Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Vineyard work according to divine will....
I will bless every effort that applies to the distribution of My Word. You cannot imagine how necessary it is for people to be informed of their purpose of earthly life, for they only consider it to be the maintenance of their body and live a life which can be called everything else but spiritual. The dark of night prevails everywhere and nothing else will help but to spread sparks of light which tear the darkness apart and can stimulate people into following the right path they recognise in the glow of the light, and I will truly see to it that the illumination of light will increase.... I will still make My Word from above available to all those who can yet be affected by it such that they will listen to the One Who is addressing them and accept His admonitions, so that they will finally allow themselves to be led and will no longer be able to go astray. I know the means and ways and will truly employ them. I leave no opportunity unused and you, My servants, shall only ever willingly carry out what you are urged to do from within, for this urging comes from Me, to Whom you have offered your service. So let Me tell you that you need not fear the weakness of your body either, that I will give you strength to work for Me, because I need diligent labourers in My vineyard and recognise full well who serves Me with complete dedication.... Yet don't tear yourselves apart by zealously embarking on things which I did not assign to you.... You should always pay attention to My instructions and do what I ask of you.... For you can believe Me that true success will be achieved in silent activity, that I Myself will only powerfully manifest Myself when otherwise nothing else can be accomplished anymore and the end is near.... But if you want to win over the 'world', if you want to teach the masses, much of your work will be done in vain, for there will only be a few more and you will not manage to change the 'human race', you will not succeed in bringing many people to their senses, instead, only individual ones would reward such overzealous efforts.... Then you will have employed your strength in vain, for these few will.... because they mean well.... also still be won over through silent activity, because they are known to Me and I will make My Word accessible to them too.... __However, My paths are different than yours, hence you should pay attention to the inner voice and comply with it as My instructions. This inner voice will never induce you into drawing particular attention to yourselves or into embarking on great campaigns which I know will not be very successful. I will therefore exclude My co-workers from the world time and again, because then the work for Me and My kingdom can be carried out more intensively and because My vineyard labourers should also increasingly perfect themselves , which heartfelt dedication to Me will achieve and is more likely to happen in seclusion then in the flurry of the world, for everything you expect to be very successful requires worldly preparations which, in turn, are not suitable for internalising the person. For this reason I repeatedly advise you to carry out silent vineyard work, which consists of lovingly influencing your fellow human beings into shaping themselves into love and of informing them of My Word.... hence of contributing the most important thing towards distributing My Word which is conveyed to you directly from above.... Believe Me that the effect of My Words will yet achieve the greatest blessing and spiritual progress.... Believe Me, that you will gain extraordinary merits if you utilise all opportunities to inform your fellow human being of My Word, for it will affect everyone who is still of good will.... whilst people will only accept all other efforts to teach them spiritual knowledge with their intellect without involving their heart apart from a few, who, however, I will also win over for Me by other means, because I know the human hearts. Consider the fact that it takes intellectual thought to present My divine revelations to people such that they will be gripped by them.... but that only the intellect is addressed and that it will rarely lead to spiritual success.... but that the direct conveyance of My Word or the passing on of My direct revelations will be far more successful because My Word is blessed with My strength and because those people who shall contribute towards inducing spiritual advancement among people had to already possess a certain degree of maturity prior to it.... Believe Me that I will bless all silent work for Me and My kingdom, and make every effort to be diligent labourers for Me who will only every follow their Lord and Caretaker's instructions and lovingly look after their fellow human beings.... I will do everything else for you and also guide you such that you will offer My Word to those who will gratefully accept it as an unusual gift of grace which will truly have the desired effect.... __Amen
A teacher gets educated by Myself....
I will fill in all gaps in your knowledge as far as you need knowledge, for it is not yet possible for you as human beings on earth to penetrate the most profound depths of wisdom since it requires a high degree of perfection, which the being usually only attains in the spiritual realm where it can be fully enlightened by My love. Yet on earth the person to whom I assign a teaching ministry shall receive sufficient spiritual knowledge so as to leave no gaps for him, so that no question can be posed to him which he would be unable to answer.... Whatever a human being would like to know, he will always be able to obtain an explanation from those who are taught by Me directly through the spirit, and thus no knowledge will ever be unfamiliar to the teacher. However, he, too, will be slowly guided into it, and I always know when he requires particular knowledge in order to answer questions, hence I will always prepare him at the right time, or I will answer the questions posed to him directly, just as I promised you that you should ask Me if you want to know something.... Yet you who wish to know should always go to the source as well, for that is where you have the guarantee of receiving the truth from Me.... Don't allow yourselves to be instructed by ignorant people, by those who have not been called by Me to the teaching ministry.... __I welcome every person who wants to serve Me as a labourer in My vineyard, however, I assign everyone to the place where he is most suited to work for Me.... And so every servant's task differs.... But not every labourer in My vineyard is suited as a teacher, yet he can contribute towards spreading the truth by passing on the correct teaching material, by seeing to it that the truth from Me gets distributed; he can also use this information himself by verbally reading it word for word to his fellow human beings and thereby convey the direct Word from Me, which then will also emanate strength accordingly and will have the same effect on people as My address.... Yet not everyone should think that he fulfils My will if he makes use of the knowledge he has gained through My Word and then feels entitled and able to teach.... First he must appeal to Me from the bottom of his heart for enlightening his spirit, so that I can speak through him Myself, even if he uses his own words. Then he will speak plainly and simply and thus touch everyone's heart who is of good will. But if the person starts to offer intellectual explanations he will no longer pass on `My Word' and hardly achieve any success. And then he will not render true vineyard work, he is still too much in the forefront instead of leaving the work to Me. The teaching ministry requires constant direct instruction by Me, since this instruction will also grant the person comprehension and correct judgment which enable him to teach. __But if I convey My Word directly to earth so that it can be written down, then the task of passing the transcript on to other people follows by itself, and for that I need faithful servants again who do whatever it takes to spread My Word, and I will bless them for it, since particularly the distribution of `My Word' during the last days before the end is the most effective countermeasure of refuting My adversary's activity who ceaselessly endeavours to keep people in densest darkness by means of lies and errors.... Hence you shall help to spread the light, you shall carry it into the world so that many people will be able to gain strength through My Word in order to help them find their way out of the darkness. And truly, I choose the right servants for Myself who always fulfil their designated task, depending on their aptitude and willingness.... However, if a person sincerely asks Me for it I can also grant him the aptitude to speak on behalf of Me and My kingdom, but then he will bear witness to Me in a plain and simple way and try to encourage his fellow human beings' faith and love, he will live a life of love himself and thus also be spiritually awake so that I can use him as a mouthpiece although he will repeat in his own words what I put into his mouth. __And these speeches will not sound scholarly; they will not be guided by the intellect but only come from the heart, for I express Myself only through the heart. Even so, if I let My Word flow to earth directly I will educate a suitable teacher Myself whom I guide into a knowledge which he can understand and also pass on to his fellow human beings, for then he will be the vessel into which My spirit can flow, but as a human being he will also be endowed with the gift of enlightening another person who desires this clarification.... I have assigned this task to him and he will work according to My will, hence he will also be able to truthfully answer all questions put to him because he won't lack any knowledge. I will put everyone who earnestly wants to serve Me in the right place and give him his task, which he only ever shall carry out to the best of his ability, and My blessing will always rest on him and his work.... __Amen
Battle against error....
You will have to fight hard against error for it has already infiltrated the whole world, and it could not be any different since God's adversary rules and endows a person's intellect in accordance with his own will. But since his thinking is already turned away from God he can be influenced by Satan who will always do so in order to spread darkness amongst people.... in order to extinguish the light of truth wherever he succeeds. It would be so easy to live within pure truth if all people let themselves be taught by God Himself, if He had access to all of them, in which case there would also be unity in people's thinking.... But as things stand there is great confusion, people are not aware that the purpose of their earthly life concerns the maturing of their soul. And all concepts have become confused.... There are only a few who can be offered the truth by God Himself so that their thinking is enlightened and they know the purpose of their earthly life.... __However, they are unable to get their message through and enlighten their fellow human being by offering them the pure truth from God and exposing the many misconceptions which darken their spirit. And not just there is the pure truth no longer recognisable.... Even in circles which want to serve God the adversary works, where possible, through people who still harbour traits similar to his own nature. They all strive for truth as well but do not approach God directly, they try to obtain it by indirect means.... they associate with beings in the universe which also still belong to the adversary and they lead people in the wrong direction again.... As long as God does not convey the truth to earth Himself, which can also happen through beings of light possessing full knowledge and God's consent to teach, the pure truth cannot be offered to people and time and again they will have to come to terms with misguided teachings. __Darkness fights against the light, and due to people's low spiritual level the darkness will triumph, for the end will be the new banishment.... Yet as long as God still speaks to people he also instructs the recipients to work for Him and the distribution of truth and to convey His Word to all who accept it.... You need not be afraid even if you meet with hostility, for He Himself is with you, He will guide you such that you impart the light to all those who urgently need it and want to know the pure truth. You, who are taught by God and receive the spiritual knowledge either directly or through His messengers, are fully aware of the spoilt teaching which no longer corresponds to the Words of Jesus Christ.... you were given the reasons why erroneous thinking has crept in.... But now you shall also pass on the pure teaching as it was imparted to you.... for the truth must establish itself.... anyone who receives it must also spread it and do everything possible to expose the error as the work of God's adversary. You will be helped in every way, for since it is His will, He will direct your thoughts in a way that people will receive what they need for the benefit of their soul. For error does not lead to Him and even if people entertain misguided thoughts.... even if they are good and do not sin consciously.... they will not gain beatitude in the beyond until they have recognised the pure truth and freed themselves from error and lies, for God Himself is eternal truth and He can only be found through truth. Error and falsehood can never ever lead a person to the goal.... to union with Him, to glorious everlasting life.... __Amen
Addressing the vineyard labourers.... Urgency of spreadin...
Every day you grant Me by undertaking spiritual work will be blessed, and your reward will truly not be small.... Yet you should not work for Me for the sake of reward, instead, your love for Me and your fellow human being should inwardly impel you to do so. You are unable to assess the immense spiritual adversity, but it is known to Me and I will guide you to wherever I still know there is a person who would be touched by receiving My Word so that you can inform them of My love, wisdom and power, of My longing for them and My constant willingness to help.... You should eagerly support Me, and even if only a few listen to you.... but each one of them will speak on My behalf and mention My Words again. For he will be knowledgeable, he will kindle a light within him and understand and will no longer want to miss My Word.... And these people will live in truth.... But they will also know that it is the truth which they receive from Me through you. For this reason only rarely will one of them fall away because they were serious about receiving the truth. But I do know where My pure Gospel can be conveyed to, who will accept it with a grateful heart.... And with My Word I Myself Am with everyone who receives it. Since I Myself will then be able to address him Myself through you, I can also answer every question they inwardly ask which will brightly enlighten their thinking and the origin of their mental knowledge, along with My Word, will become their innermost conviction.... they will no longer doubt and gratefully accept everything from My hand. And believe that no work will be done in vain.... for countless souls in the kingdom of the beyond can join in wherever My Word is read.... A circle of souls gathers around every person and they are all offered the bread of Heaven so that they will be able to nourish themselves with the food I Myself have in store for them. And thus you can also work in this kingdom where countless souls derive strength from this nourishment. Hence all those of you who take part in distributing these writings are doing redemptive work, and every labourer will receive his reward.... However, you must not tire, for the distribution of My Word will become increasingly more urgent the closer it gets to the end. And your task will become increasingly more difficult. As a result of the ever-increasing lack of faith.... fewer people will be willing to listen to you. Yet this should not dishearten you, for each individual soul is a gain for Me, therefore you should seek to attract them with all your love, try to deliver them from spiritual darkness and constantly request strength from Me. Truth can achieve a lot, no person can close himself to the truth.... providing he is still of good will, providing he still accepts Me and wants to know the truth about Me.... You are in possession of the truth from Me.... Distribute it wherever you can and don't let failures discourage you.... I want to bless you on earth already and later in eternity, where all work for Me will find its reward.... __Amen
Giving account.... Urgency of distribution....
I can only every admonish you to remain steadfast if you are held accountable for the sake of My teaching. You will still be heavily attacked because no-one wants to listen to the pure truth. For this reason you should request much strength from Me now, so that you will be able to cope with all onslaughts. Admittedly, you cannot be swayed by any counterarguments because you are convinced that you have received the truth. Nevertheless, your opponents are clever, they will try to make you waver and it will truly require firm faith and much confidence in My strength in order to confront them. Then I will still gain a few people over for Me who find the pure truth more agreeable than the distorted teachings which you must denounce. Only My Word from above is the pure truth, and you can also endorse it as such without having to fear that you would be acting against My will if you also enlighten your fellow human beings as to what I Myself expect them to believe. Time and again I conveyed the knowledge of this to people, yet as long as they still felt committed to a school of thought, they still held too deeply rooted opinions and the acceptance of teachings which blatantly opposed their ideas met with resistance.... But now I have been offered the opportunity by a tool, which is entirely devoid of personal opinions, to permeate it by My spirit and this truly instructs it correctly. And the urgency of My doctrine's truthful portrayal is indeed very obvious, since people are lukewarm and do not comply with My divine commandments of love at all, apart from a few exceptions which will be judged according to their degree of love and not according to external appearances, which are an abomination before My eyes. It is the time of the end.... And this alone should make the conveyance of the pure truth understandable to you, for no-one shall be able to say that they have not been informed of the truth.... I will shake all those up who are capable of receiving the truth and induce them to think about it.... but whether they are willing to receive it is their own decision, but they will also have to give account for their will. For this reason I have referred to the time when My Gospel will require purification, which consequently necessitated a vessel which submissively opened itself to Me in order to let a powerful light shine in, which offered no resistance and thus gave Me the opportunity to express Myself and to reiterate My teaching as I wanted them to be understood.... If only you humans would believe that I solely judge the degree of love when you depart from earthly life.... Then you would also make an effort purely to fulfil these two commandments, you would thereby receive everything I promised while I was living on earth.... You would receive an abundance of strength and grace and would not have to worry about earthly things, for then you would truly only take care of your soul and live your life according to My will. You would recognise and acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... You would recognise Me Myself in Him, for all this knowledge would be conveyed to you if you lived a life of love, which would awaken the spirit in you. But those of you who want to serve Me shall stand firm and draw your strength from the wealth of knowledge which will always flow to you when you make contact with Me through kind-hearted activity and heartfelt prayer.... __Amen
Diversity of earthly existence.... You would pray for suf...
You see, My child, in the world of your parents you accepted a destiny that allowed you to mature considerably and your earthly life was rich in experiences which stimulated your thinking, and the way to ascend could be revealed to you more easily. Although people's circumstances of life are often even more difficult and with far greater poverty and aguish but then their souls are even less mature and can only purify themselves in such hard conditions; and thus people's burdens are as different as are their results. Before its incarnation as a human being each soul longs to utilise its embodiment as quickly and as successfully as possible and therefore inhabits a body which has a predetermined difficult fate. On the other hand, many souls must go the path of purification which requires other circumstances of life.... which leads to their goal sooner through an easier and more pleasant existence but where other dangers have to be fought which the soul has to overcome. __This is arranged by the Heavenly Father in His wisdom even if people on earth can't yet understand it and often become indignant about the uneven distribution of earthly wealth. But He Who knows all, Who understands every deficiency of the soul and would like to see the same perfection in everything also knows to offer the right help and only places upon each human being what is necessary for the benefit of his soul. Every day is a step closer to happiness.... so take care that you climb one step after another.... and not step back.... __You will eternally thank Me, your Creator, for every sorrow that I have put upon you and will praise the wisdom of Him Who created you and Who wants you to be near to Him forever.... You should always know that the Father does not want to lose even one of His children and that He cares for every being. And this care often necessitates methods which seem hard to you, since you cannot imagine the magnitude of the calamity that threatens you.... if you could fully understand you would pray for suffering only to avoid this adversity, but you must live your life without knowledge of your situation and strive to ascend of your own free will and in order to achieve the highest reward.... __Amen
Infallibility.... Ecclesiastical commandments....
You place too much significance on the infallibility of the head of your church, and yet you are hugely misguided. It was not God's will that His church should be arbitrarily formed by people and in accordance with people's will. Everything right and proper to maintain and spread His teaching was given by Jesus Christ Himself on earth to his disciples. He made the distribution of His teaching conditional on the individual's will to accept it or not. His gave precise guidelines which applied to everyone who wanted to accept His teaching. These consist of the promises which were made on condition that people comply with the requirements of the Lord's teachings. __He always respected the free will of the human being. The human being should make his decision voluntarily and without external pressure and thus fulfil God's will. And to these people He promised eternal life.... Thus He only requires faith in Him and His Word when He says `I Am the way, the truth and the life.... I Am the means, the law and the fulfilment.... anyone who believes in Me will have eternal live....'. His love wants to give something unimaginably wonderful.... eternal life. And for this He only requires people's faith and their will. However, it is not His will to burden humanity, who is already living in a constrained state on earth, with new sins.... The restraints of someone who truly believes in Jesus and His Word will be loosened, however, someone who does not believe is already punished enough by his constrained state because he has to remain in it for an eternity. Anyone who disregards the Ten Commandments given to people by God Himself, anyone who defies them, commits a sin, i.e. he disobeys God Who is love, because he disobeys the commandment of love. He does nothing to liberate himself from his state, instead he does everything to make it worse. Fulfilling these commandments is the only means of release, while infringing against them is the very opposite. __The dogma of infallibility, however, became a new lawgiver for people in as much as the God-given Ten Commandments were increased by several more, so that the new ecclesiastical commandments more or less were added to God's commandments and failure to comply with these laws was considered to be as sinful as acting in opposition to the God-given commandments. And this error has an appalling effect. Because people now burden themselves with entirely irrelevant yet duty-bound actions which are quite unrelated to the commandment of love for God and their neighbour. And now they only focus their whole attention on keeping these ecclesiastical commandments and on releasing themselves from presumed sins.... Thus the sum total of their soul's task consists of complying with commandments decreed by people or to do penance for the guilt of the alleged infringement. And the soul's dreadful bondage, which can only be resolved by love, is ignored by them.... __If these commandments had been necessary, truly, the Lord Himself would have given and preached the fulfilment of these to His disciples on earth first.... Thus people tried to improve Christ's teaching arbitrarily and did not hesitate to give themselves divine approval for it. By deeming themselves to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit while still in a state far removed from it, they now decreed laws which could not be in accordance with God's will. These laws considerably reduced people's sense of responsibility for the God-given commandments due to the fact that the newly decreed commandments were now given the greatest attention, to an extent that humanity now observes them purely automatically and believes that it follows Christ's teaching when it fulfils its imposed duty. __The truly enlightened human being is chosen by God to put a stop to this deplorable state of affairs, i.e. to reveal it. However, God can never have enlightened those who had decreed or approved such commandments. The infallibility of the head of the church is a distorted image of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Anyone inspired by the Holy Spirit will always have recognised the error of this set of laws but worldly-ecclesiastical power prevented them from correcting this momentous error. For these commandments did not come forth from the spirit of love.... Lawmakers had little interest in reducing the work for the struggling souls to achieve their final release. Rather, their motive for establishing these commandments was a craving for increased power and the will to lead people into a certain state of dependence, since at the same time the failure to observe the commandments was deemed to be a grave sin. True servants of God have always recognised this deplorable state and have wanted to confront it but the teaching of infallibility of the head of church is already too deep-rooted that it could be easily removed. And only someone looking for pure truth and asking God Himself for the truth and the spirit of inner enlightenment will be able to liberate himself from it.... __Amen
Duty of distributing the divine revelations....
It is indescribably commendable to spread the Word of God. That which is conveyed to people through God's grace shall not remain the sole property of the individual but shall be passed on to the many people who require it for their soul's salvation. Humanity is in serious trouble, it is so distant from God that it does not even recognise His will anymore and goes through earthly life in complete ignorance. However, the human being needs to know what God expects of people, consequently the information has to be imparted to them. And for this reason earthly children who are willing to be of service to Him are chosen by God with the task of making His will known to people. He Himself instructs them first so that they can subsequently pass on their knowledge to fellow human beings. The human race would perish without active help, and active help can only be found in the Word of God. But at the moment everything is rejected by people if it admonishes them to remember God or if they are taught about God in the usual traditional way. This is why God gives His Word to people again.... He provides them with an explanation about their purpose and their task.... He wants to come closer to them through His Word, He wants to familiarise them with everything pertaining to the creation; He reveals to them the correlation of all things and gives them the commandments, which are the basic conditions for their ascent to God. And willing people shall help to distribute the divine gift; they shall diligently strive to make the divine revelations accessible to the human race; as God's eager servants they shall always and forever make His activity known; they shall let their fellow human beings partake in the delectable gift of grace, so that the divine Word will find acceptance among people, that it will strengthen their faith and motivate them to do whatever it takes in order to live in a God-pleasing way.... thus to fulfil the commandments of love for God and their neighbour. Only when a person has knowledge of God's will can he be held to account if he does not live up to them. Admittedly, uninformed people cannot be held to account but neither can they utilise their life on earth and attain a higher degree of spiritual maturity, for they would have to be extraordinarily lovingly active of their own accord, that is, love must be within them, but in that case they will also know the meaning and purpose of earthly life and their task. For God imparts His Word to everyone who desires it, it is just not always outwardly noticeable except in the shape of mental transmissions. But those who receive the Word such that they are able to write it down are particularly responsible for the distribution of this Word, for they receive much grace and shall therefore also share it. They shall proclaim the Gospel to all those who do not reject it.... __Amen
Harshest measures.... Fearless speaking.... Strong will....
It requires strong-minded people to fearlessly spread divine revelations, for everything which signifies spiritual progress, which these revelations aim to achieve, will result in harshest countermeasures and war will be declared on all spiritual striving. But in addition, divine revelations are so implausible to people as long as they are still spiritually unenlightened. Every message from the spiritual kingdom requires an element of faith in order to be unhesitatingly accepted. Where faith does not exist, they will be rejected and efforts will be made to fight against the bearers of light, who only want to pass on divine wisdom.... People will want to ban the distribution of truth and for this purpose establish almost unrealisable laws. And an irresolute person will yield to these laws and deny God his cooperation. Divine love, however, wants the truth to be spread. It seeks to guide people towards this knowledge and for this very reason reveals this knowledge to them through a person. But this person, too, will fearlessly have to pass on the information he heard through the grace of God and His spirit. For as soon as he is deemed worthy of receiving this extraordinary grace his path of ascent becomes easier but he also has the task of showing his fellow human beings the path leading upwards, i.e., of making the divine grace equally accessible to them. Thus, he must speak up and try to pass on what he received through spiritual mediation. And this needs courage regarding the worldly authority, even though the proclaimers of the divine Word should acknowledge every earthly authority providing it does not openly oppose God's commandments. __Anyone who tries to live according to these commandments will also recognise which worldly measures are justified or not.... and he will know which laws he has to follow first. Proclaiming the divine revelations to these people will not be unsuccessful.... They will be accepted due to the existing faith in a God of love and of mercy, of wisdom and of omnipotence. But where no faith exists at all, the proclaimer of the Word will have to fight with the sword of his tongue and may not be afraid if he is told to stop speaking. He is needed as a mediator between God and people, and he must faithfully administer this position as a mediator.... He must untiringly pass on the Word he receives and mention everything that is revealed to him. For it is essential that humanity wakes up from its slumber and that it is given the information about God's obvious working which is based on His love for people who are close to their spiritual downfall. These are the people he wants to save and guide out of darkness into light.... He offers His grace to them and leaves it up to them to avail themselves of it.... And this gift of grace should be fearlessly mentioned because it is God's will.... __Amen
Words of love.... Words of wisdom.... Teaching ministry.....
In realising your task in life, which consists of distributing the pure Word of God, everything will cause your rejection that has not come forth from the primary source of truth. But they can nevertheless be Words of love with no indwelling God-opposing spirit, and everything that is not in favour of Me is good if it inspires love. In the spiritual kingdom the beings which are permitted to teach recognise each other by their radiance, it is therefore impossible for a still spiritually unenlightened being to intervene. The earthly child which willingly opens itself to the spiritual influx will be lovingly grasped and protected by the beings of light.... I, your God and Father of eternity, Am present in spirit to all those who want to be in contact with Me. I do not abandon these people, for they are My children who have already informed Me of their will. Hence they also sense My presence, they hear Words of encouragement and of comfort from Me, they hear Words of love, which I have on hand for all people who want to listen to Me. It is also My will that they speak to their fellow human beings of My love, I want them to actively stand up for Me, that they motivate their fellow human beings to establish contact with Me as well, that they therefore guide all those into a living faith who allow themselves to be led, thus who are willing to recognise Me. I also give them the ability to speak on My behalf so that they can be successful when they vividly describe My working in them by filling their hearts with profound love for Me and their subsequent hearing of divine Words of love. This has to be said to all those who can hear Me speak in spirit, to whom I reveal Myself so that they will learn to recognise and love Me. They shall proclaim that they themselves experienced My working in them. __However, not all are assigned the task of instructing their fellow human beings, the task of imparting the divine wisdom, the eternal truth to them. For this teaching ministry requires more, only the chosen ones among those I have called shall hold such a teaching ministry and it is them who must therefore first be instructed by Me for the teaching ministry before they can work on My instructions. Anyone who wants to proclaim wisdom must be wise himself and accept his wisdom from Me, for that which should address a person's heart must also be acceptable to the intellect. Wisdom must be recognised as wisdom, for although it requires good will to do so first it must nevertheless also stand up to serious scrutiny, which can only be expected from truthful knowledge. The intellect must not be excluded where it concern the acceptance of My pure teachings of faith. Since I gave the human being the ability to think I must also provide him with knowledge which his intellect is unable to reject if the heart is open to My instructions. Consider this, then you will understand that not everyone can be a teacher for his fellow human beings, that a person must first have penetrated the wisdom himself before he can instruct other people. Furthermore, consider that all instructions spread through print or in writing are intended to be a blessing.... that you should therefore proceed very judiciously if you don´t want to endanger the pure truth, which cannot be taught by everyone who is not called to do so. For you endanger the truth if a serious seeker of good will discovers flaws which make My nature seem implausible or imperfect to him, because his intellect also wants to form an opinion. I, your God and Father of eternity, certainly recognise your will to be of service to Me and bless you for it, yet you should not step into the public domain without My specific instruction, since you have plenty of opportunities to work in privacy, that is, in the circle I Myself bring close to you. For I look into the human hearts and know whom I bring together so that they can find Me. Yet I also know what causes deliberate rejection if it is not offered to people in the right way. I certainly give evidence of My love to all those who desire it, yet not all of them have attained the degree of maturity in order to hear My Word audibly, just as not every soul is capable of repeating what My love conveys to it mentally. For this reason such souls are not called for teaching work, although they can be very beneficial by communicating their thoughts to people in their vicinity since, if they love Me, their thoughts cannot be wrong as soon as they speak on behalf of Me and My kingdom. __On the other hand, it is quite a different situation where it concerns the public distribution of spiritual information to the human race, which lays claim to having emerged from Me directly and which should be accepted as purest truth. Then those who seriously and with good will scrutinise it intellectually must also be able to accept it, because the pure truth, having originated from Me, can certainly stand up to any test, since it speaks for itself. Even the pure truth will meet with more rejection than acceptance, but the reason for this cannot be found in the fact that it is unacceptable for a person, but that the person, due to his God-opposing relationship, is no longer capable of recognising it. But even the person most incapable of recognising relentlessly uncovers what prevents him from accepting spiritual knowledge and is delighted if he encounters a target in order to doubt the pure truth. And you should not provide him with these targets if you want to work for Me and My kingdom. You can certainly be of service to Me and constantly present Me to your fellow human beings as a God of love and mercy; you should, wherever possible, influence your fellow human beings to practise love, by living a way of life according to My will you should be an example to them, you should strive spiritually and also strive to encourage your fellow human beings to do the same, you should sincerely unite with Me and pray to Me in spirit and in truth, and you will feel My emanation of love increasingly more, you will think, act and speak correctly and thus be My faithful fighters in the battle against the one whose aim it is to ruin all those who don´t resist him. And thus you should wait until you hear My call to carry out specific work in My vineyard, for the time is not far away when I will need those of you who want to be of service to Me, and when I will assign a task to everyone according to his ability.... and blessed will be the one who serves Me.... __Amen
Negative results of misguided teachings....
Only in truth is light. And thus people who have been misguided by incorrect teachings cannot find any coherence. __It is dark within them, and in this darkness it is impossible for them to see My image properly, they are given a distorted image of Me and therefore cannot love Me properly either. In fact, they only fear Me as a God of vengeance and punishing judge, whereas the pure truth from Me unveils an image which attracts them, which awakens love within them because it portrays Me as I Am:.... a God of love, a Father to His children, a Lord, to Whom all His servants are devotedly loyal. If people loved their God and Father they would not sin, they would forever aim to carry out My will and thus live a life within divine order.... And if people were only ever given the truth they would also love Me.... But what is the situation in the world?.... __Humanity's spiritual low, its heartlessness, proves that human beings do not live in the light of the truth, thus wrong doctrines about Me and misguided thoughts have been imparted to them, otherwise they would not be able to live in this darkness. But people are not even able to accept the light of truth any longer, their blindness is so severe that no ray of light can penetrate it, and that therefore the truth can no longer be recognised either.... My adversary has succeeded in making the night so dark in a manner that a person can rarely find the morning light.... And yet this seemingly impenetrable night will also be lit by flashing lights, and time and again human beings are shown the way which leads through the darkness into the light of day. And even the totally blind are given guides who offer their help. And all it takes is a little good will. __But where the will is missing not much can be achieved, however, all human beings will be confronted with the image of their God and Father of eternity sooner or later.... i.e. every human being will be offered the truth one day and I will be portrayed to him as I Am in reality.... as a perfect Being, as love, wisdom and power.... And every human being can accept this image of Me within himself and repeatedly reflect on it, and it will consistently appear to him clearer and brighter and not vanish from his thoughts again.... But he can also look away in indignation, then the deepest darkness will remain in his heart and the truth offered to him will not touch it. __The importance of My distorted image in relation to human development is clearly evident in the low spiritual level of people.... because human beings would never have fallen so low if they had always been offered the truth.... with the right doctrines they would never have been able to move so far away from Me, which has already happened due to misguided teachings.... Because belief in Me has gone astray in those who were willing to believe but who felt repelled by misguided teachings and who did not request the correction, the truth, from Me Myself, since they found it difficult to believe in the kind of Being they were taught about. __Misguided teachings are My adversary's weapons, and they are always directed against Me, thus they are also very useful in destroying faith in Me, which is My adversary's intention. And thus the reason for the prevalent atheism has to be looked for in the distribution of erroneous spiritual knowledge, in the distortion of My image which has been given to people. And only pure truth can portray Me to people in such a way that they will be able to love Me and once again establish the right kind of relationship with Me.... Only the brightest light can disperse the darkness, but only if people themselves open their eyes in order to see.... __Amen
Great work of redemption in the beyond.... Jesus Christ....
A great campaign of redemption is in progress, for wherever beings of light were allowed to incarnate on earth they also advocate the proclamation of the Gospel amongst their fellow human beings. And their efforts are supported by the beings from the world of light which influence people's thoughts in every way, making them receptive for the divine Word as soon as it is offered to them. At the same time a great work of redemption is also taking place in the beyond, where beings of light dare to descend increasingly more often and aim to carry light into the darkness. Nevertheless, it always depends on whether the beings' are willing to accept the light or turn away from it if time and again flashing sparks of light intend to show them the path to a source of light.... If they follow this path then the darkness could quickly recede and radiantly bright light would surround them.... but if they ignore it they will still be engulfed by thick darkness for eternities, and they will be banished again in the creations of earth. But whatever can still be done to save all these souls will truly be done on part of the world of light.... and wherever on earth there is still a chance to bring people light, the bearers of light will truly not pass it by, since they are embodied all over the world during the last days in order to work for the benefit of people and to show them the path to redemption.... __Nevertheless, it is not an easy beginning, since the voice of the world is much louder. Where God's Word is proclaimed there will only ever be just a few people, whereas the world has countless more followers who rather choose darkness than light and therefore cannot find redemption during their earthly life either. But all souls will be fought for, since every effort is also being made in the kingdom of light above to direct people's thoughts towards the kingdom that is not of this world. The world of light in the spiritual kingdom is constantly trying to radiate light onto the darkened human race, and thus time and again contacts are being established from the spiritual realm to earth, and people willingly fulfil the light beings' suggestion as to what is necessary and beneficial for their fellow human beings' salvation. And they will comply with the light beings' influence.... which is recognisable by their diligent work in the vineyard of the Lord, by the proclamation of the Gospel, by the distribution of the divine Word, by spiritual conversations, explanations and constant references to Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer. __His name will be mentioned time after time, and their enthusiasm will not lessen but increase, because everywhere some seed will also fall on good ground.... because Jesus Christ Himself will seize the people who direct their steps towards Him, who turn their eyes upon Him and thus wish to be redeemed by Him. He will never leave these, be it on earth or even in the beyond.... a heartfelt call upon Him will always be heard and the soul will be granted what it desires. A heartfelt call is evidence to Him that He is acknowledged by the soul, and then its fate in eternity will be assured.... This is why every work of redemption is blessed by Him, and Jesus Christ Himself is participating in every work of redemption, Who only requires the person's free will in order to accomplish His act of Salvation on the soul, so that it will be released from sin and death and in this freedom be able to enter eternal beatitude.... __Amen
True servants of God.... Instituted words.... Working of ...
You, who believe in Me and the working of My spirit within you, receive extraordinary knowledge from Me.... And this knowledge obliges you to communicate with your fellow human beings, for you don't just receive it for yourselves, you merely act as mediators between Me and people whom I cannot address directly but who urgently require truthful information in order to be able to fulfil their earthly task. Their will to draw closer to their God and Creator again has to be stimulated, and therefore they must be enlightened about Me and their relationship with their God and Creator.... They know about My will and their task on earth.... Only then can they be held to account as to whether and how they make use of their earthly life. They must also be informed of the process of return they are going through themselves and the reasons on which this is based.... For all this knowledge can help people to reflect about themselves and give their presently purely worldly attitude a spiritual outlook so that their pilgrimage across this earth will not remain unsuccessful but result in their return to Me and to supreme bliss, as was destined for them in the very beginning. __This task of distributing the knowledge conveyed to you from above is your most important work, the implementation of which can lead to tremendous blessings.... I Myself will support any task you undertake on My behalf, for the result could be that I will win back countless saved souls which My adversary has to return to Me if it is their own will. And then these souls will have completed a process of development which has lasted for an infinitely long time already.... but which can be prolonged for an infinitely long time again if the human being fails on earth.... I convey to you, My messengers of light, such extensive knowledge as to enable you to carry much light into the spiritual darkness.... And your fellow human beings need only open their hearts and ears in order to partake in a greater than great treasure of grace which you are permitted to unearth because you want to be of service to Me. You shall only ever distribute the bread of heaven and the water of life, the healing strength of which is true wine for your souls.... Then you will be My true disciples to whom I give this instruction just as I gave it to My first disciples when I took the last Supper with them. Although I handed them food for the body they nevertheless knew that My instruction meant the distribution of spiritual food.... they knew that My Words called them to the teaching ministry, that they should carry My Gospel into the world, that they should nourish their fellow human beings' souls with My Word which they had received from Me and continued to receive through the working of My spirit within them.... __Thus I called these disciples and instructed them to go out into the world.... But this instruction first required them to receive from Me the bread of heaven, the water of life, for they were meant to pass on divine gifts and not human ideas which do not benefit the soul. Thus, as long as these proclaimers of My Word and their successors were called to teach through the working of My spirit within them, they were My representatives, My disciples, and therefore the successors of My first disciples who had received the true Gospel from Me.... And everyone can regard himself as My disciple, as successor of the first disciples whom I had called to the teaching ministry.... in whom My spirit works such that he is introduced from within to extensive knowledge which cannot be intellectually acquired.... And even traditionally adopted spiritual knowledge first necessitates My spirit's working in the proclaimer so that he can fully understand this spiritual knowledge and pass it on in a way that it will have a truly beneficial effect on those who are being taught.... __Only a spiritually awakened proclaimer of My Word is a true successor to My disciples.... and not those preachers who decided for themselves to make it their career and who believe that they can academically acquire the knowledge with which they then want to work in My vineyard.... These labourers are unsuitable for they have to wait until I call them Myself, prior to this they cannot work properly in My vineyard because I Myself want to work through My spirit in those who are active for Me and My kingdom. And neither can this calling come from fellow human beings, from someone who, in turn, has also taken up his office without an inner calling, who was also made a `servant of God' by his fellow men.... This teaching ministry carries so much responsibility that it truly also requires the qualifications for it and human will or human action can never suffice to confer such an office.... I descended to earth Myself in order to bring My Word to humanity, the knowledge which corresponds to the truth, which grants complete enlightenment and returns a person into a state of realisation which was his share before his apostasy from God.... I brought this Word to people Myself and.... since I was only able to stay for a limited period of time on earth.... chose suitable vessels for Myself whom I filled with My flow of spirit, whom I instructed Myself and.... since they lived a life of love.... to whom I also promised the working of My spirit while they carried out My instructions.... __And you humans know that due to people's free will the purest truth can be spoilt if the conditions no longer exist which permit the working of My spirit.... Do you really believe that all people who claim to be My `representatives on earth', who claim to be the successors of My first disciples, displayed the prerequisites which enabled the working of My spirit? And thus the pure truth was no longer guaranteed, for a person who has not shaped himself into a vessel for My spirit can be easily influenced by My adversary, whose sole intention is to always undermine My pure truth.... This is why countless misguided teachings were able to assert themselves without being recognised by them as such.... For wherever My spirit is as yet unable to work darkness still prevails, for only My spirit ignites the light in the human being, for My spiritual spark is love, and love is also light and strength.... __As the divine spark of love in the human being.... the spark of God's spirit.... unites with the eternal Father-Spirit a bright light has to shine which no error can endure, because it will be exposed and refuted by the truth from Me, Who will only ever support the pure truth and make it accessible to you humans.... Understand that this was the real meaning of My last Supper with My disciples, that they thus received the instruction to bring the pure truth to people and at the same time mention My act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Jesus, therefore I said: Do this in remembrance of Me.... For only by proclaiming the pure Gospel was it also possible to provide people with the knowledge of My act of Salvation.... And since this knowledge is extremely important I mentioned it with the above Words, for all people who want to become blessed should remember Me.... But as long as precisely these `instituted' words are misunderstood and associated with a completely senseless action there is still profound spiritual darkness in people.... And this I why I now instruct My last disciples again to carry My Word into the world, the pure truth which I was able to convey to them through My spirit `which effectually worketh also in you that believe'.... __Amen
There is no coincidence.... Nothing happens arbitrarily....
Believe Me, there is no coincidence, instead everything is divine providence and every human being's course of life proceeds in accordance with divine will.... For whatever does not correspond to My will nevertheless has My permission so that you may derive spiritual benefit from it if you make the right use of everything.... However, you are not at the mercy of a blind power, every experience during the course of your life has its reason and serves a purpose.... But how you use it is up to yourselves, because what matters in earthly life is the test of your will. And in order to evaluate every happening properly you should always request My support, and truly, you will think and act in the right way, because I will not guide you the wrong way if you entrust yourselves to Me voluntarily.... And thus everything confronting you is determined by Me or permitted for the purpose of your perfection.... __When you are in constant contact with Me through works of love, sincere prayer or in thoughts which relate to Me, you can also be certain that you will not think and act in opposition to My will, because then I will bless your every action and your souls will mature.... Hence you should view whatever confronts you every day as My direct action on you, because I direct all threads, I start relationships, I bring those together who shall serve Me and seize every opportunity to guide you humans into truth, who sincerely desire it.... This is most important in the last days, because passing the test of volition, which will determine your future fate, entirely depends on the truth. Sparks of light will flash on earth and tear the dark night apart, yet only few people will ever strive for them, the majority will be content with the night and flee the light.... But there will also be deceptive lights causing confusion as their light is short lived and plunges people into even deeper darkness than before.... But where there is desire for light the darkness will lift and people will find their way into the light of day.... __You, who ask for it, shall all become enlightened, and need only ever take notice of where the light is coming from.... If its radiance is bright it will make you feel good, you will be able to penetrate the darkness and be happy with the light which shines for you.... Deceptive lights, however, will confuse you, you will not be able to find complete understanding and therefore feel uneasy, if you are interested in the pure truth.... if you genuinely just want the pure truth.... But I know My Own, and thus I can speak to them, and they will recognise the Father's voice, and as soon as I can speak to them Myself they will be saved for time and eternity.... And thus it is only important that you humans do not walk any path alone without first praying for My guidance. Because this prayer guarantees My protection and My help when you are still too weak and inexperienced to differentiate between true and deceptive light by yourselves. But I will place the right thoughts in your heart and then you will always live in truth, because you are seeking it.... __I can prepare vessels for Myself anywhere, which fulfil all conditions and thus allow the `working of My spirit' within them.... And anyone with an awakened spirit also knows whether and when I speak Myself, because My sheep know My voice.... And when I Am able to send revelations to earth I will also take care of their distribution.... But My adversary will do the same by also trying to communicate with people who are gullible and facilitate his actions, and he will also try to spread error and find people to help him.... Nevertheless, the truth will shine like a brightly radiating light, whereas the adversary will only be able to ignite deceptive lights which will merely increase but not disperse the darkness.... But people's free will has to be upheld, and this free will must sincerely want the truth and request it from Me Myself.... __Amen
God wants to answer questions.... Error....
Believe and do not doubt, for My Word to you from above is truth and everything you were foretold will come to pass.... You should believe that much will, in fact, evade your understanding as long as you are still unable to penetrate the depth of wisdom, but what I give to you now will still become comprehensible to you in due course.... Time and again I say to you that I instruct you in accordance with your degree of maturity, which you can raise at anytime, and that you also receive replies to questions posed by people on earth or by beings in the kingdom of the beyond which I answer through you.... But only at the stage of advanced maturity of soul will you possess profound understanding of My plan of creation and Salvation, then everything will be explicable to you, even that which presently still gives you reason to doubt. Only purest truth can originate from Me, and that I Am working in you through My spirit will have to be acknowledged, for I informed you of this process Myself when I lived on earth. __And you cannot accuse Me Myself of being a liar, for I Am truth Myself.... You can only be comprehensively informed about the events of creation after you have achieved perfection yourselves, and knowledge that is already made available to you in advance will frequently give rise to questions from you.... And this is what I want to achieve, for I can constantly convey more to you when you occupy your mind with questions which only I Myself Am able to answer. Besides, I always want to stimulate your thoughts such that you will try to discover the mysteries of creation, because I want to give but require your desire in order to bestow you with unlimited knowledge that also reaches into areas which are intellectually impenetrable. __The more profound your knowledge of truth the more illuminated you will be.... and then darkness will never scare you again.... Time and again I invite you to raise questions, so that you recognise My love for you in the answers, which wants to grant your every request.... For as soon as you ask and expect a reply you open your heart to Me, and that also means that you prompt Me to take up residence in you, that you desire to be united with Me. And this is what I Am waiting for in order to bestow My unrestricted gift of grace.... Therefore I will also always enlighten you about error, for it will draw the souls into ruin.... I will even illuminate your thoughts so that you will act in accordance with My will and proceed against error.... __For it will cause devastating confusion during the last days, because people rather accept error as truth than allow themselves to be convinced of the pure truth. And thereby they stay in My adversary's realm, in darkness, and cannot find their way out. You, who receive My Word, have the task to fight error and constantly confront it with the truth, which will certainly be acceptable to every human being with good will. I will always help you to think and act correctly, to speak where I ask you to speak, for you have voluntarily offered your services to Me and I have accepted same. You shall now work in accordance with My will, and therefore I can trust you with a task which only ever concerns the distribution of truth and the fight against error. __And it is for this reason that everything will approach you such that you will react to it in line with your feelings, because I Myself will trigger this feeling in you, thus I will also guide your thoughts such that they will serve your task. My adversary works with cunning and trickery.... I will take action against him and expose his doings, and it is only up to people themselves whether they will listen to Me and believe My Words.... Yet only love can recognise pure truth, where love is missing hardly any success can be expected.... Nevertheless, the truth about My adversary shall be revealed to people, who will also disguise himself as an angel of light and not hesitate to use My name in order to deceive them and pull them onto a dangerous path, for it will lead into the abyss if people fail to recognise his activities in time and turn back.... I always want to help you with this, you need only approach Me and ask Me for the pure truth.... __Amen
Spiritual results should not be underestimated.... Spirit...
You can receive clarification about anything you reflect upon if you approach Me Myself and appeal to Me for truth. I impose no limitation on what I give but I only give according to the degree of maturity, so that a person will always understand what is conveyed to him, be it in thought or in a direct form through My address from above. All the same, it will always be the same truth, and even if I cannot instruct a person in the most profound knowledge, his questions will nevertheless always be answered according to truth, yet always such that he can comprehend it. And thus all instructions, which originate from Me, will have to be in accord, otherwise you could doubt their source. But everyone can raise his degree of maturity and thus also be introduced to ever deeper spiritual knowledge, and he will be beneficially active on earth, because spiritual knowledge will constantly spur him to pass it on.... Once a person has accepted My instruction he will be unable to keep silent. And then harmony will occur between people who appealed to Me for correct thinking and for truthful knowledge.... And people who think correctly will also always be willing to render vineyard work, for they are impelled from within, by their spirit, to enlighten their fellow human beings. However, once a person is instructed by Me Myself through his spirit, so that knowledge is conveyed to him which is written down, then he is also characterised as a vineyard labourer, for then he has the task of distributing the existing spiritual information, because I want to speak to all people and choose a mediator who is capable of accomplishing such a mission. And then his task will be obvious, for such comprehensive spiritual knowledge cannot be denied nor be conveyed to Earth without purpose. Although a certain degree of maturity is necessary again so that this spiritual information can be accepted and understood it will nevertheless contribute towards stimulating people to live a conscious way of life once they have taken notice of this unusual knowledge. It will always depend on the human being's will and his desire to receive knowledge of the 'truth'.... For sooner or later questions will arise in every person about subjects which are inaccessible to the intellect but which can be fathomed by the spirit in the person. And depending on the person's maturity of soul he will be granted the pure truth for the benefit of his soul. But a person should never value the results of his intellectual thinking more than those revealed by the spirit in him.... For the spirit stands above the intellect, to the spirit.... which is My part.... nothing is unknown, it can explain everything to a person, whereas the area which can be investigated by the intellect is limited and never extends into the spiritual realm. __Divine revelations should therefore never be underestimated, quite the contrary, no intellectual thinking, be it ever so sharp, produces comparable results. And thus you will also be able to assess the immense significance when I convey such extensive knowledge to earth through a human being, and you will understand that it is My will that this knowledge shall be distributed and that I will therefore support all efforts made by My bearers of light in order to carry light to their fellow human beings.... you will understand that I bless people who want to be of service to Me as labourers in My vineyard, for can there be anything more important in earthly life than to know the truth.... thus to convey the truth I send from above to fellow human beings? People can consider themselves fortunate that they are granted clarification where they still have erroneous thoughts.... For only truth grants them the light which illuminates the path that leads to Me. Anyone who sincerely desires the truth also thinks correctly, because I Myself enlighten him and he will be happy to discover the confirmation of his thinking in My Word. Yet many people must first be led to the path, they must first be informed of My will and be admonished to live in accordance with My will, only then will a second life start for them, so that they live a spiritual life next to their earthly life, and then the desire for truth will awaken in them and they can receive according to their desire. For this reason you should all try to raise your state of maturity, then you can be guided ever deeper into truth, even the most profound wisdom can be revealed to you which, however, would be incomprehensible to you while you are still in a low state of maturity. Yet I will never limit My distribution as long as you merely desire My gifts of love.... I will consider you spiritually as well as in an earthly way, for you will receive what you require for your soul and body as long as spiritual possessions are more important to you. For your body will cease to exist but your soul will remain, and it shall therefore be taken care of first, and its desire will always be granted.... __Amen
Vineyard work according to God's will....
Every one of My co-workers is blessed by Me and given the silent assurance of My support as soon as he works for Me. For I need his cooperation, even though it is truly within My power to shape everything according to My will, and thus also to perfect you humans through My will. However, My plan for bringing you to perfection requires the human being's free will, for this reason the redemptive work must also be carried out by people, so that everything takes place within the framework of natural progression and no unusual activity compels a person to believe.... Time and again I give you the assurance that I will guide your every thought and that you then will also undertake the vineyard work according to My will. Yet I keep reminding you to work diligently and take pleasure in your willingness to help. However, in the final analysis, a blessed vineyard work will always consist of industrious detailed work.... the distribution of My Gospel will always take place on a small scale, for even if masses congregated in order to hear the proclamation of My Word, My Word would nevertheless only take root in a few hearts where the seed would grow. The success will decrease ever more during the last days, for the majority of people will turn away, they will close their ears because they no longer believe. But I know the individual human hearts and it is to these that I will convey the gifts of grace; I will bring them together with My vineyard labourers in order to speak through them directly.... __You can believe that I will not leave out one soul where there is still hope that it will gladly listen to Me. And you, My servants on earth, will truly achieve more with diligent detailed work than with major campaigns which will not yield the success you hope for. But if I Myself foresee a success, then I will also guide your thoughts correctly and put the means at your disposal so that you can work again according to My will. Yet you should not rush into things nor worry, just grant Me your will and let yourselves be guided, and leave everything else to Me. How few people are open to spiritual knowledge because only a few have an awakened spirit.... You must bear in mind that most people don't understand it even if it is conveyed to them because they live without love and are spiritually entirely unenlightened. This is why the spiritual knowledge that originates from Me directly cannot be distributed to the same extent as any other writing which is and can be offered to the broad mass of population, because the world only appreciates worldly goods. But I know what will be successful, and from My side everything will be done in order to increase the number of those who will be saved, and you should only ever do what is within your power, and always lovingly help your fellow human beings in their adversity. And I will bless every effort regarding this rescue work. I Myself will support them in every way but I also foresee the achievement and therefore also know which work is fruitless, thus I will prevent it so that you won't use your strength and effort ineffectively. Yet the achievements of silently rendered vineyard work cannot be estimated by you, where the souls pick up and observe every thought that moves you, and therefore your redemptive work will never be in vain, for I want to address all souls, which you will always enable Me to do if you unselfishly work for Me.... __Amen
`The measure you use will be the measure you receive....'
And regardless of how impossible it seems to you, I will intervene (affect you extraordinarily) when the time is right, for nothing is impossible to Me.... Just try to raise your degree of love, make an effort to live in accordance with My will, take care of your fellow human being in his adversity and demonstrate your love for Me by seeing in your fellow human being your brother, who has also come forth from Me in order to inherit beatitude one day. Believe that love alone is enough in order to accomplish the greatest miracles, in order to make things happen which you would humanly find impossible. Yet I Am a God of love, wisdom and might.... I can do anything, but at what time My might will express itself is always determined by My love and wisdom. And truly, with your will, with your love you can determine My will and My love, you can apply coercion on Me which I will extremely gladly put up with, because love will never be a nuisance but always ever give pleasure.... __And if you grant Me your love, My love will also express itself such that it will make you happy. I will give you humans the most diverse tasks, I know how and in which way every person can help, and I also know, whether and when he is willing to help, and I will send people his way whom he can please with his helpfulness, to whom he will give what they urgently require, be they earthly or spiritual possessions.... By passing on earthly possessions you are always demonstrating love to Me, for whatever you do to the least of My brothers you do unto Me.... Furthermore, you also prove to Me that you have already overcome matter and are spiritually progressing.... But if you pass on spiritual possessions then it is My work that I send people to you whom you should consider spiritually, whose souls are going hungry and are in urgent need of your help to nourish them, so that their souls will strengthen and recover. This helpfulness will be particularly rewarded by Me, for it signifies a distribution of spiritual possessions which will give life to the soul. And whoever is thus of service to Me by passing on what he is receiving from Me directly.... whoever has the salvation of his fellow human being's soul at heart, can be absolutely certain of My support, for he is implementing a labour of love which has to be far more highly valued, because he first has to feel sincere love for Me and for his fellow human being in order to acquire the possession of these spiritual values which he shall share again.... And then I will also always show Myself to him as a loving Father, I will guide him on earth and bless all his ways.... And My promises will fulfil themselves such that I will also work in an unusual way when the time is right. __All people in spiritual and earthly adversity are your neighbours, and you shall give to them what they require.... You should have the sincere will to help them and, truly, you will then also always have the means which you should pass on again, be they of a spiritual or material kind. Therefore, don't calculate anxiously but be generous, for the measure you use will be the measure you receive, what you give with love will be rewarded to you a thousand fold, always depending on the degree of love which impels you to help. So, don't worry, for I will take care of you.... always just work at improving yourselves, so that you will resist all temptations, that you will not become heartless and put your degree of maturity at risk, and then you will also always be allowed to feel My love to an extent that you will feel My presence and be happy.... I love you, and I am all-powerful, thus I want to make you happy and I Am also able to do so. However, My love knows (recognises) when the time is right that I can affect you in an unusual way, that you will obviously experience My love and I can release you from all adversities of body and soul.... For My willingness to help is far greater than yours, and My gifts of grace are immeasurable, which I can and want to bestow on everyone who loves Me and keeps My commandments.... __Amen
God's blessing and guidance of the spiritual work....
Any work you do for Me is blessed and will bear fruit. For your thoughts will also be guided so that they can only correspond to My will and, therefore, you need not fear anything as long as you hand yourselves over to Me and appeal to Me for guiding your thoughts in the right way. I live your life with you, and I also determine your thoughts such that they will adapt themselves to My will, because your task of passing on My Word as you have received it from Me is not a small one. And were you not protected by Me, a distribution of My Word would not be easily possible for you, since you yourselves would not have the overall view which, however, is assured to you through My influence. You should therefore firmly rely on My help which is assured to you because I recognise your will to serve Me and because no human being can hardly instruct you better than I. As soon as you express your willingness to be of service to Me I will accept your services, and then you will be in contact with Me, I Myself will intervene and you can calmly undertake the work. However, you must make sure that you distribute the truth, for I want to address people through My Word.... it is the pure truth which is not offered to you in this way anywhere else unless an equally spiritually awakened person has received it in the same way as you, with the same dedication and the same will to distribute it, for then My blessing will always be upon you. __Amen
The task of fighting misguided teachings....
It is your task to counteract misguided teachings, and I Am giving you the proclamations in a way that they are clearly understandable to everyone so that they recognise for themselves the absurdity of what has been presented to them, as long as they are willing. I Am concerned for those who have slight doubts already and want to convey the truth to them. __But those who do not want to let go of their church can be given the purest truth and will not recognise it because they have no desire for truth. Even so, it is good if they get to know your opinion that nothing will benefit their soul's maturity if it is not based on the principle of love. And while you still have the freedom of speech you should use it and speak quite openly.... you should voice your opinion about wrong teachings and always know that I Am the Giver (of truth) Myself, that you work with My knowledge which gives you every right to support it. For you work with a gift from above which already has the inherent strength to bestow realisation on a person who does not resist it, even if you only succeed in informing a person of the error, for the knowledge of it can still stimulate doubts. For once their belief is shaken much will have been gained already. __Pure truth gives brightest illumination to someone who seriously desires it.... but only to him; and he will not reject these explanations either, and thus I intend to help those who are receptive to it. And there are many who are not content with the traditional spiritual knowledge they are being offered but who are aware of a Deity Who gave them life and Who also takes care that people will reach the goal set for them during earthly life.... who also know that there can only be one truth and that this must therefore come forth from the One Who is the Eternal Truth Itself. As soon as they realise this it will be easy to convey the information to them for they won't resist long in accepting it because they will recognise that it originates from the relevant Authority. Hence you should frankly expose every error since it cannot lead people to beatitude; on the contrary, nothing good can come from it because.... if the opportunity were offered to them.... they would reject the pure truth. Consequently, what you receive from Me is intended for distribution but how and in what form you offer the spiritual knowledge shall be left up to you since every person reacts differently, yet whatever you do in order to guide people into truth will be blessed by Me.... __Amen
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