the knowledge he receives.... be it from outside or from within in the form of thoughts.... has to be accepted with an open heart. For the heart will be willing to either accept or reject truth and error and thus influence the person accordingly. __Truth has to be aspired to in so far as that the human being's will has to be actively involved.... it cannot simply be given to a completely passive person who does not want it himself and who will not take the necessary steps in order to gain it. For then he will remain in spiritual darkness and not achieve progress. Truth, however, is the ascending path.... Truth is the spiritual knowledge conveyed to people by God Himself which tries to find a recipient in every human being, which can be acquired by every person's will since it can be imparted to people in many different ways.... but it always has to be desired first. But anyone who has gained the truth no longer lives in darkness, everything is crystal clear to him, he no longer doubts, for whatever is still unclear will be explained to him when he asks for it providing he turns to the source of truth.... providing he submits his doubts and questions to God Himself and then awaits God's answer through his heart.... The desire for truth, the mental contact with God and his inward listening also ensures him a clear and truthful answer. You humans should know that no unsolved questions need to exist for you providing you just want an explanation and present every question to the One Who is truth Himself and Who also wants to impart it to His children in order to enlighten them, in order to illuminate their path of ascent: __The body of the first-created human being was also an act of creation by My love. I then had to create an external shell for the fallen spirit once it had worked its way up from the abyss to a point where it was able to undertake its final test of will in complete freedom.... I had to create forms for all My once created original spirits whose previously dissolved substances had come together again after an infinitely long period of time and who, therefore, as self-aware beings once more, were waiting for permission to become active.... Creating the external form of such an original spirit was no different than the countless many works of creation which had previously arisen.... it was My externalised thought which, through My will, appeared before Me already completed. But giving life to this created form was only possible by permeating it with My strength of love.... __The originally created spirit, however, was My emanated strength of love.... Hence it only needed to take possession of the external form in order to turn it into a living being. The spirit was close to its perfection.... and yet far from it because it lacked final realisation.... because the sin with which it was burdened had completely deprived it of all knowledge and in this state it needed instruction and commandments.... thus it was to gradually mature into realisation by complying with these commandments.... A great spiritual battle had taken place earlier because a large number of fallen original spirits wanted to occupy My first created form.... For they knew that they could only gain access to Me again in the body of a human being, that they would only be able to gain unimaginable abundance of strength and light through a test of life in which they were to prove how they would utilise the strength at their disposal.... But I Myself chose which original spirit should take abode in the first human being.... For only I knew whose opposition to Me had weakened such that the final test of earthly life could be imposed on him; I knew whose will could have resisted My adversary's power. Therefore I chose an original spirit which had once taken a leading position during the spirits' apostasy.... which was indeed more heavily burdened by sin but which My love very much endeavoured to regain, for countless beings would likewise have followed it and the redemption would have progressed far more rapidly.... I have known, in fact, since eternity that this original spirit would fail.... Nevertheless, due to its changed will during the preliminary stages it was the strongest spirit, thus it was also entitled to be the first to receive the state of free will, and which therefore offered the best prospects of passing the test of will.... __The form of the first human being was.... before this original spirit occupied it, also visible to Lucifer, who certainly knew that this form was the gate from the kingdom of darkness, from his realm, into My kingdom, into the kingdom of light.... He also knew that.... if he didn't want to lose his followers.... he had to use every means to wrest the souls back from Me during the human being's approved probationary period, in order to turn the test to his advantage.... __My created form was still without life when Lucifer seized it in order to test it by animating it with his spirit.... yet his untamed spirit burst the form, and he was sure that every spirit banished into this form would burst it and that there would never be any danger of loss for him.... __I allowed this test to happen and then proved to him that his assumption was wrong.... For due to its long process of development the very spirit which was to embody itself in the human being no longer shared Lucifer's will, it willingly occupied the final external form, and since this original spirit was close to its original state it did not consider the external form a shackle to prevent the fall into sin.... For it was master over all of creation, it could rule like a lord over the earth which was at its disposal with every creation.... It had abundant might and strength.... only subordinate to My might, which only gave it an easy commandment, the obedience to which would have broken any constraint imposed on it.... __And when Lucifer realised this he thought about ways to stop the human being from obeying this commandment, and since he knew the first human being's body he tried to make him dislike it by portraying it as a shackle.... by making freedom from it dependent on transgressing this commandment.... and thus incited the original spirit to inwardly revolt against Me again for not having given it complete freedom.... It was a deliberate deception which the first human being could have resisted by merely adhering to My simple commandment.... if he had been satisfied with his possession of might and strength which made him truly happy until My adversary aroused an impure desire in him.... to be greater than the One, Who was a perceptible power above him.... of Whom he knew and Whose commandment he nevertheless disregarded.... __The first human being's fall into sin was therefore a repetition of the original spirit's first fall. It followed Lucifer and drew innumerable beings into the abyss with him.... just as all descendants of the first human being were afterwards also placed into the weak state of sinful people until Jesus Christ came to their rescue, until Jesus Christ acquired the strength of will on behalf of humanity through His crucifixion, until Jesus Christ opposed Lucifer's temptations with His strong will and defeated him.... __Nothing could have induced the first-created being, Lucifer, to cover the earthly progress as a human being as long as he still considered himself lord of the spiritual world which had deserted Me with him, for he himself did not take the course through matter, through creation, before the creation of the first human being.... As a spiritually tangible spirit he was volitionally still My strongest opponent, he deemed himself lord over the creation which sheltered the spiritual substance that belonged to him, although he himself had no influence over it. His inner resistance was still unbroken, and he would never ever have put up with any coercion, he would never voluntarily have entered a form created by My will.... because he hated all forms for the spiritual substances, all works of creation, and sought to destroy them.... However, his power over the works of creation had been taken away from him, but then he was granted influence over the soul when this was to make its free decision again for Me or for him.... He also knew that he was unable to destroy a form himself once it was inhabited by spiritual beings, and for this reason he inspected the first human being's form in advance, for his goal was to induce the original spirit which was to occupy it to destroy its own external form.... because he believed that he would thereby provide it with the freedom which I had taken away from the spirits due to the works of creation.... He wanted to stop Me from completing the plan of Salvation. __The opposition between Myself and him existed ever since his apostasy and will never be given up by him until he realises that he is completely powerless, and in profound weakness and humility appeals to Me to give him strength.... For this reason it would have been impossible to give him the first human body as an abode. For his will did not aim for ascent, whereas the past resistance to Me by the spiritual essence, having passed through creation in the state of compulsion, had already diminished and it was merely to prove just once more that it had abandoned its opposition to Me and My strength of love. And Lucifer knew how far this spiritual essence had already distanced itself from him, and he also knew that there now was a risk of losing it entirely. And since the original spirit embodied in the first human being had once been his staunch supporter he was particularly interested to bring it to fall.... But he also knew of its present desire to become free from every physical restraint.... __And then I placed a second being at this original spirit's side, which simultaneously was to support but also help him with the test of his will. Each one could have supported the other to arrive at the final objective; I did not place the responsibility on one shoulder alone.... I gave the commandment to both, and both were able to attain the goal together.... And this second being was used by Lucifer, who recognised its weak will and thereby hoped to achieve his objective.... The test of will had to be demanded from the first human couple, and in support of this test adverse forces also had to be active, for Lucifer fought for his living creations too, which he did not want to surrender even though they belonged to Me as well. His plan succeeded, nevertheless, it did not stop Me from giving countless beings time and again the opportunity to take on a new form in the human beings of this earth and thus to achieve an ever higher degree of maturity even if, due to the fall of the first human couple, the gate to the kingdom of light remained closed until the arrival of Jesus Christ.... __The first sin had delayed but not cancelled the spiritual beings' redemption, for what the first human being had failed to do was achieved by the human being Jesus.... He was stronger than My adversary for He availed Himself of My strength.... He was and stayed in contact with Me through love and voluntarily accomplished what the first human beings did not fulfil as a commandment.... He completely subordinated Himself to My will and proved His devotion to Me through His suffering and death on the cross.... He knew of the original sin and the first human beings' repeated guilt, and in order to cancel this guilt, in order to redeem humankind, He offered to bring Me a sacrifice, which was satisfactory to Me.... a sacrifice, which opened the gate to the spiritual kingdom again, the path to Me, and now enables all My living beings who acknowledge Him as Son of God and Redeemer of the world to become blissfully happy once more.... __Amen
Characteristic of the church of Christ....
The working of My spirit is the characteristic of My church which I Myself founded on earth.... Time and again I must tell you that you can only recognise My church by that, that you are only members of the church of Christ when the spirit is able to work in you.... when your thinking is enlightened, even if you are not called on to accomplish extraordinary things.... Enlightened thinking demonstrates the strength of My spirit which, however, can only express itself when the preconditions are fulfilled.... when selfless activity of love has established the bond between the spiritual spark within you and its Father-Spirit.... Then you will also be able to have a living faith, for love will have brought the faith in you alive and the spirit within you will brightly and clearly realise which teachings correspond to the truth, thus you will also uphold them with conviction towards your fellow human beings. As long as you still live in error, as long as your faith is merely a conventional faith without life, the spirit will not be active in you yet and neither will you be able to say that you belong to the church of Christ.... the church which I Myself founded on earth. Alone the fact that you humans are unaware of this or, if you are told, do not want to believe it, proves that you don't belong to My church as yet; it proves that you are spiritually unenlightened, and it proves that you don't live a loving way of life, otherwise your thinking would change by itself and enable you to recognise the truth of these Words of Mine.... __Let Me earnestly remind you to live a life of unselfish love.... For this is the first condition in order to awaken the spiritual spark in you, so that it will become active.... so that it will grant you realisation of the truth.... But don't adhere to external formalities, don't accept what you are told by unenlightened people, by what they, in turn, accepted from other unenlightened people and subsequently firmly endorse as truth. Acquire the truth for yourselves by asking Me for it.... Don't just be content with the teaching material that is given to you but dwell on it first before you accept it, and appeal to Me for help in order to recognise the truth.... And providing this is your sincere will I shall truly guide your thoughts correctly, because it is My will that you shall attain the truth and I will do everything in order to convey it to you, only your free will to seriously desire the truth is necessary. I cannot approve your lethargy of thinking; I cannot praise you humans for unreservedly believing what you are being told without first forming your own opinion about it. I won't condemn you if you, despite your best intentions, don't think that you can accept something.... even if it is the truth.... But I will condemn you if you accept spiritual knowledge without thinking about it, because spiritual knowledge must become a certainty in you and this is only possible if you mentally look at it from every angle and, in order to then think correctly, ask Me Myself for help.... Such a request is so pleasing to Me that I will truly grant it, but how seldom does an appeal like that rise up to Me.... And therefore it will also be impossible for you to attain a living faith, it will be impossible for My spirit to work in you because you don't grant it the right to express itself. And for this reason you will never be able to claim that you belong to My church which I established on earth, whose characteristic is 'the working of the spirit' in the human being which 'will guide you into truth....', which will also make you realise that your life is a waste of time as long as you don't live a life of love and unite yourselves with Me through love.... __Amen
The truth reveals God's perfection....
What you need to know in order to successfully accomplish your mission will always be conveyed to you as soon as you intend to use it for your spiritual work and therefore request it from Me. If I give you the task to defend Me and My name, to proclaim My teaching of love and to speak of My love for you, then whatever you tell your fellow human beings also has to make this love of Mine identifiable.... You must always be able to recognise My divine nature, whose attributes are of supreme perfection, and never let doubts arise in you, you should never declare something which causes you to doubt My perfection.... Even a seeming contradiction has to be explainable with your knowledge, so that you will always testify to the perfection of My nature when you instruct your fellow human beings. Yet this can only ever be achieved by the truth, whereas every misguided teaching will be a distortion of My Being, an image which will not characterise Me as a perfect but as an imperfect Being, and therefore you humans can already make your own test and unhesitatingly reject as wrong whatever causes you to doubt the perfection of My Being.... whatever makes My love, My wisdom or My omnipotence appear to be doubtful.... __I want you to recognise Me as your most affectionate Father of eternity, Whose wisdom is unsurpassed and for Whom no limitations of power exist.... I want this because you can only love a perfect Being and because I want to gain your love.... Therefore I will always give you humans a true light, and I will throw such light on every misguided teaching so that you can recognise it as misguided, otherwise you would eternally remain in the dark and withhold your love from Me because you don't know Me. For that reason I transmit the truth to you Myself because it is only rarely still to be found on earth.... for that reason I choose a way to speak to you Myself, since no untruth can ever come forth from My mouth, and because you then need not fear that My Word has already become distorted through human will, which can be influenced by My adversary.... __My direct Word from above guarantees you absolute truth, because I want that truth shall be imparted to you and because I Am truly able to let My will take effect. And anyone who nevertheless still doubts that I Myself transmit My Word to you humans should thus test whether the imparted spiritual knowledge reveals a God of love, wisdom and omnipotence, whether it testifies of a supremely perfect Being.... __And you will not find anything therein which could cause you to doubt.... But now also compare them to the teachings you so far have heard and upheld as `truth'.... and the God portrayed to you will demonstrate many human failings.... He will present himself to you as a punishing, unjust and barely loving God, whom you certainly fear but never will be able to love.... who does not appear to you wise and powerful in his imperfection, because the correct explanations can never be given to you since I reserve these for Myself, and I distribute the truth where the foundation for it has been established in a person's heart, so that he can hear My Word directly. And if you humans believe in a God then you also have to be convinced of His nature's perfection. And this faith, this conviction, is what I want to bestow upon you through My Word, so that the truth will make you happy and you then also learn to love Me and have the desire to unite with Me.... Only the pure truth will let this desire arise in you..... __But I want you to approach Me voluntarily.... Hence I can only achieve this through the transmission of the truth which will reveal to you My Being, which in itself is love, wisdom and omnipotence in absolute perfection.... __Amen
Characteristic of truth: Jesus Christ.... Love....
Everything that testifies to Me is truth, for My adversary will never bear witness to Me and My name. Consequently, wherever people speak on behalf of Me and My kingdom, where My name is glorified and My act of Salvation mentioned in order to lead fellow men to Me as well, where the clear Gospel of love is preached, it cannot be My adversary's work.... always provided that not mere empty Words are recited which have nothing in common with a 'living' proclamation of Jesus Christ anymore. And so you will always be able to form a correct judgment as to how and when the truth, which originates from Me, is proclaimed to you. For My act of Salvation will always be emphasised as a sign of the teachings' divine origin, which I Myself want to be distributed among people. Hence it should not be difficult for you humans to conduct an examination if it is your serious will to receive the truth.... In that case Jesus Christ Himself will be the touchstone, for My adversary will never preach Him, instead he will do everything in his power to undermine Christ's act of Salvation in order to prevent people from approaching Him for deliverance from sin and death. Only the love which Jesus, the man, exemplified to you on earth, can redeem you, for this reason His divine teaching of love must always be emphasised; love must be preached and lived up to by all those who are My true representatives on earth, who speak in My name and impart the truth to you from Me.... And once again you have a reliable feature of a genuine representative of My name: preaching love and loving actions. Where this is missing, truth cannot exist, because I Myself cannot be present where love is missing, but only I Myself can be the source of truth. You can always recognise these characteristics yourself, and where they are absent you can rightfully decline what you are offered, you need only ever make sure that you don't let yourselves be deceived by empty words, for My adversary avails himself of the same Words, although they can always be recognised as a deceptive light by anyone who seriously desires the truth. And thus it is up to you as to whether you receive truthful spiritual information and recognise it.... You need not live in error, it will never be impossible for you to recognise it, for your own will determines your power of judgment.... You may safely reject any spiritual knowledge which does not place Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation at the centre of attention.... For then I would not be correctly recognised either, since I accomplished the act of Salvation in Jesus Christ and can never be separated from Jesus again, with Whom I was able to become as One through His greater than great love for Me and for His fellow human beings.... Anyone who wants to acknowledge Me must also acknowledge Jesus Christ, for He and I are One.... And if this is not clearly recognisable in a teaching, it cannot be the pure truth, in that case unselfish love will not be emphasised either, which alone was the will of Jesus, the man, and therefore is My will as well and is therefore the epitome of the teaching Jesus preached on earth.... This must always be proclaimed but it will never be proclaimed where My adversary aims to suppress the truth and replace it with his own knowledge.... Pay attention to these characteristics and you will also brightly and clearly recognise every misguided teaching.... even if it is beautifully worded but nevertheless lacks living faith in Jesus Christ and the only effective love.... And accept without hesitation any teaching which testifies to Me in Jesus Christ.... __Amen
Announcing the forerunner of Jesus Christ....
None of you humans would know the truth anymore if this were not proclaimed to you through My spirit time and time again.... The pure truth preached to people during My life on earth did not remain pure, for as soon as human consideration began to use My teaching for the purposes of whole nations, everything was intermingled with human supplements, for My pure doctrine did not sufficiently correspond to people's selfishness, and so the individual communities sought to shape this doctrine more or less expediently. And thus the church which I once founded Myself, the so-called early church, soon became a mere distortion of what it originally had been. And My pure teaching had to undergo countless changes. And what still exists today can no longer claim to be pure truth. In order to keep the truth pure, clean vessels are needed into which My spirit can constantly pour. The divine spirit must forever be able to flow, and so the teaching I gave to people must equally be proclaimed by those who are permeated by the spirit or the words will already be subject to a change in the mouth of the proclaimer and take on a different meaning.... __It must always be taken into account that something pure and divine will lose its purity in ungodly surroundings because I do not compel the will of a human being. What the individual person makes of the truth conveyed to him is up to him, and My holy Word was already being distorted even during My life on earth where it suited people's own ends. I can certainly keep transmitting My pure Word to earth through My spirit, but I will not deprive people of their freedom by forcing the truth upon them. Yet as long as people voluntarily place themselves at My disposal, who prepare themselves as vessels for My spirit, it is always possible to correct all existing errors, to answer any question that needs clarification and to give people pure light which comes forth from Me, the eternal Essence of light. But people, in turn, hold on with tenacity to the distorted doctrines, at the bottom of which is My adversary who will always fight against the light of truth. And thus an almost impenetrable night has spread across the human race, since error and falsehood are identical to darkness. And it is made extremely difficult for My bearers of light to penetrate this darkness, because people are already so deluded that they can no longer recognise a true light.... __And thus an almighty light will begin to shine, and this light will testify to Me and My return in the clouds.... It will bear witness to the Judgment and the rapture of My Own on the day of Judgment.... A radiantly bright light will arise and once again proclaim My pure Word, a voice in the spiritual wilderness will appear and try to awaken people from their sleep of death.... He will come to the aid of those who testify to Me and My working in them, He will confirm the truth of what was imparted to humanity through the working of My spirit.... He will make mighty speeches and spare no-one taking dark ways.... nor will he fear those in power but tear the mask off their face, expose them and reveal their true intentions.... He will fight with the sword of the tongue, for the high and the low will bear him ill will, because no-one wants to hear the pure truth which, however, does not deviate from the doctrine I once preached on earth. Thus he will be My messenger through whose mouth I Myself will speak and who will merely fulfil his last mission on this earth: to announce Me and My coming once more, as it is written. However, once this light begins to shine then you will know that My coming is near and so is the Judgment.... __And then extraordinary things will happen through him as well, but it will no longer harm people's freedom of will, for he will find little belief and only the awakened will recognise him and his mission.... Yet he will extraordinarily fortify those who are weak, for his Words are full of strength.... But then the last phase of this earth will have come, for at the same time this proclaimer will be the most fervent opponent to the one whom people will choose as their worldly ruler and in whom My adversary will incarnate himself in order to perform this last infamous act against Me.... For then the battle of faith will erupt and My Own will find great support in the light which I Myself send to earth, they will receive much strength in order to stand firm in the time of greatest distress, which precedes My coming to earth. For I will not leave you, My faithful Own, without help, and in order that you will remain strong I announce this light, this voice, in advance, and then you will know that I will soon arrive in order to fetch you, in order to put an end to My adversary's activity, in order to help truth achieve its final victory.... __Amen
Harmful consequences of misguided teachings....
Misguided teachings will lead you humans into wrong thinking, and a wrong doctrine will always result in incorrect conclusions which, in turn, result in further wrong thoughts. A misguided teaching can rightly be called a satanic deception, for the thereby evolving thought structure extends to a point where it finally becomes so inextricable that a person will no longer be able to make head or tail of it himself, given that error and falsehood can never result in light and clarity. Hence, every misguided teaching should be challenged, it should be corrected from the start before it can spread and confuse human thought. A misguided teaching could also be recognised as such if the human being endeavoured to live in truth, because then he would only need to apply one measure: whether God's love, wisdom and power is evident in every doctrine.... __If there is the least bit of doubt about God's fundamental nature, Which is love, wisdom and might, then the doctrine is wrong. And there are many such teachings which do not pass the test for truth.... which do not testify of God's love, neither of His wisdom nor of His might and therefore can flatly be rejected as misguided. But they are often particularly persistently endorsed because people are no longer interested in truth, they are indifferent as to whether they are living in error or in truth. They will never defend the truth equally obstinately since they rather hold on to error. This, too, is a sign of the approaching end: that people are increasingly more indignant the more clarification they should receive, that they rather live in darkness and have no desire for light.... And although some doctrines' falsehood is blatantly obvious they reject every relevant explanation.... But they darken their own spiritual state progressively more and will find it increasingly harder to return to the truth, because they simply do not want to do so and their will cannot be compelled. __Consequently, every misguided teaching is a highly effective work of Satan , because people hold on to it. And there are many such misguided teachings which crept into the Gospel of Jesus Christ and which hardly can be presented as misguided teachings to people because they have no genuine desire for truth themselves. However, people do not want to hear that such misguided teachings have created a distorted image of God, although they would not be able to identify a God of love nor a God of wisdom and might, if they seriously cared to think about some of the teachings they adopted over a period of time as a result of custom or tradition and now defend as Gospel. But they cannot love an imperfect God either.... And if a teaching contributes towards the fact that God's love or wisdom is questioned then it will not be possible for a person to wholeheartedly love Him as the highest and most perfect Being, and the right relationship of a child towards its Father can never be established because the person is lacking proper trust.... __And therefore every person should reflect on what he is expected to believe. First he should examine everything which is given to him in form of the Gospel to what extent it agrees with God's perfection.... and you would be surprised how many doctrines would seem dubious to you, and are indeed dubious if you study them with good will and a desire for truth. You could contribute much yourselves towards your enlightenment but you have to want to live in truth.... You have to ask God to illuminate your spirit and enable you to recognise what is right, to help you recognise misguided teachings as such and to disassociate yourselves from them. For only truth will bring you joy, whereas every error will confuse your thoughts and finally make it impossible for you to form a correct judgment. God is love, God is wisdom, and God is might.... and if a doctrine does not testify of love, wisdom or might it rightfully can be rejected as a misguided teaching, and a person, who genuinely desires it, will receive an explanation.... __Amen
Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge.... Calling upon the spir...
You ought to think about what you are expected to believe, you ought to examine it, and always call upon God for help that He may enlighten your spirit, that He may give you the understanding and the right power of judgment in order to be able to distinguish truth from error. You should not believe blindly, don't accept everything presented to you as truth, for God's adversary is diligently at work because it is in his interest to undermine the truth, to intersperse the truth with error and to lead people into thinking wrongly.... And so it is understandable that it must be checked, for an examination must be made wherever two different opinions are endorsed, because both together cannot be true if they deviate from each other. But you are incapable of conducting such an examination by yourselves as long as you only use your intellect, because the latter can easily be controlled by God's adversary. First, your spirit must be awakened and then you will not find it difficult to examine spiritual knowledge. Therefore you should always pray for an enlightened spirit first, for bright and clear thoughts and judgment of what you are expected to believe. And you will soon become aware of the fact that not many teachings will stand up to serious scrutiny as soon as it is conducted with a call upon God for illumination.... You will discover contradictions, misguided interpretations, indistinct concepts will confuse your thoughts and distortedly portray the image of God, your Creator and Father of eternity, you will not always be able to reconcile love, wisdom and power with what you are being taught, with what you are expected to believe. And any teaching which casts doubt on any one of these.... love, wisdom or power.... is wrong.... You should always apply the yardstick that God's nature may not be portrayed distortedly if a doctrine lays claim to truth. However, God's adversary will always aim to present God in a way that it will be difficult for people to grant Him all their love. Therefore he will make an effort to distort God's nature, to portray an unclear image of Him and, particularly, let God's love appear to be doubtful, because people will then stop believing in God and refrain from doing what is the most important in earthly life: to establish a bond with God, which can only be established through love. Everything that is suitable for making you doubt God's love is the adversary's activity. And every doctrine portraying God as a merciless Judge Who only wants to punish His living creations is therefore his work.... even if God's justice is mentioned. God's love outweighs everything, although God's nature will always and forever be perfect and, as a result, justice will never be excluded in everything God does or allows to happen. Yet a true doctrine will never exclude God's love, consequently, one can never speak of eternal damnation either because this contradicts divine love.... Hence the criteria for the credibility of a doctrine can therefore always be applied in relation to what extent God's love, wisdom and power the doctrine represents.... And this scrutiny can be carried out by a person at any time with God's support; it is just that the intellect should not deem itself capable of it by itself, for this still forms different judgments for as long as God's adversary can still influence it, and he will always interfere where the bond with God, the eternal Father, has not been established as yet.... but which will be established when the human being sincerely calls upon Him for enlightenment through the spirit. After all, this is a matter of truth, and everything shall be done so that you humans gain possession of truth, but you must participate through your will to know the truth.... In that case you will also turn to God of your own accord with an appeal to help you to make a distinction between truth and error and to separate them.... and you will live in truth for as long as you walk with God.... __Amen
The grace of receiving the Word is a commitment....
The grace of receiving the Word is a commitment.... on the one hand to distribute what comes to you from above, and on the other hand to endorse that which you recognise as truth towards your fellow human beings. It is futile if you, who receive the Word from Me, are satisfied with the information which is sent to you.... you should, with full conviction, pass this knowledge on to your fellow human beings who are in need of it. And you should not let yourselves be deceived by objections, for people will always do so, despite the fact that I Myself impart the pure truth to you which will always stand up to such objections. For this reason I need strong-willed servants who will stand up for what they receive.... And they will also always be able to clearly judge where error exists and therefore counteract it, because they are in My service and as My faithful servants in My vineyard are duty bound to do so. I convey the truth to earth because you humans are in need of light, you live in darkness because many fallacies were and are still offered to you.... Only truth leads to beatitude.... erroneous belief prolongs the path to the goal, for time and again it will obscure this path so that you humans will stray from the straight and narrow and require a long time until you get back on the right path towards ascent, on the path of truth, where the light is shining which I radiate down to earth for the sake of your benefit. Be glad that you may receive bright light and make use of this illumination.... Take the path that is shown to you, abide by My Word which sounds from above, which My servants convey to you on My instructions and which they can also justifiably endorse as pure truth because they have received it from Me.... And where you humans can recognise an obvious working of the spirit, that is where the pure truth from Me exists. And this is what you should adopt, but don't mix it with spiritual knowledge whose origin is doubtful to you.... And because it is My will that the truth from Me shall remain pure I also expect those who receive it from Me to firmly endorse that which originated from Me, for they know that they are thereby of service to Me, because they recognise the extreme value of the information they receive through My spirit.... __Consequently, if the pure truth is in danger of becoming distorted it should be heedfully guarded, for My adversary avails himself of every opportunity which presents itself in order to render the truth from Me ineffective. And he succeeds in doing so as soon as different spiritual knowledge is added to it.... which was conceived by human intellect and which cannot be spoken of as the working of the spirit.... My Word should certainly be spread, but it shall be offered to people in all purity, just as it came forth from Me Myself.... And it is My servants' task to ensure that this Word will remain pure, as far as it is within their power. For the seed shall not become contaminated because it is intended to bear good fruit. However, anyone whom I appoint to an office will also receive the strength from Me to administer it.... Hence, I will also guide you such that your attention will be drawn to where your work is needed, where you shall carry out your mission, and I will always guide your thoughts correctly so that you will work according to My will.... For receiving My Word is a grace of utmost significance, and anyone who wants to serve Me will therefore always have My support and at all times take the path which corresponds to My will.... I Myself will guide him, I Myself will turn his thoughts in the right direction, and I Myself will give him the strength to work in accordance with My will.... __Amen
Only beings of light are permitted to teach....
The spiritual world constantly endeavours to bring help to those people who desire help from the beings of light.... For all beings of light act in accordance with My will, and if I want to help people then it will often take place through My angels, through all spirits of light, whose happiness consists of implementing My will. But all these beings do not act in opposition to My will, because due to their spiritual maturity they completely entered into My will already, because they want nothing other than to comply with My will, in other words: My will is their will too, since they possess an abundance of love and wisdom and recognise that My will only intends that which is right for My living creations and therefore they unconditionally submit themselves to My will. And thus it is understandable that they will indeed impart the full truth if they are permitted by Me to bring spiritual enlightenment to people..... if they have the task to instruct people mentally, to proclaim the Gospel to them in the form of My Word, which I also convey to you through these beings of light..... but the Word which originates from Me will always be the same, because they receive My illumination of love and then pass it on again. For their bliss consists of their uninterrupted connection with Me, of the flow of My Word which is heard by them directly and which they pass on again according to My will. Thus beings of light can never disseminate untrue spiritual knowledge, and only beings of light are permitted to teach you humans if you have asked Me Myself for the truth, if you demonstrate your desire for truth to Me through your appeal for it. In that case you can only be taught the truth, for I will protect you from the intrusion of immature spirits who want to impart wrong teachings to you because they act on behalf of My adversary.... but which will never gain entry to people who desire truth..... And therefore you can safely accept the Words offered to you by beings of light as My Word, for they are merely the mediators of the pure truth from Me, which they themselves receive in form of a direct address..... __For My Word sounds in the kingdom of the blessed spirits in order to make them incredibly happy.... But then they will also work with it because the love of these beings constantly endeavours to bring light into the darkness, and My Word is the light which penetrates the darkness.... And if you humans want to receive the pure truth from Me you need only make heartfelt contact with Me and appeal for it.... You can rest assured that I will grant this wish to you, and then you can also accept that everything given to you is given by Me Myself, even if it is conveyed to you through beings of light, for My strength of love, My Word, shines into them and through them down to you humans again, since these beings care for you with greater than great love and will also prevent misguided thinking from influencing your thoughts. They push all immature spirits away from you on My instructions, so that the pure ´Word of God´ is not distorted, so that you humans may receive it in all purity and as accurate as it originated from Me. Nevertheless, the fact that My adversary is also at work and makes an effort to sow evil seeds everywhere cannot by denied.... Yet this will always be determined by people themselves, i.e. by their will, who allow themselves to be accessed by these forces, who thus do not entirely hand themselves over to Me and only strive for the pure truth..... who use their own will and allow themselves to be taken possession of by still unenlightened beings.... This is why a person should practise rigorous self-criticism as to what extent he has entered into the right relationship with Me..... And he should only ever hand himself over to the good forces, to the beings of light and the implementers of My will, he should appeal to Me for protection from being besieged by everything unspiritual.... he should only ever want to be addressed by Me Myself, Who is the primary source of truth and Who therefore will only ever bestow truth upon those who desire it.... However, I know and see through his heart and all his thoughts.... And thus I also know the substance of his innermost nature.... and accordingly he will receive, accordingly he will be surrounded by forces of light or of darkness. Yet the eternal light of love will always shine into a receptive heart which utterly opens itself to Me so that I can fill it with light and strength.... __Amen
Serious warning against psychic receptions....
You should not trouble yourselves with doubts, but you should also know that you only receive pure truth from Me by merely wanting your thoughts to be correct and true. And you will always receive assurance that I do not contradict Myself, that therefore the spiritual information which originates from Me, which was conveyed to those of you through the 'working of My spirit' who allow My activity in you, must always tally. However, since My adversary's influence confused people's thinking, since falsehood and error are far more likely to be accepted by people, it has also become necessary to convey the pure truth from above time and again, for truth does not remain pure for long among people, for unkindness reigns and this darkens the spirit, so that it is easy for My adversary to proceed against the truth and to intersperse it with error, without this being recognised by people. Light is all you humans need in order to find and travel the path to Me and to ascend.... In the darkness you take wrong paths which lead off course, and since it is My adversary's goal and intention to alienate you from Me and to gain you for himself, he will eagerly strive to confuse your thinking, and he will do so under the mask of an angel of light. And the danger that he will be heeded is particularly great during the time of the end, because people are lacking love and therefore possess no power of judgment either.... They fall prey to error and then he will have won them over. For this reason I keep making you aware of the cover under which he appears. For he is full of cunning and trickery, he tries to slip in where he can show himself as an angel of light, where people look for contact with the spiritual kingdom.... but where the preconditions are missing which guarantee a genuinely pure spiritual bond with the world of light.... __However, wherever the preconditions exist he is unable to intervene, and only then will the truth be guaranteed, because all beings of light work on My instructions and can only distribute pure truth which they receive from Me.... Yet can you humans know with absolute certainty that you demonstrate the preconditions which guarantee you this bond with the world of light? And can you therefore be certain that the spiritual realm conveys the full truth to you? Can you do this where it concerns psychic transmissions from the spiritual kingdom? Do you know whether it is impossible for the adversary to intervene if a person as a 'shell' forfeits his own will? Only a high degree of maturity will result in your protection by the world of light.... but in view of the great risk the beings of light will always try to influence people such that they allow the 'working of the spirit' in them in a conscious state, that they shape themselves into a receiving vessel for the divine spirit.... that they improve themselves in order to grant the beings of light the undisputable right to repel everything unspiritual from them and to only let the pure truth flow to them, which they receive from Me, so that they can instruct you humans if it is your will and you fulfil all preconditions.... __You humans must remember that the time of the end has come, that you don't have much time left, and that you should therefore accomplish the work of improving your soul with increased vigour.... And you must know that My adversary will use all his power to try to prevent this endeavour.... Thus he will try this where he is not recognised, where a human being's conscious will does not offer him opposition.... He has great power and makes use of it when psychic receptions are desired whose truthfulness cannot be verified by you humans.... Be warned, for the point is not that it would be impossible for a being of light to express itself through a medium, but the point is that you humans are incapable of judging whether a being of light expresses itself or whether the adversary's clever disguise enables him to spread darkness.... And this darkness can have a disastrous effect on you; misguided teachings can be conveyed to you from which you can only detach yourselves with difficulty.... But a misguided teaching will always obstruct the path to Me, it will obscure the light in you or extinguish it entirely, and the path to Me will be prolonged by you.... I want to caution you of this, for there is not much time left, you are near the end, and once a misguided teaching has taken hold in you it will take quite a while before you recognise it as such, and this time might no longer be at your disposal.... The possibility that you are offered truth certainly exists, but you are unable to judge whether it is offered to you and consequently there is always the risk that your spirit will become darkened if I don't seriously warn and admonish you only to believe those Words which are conveyed to you through My spirit.... for it will guide you into all truth, as I have promised you.... __Amen
About the doctrine of re-incarnation....
I can reveal Myself to you through the voice of the spirit if you genuinely desire to be taught by Me. I only want you to live in truth, that your thinking will not take the wrong direction, that you will not be so influenced by misguided teachings from the one who wants to undermine the truth, because it enlightens you by highlighting him and his activity. Accept, therefore, what I say to you through My spirit: it should be understandable to you that My adversary will do everything possible to keep you in spiritual darkness in which he has absolute control over you, for as soon as you know the truth you are lost to him.... Hence he will always direct your thoughts wrongly.... and every wrong thought will result in a thousand others, and thus he will see to it that the knowledge about the purpose and meaning of your earthly life will be withheld from you, that you will form an entirely wrong idea about your earthly task, and he will try to keep you indifferent towards all spiritual endeavour.... He tries to maintain your love for the world and therefore will also always present a repetition of earthly life as being desirable and even provide evidence for it, for it will weaken your striving for perfection as soon as you believe that you will be allowed to return to earth time and again if you have not yet reached perfection. __This concept is My adversary's most favourite method and is the reason why the doctrine of re-incarnation has become so popular, and it is difficult to discard it because My adversary works very skilfully in order to substantiate the credibility of this teaching. Yet no one needs to succumb to his trickery, for as soon as he seriously desires to know the truth and turns to Me Myself he will recognise the foolishness of what he was presented with and will also clearly feel the truth in his heart, he will feel resentment at what has emerged from My adversary, for his sincere desire for truth will also guarantee that he will receive it.... Lots of people yield to his influence in this matter, because people themselves want to return to earth because their love for the world is still too strong and the idea that they can repeat their earthly life is comforting to them.... Yet time and again you are told that you, who believe in re-incarnation, were misled.... although there are isolated cases which have their special reasons but which must not be generalised. For My eternal plan of Salvation truly incorporates all possibilities which guarantee your full maturity throughout one earthly life.... for you can overcome every weakness yourselves, since I died for you on the cross to gain strength of will on your behalf and you can at all times call upon Me in Jesus, the Redeemer from sin and death, and then you will also be able to reach the degree on earth which will assure your entry into the kingdom of light.... where you can ascend to never-ending heights since there will be no more limitation for you.... __If you, however, don't use your earthly life and enter the kingdom of the beyond unredeemed, then a repeated embodiment on earth would be of no use to you either, for you will keep your free will but your past memory will be taken away from you, and then you will be in far greater danger to descend further, which will never be encouraged but prevented by Me. And if you can already become enlightened on earth by informing you of your past apostasy from Me and My plan of return, then you can also clearly see the path which you have to cover in order to perfect yourselves, and then you will also realise that the doctrines promising you a repeated earthly life are misguided teachings, for they contradict My eternal plan of Salvation, which has been established by Me in all wisdom and love in order to enable your release from the form which, however, requires your free will. And in order that your will shall make the right decision I Myself shall time and again impart the truth to you if you ask for it, if you desire to live in truth. Yet you should also understand that My adversary will use all the power you give to him yourselves.... that he will offer you wrong teachings as long as you won't reject his activity by genuinely desiring the truth.... Yet he will never be able to impose his error where I, as the Eternal Truth, Am asked for protection against error.... for then he will be completely ineffective, since the light which is directly emanating from Me will unmask him and he will therefore always take flight from this light.... __Amen
False Christs and prophets.... Characteristic: Salvation....
A strong light casts a deep shadow.... So especially where My pure Word is emanated to Earth, much error will also be conveyed to it, for My adversary seeks to extinguish the light from above or to obscure its radiance. This also explains his attempt to mislead people with seemingly similar gifts, that he deceives people with transmissions from the world of darkness and tries to offer them in the same format but which clearly betray his counter activity, for it distracts people from that which is most important: from the pure truth about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation.... The redemption of souls through Jesus Christ is precisely what he wants to prevent in order to keep his followers, whom he regards as his power. Much spiritual knowledge will be offered and everyone will claim to have 'received it from above'.... because My adversary does not shy away from disguising himself as an angel of light in order to confuse people's thinking. And I cannot stop his approach; after all, people themselves grant him this right. For it is mainly the desire for unusual experiences which offers My adversary the opportunity to intervene and to provide them with spiritual information which is worthless, if not perilous, for the human soul. Many people have a very strong desire for extraordinary experiences and are therefore not critical enough with themselves.... If they turn to Me with an earnest will for protection from erroneous thinking, if they are really interested in the pure truth, they will certainly also be protected and My adversary will be unable to exert his influences over them, because I Myself will place the inner resistance into their heart.... But mostly they have initiated the communication with the beyond and are themselves incapable of verifying as to whether they receive truth or error.... And the spiritual beings in the beyond make use of this attitude by providing people with messages which they accept unchecked as truth, and thus My adversary can constantly intervene. The fact that he is solely interested in intensifying the darkness and in obstructing people's path to Me.... that he will do everything in his power to prevent people from becoming redeemed through Jesus Christ, can be easily understood in view of the approaching end. Such connections with the spiritual world are therefore established in all places and people would rather accept this spiritual knowledge than the pure truth conveyed to them from My side. __Nevertheless, I will not determine people's free will but, time and again, I will provide clarification instead, and every sincerely striving person will recognise the truth and reject the error. I will repeatedly mention the characteristics to you, I will provide those of you who want to serve Me with the clear ability of discernment so that you can check yourselves and, in turn, also give clear instructions to your fellow human beings so that they, too, will be able to recognise the error and liberate themselves from it.... You can rest assured that no earnestly truth-seeking person will become entangled in the thicket of lies and error which My adversary skilfully knows how to cast.... However, anyone who accepts something without examination lacks a profound longing for truth and therefore cannot be protected by Me, for My adversary is equally entitled to fight for every soul so as not to lose it, because it once followed him voluntarily and he makes full use of this right of his during the soul's human existence.... and only the human being's own will can disable him.... You will still hear much about his activity and must pay ever more attention to everything happening around yourselves.... You should only ever ask for Me and My protection and I will truly not deny it to you.... I have constantly told you to beware of false Christs and false prophets.... And how often will the attempt still be made to lead you astray.... how often will the holiest of names still be used in order to give you a taste for error and untruth. But you.... if you are serious about the truth.... must pay attention to your innermost feeling which will always discard the error. And always commend yourselves to Me and My grace, for as soon as merely your will is inclined towards Me, My adversary will have lost all power over you. False Christs and false prophets will time and again tempt you until the end, but you are able to recognise them, for they will not emphasise Jesus' act of Salvation and not try to encourage you humans to take the path to the cross in order to liberate yourselves from your guilt of sin.... Then you will also know that you are not truthfully being instructed and can safely reject everything you are offered by that side.... Precisely the lack of knowledge about the significance of the act of Salvation is the spiritual darkness, and this shall be penetrated by the light of the pure truth.... The act of Salvation shall be mentioned in all places with the reference that the salvation.... the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ.... is the most important thing which must be attained in earthly life in order to be able to enter the kingdom of light and beatitude.... And this knowledge is repeatedly conveyed to you through My Word from above.... But My Word will never be spoken where no clarification of it is given or where His great act of mercy is denied or trivialised.... Therefore, beware of false Christs and false prophets, for they only increase the darkness spread across the earth but they do not grant light.... __Amen
Free will must accept spiritual knowledge....
Wherever you have the opportunity to clarify spiritual matters, make use of it and you can always be assured of My support. For nothing approaches you accidentally, everything is ordained by Me as I recognise it to be useful and beneficial for people's souls. Much error must still be clarified and I know which people are of good will. I try to convey the truth to these so that they will begin to understand and don't pass on their misunderstanding to their fellow human beings' detriment. But I can only ever take effect where people's will applies to Me, so that no further opposition exists towards Me as God and Creator, for such opposition obstructs all avenues and prevents a person from accepting what is conveyed to him as truth. I Am a God of love, wisdom and power and yet committed to My law of eternal order. I cannot infringe against this law Myself because I Am a supremely perfect Being, consequently, this eternal law was also devised according to My perfection. And thus I cannot, by virtue of My power, enslave a created free being by imposing My will on it.... And by virtue of his free will the human being can know the truth but also believe the most blatant error without being hindered by Me.... However, the slightest will to know the truth will assure it to him, because I have the power to do so and because I recognise the will and thus arrange everything such that the person is guided into the truth. __Everyone willing to serve Me, thus everyone who works in the sense of enlightening his fellow human beings, must be spiritually awakened himself, that is, he must have an intimate mental bond with Me and through loving activity so deepen this intimate bond that he thereby establishes contact with Me, thus enabling My influx of love which demonstrates itself in the form of transmitting the truth. Only when he has the truth himself can he pass it on to other people, and then I will bless him and truly provide him with an abundance of spiritual thoughts, and he will not need his intellect as much if he listens to the voice of his heart. He will let himself be more guided by his feeling and can still very successfully accomplish his work because he can always be certain of My support when it concerns that light shall be carried among people. You must just allow yourselves to be guided without resistance, that is, comply with all inner instructions which you experience as your own but which will always be caused by My will, which gives you the right thoughts. I can use anyone who merely feels the inner urge to possess the truth and to pass it on as a suitable labourer in My vineyard, for he will only ever work according to My will which he feels within as his own desire and, therefore, which he would like to live up to. And I will smooth his every way and also guide his thinking right.... Yet there are only a few who seek enlightenment and approach the source of light, there are only a few who are not satisfied with the spiritual knowledge they receive from outside, who try to get to the bottom of everything and are in heartfelt contact with Me.... Therefore the truth can only rarely be conveyed to earth from My side, nevertheless, it will be spread because the light prevails and will time and again shine for those who want to leave the darkness. And the deeper they penetrate the truth the stronger their inner urge to enlighten their fellow human beings is, and then a person will be a true worker in My vineyard, for he will tell people on My behalf what they should and indeed could know if only they opened their hearts to let bright light shine into them.... And even though there are only a few they will nevertheless not work in vain, for the effectiveness of the strength of light should not be underestimated.... And therefore just pay attention to My guidance and also accept every happening as divine providence, for I alone know people's hearts and I alone know what their souls need in order to mature fully.... __Amen
Who has the right to `teach'?....
Extensive knowledge can be conveyed to you humans indirectly, yet you will only be able to comprehend this information according to your degree of love, for to be able to comprehend what you receive your spirit must be awakened. This requires a life of love.... in which you will be more or less lovingly active and appropriately receptive, thus learn to understand the knowledge accordingly. This is why spiritual knowledge can never be academically conveyed to people but the degree of realisation depends on each individual person's willingness to love, for the ability to love is inherent in everyone. If spiritual knowledge is therefore directly imparted to a person he will have reached the required degree which enables him to understand what he receives, for this is the prerequisite so that he can work as a teacher, for which I educate him Myself through My direct Word.... __For this reason you humans can accept his explanations without hesitation, for as My vessel.... as a recipient of the divine ray of light and love.... he also has to be illuminated by this ray himself, no error can establish itself in such a vessel as it will be revealed and rejected by a person who just wants to serve by passing on the truth from Me.... Bear in mind that I always choose a vessel for the reception of the spiritual flow Myself, because I know who is capable of receiving the pure truth and defending it. And his intellect will certainly be able to recognise what is harmful to the pure truth and what he can advocate as a human being.... His task is and will remain to be a link between Me and those people who live their earthly lives without knowledge and yet would like to know the truth.... Mind you.... only people who sincerely desire it can be guided into truth.... __But not all can receive the truth from Me directly, for I make demands on the direct recipient of My Word which not everyone fulfils. If, however, a person desires the truth then it will be imparted to him by a mediator to whom I can convey it directly. The latter will always be able to give the right explanation.... since he.... as soon as he works for Me and My kingdom.... will at all times be taught by the spirit within him which is in constant contact with Me, even if he debates or teaches as `just a human being' subjects concerning spiritual knowledge. For it would result in terrible confusion if he did not have this assurance that I protect him from error, because as a human being he would otherwise be defeated in debates with those who possess sharp reasoning power and a great oratorical gift.... but who support adverse opinions.... __A person whom I can instruct directly through the spirit is sanctioned as My servant and representative on earth and need not fear any argument, for his thinking will be guided by Me if he defends Me and My Word against his fellow human beings. This could not be otherwise either, for in a vessel chosen by Me there is no more room for error, hence he will resist accepting it from his fellow human beings, instead he will try to prove to them the error of their thinking and truly.... he has such extensive knowledge at his disposal that he will always emerge victorious from every such debate, always providing people genuinely want to know the truth.... This is why the direct transmission of My Word is a slow process of education for My servant.... I `guide him' into knowledge which he will understand because it is offered to him in infinite wisdom and keeps deepening the extent of his realisation.... so that through the reception of My Word he gradually gains most profound knowledge and thereby develops into a teacher who is well suited to guide his fellow human beings into truth again. And, again, only those who desire truth themselves and endeavour to live a life of love will understand this knowledge, whilst unloving people will reject everything and solely rely on their intellect, which, however, is not eligible for spiritual knowledge. If only you humans would believe that I would like to speak to all of you Myself and indeed do so when you listen to My servants who bring you My Word conveyed to earth directly.... Then you would accept it without qualms and yet gain much, even if your way of life still leaves a lot to be desired, but time and again you would hear about the strength of love and also feel it when you do works of love.... __And then your understanding of spiritual knowledge would grow, it would make you very joyful and in due course become the purpose of your life, and then I would be able to speak to you Myself because you would consciously open your heart to Me and invite Me in.... Then I could take Communion with you and you with Me.... I could offer you the bread of life directly and give to your soul food and drink, and you would be fulfilling the purpose of your life on earth.... __Amen
God wants His Word understood differently....
When you compare the pure truth, which is conveyed to you from above, with those teachings which until now were known as My Word, then you must notice the immense error you live in. It is your duty to openly declare your position in regards to it. You cannot agree that one can look upon something in this and that way, instead, My Word will always have the same meaning and will also correspond to the Word from above, people merely interpret it differently. My adversary took possession of the human intellect and caused confusion, for intellectually all interpretations were possible. But I have given you a spiritual interpretation and was only able to convey it to a spiritually awakened person, but who is wholeheartedly in tune as to how My Word is to be understood and who shall also make an effort in order to combat wrong interpretations. He shall make people aware of them and instruct them in the same meaning as I have done and still continue to do, so that they will live in truth, which alone leads to beatitude. Their attention shall be drawn to the fact that I want everything to be understood differently, that people shall understand My Words spiritually and also fulfil them spiritually. They shall let themselves be nourished and refreshed by Me Myself, and this absolutely necessitates love for Me and their neighbour, otherwise they will be unable to experience the grace of My address, otherwise they will not be able to hear My Word as a 'sign of My presence'.... Hence external signs and traditions are of no use to you in order to be certain of My presence in you. Only love must be in you, for only through love will My being there be certain. In that case, however, you will also receive My Word and thus be nourished with My bread from heaven, with the water of life, with My flesh and My blood. And if you spend thought on this interpretation, you will not find any contradiction with the Word I have spoken when I lived on earth.... I handed the bread and the wine to My disciples, but they knew that I wanted it to be understood as My Word which they were meant to hand out to their fellow human beings.... But My adversary tried to confuse people by sneaking a different interpretation in which they diligently heeded and thus gradually diverted from the actual meaning of My Word. And therefore you must attempt to explain all My Words in a spiritual way.... You do not understand one Word as I want it to be understood.... because My adversary has been very successful in confusing people's mind, but My Own were taught by Me at all times and always knew the truth. And anyone who followed them belonged to the church founded by Me.... The interpretation of My Words has led to the most varied means of 'sanctification'.... to the sacraments which are to result in all people's sanctification. But how can this come about if people are lacking love? The human being only lives on earth for the purpose of changing his nature into love.... How can a person, through the act of baptism alone, be delivered from the hereditary sin, which requires a life lived in love on earth? How can a human being be released from all kinds of sins through paying external lip service, if the most profound love for God does not wrench this confession from him? And how can someone released from his guilt through such sanctification means enter the kingdom of the beyond who is only judged according to his degree of love?.... All misguided teachings are disclosed through My Word, through the instructions from above, and you can form your own opinion about them. For you must have the certainty that you receive the purest truth from one side and that I Myself Am the source of this truth, that I can also explain to you how I want My Word to be understood, but that I will also grasp every opportunity to do so where possible, for My adversary has successfully managed to draw you all under his spell. And you do not defend yourselves through your own will for truth, you accept everything presented to you without hesitation and not even once turn to the One Who is the source of all knowledge, not once do you turn to the highest Authority with an appeal for truth, which It would certainly not deny, for I only wait for this call so that I can distribute the truth in its purest form and guide people out of this net of errors into truth. For although I do not infringe upon people's free will they can use it to help them push the adversary away providing they only desire the pure truth.... __Amen
Correction of a big error.... (Continuation of no 8858, 8...
Hand your every trouble over to Me and I will grant you comfort and inner calm, because with Me nothing is impossible. Neither is it impossible for Me to give you the right explanation as to why I did not prevent the occurrence of errors in such important questions such as the 'fall of the spirits, which presents Me and My act of Creation differently to the clarification I have given to you.... The question of where 'evil' originated from has always been asked.... whether all good and evil qualities are incorporated in Me, and this question always involved far too much human thought.... since people have always judged Me and My nature by their own standards but in so doing they failed to appeal for receiving the pure truth, instead they provided themselves with an explanation about My nature and this started My adversary's activity. And thus you already have the explanation for what supposedly has also been 'My revelation'.... the reason why error entered 'divine revelations'.... As soon as protection from misguided thinking is appealed for such inaccuracy cannot happen, because I Am incapable of lying, but as the spirit of lies more likely corresponds to human thinking, he has instant access to people's intellect. I cannot contradict Myself. And since I now have the guarantee that an appeal for protection from error always precedes these writings.... since it is also the time of the end when I have sent a spirit of light to earth in order to inform people in all truthfulness of My reign and activity.... there only remains the rejection of these writings.... as being contrary to the erroneous description.... or their complete acceptance. You humans can use your own discretion as to whether you want to acknowledge Me as supremely perfect or whether you imagine Me with flaws, thus also with evil qualities. It is up to you humans what you want to acknowledge, because error only happened in a few instances, therefore test all things and keep what is good. But the fact that mistakes have occurred is certain, and therefore a great desire for truth must predominate again amongst people in order to recognise what corresponds to truth. __And again, only a small number of people desire the purest truth, but they will know where human intellect was more involved so that it drowned out the inner voice.... Added to this came the 'human implementation' when intellectual thought intervened once more and devalued the 'divine revelation', but which only ever requires the desire for truth so as to be able to recognise it as error. For this reason I made My prophesies come true and, time and again, every century rectified what required clarification.... Therefore two directions will also emerge once again, and yet again it will involve 'conformists' or those who are interested in the pure truth.... It only ever concerns the fact that everything which leaves My eternal order no longer corresponds to My nature, that everything turns into the opposite, but that I Myself can only ever move within the eternal order.... Hence, the person who is ruled by his intellect alone is already outside My law and grants influence to the one who likewise stands outside the eternal order. And therefore you have no idea how highly I value your appeal to protect you from error, for this request truly guarantees you the greatest spiritual success.... This problem, too, had to be discussed sooner or later, and therefore nothing is 'coincidence', everything is predetermined in order to provide the necessary information, because every error is a danger for the human being's spiritual state. However, anyone who desires the truth will object to this doctrine, he will discard it as wrong, he will test it and keep what is good.... Even so, I cannot force any person to make an appeal which he himself must send up to Me from within: the appeal for protection from error. But where this desire for truth is so embedded in the heart, the guarantee for truth is also given. And this truth shall be spread, because the time of the end has come.... __Amen
'The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed....'
The weapon of the worldly scholar is the presentation of evidence, and by using this weapon he will always be able to assert himself in the world, that is, his wisdom will be irrefutable as soon as he can provide the evidence for the knowledge he has gained. By comparison, spiritual knowledge cannot be substantiated with proof, it cannot be scientifically gained nor systematically conveyed to people, for spiritual knowledge is not the product of a person´s intellectual thought but the product of a loving heart. Spiritual knowledge has therefore nothing in common with earthly wisdom and can therefore not be judged by worldly scholars either, for spiritual knowledge is entirely alien to them; they are completely incapable of all criticism as long as they have not been accepted into the circle of knowledgeable people as a result of their wholehearted activity of love. And thus the worldly scholar will not be able to use his wisdom as evidence in order to disprove spiritual truths. For he will have to admit a shortcoming, he will have to admit that his worldly knowledge is not sufficient in order to penetrate spiritual areas. However, the spiritual knowledge gained through activity of love will revoke earthly wisdom as soon as this wisdom refers to areas which lie beyond the earth. Spiritual knowledge will yield different results than those gained by worldly scholars; consequently, the spiritually knowledgeable person will bypass and regard all presentation of evidence as unreliable and similarly regard people´s reasoning power as untrustworthy; and thus people who have penetrated spiritual knowledge do not hold worldly knowledge in high esteem. They consider it unsound since it does not contribute in the slightest to leading people into realisation and because divine wisdom can never ever be gained through it. But, moreover, despite the presentation of evidence the wisdom of the worldly wise will turn out to be wrong. For people who have never paid attention to the divine spirit, whose thoughts were therefore never spiritually inclined, will have to realise that people without worldly education have superior knowledge to them, and thus they will also have to acknowledge the truth of what contradicts their researches and subsequent results..... __They will have to realise that intellectual activity alone is no guarantee for correct wisdom.... ´I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring the understanding of the prudent to nothing....´ And this is in accordance with the worldly researcher´s spiritual attitude towards God, since no person can know the truth without spiritual enlightenment; and without acknowledging and striving towards God a person cannot become enlightened, since the latter is a flow of strength from God, which can only happen to vessels which are open for this influx, otherwise the flow of strength cannot find a receptacle. All spiritual products for which the spiritual strength from God was not requested or used are worthless, and they will time and again be superseded or dismissed, for intellectual thought does not stop after one result because it is never completely convinced of its truth. In contrast, spiritual results developed in unison with the divine spirit always and forever remain unchangeable because they correspond to truth and are also recognised as such by people who sincerely struggle for truth. A purely intellectual person remains far from the truth, he neither desires it nor does he recognise it when it is offered to him, and thus he will become neither wise nor truth loving. Therefore his weapon, the presentation of evidence, will be taken out of his hand, for his presentation of evidence cannot prevail against spiritual results, which are God´s direct emanation, since his opponents fight with a weapon he does not possess..... What has been announced through the working of the spirit will visibly manifest itself and thereby provide the evidence that truth only exists where the spirit of God is desired, and that this truth far surpasses the knowledge of the worldly wise, so that people realise that wisdom does not depend on human intellect but solely on the right attitude towards God and a corresponding way of life..... For only then will the strength from God, His spirit, be desired and also be able to take effect.... __Amen
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