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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Selfless distribution of the Word....
Thus step into the circuit of My flow of love and let yourselves be instructed by Me: It is a tremendous gift of grace which you may receive from Me, and this gift of grace flows to you undeservedly. It is, so to speak, the evidence of My infinite love for you, who became sinful of your own will and shall return to Me voluntarily. And in view of the near end I truly try everything in order to make this return possible for you, to change your will and to provide you with the strength to take the path of ascent, which will lead you back to Me. You humans have not deserved this grace as long as are you still deliberately turned away from Me. And yet I convey it to you because I love you. I choose a suitable instrument for Myself which is willing to accept My Word directly and to forward it to its fellow human beings.... This, therefore, happens from My side in order to still gain all of you who defected from Me and to a large extent still are.... But now your task starts by making the right use of this great gift of grace.... And this involves first of all the unselfish distribution of that which is granted to you by My love. Thus you should do the same as I do: let My flow of grace pour into the vessels which open themselves.... You shall give what you receive, just as I give to you.... out of love. Most of all you should remember that it is spiritual knowledge that is imparted to you from Me, and that this spiritual knowledge must never be utilised in a material sense. It is self-evident to anyone who recognises Me and My love in this unusual gift of grace that it is only possible on a spiritual level to convey My Word to its destination, to the souls which require nourishment, which shall be addressed by Me so that they will obtain the blessing of My Words.... so that they will find and take the path back to Me into their Father's house. And thus you will also understand that no earthly interests of any kind may devalue this gift of grace. You have a Father Who is wealthy and can also share His wealth with you.... Who can and will also provide you with earthly blessings if only you serve Him selflessly. __As long as you have not understood this truth, you are not suited to distribute a divine gift of grace, and then you should keep your hands off it because you will only desecrate what your God and Father gives to you in His love and because it will not be a blessing for you either, because I don't support what contradicts My will.... I will never give My blessing to such an undertaking as soon as it entails an earthly desire for the goods of this world. It is My will that you should be of selfless service to Me and have given you the promise that I will take both earthly and spiritual care of you providing you only ever consider your salvation of soul the most important issue. You merely prove your unbelief if you worry too much about your earthly life, for then you will not primarily consider your soul's salvation.... for I have said to you 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God.... and all these things shall be added unto you....' And if you now even receive a gift from heaven, which should truly demonstrate My love as well as My presence to you, then you should also forego all earthly considerations.... you should let yourselves by guided by Me and only ever try to fulfil My will.... However, the distribution of My Word from above is necessary, and for this reason I convey to you this serious Word of Mine which you should heed.... Entrust yourselves to Me entirely and believe that I will not let you, who are willing to help Me selflessly, get into difficulties.... but also know that you reduce the value of My gift yourselves if you associate it with earthly expectations which I will never fulfil but which might impair the spreading of My Word with the result that the blessing from above will fail to materialise. And thus you should first realise what an unusual gift of grace you receive from Me.... Then love and gratitude will overwhelm you and only then will you be true vineyard labourers for Me, for you will also know that My blessing will accompany every work you do and that you will work successfully for Me and My kingdom.... And then you will experience an abundance of blessings, for My love will have seized you and escort you until the end.... And then you will serve Me forever and be blissfully happy.... __Amen
Unselfish distribution of the Word....
When you take part in the distribution of My Word you should only be motivated by your love for Me and other people. You should want to carry out the task I have appointed you to do, and you should try to lessen the other person's spiritual need which has prompted Me to endow with you with gifts of grace abundantly, so that you share these where I cannot take action Myself. Your work for Me and My kingdom should only ever be inspired by love. Then success won't fail because love is a strength which is never without result. Although your spiritual work will be ridiculed by people who have no faith whatsoever because it is incomprehensible to them why someone should work without material gain.... but then you can be even more certain of My blessing which rests upon every selfless labour in My vineyard.... You have not understood the value of My gifts of grace until you regard them as spiritual values which alone can result in spiritual success. Only then are you useful servants to Me who do not serve their master for their own benefit but who seek to increase his profit.... And this consists in the acquisition of souls for the celestial kingdom. __One day you too will have to discard your body and you cannot bring your earthly possessions into My kingdom.... And yet you can enter it richly blessed because spiritual possessions follow you into eternity, which were disregarded on earth by those who did not become aware of the meaning and purpose of earthly life. They have acquired earthly goods for themselves on earth and consequently have already received their entitled reward for their actions and way of life. But they will have little to show for at the gate of eternity because they took no notice of spiritual wealth. Those of you who want to work for Me and My kingdom should disregard earthly gain, only love should motivate you to do your work.... You should look around you and recognise the spiritual poverty in humanity's life.... You should want to help in the knowledge that humanity is approaching the abyss, and you should work untiringly because this is necessary in view of the end. __Then you will also understand why you become isolated from the outside world which can distract your attention from the task you should fulfil.... You will understand that time and again I will seek faithful servants to take part in the work, who want to bring the gospel to their fellow human beings, because people ought to hear My Word which I repeatedly send to them through you.... And you will understand that I will knock on every door, that I send you before Me to announce the Lord, Who wants to come Himself, Who wants to take abode with them.... Since they cannot yet hear Me Myself you have to go before Me so that I can speak to them through you, because they badly need to be informed of Me, of My love, which wants to save them too before the end. And thus everything should be done to inform people that I work through My spirit in the heart of every human being who is of good will.... You should tell them with love and kindness of Me and My actions, you should bring them My Word which I have blessed with My strength, and you should not tire to take care of your fellow human beings' spiritual poverty by helping to spread My Word.... And I Myself will lead the people to you, I shall bless every selfless work done by you for Me and My kingdom.... __Amen
Passing on the divine Word....
A word-for-word rendition of the information you receive through the inner voice will always have the greatest impact, even if you are also capable of educating your fellow human beings yourselves people will nevertheless be less able to close themselves to the direct Word from above, for this reason written distribution is a blessing. And therefore I will bless every work which concerns the distribution of My Word and help you in every way, for it is particularly necessary that people take notice of My extraordinary working, which they can ascertain through the written Words if they are of good will. Anyone who wants to reject it will reject it in any form. But in the written rendition people will recognise My spirit, My voice, and open themselves to its effect, for My Word speaks for itself, no explanation needs to be added, it will always be understandable to people because I speak to every individual person Myself if he attentively and, with a desire for truth, accepts it in his heart, thinks it through and pays attention to the feelings he experiences as a result. You humans have so many means of help at your disposal, all of which are gifts of grace from Me to make the path of ascent easier for you.... However, My Word offered to you from above is the greatest and most effective means of grace which will guide you upwards for sure, for it is blessed by My strength, it is a direct emanation of Me Myself which must always have an extraordinary effect on you, it just depends on your will to let it take effect on you. And this is why many people shall receive knowledge of it, many people shall experience the blessing of My Word on themselves, they shall be born again, they shall live again and forfeit everything lifeless, all formalities for My Word. They shall recognise Me Myself in the Word, believe in Me and learn to love Me, they shall accept Words of wisdom which they can never ever be offered elsewhere if they did not originate from Me. They shall know that I, as the Creator of eternity, do not forget My living creations, that I as the Father do not leave My children on their own, that I want to help everyone to return to the Father´s house, and that they desperately need My help and that they therefore should approach Me in prayer and appeal to Me for grace and strength in order to be able to shape themselves into love.... that they must know My will in order to fulfil it. Every work concerning this endeavour is blessed, for the time is rapidly approaching the end.... __Amen
Genuine prophecy....
The gift of divination, of genuine prophesy, is the 'working of God's spirit' in the human being. Anyone who knows this, will also ascribe the right value to such predictions which requires the latter to be spread, because it is God's will that people should know about them or He would not have revealed them through the spirit to a person. For the prophesies are not conveyed to people in order to frighten them or to disclose the future, instead it is their purpose that people should arrange their life with greater responsibly towards their souls in accordance with the predictions. For every person should know that he can still change and that he can only benefit by changing his character, i.e., by directing it according to God's will, in order to then calmly wait and see what God will send upon humanity. The gift of divination is therefore a commitment.... Consequently a person need not fear that he will proclaim something of his own making, because.... once the working of the spirit becomes evident.... the person will always be under this influence as long as it relates to spiritual information, which also includes future events which are based on spiritual reasons and which would never be mentioned by a purely worldly-minded person who does not believe in it. Anyone who proclaims future events in connection with spiritual effect speaks on God's instruction, for every worldly-minded person would refuse to voice such divinations and spread them amongst his fellow human beings.... It is in the nature of things that only a spiritually-awakened person announces events by speaking on God's instruction, and he is also responsible for the distribution, as far as this is possible for him. For he will always be guided correctly, if only he pays attention to every gentle suggestion and allows himself to be lead by the inner voice, which always has to be considered as an expression of the spirit. __Not many people receive the gift of divination, but the few to whom God's spirit reveals future events shall carry out their responsibility and ensure the distribution of what is sent to them. And they need not fear to act contrary to God's will, for the attention of humanity shall be drawn to the coming events and they shall prepare themselves accordingly. And the spirit of God will create the opportunities, he will bring people together, he will impel the prophet from within when he should talk but also gently warn him when it is inappropriate to speak about it.... The person need only take notice of the gentle inner voice, for once the spirit of God is at work it will not stop working and guide the person in accordance with God's will. Once again, it has to be said that you are approaching great events and that it is good if the human race knows of them in advance already, even if it looks at the predictions with incredulity. But the fact that it was already announced in advance will become evident to them one day, and then the events will have a greater effect on people's souls and they will believe the announcement of a near end, which is of greatest significance, for then they will only have a short time left which they can use well for the salvation of their soul if only they are of good will. And God will not cease to admonish and to warn, and therefore He will keep drawing people's attention to the forthcoming events through the voice of the spirit, He will not stop until the day comes which will trigger immense terror because only a few will be able to save themselves, even though the human being would only need to have the right attitude towards Him in order to be guided through all adversities and dangers, or.... if he has to relinquish his life.... to grant him a more pleasant life in eternity.... The coming events cannot be pointed out often enough and you, being filled by the spirit, shall only ever declare what the spirit proclaims to you.... and you will comply with God's will, Who speaks to you Himself through His spirit and who wants to speak to all people.... __Amen
Contact with the beyond.... Willingness to give.... (Spir...
It is incomparably valuable to enter a state which results in contact with the spiritual kingdom, because only through such a connection is it possible to be guided into truth. And therefore it is, in fact, God's will that this contact shall be upheld as long as the human being strives for the truth. Only the desire for truth justifies such a connection, for the purpose of a connection from this side to the beyond is to convey the pure truth to earth. Nevertheless, every person believes that he wants the truth as soon as he makes contact with the beyond. But it is often only curiosity, hence, the desire to receive information about the kingdom of the beyond, without being aware of the task that the received knowledge should be passed on to uninformed fellow human beings. For he who receives shall give as well. If a person's selfish love is strongly accentuated, he will only accept the knowledge from the spiritual realm for himself. This does not correspond to God's will, for all actions and thoughts should be based on the commandment of neighbourly love. A loving heart receives and distributes again what it receives.... However, if a person is unwilling to give, he will also lose the right to receive gifts. If he nevertheless maintains contact with the beyond, there is no guarantee that he will receive pure truth, for then beings will also push close, which, on account of their selfish love, are still far removed from the truth. Hence, not all proclamations need to correspond to truth if they were received by a person who has not offered his service to God, that is, who has not declared to Him his will to work for Him and the distribution of the pure truth. This conscious intention to be of service to God protects the human being from untruthful spiritual gifts, for God only conveys the truth to earth for the purpose of distribution amongst humanity. The reception of spiritual gifts must be the result of a loving heart, love for his fellow human being must first make the person capable and worthy of receiving spiritual gifts. But people with a very low degree of love can also establish contact with the beyond; they will also constantly receive messages from the spiritual kingdom, but these will always correspond to the being or the soul's degree of maturity of the person who establishes the connection. Every person having declared himself willing to receive messages from the spiritual kingdom will be taken possession of. All spiritual beings want to express themselves, and they do so according to their degree of maturity, that is, according to their knowledge. But the partition between truth and untruth is erected by the human being himself through the degree of his desire for truth. The desire of anyone striving for the pure truth will be met by bearers of truth, by beings of light which are united with God. They can only impart pure truth and also protect the recipient from accepting error, for they have so much strength that they can push all imperfect beings away from the vicinity of a person who only desires the truth and wants to receive it in order to distribute it to the human race living in darkness.... __Amen
(Continuation of nos. 8500 and 8501) Distribution....
And wherever the opportunity presents itself to inform your fellow human beings about the forthcoming end and all preceding events you should speak up, so that no-one can use the excuse not to have heard anything about it. For I really still want to do whatever it takes to give people a small light, and thus I will also bring you into contact with those where there is still a small glimmer of hope that they will react by thinking about it and then observing for themselves what is happening around them. I try to direct all people's thought such that they, for once, would like know what they can still expect, if not in this life then in another, to which their thoughts will therefore be directed. The life which people presently live with purely earthly directed thoughts is by no means healthy for their souls, for the soul is meant to rise above all matter during its earthly life. But if the human being ties himself to matter it will signify for the soul a state of hardship, a state of hunger and of hopelessness of attaining its goal.... And this is why people's attention shall be drawn to the transience of all worldly things and, with good will, they can still utilise the short time by acquiring something of permanence for themselves even if the earthly body will cease to exist.... all I aim to achieve by constantly announcing the forthcoming end is that they will give account to themselves about the state of their souls, if they at all believe in a continuation of life after death.... Yet this very faith is missing, which is the reason for the enormous spiritual adversity during these last days. But don't let it put you off informing your fellow human beings again and again of what you were allowed to hear from Me.... You shall talk about the working of the spirit within yourselves as well as the contents of what is conveyed to you as My Word.... . __Tell them that they are in great danger of going astray for an infinitely long time if they don't diligently use the short time until the end in order to change their nature into love which, during the last days, does not show much love at all.... Tell them that they still have to take the path to Jesus before their death, that they have to carry their guilt under His cross and appeal to Him for forgiveness.... And you have to teach them the most important commandments: the commandments of love for God and one's neighbour.... their state of soul on earth and later in the spiritual kingdom depends on their fulfilment.... You must pass on everything you hear from Me directly, always in relation to your fellow human beings' state of soul, so that they learn to understand it and also direct their thoughts to Me, Who will always help them if they pray for help. I convey this knowledge to earth so that people will have an explanation, even for what still lies ahead of them and what I constantly announce, so that they will not be taken by surprise by the events, which will come without fail as I have always and forever proclaimed. For I still want to give everyone the opportunity to prepare themselves in order to then await the end without fear, which only needs to be dreaded by those who, as completely obstinate followers of My adversary, will be banished once more into the creations of the new earth. __Detach yourselves from earthly matter so that it will not become your shell again from which you no longer can free yourselves without help.... Believe that the end will come in not too long a time, for the low level has been reached, no spiritual change is possible on this earth anymore.... Only a total transformation of the earth can achieve a spiritual change, and in order for you to be permitted to experience this change on the new earth you must strive for a heartfelt bond with Me, so that I can count you to be one of My Own who will remain faithful to Me even in the harshest battle of faith which is yet to be waged against you by My adversary.... so that you will receive strength from Me and persevere to the end.... And you will be able to enter a realm of peace and beatitude.... You will be allowed to populate the new earth where you will receive the reward for you steadfastness when you have to confess Me before the world.... Then you will have prevailed over this world and you will never need to fear My adversary again, for he, together with his followers, will be bound for a long time again.... __Amen
The Lord's visible appearance....
I want to give those of you who are My Own a sign before I intervene in world events for the sake of saving erring souls. I want to provide you with the evidence that all My announcements will come true, and I want to reveal Myself to each one of you in a different way. Nevertheless, a vigilant person will know that it is I Who approaches him, even though I choose a form for Myself which adapts itself to its environment, which will not give the impression of being unusual. I want to come to everyone who wants to be of service to Me and ensures the distribution of My Word. I personally want to come to you in order to strengthen your faith, so that you can endure the following events calmly and collectedly and will be able to assist your fellow human beings. For you, My servants, must remain calm and level-headed in the general turmoil in order to provide consolation and help where the adversity is great and help is needed. Anyone who recognises Me straight away will feel blissfully happy in My presence and accept every Word from Me as a gift of boundless love, and his heart will equally come aglow with love, My strength will flow into him so that he could accomplish anything if he wanted to. However, not everyone will recognise Me straight away, yet some will sense that a special person is speaking to them whose Words they accept as absolute truth. And only in the end will they recognise Me in a flash and cheer and, if I have left them, glorify Me as I will nevertheless remain as an indelible image in the heart of the one I delight with My presence. Thus they will find Me in their heart again even when I Am no longer physically visible to them, so that they will constantly be able to draw strength from it and diligently accomplish the work for My kingdom after I have spoken from above which will result in acute adversity for people. Then much work will be in store for My Own and I Myself will help them, I Myself will speak through My Own to all those who want to hear Me and give credence to the Words of My Own. I will speak to them, and you will testify to Me, you will mention My appearance and with lively Words express what you feel for Me in your heart. __You will win many over, since in view of the great adversity people will be grateful for every explanation, consolation and help. You will work for Me and My kingdom because you feel impelled by Me, Who dwells in your heart and Whom you will never lose again once you have seen Him. I will never ever let go of that which has become My Own, this is why I will come to My Own during the last days before the end, and they will recognise Me because love will tell them who I Am. And their bliss will accord to their degree of love when they behold Me. Anyone who looks into My eyes will be overcome by an incomparable sensation of bliss, so that he will recognise more than a mere person in Me. Admittedly, someone who is weak in faith and love and nevertheless wants to strive towards Me, will not instantly recognise Me, yet My Words will touch his heart and kindle the fire of love in him. Then he will recognise Me, sometimes only after I have left him and am no longer physically close to him. I Am among you as a human being, yet I only choose a cover for Myself so that you can see Me and dissolve it just as quickly again in order to be invisible to you. And thus I want to give strength to all of you, so that you will remain faithful to Me and persevere until the end. It will necessitate immense strength, which you will be unable to muster by yourselves. However, I know My Own and will no longer leave them to My adversary. Therefore, have faith and always expect My help. The greater the adversary is, the closer I will be to you, and you will behold Me physically. But then you will know that the hour is near when I will reveal Myself to all those who do not want to believe and are unaware of the approaching end. Then the time I allocated for people's redemption will soon have run out.... and be followed by the day of the end and with it the last Judgment, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Hostilities.... Working in secret.... Greater activity....
As yet you are only opposed by a few people, however, the time will come when your will be attacked by many, when there will only be a small number of you compared to the many who will fight you, some of whom will also call themselves believers but who will treat you with hostility for the sake of a true and living faith, for the sake of the obvious signs of the working of the spirit, which will turn them against you. As yet you have a small circle of supporters who are touched by My Word and consider it in their heart and acknowledge it; however, the time will come when you will even be separated from them, when everyone will have to rely on himself and realise that he is surrounded by enemies who want to destroy his faith in Me and My teaching. Then the fruits of the fact that they had been nourished by Me Myself with My Word and accepted the nourishment with complete faith will come to light. For they will stand firm against all the challenges of the world and will always find like-minded people again with whom they can exchange ideas and thereby strengthen their faith. Yet all of you will be prevented from being openly active, you will have no opportunity to spread My Word publicly. Nevertheless, I will strengthen everyone who longs for Me and My Word.... The hostilities against you will increase alarmingly and yet will fail to shake your inner determination, for then My spirit will also clearly manifest itself and My Word will come alive in each one of you.... External hostilities will be unable to make you inwardly waver because I will protect everyone who wants to remain faithful to Me. I recognise this will and will always give him the strength he needs in order to remain steadfast. Prior to this, however, there will be a time which you can certainly use well for the distribution of My Gospel, and I want to draw your attention to this so that you will not let it pass by unused. For you will be able to talk everywhere without fear of being banned; you will also have the talent for talking and often come across the opportunity when you will be listened to and find understanding, when your vineyard work will not be in vain. Then you should be very busy indeed and not put off what you can do.... you shall preach love and draw people´s attention to the end.... They will remember a lot once the final time of battle begins, the final battle of faith, and even if you are prevented from spreading My Word.... the seed you have sown will take root and grow and, during the last days before the end, also bear fruit. And you will continue your activity in secret, for your own and your fellow human beings´ blessing, because I will bless all your spiritual work until the end of this earth and one day in eternity.... __Amen
Apparitions of Mary.... Signs and miracles.... Satan's ac...
The human being only pays attention to signs and miracles. He wants to gain an insight into what is concealed from him, he first wants to experience unexplainable phenomena, and these seem more credible to him than the pure Word of God, but in reality they merely intensify the darkness and erroneous belief, for they should only be regarded as fabrications of the one who wants to cause confusion and who is particularly active when the pure truth threatens to establish itself. He wants to obscure every flashing light with profound darkness. Only rarely will people promote the distribution of truth, whereas lies and errors spread like wildfire and people don't shy away from serving their fellow human beings with nourishment that has no nutritional value whatsoever, instead it has a poisonous effect. __During the last days before the end Satan's activity will become obvious by especially availing himself of means which aim to feign divine activity. God has promised people His spirit, and he has associated this working of the spirit with remarkable gifts of grace. God's strength expresses itself through people who proclaim His Word, who are His true servants on earth and who therefore will also accomplish what Jesus accomplished on earth.... who will heal the sick and take away people's every affliction, who are profoundly knowledgeable, full of strength and able to see what God will send upon humanity.... who will perform miracles like He did, because God Himself can work in them through His spirit in order to motivate people to believe and turn back before it is too late.... But these occurrences receive little attention from people because, deemed to be implausible, they are not made publicly known.... and because nothing divinely-spiritual will ever make itself the centre of attraction against people's will. __God's adversary, however, will work by the same token before the end by using his strength for deceitful activities, for all kinds of works of deception. And this activity of his will receive attention. He will manifest himself and always appear as an angel of light, he will influence the masses, he will make them believe what they want to see, for this desire will provide him with the foundation for fictitious miracles, for all kinds of errors.... People who create idols for themselves to some extent furnish Satan with the means by which he will then be able to take effect. And it is far more difficult to convince people that they have fallen prey to the opponent than to make these apparitions credible to them.... For Satan also ensures that the broad mass of the population takes notice of it and delights increasingly more in the miracles of false Christs and false prophets.... in apparitions which partially are untrue, but partially emerge through people's will itself, because such evil activity is encouraged by people's will and erroneous belief.... for then it no longer requires a great deal of strength from his side in order to materialise such false miracles. __God does not influence people in this way, and God makes no use of those whose thoughts are so misguided that they are unable to distinguish between right and wrong.... He works in silence, He pours out His spirit upon all flesh, and servants and handmaidens will prophesy on His instructions and spread the pure truth from God, but He will never promote existing error nor encourage it in people even more, and no exalted and supreme beings of light will ever express themselves by trying to glorify their own name.... Satan, however, can establish himself in works which were put together by human hands with a completely wrong attitude towards God.... works which intended to reinforce an already existing error and which therefore are indeed the right kind of abode for the one who is and will remain the father of lies and errors as long as he can exert his influence.... And people are spiritually blind and don't recognise his accursed activity.... but they increasingly turn a deaf ear to the truth, and therefore the adversary will be very successful, for it is the time of the end.... __Amen
The adversary tries to prevent the recognition of the Dei...
Only for as long as you have not recognised Me correctly will you still resist Me. And My adversary constantly tries to prevent this recognition of Me.... Therefore he will also do whatever he can to keep My revelations away from you; he will not shy away from any means to suppress whatever might make Me and My nature clear to you, whatever would, as enlightenment, inform you of My infinitely profound love for you. I will irrevocably win you over for Myself as soon as you have recognised Me.... And it is precisely this recognition of Myself which countless beings of light would like to convey to you, what every one of My revelations aims to achieve and what My adversary tries to prevent with all his power. And thus it explains the fact that My Word, which is imparted to you from Me directly, is doubted or invalidated as much as possible.... This is so very natural during the end time, for My adversary wants to gain as much as possible for himself, and thus his work starts where he fears losing the souls. Clear realisation about Me and My nature, about My love, omnipotence and wisdom would make him lose his followers very quickly, but precisely this clear realisation is lacking in people. This is why the battle between light and darkness is so fierce during the last days before the end.... And it will be particularly felt by My servants on earth, to whom I can reveal Myself, for that is where he works zealously and often with success. The confusion of thoughts is his plan, lies and deception are his weapon, and what he cannot win openly he will try to gain through cunning.... My Own cannot understand that the light from above does not penetrate the darkness which people are living in.... But the light cannot be transferred to people who don't desire it; and every desire gets stifled My adversary as soon as it arises.... without people defending themselves. This is why their blindness is their own fault, for they don't want to have their eyes opened, to find out about My greater than great love, to attain the right image of Me.... __And yet, My revelations cannot be forcibly conveyed to them, although they could all take possession of them. And since you now know who tries to prevent it, those of you who receive My Word must be particularly on your guard and don't allow yourselves to be disconcerted by his counter activity.... He will do everything in his power to prevent your acceptance as well as the distribution of My Word, because he would like to extinguish the light which exposes him and his activity, and he will use cunning and trickery and only meet with resistance in profound faith and love for Me, which makes his activity ineffective. You are under My protection, consequently, he will be unable to pressurise you directly but he will use those who can be more easily influenced to take action against you or to attempt to undermine everything you endorse as truth to people. Always remember that you are approaching the end, remember that these are the last days for him and that he will use this time with every available power, that he rages because he knows that he does not have much time left.... Therefore, unite with Me ever more firmly and serve Me with dedication and eager love, and you will always be able to triumph over him, with My revelations you will also be able to grant light to all those who resist him; you will kindle in them love for Me and guide them into correct realisation. And they are lost to him, I will have won them over for Me, and My love will never ever surrender them again or let them fall back into the abyss.... they have become and will remain My Own for all eternity.... __Amen
The endtime disciples' task....
Those of you are My endtime disciples who want to serve Me by taking care of the distribution, because error has increased to an alarming extent, because this is the final weapon in the battle against the light which the adversary diligently strives to extinguish. It is your task to take direct action against the error, to expose My adversary and to always stand up for the pure truth which you receive from Me directly. And even if you make enemies.... you must accept it if you want to be of service to Me, for there is only one truth and you receive it directly from Me. For this reason I use an empty vessel, which had not accepted any kind of prior knowledge, in order to be able to pour in My spirit without the resistance which already existing knowledge would have caused. Thus I was able to instruct a person, I was able to place him into a state of realisation, I was able to present My eternal plan of Salvation to him and explain to him the meaning and purpose of existence.... This vessel had to be completely empty, uncommitted to religious teachings, free from all ideas and so devoted to Me that I was able to fill it, that it accepted everything the 'Eternal Truth' presented to it without opposition. Thus a person was introduced to knowledge which he previously did not possess, in a manner of speaking, a region was opened to him which he never before had entered, which was alien to him until I Myself allowed him to gain an insight into this region. And the fact that this happened in all truthfulness cannot be denied, for My promise is as follows 'I will guide you into all truth....' If I therefore recognise that all preconditions are in place which are required for the fulfilment of My promise, then you must not doubt, for I keep My Word, but you must also support 'My Word' before the world. For you are in possession of the pure truth from Me.... And thus you also received the information about My reign and activity, of the creation of the spirits, of their apostasy, of the emergence of Creation and of My plan of return.... And you possess the knowledge of your beginning and your final goal.... All those of you who take note of this knowledge will thereby attain a degree of realisation which already signifies advancement, a certain maturity of soul, which I indeed intend to achieve by conveying this knowledge. For only the truth can achieve this. This is why you, My endtime disciples, are instructed to stand up for the truth of the knowledge I have conveyed to you. And all those of you who were introduced to this knowledge through My bearers of light are My disciples, for I do not convey My Word to earth for one person but through one for all those who accept it and they, too, can regard themselves as disciples of the last days.... They will be able to observe strong counter activity on part of the one who once caused your fall. In his eyes you are bearers of light and he tries to extinguish it.... He fights against you with cunning and trickery and his sole purpose is to draw you under his spell, to undermine the pure truth, to extinguish the light and to plunge you into darkness again.... But he will not succeed, for where I Myself Am at work through My spirit there is bright light and the truth enlightens.... it exposes him and his activity and cannot be obscured again because it originates from Me, because a spirit of light is at My disposal which likewise keeps itself closed to My adversary's activity. You humans must always bear in mind that, at the time of the end, messengers will descend from above who will not succumb to his artful temptations, who are only receptive for the pure truth from above, which would never give in to his whisperings and thereby make themselves unsuitable for the receipt of the pure truth.... And thus you can safely grant credence to the Words, for it is a great gift of grace that I look after those people who do not want to fall prey to error, who only ever want to live according to My will and whom I therefore will also protect from the adversary's influence.... But he will try to take action against the light until the end and, where people are willing, he will also be successful. Therefore pay attention to the endtime disciples and accept My gift of grace, for as soon as they stand up for the Word they have received from Me directly, you may grant them credence and you will not regret it, for soon the end will come and with it the last Judgment, the day of decision over life and death.... Then those of you who have kept to My Word can consider yourselves blessed.... for you will enter into eternal life.... __Amen
Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God....
You should tirelessly work for Me and My kingdom.... then you will fulfil your earthly task in accordance with My will, and then you will also master your earthly life, you will not need to be afraid that you cannot meet your worldly responsibilities, for earthly life will merely be secondary when spiritual life becomes more important. __Work diligently for Me and My kingdom, that is, try to inform your fellow human beings about My activity with you, try to instruct them of the truth, and draw their attention to the end and the signs of the time.... Take an interest in your fellow human being's state of soul and explain to them how vain and insubstantial worldly goods are, how people merely strive for worthless commodities and give scarcely anything to their souls because they don't know about their earthly task. Tell everyone whom I send your way. You have been instructed of the truth by Me and thus are capable to work as representatives of the truth amongst your fellow human beings. I have given you a rewarding task which will have beneficial results for you as well as for your fellow human beings, for the achievements won't just apply to earthly life but to eternity.... Fulfil this task with enthusiasm and do everything that furthers the distribution of the truth you have received from Me. Don't become indifferent in your work for Me and My kingdom but know that parched and starving souls everywhere are awaiting nourishment, which you should give to them with My gift from above. __And by remembering them you will be practising neighbourly love, for their souls require the sustenance from heaven, they need food and drink to strengthen themselves for their path of ascent. Work tirelessly, for time is short and requires diligent work in My vineyard, the souls suffer hardship, they are starved because too much attention is paid to the body's requirements and thus the soul's requirements are forgotten. Therefore help these souls, draw people's attention to the state of their souls, to a sudden end and their fate after death. Use every opportunity for spiritual conversations and thus motivate people to think about it. And then you will be doing the work for which I have employed you as labourers, and I will bless you, now and in eternity.... __Amen
Incarnation of many light souls during the last days....
The earthly world also helps the beings of light to reach perfection. For it offers the most opportunities for attaining childship to God, which even a being of light can only achieve by means of living in the flesh on this earth. In that case, however, their life on earth as a human being does not require the higher development in a state of compulsion, instead the enlightened soul can directly engender itself in the flesh in order to then pass its decision of free will, for which it will often be sorely tested. Time and again beings of light will descend to Earth, and many such incarnations will be especially granted during the last days before the end, since precisely this difficult lifetime on earth guarantees the highest degree of maturity, whereas erring people will also require spiritual leaders, which only people embodied by beings of light can become. Jesus Christ, too, was such a soul of light which accepted a great and sacred mission that made greatest demands on a human being's will. His soul was certainly perfect when it entered this earth; nevertheless, this degree of light had no influence on the earthly life of Jesus the man, or it would have devalued His mission, the redemption of humanity. The conditions placed upon the human being as such were extremely difficult.... Like every other human being he had to overcome the body's wishes and cravings, which were extremely strongly developed in Him and thus required extreme self-control and abstinence. His soul had to resist immense temptations, as a human being Jesus had to fight a constant battle against Himself during His younger years. And therefore His love, gentleness and patience had to be valued far more than those of a gentle and passionless person who does not need to overcome anything because little or nothing attracts him. The soul of light knew its mission from the start and travelled its earthly path when humanity's hardship necessitated it.... __Thus Jesus came into the world at a time when people's carnal sensuality had become rife and people needed to be given an example that and how it would be possible to exercise control over their carnal desires. Everything, even the most difficult, is possible with the strength of love.... Nothing exists which a human being who lives a life of love cannot overcome. Love itself is strength and thus can shape the free will to become incredibly strong so that everything is possible for a person. If, therefore, an extraordinary number of light beings are incarnated on earth during the time of the end, then they will all be given a mission which requires love and willpower. However, all these souls have the same in common: to spread the divine Word amongst people. For knowledgeable souls open up the knowledge to them on earth again, that is, it is brought back into their memory again, and they feel urged to pass the knowledge on to their fellow human beings who live in spiritual darkness. And thus the characteristic of those from above rests in the fact that they eagerly participate in the distribution of the divine Word, but, please note.... of the Word which has originated from the spiritual kingdom.... The teaching of love which Jesus Christ proclaimed on Earth was God's Word spoken through Jesus and will remain it for all eternity. And this teaching of love should and must always be mentioned where a person wants to stand up for God. Thus embodied souls of light only find earthly happiness by spreading this divine teaching of love, and they are God's true representatives on earth. Whatever is taught outside of this teaching is human work. No-one who supports this originates from the kingdom of light, instead his home is in the realm of darkness. And the souls of light will always desire to take action against such teachings which, in the last days, will happen very often.... __Amen
The masses never support the truth.... Distribution - Adv...
Don't let yourselves be deceived by My adversary's work of deception: instead, only ever pay attention to that which provides you with enlightenment, to the gentle light which illuminates you from above. The radiance of this light.... the truth from Me, will never glaringly hit your eyes, that is, the truth will never flash up so suddenly to become public knowledge. For the world does not recognise and acknowledge the 'divine light' and it will not spread with lightening speed, yet many eyes are open for the 'deceptive light', it is far more easily accepted then the pure truth, the light of love from Me. For it is the sign of the impenetrable darkness that people are receptive for everything of an untruthful nature, for everything that emerges from the lower realm, that they no longer have any understanding of the divine truth. But as soon as My adversary's deceptive lights flash up they have no defence, instead, they try to carry it all over the world, they help to increase the darkness of night even more because they desensitise their eyes to the gently shining light.... They don't want to become inwardly enlightened; they only want to delight in a firework that merely intends to mimic light and is pleasing to the eyes. And yet, an ever increasing number of bearers of light will arise during the last days, they will walk through the darkness and still gather the few who feel their light as a blessing.... Many messengers from above will work on earth during the last days in order to bring help to people of good will.... My Word will be proclaimed by lively servants who came to earth for the sake of the mission to carry the light of truth into the darkness.... But they will all work in seclusion, they will certainly not shy away from speaking to people openly and freely, yet the world will take little notice of these proclaimers of My teaching and My name.... Nevertheless, the few who want to escape the night will receive bright light from them.... for their Words are very powerful. And wherever these servants of Mine appear, My adversary will not be long in coming and will intend to extinguish or dim the light and therefore come to the fore in such an unusual way that the world will take notice of it. And by this you will once again be able to recognise his activity. __You know that the supporters of the world are in his hands, that they are still infinitely distant from Me and that My activity would never find access to their sphere.... But anything that spreads throughout the general public originates from him and My servants' work will be especially unpopular where My adversary is successful.... The mass of population will never support the truth but always errors and lies.... Even so, My true representatives on earth will not be bothered by the fact that they are not granted any credence.... so the more diligently they will work and convincingly speak of Me and My upcoming arrival. For I will put an end to My adversary's activity when his time has come.... But prior to this many bearers of light will still walk across the earth because the light shall be carried to all places in order to illuminate the few human hearts which are not controlled by My adversary as yet. His activity will be obvious, but My care of leading them out of darkness into light will also be obvious to My Own.... Don't be surprised that you, who want to serve Me, make little headway with the Word that you have received from Me, for this, too, is a sign of the darkness of spirit, a sign of the low level people have reached before the end, when My adversary is far more likely to be successful than you, My bearers of light.... Even so, the light will establish itself and brightly highlight My adversary's activity one day. However, his time has not come as yet, as yet he can still do as he likes according to his will.... But soon his activity will be stopped, then My light from above will shine brightly, then there will be no more darkness and the people, who have already accepted My light on earth, will be very happy.... __Amen
Keen intellect is an obstacle to correct realisation....
It is not a good sign if people lose themselves in unbelief, for then they will be beyond every contact with their God and Creator, they will be purely earthly minded and everything they undertake will only serve the body's preservation and comfort which, however, will cease to exist when the person's last hour has come. And where the only purpose in life is the earthly world, life on earth is a waste of time, the human soul leaves its body in the same state as it was at the beginning of its embodiment and will not have taken one step forward, people will have missed their purpose in life regardless of their highly developed intellect.... It is precisely their keen intellect which prevents them from recognising a spiritual world if they are entirely without love, then they will flatly deny a God and Creator and consider all creations merely a matter of natural law without spending any thought on the fact that there has to be a Lawmaker Whose will controls everything.... In that case, the human being's 'higher stage of development' will have already been reached in a purely human sense.... Through his intellect the human being believes himself to be in the vanguard and almost cannot be surpassed anymore, but in his psychological development he has not made the slightest progress and yet he can be inferior to someone far below his level, because the latter will be judged by God according to his love, which also causes him to believe in a Deity.... regardless of what he calls It.... And if this person, on account of his love, also allows the working of the spirit in him, he will come close to the right way of thinking, and then he will be saved for time and eternity. And so there is also the risk that even people to whom a certain belief in a God cannot be denied will join misguided spiritual movements, to which they adhere with great tenacity, who don't want to accept Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the world and who therefore.... if they don't receive the right explanation before.... will enter the realm of the beyond without Him when they die.... and even over there not accept anything in order to still find Him. And there are a great number of those.... For this reason, the light of truth will shine time and again, for truth alone is liberating. But the truth, in particular, is not accepted by people with an unusually keen intellect apart from a few, who will then think correctly and feel dependent on an all-controlling power.... These few will take their worldly knowledge across with them as well and from there they will also be able to enlighten those people in regards to worldly questions who think like them by acknowledging God.... but this will only seldom be the case. __The others, however, will enter the beyond entirely without knowledge, they will stand completely empty and poverty stricken at the gate to the kingdom of the beyond, embraced by profound darkness which will not recede until they, with the help of the beings of light, gradually achieve a change of thinking. But there is also a danger that they will descend even further into darkness and that they will approach a renewed banishment again which, at the end of an earthly period, can easily be the case because they will not have much time left to change their mind. Hence their 'progressive development' will be of no use to them at all, spiritually they will be far more like a human being who is disregarded due to his race and yet is able to kindle love within his heart, who still believes in a God, regardless of how he imagines Him to be but he feels and believes that he emerged from this Power.... And when a person like this is informed of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ as well he will also belong to the redeemed, for especially people like that take it far more seriously and live their earthly lives responsibly.... For the saying 'The first will be last....' also applies to this. This is why a great blessing rests on the messengers' activity who care for those people by bringing them the Word of God, who spare no effort and selflessly promote the distribution of the teaching of salvation through Jesus Christ, since it is the most important information people should know about. However, anyone who believes that life has come to an end after earthly death has used his keen intellect badly, for there is enough evidence that nothing passes away but that everything merely changes, nothing ceases to exist but that everything merely changes its external shape. And thus the human being's soul is everlasting too, but after death it reverts to the way which corresponds to its earthly life.... Hence, it returns to the state of death since it failed on earth to give life to itself.... And this state is extremely painful but can always still be improved with the help of the beings of light, which will never leave any soul to its own devices if it does not harden in its substance again and has to take the path across earth once more. For God is righteous and earthly life is a gift of grace which has to be utilised by the human being, since it is possible for him to gain the life for himself which will make him forever blissfully happy.... However, he cannot receive happiness against his will, for God respects the free will of men.... __Amen
Transmission of truth from the realm of light....
The light shines from above.... The light can never come from below, it can only ever shine into the abyss, and darkness can never be transmitted to earth from the regions above, it can only ever come from the abyss, from the realm of darkness which, in contrast to the realm of light, only harbours dark beings to whom the light has to be sent first. But neither happiness nor bliss will ever be found in darkness, whereas everything in the realm of light is blissfully active and this activity concerns itself solely with the spreading of light. Light, however, is truth, light is the recognition of the eternal Deity, the knowledge of His will, of His work.... Furthermore, light is the knowledge of the correlation between all visible things, of the relationship between the creations with their Creator, light is the knowledge of the meaning and purpose of God's work, the knowledge of the task and goal of all spiritual beings.... Light is the recognition of the eternal truth from God.... And this knowledge can only be sent from above to the beings on earth as well as to the fallen spirits in the beyond from the kingdom that is governed by God, where everything is inspired by love and permeated by God's strength. Here is the origin of truth, of right knowledge, and not in the abyss where, due to lack of strength and light, the spreading of truth is impossible, where the spiritual beings' strength only consists of scattering error and lies, because this strength emanates from the prince of lies who wants to replace the truth and therefore God. __But where truth is taught it also had to be received from above, it had to originate from the kingdom which is full of light and strength.... The recipient of truth has to aspire to ascend, his thoughts need to be directed towards God, thus towards good, his will and his actions have to show justice, and the right relationship with God has to be established through heart-felt, humble prayer, then light will flow down from the kingdom of light. Because every person's good will is seized and used for the human being's spiritual progress by the beings whose sole activity consists of releasing the bound spirits, the ignorant and thus those who live in darkness, and this can only happen through the transmission of light, of pure truth from above. Such will is never ignored, but neither can a human being be guided into truth against his will. Due to most people's God-opposing will earth is engulfed in deepest darkness. And yet, lights are flashing everywhere because the beings of light are actively fighting darkness everywhere. Every human heart that sends its questions into eternity with the desire for light, for clarification about God, about meaning and purpose of earthly life, is, by its thoughts, making itself receptive to these beings who can give him complete illumination, who also instantly ignite a tiny light in him, who guide his thoughts into the right direction, who try to influence him into communicating increasingly more with the spiritual kingdom. __And thus rays of light are shining everywhere into the spiritual darkness covering the earth because God, the eternal light, is always willing to transmit it into every heart ready to receive it. Hence it follows that God will also always take care of the distribution of pure truth, because it is His aim to fully enlighten every spiritual essence, to completely dispel the darkness and to carry the light into the realm of darkness in order to bring about a change in the spirits there too, so that they, too, will be able to reach the state of bliss one day, which necessitates pure truth.... the light from heaven.... which disperses all darkness. The light shines from above and only truth can come from above.... And thus the human being inevitably has to strive to ascend in order to receive light in abundance. For although the light shines down to earth it can only touch people who lift their willing hearts to God and, by living their lives in accordance with God's will, shape themselves into a vessel for the reception of His light, the pure truth. Then, however, the Eternal Truth will be working there Himself, It will distribute truth without end, It will permeate the human heart with its light and drive out all spiritual darkness.... __Amen
Spiritual hardship can only remedied by spreading the pur...
Only the concern for people's spiritual state must be taken seriously, for this concern has to be remedied by people themselves. By no means can pressure be exercised but instead the human being's free will has to decide to actively work for the soul's maturity, and this free will can indeed be influenced, but never be forced. But in the last days the human being completely submits himself of his own free will to his adversary; this is why the souls' state of maturity is particularly dismal and My love accomplishes little, the end comes ever closer and the earthly world with all its attractions and goods will perish; and only the souls will remain, which are in such dreadful shape that they cannot be admitted into My kingdom since due to their attitude they are part of My adversary and therefore Satan's servants. Only a few have reached the degree of maturity because their will had turned to Me of its own accord and therefore people also recognise Me. Their souls' became receptive to light, they recognised the importance of their earthly task and lived their life on earth accordingly. The general public, however, lives superficially and does not consider the soul's life after death because it does not believe in it. And that is the great hardship which motivates Me to send a light amongst people everywhere, to instruct My messengers everywhere to proclaim My Gospel and to lead people back to faith, which is absolutely essential so that people will be able to turn to Me when they are in trouble. __Nevertheless, whoever wants to spread light must have received it from Me Myself first.... I can only use those people for the distribution of the Gospel who have light themselves, who let themselves be permeated by Me with the light of eternal life, with the one and only Truth. I cannot send everyone into the world, for even if there is good will to work for Me, only the spreading of the truth is useful and that can only be received from Me Myself, i.e. a human being can only realise the truth if My spirit is able to work in him, and this working of the spirit necessitates the fulfilment of conditions. However, everyone who is willing to fulfil these conditions is accepted by Me as a labourer in My vineyard. For there is great hardship on earth, and I only want to control this hardship through My faithful servants on earth, time and again I want to awaken people who receive My Word directly and pass it on to those who are willing to listen to it. People's souls are in great danger, they are completely immature and soon will have to depart from this earth.... Their state of maturity, however, determines their fate in eternity. Only My pure Gospel can still save people and raise their state of maturity. For it originates from Me, it harbours spiritual strength and can have a revitalising effect on the souls, providing the human being willingly allows himself to be affected by the strength of the divine Word.... He will bless the hour when My Word was made accessible to him, for only My Word can save the soul from eternal death.... __Amen
Duty of distribution.... Warning of unfamiliar knowledge....
Nothing shall prevent you from supporting the truth you receive from Me Myself. And that which was not given to you by Me Myself should not become the subject of your conversations; you cannot convincingly advocate what I have not given you and only convinced speeches are successful and can result in blessings. The knowledge is inexhaustible.... yet for your earthly life you may only receive information you can make the most of.... And this is the knowledge I convey to you.... always in line with your thoughts and your soul's maturity. I merely want you to live a right and appropriate way of life, hence I inform you of your task on earth and explain the reasons for this task in life. But you should know that you are bound creatures which, however, can release themselves from their bondage of their own free will.... So in order that you strive for and accomplish this release, I provide you with guidelines for your way of life. Your sense of responsibility needs to be aroused so that it will subsequently determine your thoughts and actions.... And, to this end, I truly provide you with comprehensive explanations.... Yet it will only ever be partial knowledge compared to the absolute realisation possessed by the matured soul of a light being in the kingdom of the beyond. Nevertheless, the information I give you encompasses all areas worth knowing, so that you are, in a manner of speaking, completely informed.... and always able to offer an explanation if you are approached for one by other people.... Even so, it would be unwise of you to indiscriminately impart everything you received from Me to fellow human beings who are not mature enough as yet and therefore won't understand it.... You can only ever distribute what is needed by another person.... but this in absolute truth, because you offered your service to Me, and service to Me only ever consists of distributing the truth, because any error has far-reaching consequences.... The knowledge I impart to you first enlightens yourselves, so that you will indeed be able to distinguish whether the other person lives in truth or in error.... So if you discover misconceptions, you should oppose them with the truth because you are entitled to do so, because you are instructed by Me Myself and you can truly only receive truth from Me.... Receiving the truth commits you to passing it on.... this has to be said time after time.... Therefore, you can confidently pass on anything you understand, but do not speak about spiritual knowledge you do not understand as yet.... nor allow fellow human beings to instruct you about something I Myself withheld from you.... Hold on to My Word at all times and keep your ears closed to external teachings.... For if I have not informed you of these, I do not consider this knowledge to be of benefit for you.... I will answer your every question, especially if the knowledge is useful to work for Me again. But under no circumstances should you endorse your own thoughts as truth as long as they are not confirmed through My spirit.... And this is the case if you allow fellow human beings to influence you into accepting and advocating their mental knowledge.... I place the feeling for truth and error into My light bearers' heart and they should always pay attention to their feelings.... they should always earnestly desire the truth and only endeavour to serve the truth, then they will also serve Me and their thoughts will remain free from error, they will be suitable servants for Me and work successfully for Me and My kingdom.... __Amen
Battle of faith.... Hostilities.... Antichrist....
I want to bless you so that you will be My firm supporters when the edifice of faith which, for My Own, is the essence of the church of Christ, is being shaken.... when they shake what I have erected Myself and what I keep teaching people time and again through My Word. The time is approaching when not only the representatives of misguided teachings will treat you with hostility, but when all faith per se is intended to be rooted out, regardless of whether it is misguided or corresponds to the truth, because then My adversary will be determined to use his sharpest weapon: to displace all knowledge and belief in Me and My act of Salvation and replace it with materialistic points of view and plans. And this will be the dawning of a period which you as yet consider impossible, for My adversary will embody himself within a worldly ruler and start his work so cunningly that at first he will only be recognised by few people as to who he really is.... __And so he will win many over who will subsequently follow and obey him blindly as he inconspicuously changes his plans.... For in the beginning he will only proceed against individual denominations and will be supported in this by others who will be only too willing to help him when it concerns removing their opponents. And this is why you will at first believe that you are only subject to hostilities by those who only fight the pure truth because they are representatives of errors and lies themselves. And then you will have to be careful as not to endanger yourselves deliberately. Not long afterwards they will be treated with the same hostility, and then the Antichrist's activity becomes obvious.... And even then he will still be followed by many, because they will already be under his control and he will have an easy game with them. Not much time will pass anymore before the first signs become apparent.... The battle of faith will not start with an act of violence, for My adversary will proceed cunningly and even deceive many believers, who will consequently follow him and, at a later time, become his welcome servants. Yet he will be unable to deceive you, who are spiritually awake, for I will open your eyes and guide your thoughts into the right direction.... For then it will be time to arm yourselves for the final battle, which will be waged with inconceivable brutality. But I will bless you.... I will be with you Myself and leave no one defending Me and My name without protection. For this battle will be decisive since it will, after all, separate the sheep from the goats and be the work of My adversary which will condemn him.... As soon as he fights Me Myself, as soon as he wants to stop the distribution of knowledge about Me and My act of Salvation he will have passed his own judgment, he will be bound and deprived of his every power without fail. __But a clear separation must nevertheless take place, because far too many people are still neither fish nor fowl.... because far too many deem themselves devout and first have to pass this test and regretfully fail because they are not living in truth, because they have little love and therefore can neither receive nor recognise the truth for what it is.... This is why you, My servants, still have to be incredibly active, for then many opportunities will still present themselves where you can enlighten those who then.... beset by doubts.... will be incapable of discernment and desire advice. And you will indeed succeed in helping those who are weak of faith into becoming strong believers; you will succeed in drawing a few over into your camp, you will be able to give them clear and intelligible information and present Me as a loving God and Father Who only requires firm faith in order to also be able to help them in utmost adversity and to grant them the strength to persevere until the end.... __Amen
Selfless vineyard work....
And you were given the task to spread My Word which is conveyed to you from above by Me.... I truly want to smooth the way for you, I want to help you take My Word to wherever people hunger and thirst for it. For I know whose hearts will not reject My Word when it is offered to them. And thus you only ever do the work which you are capable of doing and should know that I Myself will arrange everything else that serves the distribution of My Word. For this much is certain, I do not convey My Word to earth without purpose, even if it occasionally seems to you that the spiritual information does not fulfil any real purpose.... __You should only patiently and with perseverance cooperate and carry out the work which has to be done by people, because I cannot affect all people directly and therefore need you to serve Me as mediators; for not all people would allow Me to have a direct effect on them, and yet they, too, shall receive My Word in order to enable their souls' maturity. And time and again opportunities will arise when My remarkable work with you can be mentioned; there will be receptive hearts who recognise that it is an extraordinary gift of grace and gratefully offer to assist in My vineyard, and whose willingness to help is gladly accepted by Me. For only love will achieve spiritual success. Therefore don't believe that you can attain such where this love is missing. Don't believe that I will give My blessing for an undertaking that clearly betrays the spirit of worldly interests.... __My Word shall speak to the heart, and I can truly find other ways than the way people in the midst of the world want to take.... For they are not interested in My Word, they are still worldly minded, and therefore they will not contribute towards the spreading of My Word which shall have a liberating effect from the world.... The human hearts which shall accept My Word must have conquered the world already, just as My fellow workers on earth must have overcome the world in order to be able to work for the benefit of their fellow human beings. Thus worldly minded people cannot be accepted as labourers in My vineyard, for they will never work in accordance with My will but pursue their own interests, since they are driven to do so by the lord of the world, to whom they still belong. But I have enough means and ways to achieve My objective even without such `assistants'. Love always has to be part of it if success is to be achieved, and love will also recognise My Word as an invaluable gift of grace and therefore also support it. __And thus you will also recognise your true fellow workers who gladly offer their help, and you will not hesitate to accept their help; and you will also know that My blessing only rests on your work when all of you carry it out with love and don't expect any worldly benefits from it.... For as you receive it you shall also pass it on; as My love has an effect on you, your love, too, should have an effect on your fellow human being. And this happens when My Word is unselfishly distributed, which is conveyed to you from above and, as the most valuable gift of grace, shall impart help and strength to people in their spiritual adversity during the last days, so that they will endure until the end.... __Amen
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