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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Experiments.... Work of destruction.... I
Penetrating the core of the earth can only ever be permissible up to certain limits; once these limits are exceeded you will suffer the according consequences.... It will result in a work of destruction on such an enormous scale which is impossible for you humans to imagine because you will not survive such devastation but fall victim to these experiments at the same time. Human intellect studies and speculates and has already deeply penetrated the laws of nature. And these investigations could indeed be a blessing for fellow human beings were they conducted with the right attitude towards Me, so that it would be possible to direct the researchers' thoughts according to divine order. Yet this right attitude towards Me is usually missing, and individual people are often drowned out by researchers and scientists who are distant from Me and whose thinking can therefore also go astray.... Which, in the case of experiments on the intended scale, will result in awful consequences: they will no longer be able to control the laws of nature, they will draw the wrong conclusions, and they will conduct tests on the basis of incorrect calculations and thus trigger forces which they will no longer be able to keep in check. People only calculate with earthly figures, but not with spiritual problems which, in view of their ignorance of God, are impossible for them to solve. But the basis of everything is spiritual, earth exists for a spiritual reason, and the goal of people inhabiting it should be to rise above the earthly realm and become mature for the spiritual kingdom, but of whose existence researchers and those who deem themselves knowledgeable don't know very much or nothing at all or don't want to believe in.... However, My works of creation are nevertheless at the mercy of people's free will, and people will not be hindered from causing even the greatest extent of destruction.... Yet they will do this at their own detriment, insofar as that all living creations will lose their lives, be they human or animal, be they plants or other creations which contain bound spiritual substances for the purpose of higher development. And even if the latter is not believed, the lives of fellow human beings should nevertheless be taken into consideration.... __Even so, people deem themselves intelligent and wise, they believe that they can also penetrate the laws of nature which so far had been unknown to them. They are conducting experiments which they will constantly expand until they trigger hitherto unknown forces with the inconceivable result of a total destruction of the Earth's surface, which no living being will survive, as has been predicted by seers and prophets since the start of this earth period. And I allow people's will its freedom; however, My eternal plan of Salvation is based on this will, because I foresaw from the start that by that time people have reached such a low spiritual level it will necessitate a restoration of My eternal order again and thus I was able to base My plan of Salvation on it without enslaving people's will. For they themselves will be the architects of the end of this earth, they themselves will determine the date despite the preceding warnings and admonitions, despite the continuous references to their wrongdoing, as long as they are not in association with their God and Creator of eternity, Who then would also truly be able to guide their thoughts and intentions correctly without coercing their will. But people don't want to believe that they are approaching such a work of destruction of Earth, and they cannot be warned in any other way than through My Word, which is conveyed to them from above.... But if they incline their hearts towards Me of their own accord, they will also become enlightened and refrain by themselves from further experiments.... Yet there are only a few of them and they will be unable to assert themselves, even though they recognise the immense danger which threatens the human race.... But the majority will be opposed and won't let go of a plan which will result in the end of the earth. And because of their freedom of will they cannot and will not be stopped by My side because, according to My wise counsel, it will further countless beings' higher development again, because I know how to guide everything, even that which is bad, such that it will nevertheless still result in beneficial consequences and precisely this is My plan of Salvation which will therefore also be implemented according to My love and wisdom.... __Amen
Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruct...
The divine world order cannot be revoked; nevertheless human determination can challenge it, but only to its own disadvantage. Laws exist which human intellect will never be able to ascertain, for they not only affect the natural properties of earth but also form the basis of continued existence for other creations, hence they are impenetrable for the human intellect and have to be accepted, that is, they must not be ignored if opposite laws are not to come into effect, which were likewise given by divine wisdom, thus intending to maintain the eternal order. __A certain degree of creativity is indeed granted to humanity, and research in all directions can likewise be embarked upon. However, as long as the human being is not yet in full possession of spiritual strength he is subject to limitations both in regards to knowledge as well as to the exploitation of earth forces which are always active and must be utilized in definite conformity to law, in some sort of orderliness. If this lawfulness is ignored, if these forces are activated contrary to law, then the effect will be disastrous and total destruction of all matter will be the inevitable result, which human will is unable to bring to a halt. For then other creations, other celestial bodies which interact with these forces, will exert an influence and thus will be affected. People will no longer be able to observe these effects as they, without exception, will fall victim to such destructions, apart from those already in possession of spiritual strength who will be taken away from the endangered vicinity of earth by God's will. __Such a process will take place and thus signify the end of this earth. Human will is arrogantly resolved in wanting to investigate forces and through experiments thus will activate forces with said enormously destructive effect.... For the motives for these investigations, which will result in this unimaginable outcome, are not honourable. Hence God will deny them the blessing which rests on activities that aim to benefit fellow human beings. Besides, they will be contravening divine natural law in so far as that they conduct experiments at the risk of human life, that they use human beings as test objects who have to sacrifice their lives. This is a sin against divine order, against the love for God and other people, as well as a sin against humanity which thereby is doomed for destruction. For the knowledge of those conducting such tests is far from sufficient and thus they will be undertaken prematurely which, however, is known beyond doubt. And such irresponsible experiments cannot be tolerated by God, hence they will have repercussions for the experimenters, who will achieve nothing else but total destruction of all material creations on earth, thus a shattering of matter which, however, in the spiritual sense means a disintegration of every form and a release of the spiritual substances bound therein. Thus people will trigger this final act of destruction on earth, and the whole of humanity will be destroyed due to the fact that craving for fame, excessive need for recognition and greed for material possessions are turning people into reckless speculators, who nevertheless are not ignorant of the fact that they will endanger their fellow human beings and still conduct their tests. Previously gained experiences will already have provided them with enough cautions and warnings in order to refrain from them, consequently their action is a sacrilege which God will not leave unpunished.... __Amen
Experiments towards the end of the earth.... Activating f...
There is a set limit to how far people can go in their conduct towards what My creative spirit has brought forth. Thus, as soon as they presumptuously want to change natural creations, every one of which was given its purpose by Me, then people's attitude towards Me becomes irrational, they underestimate My wisdom and My might, believing themselves able to dismiss both and thereby sin against Me Myself as well as against what I have created. And then the limit I have set will be transgressed, and thus humanity will destroy itself, because their scholars will draw the wrong conclusions and the consequences of their experiments will be disastrous. People believe that they have the right to explore everything I kept hidden from them in recognition of their immaturity for such knowledge.... The earth in its core is and will remain inexplorable for people until the end. Furthermore, forces of gigantic power are kept bound by Me in the earth's core so as not to endanger the earth's continued existence, only that eruptions ensue from time to time to allow these powers a brief outburst in order to give spiritual substances capable of development the opportunity to take shape above the earth and thus start their path of ascent. These forces unleash themselves with My approval, and therefore their effects are intended in My eternal plan of Salvation. __The extent of an eruption will always be limited when it happens in accordance with My will, but human determination will never be able to stop it, human will can never be the cause of it since no-one is able to explore cause and effect. Yet in the last days people will presumptuously penetrate the earth deeply for reasons of research in order to release unfamiliar energies with the intention of utilizing them profitably, and won't consider the fact that they lack the knowledge and intellectual capacity for such experiments. __Hence they will have no respect for My works of creation, they will penetrate an area which is quite naturally closed to them and wanting to investigate it can be called an impertinence, from a purely earthly point of view. But from a spiritual point of view it will mean entering the territory of the lowest spirits whose banishment I recognised as necessary and which will then therefore be unlawfully invalidated by people, that is why revoking My eternal order will have unimaginable consequences. __Their manipulations will aim to utilise earth forces against which every resistance gives way, and which therefore can be used for all experiments. But people won't consider that these forces are capable of disintegrating everything within their reach.... they won't take account of their power against which human will and intellect are futile. They will open locks which can never be closed again once they have been breached, for the area people want to enter is unfamiliar to them and they don't know its laws.... The earth's core cannot be researched in this way and every such attempt will backfire, not just on the researchers but on the whole human race.... For the limits I have set may not be exceeded according to My eternal order, which always favours progress but never destruction, and thus its infringement also has to have the opposite effect! __Satan himself will put these thoughts into the people of the last days, he will urge them to undertake this plan, for he knows that the destruction of creation will end the spirits' progress, which is his endeavour in his blind hatred against Me and all spirits striving towards Me. Yet even this plan, albeit evil, will be an inadvertent service.... he will fall in with My eternal plan of Salvation.... A new earth will arise where the development will continue, whereas everything satanic will once again be banished into its creations.... __Amen
Only God is Ruler of the universe....
Another sign of the approaching end is that people will continue to make ever new attempts to penetrate the mysteries of creation but never in a spiritual way by which alone they can receive an explanation.... They intellectually try to ascertain what is still concealed from them, they undertake experiments to explore what exists beyond earth, they want to discover natural laws and only make use of them again for the sake of earthly profit.... They exclude Me Myself, the Creator and Provider, the Ruler of the universe, and believe that they can conduct unauthorised research of creations which exist outside of earth.... __They will carry on with their experiments despite the fact that they fail time and again because it will never be possible for people to occupy other planets without losing their lives.... But even then I will still respect their determination; I will not stop them so that they will recognise the futility of their projects themselves. And although they will believe that they can interfere with My creations they will lose sight of their own intellectual limitations.... __They could gain unlimited knowledge by spiritual means but only the souls would benefit from this, people, however, only look for earthly advantages and for this reason will not chose the path which could lead them to correct understanding.... But all their attempts will fail and only ever cause harm to people who will offer themselves as test objects.... Humanity's place is and remains the earth.... just as all other celestial bodies are self-contained. The beings who occupy every star, be it the earth or other celestial worlds, are subject to the natural laws I decreed to every star. They will be unable to cancel any of these natural laws or associate with beings from other planets, and any attempt will be paid for with their lives, because it is presumptuous to ignore My laws, common sense alone should tell them to refrain from such experiments. This is already a sign of the approaching end, it is a sign of total disbelief in a God and Creator, or they would not dare to destructively interfere with His creations in the belief that they will be able to create works which travel at speed through the universe.... They will be dead works without purpose and goal.... they will only prove how presumptuous people are on earth and how dark their spirit is despite their most astonishing calculations.... which will nevertheless be wrong as they will have to experience time and again. __People already intervene in all existing laws of nature, yet never for the benefit of their fellow human beings, they only cause physical and spiritual damage, for with their experiments they also change their natural living facilities, they poison the air, the water and thus the purely physical living conditions, but with their godless actions also cause immense damage to the souls which will never be able to mature on earth in such great distance from Me, their God and Creator.... This great distance, however, is demonstrated by them, for only satanic influence determines their thinking and doing, only Satan provides them with these thought, because he himself tries to exclude Me and exerts a thoroughly negative influence on people. __The attempt to reach stars beyond earth cannot and will not ever be blessed by Me, but until the end I will still show mercy to those whose souls have not yet completely fallen prey to My adversary.... otherwise every attempt would soon be doomed. But I fight for every soul, and as soon as they turn to Me in heartfelt prayer at times of earthly difficulty I will also help them and let them seemingly succeed, yet always with the aim that people should find their way back to Me and let go of their intentions when they have to recognise that they are dependent on a higher Power, Which can never be understood by their intellect but nevertheless will be grasped by the heart.... __You will still hear much more and perhaps even be surprised by the feats people are able to accomplish. But you should know that they receive their strength from My adversary who, like Me, tries to create works amongst My creations which he himself is unable to do and therefore uses the will of people, whom he can easily influence since they have little or no faith at all.... Yet they are his final attempts, for his time will have run out and he will instigate his fall into the abyss himself, for when he has caused utmost confusion amongst people I will put an end to his activity, and nothing will remain of the works which people accomplished under his influence.... Everything will disintegrate and I will once again restore order on earth, so that it can continue as a school of the spirit and fulfil its purpose in accordance with My will.... __Amen
Since eternity celestial bodies circle the universe on paths specified by the divine Creator and which will also be upheld in the plan of creation according to His will. And it is an impossible beginning wanting to alter the specified course of a celestial body, to divert a star from its course trying to guide it onto a different one than was destined by the divine Creator. And it is equally impossible to stop the course of a star, to limit the duration of its course, thus to prevent it in some form or other from travelling its path.... This has to be said to all those who believe that they, with their own inventions, will be able to establish a different order in God's work of creation.... who believe that they will be able to fit human products into the divine work of creation, who assume that such experiments can be sent into the universe without harmful consequences.... __I Am still the Lord of the cosmos.... and I will also reply appropriately to every intention of infiltrating My work. Another attempt will be made, and more will follow as long as people are not stopped.... And I will allow it to happen, but I will answer when the time is right. For not much damage can be done anymore by people's advance into space.... because the time has run out which humanity may still reckon with. And all the experiences they still want to gain will no longer be of any use for I will put a stop to it Myself.... __But I will respond in the same way, for this reply will also come from space which they try to enter, and all their inventions will be unable to repel or redirect the star which will put them into extreme danger themselves. And thus it is up to Me how long I will tolerate humanity's activity, but I will only tolerate it up to a point, I cannot profess to approve of experiments which have no spiritual purpose and only boost people's belief even more to be or to become master of the universe. __But the end is at hand, and during these last days people will still try many things which only demonstrate their godlessness, their spiritual arrogance and their spiritual poverty. Various experiments will still be conducted which will contribute considerably towards the disintegration of the earth, the final work of destruction and thus the end of one period of salvation which has to make place for a new one, if My living creations shall not completely be lost. __But you humans, who voluntarily belong to Me, don't allow yourselves to be impressed by it all no matter what happens.... Always remember that the Creator of heaven and earth will not let Himself be displaced and that He will clearly show His might without people being able to prevent Him from doing so.... I watch and wait.... until the day has come which is predetermined since eternity.... For the time is limited which My adversary uses such that people.... because they belong to him.... will do everything he wants.... but which they will nevertheless not succeed to achieve.... __Amen
Destruction of earth is the result of experiments....
The final work of the earth's destruction will be triggered by you humans yourselves. And I will not stop you, because I also consider the spiritual substance which, as a result of this work of destruction, will be liberated from matter and able to continue its process of development in new forms on the new earth. You have been informed of this several times already and yet have little belief, for the whole event is simply unimaginable to you. Nevertheless, it is the conclusion of a period of development which will lead to a new period, so that the work of return can once again successfully proceed in lawful order, which was no longer evident before the destruction of the old earth. My adversary completes his last satanic work by influencing people to do something which he has no power to do himself: to destroy works of creation.... in the belief to thereby release the constrained spirits and take control of them. He manipulates people and induces them to carry out all kinds of experiments which, however, will fail with devastating effect due to peoples' lack of knowledge. For people dare to experiment without having explored the outcome.... they will unleash forces they cannot control and consequently are doomed to die. And with them the creation work earth, too, will be subject to enormous destructions.... The entire earth's surface will totally change, all works of creation on earth will fall prey to destruction, the effects will penetrate to the core of the earth, and thus one can speak of a destruction of enormous proportions although people themselves will not be able to observe it, apart from the small flock which I will lead away from earth beforehand into a realm of peace. __I Myself would never allow such destruction if thereby I would not gain new opportunities of salvation for the still constrained spiritual substance, which already languishes for an infinitely long time in hardest matter.... Yet continued development would also be possible for this spiritual substance if people would not reverse the lawful order and always just live up to their helpful task on earth.... But people no longer live within divine order, and therefore My adversary exerts great influence over them and impels them to start a process in the hope to gain the return of the constrained spirits to him. And I will not stop him, since it still depends on every person's own free will to comply with My adversary's inducement.... Nevertheless, regardless of what people do, I will always know how to utilise the effects of their actions correctly. For even the world of darkness is subject to Me and My might, and it will have to serve Me while at the same time take part in My work of return, if only unconsciously. But I know the direction of humanity's will since eternity and was able to incorporate it in My plan of Salvation.... I know when the moment in time has come when spiritual progress can no longer be expected.... __I also know when the time has come to liberate the constrained spiritual substances, and therefore will not prevent people's activity when they set an enormous work of destruction into motion due to their misguided will, which aims for My adversary, and thus people are his willing instruments. For he himself is unable to destroy any work of creation, he cannot dissolve any kind of matter and all power over the spirits has been taken away from him. This is why he tries to regain it, and people who belong to him contribute themselves towards the disintegration of matter.... at first through countless experiments which then take on proportions which matter can no longer withstand.... But I allow the spirits captivated therein to be set free, if only at the expense of humanity, which itself has reached a spiritual low that requires a new banishment into matter.... And irrespective of what My adversary and the people who belong to him will undertake.... in the final analysis it will nevertheless serve the progress of the spiritual substances again, which is meant to reach perfection one day. Therefore My plan of Salvation will surely be implemented, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Collision of Earth and Sun.... Researchers.... The Earth'...
It will be scientifically proven that, as a result of the Earth's advance towards the Sun, the continued existence of the Earth will be questionable after a certain time. And this evidence will remain unchallenged, because evidence to the contrary cannot be provided by anyone on earth who does not possess a clear knowledge about the course of all events through spiritual contact. However, a person who would like to convey this knowledge he receives through spiritual messages to the world will flatly be labelled abnormal, and although science will once again make a point of clarifying such symptoms, the human race will remain in the dark as long as it does not grant credence to such proclamations. On the one hand, the calculations of academics are not guaranteed, but on the other hand they do not take the time span into consideration, which they aspire to determine.... They do not avail themselves of the truth-revealing source of knowledge and since God, as the Creator of all things, has imposed limits which the human being cannot exceed without divine help, but which is consciously rejected, he can therefore never know the truth, since God will not arbitrarily revoke the order of His Creation. Nevertheless, despite this He will always and forever inform people of the further development and advancement of the works of creation, but precisely these proclamations are not regarded as truth, whereas the scientific reports and calculations are meant to be authoritative and will therefore also be acknowledged as irrefutable. And so scientists are totally convinced that nothing extraordinary can come upon the Earth before their calculated point in time has come.... indeed, as a result of this it is even believed that experiments can be conducted and that the Sun and its effect can be utilized on that basis, thereby reducing the Sun's strength and alleviating the collision of the Earth with the Sun accordingly. All these purely earthly experiments and results are absurd, for they are more likely to confuse human thinking than lead to clear realisation. God's creations repeatedly provide the evidence that no human being can ever contribute towards their emergence and that the human being was only granted the transformation of the Earth's surface, everything else is brought about by God's love, wisdom and omnipotence and the human being cannot contribute in the slightest to changing the law which has existed for all eternity. And thus this supposed disaster will never occur as people imagined, instead, the core of the Earth will suddenly and unexpectedly start to rotate and wreck all calculations by the scientists.... For this was not planned in the worldly researchers' latest calculations and scientific results, nevertheless, it was determined in the wise plan of the eternal Deity from the very beginning.... __Amen
The earth will be shaken in its very foundations, because people shall be very clearly reminded of the end just once more, so that the thought of death will arise in them when they see themselves at the mercy of forces over which they have no control. Many people will in fact wonder how these earthly tremors came about but the rapidly succeeding events will not give them time for an answer.... For then detonations of huge proportions in different areas of the world will follow which make people incapable of thought, these will then be accompanied by a raging of the natural elements with inconceivable consequences, the extent of which can only be assessed by the survivors after the event. They will be inclined to believe that people's scientific experiments had been the cause of this incredibly enormous work of destruction. However, they will be mistaken.... It is My voice which will and must resound forcefully, because people no longer listen to My gentle voice, and for their own sake a last rescue mission before the shortly ensuing end is still needed. Countless people will thus lose their lives, good and evil people will fall prey to the work of destruction but it can still be beneficial for the survivors if they learn their lessons from it, if they learn to recognise Me and henceforth walk their path together with Me.... I have long announced this event in advance yet meet with little belief, because people are unable to imagine a natural disaster on such a huge scale and because nothing of the kind has ever been experienced since the start of this earthly period.... Yet it has always been mentioned, and if people only had a shred of belief in My Word they would also expect one day what was announced to them a long time before. In the last days, however, all faith has vanished and even My Own find it difficult to take these proclamations seriously although they are willing and always united with Me by love. __However, suddenly and unexpectedly the first signs will become apparent, cosmic changes will manifest themselves and everything seems to leave its lawful order; strange observations will be made regarding the movements of the stars and for short periods of time alarming eclipses occur, but time and again an apparent period of calm will follow until the elements of nature are so suddenly and dreadfully unleashed that no-one will have time for considerations, and then the only help available will be to mentally call upon Me for protection in greatest peril and danger.... All people who had previously accepted the information.... even if it didn't seem credible to them.... will be greatly blessed because they will know about this only way and need only call upon Me in spirit and in truth. But many of them will be incapable of thought and I can only advise them to turn to Me beforehand already by appealing to Me for protection.... and I will accept this request, because it also demonstrates their faith in Me which I then clearly want to strengthen.... How the event will come to pass need not be explained to you humans since it would not benefit you; but you can believe the fact that it will happen and that it will exceed the hardship and misery which has occurred until now. And you can also inform your fellow human beings of it with inner conviction, for it can only be a blessing to know that everything is predetermined by your God and Creator, however, not in order to cause you harm but only to help your souls which are in extreme danger of going astray. For soon afterwards the end of this earth will occur, however, this will not be precipitated by Me but caused by human will which I nevertheless won't prevent from accomplishing all-destructive experiments, because the time has come for the unspiritual human race when a separation of the spirits will have to take place.... because all that which had left the divine order shall be led into order again, so that the faltered higher development can continue to progress on a new earth, which My love, wisdom and might will let arise again corresponding to My eternal plan of Salvation.... __Amen
Divine guidance and direction.... Spiritualism.... Truth....
Anyone who consciously turns to the Lord is in direct contact with the spiritual forces and will not need to fear interference by unauthorised powers. If you remain true in your heart to the divine Saviour, you will soon spiritually rise above your surroundings and be able to accept spiritual knowledge without interruption. And so you are requested to carefully listen to the voice of your heart, which wants to proclaim what the Father intends to give you. Every event happens with permission from above, yet you do not always understand it. Nevertheless, people are offered so many opportunities to embark on the only path that leads to the goal. Where the right kind of trust accompanies all events, their purpose will soon become obvious to them.... Behold, the path is not as clear to everyone that they would enter it without reservations, it must be pointed out to them, and this can only happen though wise guidance and direction of all steps which, in turn, in the eyes of a person, happen again by coincidence. However, if all of you remain in contact with the Lord, He Himself will show you how important and beneficial it is to utterly entrust yourselves to His guidance.... how you only ever fulfil the Creator's wise plan if you don't resist His instructions. One link of the chain glides into another, and you are merely the Creator's visible implementers, He constantly works through you on earth.... He attempts to awaken the human hearts and introduce them to His actions of love. Consequently, you will take no step without consideration, and only someone who entirely avoids God withdraws himself from the divine Father's loving guidance. Yet all of you who strive to fulfil His will are used by the Lord in order to save other souls again and lead them towards the eternal light. Therefore take note that you should always entrust yourselves to the divine guidance without resistance.... that you should let yourselves be impelled by the voice of your heart.... Pay attention to every stirring which wants to direct you, always accept the urging of your heart as a spiritual admonition and comply with this urge, then you will at all times be willing helpers for the Lord's tireless act of love for His children.... And now try to accept spiritual knowledge without resistance, for a clarification needs to be given for a teaching interspersed with errors, which can never have originated from the eternal Deity. __People have often attempted to enter the spiritual bridge by spiritualistic means, and this has always evoked objections by all believers and those who want to believe without, however, having complete knowledge of an area which hitherto was concealed from them. Present day spiritual adversity considerably contributes towards the fact that people nevertheless digress into this area in the hope of finding some kind of help from there. Whatever the human being undertakes in order to find the truth, purely with the desire for this very truth, can never be sinful before God. This has to be said for clarification to those people, who only want to look upon all spiritualistic experiments as misconduct and transgression against the divine will. People on earth are often driven by the inner urge to ascertain the truth, and the doctrines of the church do not offer them enough certainty.... or, they love and hunger for the truth far too much as to unhesitatingly accept something they do not consider sufficiently reliable. They want to take the direct path, in a manner of speaking, they want to draw from the source.... they also want to believe if the truth seems acceptable to them and this thirst for knowledge is not always only the desire for something extraordinary.... It is not in connection with a worldly purpose but merely intended for clarification, and therefore the activity of such people thirsting for truth will never be wrong before God, i.e., it will never be a sin. Whereas each similar attempt relating to worldly desires.... which also includes contact with the dear departed, since this likewise contributes towards a person's everyday happiness.... or which intends to satisfy a sensational hunger, can never find God's approval because then.... please take note.... a purely spiritual exchange, which intends to guide the earthly child into truth, cannot take place and because the connection from the beyond to earth is only permitted to reveal the pure truth to the earthly child if it proves itself worthy of the privilege. That the latter is the first prerequisite for spiritual contact from the beyond to earth is already obvious by the fact that not each and everyone can establish contact with the world of the beyond, and so, on account of the extraordinary danger this poses to both the earthly child as well as the still immature spiritual being, such connections must very seriously be warned against.... __Hence the partly correct point of view, that spiritualism very often opens the door to lower forces. Therefore, all such connections must be refrained from if the necessary spiritual maturity for it is non-existent and the will to first and foremost serve God and attain the truth is not exclusively the reason for such a beginning. But how wrong people's point of view is to reject all contact with the world of the beyond can be seen from the fact that all spiritual beings have the power to express themselves, but that all these expressions, whether good or evil, will only be perceived if the human being wants to perceive.... that in each and every case the human being's consent is a prerequisite.... in a manner of speaking, a certain willingness for reception.... then every being will also be able to clearly express itself. Admittedly, this does not happen in a way that a person receives tangible or visible information from the spiritual being, instead, it will always take effect in the form of thoughts.... and so are the proclamations by beings in the beyond within spiritual circles more or less thought transmissions from these spiritual beings to people's minds. The person, as it were, willingly accepts what is conveyed to him as his mental knowledge, and can shape these proclamations according to his state of maturity.... With profound desire for truth he will only be informed of absolute truth, because through his desire he will only attract the spirits of truth or, as it were, call upon them for their tuition. And thus no offence should ever be taken concerning the reason for this work.... People must not claim the right to criticise what God the Lord in His wisdom has permitted, because a human being with profound love for truth appealed to the Father in Heaven for enlightenment which, in turn, could only exhaustively be given to him in this way.... __Amen
Reason and forces of earth's disintegration.... (Nuclear ...
All conditions for the creation of a new earth have to be in place before the old earth will be disintegrated, that is, before a total change of its outer shape can take place. The earth effectively has to go through a disintegration process which releases all spiritual substances bound therein so that they can take on new forms in creations which enable their continued development. Thus the process of final devastation has to be so powerful that one can speak of a total disintegration of matter. This cannot just apply to individual stretches of land, but eruptions have to take place within the earth's core which will spread into all directions, so that the whole of the earth's surface will be affected, that therefore nothing will remain of what previously existed but that everything will be dissolved into their smallest components. __And this will be caused by people themselves.... they will become embroiled in a scientific area which is beyond their intellectual capacity. They don't know the natural laws and their effects to enable their investigation of such an area and thus they will activate forces which they themselves will be unable to control. However, I will not stop them, for even this human will underlies My eternal plan of Salvation, because the period of time the souls were granted for their salvation will then also have expired. __Thus the process of the final destruction will indeed be triggered by human will, yet it also corresponds to My will in so far as that it will guarantee an assured progress for the spirits which are still bound in hard forms and long to become active, or I could let the experiments fail in order to divert people's plans. Hence the tests will take place locally yet they will have no boundary because the released power can no longer be stemmed and thus its elementary effect will spread into all directions. For the earth is a limited region, whereas the activated force knows no boundary and everything affected by it will fall prey to it. __The consequences of this process are not conceivable to you humans, besides, it will happen within a space of time which will rob you of all thoughts, unless you belong to the small flock of My Own who observe the last work of destruction, because it is My will that they shall witness the end of this earth. But you can get a faint idea if you imagine an explosion taking place which leaves nothing that is assembled in existence, which thus totally destroys everything and dissolves it into smallest atoms. Yet preceding this process, which only takes a few moments, are tremors and outbreaks of fire which completely suffice to throw people into utter panic because they are facing certain death. And now it can also be understood that nothing can stay behind, that no creation will continue to exist, but that only matter dissolved into smallest atoms will remain which will be shaped again by My will and My might into unimaginable creations in which the spirits' process of development will continue. __And again there will be creations in various degrees of solidity, yet the hardest matter will shelter the spiritual essence which had populated the old earth and completely ignored its spiritual development. For these souls cannot expect a continued development in the spiritual kingdom, they will have to take the path through the whole of creation again, and thus will begin a new era of development as soon as the time is fulfilled, as soon as human will insistently wants to release forces which require a different degree of spiritual maturity than the people at the end of this period of Salvation possess, and who therefore will never express themselves constructively but only destructively.... __Amen
Earthly and spiritual issues.... Inhabitants of other pla...
You only receive the kind of information that will benefit your soul. As long as you want to stay in contact with Me you will never be allowed to look into areas which will harm your soul.... However, with the help of satanic strength you are also able to acquire knowledge unlawfully. But in that case you do not belong to My Own whom I protect from damaging influences by My adversary.... You are taught by My spirit and thus you receive knowledge which serves your higher development.... You can work with this knowledge again, you can pass it on again to your fellow human beings and thereby guide them onto the right path.... thus you can help to bring light into the darkness, as it is My will.... __And as long as you are willing to spread the light you will be supported and the knowledge you receive will correspond to the use you make of it.... Whatever is needed to kindle a light for a soul walking in darkness will flow to you, and the more questions you are asked the more abundantly you will receive from Me if you want to answer these questions.... Yet I will not merely satisfy idle curiosity, I will not bestow knowledge which is neither needed nor suitable for spiritual development.... But at the same time I will not remain silent either when a child pleadingly asks Me. For it should put its trust Me and therefore it shall not be disappointed.... There are secrets which the human intellect cannot grasp but which nevertheless have an entirely natural explanation.... There are laws, natural forces, which can become active if the conditions for them are met: extraordinary developed intelligence of people, who are thus able to calculate effects and then use these calculations for experiments by which natural forces apparently will be of service to them.... thus people are more or less in control of these forces by using the known effects for their purposes. __To less intelligent people such undertakings seem impossible and what they cannot understand they gladly ascribe to the realm of the `supernatural'.... Then they are more willing to take this step into the spiritual kingdom than if they were advised to enter spiritual regions for the sake of their spiritual maturity.... When human intellect reaches its limits the human being makes concessions, and he starts to consider possibilities.... Yet his thinking goes astray; he combines earthly with spiritual issues.... And a gap remains between the two. No human being will ever be able to make contact with beings outside of earth in anything other than a spiritual way.... Thus, the human being is indeed able to make spiritual contact with inhabitants of other worlds if this is intended for spiritual development; but such contact will never occur in a visible form, to the extent that inhabitants of those worlds will meet up with people on earth.... this is completely impossible because every living being requires a different sphere, which is likewise determined by fundamental law. __Here, too, satanic influence is noticeable which confuses people's thoughts even more, for these wrong conclusions do not promote people's spiritual endeavour, who now also try to address the supernatural with intellectual reasoning, and who thus will purely scientifically utilise the alleged evidence of living beings on other celestial bodies but who are not willing to believe that these beings also develop or progress spiritually.... In accordance with eternal law the celestial bodies are separate from each other, and they will stay separate.... because their purpose is the development of souls and this happens on every single star under entirely different conditions. The explanation of unusual phenomena in this respect is also erroneous.... but the fact that an unusual effect of strength is utilised in an as yet still inexplicable way should make you humans think.... __For this is also a sign of the end, the fact that unusual powers are becoming active and that the reason for using these powers also betrays their origin.... My adversary, too, has a lot of power in the end, and he uses it to his own advantage.... If people succeed in utilising as yet unknown powers for the benefit of their fellow human beings then their effort will have My blessing.... But if the reason is determined by dishonourable motives then it is the work of the one who wants to ruin you.... And he will not reveal what he is doing either, he will throw people into confusion, he will prevent everything that would help to clarify the situation.... But what is divine, righteous and true will come to the fore and will not keep itself hidden.... __Amen
Success at the end of an earth-period.... Scientists....
The end of a developmental period will always have come when people have left the divine order, in as much as they feel themselves entitled to intervene in God's plan of Creation because they don't believe in God as a creative power and deem themselves capable of controlling everything in existence themselves.... people certainly received the creative spirit as a birthright from God and can considerably increase this inheritance, with divine assistance they can also achieve the seemingly impossible and still remain within the divine order.... as long as they receive the strength for their creativity from God.... But they will instantly step out of this order if all their plans are purely worldly orientated....if they set themselves apart from God as the creative power and thus conduct their experiments purely rationally.... if they use the divine creation itself as test objects and thereby turn themselves into henchmen of God's adversary whose objective it is to destroy divine creations. At the end of an earth period the world is always full of earthly wisdom.... __Science believes to have found the key to all fields and the spiritual path will only rarely have been taken, which God has indicated in order to attain the right knowledge.... Without Him, however, all paths are dangerous, without Him the results are doubtful and people more or less enter danger zones, because they are guided by the one who does not want progress but destruction.... who lets people believe that they are constructively active while they are digging their own graves.... and contribute towards the ruin of the old earth. For the apparently scientific progress is his work, the work of God's adversary, he impels people into extreme intellectual activity without divine support. They will harness natural forces yet in a different way than is intended by God's will.... They will leave the divine order and the consequences of this will reveal themselves.... __God, however, has foreseen humanity's will and activity since the beginning and therefore keeps referring to what will come to pass time and again, for He knows when and where the consequences of human thought and activity will express themselves.... He informs people about their wrong thinking and wants to persuade them to entrust themselves to that power which stands above everything.... He wants to warn them of His adversary's influence.... He wants to advise them to remain within the divine order.... He considers those who acknowledge Him as God and Creator of eternity and enlightens them about Himself and His opposing power.... __Amen
Pollution of air - water - food....
Every human being may expect from you what you expect from him. You should give justice to everyone just as you demand the same from them. You should not apply different sets of standards and believe that you have greater rights than your fellow human being in those instances where you are beneficiaries of what has freely been bestowed upon you by Me..... what you have not acquired yourselves but what is at the disposal of all people equally.... meaning those spiritual and earthly riches which My love and My creative will always place at your disposal. __This includes all gifts which you receive from My hand.... which you cannot produce yourselves, which are present without your involvement and which contribute towards your continued existence.... which are necessary for your natural life and which may not be taken away from any human being if his life should not be endangered. These are the life preserving elements to which every human being is entitled and which may not be taken away from him by other people or the offence against My eternal order has far reaching consequences which not only affects the guilty people but also the creations and can even result in their termination. __You will understand this by merely asking yourselves what elements of life you require and imagine their diversity.... when you experience air and water and their composites and effect on yourselves, which give the human being complete health but which can also result in illness and destruction of the body's organs when, due to human will, contamination of air and water occurs that causes incalculable damage.... And the sinfulness of people already shows itself in the fact that they are not afraid to pollute these particularly important life preserving elements such that it brings about life threatening damage to their fellow human beings.... And just as every human being holds his own life dear he sins when he reduces his fellow human being's most essential necessities of life, when he plays a part in jeopardizing the life of other people.... In addition, `endangering life' also includes when the soil, which produces nourishment for human and animal life, becomes deprived of its natural quality; when, by the use of artificial agents, the designated land for cultivation takes on a different quality, the products of which now also contain substances that are by no means beneficial for the human body. Human beings are interfering with natural law, what's more, they want to improve, that is, they portray My creations as imperfect, they want to increase the soil's yield and are using the wrong methods for that.... since they need only ask for My blessing to achieve truly blessed harvests as well.... __Another sin in this respect is the harvesting of fruit before it has ripened.... when, because of greed and materialistic thought, harvesting takes place in advance of the natural process of ripening and when, as a result, the human body is forced to fight against as yet immature substances.... which is not a merely physical but also a spiritual matter which is frequently unknown to you. But all this is integral to the disregard of My law of eternal order. The human being damages his fellow human, he does not treat him fairly and he contributes towards the steady increase of chaos on earth because only an earthly life lived within lawful order can have the right effect for body and soul. __Every human being has the right to have the order of nature upheld because I made creation for the whole of humanity and not just for one human being. Every person requires clean air, clean water and good food for his physical life and no human being is entitled to cause harm to another that he wouldn't want to be caused to himself. __But during the last period before the end there is no more consideration for the life of other people, all kinds of unscrupulous experiments take place, and always just because of ambition, greed or hunger for power, which endangers all healthy life. Thus he who wants to destroy all living creations to release the constrained spirit within in the mistaken assumption that it will then belong to him again, is triumphant.... All people who act in opposition to divine order have handed themselves over to him, they follow his suggestions and ignore My commandments which require love and justice.... __Everyone just thinks of himself and his own advantage, and the fate of other people leaves him untouched. The life of his fellow human being is no longer sacred to him, otherwise it couldn't come to what is to be expected with certainty: that the life of all human beings will be gambled with because the divine laws of nature will be overthrown.... because one day the elements will forcefully break through. Human beings themselves will be the cause of this because they sin against divine order, against My commandment to love God and their fellow human beings.... __Amen
Messages concerning the continuation of Earth are more li...
You will only be able to work within a small circle at first, for the world is still far stronger than you and will push you aside if you want to come to the forefront. The will to live is too strong, to live the life which will not last forever and which only consists of worldly joys. And wherever this will predominates you cannot prevail, even if you possess the purest truth. No-one wants to get used to the idea that the earth is facing its end, that such powerful upheaval will take place on it which will also destroy all life on Earth.... And therefore they will be more receptive to messages promising a continuation of Earth, and this explains why messages which completely contradict My Word conveyed to you from above are being believed, because people look for and find hope and the assurance in these messages that their life will not suddenly come to an end.... They will always more willingly allow themselves to be impressed by those messages than by the admonitions and warnings you proclaim to them. This is why the bringers of those messages will meet with far more approval and you will not be listened to but more likely be treated aggressively. And thus you should only ever work for Me to the extent I Myself enable you to do so and never think that you should have to come to the fore in the world. The world is and will remain My adversary's realm, and anyone who finds appreciation and acclaim in this world also works on behalf of the world and thus for My adversary. __You have to accept that only a small circle will ever choose Me and My kingdom.... and that everything great in the world is adverse activity. Admittedly, My Word conveyed to you by Me shall be spread, and I bless those who support this work; and My blessing will also rest on your spiritual activity, so that the hearts of willing people will feel affected and thus spiritual success will also be achieved. But you will never be able to accomplish this mission on a large scale, for the adversary can only too easily slip in where the masses are being approached.... they will never be like-minded where it concerns the receipt of the pure truth.... but they will usually agree if worldly-favourable aspects are offered to them. And humanity does see the direction it is heading to, it also recognises the great danger of scientific experiments but it tries to allay itself, it believes that it will be helped through countermeasures of unknown powers because this is what it wants.... And by doing so it can't see clearly anymore, it allows itself to be misled and thus gets caught up in the nets of lies by the one who wants anything apart from that a light should shine for humanity to find and take the way to Me. Yet you shall illuminate the darkness with the light that shines down to earth from above.... Regardless of people's disapproval you shall time and again proclaim the near end and the preceding last warning sign, you shall be diligent and use every opportunity to spread My Word, but you shall work in seclusion, because in public you will have little success. However, Jesus Christ's act of Salvation shall be mentioned wherever the opportunity is offered to you, for all people can be informed of this, even the people of the world who no longer pay attention to Him, because they know of Him and will only ever hear an old truth which can affect their conscience, which can also motivate them to form their own opinion one day. And the will to know the truth will then also make their hearts receptive to My Word before the end comes.... __Amen
Experiments.... Work of destruction.... II
I truly know what is beneficial for all the beings I once created.... I know how effective everything will be, and I can also direct the effect of everything such that it will only be good for the development of the spirits.... And so My adversary's truly satanic actions during the last days will merely result in the fact that most of his followers will be snatched from him again and bound into matter, thus they will be removed from him and his influence for an infinitely long time. He believes he has won the spirits over from Me and owns them again, nevertheless he will lose them and the spiritual substance will start its higher development once more. For My love will never end, time and again My love will create new possibilities for development in order to help the spirits' ascent. And My love will time and again also find new ways.... Even if the being in the state of free will, as a human being, very frequently conducts itself contrary to My eternal plan and endangers higher development.... I will repeatedly restore order again which is and remains divine law; but never to the detriment of the spirits and always with the goal of deifying the beings which are still very distant from this state. Therefore, regardless of what happens in this world.... My love and wisdom knows every outcome and will always steer it for the benefit of the spiritual beings, and the final goal will always be their salvation, their return to Me and the perfection of the souls.... The final goal will be the attainment of the original state, where the being, as an 'image of God', will be able to work and create with Me in beatitude.... __Amen
The final work of destruction....
The final work of destruction will be caused by people's own will, nevertheless, I shall not hamper this will.... firstly, because it is free and shall also have to justify itself, and secondly, because I based My plan of Salvation on this free will in a way that it will benefit the continued development of the spiritual beings.... I truly do not determine people's wrong inclinations and actions; I only let them have absolute freedom which they, however, misuse by interfering in the laws of nature, by experimenting with forces which they cannot fully control as yet and whose effects they therefore don't know. But it is their fault that they conduct experiments for the wrong reasons, that they are not motivated by thoughts of love to carry out their intentions.... And for this reason their guilt will have such terrible consequences.... For it will result in an act of destruction to which everything living in, on and above the earth will fall prey.... For although the planet as such will remain the entire surface of earth will nevertheless become changed, and that will also mean the destruction of all life and all works of creation on this earth which constrained spiritual substances. And thus, these spirits will receive their freedom for the time being, they will be able to escape from their form regardless of the degree of maturity they had reached. But they will not keep this freedom.... For they will have to continue their path of development and therefore will be placed into new forms. And in order to make it possible for the spiritual substances still bound in the creations to continue with their development I shall allow the wrong will of people who will cause this work of destruction, but the human race itself will perish as a result of this wrong will, for only My Own will survive the final destruction, and there will only be a few.... __The majority of people, however, are already so distant from Me that their spiritual fate is already decided, for they have reached the lowest point which excludes further development on this earth.... On account of their profane state they will give rise to the end of the old earth, and thus it will come to pass as people want it themselves: everything will be changed yet only in line with My eternal law of order.... People will indeed initiate it, yet I Myself will determine or direct the consequences according to My eternal plan of Salvation, which was based on people's wrong will so that all wrong thinking shall nevertheless still yield right results.... For I will direct the consequences according to My will, admittedly it doesn't correspond to people's will but it serves the spirits' continued development. And that is My plan, of which I inform you time and again so that each one of you can shape himself according to this plan while there is still time, for each one of you can still belong to those who will be saved at the end.... each person can still shape his nature such that he will belong to `My Own'.... But he must believe and live a life of love, he must turn his will to Me, and I will accept him and grant him the strength to achieve the work of transformation on himself.... Then he need not fear the end either, regardless of how threatening world events seem to evolve.... I protect My Own in every adversity and danger, I help them in an earthly and spiritual way, for My Own shall become strong in faith and therefore noticeably experience My help.... And time and again I announce this to you humans so that you can prepare yourselves if only you are of good will to live in order to please Me.... For the end will come without fail because the time granted to you is over.... __Amen
Space exploration is not God's will....
The strength which emanates from Me and My Word will touch your soul and you will find peace in Me.... When you are ready to serve Me then the strength to accomplish My will, which I place into your heart Myself, will also flow to you. And you will think, want and act in accordance with My will.... And thus you can always safely proceed on your way, My blessing will always accompany you, I will take you by your hand and guide you such as it is right for you and your fellow human beings' salvation of soul. Just put your trust in Me and truly, I will never disappoint your confidence.... For even if your body does not feel the evidence of this strength but your soul receives it in abundance and is grateful for every support, the soul matures and unites itself with its spirit, and this strives towards the Father-Spirit, and the unity with Me will become ever closer. And if I Am then able to speak to My child My presence will be confirmed too and peace has to enter its heart, every worry has to vanish and the child only has to listen to what his Father has to say to him: __And I still want to reveal much more to you, for the end is swiftly approaching.... You will still experience things which will make you doubt Me and My Word.... You will ask yourselves why I do not intervene with My might when humanity arrogantly dares to penetrate the universe.... But a limit has been imposed on their projects, they will not be able to implement their experiments for long, for even these actions merely hasten the end, the forthcoming Judgment. (6.5.1961) I will let them have their way, so that time and again they will have to realise that their capability will never suffice to complete their projects. They have handed themselves over to My adversary who will constantly influence their mind and also give them a certain amount of strength which, however, will always have disastrous effects on people as well as the works of creation My adversary wants to destroy. It is the time of the end, which is merely emphasised by such actions, for people's spiritual state itself will give rise to the end. My adversary wants to destroy the belief in My existence and My might, and such people are already subject to him due to the fact that they have lost all faith, deem themselves masters of creation and try to prove it. Yet they will not have much time left for that, because they hasten the end themselves since they revoke the laws of nature themselves and thereby pave the way for a work of destruction which will encompass the whole world and every living creation in, on and above the earth.... __People's actions oppose God and that will also result in appropriate consequences.... But I allow My adversary's rage, yet people themselves could resist it and would not need to become subject to his rule.... Time and again people are reminded of Me and My might and could quite easily take the path to Me.... Their will, however, is free and thus I do not prevent their actions, but My might and My will shall also reveal itself those responsible for the anti-God activity that can be witnessed by all people.... They, too, will repeatedly be shown that a divine Power keeps expressing Itself Which proves their wrong thinking, for until the body dies I invite every soul to return to Me.... but I will not force it. And since My adversary cannot force it either, he influences all bad characteristics in a person even more and gains the soul for his disgraceful plan, since the craving for power and recognition is particularly strongly developed in people who do not believe in Me. For they are My adversary's characteristics.... It is his nature, which he passes on to them. But his time will soon be over, and My might, too, will soon visibly express itself.... Yet I will never give you such obvious proof of Myself that you have to believe in Me.... Time and again you have to bear in mind that I expect your voluntary faith which you should awaken through love.... And then you will also recognise the signs of the time; you will understand that you live in the last days when My adversary will work in unusual ways, until his hour has come when he and his followers will be constrained, as it is has been proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Signs of the last days....
You can rest assured that everything I have announced through seers and prophets will fulfil itself, for the end moves ever closer and by the signs of the times you will recognise the hour you live in. Time and again the objection is raised that the end was always dreaded during bad times and yet the earth continued to exist.... that even My disciples had counted on My early return and that they, too, had been mistaken.... And likewise they don't want to listen and believe in My present proclamations. And I repeatedly emphasize the fact that one day the future will become the presence and that you humans have now arrived at the lowest spiritual point which necessitates an end of this earth which, however, should only be understood as a total transformation of the earth's surface and not the destruction of the earth as a work of creation. For this earth will continue to fulfil its task in the universe, it will continue to shelter people for the purpose of maturing their souls.... Yet first it has to be made suitable for this again. __My Word is truth, and if I send you My Word from above, if I explain My plan of Salvation to you so that you will also know all correlations, then I actually only intend you to faithfully accept My warnings and admonitions and change your attitude towards Me accordingly.... For you should think further than just your daily life, you should think of what lies ahead of you since you know for certain that you will have to die and cannot prolong your life for even one day, that you therefore depend on the Power which had called you into being.... You should seriously deliberate these thoughts, and it will not be to your disadvantage, for then I will also help you to think clearly and to consider the idea of an end, and what this end means for each one of you. If you believe in a God and Creator Whose love called you into being then you will not be so worried when you are made aware of a near end, for then you will know that this God and Creator also holds your destiny in His hands, that you only need to commend yourselves to His love and grace in order to be safely lead through the approaching time.... And the references relating to it won't frighten you, instead you will merely join your God and Creator more closely, Whom you recognise as your eternal Father. __Yet the unbelievers will be badly affected, and to those apply My constant prophesies of a near end, for they can still change themselves during the short time they have left. Just pay attention to the signs of the time, for I have already announced those to My first disciples.... But by now you are at the start of the time of affliction, you hear about wars, about earthquakes.... accidents and disasters are increasing.... you can observe changes in the universe, and you also see how people behave who have degenerated and believe that they can interfere in My creation, who let themselves be driven to God-opposing experiments which will not end well.... __Notice the frame of mind of people who indulge in worldly pleasures, who are harsh and unloving and don't consider their neighbour's hardship.... Pay attention to the lack of faith, to their attitude towards Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, and you will know that you are already living in the midst of time which precedes the end. The battle of faith, too, will flare up with such cruelty you would not think possible. And this spiritual low level will draw the end closer and has already reached the degree which would justify My intervention, but I will not divert from the day that has been determined in My plan of Salvation since eternity.... But neither will I postpone this day, for in My wisdom I also realised when the time is right for the work of transformation to take place.... __And therefore I will let My voice be heard until the end announcing the approaching end, and happy is he who listens to this voice and prepares himself.... happy is he who wants to belong to My Own and remains loyal to Me until the end.... For I will provide him with exceptional strength, he will stand firm and need not fear the day of the end.... __Amen
Destruction of Earth....
One thing is certain, My Word is and will remain truth and you humans need not doubt that which has originated from Me. Since the time is constantly coming closer which concludes one period of Salvation so that a new one can begin, the clarifications will also be given to you increasingly less veiled, and shortly before the end I will initiate you into My eternal plan of Salvation and inform you about things which have so far remained concealed to you because this knowledge was not necessary for the salvation of your souls. But now the time has come when My plan of Salvation will be implemented as far as it concerns the transformation of earth, which has become unsuitable as a place of education for the spiritual beings and which therefore has to be restored so that it will be able to fulfil its purpose again. You must bear in mind that My love also applies to the spiritual substance which is still bound in the works of creation and that I also want to give new forms to this spiritual substance in order to facilitate its higher development. For these bound spirits have already languished for an infinitely long time in the hard matter which makes up the earth, i.e. all creations on it.... And this hard matter as well as the bound spirits within the earth must one day be dissolved, respectively released, so as to be able to enter new forms, and therefore the work of destruction will be on a humanly incomprehensible scale; consequently a total disintegration of all earthly creations can be spoken of, although it should be borne in mind that the material building blocks will remain but effectively unconstrained until I shape them into forms again to serve the spirits as a cover once more.... Thus the creation work Earth will not cease to exist, because all that which was dissolved shall be held and shaped into new forms again by My will, on account of which one can speak of a new earth.... Concluding this period of Salvation is an act of greatest mercy for all spiritual beings on earth and those bound in the works of creation, which signifies a complete transformation but not the disappearance of the planet Earth.... __However, this transformation will only be recognisable on the earth's surface, because people would be unable to detect or follow the process of the inner change even if they were able to consciously observe the transformation. But the latter will not be the case, for it will be the work of an instant, because all the conditions already exist to animate the new creations with the spiritual substance which has reached the appropriate degree of maturity; for all these tiny particles are present and need only be placed into external forms again which are beneficial for them. All the same, you humans cannot possibly imagine this final work of destruction, although you yourselves give rise to it through your anti-divine experiments to penetrate the earth's interior in order to avail yourself of forces which you cannot control as yet and whose ramifications you don't know.... But neither will I stop you since the time I designated for the past period of Salvation has also come to an end.... Yet time and again I emphasise the fact that I will leave nothing in the old state and that no living being will survive, and that I will also give the still constrained spirits their temporary freedom, which therefore implies that even the hardest matter must one day release the spiritual substance and for this purpose has to be dissolved too, in order to harden anew and to shelter spirits again, as is My will.... Since matter itself is only spiritual substance at the start of its development it can therefore not cease to exist either, and therefore the creation work `Earth' will not vanish but only be transformed, and you can believe these Words even if the whole process of the end of the old earth is still incomprehensible for you.... However, everything is possible for Me and everything is based on My infinite love.... If you therefore only regard My work of destruction as an act of cruelty on My part you are still far removed from the right realisation.... Yet you only ever want to see humanity's destiny and fail to take the spirits bound in hard matter into account for whom the moment of liberation from their present form also has to come one day, so that their higher development can also take place according to My plan of eternity.... And because this end is constantly coming closer I Am informing you of My plan of Salvation, so that you will not belong to those who forfeit the blessings of existing as a human being on earth and run the risk of being banished into the creations again.... And I truly instruct you in all truth yet it will only be accepted by the person who wants to know the truth and has the sincere will to reach his goal on this earth.... __Amen
Deceptive works of the adversary.... (UFOs)
Many times you will still be thrown into serious doubt and caused to ask questions, for during the last days you can still count on big surprises from My adversary's side. He will not hesitate to use any means to disturb you and keep you from the truth, he will do anything to distract your thoughts from your actual task of improving your soul, and he will do so cunningly to make it difficult to recognise it as satanic activity, because he will always disguise himself with a garment of light. He will pretend that you will be protected, that in times of earthly difficulties you will receive help `from above' by beings of light, by inhabitants from other stars who will take care of people. For he certainly sees the chaos that exists on earth and even uses it for his own proposes to add to the confusion. Indeed, countless beings of light are ready to give you humans every assistance on My behalf, both spiritually and earthly, but they will only work on a spiritual level, they will influence your thoughts, they will urge you towards Me in Jesus Christ, they will arrange your fate such that your souls will be able to benefit from it. __They will give you mentally good advice and you can also appeal to them for help in every need as soon as you are in contact with Me so that I can instruct these beings of light to assist you.... Yet visible things are truly not necessary to give you this help, they will not approach to you by manifesting themselves to you or even operate physical objects which you can see with your eyes.... For the inhabitants of the world of light, the inhabitant of My kingdom, who are instructed by Me to help you need no physical covers to apply their will, they are spiritual beings who only ever influence you spiritually.... My adversary, however, influences you humans differently by trying to deceive you. He wants people to believe that supernatural beings take care of earthly inhabitants and instructs his followers to flash deceptive lights, for it is in his interest to stop people from giving themselves to their God and Creator, so that they will turn and entrust themselves to those beings and thereby become subject to his rule.... __He has great power at the end which he truly uses well for himself.... I can only ever warn you humans not to be so gullible. If you believe that beings from other planets come to earth in order to help you in any way then you should first consider that all visible stars are inhabited by beings in need of maturity but who, in accordance with eternal law, may not leave their assigned world.... that spiritual contact can in fact take place but that people on earth should not look for such contact with inhabitants of other stars since you do not know the degree of maturity of those who want to communicate with you in spirit. Although these beings are indeed able to transmit messages to you by spiritual means.... through mediums.... you are unable to verify their truth content. And therefore you should dismiss such messages as questionable, for when I want to instruct you it will either happen directly or through beings of light in My kingdom who receive the teaching material for you directly from Me. You should stay away from contact with spirits as long as you have not learned to differentiate between the spirits.... __My adversary, however, will always interfere where people willingly open themselves for messages from the spirit world. The desire for the supernatural alone offers My adversary a reason and he will always oblige the seekers, yet never for the benefit of their souls. During the last days he will also try to deceive people through materialisations by making non-material objects appear as phantoms before the eyes of individual people who seek unusual experiences and therefore can also be easily influenced by My opponent. In addition, people, too, launch experimental objects into the universe which are sighted again as material objects, so that people are no longer able to distinguish between illusion and reality. Yet both are of satanic origin, whether it originates from people or from the spiritual world which, however, is always the realm of darkness, just as people are prompted by the prince of darkness to conduct these experiments. __The end is approaching, and that is the reason for Satan's extraordinary activity. But I Myself also work extraordinary by conveying the pure truth to people, and I would truly also let you know should these `inhabitants of other celestial bodies' become active on My behalf.... I truly would not keep you guessing about it. But time and again I say to you `Do not let such deceptive lights bother you....' For he who causes them does not want to save you but ruin you. You will still experience much more before the end which will enable you to clearly observe his activity, providing you pay attention and stay in contact with Me so that I Myself will always be able to illuminate your thoughts and in the light of truth you will recognise him and his doings.... __Amen
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