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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Jesus Christ opened the gate into the kingdom of light....
The gate into the kingdom of light and beatitude was opened for you again when the human being Jesus gave His life on the Calvary cross as redemption for humanity's guilt of sin.... The gulf between Me and you was bridged by His crucifixion, the path which lead into the Father's house was clear for you again.... This act of compassion, accomplished by a human being Who had received the fullness of Myself in Himself and who therefore also had abundant strength, was unique, and will never have to be repeated again, because it was accomplished for all people past, present and future.... __The death of the man Jesus had been so agonising, His physical and psychological suffering so immeasurably great, that I let it suffice Me as atonement for the immense original sin of the spiritual beings' past apostasy from Me.... that My justice, too, was thereby satisfied and that My love was therefore able to accept you again without violating the law, which even the most perfect Being has to obey otherwise its perfection would suffer a loss.... I accepted the sacrifice of Jesus, the man, and the path was open for you, My living creations, to return into your Father's house, to Me, Whom you once had voluntarily left.... __If you humans would consider the magnitude of your past guilt, if you would consider the immense suffering and torments of the human being Jesus, and if you would try to imagine the splendours in My kingdom, then you would also be able to understand how tremendously significant Jesus' act of Salvation is for you humans, and that you therefore also have to profess Him otherwise you will have to stay in darkness, since otherwise the kingdom of light and bliss remains closed to you until you acknowledge Him and consciously take His side. Only when it is explained to you that you had become sinful and what your great sin consisted of, will you be able to understand Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... Yet you must know about it or your earthly life will have been in vain if you cross over into the kingdom of the beyond in the same darkness, if you are still burdened by the original sin which caused the deep gulf between you and Me.... __The bridge to Me was established by the human being Jesus for all of you, and you all are able to enter it.... you are able to return to Me again, yet only with Him, with Jesus, the divine Redeemer.... if you make use of the great act of mercy, if you acknowledge Him and Me Myself in Him, Who descended to earth in order to take abode in Jesus, in order to accomplish the act of Salvation Myself in Him, so that the gate to the kingdom of light would be opened for you again and you are now able to return to your Father's house..... __Your past sin of guilt has been redeemed through Jesus' crucifixion.... Yet every individual person also has to form an opinion about Him and His act of Salvation.... The bridge has been established, yet every individual person has to enter it himself and take the path to Me, Who is waiting for you on the other side of the gulf and happily wants to re-admit you into My kingdom.... Your guilt of sin is redeemed but you have to carry it under the cross yourselves, you yourselves have to want to belong to those for whom the blood of Jesus, the man, was shed.... Only then will you acknowledge Him and His act of Salvation, and only then will you consciously confess your guilt and appeal for forgiveness.... Then the divine Redeemer will have accomplished the act of mercy for you too, then His blood will have been shed for you as well and has cleansed your soul from all guilt. __And therefore you humans will time and again receive clarification as to the significance of Jesus' crucifixion for the whole of humankind; time and again you will be made aware of your immense guilt, which was immeasurable, because you once knowingly separated yourselves from Me despite brightest enlightenment and utmost perfection.... You had burdened yourselves with guilt the magnitude of which you are unable to assess, and it truly required an immeasurably great and difficult sacrifice of atonement.... The human being Jesus offered it to Me, and for the sake of His excessive love for His fellow human beings I accepted this sacrifice and let it suffice as an expiation of guilt. __And now you will have to make use of His supreme act of love yourselves, so that your guilt of sin shall be redeemed, so that you won't stand in front of a closed door when, after your death, you enter into the kingdom of the beyond.... Due to His crucifixion the gates were opened again, His death on the cross has brought salvation to you humans, with His blood He has bought your souls back from My adversary.... And thus He has truly become your Redeemer from all adversity, for He returned your life to you.... He has liberated you from sin and death.... He took all your sins upon Himself and walked with them the path to the cross. __The fullness of love in Him accomplished this act, and I Myself was this love.... Your Father of eternity, He Himself has built the bridge in order to fetch you home into His kingdom.... and you all will have to enter this bridge if you want to become blessed.... __Amen
Jesus' free will as a human being....
Until the end My suffering and dying on the cross also remained a matter of free will, since I truly could have prevented it by making use of God's indwelling strength and resisting all enemies who wanted to implement their thoughts of hatred of Me.... I accomplished the act entirely of My own free will; I was willing to suffer and die for My fellow human beings because, as 'Jesus, the human being', I knew that the whole of the human race was in an appalling state of wretchedness due to the past original sin, and because My love wanted to help all My fallen brothers I had offered Myself to the Father as a sacrifice of atonement.... I was by no means forced to do so, the Father in Me did not dictate My will, I acted completely freely of My own accord.... And I found it incredibly difficult because I foresaw everything that would happen until the act of Salvation had been completely accomplished.... I, as a human being, struggled and prayed in profound distress to the Father that He should remove the cup from Me.... and I was strengthened and completely gave Myself to the Father. For the love in Me was overwhelmingly powerful, thus the Eternal Love Itself was indeed within Me and I allowed Myself to be determined by It, which would have been impossible had My human will resisted. Love impelled Me toward the wretched human race and I wanted to help people, and this love made Me accept an extent of suffering which you humans are incapable of assessing. Yet the guilt you had burdened yourselves with as a result of your apostasy from God was also inconceivable. And, in order to atone for this guilt, I had to suffer enormously as a human being and endure the agony of the crucifixion. Love, however, is strength and therefore I persevered until the end, or the suffering itself would truly have been enough to kill My body prematurely had the strength of love not enabled My body to accept the death on the cross and to persevere until the work was accomplished.... until the redemption from sin and death had been guaranteed for all people who accept My sacrifice on the cross and want to find redemption. So once again it depends on the person's free will as to how he relates to Me and My act of Salvation. For every being had turned away from Me of its own free will, and of its own free will it must turn back to Me again which happens when, as a human being, it acknowledges Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, when it recognises Me Myself in Jesus and voluntarily hands itself and its guilt over to Me.... when it appeals for forgiveness and wants to return to Me again, Whom it once voluntarily left. Then the human being will consciously avail himself of the blessings of My act of Salvation, his weakened will shall receive strength and his return into his Father's house will be assured. __The inconceivable suffering I took upon Myself as a human being was still in no proportion to the immense guilt of the fallen spirits, but since Jesus, the human being, was full of love and volunteered the hardest sacrifice by relinquishing His life on the cross, I was satisfied with this sacrifice and redeemed all guilt for the sake of Jesus' great love, Who wanted to bring His fallen brothers back to Me again.... This was sufficient for Me, and thus My justice was also satisfied.... for I was unable to redeem any guilt which would have remained without atonement. Hence the act of Salvation had to be voluntarily accomplished. I did not allow any being to be forced into rendering this atonement.... And since the immense sin of the apostasy from Me had been a violation of My love, the act of atonement had to be an act of love again, for only love could redeem this immense guilt.... This love dwelled within Jesus, the human being. He was so receptive to it that He was completely imbued with love, which subsequently enabled Him to achieve His act of Salvation.... Love redeemed the sin.... Love completely permeated a human being.... I Myself Am Love, and thus I Myself was in Jesus, the human being, I Myself suffered and died for the human race. However, since I was unable to suffer as God, the 'human being Jesus' took all suffering upon Himself. Yet He did everything of His own free will, for although love does not compel, it willingly makes the greatest sacrifices.... And love achieves everything; it is a powerful strength which can endure even the most appalling affliction. I Myself, the Eternal Love, imbued Jesus, the human being, and thus I Myself was effective in Him and brought people redemption from sin and death.... __Amen
Low spiritual level.... Test of faith.... Battle.... Rapt...
My Own, too, will have to suffer adversities because their faith shall become increasingly stronger when, time and time again, I will lead them out of their predicament. For they shall persevere until the end and thus need a strong and unwavering faith from which they will then draw the strength for their resistance. The battle against faith will come last but this will be brutally waged.... A living faith, however, will offer resistance to it, for then you will be so closely connected to Me that you will not fear anything, regardless of what the adversary will do in order to bring you down. A strong faith is a living bond with Me.... Then I will no longer be the distant God for you but I will be your Father Who is with His child, which therefore cannot be anxious anymore since it knows itself to be safe in His protection. This will then be proof of who belongs to My church, which I founded Myself.... of whose faith is like Peter's, a faith which does not waver irrespective of how many onslaughts are undertaken.... It will be proof of who is closely united with Me, who knows the truth and therefore also My eternal plan of Salvation. And they will fearlessly face up to everything that will be done against them. You, who are My Own, will recognise ever more clearly that the end is not far away, and you should also look at the world with open eyes; then you will recognise the low spiritual level which soon cannot sink any lower and for that reason necessitates an end. __However, the day has been determined for eternity and will definitely be adhered to. Yet people will incredulously want to reject your announcements, they will barely listen to you when you admonish and warn them, they will make plans for the future and will not want to let go of them, they will only ever think in a purely earthly way and pay no attention to spiritual reproaches.... And therefore they will be taken by surprise by the coming event and also experience the end unprepared unless My final wake-up call still lets them find Me and change their way of life. And against the background of all these events you, who are and want to remain My Own, will have to be forearmed. Your faith must not start to waver; you must be as steadfast as a rock.... And I want to help you gain this faith by allowing you to experience My help ever more obviously when you are in great distress. I truly will not leave you because you handed yourselves over to Me and want to be of service to Me. But I also know what demands will still be made on you in the last days and I want to prepare you such that you can do justice to everything, that you will have the strength of faith at your disposal which is your fortitude no matter what will happen. Whatever you are lacking still requires My help; every one of you still has to be taught by Me because it is My will that you shall persevere, that you will prove yourselves in all temptations, that you will come to Me in every adversity and faithfully rely on Me and My help.... Time and again you shall be allowed to experience Me, time and again you must feel My love and might, I want to be present for you at all times so that your bond with Me grows ever stronger, and then you will no longer be at risk of failing, for I will keep hold of you and protect your from My adversary, regardless of his actions against you. The final battle on this earth will be short because I Myself will shorten the days for the sake of the elect.... But it will irrevocably happen, after all it concerns the final separation of the sheep from the goats.... My Own will openly have to testify to Me before the world, and they will truly have the strength to make this public confession, because in awareness of My presence they will not fear the adversary.... and because they will face him with an abundance of strength and will not be afraid to speak when a confession is demanded of them. And even if it then seems to appear as if the adversary is winning.... he will not be able to kill you for I Myself will come in the clouds.... I Myself will rescue you from utmost adversity, I will lift My Own up to Me and constrain My adversary again for a long time.... I will put an end to his activity.... I will lift My Own up to heaven and then accomplish the work of the transformation of earth, so that a new period of Salvation can begin and the spiritual beings' process of development will be able to continue according to the eternal plan of Salvation.... __Amen
Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ....
Your path of earthly life as a human being is the last short phase of your process of development from the deepest abyss into higher spheres.... But whether it will lead to completion is determined by you in your human state where free will has been returned to you, which you must use correctly in order to attain final perfection. Hence you bear great responsibility since you decide your fate for an infinitely long time of constraint again or for life in eternity.... With a correctly inclined will you can become free of every external form when you leave your earthly body; but you can also enter the hardest external form once more if you abuse your freedom of will, if you don't make full use of your life on earth, if you don't accomplish the transformation of your nature which must become love again, as it was in the beginning.... __This transformation of your nature into love is the only purpose for your life on earth as a human being and it is possible for you to achieve this work of transformation because I will truly help you in every way.... For I long for My living creations to return to Me as 'children' and will truly do everything within My power to enable them to reach their goal.... but I will not enslave their will.... They must return to Me of their own free will, just as they once left Me and thereby plunged into the abyss. I take all weaknesses and faults into account, I help where you humans are too weak on your own; I reveal Myself to you so that you will learn to recognise and love Me; I shower you with an unlimited measure of grace which you need only make use of in order to enable you to become victorious in earthly life.... For you must wage battle against My adversary who refuses to let go of you but who likewise cannot determine your free will if it turns away from him.... You must fight against all instincts and cravings which still cling to your soul.... you must firmly want to move forward and to successfully complete your path of earthly life.... You must long for Me and, truly, I will come to meet you and draw you close to Me and never let you go again. For I love you and yearn for your return to Me.... __You need never fear that you will lack the strength for your perfection, because One acquired it for you through His death on the cross.... Jesus Christ, Who redeemed you from sin and death.... And this One wants to bestow the blessings of His act of Salvation upon you and is waiting for you merely to request them, to also want Him to have redeemed your guilt of sin, and for you to appeal to Him to strengthen your will in order to accomplish the transformation work into love on earth.... As soon as you turn to Him you also acknowledge Me again and your return to Me will be assured, your return into your Father's house which you once left voluntarily.... __You can truly reach the final goal during your short life on earth if only you acknowledge Jesus Christ as Redeemer of the world, Who sheltered Me Myself in all abundance.... Through this acknowledgement and the plea for forgiveness of your guilt, your original sin of apostasy from Me will be redeemed.... because the human being Jesus died on the cross in order to atone for the great guilt with His blood for the sake of justice.... __You would never have been able to remove this guilt and make amends for it yourselves, this is why I Myself died in the human being Jesus on the cross, because only love was able to absolve such guilt, which Jesus, the man, mustered for His suffering brothers and which so permeated Him that He took all suffering and pain upon Himself.... But I Myself was this Love.... And therefore the path to Me was cleared for you humans again, so that you can return into your Father's house; I can accept you again as My children because your guilt has been redeemed by Jesus if you acknowledge Him and thus Me in Him, for He and I are one.... Anyone who calls upon Him, calls upon Me, and anyone who may behold Him one day will behold Me face to face.... __Amen
Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration....
A considerable spiritual decline is noticeable, for people pay little attention to events which happen on the spiritual level.... They just observe worldly events and the effects of these on their physical life, they merely entertain earthly thoughts and have no contact whatsoever with the spiritual world. Rarely, if ever, are their thoughts directed towards the kingdom that is not of this world.... They only believe what they can see and doubt all spiritual happenings. They don't believe in Me or they would try to make contact with Me, their God and Creator of eternity.... They consider everything spiritual as unreal and thus don't investigate it, and if they get drawn into conversations about Me by their fellow human beings they don't want to know and even frankly admit their disbelief. They have no spiritual links because they are held captive by earthly matter and thus by My adversary, to whom they belong and from whom they do not intend to dissociate either. __Hence the considerably low spiritual level, which is the reason for the end of the old earth, the end of a period of Salvation, which requires the disintegration of the earthly creation. For the earth shall be a place of education for the soul which lives on earth embodied as a human being. But the spirit within the human being is no longer taken notice of, the human being considers his earthly life an end in itself and no longer does justice to his actual task, he does not comply with his task on earth. He ignores the spiritual development of his soul.... He lives in complete ignorance of his earthly task and will never gain any knowledge of it either since he refuses to be informed of it. He rejects every explanation or instruction given to him by faithful people and cannot be forced into realisation because this contradicts My love and wisdom.... __And therefore I will use other methods before the end in order to motivate the few, who are not entirely enslaved by My adversary, to make them think.... These methods will, in fact, be very painful because people have to be severely affected by fate in order to come to their senses and take the path to Me. For they will get into serious difficulties in which they can no longer expect earthly help.... And then it will be possible that they will remember the Power Which had created them.... Then it will be possible that they will call to this Power from the bottom of their heart.... And then I will truly hear their call and also answer their prayer, and I will reveal Myself to them through obvious help, through saving them from their adversity. Yet I will take no notice of words merely voiced by the lips.... However, a heartfelt prayer, a prayer in spirit and in truth will be granted by Me, because I still want to gain every soul before the end so that it will not go astray again for an infinitely long time.... __People's spiritual decline is the cause for considerable and harsh strokes of fate which still have to befall humanity in order to change their thoughts, as far as this is at all possible. The fleeting nature of earthly possession will still bring many a person to his senses and prompt him to seriously consider the state of his soul. Yet their will shall always remain free, and they have to take the path to Me entirely uninfluenced.... But their deliverance is guaranteed if they take this path, for it only concerns their soul's salvation and not their physical well-being.... __It only concerns their acknowledgement of Me, that they believe in Me, which they should demonstrate by their appeal to Me in spirit and in truth.... And they will be saved from ruin, they will be seized by My loving Fatherly hand and wrested from My adversary's clutches, who has no authority over people's free will and shall lose his claim on this soul. And every human being will truly be blessed who still professes Me before the end.... who takes refuge with Me in his adversity and then allows himself to be seized by My love. For I will not let him fall, and he will thank Me eternally that I have fought for his soul until the end, that My love left no stone unturned in order to win it forever.... __Amen
Every being fell and ascends voluntarily....
I certainly knew the direction of your will when I created you, I knew that you would make the wrong decision of your own free will.... Yet this did not prevent Me from completing My plan of Creation because I also foresaw the final goal which will result in unlimited bliss for the created beings once again. Besides, those beings really fell entirely of their own free choice.... Since every being enjoyed an immense abundance of light it also knew what it was doing when it distanced itself from Me.... thus it was fully responsible and cannot blame any other being.... not even Lucifer, its maker. For I would never have allowed a being's will to be determined.... it was able to freely want and act by itself and so, accordingly, was its guilt which kept it chained to the abyss. Yet on the other hand, each one of these fallen beings had the opportunity to shape itself into a godlike being again. For the process that took place from the moment it fell into the abyss was a plan of Salvation based on love and wisdom which made this retransformation into perfection possible. The beings were by no means lost to My adversary forever, although they had followed him voluntarily.... Yet I, too, was entitled to these beings because they had emerged from My strength of love.... And I will not allow anyone to deny Me this right. Nevertheless, neither I nor My adversary will ever force the being to make a decision for Me or for him, instead, it is left up to its free will to choose its lord. I know that the final decision will sooner or later be in My favour but the being itself determines the time it takes for this final decision. But the goal motivated Me not to prevent the beings' fall.... which I certainly could have done but, in My wisdom, recognised as wrong in view of the goal, which only an act of complete freedom of will can achieve. The fact that I knew every individual being's decision in advance did not influence the act of creation insofar as I might have created the beings differently according to their direction of will....Supreme perfection adorned all My living creations given that nothing flawed, imperfect, could have emerged from Me. And their free will especially demonstrated their divinity, even if it was aimed in the wrong direction and thus the being changed within itself into the opposite.... But retransformation is such an immense task for the being, something so enormous, that the goal motivated Me to nurture it with greatest love, wisdom and might. __Reshaping the fallen beings into all kinds of creations was an act which gave Me much happiness, something which you humans cannot imagine.... It was My strength, which once inexorably poured out of the Primary Source, which now took on forms according to My will.... And since every created spiritual being was My once-emanated strength which did not fulfil its actual purpose, it was now diverted into those forms, giving them life and performing tasks.... because all strength coming forth from Me must become active according to My will.... However, the once fallen spirits are no longer self-aware, instead, disintegrated into innumerable tiny particles, they carry out a designated task in the law of compulsion.... They must yield to My will in order to attain the state in which self-awareness and free will can be returned to them... This process of development of the once fallen spirits is My plan of Salvation, which was designed with profound love and unsurpassed wisdom and which, with certainty, will return all once fallen beings to Me in supreme perfection.... which can only be achieved by the free will of the being itself and not by virtue of My power. But the fact that everything has to take place according to My law of eternal order may also prolong the process of return indefinitely, for I cannot intervene against the being's will when it has to pass its final test as a human.... I must let love and justice prevail and cannot bestow bliss upon a being which is still burdened by the guilt of the original sin.... For this reason I must demand the acknowledgement of Jesus and His act of Salvation on earth, and the person must take his original sin to Him under the cross and appeal to Him for forgiveness.... Then he will have passed the final test of will, he will have acknowledged Me< Myself again in Jesus, in Whom I became a visible God for him and can now provide him with supreme bliss again in My kingdom, in which he will stay united with Me for all eternity.... __Amen
'Judging' the souls at the end....
The hour of reckoning will come, the hour when every person will have to justify himself before his Judge.... For order will have to be restored again sooner or later and everyone who has transgressed this eternal order will have to be answerable.... The sentence will be passed in accordance with justice.... Every soul will experience the fate it has prepared for itself; the spiritual essence, which has taken the path through the creations, will be moved to where it belongs in relation to its degree of maturity.... the old creation will be dissolved, i.e. all forms will be reshaped into different kinds of works of creation, and the unredeemed spiritual substance will be placed into these forms either to re-start or to continue the path of salvation, depending on its degree of maturity. At present you humans still do as you want and please, and you are not prevented from doing so, irrespective of how God-opposing your actions are.... But the end will come soon, and you will no longer be able to do as you want, because the time will have passed when you were able to work for your soul's salvation. For you will not have used the time in accordance with God's will but strengthened your soul's cover even more and thereby will have prepared your own fate by becoming increasingly enslaved by matter, and thus you will become matter again yourselves, which you had already long overcome. Yet the law of eternal order will have to be fulfilled again one day. Every spiritual essence, which lived on earth as a human being, will have to receive new forms, since higher development has to continue where it was interrupted.... And the spiritual essence which had failed in its embodiment as a human being has to be given a new opportunity to integrate itself in the process of return.... This could indeed be called an extremely harsh judgement but it only ever corresponds to the human being's own free will, which he had misused on earth.... with the result that his soul will gain banishment into matter, it will be dissolved again and will have to take the infinitely long path through the creations until it once again enters the stage of a human being.... __One day it will achieve the final goal and leave every external shape behind, but it extends or shortens its own time until it can finally enter the kingdom of light in a redeemed state. And although God is inconceivably merciful and patient and in His love constantly tries to encourage people to make the right decision of will.... one day the time will come to an end and then His righteousness will come to the fore, and He will re-establish the old order which, however, will also signify a 'judgement of the soul'.... a transfer into the external form which corresponds to its state of maturity.... And, at the same time, this 'judgment' is the end of an earth- or salvation-period.... It will necessitate a destruction of all works of creation on earth which shelter unredeemed spiritual substance that travels along its process of development in a state of compulsion, as well as people who did not use their earthly existence to progress in their development. They, too, will be 'judged'.... that is, according to their spiritual maturity they will be placed into hard matter again.... You humans are now facing the end of this old earth, whether this seems credible to you or not.... Time and again your attention will be drawn to this fact in order to improve yourselves before the event and to enter the law of eternal order, which only requires a life of love, for love is a divine principle which you, too, as His living creations, will have to acquire if divine order is to be observed. __You are constantly admonished by seers and prophets, who proclaim this near end to you, to consider your real purpose of earthly life, so that the end will not catch you unawares and you will have to step before God's judgment seat laden with sin if you have done nothing to fully mature in the final form.... as a human being, even if you are not yet released from your original sin by having taken this guilt under the cross and prayed to Jesus Christ for redemption from it.... Only he can take all guilt from you, and then you can step before God's judgment seat free of guilt, and you will not have to fear the Last Judgment, then you will be able to exchange your stay on earth with the spiritual kingdom, which is your true home.... You will be able to enter the kingdom of the blissful spirits and neither have to fear the end of the old earth nor new banishment, for the eternal God is not a strict but a righteous Judge, Who will give to you all in accordance with your own will.... __Amen
Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation?....
There can be no contradictions in the spiritual knowledge you receive from Me Myself, which My spirit has imparted to you who are of service to Me and who have the task to pass on the pure truth from Me to your fellow human beings, to spread My Word which should enlighten you. Because I want to shed light onto the spiritual darkness in which people live and especially when you desire an explanation yourselves: __It took an infinitely long time for the creation work `earth' to become what it is now.... a creation which should enable people to achieve final perfection. And during this infinitely long time the original spirits, having been dissolved into the tiniest of particles, passed through countless works of creation in order to evolve ever more. The solidified spiritual substance gradually became alive, as you have been told several times already. It covered the infinitely long way in a state of compulsion, i.e. all creations fulfilled the purpose and task given to them by Me.... no constrained being could make its own decisions but gradually matured.... Forms were created for spiritual substances of all degrees of maturity aspiring to ascend; the forms of the mineral, plant and animal world were infinitely diverse, and they all were brought to life by the minute particles of the fallen original spirits, which progressively united and finally became smaller and larger living organisms. On leaving their forms they united again and finally were embodied into forms which already rather resembled the shape of a human being. __The whole lengthy course of development was subject to My law, in other words, all events in this creation which emerged through My will took place in accordance with natural law. As a result of their fall into the abyss the original spirits had lost their self-awareness. However, one day they should regain this self-awareness again and embody themselves in the last form as a human being, in order to then bring the path of higher development to a close. The final forms in the compulsive state therefore became increasingly more human-like but they had no self-awareness as yet, they acted instinctively in accordance with My will.... although they already performed functions which resembled those of a human being.... However, they were unable to think, they lacked reason and free will and were therefore not accountable. They were impelled into action by spiritual intelligences, just like every spiritual being still constrained within the form was subject to supervisors, who likewise transferred My will onto the constrained spiritual being through natural law. And then came the time when free will could be returned to the matured original spirits by which they then should be tested as to whether they wanted to return to Me or remain with My adversary.... And for those original spirits I created the form of the human being.... __All works of creation, especially the ever larger created living beings, originated through My will, in as much as My thoughts took shape.... And for this reason these living beings were represented in the most varied forms, yet every form was different.... There were the most diverse species bearing no resemblance to each other, which continued to reproduce themselves but always remained the same creatures.... When the first original spirits had attained a level of maturity which required the form of the human being, My will once again brought forth a work of creation which was truly a work of wonder in the whole of My creation.... This being was structured incredibly intricately; it was created in accordance with My will so that it could fulfil its earthly task..... a being which I `created', but which did not `evolve' from the already existing human-like creations.... Because it was intended for this form to shelter an original spirit, a being which was once externalised by Me in My image and which was to become what it used to be once again.... And therefore it had to be equipped with intelligence, free will and self-awareness, and these did not gradually evolve in the animal-like beings but they were given to the human form when the original spirit took possession of the first form.... and they will always be given to every human being as part of his soul when, as divine breath, it gives life to the human being at birth.... __Afterwards people indeed reproduced themselves again in accordance with My law of nature but they will always remain the same living creations as the first human being, Adam, was. They will not change into other living creations, but any change will always purely be an act of the soul which at first can still be disinclined towards Me and during its time as a human being achieve highest perfection.... The human body, however, will remain as I created it when Adam's soul took possession of it.... Although the act of creating earth with everything in, on and above it, with all dead and living creations, certainly required an infinitely long time, but at the same time a phase of higher development had come to an end for the fallen spiritual essence when the minute particles of an original spirit had gathered again and the last process of return to Me began.... __And this existence on earth as a human being also required a new work of creation by Me, a form which could do justice to all demands in order to take the last test of its own free will. And thus the human being can consider himself a special creation by Me, because he is the only being on earth with the gift of intelligence, reason and free will.... the marks of divine origin. He is therefore also able to recognise above himself a God and Creator Who gave him life, and therefore he can also achieve final perfection on this earth if his free will genuinely strives for it.... __Amen
God's decision is final....
The fact that you are facing a turning point, which will take place both in an earthly and a spiritual way, is certain.... And once you merely observe the events in the world as well as the low spiritual level it must also be understandable to you that this can only be remedied by establishing a new order, by restoring the law of eternal order. Humanity has overturned this divine order and the spiritual essence embodied in the human being which was supposed and also able to conclude its higher development, has utterly failed, therefore new possibilities for continuing the development must be created or for starting the whole process of development anew. There is noticeable chaos on earth, for due to people's inclination towards matter they have become completely disorderly, they are influenced by the one who governs the earthly world and have therefore also reached the low level which makes their earthly life pointless and thus the time has definitely come which can be regarded as an earthly and spiritual turning point. Everything on earth will change, because the old earth will undergo a total transformation and a complete separation of the spirits will take place.... so that people who had failed will be banished into matter again and the spirits which are still bound in hard matter will be released in order to be able to continue their process of development in the new creations on earth. The old state on earth cannot go on, otherwise there would be no opportunity for the spirits to continue with their process of development.... First everything has to be arranged anew; everything of a spiritual nature must be moved to where it belongs in relation to its degree of maturity and thus even the human being who longs for matter must return to the state he had already long overcome yet misused his attained freedom and therefore descended again into the abyss.... Then divine order will exist on the new earth again and people, too, will live within this divine order, for the new earth will be populated by those who had attained a degree of maturity on the old earth which justifies their placement on the new earth.... Both the earth as well as the human race will be completely renewed; a new earthly period will begin with spiritually mature people who will also help the spiritual substances bound in the creations with their advancement, which will proceed in lawful order again. __You humans should not believe that a spiritual turning point will still occur on this earth, that people will change, that is, that they will improve and thereby create a change.... This possibility does not exist, only an act of violence can still achieve a purification of this earth.... The goats must be separated from the sheep, God will have to implement a change because people are no longer capable of steering themselves into different waters.... They keep descending increasingly further the more time they have. For this reason the time in God's plan of Salvation is predetermined and this will be adhered to, for what He, in His wisdom, recognises to be necessary and decides will be final and never change, for His wisdom is supreme and His resolutions are unchangeable. This is why all events in connection with this turning point can be revealed to people by His side. And credence can be granted to the prophesies which are proclaimed to people time and again through seers and prophets. The fact that the last Judgment and the Earth's redevelopment have no parallel in the events humanity has experienced so far does not entitle people to the assumption that these prophesies are wrong.... Yet people should bear in mind what is proclaimed and in store for them, and prepare themselves, for they still have a short time of grace which could be used if a person's will would only strive to do justice to his task on earth. Then he would not have to fear the end, because God will help every individual person who calls upon Him, and therefore He will reveal Himself through His Word time and again.... He announces the events yet He allows every person free will, which therefore will also decide his fate.... __Amen
All circumstances of life offer opportunities to mature....
How your earthly life turns out is entirely determined by My will, because I have known from the very beginning which direction your will is going to take during the time of your earthly life as a human being. And according to this will all events will happen to you such that they can influence you to direct your will correctly. So even if you apparently shape your own circumstances of life you will nevertheless be affected by the same measure of suffering and adversities, by destined experiences, regardless of what kind of living conditions you have. And therefore you can go through life with a certain composure since I will, after all, always provide you with the greatest possibility to reach your goal of attaining perfection on earth. Consequently, it is entirely irrelevant for your soul's development as to whether you are poor or rich, whether you are nicely shaped or have physical defects, for all advantages as well as your disadvantages can contribute towards your eager work of improving your soul, just as they can equally be the reason for you to neglect this psychological work.... For it always depends on yourselves, on your will, as to what extent you allow yourselves to be influenced by everything that approaches you externally in the form of experiences, strokes of fate, illnesses and all kinds of adversities but also of wealth, fame, honour and earthly power.... Everything can be detrimental and everything can be beneficial to you.... It depends entirely on what kind of attitude towards Me you find in earthly life.... It depends entirely on whether you allow yourselves to be spiritually influenced, whether you are able to look upon your earthly life as a test of your will, as a means to an end, as a gift of grace by the One Who brought you to life.... It depends entirely on whether you not only place importance on your body or are seriously concerned about your soul.... If the latter is the case then everything will be a blessing for you, no matter what comes upon you, and you will climb the ladder which leads to ascent step by step which helps you to reach higher spheres until you reach the goal when your soul will leave the earthly body.... This is why you should unperturbedly accept everything, always in the knowledge that I thereby intend to attract those of you to Me who are still distant from Me and yet need to find the right attitude towards Me in order to subsequently live your life on earth according to My will, which lets you achieve perfection.... __And when there is a risk of people being entirely distant from Me, then I must indeed use means which are described as an unusually severe destiny of life, yet they are always based on the fact that an unusual resistance towards Me still exists, which I cannot forcibly break but which can recede in view of the immense earthly adversity, which can subsequently push the human being onto the right path to Me and thus show a correctly inclined will, which signifies everything for the person, for then I Myself will be able to take evident charge of his earthly life, and the human being will be truly relieved from all responsibility if he completely hands himself over to Me and lets Me think and act on his behalf.... So everything that can contribute towards a change of will is good, even if it appears to be distressing and unbearable, yet it is not distressing for the soul but fortunate and a blessing, for it matures and reaches that goal which, on its own.... without My indirect help.... it would hardly be able to attain. For I know every individual person's will. And thus I also know to whom I can bestow exceptional gifts of grace, who will use these correctly and derive the most blessings from them.... In that case, I will win this soul over to Me with less severe means, because the resistance, which in the beginning of the embodiment as a human being still firmly controls the soul, will have already considerably lessened.... In that case My means of help need no longer be so painful, slight impulses will suffice that the person will take the right paths, that he will recognise his purpose of earthly life and makes an effort to do justice to it.... And the suffering or adversities which are still imposed on him will be easy to endure, for then the person will already have established the connection with Me and through this connection he constantly receives strength from Me, which makes his ascent considerably easier.... Thus, a person's external circumstances of life are irrelevant for the shaping of his soul.... In fact, difficult situations in life often have more favourable effects on his soul than an easier and worldly-blessed life on earth, which is more likely to be a danger to its maturing.... However, no destiny is so severe that it could not be endured by a person who believes in a Power Which is love, wisdom and might in Itself, for if he believes he will turn to this Power for help, and he will indeed receive it.... For then he will already have the right attitude towards Me and that will certainly guarantee his full maturing on earth.... __Amen
God's human manifestation....
The greatest mystery, My human manifestation in Jesus for the purpose of redeeming all once fallen spirits, for the purpose of redeeming the beings' immense original sin of apostasy, will remain a secret to people as long as they are not truthfully instructed and desire to know the truth about it.... You humans do not want to believe that you live in utmost darkness.... exactly because of this original sin which first of all has to be redeemed before you can become enlightened, but then you will understand everything once and for all and have no more doubts. However, you can only receive the pure truth from the Eternal Truth Itself Which also wants to educate you because It is the Light of eternity Itself and wants Its living creations to live in the light too.... Yet it is up to your free will to accept the truth; and you are certainly able to decide whether you are instructed truthfully.... __There is only one condition: that you live within love.... Because love is the fire which is emanated by the light of wisdom.... A spark of love has been placed into you, as a divine element, which is connected to Me, the eternal love. As soon as you voluntarily ignite this spark within you it will strive towards the fundamental fire and this, in turn, will return its light in the form of most profound wisdom.... You will become knowledgeable, the light of understanding will illuminate you and your thinking will be correct, it will be true.... And it is this truth which I want to convey to you so that you may recognise your task on earth and fulfil it.... Hence, you shall know about your original sin and My plan of Salvation since eternity.... Most importantly, you shall learn about the salvation through Jesus Christ, about My human manifestation in Him and, above all, you shall be taught that you should not sidestep Jesus Christ if you ever want to achieve eternal life.... He came to earth to preach the Gospel of love to people, to exemplify the right way of living, to show them the right path which leads to eternal life.... But people, encumbered by the original sin, could still not have reached their goal as long as they were not released from this original sin.... And this was achieved by Jesus' act of Salvation, by His death on the cross, because He accomplished the act of atonement for this immense guilt and could only do so as a human being because I Myself was in Him, since love is My fundamental substance.... Love is not merely a quality of My Being but I Am love Itself.... __You will be unable to grasp this as long as you live on earth but only this clarification can make you better understand My human manifestation in Jesus so that the unification (`Unification') is no longer questionable to you either.... My essence cannot be personified, but in Jesus My all-encompassing spirit shaped Itself into something conceivable to you....But Jesus' complete unification with Me did not occur until after the act of Salvation was achieved, which explains why Jesus, during His earthly life, also occasionally spoke of the Father as being external to Himself.... but at the same time He always referred to the unification too.... At the time of His life on earth people were in a state of darkness, and light.... i.e. clear awareness about the act of Salvation.... could only shine for those few who deliberately placed themselves below the cross, who wanted to be redeemed and thus voluntarily gave themselves to Jesus and pleaded for forgiveness of their sins and guilt.... Consequently, humanity continued in a state of spiritual darkness, and this act of Salvation.... Divine Love's greatest act of mercy.... will continue to be ignored, Jesus will merely be known as a human being and any divine mission by Him will be denied.... For this reason humanity also remains burdened by the original sin, it continues in spiritual darkness and does not perceive the light either.... when it is occasionally emanated, for they close their eyes to avoid seeing it.... __But the light from above cannot be extinguished anymore because, time and again, there will be people who ignite the spiritual spark within themselves and are then able to receive direct instructions from their eternal Father-Spirit. And one day this light will shine brightly, it will entirely dispel the darkness when My will deems the time to be right for it.... Because you humans are approaching the end of a salvation period, and a new one will begin, but this will be of bright light because he, who has brought darkness into the world, will be banished for a long time, and because during this approaching time people will let (have let?) themselves be redeemed by Jesus Christ, thus they are released from their original sin.... The knowledge of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, of My human manifestation in Him, is of such incredible significance that I will, indeed, do everything to convey it to people, but it has to be left to their free will as to whether they accept it and then follow the path to the cross.... whether they surrender the guilt of their sins to the only One Who, when He is implored to do so, can and will liberate them. Because He died on the cross for humanity's guilt of sin, He made amends for the immense guilt, and God's justice was served by this.... Because the love of God had mercy on those who had formerly deserted Him.... Love Itself made the sacrifice.... God in Jesus delivered humanity from sin and opened the path into the kingdom of light and bliss again.... __Amen
Gift of grace before the end.... Jesus Christ....
I will pour out an abundance of grace in the last days before the end, for people are in need of it; they require much support in order to still be able to cover the last stretch of their earthly path successfully. And many people will even have to be guided onto the right path first and they, too, will require help for this, for they are still on the path into the abyss and have to be called back and guided correctly. Every means used by Me before the end is a means of grace, for people themselves do nothing to prevent it, they travel their earthly path indifferently and therefore don't deserve any help, since they still rather resist than accept help. Yet I love all My living creations and don't want even one of them to go astray.... I don't want them to languish in a wretched state for an infinitely long time again.... And this is why I will temper justice with mercy.... I will leave no stone unturned to save them before the end. And I also know what will help every individual person; I know what is suitable to guide him onto the right path. And this is what I will use without, however, compelling the human being's will, for he has to make a free decision. But it will be made easy for him, for the means of grace will be brought to him so visibly that he will also be able to recognise them as such. __Time and again the human being's attention is pointed to the spiritual kingdom.... Time and again he is approached by death in some form or other, he experiences it in his surroundings by having to let go of people who are very dear to him, and he hears of various kinds of death. He will always be reminded of his own fleeting nature and can then reflect on thoughts about what comes after death.... His thoughts will be directed towards the spiritual kingdom, since they often also follow the deceased and thus give rise to such questions as: Where are they now? Have they completely ceased to be? Or is there a prospect of meeting again?.... And then time and again spirit guides, to whose protection people are entrusted, will intervene by trying to influence them and giving them an explanation.... They make it possible for such people to receive knowledge of My Word, which is directly transmitted to earth, or they let them come across books which will offer them clarification, they do everything to direct their thoughts to the kingdom which is their true home and which they will enter when they pass away from this world.... And the departed, too, exert an influence from the beyond by constantly entering their thoughts which, to a certain extent, will establish a connection from the spiritual to the physical world. My measure of grace is inexhaustible and everyone would be able to take advantage of it, if only they were willing to do so. __That is why I let My Word be heard, for whoever hears and accepts it will truly make use of the greatest gift of grace which certainly will also bring him the right result, which will help his soul to mature and let him reach his goal while he is still on earth, so that he will find Me and enter into union with Me, which then will also assure his perfection.... For it is important that the human being establishes his bond with Me before his soul leaves the body, before the hour of departure from this earth has come.... As soon as he has recognised and acknowledged Me he will not get lost, for then he will take the path to the cross, to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, he will recognise Me in Him and thus will also have taken the path to Me. And then he will have been saved from the adversary for good, for Jesus Christ will deliver him from his bondage; Jesus has taken his guilt upon Himself and opened for him the path to the Father.... Jesus and I are one.... To realise this is the guarantee of return for the once fallen spirits to Me, and for that reason I will always provide people with the information through My Word, that is why My Word is the greatest and most effective gift of grace which I can still offer humanity before the end, and blessed is he who accepts it, for he will truly not go astray anymore.... There is not much time left, and the battle for the souls is fiercely waged on part of the darkness.... But I, too, Am fighting for you, My living creations, and I will help you, so that you, who will settle this battle, will make the right decision, so that you will take the path to Jesus Christ, in Whom I became a human being Myself in order to redeem you.... Make use of this immensely merciful act of Redemption through Jesus Christ and, truly, you will be victorious and delivered from the one who wants to destroy you.... __Amen
Explanation about re-incarnation.... Jesus and Salvation....
It is completely misguided to assume a return to earth in order to atone for the guilt of sin, although God's law of divine justice demands compensation for all guilt.... Yet there are truly many possibilities open to Me, so that one day all guilt will surely be redeemed and the being can be admitted into the kingdom of light and bliss again, which is closed to it in the state of guilt. The kingdom of the beyond, into which the soul enters after the death of its body, corresponds to its degree of maturity, hence it can either stay in utter darkness or in brightest light and as a result its fate will either be an agonising or a glorious one. __And both the torments as well as the splendours are indescribable and impossible to explain to you humans, and therefore the torments.... thus the fate of the unredeemed, sinful souls, can be dreadful and the soul consequently often suffers beyond imagination for its guilt or for the sake of its guilt, thus with its suffering it also makes amends for much of its guilt. And its state of suffering can last an infinitely long time if it is incorrigible, if it refuses to accept advice from the spiritual guides who want to help it out of its misery. For it cannot enter the kingdom of light until it has redeemed its guilt.... as far as it concerns the sins it has committed on earth.... __But since the original sin of its apostasy from God is far greater and this guilt can never be redeemed by the being itself, the human being on earth or his soul in the beyond irrevocably has to find Jesus Christ, for He alone is able to deliver it from this guilt for which He died on the cross.... Without Jesus Christ the soul will never be free from its guilt, even if it languishes for ages in the darkness of the beyond.... Thus it has to call upon Jesus for mercy, for forgiveness of its guilt, and time and again its spiritual helpers will try to persuade it to seek salvation in Him, Who sacrificed His life for this guilt. __And if the soul hands itself over to Him, then its original sin as well its earthly committed guilt of sin will be redeemed.... Then it will be free from all guilt and for the sake of Jesus' blood be accepted in the kingdom of light and bliss.... If, however, the soul is so obstinate that it will not turn to Him despite all efforts by the beings of light trying to help, it will descent ever lower, its torments will be immeasurable, and if it doesn't succeed to still lift itself up from hell.... which even then is still possible with the light beings' help.... it will have to take the path through the works of creation again in order to sooner or later reach its goal after all.... Yet this return to earth is not the soul's re-incarnation as you humans assume, and it is also all but desirable, because once again it is an infinitely long state of agony for the soul, having been dissolved into tiniest of particles, until it reaches the stage of a human being again.... __You humans have to be told time and again that you will never be released from your guilt without Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus' act of Salvation is so significant, because He alone is the gate to the kingdom of light.... For even if your immense torment in the beyond makes amends for the guilt of sin which you committed on earth.... you will nevertheless be unable to enter the kingdom of light without redemption from your original sin by Jesus Christ.... And similarly, even a repeated life on earth would be of no use to you, in which you add new guilt and first have to find Jesus but Whom you can also find in the beyond.... hence you don't need to return to earth again.... __Time and again I draw your attention to this misguided teaching, because you thereby also devalue the act of Salvation, because by way of this misguided teaching you try to convince your fellow human beings of being able to remove the guilt yourselves, and thus you bypass Jesus, but without Whom you can never be delivered from your original sin, which cannot be redeemed even through the greatest agony on earth or in the beyond. Let yourselves become convinced of the importance that you have to take the path to the cross, and don't deceive yourselves with false hopes by which you will only prolong your unredeemed state and languish for an infinitely long time in darkness, for He alone is the light Which descended to earth, Which brought you salvation from sin and death, if only you voluntarily appeal to Him for forgiveness of your guilt, if you don't rely on being able to cope with your guilt in further earthly lives and through such belief only ever prolong the state of darkness and suffering, for without Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation you will never attain light, freedom and beatitude.... without Jesus Christ you will never be delivered from your guilt.... __Amen
The condition to attain perfection on earth....
Consider, you humans, that you are weak as long as your soul still lives on earth in the flesh, and that you therefore always have to request strength from Me if your want to reach your goal.... your perfection.... while you are still on earth. For only the strength from Me will strengthen your will, which is weak as long as the adversary can still influence a person because he is not perfect yet. Your determination especially will always be undermined by him, and I died on the cross for the sake of reinforcing your will, hence you must avail yourselves of the graces acquired on your behalf: strength and reinforcement of your will. And your weakness will always manifest itself such that you are not yet able to completely detach yourselves from the world.... Admittedly, you still live in the midst of the world and therefore have to do justice to all demands.... But there is a difference whether you just fulfil your duties or still want to enjoy earthly pleasures yourselves, whether your heart has already freed itself from worldly wishes or still has earthly longings.... For then your will to achieve spiritual perfection is still weak, its aim for Me and desire to unite with Me is not undivided.... You still make concessions and thus have to `apply force'.... you must seriously try to accomplish detaching yourselves from the world and this requires strength which you have to request time and again, and which you will also always receive.... __Hence it is crucial as to which direction your sincere will turns to.... towards Me and My kingdom or towards My adversary.... And again it is your degree of love which determines the choice of your will's direction, for a heart full of love will always find Me and My kingdom more desirable than the earthly world.... Therefore you should first examine yourselves as to how far you have overcome selfish love.... to what extent you are filled by selfless neighbourly love, for this is the same as love for Me, and only this love establishes union with Me.... not the mere longing for Me, which can be selfish love as well in order to gain the highest delights of blissful unison with Me.... However, the right love for Me is only demonstrated by unselfish neighbourly love. And only this raises the degree of love. As long as you still desire small pleasures for yourselves you should also try to give a little pleasure to your neighbour, yet without calculating earthly or spiritual advantages, but urged from within by the desire to give happiness and joy. Such selfless demonstrations of love will refine your nature, you will find your own happiness in giving pleasure because your love will grow increasingly stronger and at the same rate diminish your love for the world. And this is why you should seriously call yourselves to account as to whether you love your neighbour as yourselves.... __Your perfection depends entirely on the degree of love you attain on earth, and you can only be called `children of God' if you acknowledge that your fellow human beings likewise originated from the Father and you therefore also love them like one brother loves another and do everything for him that you would like to have done to yourselves. Always subject your neighbourly love to serious criticism and work at improving yourselves.... request the strength from Me and you will reach your goal, yet you won't be able to achieve anything by your own efforts.... But I want you to perfect yourselves on earth, consequently I will also help you in every way as long as you seriously want it.... Yet you will always have to apply force as long as this world still keeps you captivated.... If, however, you can detach yourselves from the world then the attainment of the goal will also become steadily easier, and then you can rightly say `My yoke is easy, and My burden is light....' Then you will no longer need to use force, then you will be full of strength, and then you will only strive towards Me.... for the love in you is the strength which indeed achieves anything. And you can also understand that a loving human being is full of humility.... which expresses itself in his conduct towards his neighbour to whom he gives his love.... Never forget that neighbourly love is the indicator.... and that you will have to prove your love for Me through selfless neighbourly love.... `for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?' And thus your will can indeed be inclined towards Me and this also guarantees that I will take hold of you and not let you fall again....Yet the degree of your perfection is determined by yourselves and only ever by the degree of love for your fellow human being.... But you can attain it if you sincerely subordinate your will to Mine, and then you will always think, act and want like I do Myself, and you will surely reach your goal on earth.... to unite with Me in order to be eternally happy.... __Amen
Gathering strength ahead of the chaos....
Keep drawing strength from My Word for you will need this fortification in the forthcoming time and should gather strength now, since you will be unable to collect your thoughts in prayer when My long-announced intervention will take place.... Whatever is decided by My wisdom and love will also be implemented, and every prediction which I sent to you so that the event will not take you unawares without warning will be fulfilled.... __You shall always remember it and try to set your heart free from all earthly longings.... You shall try to let go of matter, for one day you will have to give it up, and the less your heart clings to it the easier will be your loss, the less you will be burdened by My intervention.... Again and again I Am telling you to prepare yourselves for this period of unprecedented chaos when only your heartfelt bond with Me will give you the support to do justice to all demands. For anyone not directly affected by the disaster by losing his life will then have to lead a difficult existence, because there will be no ordered living conditions and you will be burdened by earthly adversities which you will be unable to handle on your own, without My help. __Time and again you shall accept My Word in your hearts and draw strength from it, you shall gain such strong faith from My direct Word that nothing will be able to unsettle you in the forthcoming time, that you will completely rely on Me and only ever wait for My help.... And believe that I will help you.... that just the heartfelt bond has to be established with Me which, however, can only be achieved by a person who is completely dedicated to Me and who will merely recognise the fulfilment of My predictions in the huge disaster and thus will even more devotedly wait for My help, which indeed will be granted to him. Then I will carry out the seemingly impossible on those who place their complete trust in Me. __And every human being should get used to the idea that the orderliness surrounding him will not continue, he shall believe that the earth will be affected by an unimaginably huge tremor, and that countless people will fall victim to a natural disaster.... the survivors, however, will experience extremely difficult living condition which require much strength and confidence in My help in order to cope with them. Then it will become evident where neighbourly love will be practised, for only there will My help be evident as well.... And anyone who is just anxiously concerned about himself and his well-being will also have to labour by himself and yet be unable to master his situation.... For you humans must learn that love is strength and that you will be able to achieve much if your actions are motivated by neighbourly love. __Time and again I refer to the time when a great chaos will befall you caused by a huge natural disaster.... because I still want to give you human a last sign of a Power Which is in charge of you.... But you, who receive My Word directly or given to you through My messengers, you shall constantly listen to My admonition, engross yourselves as often as possible in My Word and your strength will grow, even at times of extreme adversity you will not lose the connection with Me and then you will also always be certain of My help, for I manifestly want to help My Own to strengthen their as well as their fellow human beings' faith so that they will establish and never again abandon the living bond with Me. __And don't count on being spared, don't believe that other, distant regions will be affected.... This disaster will be far-reaching and involves a large area, even though it will not affect the whole earth.... Consequently, the immense adversity will not pass anywhere without a trace, which you will only understand after the occurrence has happened, when My voice resounds in the world and you realise the dreadful effects.... the full extent of which will take a long time again to be assessed. __As yet you are still living in peace and are unable to imagine such chaos.... But I draw your attention to the fact that everything will come to pass what was announced in advance, I only want to influence you insofar as that you should do everything that will give you the strength to endure.... For I will not abandon you, who have submitted yourselves to Me and want to belong to Me.... And I will always provide you with strength.... Let Me talk to you time and again and draw strength from My Word and truly, you will be able to find Me even in utter suffering, and I will always be ready to help, I will always stand by your side and through you also bring help to those whom you lovingly try to take care of.... __Amen
Jesus' act of Salvation was the beginning of a new phase ...
When the human being Jesus died on the cross a new phase in the work of My living creations' return began, for until then all people were still living in the spiritual darkness that My adversary had spread across all fallen spirits.... All human beings were still afflicted by the original sin and no one was able to approach Me since My justice did not allow it until the original sin had been redeemed. However, countless people had already walked across earth and amongst them were also a few of good will but without enough strength of their own to release themselves from My adversary, since they all had been unable to establish the right kind of contact with Me due to their lack of love.... __They were controlled by selfish love as a sign of their affiliation with My adversary.... And neither did they know the cause for their earthly existence, their apostasy from Me.... they were spiritually utterly ignorant yet in a worldly sense extremely busy, and therefore they forever endeavoured to gain advantages at other people's expense.... They lacked selfless love through which they could have attained a higher state of maturity. Although the few exceptions in fact sensed their spiritual hardship and also acknowledged a God and Creator above themselves they did not recognise Me as a God of love, but only as a God of vengeance and wrath. People would never have been able to progress in their spiritual development; they would always and forever have stayed the same selfish generation which was unable to attain higher awareness as long as the burden of the original sin pushed it down.... My adversary would always have kept people on the ground if a Saviour had not arrived for the sake of the few who felt wretched and in their distress had called for a Saviour. __And a possibility to establish a connection with Me was indeed meant to be created again one day which, however, should now apply to the Father.... People should be able to call like children to the Father, whereas before they had only recognised in their God and Creator a Power they refused to bow down to, because they still harboured this opposition against Me as result of their past original sin.... A relationship of love should become possible again between the living creations and Myself which, however, had to be established by people themselves through their willingness to love. But prior to Jesus' crucifixion a human being was only very rarely willing to love and then he was excessively tortured by My adversary.... so that he almost despaired of My existence. But knowing his will I helped him and took him from earth.... __Jesus Christ's act of Salvation brought an era of people's greatest distance from Me to an end.... His crucifixion atoned the original sin of all fallen beings, and now, in the stage of human beings, they are able to establish the right kind of relationship with Me again if, with the help of Jesus Christ, they live a life of love, if they release themselves from the adversary's shackles through the blood He had shed on the cross and thus see in Me the Father and are urged towards Me by love.... towards the relationship they once voluntarily severed and thereby became wretched. Jesus' death on the cross brought humanity's hopeless state to an end.... A new era began where the human being only needed to take the path to Jesus in order to be guided out of My adversary's dark domain.... where the gate into the kingdom of light was opened again too.... It was now for the human being possible again that he could change himself, that he could shape his nature into love, that he could become again what he had been before his apostasy from Me.... __The first redeemed souls returned to Me, I was able to admit them into My kingdom of light and bliss, which would never have been possible if Jesus had not redeemed the original sin through His death on the cross.... For I Am.... as supremely perfect.... also righteous and therefore could not cancel an unredeemed guilt. Much time had passed when people almost broke down under the burden of sin yet did not recognise their guilt and therefore repeatedly revolted against Me, Whom they could not deny as a `Power' but to Whom they did not surrender with love. For they once had rejected love, and all they had left was mere selfish love.... the wrongly directed love transferred to them by My opponent. Hence, in their nature they still belonged to him entirely.... And this nature first had to change, which was only possible after Jesus' crucifixion, Who acquired for them the will and the strength to rise and relinquish their selfish love.... All these were purely spiritual processes, for in an earthly-human sense they certainly had an enjoyable and good life, yet no one had any consideration for his fellow human being, instead everyone just thought of himself, and the strong person oppressed the weak who was unable to defend himself, because My adversary delighted in seeing the wretched state of the souls he had plunged into the abyss, for he himself was completely without love but full of hatred and animosity.... And his nature also reflected itself in people's nature.... Anyone who was strong likewise oppressed other people and knew no mercy for he had no love, just like his lord.... the lord of darkness.... was without love. __Jesus, however, tried to guide people onto the right path through love. Jesus lived and taught love and demonstrated to them that love was a strength which even defeated the adversary, and that people can only release themselves from him through love. __Thus the human being Jesus had exemplified a life of love for the first time for people, until He then accomplished the greatest work of love and mercy by sacrificing Himself on the cross on behalf of humanity's sins, so that they would be set free and through a right kind of life attain strength and light again in order to then travel the last path into their true home, which Jesus had preceded through His death on the cross.... Whom they now only need to follow in order to enter My kingdom in a liberated state, returning to Me into the Father's house, to the Father from Whose love they had emerged and in Whose love they will now stay forever.... __Amen
You ought to practise patience and make an effort of cultivating a life of peacefulness and gentleness in mercy and righteousness and humility, in which case you will also always live a life of love, for love alone will shape you such that you will acquire all these virtues, that you will endeavour to treat your neighbour with love and therefore live according to My will. And precisely that which I expect of you will be lacking in you as long as you are still controlled by My adversary. And you can also recognise to whom you belong if you seriously scrutinise yourselves as to what you still need to become perfect. For you possessed these virtues in your perfect state when you still belonged to Me and were blissfully happy.... By turning away from Me you changed yourselves into the opposite, all the bad characteristics awakened in you when you accepted My adversary's nature who lacked all love.... You shall reach perfection again in earthly life and therefore must also cast off all negative attributes and adopt your fundamental nature again; you must live a life of love which will awaken all virtues in you so that you will become divine living creations again. Yet this will always require an inner battle until you discard your initial nature, for time and again you will be provoked by My adversary into impatience, contentiousness and a quick-tempered nature, time and again he will want to harden your hearts, to obscure your sense of justice and prompt you to become arrogant, for he does not want you to become perfect but keep hold of you as beings like himself whom he can dominate. Yet you will have to wage this battle, for every ascent requires force towards the one who keeps you constrained. And you can become victorious if you hand yourselves over to Me in Jesus, if you appeal to Me to help you become again what you were in the beginning. __You must always consciously work on yourselves, you must recognise when you have failed and relapsed into your old mistakes, and you must repeatedly request strength from Me for the transformation of your nature. Then I will recognise that your will is sincere and I will truly help you in reaching your goal. Most of all you must discard all arrogance, overcome all faults, because then you will also recognise them as faults once the arrogance has given way.... And as soon as you live with love this love will also encourage you to change your nature, then you won't be able to help yourselves but think righteously, to let mercy prevail, to also quietly and patiently endure your fellow human beings' failings and you will try to gently influence your neighbour if you want to help him accomplish his change of nature like yourselves... As soon as all divine qualities break through in you again due to love you will also safely reach your goal of unification with Me, which can only take place with a similar being as Myself, because this is based on My law of eternal order.... Time and again you should exercise self-criticism as to how much control the adversary still has over you and influences you. And you should always resist him when he wants to tempt you into reverting into faults which you endeavour to discard. One thought of Me and he must let go of you and can no longer oppress you.... It is just that you have to muster the serious will of accomplishing this transformation of your soul, for you will be approached by temptations every day, often motivated by your neighbour who is impelled by the adversary to agitate you so that you fall back into you old mistakes. And time and again you will have to prove yourselves, yet as soon as you prevail, as soon as you consciously work at improving yourselves, a glorious reward will also beckon you, for earthly life does not last long but the spiritual kingdom will grant you a blissful life and you will be able to work in light and strength and freedom with Me again, for your nature will have become like My own again which will also signifies an eternal unity, for you then will have become as perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect.... __Amen
People don't know about their immense spiritual hardship....
You humans are not conscious of your hardship, yet this calamity cannot be described to you pessimistically enough, so that you will endeavour to remedy the situation yourselves, for you can do so providing you muster the firm will. But first you have to recognise this adversity yourselves.... You ought to know that you have reached the end of an eternally long process of development through the earthly creation, that you had to suffer indescribable torments during this time and that you now, as a human being, are able to end this state of torment and enter the spiritual kingdom as a free being of light.... You ought to know that it is your last opportunity to free yourselves from every physical shell, but that you now also have to lead an appropriate way of life as a human being otherwise you will fail and the whole preceding path has been in vain.... You ought to know that you, in that case, will fall back into the deepest abyss again and have to cover the path through the creations in appalling agony once more, constrained in matter.... __You humans live your lives irresponsibly; it does not occur to you that you are on earth for a purpose.... you do not concern yourselves in any way with such thoughts and don't recognise a spiritual reason for your existence.... you do not look for a God and Creator, from Whom the creation as well as you yourselves have originated, you live indifferently and.... most importantly.... you live without love. Only love can take you to final perfection, only love guarantees that blissful fate in eternity, since you only need love to attain the last goal: the final release from matter. For although you will enter the kingdom of the beyond after your physical death you will nevertheless not be able to detach yourselves from earth, and then you can still descend further and get banished into matter again. But you can also be caught unawares by the end while you are still on earth, and then you will return to the abyss without fail, from where you had worked your way up already.... And you will have to bear this awful fate once more, for I cannot digress from the law of eternal order, even though My love belongs to you and will never ever abandon you.... But I cannot bypass My justice which is equally part of My perfection. __Time and again I call to you: Take stock of yourselves.... you are travelling the last short stretch of the path. Don't take the wrong path which will inevitably lead to the abyss, but join Me and cover your earthly path holding on to My hand.... Consider the possible cause and purpose for your earthly existence, and truly, I will illuminate you in this respect because I want you to follow the path to your Father's house, because I long for your return to Me and would like to spare you the terrible fate of a new banishment.... Realise the fact that you are in tremendous spiritual danger and try to change it, for it is entirely due to your will to fulfil the task on account of which you were allowed to embody yourselves as a human being.... But you have to liberate yourselves from worldly longings; you should not look at your earthly life as an end in itself but always recognise it as the means to an end.... __And it will be possible for you to live an expedient way of life if only you endeavour to live a life of love.... Then you will have escaped the risk of failure in this end period, then you will recognise ever more clearly why you are living on earth, and you will always make the effort to fulfil the will of your God and Creator, you will enter into a father-child relationship, and then the Father will take hold of you and draw you to Himself and never ever let you descend into the abyss again. Listen to My admonitions and warnings, change your way of life, and try to conclude the infinitely long earthly path in order to enter the kingdom of light and bliss after your physical death. And if you muster this determination then you will also truly receive the strength to do so, for I will help you until the end so that you will attain life and not fall prey to death again.... __Amen
Knowledge about Jesus Christ is of utmost importance....
The fact that you repeatedly receive explanations about Jesus Christ's act of Salvation is because people only slightly or rarely believe in it anymore, for their thoughts are too focussed on worldly affairs and the act of Salvation is a spiritual event which cannot be grasped by a worldly directed mind. Yet people are only on earth for a spiritual purpose, and if this spiritual purpose is not accomplished then the human being's life was in vain, and the soul falls back into the abyss again from where it had worked its way up over an infinitely long period of time with God's help. If it is possible to make people understand the spiritual reason for the act of Salvation and Jesus' mission, much will be gained, for then they will no longer reject Him but they will try to mentally empathise and to comprehend His way of life on earth.... __However, humanity is not very willing and inclined to receive spiritual instructions.... unless it is rudely awakened from its normal life by overwhelming events and painful occurrences and starts to think. And for this reason such fateful happenings cannot stop either. But by and large they will then indeed remember their God and Creator and appeal to Him when they need help.... And the fact that it at all acknowledges Him as a Power Which had created it and also determines the human being's destiny is already beneficial for the soul.... __And yet it is of utmost importance to attain the correct knowledge about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, because the human being will always remain too weak to live a way of life in accordance with God's will if he does not make use of the flow of strength which Jesus acquired through His death on the cross and which is now accessible to every human being as grace.... Only when a human being very strongly revives the faith in a God will he be able to receive the flow of strength from God Himself, but this person will then also turn to Jesus without doubt, he will be open to every instruction he receives about Him and His act of Salvation, and he will let himself be redeemed by appealing to Him for forgiveness of his guilt. __Nevertheless, during the last days before the end this knowledge about Jesus is very faded, people only know of the purely human events, and they do not judge them any different than those of other people with the same fate, for in their darkened spiritual state they lack the knowledge about all correlations, they cannot explain it to themselves properly, and thus they discard everything they have heard about Jesus and His act of Salvation into the realm of myth. __They don't know that it concerns a highly significant spiritual mystery, an act of profound spiritual reason which is of immense significance for the salvation of the human being's soul, for his beatitude in the spiritual kingdom which will last eternally, and therefore they don't take the trouble to discover the truth about it either, but rather reject everything and don't believe in Jesus' existence, or they exclude all knowledge they possess of Him from their thoughts as not to be bothered by it.... But thereby they miss their purpose of life, they only live for earthly goals and do not endeavour their return to God which is only possible through Jesus Christ, and their earthly life is lived in vain and can lead to a repeated banishment in the creations of earth.... __And God's adversary will always promote this attitude of people, he will do everything in order to completely prevent the knowledge about Jesus and His act of Salvation, or he will spread such misguided teachings in this respect that people will fall away by themselves and thereby obstruct their path to Him. But they are living as human beings on earth as consequence of their immense original sin due to their past apostasy from God, and until this original sin is not redeemed they will be unable to return to God, because God's justice demands an atonement which was paid by the human being Jesus, and therefore He has to be acknowledged as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... Who made it possible for the Eternal Deity Himself to suffer within the human shell of Jesus and to die for the sins of all humankind.... __Amen
Emergence of the Antichrist....
Not much time will pass before My adversary assumes his last dominion on this earth. But prior to this I will still speak with a voice of thunder, so that a few may still find their way to Me in utmost adversity, who then will remain faithful to Me because My obvious help enabled them to recognise Me and who therefore will not let go of their faith in Me again. Yet there will only be a few and therefore My adversary will wield great power, for the extensive natural disaster will cause people such severe hardship that they will join anyone who promises his help to end their misery. And one person will do so, he will win everyone over for himself who has not handed himself over to Me, for My Own will keep away from him, being mindful of My admonitions and warnings that the great battle of faith is about to happen, which will be incited by My adversary. Worldly people, however, will cheer him, for he will know how to dazzle them, and he will accomplish things which will make them inclined to believe in a supernatural power.... And precisely the fact that all unbelievers accept him as ruler and saviour from their earthly hardship proves that My adversary himself is involved, that he, as My adversary, avails himself of an earthly shell in order to be able to have a free hand. And you, who belong to My Own, will ask yourselves why I put up with this dominion of his and won't bring him down.... It is his last great campaign on this earth which will also bring about the ultimate end, he will instigate the flare up of the last battle in which you will have to prove yourselves, because it is the last decision before I come Myself to save My Own. __The earlier natural disaster had evoked a greater will to live in people, and anyone who had survived will try to acquire worldly goods again by any means, to attain earthly prosperity, and this striving will be supported by My adversary, who thus will find a huge number of followers. And he indeed knows how to deceive people about his true nature, they will see in him someone endowed with extraordinary strength, whom they unreservedly trust and give the right to issue instructions which they blindly obey.... And he will have so many supporters that the small flock of devout people, who recognise him and his true colours, will be unable to defend themselves from his attacks, but precisely because of this they will recognise him, that he wants to eradicate people's faith in Jesus Christ, that he wants to occupy the highest throne himself and have people worship him.... And so they will, because he will achieve true works of wonder with his remaining power. And you will know him when he appears, but first the world will be plunged into fear by the magnitude of a natural disaster.... through which I will reveal Myself to people.... __And directly afterwards he will appear and promise help and improvement from this enormous chaos. He will find many followers because people are ready for their downfall or they would recognise him and appeal to Me for protection from him and his machinations.... Not much time will pass before he appears, who at first will emerge under the cover of piety and yet very soon divulge his true nature. People, however, will be easily deluded and he will have a simple game with them.... They effortlessly relinquish their faith in a God because they were hard hit by the natural event and are willing to place My greatest enemy and opponent onto the highest throne, who embodies himself and his characteristics in a human being in order to set the final course of action on this earth in motion: to wage open battle against Me and My Own, against all faith and all justice.... For only his supporters will be provided by him with the means to live, whilst My Own will be threatened with death.... yet he shall find His Lord in Me as soon as his time is up, and for the sake of My Own I will shorten this time.... I Myself will come to save them from greatest adversity and his dominion will end; he, together with his followers, will be bound again for a long time.... And a new era of peace and harmony will start again.... where love shall reign and My adversary's activity will be prevented.... as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
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