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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 2 transcriptions | ID of collection 639278
Exposure of misguided teachings is God's will....
It is My will that you should spread the truth, including the exposure of misguided teachings that have crept into My Word. This can only be done by confrontation with the pure truth. You must always ask yourselves who guarantees that My teachings, which are submitted to you, are the truth. You cannot simply accept human words as truth since you know that they can also be influenced by My adversary who is always interested in plunging humanity into confusion. If you really want to know the truth you will definitely receive the right answer providing you don't want to live in error and request the answer from Me which I certainly won't deny you. And first I will tell you that you have free will which may never be compelled.... I will point out to you that it may not be forced by either side, neither by good nor by evil influences, and that you are responsible as to how you have made use of this will. Hence every teaching which you are required to accept.... as a dogma.... is against My will. You have the freedom to determine for yourselves what you want to believe and no human being can limit your religious freedom. You also have the right to evaluate different directions of faith and take what you agree with from all schools of thought.... __Therefore I will always speak to those people who want the pure truth because all others are not interested, they are indifferent whether truth is presented to them or not. They are satisfied with teachings which have been added to My Gospel by people but which could be recognised as completely absurd if people cared to investigate them. My adversary has tied a solid knot by forcing people into `obedience' which has eliminated every personal religious opinion because no one dares to have their own point of view or believes it to be a great sin.... And here God's will should come first.... Therefore I draw your attention to free will which you would have to dispute if you submit yourselves to human law.... __The `working of the spirit' in the human being, the only means of receiving pure truth, is also unknown to you. You do not believe that `I Myself will guide you into truth', and you reject all knowledge gained this way. But this alone is the truth and exposes many misguided teachings. However, as long as you bow to Satan's commandment that you may not freely accept a teaching which you have recognised as right, as long as you cannot liberate yourselves from something that I Myself will never demand of you.... you will be slaves, completely without freedom. I Myself will force no human being to accept the truth who does not recognise it as such since I have given the human being free will. __You so often raise the objection that human beings have to be educated in one direction of thought.... In that case you should just keep to the two commandments which I Myself have taught people on earth.... Just teach them the commandments of love and you will indeed be doing whatever human beings need to attain maturity of soul.... Because now it will show who has the sincere will to live in love. And then he will experience the working of My Spirit within himself too, he will be introduced to truth, to the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of creation, to the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of life on earth, and above all to the motivation and significance of the act of Salvation by Jesus Christ without Whom no human being can achieve blissfulness. __You, however, are not living Christians.... Christians, who are successors of Jesus and completely convinced of the strength of the Salvation work.... Christians, who belong to My Church, whose founder I Am Myself.... otherwise you would also hear the voice of My spirit who would inform you of the many misguided teachings which find acceptance in the world and which I will always and ever fight against.... (19.6.1964) because only truth will lead you to Me, and only through truth can you become blessed. And hence I will convey the truth to My helpers on earth again and again and at the same time give them the task to spread the truth in the world because the human being must live in truth if he wants to become happy.... __Amen
Free will must accept the truth....
You can endorse everything I say to you before the world; for it needs the truth, with error and lies it will never find the path to Me. You humans might wonder why I allowed the error to become so widespread and I can only ever respond with the same answer, that your free will alone is the crucial factor as to whether or not you live in truth or in error. The fact that large congregations formed which continuously advocated their misguided opinions is also only based on their founder's free will, and the fact that untold people followed him again without forming their own opinion, without thinking about the responsibility of their attitude, must likewise be based on their free will.... Free will may neither be infringed upon by Me nor My adversary, yet My adversary has a far greater number of followers, because people don't think but leave this to the leaders whom they follow blindly. Yet they alone will not have to bear the responsibility for all their followers will also be accountable, and only the degree of love each person carries will decide which fate they will have to endure one day. And wherever it may be, time and again I will send a spark of light which can ignite again. My spirit will become effective everywhere, because people will also repeatedly attain a high degree of love again which will subsequently also offer Me the opportunity to reveal Myself, so that the pure truth can be conveyed to people over and over again. But who will accept it? Every person who portrays Me to his fellow human beings differently than they imagine Me to be is rejected, and therefore it is rarely possible to convey the truth to them. And no matter how clearly and unmistakably My Word is given to them.... people reject it.... because they are influenced by My adversary, who will always fight against the truth and has great power due to the fact that only a very few live a life of love according to My will and thus are no longer exposed to his interventions. And that is where My Word.... the pure truth.... will be accepted, they will recognise it as truth without their will being compelled.... But since the truth is offered to everyone, those people who did not accept it will have to accept responsibility for that, for they could just as easily have believed My Words as they did with error, because they possess free will. __And thus you, who want to serve Me, need only ever confront them with the pure truth, and every single person will have to form an opinion of it. If he is seriously interested in the pure truth he will reflect on it, and then he will no longer be unreceptive to My revelations. This is why the spreading of My doctrine is the most important thing for which I require you as servants in My vineyard, for love must pass it on, it must be offered with love, and thus it will also appeal to every person who likewise practices love and therefore is receptive to the truth. This battle between light and darkness will continue until the end, the adversary will become increasingly more powerful because people's free will allows it.... But I will also convey the truth to earth until the end, and this will highlight his activity and expose him, but it will only ever be obvious to those who are open-minded for the pure truth, whereas the others will hold on to their error and defend him. Even so, every soul you save from My adversary's trap is won for eternity. And the fact that in the kingdom of the beyond only that person is enlightened who knows the truth should impel you into increased vineyard work.... Consequently, anyone who does not let go of his error here, will take it along into eternity and be unable to attain bliss until he abandons his erroneous thinking. And again, it only depends on his degree of love whether realisation will come to him with lightening speed on entering the spiritual realm, so that he will let go of the error.... Therefore never forget to put the commandment of love first.... never forget to encourage people to live a life of love if they care about their souls' salvation.... Then a person will already have quiet doubts about his hitherto advocated truth. And then it will also be easier to bring him the truth, he will accept it without opposition and yet without infringing against his free will.... __Amen
Love is the key to truth....
Activity of love inevitably results in realisation, and thus actions of love are the only way to truth. This is what the earthly children need to know first and foremost. They will never ever attain the truth in any other way. If they receive knowledge which appears acceptable to them without actively living a life of love, then it will be a work of deception by Satan, or, if they are offered the truth, they will not recognise it as such and thus reject it. The pure truth will indeed be offered to many yet dismissed precisely because people are lacking love.... But people like that cling to falsehood with tenacity and it is impossible to explain to them that they are mistaken, that they are being led astray by wrong teachings. Love is the key to truth, without it the access remains blocked.... __Truth, however, is everything that comes from God.... Truth cannot be intellectually ascertained but is received from God through the heart. The human being can certainly receive the truth mentally, yet then he will always experience the desire for God.... This desire, however, is love and love takes effect in deeds of selfless neighbourly love.... Only this testifies to love of God. And then the person will think correctly, that is, the thoughts he receives will correspond to the truth. They have arisen from the heart even though the person believes to have reached an intellectual conclusion. But an unloving person's thoughts will never correspond to truth, for then truth-fighting forces will exercise a strong influence on such people's thinking, since through their lack of love they open their hearts to such forces, thus they gain access and use their power by confusing people's thinking. __God is truth, God is love.... one without the other is unthinkable. Consequently, there can only be truth where there is love.... Countless errors have come into the world due to people's heartlessness, and the truth has been displaced. It can only spread amongst humanity again if it changes itself to love, and therefore love has to be cultivated first before a person can attain realisation. All studies are futile if a person lacks love, for whatever knowledge he gains thereby.... either it will not correspond to the truth or it is dead knowledge, in as much as it will not further the soul's higher development as long as it does not affect the heart, as long as it does not result in activity of love. And this is why all spiritual knowledge has to be assessed by the guideline of love.... it has to flow from a helpful heart and teach helpful activity in turn, then it will be truth, and God Himself will be the source of such knowledge.... __Amen
Contact with the beyond.... Willingness to give.... (Spir...
It is incomparably valuable to enter a state which results in contact with the spiritual kingdom, because only through such a connection is it possible to be guided into truth. And therefore it is, in fact, God's will that this contact shall be upheld as long as the human being strives for the truth. Only the desire for truth justifies such a connection, for the purpose of a connection from this side to the beyond is to convey the pure truth to earth. Nevertheless, every person believes that he wants the truth as soon as he makes contact with the beyond. But it is often only curiosity, hence, the desire to receive information about the kingdom of the beyond, without being aware of the task that the received knowledge should be passed on to uninformed fellow human beings. For he who receives shall give as well. If a person's selfish love is strongly accentuated, he will only accept the knowledge from the spiritual realm for himself. This does not correspond to God's will, for all actions and thoughts should be based on the commandment of neighbourly love. A loving heart receives and distributes again what it receives.... However, if a person is unwilling to give, he will also lose the right to receive gifts. If he nevertheless maintains contact with the beyond, there is no guarantee that he will receive pure truth, for then beings will also push close, which, on account of their selfish love, are still far removed from the truth. Hence, not all proclamations need to correspond to truth if they were received by a person who has not offered his service to God, that is, who has not declared to Him his will to work for Him and the distribution of the pure truth. This conscious intention to be of service to God protects the human being from untruthful spiritual gifts, for God only conveys the truth to earth for the purpose of distribution amongst humanity. The reception of spiritual gifts must be the result of a loving heart, love for his fellow human being must first make the person capable and worthy of receiving spiritual gifts. But people with a very low degree of love can also establish contact with the beyond; they will also constantly receive messages from the spiritual kingdom, but these will always correspond to the being or the soul's degree of maturity of the person who establishes the connection. Every person having declared himself willing to receive messages from the spiritual kingdom will be taken possession of. All spiritual beings want to express themselves, and they do so according to their degree of maturity, that is, according to their knowledge. But the partition between truth and untruth is erected by the human being himself through the degree of his desire for truth. The desire of anyone striving for the pure truth will be met by bearers of truth, by beings of light which are united with God. They can only impart pure truth and also protect the recipient from accepting error, for they have so much strength that they can push all imperfect beings away from the vicinity of a person who only desires the truth and wants to receive it in order to distribute it to the human race living in darkness.... __Amen
Assessing religious dogma.... Divisions....
Intellectual knowledge acquired by the human being without prayer to God for spiritual enlightenment is incomplete and therefore cannot be described as consistent. Hence there can still be unsolved issues and these in particular give cause to doubt because different supporters also explain them differently. It is now self-evident that the different results also have to be assessed by anyone who only wants to accept the truth. Human knowledge is never above reproach, and that controversial issues always relate to human knowledge, human interpretations, is obvious from the fact that it is disputed, because pure truth originating from God is always the same and will never show different results. __A person without good will and a desire for truth will receive God's transmitted truth incorrectly as his thoughts are subject to evil influences which confuse him and render the truth incomprehensible; on the other hand, a person who genuinely strives for truth also questions misguided knowledge. It does not give him complete assurance of truth and thus he evaluates it, provided he is not prohibited to do so and unconditional acceptance is demanded of him which is, however, at all times and without question Satan's doing. For it will never be an injustice before God to sincerely seek the truth, and that the human being should form an opinion of what is presented to him as truth is part of it. Nor should the human being be guided by other people's idea of truth but form his own judgment, particularly when he is expected or offers himself to distribute knowledge and teach other people. __God does not deny His help to the human being who humbly asks for His mercy, but whether the highly respected dignitary of the world or the scientist holding a worldly elevated position, be it in a spiritual or secular office, bends himself in deepest humility before God as the sole Provider of truth and thus complies with the first condition for its receipt has to be doubted, if his teachings do not offer flawless explanations or are in contradiction to each other. Error exists for as long as there are divisions and different interpretations because there is only one truth, and to ascertain this truth the human being will have to make contact with the eternal Deity Himself, he will have to ask Him for spiritual enlightenment and by a God-pleasing way of life become worthy of being taught by Him directly.... However, God knows how and in which way He shall teach the human being who strives and prays for truth but the end result will always be pure truth since it is God's will that His living creations shall live in truth, hence He also enlightens them in accordance with their will.... __Amen
Conditions for the working of the spirit....
Your knowledge is patchy for as long as you are not taught by the spirit within yourselves.... and all your pondering and searching will not suffice if you do not contact Me first.... in order to appeal to My spirit for enlightened thinking. Anyone having gained his knowledge without appealing for My help first can certainly speak of human insight but never claim to possess divine wisdom.... knowledge which relates to the spiritual kingdom and corresponds to the truth.... For I alone distribute this knowledge, certainly to anyone who desires it, nevertheless only providing the conditions I ask for are met so that My spirit is able to work in a person. Consequently, the knowledge, the pure spiritual truth, will only be guaranteed if the petitioner completely submits himself to My will, if he lives according to My teaching.... with love for Me and his neighbour.... This is the first condition a person will have to fulfil if he wants to become worthy of My gift of grace, of receiving the pure truth through My spirit.... __Additionally, he must have a profound desire for truth.... This is another condition I expect to be met but which is rarely considered. For in order to receive the knowledge which complies with the truth the human being must first give up his humanly imparted knowledge, that is, he must not assume to be already knowledgeable.... otherwise he will hardly be open to the influx of pure truth if it is not in line with his previous knowledge. He must be willing to abandon his acquired knowledge in order to receive the pure truth.... And this will can only be mustered by a person who is as yet not convinced of the truth of his own knowledge. However, if he believes that he knows the truth he will hardly appeal for it, therefore it cannot be imparted to him either, his misguided knowledge cannot be disclosed and eradicated. To completely voluntarily submit himself to Me and to attentively listen to that which I reveal to him through My spirit.... is the only way in order to arrive at the truth.... __And thus the person must have profound faith, he must be firmly convinced that I Am able to convey the truth to him and will do so.... He must be convinced of the working of the spirit within him, of My direct activity in the human being, or he will not enter into solitude and carefully listen to that which My spirit reveals to him. To consciously listen within is therefore another condition which has to be met in order to hear Me. For the spirit's voice is gentle and delicate and can only be heard by someone who completely withdraws himself from the world, who listens within, thus who establishes contact with the spiritual kingdom, with Me as the Giver of truth, as the Father-Spirit Whose share rests as a spiritual spark in his soul.... He must allow the spirit within himself to speak and prior to this shape his soul such that it becomes receptive to the outpouring of the spirit.... And any person will partake in an abundance of knowledge if he fulfils these conditions, if he sincerely strives for the truth and requests it from Me as the eternal Truth. For it is My will to convey the truth to people, I do not want them to live in spiritual darkness, I want to draw them into the spiritual realm, and this is only possible by imparting and receiving the pure truth, which alone leads to Me because it also originates from Me. And anyone who searches in this way will have the right thoughts, he will penetrate profound knowledge, the spiritual sphere which will remain closed to all those who search elsewhere, because this is My will. The prayer for enlightenment of the spirit alone is no guarantee for its working if the other conditions are not observed as well of which I, however, will not let go because one depends on the other.... because a spiritual gift can only be offered if My law is complied with, which is fixed for eternity.... __Amen
Serious scrutiny and will for truth....
All information must be scrutinised first before a person accepts it as absolute spiritual truth, that is, before it becomes his possession. And the sincere will to possess the truth must form the basis of this scrutiny. Consequently, he must turn to Me, the eternal Truth Itself, and appeal to Me for enlightenment of his spirit, for turning his thoughts in the right direction and providing him with the intellectual capacity to comprehend and form an opinion. And he will truly not be led astray by Me if he desires the truth.... You must remember that it is always and forever My goal to guide My living creations into truth, and that the human being can be certain of receiving the truth providing his will strives for it. I only need his will in order to convey the truth to him. However, where this will is not sincere, where it is merely replaced by words and thus his desire for truth is not recognisable by Me, as I Am even able to look into the furthermost corners of his heart, the human being will hardly be able to carry out a serious examination and therefore not possess the complete truth from Me. All spiritual information is available to him, he does not defend himself against misguided teachings, but neither does he recognise the truth as such; he allows himself to be pushed into a traditional school of thought without actively investigating its value. Nevertheless, one day he will have to justify himself for his thoughts and intentions because he failed to use his gift of intellect and thereby prevented his own spiritual ascent. Nor will he be be able to use his conscientious observance of the rules given to him as an excuse, because the right relationship with the eternal Father makes every person also realise his task on earth, and once the human being has established this right relationship with Me, he will consider Me and My will more important than the laws he was given by those whom he regards as My representatives on earth. And he will give greater credence to My Words, because I influence the thoughts of those who want to be My true children in order to lead them into truth. I only require the human being's sincere will.... If it is inclined towards Me, then the human being will soon feel as My child and will willingly accept every gift from the Father's hand with gratitude, he will rather accept what he receives from Me Myself than from those who call themselves My representatives on earth. For the heart of a true child will always tend towards the Father's heart, it will take the direct path and won't try to attain the Father's love and kindness in a roundabout way. And I will also always cross its path so that it will be able to find Me with ease.... And what better gift could I possibly offer more gladly to My child than the purest truth?.... Those of you who have not yet established direct contact with Me, who still adhere to external formalities too firmly and don't want to relinquish them, should bear in mind that I Am not to be found in the external shell but that I want to be recognised within yourselves in order to then be present for you at all times. Engage your intellect and form a mental opinion about the information you receive from external sources. And call upon Me for assistance.... And I will help you to recognise what is right and true and liberate you from error, for only the pure truth will lead you to Me, only the pure truth will gain you eternal life.... And therefore you should diligently endeavour to know the truth if you want to become blissfully happy.... __Amen
Transmission of truth from the realm of light....
The light shines from above.... The light can never come from below, it can only ever shine into the abyss, and darkness can never be transmitted to earth from the regions above, it can only ever come from the abyss, from the realm of darkness which, in contrast to the realm of light, only harbours dark beings to whom the light has to be sent first. But neither happiness nor bliss will ever be found in darkness, whereas everything in the realm of light is blissfully active and this activity concerns itself solely with the spreading of light. Light, however, is truth, light is the recognition of the eternal Deity, the knowledge of His will, of His work.... Furthermore, light is the knowledge of the correlation between all visible things, of the relationship between the creations with their Creator, light is the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of God's work, the knowledge of the task and goal of all spiritual beings.... Light is the recognition of the eternal truth from God.... And this knowledge can only be sent from above to the beings on earth as well as to the fallen spirits in the beyond from the kingdom that is governed by God, where everything is inspired by love and permeated by God's strength. Here is the origin of truth, of right knowledge, and not in the abyss where, due to lack of strength and light, the spreading of truth is impossible, where the spiritual beings' strength only consists of scattering error and lies, because this strength emanates from the prince of lies who wants to replace the truth and therefore God. __But where truth is taught it also had to be received from above, it had to originate from the kingdom which is full of light and strength.... The recipient of truth has to aspire to ascend, his thoughts need to be directed towards God, thus towards good, his will and his actions have to show justice, and the right relationship with God has to be established through heart-felt, humble prayer, then light will flow down from the kingdom of light. Because every person's good will is seized and used for the human being's spiritual progress by the beings whose sole activity consists of releasing the bound spirits, the ignorant and thus those who live in darkness, and this can only happen through the transmission of light, of pure truth from above. Such will is never ignored, but neither can a human being be guided into truth against his will. Due to most people's God-opposing will earth is engulfed in deepest darkness. And yet, lights are flashing everywhere because the beings of light are actively fighting darkness everywhere. Every human heart that sends its questions into eternity with the desire for light, for clarification about God, about meaning and purpose of earthly life, is, by its thoughts, making itself receptive to these beings who can give him complete illumination, who also instantly ignite a tiny light in him, who guide his thoughts into the right direction, who try to influence him into communicating increasingly more with the spiritual kingdom. __And thus rays of light are shining everywhere into the spiritual darkness covering the earth because God, the eternal light, is always willing to transmit it into every heart ready to receive it. Hence it follows that God will also always take care of the distribution of pure truth, because it is His aim to fully enlighten every spiritual essence, to completely dispel the darkness and to carry the light into the realm of darkness in order to bring about a change in the spirits there too, so that they, too, will be able to reach the state of bliss one day, which necessitates pure truth.... the light from heaven.... which disperses all darkness. The light shines from above and only truth can come from above.... And thus the human being inevitably has to strive to ascend in order to receive light in abundance. For although the light shines down to earth it can only touch people who lift their willing hearts to God and, by living their lives in accordance with God's will, shape themselves into a vessel for the reception of His light, the pure truth. Then, however, the Eternal Truth will be working there Himself, It will distribute truth without end, It will permeate the human heart with its light and drive out all spiritual darkness.... __Amen
The working of the spirit.... Scrutiny.... Proof: Oratori...
A large structure must be made to waver, and this undertaking shall be tackled by you, for which I Myself will give you the instruction as well as the strength to accomplish the work. Error has crept into all places where truth is expected to be, where people believe they know the truth, and now it is up to you to expose this error, which you would be unable to do by yourselves, by using your intellect alone, yet with My help you can do so, and therefore you shall teach in My name what I have proclaimed to you through the spirit. Each one of you shall make an effort to let My spirit speak in order to gain possession of the pure truth. And if this cannot be achieved you should pay attention to what My messengers reveal to you, who are directly instructed by Me again through the voice of the spirit. Every bearer of truth will uphold the same spiritual knowledge, that is, once the truth is conveyed to someone it will always yield the same results; the spirit, which is in contact with the Father-Spirit of eternity, will proclaim the same to everyone. Thus, the origin of different results must be investigated. That which originates from My spirit will forever remain the truth, which never changes, regardless as to how and in which form it is offered to you. The working of My spirit guarantees you purest truth, and thus you need only examine when My spirit is at work and where false prophets portray themselves as My disciples and representatives on earth. And you can easily ascertain whether the spiritual information, which claims to be true, is accepted consciously or subconsciously. If I pour out My spirit, no process is being displayed for curious spectators, for I do not approach you humans such that you would even in the slightest way be forced to believe. No-one will notice anything extraordinary, unless he considers the fluent gift of oratory as something unusual, but in that case I refer to My Word 'Take no thought how or what ye shall speak.... For it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit…' Then you will already have a sign that My spirit is at work in the one who thus speaks well. However, if other exceptional signs are quoted as evidence, don't believe that it is I Who manifests Himself in this way. Every now and then you might well be able to observe phenomena which point to My life on earth.... if particularly devout and devoted people thereby contribute towards enlivening their fellow human beings' weak faith.... Yet the working of the spirit mainly refers to the transfer of My Word, because through My Word humanity shall be guided into truth and because My Word also makes My will known, the fulfilment of which results in the direct working of the spirit again. __The human race certainly seeks and tentatively strives for truth, but it does not take the right path in order to find it. However, every person carries the truth within himself.... Every person carries the spiritual spark within himself, which is part of Me and can impart purest truth if the person looks within and listens to the expression of the spiritual spark, to the Word, which thus comes from Me because the spiritual spark is My share for eternity. Understand, you humans, you must look within yourselves and not wait for what is brought to you from external sources! But since you no longer fulfil the conditions needed for the manifestation of the spirit, since you are no longer capable of perceiving My Word in you, hence, since you no longer come to Me, I come to you by sending you a messenger who hears the expression of his spirit, My Word, and shall inform you of it. Now it is indeed conveyed to you from outside, but as an unmistakable gift from above, which can be recognised by everyone providing he makes the effort to seriously examine it or allows himself to be guided by his inner spirit, thus does not offer resistance if My Word inwardly appeals to him. And every seriously truth-desiring person will find My Word appealing, because My strength of love takes effect in the one who strives towards Me as the eternal Truth. Thus I Myself come to meet him and draw him close to Me if I don't meet with resistance. Therefore, take notice of the working of the spirit and accept the offer of the one who, in a completely conscious state, listens to the voice of the spirit within, for you can believe his results, since he is taught by Me directly through My spirit. Beware of false prophets as they, too, mention My name and yet have no direct connection with Me, who therefore deem themselves capable of instructing their fellow human beings but have no knowledge themselves. Beware of those who receive their knowledge in a way where I Myself cannot be at work, because forces from below push in without being rejected by the recipient's will.... where the human being forfeits his will and his will is subsequently seized. In a conscious state they might well be of good will, nevertheless, their chosen path is wrong. Come to Me, make contact with Me in spirit, listen within and appeal to Me with all your heart for the working of My spirit.... and your prayer will be granted, you will be taught in absolute truth by Me directly or through My messengers.... But you will always be taught by My spirit and guided into all truth.... __Amen
Attribute of truth: Emanation of light....
You will always be permeated by My spirit if you appeal to Me for it. Therefore you will also always think and act correctly if you request enlightenment through the spirit first, for I will grant every spiritual prayer.... I will not let you take the wrong path if it is your will to take the right one, otherwise you could doubt My love, but it is constantly concerned that you will not go astray.... Thus it is My will to guide the spiritual beings, which distanced themselves, back to Me. And anyone whose work is conducive to this process of return works for Me and in My will. However, the return of the fallen spiritual being, which is embodied as a human being on earth, can only take place through spreading the truth, for no being will ever be able to reach Me on a path leading away from Me.... But error and untruth can never be the path to Me, since I Am the eternal Truth. And thus understand that I Am sending the truth to Earth because it is the only path to eternal life.... And this truth shall be spread.... The knowledge about meaning and purpose of life on earth, about the purpose of Creation, about My eternal plan of Salvation.... about My teaching of love, which is effectively the key to eternal beatitude. You must be taught by the eternal Truth Itself if you want to know the truth and thereby enter the right path, which leads upwards. However, it is now also a fact that much is being circulated on earth as truth which completely deviates from the teachings which a servant, who is permeated by My spirit, directly receives from Me.... You humans must therefore be careful and only accept that which is consistent with the Word conveyed to you from above.... You must test it and keep what is good.... and appeal to Me for spiritual enlightenment before every examination, then you will clearly recognise what originated from Me and what came from My adversary. For My adversary, too, seemingly gives you light, he disguises himself with the aim of outdoing My bearers of light who receive purest truth from Me. I have given you free will and will certainly respect it, but I also gave you intelligence, and your will and intellect must now be used for examination. __Nevertheless, a criterion for purest truth exists which highlights every error: The truth disseminates light.... a bright and clear understanding of spiritual correlations. It provides logical explanations and solves difficult problems; it can be addressed as most profound knowledge which comprises all fields.... Truth is not patchwork, it is not a conjecture, it is conviction; it does not merely assume but maintains, it makes no concessions but is unchanging and definite.... Consequently, anyone who receives the truth from Me can provide information in My name, for he will speak on My behalf, he will know about My teaching of love.... he has heard the Gospel directly from Me and thus can also distribute it to the world.... He is a bearer of light because I give him light and instructed him to fulfil a mission of spreading the light throughout the world.... spreading the light.... Understand this.... your fellow human beings should not just be admonished or warned but be instructed; realisation shall be imparted to them, although they will only accept it if they fulfil My commandments of love.... But precisely in this respect they shall be given a light, that they cannot find the path to Me without love, that they live in the dark without love, that they can receive light but that they are not receptive without love. People must be instructed in the truth which comes forth from Me.... And by its emanation of light.... by the effect of the light.... you will always be able to recognise whether I Myself reveal the right knowledge to you, whether that which you shall spread has come forth from Me Myself.... Whether the path is brightly and clearly visible, whether all obstacles can be recognised so that they can be avoided, whether the path ascends and whether the cross is to be found when the traveller is in doubt as to which way to turn.... A right light does not allow darkness to arise anymore; a right light can only emanate truth, because the truth comes forth from Me Myself, as I Am the light of eternity.... __Amen
The inner Word.... Light.... Truth....
I certainly speak mentally with many people who desire to hear Me, and they can indeed consider themselves addressed by Me, yet there are also instances when I manifest Myself in extraordinary ways for the sake of a special mission.... But these extraordinary instances do not infer that all mental knowledge of a person, even it corresponds to My will, was imparted to him through the 'inner Word'.... It concerns the transference of the pure truth to earth.... This requires a state which excludes all error; hence a person, who receives the pure truth from Me through the inner Word, must first have shaped himself such that he is able to hear the Word, audibly or mentally.... Time and again I have to emphasise the fact that I know a person's heart and can only assign a mission to him if he is capable of accomplishing it. And I only rarely find this ability because people's willingness to love is only small and only love can develop the ability in a person to accept spiritual messages. In the last days it has become urgently necessary that the truth should be conveyed to people because almost every religious dogma has been distorted. To convey truth therefore means: to correct misguided teachings and to explain the correlation of everything in existence; to bring people the truth means to provide people with a right concept of their Creator and Father so that they will believe in Him and be able to love Him.... __Through the transference of truth it is intended that people learn to think and conduct themselves correctly and to comply with their purpose of earthly life. __The truth is something so hotly disputed that it is truly not easy to give it to all people, for as long as people don't desire it seriously or if they fail to recognise it, it will therefore be rejected by those who think wrongly because they live entirely without love. For love and truth cannot be separated because they are the eternal Deity's concepts.... Hence, it should be understandable to you that the transference of the pure truth to a person requires very special abilities, that not everyone is suitable for it, although I would like to impart the truth to every person I cannot do so by means of My direct speech, because not every person is able to hear Me since his soul is not shaped such that it can perceive spiritual sounds with its spiritual ear. Only few people are capable of this and of these few only some individuals offer their services, and this mission of receiving the truth form Me and spreading it on My instructions is only possible in free will. And again I reiterate that light is meant to be spread.... that the spiritual darkness on earth motivates Me to send light to people, but light always signifies knowledge of the pure truth.... I want to illuminate people's spiritual state, hence I must convey the kind of information to them which corresponds to the truth. And this is only possible by revealing Myself through My direct communication to a person who is suitable to accept it. But merely the will to be of service to Me is not enough, it also requires the faculty of hearing.... not everyone who has the will is suitable, just as, vice versa, the soul's ability to understand My Word is not decisive if the will to be of service to Me is lacking. Therefore it follows that I have only a few servants and handmaidens who are able to achieve this mission, but that I take particular care of these few and won't allow them to be prevented from implementing their mission, because this is urgently required during the last days before the end, when only the pure truth can guard against the fall into the abyss, and therefore the pure truth has to be conveyed by Me to earth so that all those of good will can still be saved.... __Amen
Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge advisable....
You are being educated by the spirit within you and this cannot convey anything but the purest truth to you.... If you therefore encounter contradictions brought to you from external sources, then you must first investigate whether this spiritual knowledge was produced by a person's own intellectual activity or by the working of the spirit.... And you will always come to the conclusion that My spirit has not been at work where a contradiction is present. For the spirit from Me does not err, the spirit from Me always imparts the same to a person: the pure truth.... Admittedly, it is difficult for you humans to conduct an examination like this as long as you are still spiritually unawakened, but precisely because of this you should not accept everything, especially if teachings are imparted to you which do not include My Gospel, which can be found in the Scriptures.... if it concerns teachings which are in addition to My Gospel, the pure teaching of love I proclaimed on earth. In that case you must always exercise greatest caution, for that knowledge which is additionally conveyed to a spiritually awakened person as profound spiritual wisdom.... the knowledge which reveals My eternal plan of Salvation to you humans, can only be conveyed to you through My spirit; however, it will be undermined by My adversary through wrong doctrines, erroneous portrayals or entirely new teachings, which could already be recognised to be incorrect by the fact that such knowledge does not promote maturity of soul.... For this is precisely how he works, he wants to do the same as I do.... he presents error to people in the same way as I distribute truth.... His activity consists of educating servants who pretend to do the same: to address people on divine instruction.... It is not easy for you humans to recognise what is right and what is wrong as long as your desire for unusual supernatural knowledge predominates, as long as you don't appeal to Me in a childlike, humble manner for the pure truth, as long as you seek out 'people' in order to be taught by them without having commended yourselves to Me first, so that I will guide you right and only let you take the path of truth. You must do everything.... absolutely everything.... with Me, then you will not go astray, you will not make wrong judgments, you will learn to distinguish error from truth.... You can truly believe that the serious will for truth is your most certain protection, then the feeling of rejection will predominate in you towards all misguided teachings, and this feeling is My working in you because you request the truth.... Intellectual products are easy to refute if they contradict the truth.... But it requires an awakened spirit in order to judge planned messages from above, for only the spiritually awakened human being can see through the machinations of the adversary of truth, the prince of darkness.... He recognises the contradiction and can also substantiate it, but he will only ever find credence with those who have a strong desire for truth, because they already experience the same feeling, which I will grant anyone who is serious about the truth.... who has already accepted Me in his heart through kind-hearted activity. Anyone who is united with Me through loving actions or heartfelt prayer will instinctively reject anything which contradicts the pure truth, because the Eternal Truth protects him from being led astray and is indeed able to do so on account of the sincere union and the desire for truth.... Those of you who are devoted to Me and strive to fulfil My will should therefore not be afraid of being led astray.... I will guide your thinking in the right direction and you will always be able to differentiate between truth and error.... __Amen
The blessing of doubting.... Truth....
The fact that doubts creep into your hearts time and again is insofar favourable as that you will think about the questions that move you and subsequently can also be influenced by the beings which try to clarify your doubts. However, only such doubts are meant by this which befall a serious seeker, which motivate a person to keep searching and asking for more.... and not those doubts which makes indifferent people feel justified into rejecting the information offered to them because they don't actually desire it, who will therefore never acknowledge a bearer of truth. Their doubts are merely excuses and an escape into darkness again. Serious seekers, however, are not instantly satisfied and their doubts can become a blessing for them since they do not stop questioning, and precisely this provides the beings of light with the opportunity to mentally influence them time and again until their thinking becomes clarified and what previously had still been doubtful to them will become a conviction. The thinking human being will generally not be superficial either by simply dismissing what does not seem credible to him, but he will dig deeper before he completely rejects a teaching he has received. Thus doubt can lead to clarification as well as protection against the acceptance of errors if a person endeavours to know the truth. This is why a person should not be condemned by voicing reservations, for they only testify to genuine seriousness. But he should also consider the possibility and not rest until he has completely gained an inner conviction so that he can either accept the information as truth or safely dismiss it as error. And doubts help him in order to gain this conviction. A person who deems himself knowledgeable cannot be instructed anymore, for he is no longer receptive to the currents from the world of light, he only uses his intellect but he doesn't hear what is whispered to him by enlightened beings. __However, someone who doubts listens within, he asks questions and then certainly also believes that he is able to solve these doubts himself in an intellectual way, but as soon as he seriously strives for the truth he can rely on the fact that his thinking will be guided correctly, for the serious seeker of truth has this guarantee, because God as the Eternal Truth will also allow Himself to be found by him. This is why the human being determines the value of knowledge he acquires himself.... since it only depends on how seriously he desires the truth. And for this, too, he should give account to himself, for everyone knows that 'people can err'.... that he therefore cannot rely on knowledge he has received from other people, and that he therefore must also be willing to relinquish that knowledge if he can receive the 'pure truth'. And he can only ever desire and receive pure truth at the source of the truth. Hence he must inform God of the knowledge he received previously and appeal to him for clarification as to what extent it corresponds to truth. And God will truly grant this appeal and perhaps even place doubts into his heart, for the transmission of pure truth can only take place if the person opens himself in order to receive what he desires from the highest source: the pure truth from God.... This mainly concerns spiritual knowledge, but even earthly thoughts will be guided correctly in a person who has taken this path to God, to the source of truth. And the profound inner certainty, the firm conviction, which he will then feel is the best assurance that he has taken the right path, for no objection to the contrary will be able to shake his point of view, he will also be able to maintain it towards his fellow human beings without doubting it again.... unless new problems arise which he will also safely be able to solve again in the same way.... For God gives the truth to all who merely desire it sincerely but withholds it from those who rely on their own strength, who try to intellectually ascertain that which is known by God alone.... __Amen
Spiritual superiority is not spiritual arrogance....
Spiritual superiority should not be confused with spiritual arrogance.... If I guide a person into the truth, if he is taught by My Word in order to be a suitable teacher again for his fellow human beings, then he may also confidently endorse his knowledge because it originates from Me, and then he can also rest assured that he will have received the pure truth and that this truth has to be rated higher than human knowledge, which was merely intellectually acquired and which, without the working of My spirit, is no guarantee for truth. Hence, one can never speak of spiritual arrogance where it concerns advocating the truth from Me, which the person receives from Me directly. Then any restraint would be wrong if the opportunity presents itself to inform people of My spiritual knowledge. You just should not `cast your pearls before swine....', i.e., you should not speak where you clearly recognise My adversary's spirit, because the truth will not be recognised there as such and every conversation will be in vain. But anyone who is taught by My spirit shall also mention the working of My spirit and frankly and determinedly stand up for My Word. He will certainly be able to do so, for as soon as he speaks on behalf of Me and My kingdom I Myself make use of him and speak through him, and then you really won't be able to say that an arrogant spirit speaks through him. __Once a person has been guided into truth by Me he will also be enlightened himself, he will recognise all correlations and able to speak about them. And if he is sure of the truth of his knowledge because he was taught `through the spirit' then he will also be self-confident and able to refute wrong opinions or provide good clarifications, in which case he can't be called `arrogant', rather, his spiritual superiority should be recognised and acknowledged; the truth he imparts must impress the listener and also give him the inner conviction that it is I Myself Who speaks to him through a human mouth. And since I know My light bearers' will I can also distribute the gifts of the spirit such that they will be valued.... For this reason I choose My own servants and give them the task to pass on the pure truth.... And anyone with good intentions will recognise the truth and gratefully accept it.... anyone with good intentions will be brought together with the bearers of truth so that he, too, shall be guided into truth, depending on his will. And you should always remember that I only give My grace unto the humble.... That an arrogantly spirited person would never ever be able to receive a gift of grace from Me because only a profoundly humble heart is receptive for it or you would have to discard everything said to you.... but after serious examination you won't be able to do that. Spiritual superiority is only the complete certainty of knowing the truth, and I expect this from My bearers of light, or they would be unable to confidently uphold the truth from Me towards their fellow human beings.... It is necessary for light to be brought to people who live in spiritual darkness ; it is necessary to illuminate the path of ascent for them, for you humans will not go forward on dark paths but you will continue to strive towards the abyss. For this reason I will repeatedly convey light to you, and blessed is he who accepts it.... blessed, who takes the path which will be shown to him in the light of truth.... __Amen
Psychic receptions - Credibility....
You, who received My commission to distribute the pure truth, must also be informed about everything yourselves in order to be able to form a clear opinion about the value of spiritual conclusions which are advocated by your fellow human beings as truth. You should know that both valuable as well as worthless connections are being established with the spiritual world, that beings from all spheres of the spiritual kingdom want to make themselves heard by you, that they try to transfer their thoughts to you and that the human being himself is the determining factor of which beings will be able to approach him. And the desire for truth is always decisive but this is often displaced by the desire for experiencing the unusual, so that the craving to learn something unknown from the psychic world takes priority.... although with the best intention to act and think righteously and good.... Such opportunities are also used by the inhabitants of the spiritual world of light which want to lead people to the right path and thus also try to influence them to deepen their attitude regarding the spiritual realm and to especially draw their attention to the fact that love is the first and most important commandment. Therefore any advice to love can be considered as corresponding to My will. The purity and the will of the recipient who receives messages in a psychic state also determine the quality of these messages.... However, it also depends on the spiritual state of the circle of listeners, on their attained spiritual maturity.... And the flawed thoughts of an immature person alone are enough to enable impure spirits to slip in; they likewise make use of a medium in a state of trance and then often repel the messengers of light, because forces of darkness gather wherever the opportunity presents itself to speak through a human being who has given up his own will.... who therefore speaks in a psychic state of mind.... The purer the circle and the greater the harmony within as well as the desire only to be truthfully instructed the more credible will be the results, but then they will also concur with the teaching which is conveyed to you directly from above, thus their authenticity will be beyond doubt, for countless beings of light try to gain access to people from the world of the beyond and impart the truth to them on My instructions. Yet these beings of light will time and again try to influence people into establishing the connection with the spiritual world in an awake, conscious state, they will enlighten them about the `working of the spirit' in a person and aim to encourage them to enter into heartfelt contact with Me, which will enable them to receive profound knowledge which cannot be conveyed to earth in a psychic way.... in a state of trance. For I Myself promised you humans the working of My spirit, and you can and should believe My Words.... But the fact that My adversary's working will also strongly come to light cannot be denied, and he will always make an effort to confuse the concepts.... __He will use psychically inclined people in the same way in order to speak through them, yet only ever with words which lack all coherence, words which intend to feign wisdom but are sheerest nonsense. __You can put this to the test yourselves by questioning what kind of spiritual benefit you can gain from transmissions which, on closer inspection.... on the basis of My Word.... utterly contradict the truth. Then spirits will answer which are still unenlightened, which still possess a certain amount of worldly knowledge and.... since they diligently supported it on earth.... will also try to pass it on to people now. They enshroud themselves in the garment of an angel of light, indeed, they even use Jesus' name for their transmissions because they don't recognise Him as `God' and thus avail themselves of a human name.... And although, in order to mislead people, they grant Him an exalted mission, they nevertheless only do this with the intention of stopping people from thinking correctly and to belittle Jesus' work of Salvation, thus preventing them from calling upon Myself in Jesus. They try to lead people completely astray about Jesus' mission on earth and My human manifestation in Him.... Transmissions from the spiritual world which fail to offer truthful clarification that a pure soul of light dwelled within the man Jesus, which so shaped the body that it could become an abode for Me.... that I Myself, therefore, accomplished the act of Salvation in Jesus and the complete unity of Jesus with Me took place.... that I and Jesus are one.... can always be rejected by you as error and as a deliberate deception by spirits in the beyond. They are especially active during the last days before the end in order to cause confusion in circles which want to do what is right but have not awakened their spirit as yet, so that it can grant them the gift of discernment in order to be able to keep divine and ungodly revelations apart.... __People are unaware of the fact that they will always have to fight the forces of darkness, and specifically in the last days, because the latter want to prevent people from becoming enlightened, and that the only assurance not to fall prey to them is to desire the light directly from Me, and this sincere appeal to receive the truth will also establish the connection with Me, which then will also ensure your correct protection from the activity of these forces. But it isn't always love for Me and therefore for truth as well, but generally only inquisitiveness for an insight into spheres which are still closed to them. People know that earthly life alone is not the reason for the existence as a human being, and they certainly try to obtain information but believe that forces from the beyond will only ever instruct them truthfully and thereby only provide the adversary with more opportunities to confuse their thinking. However, it can help a person to think correctly if he sincerely desires the truth, if, according to his sincerity, his maturity of soul and his desire, beings of light enter such a `spiritual communication', which certainly realise to whom they can convey pure truth. Yet they will always try to educate a person to the point that he will no longer require an aide.... no mediums which receive transmissions from the spiritual kingdom.... but that he shall establish such heartfelt connection with Me Myself in order to let himself be addressed by Me directly or to enter into contact with the right bearers of light who will impart the right and true spiritual knowledge, which he will therefore also recognise as truth, because he has already awakened the spirit within himself which will guide him into truth.... A person can certainly be warned about futile communication with the spiritual world.... But he cannot nor should he be prevented from it, because there is always the possibility that thereby he will come to believe in a continuation of life after death and he can also be shown the right path if he is serious about knowing the truth. Anything that reveals the will to act right before Me is good, yet first and foremost be warned of anything that only serves to satisfy the senses or to increase earthly knowledge, for no blessing will ever rest on it and a person like that will never be able to recognise the truth and always rather believe teachings which are still far from the truth and will never originate from Me. For this reason I Myself mentioned as a sign to recognise the truth of spiritual receptions the characteristic that you should check whether the enigma of My human manifestation in Jesus is revealed to you such as I Myself explain it to you through My Word, through the working of My spirit within you.... Reject that which does not correspond to My Word conveyed to you from above, no matter how many fine words are used to demonstrate a divine source to you.... My adversary also uses such words, he will stop at nothing because he wants to keep people in the dark.... because he knows that truth is a light which unmasks him and his activity.... And he will always seek to extinguish or obscure it.... __Amen
Scrutiny of spiritual results by worldly researchers....
Worldly acquired knowledge is not sufficient in order to act as a spiritual teacher. And therefore people cannot be called upon for scrutiny or clarification of spiritual scriptures or results if they only possess purely worldly knowledge and then entirely rationally try to ascertain what kind of value should be attached to these spiritual results. Such intended dissemination will always be unsuccessful, because spiritual knowledge can only be gained under certain preconditions, but without knowledge such scrutiny is not possible. However, if these preconditions are met on part of the examiners, then the same preconditions apply again to those who are interested in the results of the scrutiny. These preconditions are: sincere striving for God, for truth and for living a way of life according to divine will, for a life of love.... In that case, however, the human being need no longer investigate but God Himself will guide him into truth.... He will not need earthly knowledge and will still become knowledgeable, the spiritual sphere will be normal and familiar to him, he will not consider it outlandish as a critic and researcher; instead, he will live in this kingdom himself which will no longer belong to the material world but will be purely spiritual. Anyone who wants to investigate the spiritual kingdom can only do so if he completely hands himself over to God and puts the world second. But anyone who purely scientifically tries to examine spiritual subjects as a matter of worldly striving will not come to any results; the area will remain unfamiliar to him, he will purely gather existing results but never provide a truthful explanation because he lacks all conviction himself, which he can only gain by seriously striving for truth without any material or worldly interests. For this reason the world will be unable to employ teachers who research occult fields and pass on their knowledge, for this would be a purely intellectual activity without involving the heart. But spiritual areas can only be investigated by way of the heart. Although the intellect is not entirely excluded, the mental knowledge is conveyed to him from the heart, and this activity of heart requires great love, which not every worldly researcher has. If people therefore believe that they can scientifically fathom knowledge which originates from God, they will always have to take incorrect results into account, for the divine truth, the knowledge about spiritual things, is not a commodity which everyone can lay claim to who does not pay the correct purchase price for it.... __God truly will not deny it to any person, yet the striving for God, for highest realisation, for perfection, must drive the person to obtain this knowledge. Then people will be able to achieve greatest success if they pass the gained knowledge on to their fellow human beings with the same aspiration to help them attain maturity of soul. God will always and forever remain the Provider of truth, and God looks into the hearts of people who strive towards it and distributes His gifts of grace according to worthiness and desire.... His spirit descends upon those who love Him and strive to live according to His will. Consequently, these conditions must have been fulfilled first before the human spirit can become enlightened and clearly recognise the correlation between the eternal Deity, Creation and the living beings, and thus can derive knowledge from it which he can also advocate as truth and pass on to his fellow human beings. But such a person will not pursue earthly goals; he will not try to acquire earthly success, honour and fame through his knowledge but only conduct spiritual research for the sake of the pure truth, and if he wants to pass it on to his fellow human being then only as a result of an inner urge to also give him the happiness he does not yet possess. However, the worldly interested investigator will never ever attain the right realisation.... His result will always remain patchwork, he will add to already existing mental knowledge, he will intellectually try to find a connection and he will be mistaken as long as he does not have God as a teacher, but He will not enlighten him as long as he still belongs to the world. For the spiritual kingdom is subject to laws which are impossible for the beings of light to violate, but which they do not want to violate either since their will acts entirely in accordance with divine will. The laws must be complied with both by the Giver as well as the taker, and one of these laws is: Nothing can be achieved without God but everything with Him.... God, however, is love.... Subsequently, someone who wants to be taught by God must strive towards Him with all senses, and to strive towards God means to be active with love. Hence it will never ever be possible to penetrate the truth without love.... And if the worldly investigator is not lovingly active, his thoughts cannot correspond to truth either, because it contradicts the divine law, the requirements God expects of a person and which he must first meet without fail, before the pure truth can be offered to him. And even if he comes across this pure truth in his research, if he scrutinises the knowledge that was conveyed to devout people through God's love.... he will not recognise it as truth, because his thinking is still clouded by the influences of the enemy of truth, to whom he grants power over himself through his lack of love. __God is Truth, and only through love can it be found. Even if the human being searches and investigates incessantly, he will not reach the goal by intellectual means and will therefore also be completely incapable of offering truthful results to his fellow human beings. His points of view will not be convincing and will give rise to doubts and arguments as soon as they form a serious opinion of them. Conclusions can certainly be drawn from existing spiritual information, so that a spiritual kingdom, the activity of spiritual beings, cannot be denied; nevertheless, in order to penetrate the spiritual realm, the knowledge of it is not enough if the preconditions are not in place which allow the human being's soul to enter the spiritual realm. This sphere can therefore never ever become the subject of worldly research, and worldly research is everything that is approached without heartfelt devotion to God, without unselfish acts of love in order to gain possession of the truth, in order to explain a field so that it will be completely clear to humanity and on which a solid teaching can be based, so that therefore the gained knowledge can be structured in a way so that it is accessible to humanity and enriches its knowledge. This will never be possible, for the spiritual kingdom remains closed to those who do not seek God deep within their heart and testify to this through their love for Him and their neighbour.... __Amen
Different schools of thought.... Christ's teaching....
The absolute truth cannot be represented by any school of thought as long as it cannot show that the origin of its dogma is based on the Word from above, although not everything taught by each spiritual movement can be called an error. Their followers will always be sincere people if they abandon ecclesiastical organisations and turn to such a school of thought. And therefore they are repeatedly offered the opportunity to come closer to the truth, because once they have recognised it as such they will hold on to it and hence be more faithful members of spiritual groups than the followers of the church which is officially made out to be My institution, but who are for the most part mere supporters or formal believers, never desiring to delve deeper into eternal truth, into My teaching of love, which I describe as the core of the church founded by Me. Only the Word from above is pure truth and this Word was received and spread by Jesus on earth, consequently His is the only true teaching and will remain so for all eternity. Hence the person who preaches Christ's teaching is My representative on earth and will be able to inform every school of thought to what extent they have the truth and which opinions are misguided. However, during the last days the real advocates of My teaching need not concern themselves with other denominations or religious groups because they will all be fought against by earthly authorities and will lose their supporters with certainty, too. My servants shall merely gather the deserters and try to win them over for Me and My kingdom; they shall impart the pure truth to them and take every opportunity to enlighten misguided people.... __And I will provide them with the opportunity to do so, I will send them to those who can still be won over, who are still undecided and only need the truth in order to take the right path. The truth speaks for itself and no one will be able to undermine it, but where misguided teachings have occurred people can always be expected to leave when they are confronted by hardship, which they can avoid through devotion of faith. Because in the last days great hardship will only be suffered by those believers who want to remain faithful to Me and will thus be treated with hostility by the world. The world will demand the complete rejection of faith in a God and Creator of eternity Who governs the fate of every human being, and the hardship of anyone relinquishing his faith will be resolved. People who endure will have to suffer in remarkable ways. But anyone who has true faith, who lives within the truth he has received from Me Myself, will also stay faithful to Me because he will know that such hardship won't last forever and will then give way to a joyful state of bliss. He will know that the earth is experiencing its end and so will the people who relinquish their faith for the sake of worldliness. The truth received from Me has given him the knowledge of things to come and this knowledge will give him the strength to endure to the end. __Only truth gives strength, only the person who lives within truth will endure, and for this reason it is so urgently necessary to impart the truth to people because this alone will enable them to understand everything that will happen. Anyone who does not know the absolute truth will become unsure, he will doubt everything and prefer the world and its pleasures to his doubtful knowledge. But I want to give people the pure truth in order to help them survive the final end by firmly believing in Me, in My wisdom and love which wants to prepare a paradise for My Own after the destruction of this earth.... Anyone instructed by My Word of My eternal plan of Salvation will understand everything, always keeping his eyes on Me he will be able to glance into the spiritual realm and receive strength and grace to endure until the end.... __Amen
There is only one truth.... Feeling of heart....
You are certainly free to join any school of thought, yet you must always remember that there is only one truth, that, because different schools of thought also teach different doctrines, only one can be true, therefore an examination should never be avoided, which anyone can carry out if he earnestly wants to. Truth is guaranteed where divine revelations are conveyed to earth; therefore they can always be used for comparison. And truth only exists where it agrees with the teachings of the divinely imparted Word. However, if a direct revelation is not available for comparison, then it is absolutely essential to appeal to God for assistance, in which case the human being will surely make the right decision, that is, he will either decide or reject what he is duty bound to believe by a school of thought.... Sincere desire to know the truth and a prayer to God in spirit and in truth assures him that he will correctly recognise what is truth and what is error. And his heart will either encourage or warn him against joining a school of thought, but he must also pay attention to his feeling and not act against it. No spiritual organisation on earth is devoid of error, because the pure truth, which originally motivated the founder to advocate it and to win fellow human beings over, will be changed by people time and again. This is why every seeker in all schools of thought will experience doubts, and for good reason, so that he will pursue the truth himself, and, through earnest deliberation and in connection with God through prayer and kind-hearted activity, awaken the spirit in him, which will then instruct him truthfully and guide him into true knowledge. A person can therefore find the truth in any spiritual movement providing he genuinely wants it. A blind person needs to entrust himself to someone sighted, and since only God can see they must be a spiritually awakened leader instructed by God, who can offer true support to the blind, who will guide him and also help him gain his vision if it is wanted by the blind himself. However, a blind leader will not be very beneficial; he will also lead everyone entrusted to him astray as long as he has not gained the ability to see of his own will. But a person who has not drawn his wisdom from divine revelations is a blind leader.... a blind leader is someone who has received his knowledge from likewise poorly sighted people again and thereby did not become enlightened but travels his path in the same darkness as before. God takes care of everyone who desires truth. Lack of knowledge, error and a dark spiritual state can only be found where the desire for truth does not exist because this is the prerequisite for God, as the Giver of truth and as the eternal Truth Himself, revealing Himself to a person, for anyone who desires it will be offered the truth.... __Amen
Will of resistance to truth (Bible)....
The poverty of people on earth is such that they are not accessible to God's truth.... They can only find salvation in truth and refuse to accept it.... they oppose it with an extremely strong will of resistance because they are trapped in fallacies and lies.... Only pure truth would be able to enlighten them but people shield themselves from it and yet cannot be forced to surrender their resistance.... This is proof that God's adversary has great power over humanity, and particularly during the period before the end.... it is proof that heaven is suffering violence, and whoever wants to seize it for himself has to use force. He has to take a forcible step and achieve his separation from all falsehood, all untruth.... he also has to be ready to surrender his knowledge if he wants to receive pure truth. Above all he has to desire the truth with all his heart and mind.... Then he will be able to withstand God's adversary, and then the adversary's power will be broken.... Who gives you humans the assurance that the ancient, adopted records correspond to the truth? __Why do you cling so firmly to the distorted reports of human inadequacy and do not consider the Words spoken on earth by the Lord Himself?.... And His Words can truly be correctly understood if they are not just contemplated by the intellect but also by the heart.... Although His Words can indeed be misunderstood as well they will always allow for the meaning which corresponds to the pure truth.... But this does not apply to the words which were added by human beings to the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ.... Because the meaning of human spoken words becomes fixed.... And human spoken words result and have resulted in serious misconceptions and confusions, but they were equated with the Lord's Words and yet they would only be of equal value if they had been a direct expression of the divine spirit.... However, such words completely concur with the Word of the Lord.... You can severely hurt yourselves if you commit yourselves to words that deal with human nature far too humanly.... __You should know that the spirit of analogy was far more prevalent at the time when Jesus Christ lived on earth than today, but people could understand each other because almost everyone knew the key to the parables, and thus metaphorical comparisons were sometimes used as well which, however, at a later time were interpreted word for word by people.... But as soon as you compare the Word of the Lord Himself with every question of doubt you will also understand the meaning of the figurative comparisons.... but you should never give them precedence over the Word of the Lord.... He brought the pure teaching to you humans, He provided you with information, and His Word has still retained its purity, it is merely frequently misunderstood.... But this does not apply to the words which had been added to His pure Gospel, because these did not remain unchanged, and from time to time human will had substituted the expression of the spirit with intellectual thought.... And this resulted in almost imperceptible changes but which completely sufficed in creating confusion.... in giving rise to misguided teachings, which are truly a great danger to as yet spiritually blind humanity.... And this, too, is a reason why God reveals Himself over and over again to human beings, why He, as the eternal truth, repeatedly transmits the truth to earth, why He imparts His Gospel in all purity to those who, in their desire for truth, pray to Him for it and are willing to pass it on.... God's spirit has certainly always conveyed the pure truth to His servants, yet time and again the working of the spirit will be negated by common sense people, because people have free will which God does not infringe upon even if.... spurned by His adversary.... it interferes with the pure truth. But time and again God will purify what people have spoilt.... time and again the eternal truth Itself will reveal Itself.... time and again the light of truth will shine for those of good will who open themselves to receive its ray of love.... __Amen
True and false prophets....
No matter what is done to displace the truth, it will nevertheless prevail, even though misconceptions will claim countess victims. Yet anyone with serious intentions will find the truth, he will also clearly recognise misconception as such, and it will be of no further danger to him. The fact that people generally fall prey to error is understandable, since error always promises certain advantages to a person, be they of a spiritual or an earthly nature.... And people are always interested in gaining advantages, they do not love truth for the sake of truth, it always has to involve a benefit for them, only then are they willing to accept it. Pure truth, however, presents everything clearly and openly and can also result in a person's disadvantage if the world, his earthly well-being, still means too much to him. For this reason it often meets with little approval, this is why the human being rather accepts error than truth, since he always hopes to gain a certain advantage, because error is more inclined to comply with his wishes. __And thus people don't want to know or hear about a destruction of earth, of an end of all life and creations on earth..... __And what they are now offered under the cover of truth, what is still giving them a small ray of hope that the end is avoidable, will be accepted by them and they rather support this than the pure truth which, after all, would make them feel committed to prepare themselves for a definite end.... There will always be prophets who proclaim the end on behalf of God. There will also be those who speak on behalf of his adversary who, being false prophets, will try to invalidate those proclamations, who make promises to people but do not draw their attention to the certain end and instead try to make out that it can be avoided. And again, these prophets will meet with greater approval because people don't want an end to come, thus they rather accept teachings which promise them an advantage.... __Completely ignorant people will find it difficult to differentiate between lies and truth. But a person who has already been initiated into spiritual knowledge need only question, as a criterion of truth and fallacy, the purpose of a doctrine.... what it aims to achieve.... If it wants to impart more knowledge to a person, if it wants to achieve the improvement of his character, if it helps him to detach himself from matter, then it is of divine origin and has to be valued as truth. If, however, it intends to create a better earthly living standard, which often takes place under the guise of piety, the teaching can be unhesitatingly rejected as misguided and having originated from God's adversary. __But during the last days many false prophets will come forward on his behalf, because neither the adversary nor his followers want to admit to an end. And thus, even people who consider an end will be fooled by him again. He will plunge them into confusion, he will argue the proclamations of true prophets with proclamations of false prophets, since during the last days the darkness will steadily intensify and anyone in possession of light should protect it from getting extinguished, which can be done if his love for truth is strong, if he just holds on to God and His Word. __But anyone who is not content with the soft light of God's love will search for deceptive lights and won't take care of the small light which glows in the darkness of night.... And then it can be easily extinguished by God's adversary, and his deception was successful. He himself appeared as an angel of light and found his victims: The world and the desire for it have triumphed. People rather listen to what he has to say because it casts doubt on an end of the earth, on the end of the old and the beginning of a new era, thus it makes people believe that they are in control of it themselves. They recognise this advantage, and the mere fact that he makes people believe that they can delay or avert the implementation of God's plan of Salvation identifies Satan's activity.... However, this activity is also part of the visible indication of the end, and he will undertake many more attacks against the truth, and he will get especially busy where he finds no resistance due to an absolute desire for truth.... Because that is where the lie is not recognised, and where he has an easy game. But he will not be able to deceive those who work for God and on His behalf, for they are enlightened by His spirit and will always be able to differentiate between truth and error.... __Amen
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