Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965  
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Protection against earthly power through God's power ....

BD 0553 August 22nd 1938

I will give My children great strength if only they ask for it in the most inner humility. Behold, My children, I promise you eternal life and will give it to you in all glory .... And if you now trust Me with faith, you will never be left without help where you need it. And that is why you shall bear witness to the world how far your strength reaches when you trust your lord and saviour and in His name stop where people want to harm you as My disciples .... You have not the slightest power of yourselves, but in My name you will be able to do everything, with strong faith and full trust in Me, your God, your creator and saviour .... Whoever wants to master the world must be authorized by the divine teacher and equipped with full power .... and if I want to give you both, then you should never hesitate to accept this, and you will be able to do extraordinary things when it comes to spreading the word of the lord through it .... and so each one of you, who stand up for Me and My name, will have the right and the power to defy and resist the world and its desires if these desires are directed against My teaching. The slightest confidence in My help will make you so strong that you will be able to defy earthly power and you will never need to fear being abandoned by My love .... I am close to you and will not tolerate that you are harmed in soul or body. But each one of you has the duty to serve Me faithfully, you only have to honour Me alone and that all the time .... for no-one can serve two masters .... and if you make concessions to the world your strength will diminish accordingly and you will waver in faith and trust in Me .... Therefore beware of becoming unfaithful to yourselves .... And bear in mind that the world will use all means to bring you down .... Then remember your saviour, who also resisted the tempter .... A pure heart never has to fear that the evil influence will gain power over it, if only it remains in this purity .... For I Myself dwell in such a pure heart and will never tolerate that the unappointed presume to destroy My work .... From such hearts My spirit speaks .... My love dictates these words .... And My willing children accept the words and make them their own. If this word is fought against, it is fought against Me Myself .... How should I now be defeated in the battle when everything is subject to Me from eternity .... And so I call out to the world: Leave My own untouched, for what you want to inflict on them will only fall back on yourselves .... You yourselves will have to endure everything you want to do to My own .... You will have to suffer if you want to make My own suffer .... for because I give them power they will also exercise it against you and you will then have to recognize under what protection My own are .... for I will always protect them from earthly power and only My will will be able to rule over them, but not the will of those who act contrary to My name and want to deprive humanity of the most beneficial teaching .... But such people will soon be exposed and reap the reward of their shameful behaviour on earth. So let everyone use the power I bestow on him in the best way .... If it is used in the best way, it will be a blessing for the believers .... but a sign of eternal glory for the unbelievers .... it will be a sign of admonition and warning to the erring and a welcome protection to those who live in the lord, love Him and serve Him .... for these the lord protects as long as they dwell on earth, so that they can fulfil their task and never need to fear earthly power ....




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The is looking for translators.

Dear friends of the Revelation of God to Bertha Dudde,

for your information: Unfortunately, only a little less than a third of the work has been translated into English so far. So there is still a lot to do.

Therefore we are looking for translators who would like to help us to continue translating this work into English.

As a native English speaker with a love and understanding of these revelations, you have the right qualifications to help further translate this great work and participate in its dissemination. Your possible cooperation is expected with pleasure.

If you are interested, just contact us. Contact offer


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