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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Call to work.... The mission of God's servants....
How you will hear My call to work for Me and My kingdom depends on each of My servants' state of maturity on earth, because I need many labourers in My vineyard and everyone who is ready will be given the task he can meet in accordance with his ability, which again depends on his soul's maturity. One person will feel an inner urge to speak about spiritual things, to attract people to Me and lead his fellow human beings into faith, he will be called by Me through an inner desire. I will effectively place this task into his feeling and he will accept this feeling and comply with the inner desire. __Another person will hear the inner voice; he will follow an inwardly prompted train of thought. He will be unable to detach himself from ideas which will motivate him so much that he will have to discuss them, and I will bring him into contact with people to whom he can talk about his thoughts and enter into spiritual conversations which inspire the fellow human being to dwell on it, and thus he will likewise be invited to My kingdom. __But I will also make Myself audibly heard to My servants, whose particularly advanced state of maturity allows for it. I will tell them clearly and understandably how they should work for Me, where they should go and what they should teach. And they will have a very special mission.... they will, encouraged by My spirit within themselves, preach My Word where My adversary is openly active.... where misguided teachings are spread by people who also call themselves My servants but who have not yet received the pure truth from Me because they refuse to accept it. __This mission requires a special ability.... it requires the gift of oratory, which My servant need not have but which will be given to him during his time of working for Me because he will have attained a certain degree of maturity allowing the working of My spirit through him. But at the same time the person has to intellectually grasp what he, prompted by My spirit, is saying. He has to be able to cope with hostile attacks and disprove any contention of My Word. Although he indeed merely has the task to spread My Word, the pure truth from Me, he will also have to speak freely since debates will arise which make intellectual activity indispensable. Furthermore, the comprehensively informed challengers have to acknowledge My servant's spiritual superiority if they are to pay attention to what they will be told, as they will argue about important and profound problems which can only be handled by an awakened and spiritually enlightened human being with Me Myself as a teacher, and therefore also presents himself confidently and is not afraid to contradict those who pride themselves in being intelligent and knowledgeable. __These servants will receive a special call; they will audibly hear My voice within themselves so that they will be completely certain of My will and then totally subordinate themselves to it. If they win one of these teachers over for Me and My doctrine, for the absolute truth, which they can only receive from Me Myself through you, it will be a great spiritual success because he, in turn, will then likewise campaign for the truth again and teach a larger circle, and thereby make My Word available to many people in its purest form and for the benefit of everyone. __Anyone ordained for this mission can call himself a servant of God with full conviction because he will speak on My behalf, he will only do My will, he will be guided by Me and take every step in My company, he will only be My mouthpiece so that I can manifest Myself to people without infringing their freedom of faith or will. For this reason I need such servants devoted to Me during the last days before the end because work has to be done everywhere and constantly in order to make My pure Word accessible to people, which is blessed with My strength but which also comes directly from Me and is sent to earth in order to liberate people from misconceptions.... __Amen
Personal Words....
The spirit imparts My Word to you, and this is what you should listen to. I will always speak to you providing you first speak to Me in spirit and in truth. Thus I do not reply to mere words spoken by your mouth, but what you feel and think in your heart will find its way to Me and give rise to a response. If you ask Me in this manner you will mentally receive My answer. Then you can confidently believe that your thoughts originated from Me and take them to heart. I want you to understand everything and not start to doubt.... Therefore I also want you to know what kind of relationship you should have towards one another. I want to give you a Word of advice which you should seriously consider so that you then can make a free decision. __I want you to establish the most heartfelt harmony of souls between yourselves, I want you to establish a pure relationship which is supported by mutual love, a relationship in which each one of you is willing to give to the other and every requirement is excluded. I want you to stay together until you are parted by death, because your earthly path is only brief. You aspired towards a mutual goal and should also try to reach this goal.... spiritual marriage, which survives everything, which signifies union in the spiritual kingdom, which consists of mutual activity and the same consciousness of strength. However, this union requires the same degree of maturity and thus the same emanation of light, consequently also the same love and the same knowledge.... And for this reason two people's endeavour on earth, who want to work together in the spiritual kingdom, must enable the direct transmission of light and strength, of spiritual knowledge. My spirit has to be able to be effective in them and to teach them, i.e. they have to receive My Word through the voice of the spirit. And it is certain that only through actions of love will you awaken the spirit within yourselves, who then will teach you. __People who are joined together by true, pure love open the door of their hearts to the spirit within themselves, which is part of Me. They shape themselves into receiving vessels for My spirit and can be constantly taught. And thus you are destined to travel the path of ascent together, because by living in emotional harmony you will be very receptive for the strength of spirit, for My emanation, for My Word, that will then be conveyed to you directly. Anyone who receives My Word directly has to pass it on, and the more he loves his fellow human being the more eagerly he will do so. Moreover, the lovingly offered Word will be accepted where love has been aroused again. And love should be practised because it is strength in itself, thus increasing love also means increasing strength. __Your course of life is but short, and therefore every day should be used by you to work together on behalf of Me and My kingdom. But mutual activity also necessitates complete conviction in regards to spiritual questions, to the deliberation, comprehension and assessment of what is presented to you as truth through the spirit. However, correct thinking always requires the working of the spirit, and My spirit can only work in the presence of love. Hence you should never allow love to become unrequited, because the partner will lack understanding for spiritual truth when he stands outside of love. For love of Me you should make an effort to show love to other people, hence you have to practise giving, joyful love, and when it is thus returned it will cause an exchange of strength with earthly and spiritual results. And this is what you should achieve by reminding each other to love, by being sincerely affectionate to each other, by strengthening the feeling of togetherness to a point that you can no longer imagine life without each other.... Then you will experience the greatest miracle on earth, you will both hear the sound of the Word at the same time.... Then there will be no more separation for you, then My spirit will be constantly working in you, then every doubt will have come to an end, the truth of My Word will be shining so brightly for you that you will be completely filled by it and you will joyfully work together for Me and My kingdom. __Therefore you should submit yourselves entirely to My guidance, you should not wilfully do anything but what you are urged to do from within yourselves, you should only ever let yourselves be guided by your feeling, because I place My will into your heart and the prompting of your heart is the expression of My will. If you comply with this you will submit yourselves to My will, if you oppose it then your will is stronger. I would like to caution you about this, for My will always leads to the goal, whereas yours will always leads away from the goal or lengthen the path such that you will waste time, because the end is coming soon.... __Amen
Responsibility for accepting misguided teachings....
It is very difficult for people to disassociate themselves from knowledge they were taught from an early age on and which they therefore do not want to renounce as misguided. They accepted this knowledge without thinking about it and since their education is not their fault they cannot, at first, be held responsible for accepting wrong doctrines. Nevertheless, as soon as they are able to use their intellect themselves it is their duty to scrutinise whether this spiritual knowledge is true. And they will have to be answerable as to whether they used their intellect as soon as they were able to do so. They should not accept all spiritual values as truth without scrutiny, neither will they be able to justify themselves on the basis that they have received this knowledge and are therefore innocent if they had endorsed it during their earthly life. They forget that they are responsible for their souls. They forget that I do not punish them but that they punish themselves, that is, that they remain in their state of imperfection, which can never result in their bliss.... but that I cannot release them from this state because their redemption requires their active free will which they, however, did not use correctly or they would have used their intellect to examine these spiritual doctrines. They remained passive. To a certain extent they allowed themselves to be imposed upon by something which they could just as well have rejected if they had wanted to. __The fact that people are answerable for their souls means that they have to recognise their guilt, that they have to realise that their wretched position was their own fault and justly identify and admit their own neglect, thus they cannot unburden themselves at the expense of those who instructed them wrongly. Indeed, these teachers, too, will one day have to be accountable according to their guilt, yet someone who accepts misguided teachings will not be exonerated from guilt, since I have given the human being intellect which he should use for the salvation of his soul first. Anyone who seriously wants the truth will make an effort and find it too. And every instruction offered to the person has to be reviewed if it claims to be true. Thus the human being is duty bound to compare the spiritual knowledge imparted to him with those teachings, and the right will shall also yield the right results. Yet the state of his soul after his death depends on the person's attitude towards the truth conveyed to him by My will.... full of light or darkness.... For only truth gives light to the soul, whereas error keeps the soul in darkness in which it had languished at the beginning of its earthly course of life as a human being but which it could have escaped had it used its will correctly.... __Amen
Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God....
You should tirelessly work for Me and My kingdom.... then you will fulfil your earthly task in accordance with My will, and then you will also master your earthly life, you will not need to be afraid that you cannot meet your worldly responsibilities, for earthly life will merely be secondary when spiritual life becomes more important. __Work diligently for Me and My kingdom, that is, try to inform your fellow human beings about My activity with you, try to instruct them of the truth, and draw their attention to the end and the signs of the time.... Take an interest in your fellow human being's state of soul and explain to them how vain and insubstantial worldly goods are, how people merely strive for worthless commodities and give scarcely anything to their souls because they don't know about their earthly task. Tell everyone whom I send your way. You have been instructed of the truth by Me and thus are capable to work as representatives of the truth amongst your fellow human beings. I have given you a rewarding task which will have beneficial results for you as well as for your fellow human beings, for the achievements won't just apply to earthly life but to eternity.... Fulfil this task with enthusiasm and do everything that furthers the distribution of the truth you have received from Me. Don't become indifferent in your work for Me and My kingdom but know that parched and starving souls everywhere are awaiting nourishment, which you should give to them with My gift from above. __And by remembering them you will be practising neighbourly love, for their souls require the sustenance from heaven, they need food and drink to strengthen themselves for their path of ascent. Work tirelessly, for time is short and requires diligent work in My vineyard, the souls suffer hardship, they are starved because too much attention is paid to the body's requirements and thus the soul's requirements are forgotten. Therefore help these souls, draw people's attention to the state of their souls, to a sudden end and their fate after death. Use every opportunity for spiritual conversations and thus motivate people to think about it. And then you will be doing the work for which I have employed you as labourers, and I will bless you, now and in eternity.... __Amen
Prayer in spirit and in truth....
A heartfelt thought of Me, a short prayer sent up to Me in spirit and in truth, is pleasing to Me and will be granted, just as I will always draw close to those who communicate with Me in thought, for I feel in contact with them because they try to find Me in absolute truth and therefore I can also let Myself be found by them. Formal prayers, however, are not pleasing to Me because they kill the spirit, they become monotonous conversations I can never listen to, since only the lips speak to Me and not the heart, hence these words will not reach Me because they don't arise from the heart but are merely uttered by the intellect. Anyone who wants to be heard by Me need not voice any words, I know how he feels in his heart, what he thinks and feels, yet only his conscious direction of thoughts to Me makes Me inclined towards a person, who thus recognises his Father in Me and believes that I will help him. He will be helped.... whereas a prayer can last forever without being successful. __In that case it will be a lip-prayer which I condemn because it can never be heartfelt, because it is not a prayer in spirit and in truth but only a formality which lacks all inner feeling. Communal lip-prayers are an abomination to Me, they literally make it impossible to establish such heartfelt contact with Me since each person will, understandably, have different thoughts, just as each one has different problems which, however, are not touched upon, thus the prayer is everything else but a confidential dialogue with Me which I, however, require in order to be able to grant the petitions. For only the intimate dialogue with Me expresses a person's faith, the confidence of assured help, which is the prerequisite in order to be able to grant people the help. And therefore you should withdraw into your closet if you want to pray, you should withdraw within yourselves and allow for My presence with heartfelt thoughts which show your love for Me.... Then you will pray as is pleasing to Me and then your prayer will surely be granted.... __Amen
'I will remain with you....' 'I will send you the Comfort...
I will remain with you always until the end of time.... These Words alone should be enough for you to also believe in My working amongst you as well as being an explanation for all kinds of revelations which emerge as the working of the spirit. Furthermore, the fact that I Am in the midst of My Own was proclaimed by Me with the Words I said to My disciples: 'Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there Am I in the midst of them....' Thus, the prerequisite for My presence, and therefore also for the working of My spirit, is faith in the power of My name, a confession of Me as the Redeemer of humanity.... Thus you should gather in My name if you want to hear Me Myself in the form of My Word, in the form of revelations from the spiritual kingdom. Each one of My statements is a spiritual revelation which, however, all people could hear through the voice of the spirit as I have promised: 'I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, which will guide you into all truth and will remind you of Me....' 'It will remind you of everything I have said to you....' Hence, through the voice of the spirit you will hear the same Words and you will know that it is I Who is speaking to you, that they are My Words I want to remind you of again. And you will remember Me, for My Words are spirit and life if you hear them through the inner voice. They are not merely empty Words which are only heard by the ear, instead, they penetrate your heart, after all, I Myself Am speaking to your through the voice of the spirit and I use the same Words as during My life on earth, so that you will recognise Me in them. However, you won't recognise My presence by these Words alone.... it is the spiritual meaning concealed within, which can only be grasped by an enlightened spirit, by a person whose way of life allows for the working of the spirit. He understands everything and in turn can instruct people who are still spiritually unawakened. My Word has to be explained to them, otherwise they interpret it literally and subsequently won't be able to recognise either My love or My wisdom, indeed, they frequently only interpret the meaning of the letter and gain little or no spiritual knowledge at all. But I Myself Am among you and want to educate you , and therefore I bless each person who prepares his heart as an abode and accepts Me therein and eagerly listens to what I reveal to him, but he is also a doer of My Word and therefore recognises its spiritual meaning. He will hear Me Myself speak and allow Me to speak to his fellow human beings to whom I want to reveal Myself, so that My promise will come true 'I will remain with you always until the end of time.... I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, which will guide you into all truth and will remind you of everything I have said to you....’ __Amen
Extraordinary events are signs of the approaching end....
Everything points to the end and if you humans pay careful attention to the events around you, you will also recognise that I Am speaking to you through them, that through them I want to draw your attention to the end and your special mission of being leaders in the final battle of faith. I want to strengthen your faith in My Word, but I also want to help your fellow human beings to gain faith, since they either cannot find it or are too weak to advocate it. I want to speak to all of you by every conceivable means so that you will not fail in the final battle of faith on this earth. Nevertheless, I will always take account of the fact that you live in an extremely materialistic world, that you have little contact with the kingdom which emanates the truth and that it is far more difficult for you to believe because you no longer carry Me in your hearts lively enough, since you distanced yourselves from the manifestation of Jesus Christ to such an extent that, due to your unbelief, you receive little strength. You do not accept the truth conveyed to you from the spiritual kingdom; you do not grant credence to the teachers, who are My servants. But I nevertheless do not want to let you fall and will approach you time and again with references to the end, with images by seers which will become public knowledge, with predictions by prophets which will also be heard by those who have no interest in the end and the last Judgment. I also know many people's struggle for faith and I would like to give them a sign too, which, however, shall not compel them to believe. I want to make them question and become reflective, this is all I intend to achieve with extraordinary events during the last days, for once they spend serious thought on it I will be able to approach them in My Word and instruct them according to the truth. They will only be open-minded for My Word if it is made accessible to them as My evident working through the spirit, for I can only give them the pure truth through My Word. And only through the Word from above can something be proven to them which they would otherwise find incredible, but it cannot be proven by the sign itself, because the sign only speaks to the intellect and not to the human being's heart. You humans must always be aware of the fact that you are living in the endtime, that that there will be an increase in signs which cannot be explained in an earthly way and which will visibly point to another world.... Anyone who recognises them as such will derive benefit from them, but anyone who bypasses these as well, will have to fear the final end because it will result in his downfall.... __Amen
'Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will buil...
I certainly established a church on earth but I did not want an organisation.... I say this to all those who interpret My Word 'Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My church' such that I Myself Am the founder of worldly organisations which call themselves the true church of Christ. Like all My Words these, too, were intended to be understood spiritually, in fact, they are very easy to comprehend if the faith of My disciple Peter is understood as a rock, which everyone must possess in order to belong to My true church. My church is a purely spiritual foundation; it is to be understood as a community with a faith as rock-hard as Peter's, but never the amalgamation of people in a purely secular organisation, which has to be called secular because everything that proves the affiliation to this organisation must be outwardly recognisable and because further regulations or laws were decreed which inhibit a person's thinking and actions, which entirely contradicts My will. It is My will that people wanting to belong to My church should strive towards Me of their own free will, which necessitates faith in Me as well as love.... Neither can be enforced nor achieved through regulations; love for Me does not awaken as a matter of duty but through faith in My perfection, and although this faith can be taught, it cannot be demanded. The human being must bring himself to believe after he has received knowledge of Me, of his Creator and Father of eternity. A human being only becomes a member of My church through this self-attained faith, therefore My church cannot be an organisation with a mass of members who lack living, self-attained faith. For although faith and love are being preached, the listeners must nevertheless first activate their will in order to acquire the right of belonging to the church which was founded by Me. __And therefore I repeatedly emphasise that people could not have formed this church by establishing an organisation in which, like in any worldly organisation, leaders of various ranks work, to whom I have never appointed such a ministry, whose functions are more of a ruling than a serving nature and who are often not members of the church I founded themselves because they, too, only believe blindly what they were taught and as yet have neither acquired a convinced faith through deliberation nor a living faith through activity of love. Hence these believe themselves to be My representatives on earth, and yet they are unable to convey truthful knowledge to people because they don't possess it themselves. They feel that they are Peter's successors but they are not because their faith lacks the strength of a rock as soon as it is tested. The church founded by Me will prove itself.... not even the gates of hell will defeat it. But once the walls of the former are shaken, which is intended by My will, it will not survive and only blindly believing fanatics will remain steadfast but not on account of conviction but because of fanaticism which is not valued by Me as faithfulness. For I want people to think about everything they encounter, and it is My will that they shall acquire vision and don't remain blind due to their own fault. I also want them to think about My Words: Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.... I want people to reflect on how these Words of Mine are to be understood: It is My will that they should be truthfully interpreted and you humans also recognise when human interpretation does not correspond to the spiritual meaning which I have placed into My Words. And you will be able to recognise it if you dwell on it with willingness for the pure truth when you are taught by those who call themselves My representatives on earth. My true representatives are certainly informed of the truth and can therefore also provide their fellow human beings with a correct explanation regarding My Word and its deeper spiritual meaning. However, My representatives also belong to the church founded by Me, even though they are not members of an earthly organisation. My true representatives will also announce in My name to all spiritual organisations the end of their existence, because everything that has distanced itself from the real truth will fade away, even if people are convinced that that church will be invincible. Only the church which I Myself have founded on earth will be invincible, which is a spiritual community of those with a faith like Peter's and who, through this faith, shape themselves into My image, who can indeed have a living faith because they are instructed in the truth, who allow My spirit to be effective in them, which always is and will remain a sign of affiliation to the church I have founded.... __Amen
Characteristic of the inner Word....
A huge battle has erupted between the forces of the kingdom of light and those of darkness, for it is the end time of this earth, the earth is faced by an upheaval for the sake of the spiritual beings which are now the focal point of this battle. The prince of darkness is aware of the fact that his power is at stake, that he has very little time left and therefore he does whatever it takes in order to fortify his power. This battle between light and darkness is waged by the darkness with cunning and trickery, and many people who allow themselves to be beguiled by illusion and disguise will succumb to it. There is no risk where My messengers of light can intervene, yet Satan, too, sometimes avails himself of a garment of light and then it becomes difficult for uninformed people to recognise him as they only pretended to have established the connection, but they are inwardly still so separated from Me that I cannot manifestly help them.... who therefore willingly succumb to My adversary's enticements and temptations because he somehow appeals to them in a worldly sense and thus their reaction is also worldly. In times of spiritual darkness a ray of light is certainly exceedingly soothing, for the light comes from above, from My kingdom, and the shine it emanates will always cause a happy feeling in the darkness.... Yet My adversary often works similarly.... he wants to do the same yet his strength is not sufficient.... he knows that people are searching for light and thus equally approaches them as light. However, this light fails to disperse brightness.... it is merely a deceptive light, it is effectively a phantom which disappears if it is carefully inspected. __Nevertheless, it is a fact that Satan often appears in a garment of light in order to confuse people but he is only able to do so if people's will gives him a foundation he can subsequently hold on to.... This will never be the case where heartfelt love for Me guarantees My presence but it can easily happen where a degree of unkindness prevents My presence and allows My adversary to enter.... this is why a completely devoted servant to Me need not fear Satan's activity, in contrast, someone who is still, if only slightly, captivated by the world needs to be extremely careful. For Satan slips in where I Am not present but he can never make himself at home where My presence is assured. My adversary tries to darken people's spirit through untruthfulness.... through errors and lies, whereas I, wherever I Am working, by means of purest truth provide enlightenment, bright and clear understanding about all spiritual problems and about My reign and activity, about My eternal plan of Salvation.... Yet one thing is not possible for My adversary: to make himself known through the inner Word.... And now pay attention: What are the characteristics of the inner Word, of the expression of My love for you, of the transference of strength which affects you in the state of receiving My Word....? My Word affects your heart and speaks to your heart, thus My Word can only be felt, and this feeling will be formulated by the person's intellect if he is willing to believe divine emanations, if the person therefore consciously listens within to hear what I reveal to him.... But it is also possible for a person's tongue to speak, impelled by a force while the person's intellect is excluded and this force avails itself of a person's mouth in order to make itself heard. This manifestation of strength can indeed be caused by a being of light, but forces of darkness can likewise avail themselves of the opportunity if a person opens himself in order to make contact with invisible forces. Then it depends on the will which forces take hold of him; the person's tongue is set in motion and, impelled by this force, he speaks.... yet I Am not the One Who speaks, although good forces can also convey to a person spiritual knowledge which corresponds to My will. __However, My Word is My direct emanation, which can indeed be passed on to the person's heart through a being of light yet always such that the spiritual ear perceives My Word, that therefore the person is addressed by Me and he hears Me.... and not that his physical ear hears what his mouth utters. Can you understand that? When I speak the spiritual ear hears Me, the addressed person perceives My Word in his heart. If, however, an entity speaks through a person the person hears himself speak, and this in such a way as if the mouth speaks mechanically, which is indeed the case, because a being avails itself of him in order to express itself. This being can speak on My instruction and people can likewise derive much benefit from such statements, but it is also possible for evil spirits to interfere, which happens if a person's thoughts are earthly inclined or if he, due to weakness of will, entirely hands himself over to spiritual influences, if his state becomes like a psychic one, that is, if he can no longer control what is voiced by his mouth.... In that case he is just a mechanical mouthpiece for spiritual forces, and then care will always have to be taken to accept the spiritual results as truth.... then it requires serious scrutiny if error is not to be spoken of as truth. Anyone who hears My Word is addressed through the spirit within him, which is a part of Me Myself.... And if the spirit in the person expresses itself, it can only be heard by the person's spiritual ear and not by his physical ear. The spiritual ear, however, is a matter of emotion; the person feels My Words in his heart even if he cannot audibly pass them on to his fellow human being. If, however, it is My will that he shall impart My Word, then the person will be able to convey his feeling to the intellect which grasps the sensed Word and formulates it to be understandable.... For My speech is an illumination of strength, it touches the human being's soul, and this strength is formed by My will into the Word for you.... All people can certainly feel themselves addressed by Me if they love Me and want to get in contact with Me, who thus expect an expression of love, for I draw close to all My children who call upon Me and I listen to them; I also answer them, I comfort them, give them advice, admonitions, warnings, I assure them of My help, and if they attentively listen within they will also perceive the gentle voice.... yet always in a way that they believe themselves to be saying these Words which they would dearly like to hear. __However, if a person is chosen to spread the truth throughout the world, to proclaim the Gospel to fellow human beings, he needs to receive it from Me first, and this happens through the inner Word.... through a process which first necessitates that the human being's spiritual ear is so trained that he hears that which I emotionally impart to him as 'spiritual Word'.... that he does not expect to be spoken to such that he hears it with his physical ear but that he, in profound faith of My love, waits for My speech, that is, that he opens himself to the flow of My love's strength and perceives the contact like spoken Words which the heart then conveys to the intellect, thus providing the intellect with the necessary understandable explanations in order to be able to process the spiritual language. Such Word-reception is a commitment for a mission, for the recipient accepts spiritual knowledge from My hand, I make Myself known to him, and this takes place in such a simple way that another person rarely notices anything peculiar and that the only evidence of My illumination of love consists of written down proclamations of wisdom, which testify to Me as a Being. And therefore it should not be difficult to recognise My Word, because by transmitting My Word to earth I intend to portray Myself to people such that they learn to love Me, but this is only possible if I reveal Myself to them as a most loving Father, if I explain to them that My reign and activity is solely determined by love and that they are therefore being informed of My eternal plan of Salvation.... Consequently, that which is imparted to a person as My Word has to be informative; it must not cause confusion, it must not sound incomprehensible, not effusive, it must sound clear and pure, intelligible and therefore pleasing for all people. It must also affect those people to whom it is imparted like a ray of love, it must touch people's hearts and meet with a response in those who open themselves.... a person must feel himself addressed by Me and thereby feel deeply impressed.... I Myself must be recognised as the Giver of the Word because I reveal Myself through My Word.... __Amen
Awakening spiritual hunger....
Spiritual hunger shall be awakened among people. This requires the offer of tasty morsels which precisely contain that knowledge which was ambiguous to the human being. Every person can be touched somewhere, every person has a specific question which occupies him and if he can receive an explanation to it he will also open his heart for further knowledge, and then it will be most successful if the teacher does not deny him an answer, if all concepts are known to him and clear enough so that he can pass his knowledge on to another person.... so that he can satisfy the hunger of someone who desires the truth. The desire for truth has not yet been awakened in the human race, people casually dismiss what is incomprehensible to them, they don't desire clarification and therefore it cannot be offered to them either. But the reason for this can always be found in the fact that their thinking was not stimulated, that no samples were offered to them, that they were not impelled to express themselves, to clearly state their own thoughts; a question can be extremely interesting to them if it is asked at the right time and in the right way and the answer can be extremely satisfying if it is given by an authorised teacher who represents the pure truth and can pass it on. Then the desire for more knowledge will arise by itself in them, and only then can a famished person be nourished with the bread from heaven. An answer which betrays ignorance does not satisfy and can prevent people from wanting to find some kind of clarification; the pure truth, however, speaks for itself and therefore also to every person who wants to know it. And this person will always be offered the heavenly bread which is conveyed to him from above, he will no longer need to starve and live in want, he will always receive according to requirement and worthiness.... For enjoying the bread from heaven only requires the will to correctly revive the soul, it requires being receptive for what God's love offers him. Therefore you should, as true representatives of God and His kingdom, always proclaim His Word, even if there is no desire for it as yet, for He Himself will bless you if you speak and you will experience this blessing, because the listeners will want to know more themselves, they will look for every opportunity where the divine Word is proclaimed to them. What you received through God's great love yourselves must be distributed by you with love.... Then it will not fail to make an impression on your fellow human beings.... Then you will be promoting God and His kingdom and will render faithful vineyard work, for you are His servants, you should show the table of the Lord to those who want to eat and thus bestow good gifts; you should always proclaim the Word of God wherever the spiritually famished are sent to you, you should offer the bread of heaven to them and keep their spiritual hunger alive, so that time and again new nourishment will be requested for the souls who once have tasted the heavenly bread.... __Amen
Confusion during the last days.... Truth....
My love will truly not leave those of you who want to be active according to My will, who entirely voluntarily have taken on a task and are thus working for Me and My kingdom. After all, you children of this earth should bear in mind that the time of the end has come and that therefore all possibilities will be exhausted for the salvation of erring souls. Wherever I know there is a person who can still be won over for the kingdom of life I will use those means which promise to be successful, and these are not always the same means because every person reacts differently to them. But My working is nevertheless recognisable, for the objective is and always remains the direction of will towards Me.... hence everything that demonstrates guidance to Me, to faith in Me as the Creator and Father of eternity, has to be regarded as a means used by Me, it merely is not the same with every person. You must know that unbelief, the denial of Me Myself, is always the proof of affiliation with My adversary, who will at all times actively strive to keep Me at bay from people, thus to prevent their return to Me. Consequently, where it is clearly obvious that I Myself Am made accessible to people as God and Creator of eternity it cannot be My adversary's work, the work for Me and My kingdom will always be recognisable there. However, anyone who carries out such work will also always draw people's attention to My commandments of love.... And that, in turn, is a sign as to which spirit dominates, because My adversary will never admonish and inspire the love which will dethrone himself, which will deprive him of his followers.... The end is near, and there is great confusion among people, which is My adversary's intention again, who slips in wherever it is possible for him, whose first endeavour is to undermine the truth, to extinguish the light which should illuminate the path for people. And he finds many opportunities to cast shadows upon the rays of light.... yet he will not be able to extinguish the light, for its radiance will be too bright and will dazzle him, so that his activity will be exposed and will remain unsuccessful. For once the desire for Me has been awakened, where a person's thinking and striving applies to Me, where I Am called upon in spirit and in truth, My strength of love will also flow over and fill the human being's heart.... And it recognises the eternal Love, the Father, and unreservedly surrenders to Him. And this surrender of will is all I require of you, who want to serve Me.... Then all your thoughts, intentions and actions will be right, then you will be endowed with My strength and you will be living representatives of My teaching.... you will only be able to speak according to My will and thus also know the truth.... __Amen
Book of Books.... God's Word....
The Scriptures, which testify of Me, would fully suffice to proclaim My will to people, it would also guide them to the light, to enlightenment, if My will were done, and they would attain beatitude. Yet this book, the Book of the Fathers, has lost its value for many people; it is no longer the book which imparts My Word to them because their unbelief also concerns the origin of the Scriptures, they cannot believe that My spirit was working in My disciples, that this spirit motivated them to write down what I Myself did and taught while I lived on earth. And therefore they no longer appraise this Word of Mine as it should be appraised.... as the proclamation of My will which requires people to fulfil the commandments.... of love for God and their neighbour.... __They would only need to acknowledge that these two commandments were given to people by Me and if they endeavoured to live on earth in accordance with these two commandments they would very soon learn to appreciate the accuracy and truth of all other teachings which My disciples recorded on My behalf for all people.... But they do not live with love, and therefore they also lack understanding for everything contained in the Scriptures. As a result, they also doubt the origin, they do not recognise Me as the source of the Word that testifies of Me. However, they nevertheless should be informed of My Word, they nevertheless should know My will and thus made directly aware of the One Who manifests Himself in many ways.... __They should know that it is possible for Me to convey My Word to earth at any time, that I instruct people through the spirit at all times just as I taught My apostles when I no longer lived amongst them in the flesh. They should know that the pouring out of the spirit was not a unique occurrence which only happened to My disciples, but that time and again I pour My spirit into an open vessel, that I instruct people in the same way as I once instructed My disciples and thus convey My Word to them, which again only reveals My will to live within love, and as a result of their compliance with My will to then guide the person into truth, to explain to him the correlation between the creation and its creator, the destiny and goal of everything that is visible, thus to bestow comprehensive knowledge to him which denotes brightest light to the soul and enables it to find the path to eternal life.... __By transmitting My Word I only intend to achieve the possibility for the human being to shape himself into love.... The Scriptures, too, only ever teach love, thus its origin has to be from Me Myself, Who is eternal love. But since love has grown cold amongst humanity, people are no longer able to recognise the deeper value of what is written, they are spiritually blind and lack all judgment. Therefore they shall be confronted again by living representatives of My Word who, although they will not bring them anything new, they will nevertheless be able to advocate the old Word with conviction and demonstrate it anew.... namely, that love is the first commandment I expect to be fulfilled, and that all additional knowledge, the higher awareness of truth, only arises from love.... My Word shall be widely spread again, for once again I say to My chosen disciples `Go into the world and teach all nations....' For people have to hear My Gospel, they have to know that the Scriptures may not be dismissed, that it comprises the truth which I Myself proclaimed to My disciples through the spirit.... They should know that I will always and forever transmit the same Word to earth and that My Word will remain even when heaven and earth pass away.... __Amen
The church of Christ.... Living faith....
Only a living faith makes you members of My church, which I Myself established on earth. Regardless of which denomination you belong to.... you have to demonstrate a faith like Peter's, for the church is only based on such faith.... on faith which has come alive through love.... And you can gain this living faith in every denomination if the instructions you receive stimulate you into kind-hearted activity and your subsequently eager work is always based on love. Then you will have a living faith, then you will consciously establish the connection with Me.... Then I will, in a manner of speaking, live in and next to you, and you will also consciously live your earthly life, you will strive towards a goal and everything you start will be aimed towards this goal.... you will strive for Me. And surely you can understand that every human being is able to strive for Me, irrespective of which denomination he belongs to. His mere belief in Me, Who lived on earth as the man Jesus in order to redeem people, is also the cornerstone for My church, and this will be as indestructible as a rock once this belief has become unwavering through love.... Then he can be shaken by the most violent storms, he will prevail, and only faith like that can be the foundation of 'My church', which lasts for all eternity. __Anyone with a right and living faith, which is the result of a life of love, will also know the truth, because the fire of love emanates the light of truth.... And he will also discern between divine and human teachings.... he will more and more let the divine teachings become the principle of his life and ignore the human teachings.... he will feel what My will consists of even if he is humanly obliged to perform actions which are never ever based on My will.... He stands on the rock which carries My church and will no longer step onto ground which threatens to submerge him. He will only endorse the pure truth, because life is in him and therefore he also strives for life and flees from death.... he will avoid everything which belongs to death, which is unsuitable for the awakening of true life.... He rejects error and falsehood because the truth clearly brings them to light. A living faith is the rock on which My church is built.... This, however, presupposes a life of unselfish neighbourly love.... Wherever this is practised is where the gates are open which lead into My church, and all are able to enter it, I accept all who only sincerely strive to belong to Me and My church, which I Myself founded on earth.... __Amen
True prayer and church service....
A child's trusting prayer will rise to heaven and be heard by Me.... and his prayer will be answered.... And yet so few people take advantage of this privilege because they have become accustomed to external formalities and no longer experience the strength of prayer in spirit and in truth.... Only great hardship can persuade them to voice words from their hearts which will reach My ear, because great hardship will let them turn to Me for help.... And I will bless them when they then let go of all superficial formalities and speak to Me like a child speaks to its father.... However, I will not take notice of thoughtless prayers, and yet they are so very frequently spoken.... just as I will not take notice of what a devout attitude should express but which lacks all deeper thought.... __Therefore I asked you to call upon Me in spirit and in truth.... because all pretence and external formality is abominable to Me. You humans might well be able to deceive each other but you will never be able to deceive Me.... And you believe that you pay homage to Me with empty displays of splendour, with ceremonial acts, with a superficial service. But I take no notice of it, whereas a simple, devout prayer to Me will sound lovely and is pleasing to Me. And this kind of prayer can be sent to Me anywhere and at anytime, it will always be received and heard by Me. It is so easy to honour Me when you build an altar in your heart on which you bring your love to Me.... when you enter into a silent but heartfelt dialogue with Me, when you commend yourselves to Me, ask for My mercy and always long for My presence.... Then you will be praying `in spirit and in truth....' Then I will also be with you, because I will always be with My child when it sends its loving thoughts to the Father.... However, I abhor all external formality which is all too easily just a disguise for an unfriendly, indifferent attitude, that will lead a person into ruin. __Besides, you are misjudging your God and Father if you believe that I.... like you humans.... would want to be honoured with external splendour and glamour.... All splendour and glory are at My disposal and I want to give it all to you if only you offer Me your love in return. For I Am only asking for your love which, however, you cannot show Me with external formalities, instead I want to discover it in the human being's heart.... which is selflessly turned towards his neighbour and therefore also proves your love for Me. A loving heart is the greatest honour for Me, a loving heart only speaks words in spirit and in truth, and I will look upon a loving heart as My child which has all My love too.... but then it may also ask Me for everything and never get disappointed due to its faith in Me, and I will not allow its faith to be destroyed.... __Amen
Indication of natural events....
I send My Word everywhere, and I also know the right ways and means so that willing people will gain possession of spiritual knowledge which originates from Me. For I know who is willing to listen to Me and truly, everything is possible for Me, even that I address them Myself in a way that is beneficial for them. But I also consider those who are completely devoid, who have not yet felt the desire for My Word, who go along without thinking of Me, who only see the world and its commodities.... I convey My Word to them as well, they, too, are addressed by Me time and again, yet so unobtrusively that they indeed can but do not have to hear Me.... First their will has to be aroused to hear something from different spheres than their own; but time and again such incentives occur through conversations, books, world events or personal adversity and misfortunes. Then the human being will be able to turn his thoughts into the right direction, into infinity, towards Me, into spiritual spheres.... and depending on his will he shall also be nourished.... __Thus do not believe that I will deny My loving help to anyone, do not believe that any human being will have to survive without My gift of grace. I take care of everyone, yet the result is the affair of the human being's own free will. But My Word will be heard all over the world, since I only ever need a willing earthly child with an open heart which can receive the truth directly from Me.... And then it will also pass this truth on, because I know which people are receptive and will bring My earthly children together wherever a small improvement can be expected. And messengers of light will always distribute the truth wherever they are.... And they will all proclaim the same truth because they are My missionaries who will appear everywhere and in all nations during the last days. No famished soul will have to remain without strength and no longing heart will need to stay empty.... And I direct everything, I govern heaven and earth after My will, and I take care of every single living creation and provide it with every possibility to become happy.... I awaken true preachers everywhere to whom My spirit imparts what to say and who are so sincerely devoted to Me that I Am also able to work through My spirit.... Success can be noted everywhere but there will also be people everywhere who will deny every access to their hearts, who will indeed also hear My Words but reject them completely and will therefore be unable to experience any effect. __Yet they, too, have been addressed and will continue to be addressed until the end of their life, because I will try until their hour of death that their souls shall still find Me during their earthly life. Indeed, countless people are still distant from Me and won't try to reduce this distance either, yet I love and care for them to the same extent, because I want to regain all My living creations and thus won't give up on any of them until their last hour has come.... Yet I will not infringe upon their freedom of will.... Nevertheless, what My gentle efforts cannot achieve, what My Word is unable to accomplish, can still be possible through unusual natural events, where people will have no other option but to give themselves up or to take refuge in a Power which is so great that it can help.... The acknowledgement of this Power is already a step forward, and the call of a person in need will be heard by Me and he will be saved from eternal ruin.... My voice rings out everywhere, it can be heard gently and aloud, and everyone can feel himself addressed by Me, everyone can receive blessings and awaken to life by just being willing and taking notice of My voice.... For My love wants to redeem, it wants to give itself away and bestow life on all who are still subject to death.... __Amen
Apparitions of Mary.... Signs and miracles.... Satan's ac...
The human being only pays attention to signs and miracles. He wants to gain an insight into what is concealed from him, he first wants to experience unexplainable phenomena, and these seem more credible to him than the pure Word of God, but in reality they merely intensify the darkness and erroneous belief, for they should only be regarded as fabrications of the one who wants to cause confusion and who is particularly active when the pure truth threatens to establish itself. He wants to obscure every flashing light with profound darkness. Only rarely will people promote the distribution of truth, whereas lies and errors spread like wildfire and people don't shy away from serving their fellow human beings with nourishment that has no nutritional value whatsoever, instead it has a poisonous effect. __During the last days before the end Satan's activity will become obvious by especially availing himself of means which aim to feign divine activity. God has promised people His spirit, and he has associated this working of the spirit with remarkable gifts of grace. God's strength expresses itself through people who proclaim His Word, who are His true servants on earth and who therefore will also accomplish what Jesus accomplished on earth.... who will heal the sick and take away people's every affliction, who are profoundly knowledgeable, full of strength and able to see what God will send upon humanity.... who will perform miracles like He did, because God Himself can work in them through His spirit in order to motivate people to believe and turn back before it is too late.... But these occurrences receive little attention from people because, deemed to be implausible, they are not made publicly known.... and because nothing divinely-spiritual will ever make itself the centre of attraction against people's will. __God's adversary, however, will work by the same token before the end by using his strength for deceitful activities, for all kinds of works of deception. And this activity of his will receive attention. He will manifest himself and always appear as an angel of light, he will influence the masses, he will make them believe what they want to see, for this desire will provide him with the foundation for fictitious miracles, for all kinds of errors.... People who create idols for themselves to some extent furnish Satan with the means by which he will then be able to take effect. And it is far more difficult to convince people that they have fallen prey to the opponent than to make these apparitions credible to them.... For Satan also ensures that the broad mass of the population takes notice of it and delights increasingly more in the miracles of false Christs and false prophets.... in apparitions which partially are untrue, but partially emerge through people's will itself, because such evil activity is encouraged by people's will and erroneous belief.... for then it no longer requires a great deal of strength from his side in order to materialise such false miracles. __God does not influence people in this way, and God makes no use of those whose thoughts are so misguided that they are unable to distinguish between right and wrong.... He works in silence, He pours out His spirit upon all flesh, and servants and handmaidens will prophesy on His instructions and spread the pure truth from God, but He will never promote existing error nor encourage it in people even more, and no exalted and supreme beings of light will ever express themselves by trying to glorify their own name.... Satan, however, can establish himself in works which were put together by human hands with a completely wrong attitude towards God.... works which intended to reinforce an already existing error and which therefore are indeed the right kind of abode for the one who is and will remain the father of lies and errors as long as he can exert his influence.... And people are spiritually blind and don't recognise his accursed activity.... but they increasingly turn a deaf ear to the truth, and therefore the adversary will be very successful, for it is the time of the end.... __Amen
Surrender to Jesus.... Saviour and Physician.... Redeemer...
Your burden of sin due to your past apostasy from Me has turned you into imperfect and therefore unhappy beings which can only be completely happy again when they are released from their great guilt of sin, when they have atoned it themselves as far as it was possible during the time prior to their embodiment, and when they subsequently allow themselves to be redeemed by Jesus Christ, that I therefore can erase all guilt because they have handed themselves over to the divine Redeem Jesus Christ, in Whom I embodied Myself on earth.... For then they will return to Me again, from Whom they once had distanced themselves.... Then they will voluntarily acknowledge Me as their God and Father of eternity.... And then they will also be infinitely happy as they were in the beginning.... Hence I require you to surrender to Jesus Christ, for your dedication to Him also demonstrates your will to return to Me. But do you humans serious about taking refuge under the cross and receiving forgiveness for your sins? Are you approaching Him, Who is your Saviour, your Redeemer and your Brother, with absolute faith? Do you in all honesty want to make use of His grace which He had acquired for you on the cross? Do you speak words in spirit and in truth? Or are they just empty phrases when you profess Him? __He is truly your Saviour and Physician, He is the Redeemer from sin and death, He is the vessel which carried Me, and thus His might and strength was limitless.... And this man Jesus is and will remain the Eternal Deity, for I chose Him to enable Me becoming a visible God for you since I Am but Spirit from everlasting to everlasting. And if you call upon Him you call upon Me.... And I listen and will grant your request, since I gave you the promise through Jesus Christ `Whatever you will ask in My name, that will I do....' Trust these Words with complete faith and don't hesitate to commend yourselves to your Saviour and Redeemer, so that I can give you the evidence that I will keep My Word.... You must always remember that I give you the occasion for every prayer in spirit and in truth Myself, that I want you to come to Me in every adversity of body and soul.... And thus take this step to Me, consider My Words, let them penetrate them deeply into your heart and believe without doubt, for My promises are truth, but you determine their fulfilment yourselves. __I carried all your sins on your behalf, I took upon Myself all suffering and adversity which you would have had to carry as penance for your original sin.... And every person's life can be free of worry and suffering if he hands his sin over to Me Myself, that I might also have carried his guilt on his behalf. Yet he must pray with absolute faith, he must know that I don't want people to suffer.... but that I cannot avert his suffering contrary to My eternal order if his faith is still so feeble that his call won't reach My ear, if he still doubts My love or My might.... I can help all people and want to help all people. And if your faith is a living one then make use of My assurance and hand yourselves over to Me.... You first requirement is a living faith in My act of Salvation, you have to be convinced that I have carried all your sins, that I have taken all your suffering upon Myself and died on the cross so that you can be free of them. Only then will all your doubt disappear, only then will you entrust yourselves to Me with complete faith, and only then can I take your suffering from you and redeem you from sin and death. For only then will you have accomplished your return to Me, only then will you acknowledge Me in spirit and in truth.... __Amen
Battle of faith.... Hostilities.... Antichrist....
I want to bless you so that you will be My firm supporters when the edifice of faith which, for My Own, is the essence of the church of Christ, is being shaken.... when they shake what I have erected Myself and what I keep teaching people time and again through My Word. The time is approaching when not only the representatives of misguided teachings will treat you with hostility, but when all faith per se is intended to be rooted out, regardless of whether it is misguided or corresponds to the truth, because then My adversary will be determined to use his sharpest weapon: to displace all knowledge and belief in Me and My act of Salvation and replace it with materialistic points of view and plans. And this will be the dawning of a period which you as yet consider impossible, for My adversary will embody himself within a worldly ruler and start his work so cunningly that at first he will only be recognised by few people as to who he really is.... __And so he will win many over who will subsequently follow and obey him blindly as he inconspicuously changes his plans.... For in the beginning he will only proceed against individual denominations and will be supported in this by others who will be only too willing to help him when it concerns removing their opponents. And this is why you will at first believe that you are only subject to hostilities by those who only fight the pure truth because they are representatives of errors and lies themselves. And then you will have to be careful as not to endanger yourselves deliberately. Not long afterwards they will be treated with the same hostility, and then the Antichrist's activity becomes obvious.... And even then he will still be followed by many, because they will already be under his control and he will have an easy game with them. Not much time will pass anymore before the first signs become apparent.... The battle of faith will not start with an act of violence, for My adversary will proceed cunningly and even deceive many believers, who will consequently follow him and, at a later time, become his welcome servants. Yet he will be unable to deceive you, who are spiritually awake, for I will open your eyes and guide your thoughts into the right direction.... For then it will be time to arm yourselves for the final battle, which will be waged with inconceivable brutality. But I will bless you.... I will be with you Myself and leave no one defending Me and My name without protection. For this battle will be decisive since it will, after all, separate the sheep from the goats and be the work of My adversary which will condemn him.... As soon as he fights Me Myself, as soon as he wants to stop the distribution of knowledge about Me and My act of Salvation he will have passed his own judgment, he will be bound and deprived of his every power without fail. __But a clear separation must nevertheless take place, because far too many people are still neither fish nor fowl.... because far too many deem themselves devout and first have to pass this test and regretfully fail because they are not living in truth, because they have little love and therefore can neither receive nor recognise the truth for what it is.... This is why you, My servants, still have to be incredibly active, for then many opportunities will still present themselves where you can enlighten those who then.... beset by doubts.... will be incapable of discernment and desire advice. And you will indeed succeed in helping those who are weak of faith into becoming strong believers; you will succeed in drawing a few over into your camp, you will be able to give them clear and intelligible information and present Me as a loving God and Father Who only requires firm faith in order to also be able to help them in utmost adversity and to grant them the strength to persevere until the end.... __Amen
What is the soul....
There is still a complete lack of clarity about problems which cannot be solved by human intelligence alone and where God's spirit has to work even though its working is rarely acknowledged. But only He is able to give a clear answer to questions that concern unsolved problems. However, even the results of such working of the spirit are doubted although they alone correspond to the truth. Irrespective of what question is asked, only the answer given to people by God Himself through His spirit will always be correct.... However, `spirit' should not be confused with `intellect' because intellect can just as well reason in the wrong direction.... There is no guarantee that intellectual results correspond to truth or so many different opinions and points of view would not exist, all claiming to be truth but all merely gained by means of intellect.... __The `spirit', however, is the radiance emanated by the Eternal Truth Itself which gives light, i.e. knowledge which is simply accepted by the intellect, for which there is no evidence. But the `spirit of God' provides absolute innermost conviction, it provides comprehensive clarification even without making special use of the intellect:.... The concept of `soul' cannot be tangibly explained to someone unless he has already acquired a certain amount of `spiritual knowledge' because the soul is something spiritual, it has no earthly-physical quality and can therefore only be explained spiritually. The soul is the fluid essence which gives life to the body, to the physical form.... The soul is the actual life, the human being's true ego, which is sheltered in a physical external frame, which cannot be seen but is always present as long as energy expresses itself in this external frame. Without the soul the human being would not be a self-aware being. The soul is God's once emanated strength which He externalised as a spiritual being to whom He gave an independent life. And this being was endowed with free will and the ability to think.... The fact that and why this spiritual being.... the soul.... shelters within the human body during its earthly life is a separate knowledge; first it should be explained that it is the soul which thus enables the human being to think, feel and want. __It should be emphasized that the soul is the animator of all organs, that every physical activity, every prompting of will and feeling is the expression of soul within the body.... which is indeed something spiritual that cannot be seen by the human eye and which.... if it could be seen.... would fully resemble its human external frame. It is the soul which continues to live after the death of the body and which then can also be seen by other souls whose degree of maturity enables their spiritual vision. The soul can therefore never be explained as some kind of physical substance.... it is and remains spiritual substance, thus God's spiritual emanation, which is intended to fulfil a purpose on earth.... It is indestructible and immortal but can differentiate itself from other souls by its emission of light, and the purpose of its earthly life consists of increasing the degree of light which it once had darkened of its own will.... __It is not possible for anyone to explain the essence of soul purely scientifically because the soul is nothing tangible nor explicable with human senses but strength from God's strength, Whose essence is and remains equally inexplicable but Who cannot be denied by thinking people. Just as the soul is the true Self of the human being which cannot be defined either, which exists yet cannot be proven, which certainly controls the functions of the physical organs but can also exist without the body, whereas the body without the soul is completely lifeless matter even if all organs are still unchanged.... But the life is missing as soon as the soul leaves the body.... something is missing that activates the body, which triggers the organs' functions, which decisively influences the brain voluntarily and which arouses the stirring of every will in a person.... And this thinking, wanting and feeling something.... the soul.... now exists in other spheres but always as the same being which previously inhabited the body. And therefore it can also be recognised in the realm of the beyond which, however, requires a certain degree of maturity.... __Amen
Messages concerning the continuation of Earth are more li...
You will only be able to work within a small circle at first, for the world is still far stronger than you and will push you aside if you want to come to the forefront. The will to live is too strong, to live the life which will not last forever and which only consists of worldly joys. And wherever this will predominates you cannot prevail, even if you possess the purest truth. No-one wants to get used to the idea that the earth is facing its end, that such powerful upheaval will take place on it which will also destroy all life on Earth.... And therefore they will be more receptive to messages promising a continuation of Earth, and this explains why messages which completely contradict My Word conveyed to you from above are being believed, because people look for and find hope and the assurance in these messages that their life will not suddenly come to an end.... They will always more willingly allow themselves to be impressed by those messages than by the admonitions and warnings you proclaim to them. This is why the bringers of those messages will meet with far more approval and you will not be listened to but more likely be treated aggressively. And thus you should only ever work for Me to the extent I Myself enable you to do so and never think that you should have to come to the fore in the world. The world is and will remain My adversary's realm, and anyone who finds appreciation and acclaim in this world also works on behalf of the world and thus for My adversary. __You have to accept that only a small circle will ever choose Me and My kingdom.... and that everything great in the world is adverse activity. Admittedly, My Word conveyed to you by Me shall be spread, and I bless those who support this work; and My blessing will also rest on your spiritual activity, so that the hearts of willing people will feel affected and thus spiritual success will also be achieved. But you will never be able to accomplish this mission on a large scale, for the adversary can only too easily slip in where the masses are being approached.... they will never be like-minded where it concerns the receipt of the pure truth.... but they will usually agree if worldly-favourable aspects are offered to them. And humanity does see the direction it is heading to, it also recognises the great danger of scientific experiments but it tries to allay itself, it believes that it will be helped through countermeasures of unknown powers because this is what it wants.... And by doing so it can't see clearly anymore, it allows itself to be misled and thus gets caught up in the nets of lies by the one who wants anything apart from that a light should shine for humanity to find and take the way to Me. Yet you shall illuminate the darkness with the light that shines down to earth from above.... Regardless of people's disapproval you shall time and again proclaim the near end and the preceding last warning sign, you shall be diligent and use every opportunity to spread My Word, but you shall work in seclusion, because in public you will have little success. However, Jesus Christ's act of Salvation shall be mentioned wherever the opportunity is offered to you, for all people can be informed of this, even the people of the world who no longer pay attention to Him, because they know of Him and will only ever hear an old truth which can affect their conscience, which can also motivate them to form their own opinion one day. And the will to know the truth will then also make their hearts receptive to My Word before the end comes.... __Amen
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Handwriting: Prologue 1

Handwriting: Prologue 2




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