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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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The outpouring of the spirit.... Whitsun....
Only after My crucifixion was it possible for Me to pour out My spirit, for prior to this no human being would have been capable of sheltering anything divine within himself, since humanity was still burdened by the original sin of the antagonism against God. My spirit, however, is the emanation of Myself, and no human being burdened by guilt could ever have been a recipient of this emanation, for the gulf which existed between what had become guilty and Myself was too deep. __But I, in the human being Jesus, have made amends for this guilt, and everyone who accepts My act of Salvation is now also able to prepare himself such that he can receive My illumination of love again, and that means that I Myself can take abode in the person and as evidence of My presence can also permeate him with My spirit.... Then his thoughts and intentions will be determined by the strength of the spirit, he cannot think and want something wrong as long as My spirit works in him.... For he completely consciously allows Me to work in him, he opens himself by intimately uniting with Me and thus enables Me to lower the light ray of My love into his heart which illuminates everything.... giving him the most bright and clear knowledge, so that the human being will emerge from his present darkness and be guided into every truth by My spirit, as I have promised. __This act of the outpouring of spirit, which took place in My disciples in full view of all people, had to be preceded by My crucifixion, My adversary had to be defeated first so that he would no longer be able to forcibly keep people in darkness but had to release those who turned to Me, who allowed themselves to be redeemed by Me, that is, who consciously acknowledged My great act of mercy and wanted to partake of it.... Thus death.... the immense spiritual darkness.... had been conquered for them, they were able to prepare themselves as vessels for the outpouring of My spirit.... Now they no longer experienced wrong thoughts, they recognised the truth and also fully consciously aspired to it, they emerged from the state of complete ignorance, they became enlightened.... My spirit permeated them, and now they also came closer to Me again, that tiny spark of spirit, which as part of Myself had rested dormant within themselves, aspired towards the eternal Father-Spirit to which it was inseparably connected. Very simply put.... the connection with Me.... having once been voluntarily discontinued by the beings, was restored again, and a being that was once more in contact with Me, the Eternal Light, had to be permeated by My light too, and its every thought can then only be right. He has to recognise the truth, and then the human being also has to uphold this truth, because he is urged by My spirit to proclaim the truth to all of his fellow human beings.... And this, too, was My first disciples' mission, whom the outpouring of My spirit enabled to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel to all nations. They had to possess the truth themselves in order to pass it on, and even though during My years of teaching they had been instructed in the truth by Me, the outpouring of My spirit nevertheless had to take place first so that they then would brightly and clearly recognise their task and no longer be burdened by ignorance, for they were instructed through the spirit by Myself, Who stayed with them as I had promised. __And thus, time and again I will pour out My spirit upon people who want to serve Me, who prepare themselves as vessels into which My spirit can flow and who, like My first disciples, want to bring the truth to people in the knowledge that only the pure truth can help people in their immense spiritual adversity.... And My spirit will be effective in them so that the darkness will be dispersed and the people desiring to serve Me by assisting in the redemption of errant souls will think correctly again. No person can give what he does not have.... __However, to you, My servants, I want to give abundantly, so that you can impart it again to your fellow human beings who urgently require your support, since they will not establish the relationship with Me on their own.... Yet you, who know all correlations, can enlighten them and even now persuade them to their change their will. And you will always be able to receive spiritual knowledge in abundance, and at all times.... when you ask questions, they will be answered such that you will also be able to recognise the Provider, which you then should pass on.... for many people and countless souls in the kingdom of the beyond will ask questions and desire truthful answers.... they will be able to receive them from you, for I know all thoughts arising from the heart and will give to every person according to his task (comprehension). __And this is My working in you.... the working of My spirit, which the first disciples were allowed to experience for themselves after My ascension. They, too, had to be assisted by My love time and again, for in order to implement the task given to them by Me they required extensive knowledge, and without My obvious support they would never have been able to accomplish this task, for I constantly instructed them through the spirit. Thus they did not have to be afraid to be incapable of working as teachers or of spreading incorrect spiritual knowledge and were able to administer their office well.... they were able to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with My will.... __And today, too, I give My last disciples on this earth the same task of taking the truth to people, which can only come forth from Me directly. For the earth is engulfed by profound darkness, errors and lies are so widespread that people have to muster an utterly sincere will in order to find the truth and then also to recognise it as such. But only through truth can they become blessed, because they can only learn to recognise and love Me when the pure truth about Me and My nature is imparted to them. And this knowledge, the pure truth, can only be imparted to them through My spirit, but it will also be clarified for you, because I love you and you only need to establish a heartfelt bond with Me through equal love in order to induce the spiritual spark in you, which is inseparably connected to the eternal Father-Spirit, to express itself.... Then I can speak to you Myself and place you into a state of cognition, and then you will also know what you have to do in order to achieve your goal.... the unification with Me.... while you are still on earth. For when I instruct you Myself you truly will be taught correctly, and then you will accomplish your task on earth for sure and change yourselves into love, you will adopt your fundamental nature again and be blissfully happy, as you were in the beginning.... __Amen
Clarification regarding the working of the spirit....
If you want to be addressed through My spirit you must keep My commandments.... You must live a life of love.... For My spirit is part of Me and only speaks when the human being unites with Me through kind-hearted activity, so that his spiritual spark can be addressed by Me, by its Father-Spirit of eternity. But I promised you that I will reveal Myself to the one who loves Me and complies with My commandments.... And I keep My Word, every promise will come true providing you live up to the conditions I linked to it. In order to be able to hear Me through the voice of the spirit, you must be so closely united with Me that your spiritual spark can perceive My Word and pass it on through the heart so that you can hear what the spirit says to you. The fact that your indwelling spirit can be addressed by its Father and be understood by you is a very simple and understandable process.... but almost no-one is interested in this process.... It is rejected as the working of unclean spirits, it is even denied by those who pretend to serve Me.... It is denied because they themselves have not yet enabled My spirit to speak to them.... And they have not enabled it yet because they are lacking faith and love.... Their belief in such 'working of God in a human being' through the spirit is completely missing, and therefore the human being makes no attempt either even though it would be possible for him were love kindled in his heart.... In that case My spirit cannot express itself, for such an audible manifestation always presupposes the belief that My love for you humans is so great that it reveals itself.... People's relationship with Me must be such that I can speak to them like a Father to My child.... And a child will trust its Father completely and expect to be addressed by Me. Only then will I be able to speak and My child can hear My voice. __The 'outpouring of the spirit' has become an incomprehensible and implausible concept for people, they no longer understand what they are to make of it, otherwise they would not reject the Word you humans receive from above through My spirit, otherwise they would extremely jubilantly and with profound gratitude listen and comply with it.... But the outpouring of the spirit cannot be proven other than that the human being shapes himself into love, that he establishes the heartfelt relationship of a child with Me and, with utmost faith and trust, patiently listens to hear My Word, because the spiritual spark in a person strives towards the Father-Spirit and thereby induces My presence in the human heart.... and My presence must always have the effect that I speak to a person with Words of love and comfort, and with Words of wisdom impart knowledge to him which only the spirit in a person can receive from the spirit of God. While living on earth I have time and again promised people that My spirit would be with them when I would no longer be amongst them.... I clearly and distinctly announced the working of My spirit with the Words 'I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, which will guide you into all truth and will remind you of everything I have said to you....'. And when it manifestly brings you the truth, you reject what is offered to you.... because you don't understand My Word, you don't think about what these Words might mean. And therefore you do not correctly understand the outpouring of the spirit upon My disciples, or you would not doubt but instead believe.... However, I linked it to the condition 'He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me.... and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him....' You no longer live a life of love, otherwise you would clearly understand these Words of Mine and unhesitatingly accept My Word, which I convey to earth 'through My spirit'.... Then you would make the effort to shape yourselves into a receiving vessel for My spirit, you would.... providing you believe in My 'working in you'.... strive for it, because then you will also be guided into all truth, as I have promised. However, you don't pay attention to the Words I spoke when I lived on earth.... you don't pay attention because they are incomprehensible to you; and they are incomprehensible to you because you no longer live in love, which would assuredly develop your understanding.... And thus, reading the Scriptures will be of no great avail to you if you don't have love within you, which opens up your understanding in the first place. For this understanding.... the right way of thinking.... is also the working of the spirit in you, but this is only possible in a heart full of love. First you must keep My commandments and thus live in love, only then will I be able to reveal Myself to you through My spirit. You humans have lost the knowledge of this, which is proven by the resistance of those who came together in ecclesiastical communities or organisations, who rely on the 'Book of Books' and yet don't understand its contents properly.... and they must first be instructed by My spirit before this understanding can be given to them. Only then will they be able to believe that I will send you humans 'the Comforter, the Spirit, which will guide you into all truth....' __Amen
Whitsun experience....
The event My disciples experienced at Whitsun can repeat itself with everyone of you, for I have promised My spirit to all people with the Words 'I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth.…'. It was not merely a unique experience only intended for My disciples, instead, My spirit flows time and again to those people who make heartfelt contact with Me and appeal to My spiritual strength. And, in fact, everyone can feel the strength of the spirit within himself, as his thinking will become enlightened, everything that was previously incomprehensible will be understandable to him.... For My spirit grants clarity and light because it is a direct illumination from Me, Who is the Light of eternity. __Hence, the outpouring of the spirit upon My disciples was not a unique experience, instead, this process was taking place for the first time, since prior to My crucifixion it was not possible for a person who had not yet found redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ to be imbued by My spirit.... As long as people were still afflicted by the original sin they were unable to establish this heartfelt bond with Me; the guilt of the beings' apostasy from Me stood between Myself and each and every person, and it was impossible for My spirit to permeate a soul encumbered by sin. __Once the act of Salvation had been accomplished the path of return to Me was also open for every person.... From then on it was possible for every soul to so shape itself through love that the awakening of the spirit into life took place, so that the spiritual spark in the person strove towards the eternal Father-Spirit and the person's heartfelt bond with Me enabled Me to pour My strength into him.... so that My spirit filled His soul and brightly enlightened him, teaching him from within in all truth.... so that the divine abilities, which laid dormant or buried within as a result of his past original sin, emerged again.... so that all these abilities became extraordinarily dominant and testified to his unity with Me.... so that they thus proved the divine nature of the one who had entered into unity with Me.... __Then the disciples were able to speak, for they were filled by My spirit; they were able to perform miracles, heal the sick and also have an insight into the spiritual kingdom.... Then they were true apostles of My Gospel for they recognised the truth within themselves, they were guided and impelled by My spirit to speak according to My will. They were permeated by the strength of the spirit, just as I previously promised that I will remain with My Own until the end of the world.... And this promise did not just apply to My disciples but to all people.... which this promise self-evidently shows.... I always wanted to please people, I always wanted to pour out My spirit, always convey the truth to them, which was only possible through My spirit.... Yet how rarely has My Word been understood, how rarely is this promise taken notice of, and therefore the outpouring of My spirit not aspired to either, even though everyone would be able to experience it.... __But I also linked it to the condition that you should believe in Me and keep My commandments.... for the 'outpouring of the spirit' is like a direct 'revelation'. And I can only reveal Myself to someone who lives in love, who thus awakens the indwelling spirit to life.... Do understand that My spirit will guide you into all truth.... that I, the Eternal Love, reveal Myself.... that I convey knowledge to you and thus educate you from within.... And in this way I also instructed My disciples. I gave them the ability to understand everything I had previously told them, and then, according to this understanding, to proclaim Me Myself and My act Salvation to their fellow human beings, for they should be informed of My will and the cause of their wretchedness, as well as the goal I had set for their life on earth. Thus, they needed to know everything themselves in order to truthfully instruct their fellow human beings.... __And at present I likewise fill My disciples with My spirit again and send them into the world, because people shall know My will once more and everything that lays ahead of them.... The Gospel of love shall be proclaimed to them anew by My servants who are imbued by My spirit so that they can carry out the task I have allocated to them.... For it is the time of the end and people ought to know the truth, which only I Myself can give to them through My spirit, which permeates those who are willing to serve Me, and who I send into the world again before the end has come.... __Amen
The spirit of God works where He wants....
The spirit of God works where He wants.... Only God knows where His spirit can express itself without resistance, only God knows where His revelations are accepted and obediently made use of, and only God knows whose inclinations allow the working of His spirit.... It is His will that truth shall find its way to people, and that erroneous beliefs and lies are brought to light so that the human being can identify them as such. It is His will that human beings find their way to happiness, which is always the way of the truth. And thus He is forever concerned to bring the truth to people because He has only one goal: the happiness of his living creations. On earth, which is ruled by His adversary, the truth will constantly be disputed and polluted by his influence; it will constantly be infiltrated by lies and errors, because it is God's adversary's aim to withhold the truth from people in order to prevent their realisation and aspiration towards God.... And thus the pure truth repeatedly has to be sent to earth from above, which can only happen by the working of the spirit.... by the outpouring of the spirit into a human being. And this person is chosen by God Himself.... __His spirit works where He wants.... The working of the spirit can only happen in a state of free will, God will never choose a human being and compel him to receive the pure truth.... It is entirely a matter of free will, and a will thus devoted to God is well known to Him.... hence such a will opens the human heart to receive the flow of God's spirit. But then it also guarantees an unblemished flow of spirit into the human being, since the fulfilment of God's requirements to send the pure truth to someone also raises a spiritual shield against impure, lightless influences; because a human being who has completely surrendered his will to God is now inside of God's sphere of light which may not be entered by the beings of darkness. It is God's will that the truth shall be sent to earth, and therefore it is reasonable that this can only happen through someone whose will has completely merged with God's will because it prevents the adversary slipping in.... because God Himself can now provide a guard, to which the person himself gives Him the right as a result of his devoted will. Because the working of His spirit results in the manifestation of a bright light within the human heart from which all beings of darkness take flight.... God's constant transmission of truth to earth is due to His love for His living creations whom He wants to guide towards happiness; and there should be no doubt that He now puts His will into action.... Hence He chooses people for Himself who are suitable to receive the truth from above, and for the sake of truth He will also protect them from accepting misleading notions, otherwise it would be impossible to impart the pure truth to humanity.... __But it has to be emphasized that only the transmission of spiritual values can be called an outpouring of the spirit.... that the transmission of the pure truth through the working of the spirit only relates to the knowledge of spiritual issues.... to divine-spiritual knowledge.... God can and will also instruct people mentally about earthly matters although the accuracy of their thoughts once again depends on the person's state of mind.... but the process of the outpouring of the spirit cannot be associated with earthly knowledge.... For this reason earthly and spiritual knowledge always have to be separated. They cannot both be included in the concept of `transmission of divine truth' although the thoughts of a human being who makes an effort to live within the divine order can also be enlightened by the spirit and thus be truthful.... But verbal revelations intended to transmit the truth to earth have to be considered differently.... __As soon as you exclude all worldliness and make the spiritual kingdom the only goal of your desire, as soon as you intend to broaden your spiritual knowledge, as soon as you aim to improve the state of your soul by only accepting what helps your soul, in other words, as soon as you only focus on matters which ensure its eternal life and disregard the life of your body on this earth will you be striving towards the spirit. Then you will truly be guided by the spirit within you, it will communicate with you and instruct you from within to further the higher development of your soul. And then you can also receive divine revelations according to your soul's maturity, but they will only ever cast a light on the spiritual kingdom, on spiritual correlations, on the spiritual origin and objective of creation.... on everything your intellect could not work out by itself and which cannot be proven to you either for as long as you live on earth. However, you can solve worldly problems by virtue of your intellect - even though a truthful result is in fact also the result of enlightened thinking - when the human being's right and God-pleasing way of life strives to achieve this. __But the difference should be observed that the substance of divine revelations concerns the life of the soul, the spiritual development of the human being and the knowledge of origin and final goal, the knowledge of God's plan of Salvation since eternity.... The closer the human being is connected to God the more he will feel His influence, the more enlightened he becomes in his thinking, and the more assuredly he can also answer earthly questions, because he permits the working of the spirit within himself which directs and guides him even in his earthly life.... __Human beings are intended to receive divine-spiritual knowledge which can only arise by way of direct transmission from God to the human being, consequently the requirements have to be met to permit such a direct transmission. It is a divine plan, and the means to accomplishing it can only be known by God, and He chooses a useful instrument for Himself when it is necessary to transmit the pure truth in order to encourage and enable humanity to strive for higher development. Only God knows the human hearts, hence only God knows which earthly child meets the requirements to receive divine-spiritual knowledge. __And this is whom He chooses.... The spirit of God moves where He wants.... His spirit certainly flows into an appropriate vessel because it concerns an extremely significant rescue mission.... to penetrate the spiritual darkness with rays of light which emanate from God Himself.... This is a process which can still save many people from spiritual death.... it shows a path which leads away from the world of matter into the kingdom of light.... it offers people of good will the option to return by taking hold of the Fathers extended hand, Who does not want His children to get lost for an infinitely long time.... And for this reason every recipient of divine revelations enjoys God's special protection to complete His work.... so that the light of truth can enlighten the earth at a time of deepest spiritual darkness, to make the best of the short time left to the people until the end.... __Amen
Prerequisite for the 'outpouring of the spirit'....
The outpouring of the spirit requires certain conditions to be fulfilled, because My spirit can only pour into an open receptacle which has been prepared such that My spirit will be able to flow into it. This preparation, in turn, requires psychological work which the person must have carried out on himself, with other words: The human being must have prepared an abode for Me, because My presence is absolutely necessary in order to be able to express Myself through My spirit. Although the spiritual spark rests dormant in every person it must first be awakened to life, the relationship with the eternal Father-Spirit must be established first, before it can express itself. And this bond will be established, the spiritual spark will come alive, when the human being lives a life of love, when he, through loving actions, draws Me Myself to himself, Who is Love Itself.... Through love, the human being has to purify his soul from all layers which cannot be penetrated by light, then he prepares himself, he shapes himself into a receiving vessel for the divine spirit, he fulfils the conditions which result in an outpouring of the spirit. And he must believe that My spirit flows into him, that the Father wants and is able to speak to His child.... And again, he will only believe this if he shapes himself into love.... for only when he believes in a working of My spirit within himself will he also attentively listen within to what this spirit communicates to him. As long as this belief is missing, he will never be able to speak of a 'gift of the spirit', he will simply not awaken the dormant forces within him and, thus, they will not be able to express themselves either, although they are present in him. Love will, however, soon enlighten his thinking, this is why a loving person will also soon be able to believe if his striving is spiritually-orientated, and he tries to live in accordance with My will. __Yet My spirit will not push itself to the fore.... no human being will ever hear the voice of My spirit who has not consciously established a bond with Me in order to hear Me.... For it requires him to listen inwards if he wants to hear Me and receive instructions full of wisdom, which only My spirit can impart to him. And precisely this belief in the working of My spirit has been lost by people so that they look at a completely natural process, which was only intended to demonstrate My great love for people, with utter incredulity, even though I Myself gave them a promise to stay with people and to guide them into all truth.... They don't understand this promise or they would believe in it and grant greater significance to My Word which sounds to them from above or is passed on to them through My messengers.... My spirit merely requires a prepared vessel so that it can pour into it.... Then, however, He will also give evidence of Himself, It will speak to you like a Father speaks to His children, and He will enlighten you whenever you desire to be taught by Him. But He cannot express Himself where love and faith are missing, where the human being has not carried out the work of improving his soul by shaping himself into love and having already discarded all impurities of his soul. For I can only take abode in a pure heart full of love which can bear My presence.... However, wherever these prerequisites are present that is where I dwell and testify to My presence.... I pour out My spirit over all flesh.... I teach and comfort, I guide people into truth, I remain with them until the end of the world.... __Amen
The outpouring of the spirit....
The outpouring of My spirit into a receptive vessel is the most delectable gift you humans can be offered as long as you live on earth, for it is the direct bond between your Father and you, which enables you to speak to Him directly. I pour My spirit into you.... I choose a vessel for Myself into which I can let My spirit flow, which subsequently informs you of Me, of My nature, of My reign and activity, and of My infinite love for all beings I created. I want to be in contact with these beings. In the past, this contact took place such that My Word flowed from Me directly into My created beings, and they understood this Word and were able to verbally respond to Me again.... However, this changed in as much as that the beings, due to their own fault, became incapable of hearing My Word.... it changed in as much as they listened to a different voice and therefore were no longer capable of understanding what would have affected them from My mouth had they remained receptive for it. But they turned away from Me, My ray of love could no longer affect them, and thus they were no longer able to receive the expression of My love.... My Word.... which can only flow into entirely pure vessels and can only be understood by beings which are inclined towards Me.... and not into those beings which still totally opposed and rejected Me, so that My illumination of love could not affect them. Consequently, they no longer heard My Word, instead, they listened to and followed the voice even more of the one who, as My adversary, was also to blame for their apostasy from Me.... And they remained in this state of inability of hearing My voice for an infinitely long time, for their distance from Me is so vast that My illumination of love can no longer affect them either, since this requires their voluntary approach to Me, which can only happen in a certain stage of development.... as a human being with free will....Then it is indeed possible to enter into such close contact with Me that the human being can hear My voice. However, in that case he must comply with the conditions which enable the latter to happen: __He must shape himself such that I Myself can take abode in him, so that My spirit can pour into a heart which has been prepared to be worthy of My presence.... for when My spirit pours into a person I Myself Am present with him.... This outpouring of My spirit upon people only became possible as a result of My crucifixion, since, prior to that, humanity was still burdened by the original sin of falling away from Me, and this original sin kept their heart closed. I was unable to enter it, because My presence presupposes absolute purity of heart, forgiveness of sins, and thus redemption from all guilt.... And this happened through My death on the cross, which was the atonement for people's every sin, providing they wanted to be redeemed from them. And in the purified heart of a person who is redeemed through Jesus Christ' blood, My spirit can flow, but this first requires the person's will again, who must make such heartfelt contact with Me that he can hear My gentle voice in himself.... that he allows My spirit to speak to his indwelling spiritual spark and listens to what I have to say to him.... I want to pour My spirit upon all flesh.... You are all able to prepare yourselves as a vessel into which My spirit can flow, but without this will of yours you wait in vain for Me to speak to you. But if your will is ready to listen to Me, you will be able to achieve truly glorious results on account of My spirit's activity, for where My spirit is working there is the most brightly radiating light, there is profound wisdom, there you will recognise My infinite love and My power.... Where My spirit flows there is no more darkness, it disperses the night and a bright day is dawning which will never end.... Oh, if only you would all cleanse your hearts in order to be able to receive Me, so that I could speak to you, so that My Father-Spirit would be able to address you, as it was in the beginning.... Then all darkness would truly have left you, you would be able to move within the light which illuminates all places and reveals everything which was still secret to you before.... All of you could make it possible for Me to speak to you again, as before, and thereby make you happy, for My Word is the direct transfer of My strength of love, and My illumination of love delights the heart if it can enter.... Therefore, prepare your heart as a vessel into which My spirit can pour, fulfil the condition by cleansing your heart of all cravings and impure thoughts by making an effort to live a life of love and constantly comply with My will.... Prepare yourselves as a receiving vessel for My spirit and you will thereby establish the same relationship with Me again, as in the beginning.... I will be able to delight you with My love and constantly speak to you, and you will understand Me and be blissfully happy. For you will attain light and freedom, you will become again as you were in the beginning: perfect beings of light which, as My children, will create and work with Me according to My will.... __Amen
The Word from above.... Outpouring of the spirit....
You are receiving My Word from above, and this is the obvious proof of My spirit's activity within you.... It is not something supernatural but a completely natural process which only requires your full devotion to Me so that I will be able to pour My spirit into an opened receptacle which has shaped itself suitably through a life of love. The outpouring of My spirit is an entirely natural process.... Yet whether you humans live a life of love as a matter of course and therefore meet the requirements first is often far more questionable, for you are still too far removed from your original nature to practise love as if it were the most natural thing in the world. For this reason the outpouring of My spirit has become an incomprehensible concept for you.... Yet you are surprised once you get to know the effect of a rightful life of love.... I Am and forever remain that which I was from the beginning.... your Father, Who wants to speak to you, Who wants to reveal all His thoughts to you and remain in contact with you; My love will truly not hold back but impart to you everything you need in order to become blessed.... Consequently I will have to speak to you and thus transmit My Word. But although I speak to all of you, only a few are able to hear My speech. My spirit can only take effect in those who submit themselves to Me without resistance, because the least opposition renders the working of My spirit ineffective. Hence it is not up to Me but purely up to yourselves as to whether My spirit will overshadow you, as to whether you will receive inconceivable gifts.... as to whether you receive the evidence of My presence and My working within you. __First you must shape yourselves such that My spirit is able to flow into you; you yourselves must have the will to be endowed by Me with blessings and strength and light.... You must believe that I Am so close to you that My strength will work through you.... And you must live a life of love.... For only love unites you with Me, only love achieves the unification with Me which will result in My spirit's working within you without fail.... It is not a supernatural state but the original state you were in before your apostasy from Me. Try to attain this again and, like gods, you will be able to accomplish things which you can only accomplish in union with Me due to having shaped yourselves into My image.... Become as perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.... For it is your goal that you should deify yourselves, which only a life of love can accomplish.... But then you will also be full of strength, because love is strength, it is My fundamental substance and must enable you to achieve anything if you make use of this strength of Mine. I Myself will truly not impose any restrictions. Yet you limit yourselves as soon as your love and faith are too weak.... But this is why I address you Myself, because I want to help you attain strong faith.... and because I also show you the ways and means which let you reach the goal.... so that My spirit will work within you, as I have promised you.... __Amen
'Whose soever sins ye remit....'
If you read the words of the Scriptures only in their literal meaning there is much you will not understand or will interpret incorrectly, for `the letter kills.... but the spirit gives life....' And so it requires an enlightened spirit to comprehend and interpret the meaning of the Words I spoke when I walked on earth. My disciples understood Me since My spirit revealed to them every Word I spoke. I had to help them this way because prior to My death on the cross My spirit could not work the way it did after the act of Salvation was completed. Now, however, every human being can allow the working of My spirit in himself if he consciously uses the blessings of the act of Salvation and shapes himself through love such that he becomes a vessel for My spirit, which then educates him and 'guides him into truth' as I have promised.... And he will also understand the meaning of the Words `Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained....' __I spoke these Words to My disciples knowing that after the outpouring of the spirit they would clearly recognise the nature of the people who would come to them with all kind of diseases due to their burden of guilt.... I knew that they would come to My disciples to be healed, and I also knew which one of them felt his guilt and which one just wanted to be healed of his ailments.... And My disciples knew it too, for their spirit was enlightened and they had completely submitted to My will, wanting to live and act only in accordance with My will. And thus My spirit also gave them the instructions when, after My death, they attended to their ministry to spread My Word throughout the world. They, too, now recognised who was worthy of forgiveness of sins, of healing the sick, and who was still so steeped in sin that he did not want to be without sin but only be cured of his diseases. Thus I merely assured the disciples with these Words that they would indeed recognise people's inner state and act correctly by following My spirit's directions. Hence a true disciple, a person who becomes a vessel for My spirit due to his life of love.... a person in whom I can work Myself by means of My spirit, will also be enlightened and interpret these Words of Mine correctly.... __My Word retained its validity too.... in as much as time and again people can be cured from their afflictions who remorsefully confess their sins to Me, who believe and thus confide in Me Myself or in one of My enlightened servants.... However, the same servant will also recognise through My spirit's inner direction where this remorseful inner confession of guilt is absent and then a healing cannot take place.... I spoke these Words to My disciples, to those whose hearts I knew and whose willingness to receive My spirit made them suitable to go into the world as My apostles and preach My Gospel to all nations.... And the same Words also applied to their successors.... __However, by `successors' I mean those who, through their way of life, through changing themselves to love and through their spiritual maturity, have created the prerequisite to make the working of My spirit in them possible.... I never meant those who merely occupied the same place but never experienced the `outpouring of the spirit' themselves.... The latter cannot assume that My Words were addressed to them and consequently will not be able `to forgive or to retain sins' either.... __Consider the senseless distortion of My Words that was caused by a doctrine as it is offered to people today.... that people feel destined to forgive or not to forgive their fellow human beings' sins.... people, who lack all spiritual maturity, which would reveal itself in the obvious `working of the spirit'.... My spirit can only seldom express itself obviously because it requires profound love and a living faith to do so.... But thousands and thousands are `forgiving sins'.... and believe that they received the authorisation for it from Me. Yet where My spirit is working they try to prevent it, where pure truth is attempting to bring clarification, the working of Satan is insinuated, which proves again that spiritual blindness rules where humanity is looking for salvation. But the darkness is already too dense for a light to be accepted, and thus only love can be preached to people, for only love will kindle a light, and only a person aglow by love recognises the truth and recoils from such misguided teachings. __Without love every Word is futile, it is not understood and its meaning is only ever twisted.... Only love results in the enlightenment of spirit and understanding of My Word.... And only when you become true disciples through love can you consider yourselves the successors of those disciples, then your spirit will be enlightened and you can assure truly remorseful sinners that their sins are forgiven, because then you know that I Myself will take care of every sinner and forgive everyone who comes to the cross repentantly and in awareness of his guilt.... And truly, I will also heal their physical afflictions, I will give the spiritually awakened servants great strength and thus My Word will fulfil itself `Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained....' For it is My spirit that works in them.... __Amen
Promise: 'The outpouring of the spirit....'
I have promised that I shall pour out My spirit upon all flesh, and servants and handmaidens shall prophesy.... And all My promises will come to pass because My Word is truth.... Hence you humans should not deem it unusual that I express Myself through the spirit, that I manifest Myself to you.... For it is the time of the end and it is necessary that I give evidence of Myself to you, although you are not forced to look upon these expressions through the spirit as proof of Myself.... It is your own free choice; nevertheless, you will find it easier to gain faith if you accept what is revealed to you through the outpouring of My spirit. I want to help you because you are too weak on your own, for you lack the strength which arises from love.... And love has grown cold amongst people.... Only love will bring your faith to life.... And therefore you shall be instructed by Me directly about the necessity of a life of love, because your fellow human beings' advice to comply with the commandments of love is not taken seriously by you. But there is no other path to faith and thus also to salvation than love.... which expresses itself in selfless neighbourly love. And in order to inform you of what you have to do.... in order to inform you of My will, I reveal Myself to you through the spirit.... I pour out My spirit upon all flesh.... I Myself speak to you, insofar as that My Father-Spirit addresses the spiritual spark within you, which will subsequently guide you into truth, which will explain everything you are expected to believe, so that you will then affirm the knowledge which, although it cannot be proven, will nevertheless no longer seem doubtful to you, because I Myself convey it to you through the working of My spirit within you. And thus My promise is coming true. __My obvious activity has become necessary in the last days because people are completely without faith. If they therefore make an effort to fulfil My will.... if they make an effort to live a life of love according to My divine commandments, they will soon be able to believe, since the spirit within them will come alive and will teach them from within, so that they will also be convinced that what is revealed to them through the working of the spirit is true. __And since this promise is included in the Scriptures, it should not be implausible to people that I reveal Myself.... And yet, My Word is not being recognised as the fulfilment of the said promise and is rejected and attacked especially by those who draw upon the Book of Books.... For they take a negative view of the New Revelations because their spirit has not yet come alive and they are still spiritually unenlightened. Nevertheless, My Word shall not pass away, My promises will come true, and time and again I will reveal Myself to those who desire to hear My voice and who, through love, bring the spirit within them to life, who, through a life of love according to My will, also make heartfelt contact with Me, so that My eternal Father-Spirit can express itself to the spiritual spark.... And they will have a living faith, everything imparted to them through My spirit will become their conviction, for they know they only receive truth from Me, that I illuminate their hearts and that they are permeated by My spirit of love which dispels all spiritual darkness.... And thus I will help you find your way out of the spiritual night, I will help all people to realise My will and will also give you the strength to fulfil it.... And then you will be able to believe, nothing will frighten you anymore, for with unwavering faith in Me and My power you will entrust yourselves to Me and I will have won you over for time and eternity.... __Amen
The outpouring of the spirit upon the disciples then and ...
I promised you that I will remain with you until the end and My Word is truth. However, I linked it to the condition that you should ask Me, that you should want the answer from Me, the Eternal Truth Itself. Therefore you must enter into contact with Me and you will receive what you ask for. For it is not only My disciples who received the outpouring of the spirit.... all these privileges are intended for My Own who were in such heartfelt contact with Me that I was able to grant them the same privileges as My first disciples. This activity affecting My Own has been portrayed as unique, it has been said that it only related to 'My first disciples' and it was an exclusive process. Subsequently, the 'working of My spirit' in a person has not been taken notice of, and it is specifically this activity of My spirit in a person through which I Am recognised as your God and Creator, for precisely this establishes the connection between Myself and people. I only need a receptive heart into which the flow of My love's strength can pour in order to reveal Myself to the person.... And My revelations disclose the most profound knowledge concerning that which you are no longer aware of. You shall learn once more what you used to be, what you are and what you shall become again.... this information shall be given to you and thus you shall become enlightened. I was able to pour out My spirit upon My disciples because they were completely united with Me, because they had fulfilled all conditions which are the prerequisites for the working of My spirit, and because, prior to this, I had accomplished the act of Salvation for their original sin. Thus My disciples were filled by My spirit and declared on My instructions what I Myself had said to them. They were able to teach according to My instructions and preach My Gospel to people. And thus I will remain with you until the end, for I ascended to heaven and only wanted to inform you of My presence. You shall experience it time and again and not believe that you are abandoned, for My spirit is always in the midst of you, who are intimately united with Me. I want to educate you and increase your knowledge so that you can rightfully say 'The spirit of God works in Me'. And I can only teach you the truth, as I had promised with the Word 'I will guide you into all truth and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you'. __Amen
The disciple's enlightenment only happened after Jesus' c...
I still have much to say to you but you cannot comprehend it.... How often did I speak these Words to My disciples who were certainly always around Me yet were often unable to understand who was talking to them and the relationship they had with the One Who spoke to them.... However, they were not yet enlightened by My spirit.... They were only able to receive My spirit after I had offered the sacrifice on the cross for the whole of humanity. Prior to this it would have been completely pointless to initiate My disciples into the most profound wisdom, even though I had done the work of preparing them before. For their work solely consisted of going out into the world to proclaim the Gospel of love to people and to inform them of Me and My act of Salvation, because it was of greatest importance for all people to regard Me as their Saviour from sin and death, the Only One who was able to set them free from the night of death. That which My disciples needed to know for this teaching ministry was revealed to them through My spirit, and thus they were able to fulfil this teaching ministry correctly, they were able to provide people with clarification if they requested it and occasionally were also able to see clearly into the spiritual kingdom.... Through their contact with Me and the kingdom of light they were instructed from this realm as well and so they themselves were brightly enlightened.... They recognised Me as their God and Creator of eternity, as their Father Who had descended to His children in order to help them in their immense spiritual adversity. But they only gained this absolute realisation after the outpouring of the spirit, after My ascent to Heaven.... As long as I still lived amongst them they regarded Me as a human being, although the Deity within Me constantly expressed Itself, both verbally as well as through the actions of the man Jesus. It had to be this way, they had to be able to observe My life on earth until My death with complete impartiality, for they, too, were free beings whose thinking, will and actions were not allowed to be determined by any kind of spiritual coercion.... Consequently, not everything could be revealed to them before the outpouring of the spirit, because it would have destroyed them, that is, they would have been unable to deal with it mentally and neither would they have been able to become suitable messengers for My teaching of love, who were to go as My Own among people and were likewise not permitted to provide them with compelling evidence of faith. I knew My disciples, I knew their state of maturity and always gave them what they were capable of understanding.... but the realisation came to them in a flash when My spirit poured out over these disciples. Every person will be taught in this way if I Myself can ignite the light in him, and only then will more profound wisdom, of which he previously had no understanding, be made accessible to him. Nevertheless, you, My disciples of the last days, shall spread the knowledge you receive across the world again, for it can contribute to a person's desire for My spirit.... But only then will the knowledge he previously accepted with his intellect make him happy, but first it has to enter his heart in order to come alive then the light of realisation is ignited in him.... And therefore you should always proclaim My teaching of love first, for only love enables Me to pour out My spirit, love alone kindles the light, for Love Itself is the light of eternity, and anyone who lives in this light has truly escaped the darkness, all secrets reveal themselves to him, for I manifest Myself and he will be blissfully happy.... __Amen
Re-transformation into love.... Spiritual spark.... Outpo...
Every person carries the divine spark within himself, which is part of Myself, Whose fundamental element is love.... Hence a tiny spark of divine love is inside of you and is in inseparable contact with Me, the primary source of the strength of love.... Consequently, this spark smoulders within you when you start your life as a human being on earth, and you are able to fan it into a brightly burning flame of such radiance that nothing inscrutable can prevail in it, since this flame illuminates everything and is able to completely permeate a person, so that he will live in brightest realisation as it was in the beginning, when he came forth from Me as a ray of love and a supremely perfect being.... Everything that is intimately connected with Me is in full possession of light and strength.... This is why the only important thing in a human being's existence is to restore this connection.... which the being once voluntarily severed.... and precisely this is made possible through this very spiritual spark, which is intended to establish the connection with the eternal Father-Spirit in order attain a state of brightest enlightenment and clearest realisation which, at the same time, is a state of strength and freedom. Anyone having kindled this divine spark within himself will never be able to go astray again, for he will then move within the range of My divine light of love, he will have become a vessel into which the flow of My love can pour, for love caused this spark to ignite. Thus, anyone who is lovingly active also establishes the bond with Me, because I Am Love Itself, because.... `Whoever lives in love lives in Me, and I in him....' Love is the principle of divine order, only love is important in earthly life, for I Am Love Myself and if you want to reach Me then it can only be done by shaping yourselves into love and thereby becoming as one with Me again.... For your fundamental nature was love and it is only necessary for you to transform yourselves into your fundamental nature again.... for this reason I placed a spark of love into you, because you had forfeited love completely and without My support would never ever have been able to change back again, which I thus bestowed upon you by placing a part of Myself into you which is eternally connected to Me.... __And now you should use your existence on earth to fan this spark into the brightest glow.... Then all imperfection will fall away from you, you will have escaped all unhappiness, spiritual blindness will give way to brilliant light, you will know everything again, for love itself is the light which will illuminate you and dispel all darkness.... Through love you awaken the spiritual spark in you to life, and you will have evaded the state of death which every form of heartlessness signifies for the once created living creation. Then My ray of love will be able to permeate you, and since I Am all-knowing you will also attain the state of knowledge, because you will have entered the state of divine order which guarantees brightest light and clearest realisation.... where you will become as perfect again as you were in the beginning. Do you still find it incomprehensible as to what is meant by the `outpouring of the spirit`? Do you now understand that it is a completely natural process when the spirit instructs you from within? As soon as you establish a bond with Me through living a life of love I Myself will be able to work in you by helping you attain the realisation again which you once lost, which you voluntarily forfeited when you relinquished all love and resisted My illumination of love. To accomplish your task on earth merely means to change yourselves into love again, for which I gave you the opportunity by placing a tiny spark of divine love into you.... And therefore only love needs to be preached to you, for if you practise this you will also gain a complete understanding of the consequences which the activity of love will have.... The pouring out of the spirit will become a comprehensible concept for you and then you will also know what truth is and where and how you can attain it.... For everything originates from Me and only requires a connection with Me so that you can partake in it and become as perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.... However, as long as you lack love your spirit will remain dark, it will certainly rest dormant within you as a spark but it will not be motivated into action which always requires loving activity. Therefore you can consider yourselves blessed if this information is imparted to you, if you accept it and then endeavour to live your life according to this knowledge.... that you let love flare up in you and thereby receive the life again which will last eternally.... __Amen
Conditions for the working of the spirit....
Your knowledge is patchy for as long as you are not taught by the spirit within yourselves.... and all your pondering and searching will not suffice if you do not contact Me first.... in order to appeal to My spirit for enlightened thinking. Anyone having gained his knowledge without appealing for My help first can certainly speak of human insight but never claim to possess divine wisdom.... knowledge which relates to the spiritual kingdom and corresponds to the truth.... For I alone distribute this knowledge, certainly to anyone who desires it, nevertheless only providing the conditions I ask for are met so that My spirit is able to work in a person. Consequently, the knowledge, the pure spiritual truth, will only be guaranteed if the petitioner completely submits himself to My will, if he lives according to My teaching.... with love for Me and his neighbour.... This is the first condition a person will have to fulfil if he wants to become worthy of My gift of grace, of receiving the pure truth through My spirit.... __Additionally, he must have a profound desire for truth.... This is another condition I expect to be met but which is rarely considered. For in order to receive the knowledge which complies with the truth the human being must first give up his humanly imparted knowledge, that is, he must not assume to be already knowledgeable.... otherwise he will hardly be open to the influx of pure truth if it is not in line with his previous knowledge. He must be willing to abandon his acquired knowledge in order to receive the pure truth.... And this will can only be mustered by a person who is as yet not convinced of the truth of his own knowledge. However, if he believes that he knows the truth he will hardly appeal for it, therefore it cannot be imparted to him either, his misguided knowledge cannot be disclosed and eradicated. To completely voluntarily submit himself to Me and to attentively listen to that which I reveal to him through My spirit.... is the only way in order to arrive at the truth.... __And thus the person must have profound faith, he must be firmly convinced that I Am able to convey the truth to him and will do so.... He must be convinced of the working of the spirit within him, of My direct activity in the human being, or he will not enter into solitude and carefully listen to that which My spirit reveals to him. To consciously listen within is therefore another condition which has to be met in order to hear Me. For the spirit's voice is gentle and delicate and can only be heard by someone who completely withdraws himself from the world, who listens within, thus who establishes contact with the spiritual kingdom, with Me as the Giver of truth, as the Father-Spirit Whose share rests as a spiritual spark in his soul.... He must allow the spirit within himself to speak and prior to this shape his soul such that it becomes receptive to the outpouring of the spirit.... And any person will partake in an abundance of knowledge if he fulfils these conditions, if he sincerely strives for the truth and requests it from Me as the eternal Truth. For it is My will to convey the truth to people, I do not want them to live in spiritual darkness, I want to draw them into the spiritual realm, and this is only possible by imparting and receiving the pure truth, which alone leads to Me because it also originates from Me. And anyone who searches in this way will have the right thoughts, he will penetrate profound knowledge, the spiritual sphere which will remain closed to all those who search elsewhere, because this is My will. The prayer for enlightenment of the spirit alone is no guarantee for its working if the other conditions are not observed as well of which I, however, will not let go because one depends on the other.... because a spiritual gift can only be offered if My law is complied with, which is fixed for eternity.... __Amen
Belief in the existence of Jesus....
Jesus' life on earth is often questioned if not entirely doubted, and to accept or reject Him is an expression of free will too. Even believers have no proof and yet they do not doubt it, because the truth is confirmed to them from within.... which could occur to every human being if they didn't deliberately continue to oppose God. Belief in Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world is being demanded.... Consequently no irrefutable proof can be given for this. __However, since there is no other way to happiness but through Jesus Christ, the very problem of Christ is precisely the test of human will.... God's adversary uses an exceptionally effective weapon by casting doubt into human hearts concerning the existence of Jesus. And anyone whose will is still in opposition to God will accept such doubt, but people whose resistance towards God has already weakened or has been completely defeated will equally determinedly dispel it. But every human being could dispel such doubts because even the most rationally gifted person cannot dismiss all references, all teachings and the Christian teaching itself, as having been taken `out of thin air'.... And there is far more evidence in favour than against.... __The believer needs no further evidence because the `outpouring of the spirit', as promised to the people by Jesus, is such convincing proof that any doubt becomes invalid. But this proof cannot be given to an unbelieving person because the enlightenment by the spirit first requires faith in Jesus Christ which, through love, has become a living faith.... People who do not believe in Jesus' way of life on earth are of completely darkened spirit, they find no correlations, they look at everything with mere worldly eyes, they have no spiritual life, and their way of life will lack unselfish love.... which would result in assured spiritual enlightenment. They are people who rely on their lively intellect which, however, has been seized by God's adversary, and he certainly knows how to reinforce such people's rejection of Jesus Christ and the act of Salvation. But such `deniers of Christ' will never believe in life after death, and their life, their intellectual activity, will only ever relate to their earthly life, and they will go to great lengths to prove to other people that belief in Jesus Christ is an illusion.... For they will not be satisfied with their own point of view but also try to convey it to other people. This, too, is the influence of God's adversary, because it is `salvation through Jesus Christ' which snatches his followers from him. And he will do anything to undermine faith in Jesus Christ. __These deniers of Christ are under his control.... and on earth they only work for Satan.... which, however, they would not understand unless they gained spiritual knowledge.... but it is the consequence of faith in Jesus Christ and His Salvation in the first place which ensures the working of His spirit in the person.... The fight between light and darkness is raging to an extent which you humans would not believe.... And since salvation is only possibly through Jesus Christ, God's adversary will try to refute this very salvation, he will portray the problem of Christ as unprovable and thus attempt to avert people from their faith in Him.... And time and again he will find people who can follow his mental notions, whose lively intellect has made them arrogant and who, therefore, want to intellectually analyse something which can only be understood by way of faith and love. For where God's spirit cannot work the human intellect draws the wrong conclusions....and the latter finds itself in impenetrable darkness.... because it avoids the only path which would lead it to the light.... the path through Jesus Christ, the path of faith and love.... of truth and of life.... __Amen
And I rebuilt the Temple again as I had promised.... I arose from the dead on the third day, and My body also left the grave because it was My will that people should take notice of My resurrection. They did not believe in life after death and I wanted to provide them with the evidence that it had also been possible for Me to conquer death so that they would believe My promise that every person who believes in Me will arise into life. For this reason I let the body in its spiritual state arise from the grave, I appeared to My disciples who were able to see as well as touch Me because they should believe that I arose from the dead as I had previously announced. But only those whose spiritual state permitted it were able to see Me, for I was no longer physically among them, instead, body and soul had spiritualised themselves and therefore were only visible to those who were able to behold Me with spiritual eyes because I had opened their spiritual vision. And this, on the other hand, was the reason why people doubted, that they argued and voiced the suspicion that My body had been unlawfully removed.... just as even today My resurrection on the third day is still doubted by those who do not understand the soul and body's process of spiritualisation. People do not believe in a resurrection of the soul and yet, all people will experience the same process, when their body dies, of the soul leaving the body and entering the kingdom of the beyond, for it cannot die, but its state can be entirely different depending on its way of life. Had the latter resulted in maturity, the soul would arise into life.... to a new life in the spiritual realm.... My soul was fully matured, it had united with the Father-Spirit of eternity and during earthly life also knew how to influence the body to adapt to its desire, so that the body would already have attained the spiritualisation of all substances on earth and thus was able to arise after death with the soul, of which I provided the evidence on the third day. Yet even this process can only be believed because it can no longer be proven. But anyone who is spiritually awake, who knows of the human being's purpose and goal on earth, also believes in My resurrection on the third day with convinced faith, for he will be informed by My spirit which, after My resurrection, also illuminated My fully mature disciples who had spiritual vision, because it was My will and because they were already prepared such that the event of the outpouring of the spirit, My ascension, no longer signified a coercion of will. Therefore only a few individual people were able to behold Me after My resurrection and I strengthened these individuals for this unusual event. They saw Me.... and I wanted it this way, because My disciples were meant to go into the world in order to proclaim My Gospel and because they were to bear witness of My resurrection on the third day. However, I did not appear to the unbelievers, for they would not have been able to endure My abundance of light which would have illuminated their spiritual darkness. But anyone who hears My Gospel, who believes in Me and My act of Salvation shall also be able to believe in My resurrection from the dead, and it will indeed be possible for him to believe it because the spirit in him, which emanates from Me, educates him in the same way and grants him a living faith. He will not require any other evidence, inwardly he will be completely convinced that his soul will arise into life, consequently, he will also live his life on earth consciously, he will strive towards unity with Me, he will keep to Jesus Christ and in Him enter into contact with Me Myself.... he will strive spiritually and constantly try to live up to My will.... and he will not need to fear death because he will know that he will arise into eternal life.... __Amen

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