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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Prediction of a swiftly approaching end.... Weak faith th...
You know that you cannot expect a long life on earth anymore and that every day is a grace enabling you to mature fully if you make correct use of the time. You know this from My Word but your faith is not yet profound enough to be spurred into utmost striving, you doubt the truth of My Word as far as it relates to the approaching end. Nevertheless, you should eagerly work at improving yourselves, for the end is at hand.... Time and again I approach you with this admonition and warn you of half-hearted thoughtless living; time and again I call to you: Pay attention to My Word, engross yourselves in it and live accordingly. __You won't know when your last hour has come, you don't know how much time you have left until the end, hence you should live as if every day is your last. I always send you My obedient spirits to convey illuminating thoughts to you, to direct your mind to the spiritual kingdom, I send you My messengers on earth to inform you of the approaching end, to draw your attention to the signs of the last days and to awaken firm faith in you by imparting My Word to you which was transmitted directly to earth. And thus I constantly try to explain to you the gravity of the situation in order to enable you a blissful end, yet none of you take My Words seriously enough, your faith is still too weak to live appropriately even though your will is turned to My direction. And therefore I admonish you time after time:.... Engross yourselves in My Word, let the thought of a near end come alive in you, prepare yourselves for it, and place less importance on earthly things in view of the end, in view of the immense spiritual hardship which will even increase the closer it is to the end. __Use all available strength in order to grow spiritually, and fully entrust the care of your body to Me. Make use of the short time until the end, be constantly active with love, always draw strength from My Word, admonish and teach your fellow human beings to do the same and thus help each other to reach the goal on earth which I had given you, help each other to become perfect, for there is only little time left until the end.... __Amen
The spiritual low level has been reached....
People on earth will not change anymore for they are devoted to the world with body and soul and therefore also to the one who is master of this world.... All warnings are useless; a few will indeed still detach themselves from the crowd and recognise their true destiny, yet most remain unimpressed by it. And whatever happens, they will only ever look at it through the eyes of the world, a spiritual cause will never be seen or assumed, and thus people will not change, neither in their thoughts nor in their actions.... Their stay on earth has become completely meaningless and has to be brought to an end. People have become prematurely ready for the downfall, for the day of the end is determined since eternity and will be upheld, although the spiritual low has already been reached before this time. Nevertheless, everything will still be done for the sake of the few who will still choose God just before the end, and for their sake the day of the end has been set for a later time. __For the struggle to gain these last souls is extremely difficult and requires perseverance but it is not hopeless, as God already foresaw since eternity. However, every soul is precious to Him and thus he will do everything to gain it before the end. This is why His servants on earth should be diligent; every servant should remember that each soul he tries to gain could be one of the last few whose deliverance had caused God to delay the end until the work of redemption is accomplished. Hence they should not tire in their vineyard work, they should know that God has the interest of every soul at heart and His love for same motivates Him to be patient and longsuffering. The last days will bring the godlessness ever more to the fore, and at times it will appear as if the earth was only populated by devils so that the work for the kingdom of God appears like a performance by feeble-minded people.... __Nevertheless it shall be done diligently for it will not be without benefit. Even people who are called away from earth before the end will be able to reach the light sooner in the beyond due to the work of the Lord's servants on earth, and in turn help their loved ones on earth to a change of heart.... Only very few people can still be gained and yet the end will be delayed for their sake.... And this is why the activity of God's adversary will become quite openly visible, for he will not find resistance in people anymore, they all belong to him, they allow themselves to be held captive by the world which is his kingdom.... He is truly reaping a great harvest yet it will not be beneficial for him because he will lose everyone he believes to have gained when the earth will arise anew.... because they all will be snatched from his power and banished again, which will weaken his power considerably, and he himself will also be bound for a long time. __He is still on top and celebrates his triumph over the people he has dragged into the abyss, yet he will not be victorious at the end of the earth for there is One Who is stronger than he is, Who will indeed let him have his time and not stop his activity until the hour has come as it is written.... but which will then confine him and with him all God-resisting souls.... And then the end of the earth and its inhabitants has come.... and a new era will begin in peace and happiness for people who remain faithful to God until the end.... __Amen
Natural disaster before the end....
The end of this earth and of all living creatures upon it is inevitable.... No creations on earth will remain, people and animals will lose their lives apart from the small flock of those who will be raptured in the flesh. This last act of My will has been planned from the beginning, time and again it has been proclaimed to people by seers and prophets, and is now announced to people again with all urgency as being close at hand, because it will be so enormous and no-one shall experience the end without having been informed of it. Yet the proclamations find no credence.... An event is approaching people, the enormity of which cannot possibly be imagined.... and yet it is dismissed as implausible and the admonitions and warnings are futile, for no-one prepares himself for this enormous happening. People don't believe in an end.... And thus I will proceed with My final exhortation.... I will still give the unbelieving human race a last sign in the shape of a natural disaster.... the scale of which will also be huge but it will only affect the earth to a limited extent, so that they will no longer think it impossible and seriously take account of themselves as to whether and how they can be justified before Me at the end. Great events are often foreshadowed.... The natural event, which will be followed by the end shortly afterwards, is intended to be a final admonition, for it will cost many human lives, countless people will fall prey to the elements of nature, or little impression on the hardened hearts can be expected which, however, shall still be saved prior to the destruction.... I have always spoken though the mouths of prophets and even now I keep speaking through My devoted servants.... Yet people do not listen to this language apart from a few who believe My Words and are therefore willing to influence their fellow human beings according to My will.... __But now they shall clearly hear My voice and not be able to close their ears, for humanity's indifference motivates Me to disturb them and shake them out of their tranquillity, their worldly spirit.... so that no one will be able to claim that he received no warning. But even this warning will not result in turning to Me completely, because people don't want to recognise My voice and because I do not use force which impels people to come to Me.... Then the end will sweep everything which remains in opposition to Me away, for every human being still remains in opposition who does not turn to Me in view of the previous immense destruction.... which demonstrates My might.... Everyone still remains in opposition who thinks that an end of this earth is impossible, for he is spiritually unenlightened, which betrays his affiliation to My adversary.... I still try to break this opposition by all possible means without using force. And this final intervention will truly appear to be a cruel method yet I use it for the sake of your salvation, because My Words are not being believed and because the end is near to which they will then inevitably fall prey, and then their spiritual state will be the decisive factor as to what fate awaits them on the day of Judgment. And time and again I say to My servants that they cannot mention the end and the preceding natural event diligently enough, that they should not be afraid to draw people's attention to the fact that they will not have much time left, that they should unhesitatingly speak about My eternal plan and that they therefore should also spread My Gospel, so that people know what I expect of them as not to descend into darkness as a victim of the forthcoming event.... I only ask for a loving heart which is willing to make sacrifices.... Then they will be able to wait for the coming events without fear, then they will belong to those who will emerge unscathed even if everything around them threatens to disappear.... However, dreadful things will be in store for those who do not want to believe.... And then I will have mercy on everyone who calls upon Me in his adversity, for I only want to rescue people and not let them fall prey to ruin.... For the end will come without fail, and then everyone will be judged in accordance with law and justice.... __Amen
True and false prophets....
No matter what is done to displace the truth, it will nevertheless prevail, even though misconceptions will claim countess victims. Yet anyone with serious intentions will find the truth, he will also clearly recognise misconception as such, and it will be of no further danger to him. The fact that people generally fall prey to error is understandable, since error always promises certain advantages to a person, be they of a spiritual or an earthly nature.... And people are always interested in gaining advantages, they do not love truth for the sake of truth, it always has to involve a benefit for them, only then are they willing to accept it. Pure truth, however, presents everything clearly and openly and can also result in a person's disadvantage if the world, his earthly well-being, still means too much to him. For this reason it often meets with little approval, this is why the human being rather accepts error than truth, since he always hopes to gain a certain advantage, because error is more inclined to comply with his wishes. __And thus people don't want to know or hear about a destruction of earth, of an end of all life and creations on earth..... __And what they are now offered under the cover of truth, what is still giving them a small ray of hope that the end is avoidable, will be accepted by them and they rather support this than the pure truth which, after all, would make them feel committed to prepare themselves for a definite end.... There will always be prophets who proclaim the end on behalf of God. There will also be those who speak on behalf of his adversary who, being false prophets, will try to invalidate those proclamations, who make promises to people but do not draw their attention to the certain end and instead try to make out that it can be avoided. And again, these prophets will meet with greater approval because people don't want an end to come, thus they rather accept teachings which promise them an advantage.... __Completely ignorant people will find it difficult to differentiate between lies and truth. But a person who has already been initiated into spiritual knowledge need only question, as a criterion of truth and fallacy, the purpose of a doctrine.... what it aims to achieve.... If it wants to impart more knowledge to a person, if it wants to achieve the improvement of his character, if it helps him to detach himself from matter, then it is of divine origin and has to be valued as truth. If, however, it intends to create a better earthly living standard, which often takes place under the guise of piety, the teaching can be unhesitatingly rejected as misguided and having originated from God's adversary. __But during the last days many false prophets will come forward on his behalf, because neither the adversary nor his followers want to admit to an end. And thus, even people who consider an end will be fooled by him again. He will plunge them into confusion, he will argue the proclamations of true prophets with proclamations of false prophets, since during the last days the darkness will steadily intensify and anyone in possession of light should protect it from getting extinguished, which can be done if his love for truth is strong, if he just holds on to God and His Word. __But anyone who is not content with the soft light of God's love will search for deceptive lights and won't take care of the small light which glows in the darkness of night.... And then it can be easily extinguished by God's adversary, and his deception was successful. He himself appeared as an angel of light and found his victims: The world and the desire for it have triumphed. People rather listen to what he has to say because it casts doubt on an end of the earth, on the end of the old and the beginning of a new era, thus it makes people believe that they are in control of it themselves. They recognise this advantage, and the mere fact that he makes people believe that they can delay or avert the implementation of God's plan of Salvation identifies Satan's activity.... However, this activity is also part of the visible indication of the end, and he will undertake many more attacks against the truth, and he will get especially busy where he finds no resistance due to an absolute desire for truth.... Because that is where the lie is not recognised, and where he has an easy game. But he will not be able to deceive those who work for God and on His behalf, for they are enlightened by His spirit and will always be able to differentiate between truth and error.... __Amen
False prophets....
Let Me tell you that you will be increasingly more exposed to assaults by My adversary as the end is approaching, because he uses his power in truly satanic ways, and particularly against My Own who want to serve Me and whom he believes he can still win over for himself. But you merely need to be watchful, because you will always recognize his conduct, you will always know who is hiding behind the schemes which disrupt or entirely prevent your spiritual work. Because it will be confirmed that many false prophets appear under My banner, that they will try to belittle My Words and My information concerning the approaching end. It will be confirmed that people are easy prey, that they would rather believe these false prophets than you, because these will always give them the hope that they are approaching a bright future, that they do not have to fear the future, that their worldly efforts will be successful and that an end to this world is thus unthinkable.... __And in that case you will know that you are dealing with false prophets, and then you will have to remain strong in faith and believe what I had proclaimed and continue to proclaim to you, that the time has been fulfilled and that you humans are in great danger if you do not prepare yourselves for the end such that you need not fear it. Anyone who lives righteously and just, who has found Jesus Christ and completely gives himself to Him, anyone who recognizes Me Myself in Him and thus calls on Me in Jesus when he is in distress will survive the dangers of the last days and emerge unscathed. He will live to see the new earth and its paradisiacal life, and his faith will indeed become a blessing to him, because he will not fear the end anymore, he will hold on to Me and thus endure until the end and be blessed, as I have promised.... __But My adversary will rage and try to influence My Own until the end.... You should know this and not allow yourselves to be misled. However, he has his followers, and they will do his bidding and spread misguided teachings amongst people who completely oppose My Word, which is brought to you directly from above, My Gospel, which you may nevertheless believe totally. You should merely examine what is offered to you from elsewhere whether it corresponds to My Word.... since whatever is contrary to it also shows that it has originated from My adversary, and you can unhesitatingly reject those as false prophets who offer you spiritual knowledge which exclude an approaching end, which promise you humans a long existence on this earth yet.... You are on the threshold of the end and should prepare yourselves, and you would do well by doing so since then you would not need to be afraid of it. Because then the time will come which had also been proclaimed to you.... then a happy and blissful life on the new earth will come, but only for My Own who believe in Me and who defend their faith until the end.... Because everyone who perseveres until the end will be blessed.... they will live a wonderful life in the paradise of the new earth.... __Amen
The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.... the day when I will reveal Myself to humanity with a voice of thunder which will be heard by everyone and which no human being will be able to avoid.... For sooner or later the act of transforming the earth will have to take place, sooner or later order must be established once again; the earth must again become a place of education for the souls which should mature fully and reach perfection. And this day has been planned for eternity, My plan is based on the fact that a transformation like that will occur one day because the human race itself will provide the reason for it.... which was certainly recognised by My wisdom.... And thus My power will also implement the plan and you can expect this day with certainty.... it will bring one period of Salvation to an end and a new one will start, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... Time and again I point this out to you, but since you humans don't believe, since you don't take My Words seriously, it will take you by surprise, for even if My adversary reigns on Earth in the last days, even if he brings people so completely under his control that they lose all faith and in the end are true devils which oppress My Own and cause them utmost distress, they will nevertheless be equally horrified when My Own are lifted up before their eyes and they realise that they cannot be saved anymore, that they will fall prey to an act of destruction themselves, that there is no way out anymore and that the earth will devour them.... For there is no other way to purify the earth; all living creations will have to be dissolved and the spiritual substances within be placed into new forms.... a comprehensive cleansing work has to take place so as to re-establish order, which will also guarantee progression for the spiritual beings and which will completely exclude My adversary's activity for a period of time, on account of which he and his followers will be constrained for a long time. __This day of the end is proclaimed to you humans over and over again, yet only a few believe in it and even these few have no idea how close it is.... yet I will repeat My admonitions and warnings until the end, until the end I will address everyone and draw your attention to it, and until the end every one of you will still have the opportunity to avoid the horror of this end.... And therefore don't pity those who leave you, whom I take from this life prematurely.... don't pity them, for their fate is better than yours who live until the end and don't believe.... They still have the opportunity to attain light in the beyond, but the former continue to descend ever deeper, for I know that they would also choose the path to the abyss in the kingdom of the beyond, that they would not make use of the blessings of an early death; after all, I know the state of every soul and accordingly also shape its earthly destiny. And even if it is difficult to believe in an end of this earth, people will nevertheless have no excuse for they should only live righteously, then their end will not result in their banishment into hard matter, then they will either belong to My Own, whom I will return to the new earth, or they will still be recalled before and then they will not go astray either.... But it is better that they prepare themselves for an approaching end, that they take the possibility into account of being suddenly faced by an act of destruction from which there will be no more escape.... Anyone who reflects on these thoughts just once will certainly also find the path to Me, to the Creator of heaven and earth, Who brought everything forth from Him and therefore can also destroy everything again.... And I would like to rescue all of you from ruin; consequently I will bring the final work of destruction on earth home to you time and again.... And anyone who believes will not have to fear this day either, for he will prepare himself, and even if he is still weak and not perfect, he will nevertheless find a merciful Judge Who will not condemn him but help him attain eternal life.... __Amen
The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you....
You are granted a specific length of time in order to attain your perfection, and that means as much as that the individual periods of development in My eternal plan of Salvation were fixed to last a certain time, consequently it means that I Myself will bring such a period of development to conclusion once the time has come to an end, for all My reign and activity takes place in lawful order, as was recognised by My wisdom to be good and successful. My decisions never change because profound wisdom and infinite love determined all events, and I have limitless power at My disposal in order to implement what I foresaw to be expedient. However, the beginning and the end of a period of development are so far apart that it is no longer possible for people to establish the start and thus they also deem an end impossible, therefore it simply remains a matter of faith to accept this teaching.... And neither should a human being be forced into changing his will due to some kind of evidence, and for that reason a veil has to remain spread across the most profound secrets of creation.... Nevertheless, one day the time will arrive when one period of Salvation comes to an end, and this is constantly pointed out to humanity through seers and prophets which I repeatedly awaken on earth in order to speak to people about things which cannot be explored by human intellect alone.... Ever since the start of such a period attention has been drawn to the fact that it will also come to an end eventually, yet such references rarely met with belief and people did not allow themselves to be influenced by it to change their way of living if the latter did not correspond to My will.... Such prophesies seemed implausible to them, and neither was it possible to force them into accepting teachings of that nature.... But regardless of how much time passes, sooner or later all references to the end of a developmental epoch will come true, and people must take into account that a new era will start again, what is old will pass away and something new will arise.... even if they are incapable of imagining such a renewal. But very few people dwell on this, and these few will delve deeper into My plan of Salvation and receive enlightenment from My side and therefore will also be convinced that an earthly period will come to an end, since due to their will for Me they also penetrate all correlations.... You humans have been granted a period of time in which to change yourselves, to return to Me. And this path of return was infinitely long, since before your existence as a human being you already lived on earth in other works of creation.... yet only in the human state are you aware of your life, you are only conscious of yourselves when you are human beings, whereas prior to this your self-awareness was missing and therefore you are oblivious to the time before your human existence. Even so, the time granted to you would have completely sufficed for you to become the kind of being again which you were when you first came forth from Me.... . __If, however, you have not reached your goal then it will be your own failure and you will have to accept the consequences, for with untiring patience and greater than great love I helped you to ascend step by step, and I only gave you free rein for a very short time so that you, in complete freedom, were able to turn your steps towards Me of your own accord, that you voluntarily.... for love.... would come to meet Me in order to then always and forever be able to remain with Me as My child.... But I had to allow you this freedom, for it was the basic condition which enabled `living creations' to become `children', and it was indeed easy for you to pass this last test of will because you received an abundance of blessings, since I pursued you with My love and left no stone unturned to encourage your return to Me for good.... But the time granted to you has expired now and the law must fulfil itself.... Even if you humans don't want to believe it, the end of this period of development will come with absolute certainty, yet only the few which I will carry away on the last day will grasp it in its whole significance, in their spiritually awakened state they will understand the correlations and thus have become My Own on earth.... The others, however, will suddenly see themselves faced by death and be utterly unable to judge what is happening around them, what the spiritual implications are, for in their spiritual blindness they neither recognised their wrong way of life nor Me as God and Creator and had been lifeless creatures even before they fall prey to physical death.... But the time I predetermined for this earth and its inhabitants is over, and only My Own will survive and inhabit a new earth so that the eternal plan of Salvation.... the return for all once fallen spirits through My great creation.... will continue to return some of the fallen beings back to Me for good again. Yet untold suffering and immense misery will always precede the end of a developmental period, and precisely this indication should make those people think who pay attention to world events.... But people still opposed to Me don't see the suffering, instead they only see earthly pleasures, good living standards, economic development and solely strive towards earthly possessions.... And these, therefore, can only be shaken up and brought to their senses through natural disasters which cause tremendous devastation and destroy people's earthly commodities and possessions. Consequently, don't be surprised if many such disasters still come upon you, for they are the last means to galvanise those people who lethargically exist in their worldly sense of security and in physical comfort and who approach a dreadful end if they won't change anymore, which can only be achieved through a disaster which will not be caused through human will but gives clear evidence of a Power which they would only need to acknowledge in order to be saved for eternity.... __Amen
And time and again I say to you: You will experience the end.... It is an urgent wake-up call which I send to people who presently inhabit the earth, it is a call which I will still intensify because you need to let go of your conviction that you still have much time left, because you need to spend thought on a sudden end and try to come close to Me. You have only little time left and very soon will be startled out of your calm, fear will enter your hearts which you can only banish by calling upon Me, by faithful prayer, which will provide you with strength and composure. The time is fulfilled, and even if you resist this thought.... you must prepare yourselves for whatever the end entails. It is you who will experience the last battle, who ought to win it; it is you who will experience the last Judgment, who will either see My coming in the clouds and the homecoming of the righteous or the final act of destruction take place, depending on your attitude towards Me, depending on your will and your love. It is you who must make a decision since you will not be able to enter the kingdom of the beyond after your death if you side with the adversary, but you will have to repeat the process through the creation of the new earth according to My eternal counsel. Do not expect the end in the future, get used to the idea that the present time will lead to the end, that you will be affected and that everything will come upon you as seers and prophets predicted according to My will. I can only ever draw your attention to it and as confirmation of My Word speak to you from above, and I will implement it shortly because there is not much time until the end. __I will inform you, whose will to serve Me made you My Own, once again of this just before the end, so that you will not experience the day unprepared, for even though you believe that My Word is truth you are still not taking My prediction seriously enough, you are still counting on a reprieve and not on My speedy arrival which, however, is about to happen to you. Yet you will yearn for My arrival when the time of the battle of faith comes and you enter the last stage of this earthly period. Then you will have learned to despise the world, you will have no further desire for earthly possessions, you will only yearn for My Word, and I will also always be with you in the Word and comfort you until the day when I will appear in the clouds, when your adversity has reached huge proportions and help can only come from Me. You must take it for granted that you will experience this time if I won't recall this or that servant of Mine prematurely, according to wise judgment. You will all be surprised as to how quickly events will unfold, which I predicted long in advance through the voice of the spirit. And once I appear the end will come upon you with giant strides. Anyone who is profoundly faithful will inwardly rejoice despite hardship and suffering, for he will know that he will be compensated one day, that sooner or later all adversity will have an end and that a new era will start again with the paradise, as I have promised.... __Amen
A total disintegration of Earth is not yet intended, but the total transformation of the earth's surface, which certainly also amounts to complete destruction because nothing of substance will be spared since every form will be dissolved in order to release the inherent spiritual substance for the purpose of entering new forms. The complete disintegration of Earth amounts to a spiritualisation, and this moment in time has not arrived as yet, because the earth still serves the imperfect spirits as a place to attain maturity.... As long as spirits in need of attaining maturity still require earthly creations the earth will also remain a material world, yet constantly recurring transformations will be unavoidable, depending on the souls' state of maturity which are meant to reach perfection on earth. For the earth, however, the moment of its end will always come when such a transformation takes place, for then a new developmental era will start for all spirits, be they embodied in the human being or bound in a solid shell, because to a certain extent the different phases also require different possibilities and those promising to be most successful will repeatedly be created again by God's great love and wisdom. People lack the knowledge about the individual phases of development, especially during the last days before the end of every era because people's low spiritual level.... caused by their lack of love.... also signifies ignorance as well as complete incomprehension for such offered information. They liken the end to a total disintegration of earthly-material worlds.... Yet this time is not foreseeable for eternities; every individual phase, however, lasts a certain length of time which starts with the emergence of the most manifold works of creations and ends with their destruction.... which commences with spiritually highly evolved people and comes to its end again with truly diabolical ones.... __One phase of development would never accomplish the spiritualisation of all spiritual beings, for as long as earthly-material creations exist, as long as the earth still shelters creations, apart from the human being, which are inferior to him, such as animals, plants and spirits bound in solid matter, it cannot be totally dissolved, because these spiritual substances must time and again be given the possibility to reach maturity and to leave their present form, which in itself already necessitates new phases once the advancement has come to a standstill. For at the end of every period of Salvation a spiritualisation of people can no longer be noticed, and such failure or non-observance of the true purpose of existence on earth has to be redressed.... these spiritual beings must also be shown a new way, because with God there is no surrender of that which belonged and continues to belong to Him but which must also become the same again as it originated from God.... For even if it inexorably strives towards the abyss He will not leave it in this depth but time and again He will find means and ways to lead it back up to the light. Thus He will never stop this higher development until even the last of the once fallen spirits has found its way back to the Father.... And yet there will always be an 'end' again.... an end of every individual phase of specific duration which God granted the spiritual beings but which will also come to an end one day. And this is why you humans cannot carelessly speak of an end of the world, which has to be understood as a complete transience of God's creation but you should only look at it as a transformation which, however, will be so extensive and inclusive that it is inconceivable to you as human beings and can also only be experienced and observed by God's few loyal followers who will subsequently testify to God's might and glory on the new earth.... You humans are approaching such an end even if it appears doubtful to you and your mind wants to reject it.... But also remember the still bound spiritual substances, remember all the creations below you and ask yourselves how these spiritual beings shall attain redemption unless opportunities are created for them time and again. More so, remember the people who totally distanced themselves from God and, after all, cannot live forever on earth.... Then you will understand that God's love, being full of mercy, tends to all that which is unredeemed and that an apparent work of destruction is an act of profound mercy, because the succeeding new creations will offer the lowest fallen spirits the path of higher development again which can still lead to God one day, if only after an infinitely long time.... __Amen
Utilizing the time of grace before the end....
You cannot delay the end anymore, for the time is fulfilled which God determined from the start in the knowledge of your will, since this strives relentlessly downwards and needs to be constrained anew. Every individual person can still shape himself such that he will not belong to those who will fall prey to a renewed banishment and also influence his fellow human beings so that they will be protected from the worst judgment. The time is fulfilled.... it means that the day of the end, the day when the material creations on this earth will be disintegrated, can be expected at any hour, even if no time has been given to you humans, because this knowledge would only result in utter confusion but be of no benefit to anyone. Yet it will happen as you were told.... and the last days will pass by in what seems like an instant, for they are only the end of that which was predicted to you long before.... The days of Judgment are already here and everyone can see it if he looks around with open eyes, yet what only concerns individual people at the moment will extend to all people, suffering, distress, mortal fear, adversity and despair.... Everyone will experience it, for the forces of hell are let loose, they rage and provoke wherever something can still be destroyed and they always find willing people whom they can use to cause all kinds of damage. However, everyone is able to apply for help from God, every person has virtuous spiritual forces by his side which he only needs to call upon to protect him from danger of body and soul.... Anyone who entrusts himself to God and His messengers of light can very confidently anticipate the end. __The time you humans were given for your souls' maturation is fulfilled and the day of the end has been determined from the very beginning. But you don't know when it will happen and can therefore even now still tackle the work of improving your soul, for every hour you turn your thoughts upwards is beneficial for you, since you establish the connection with the spiritual world from whence you originate.... Just try to detach your thoughts from the world, don't let yourselves be controlled by the world and its possessions so as not to allow matter to become your fate for an infinitely long time to come.... Let your thoughts wander into a higher sphere and try to ascend to it. You will be able to do so because countless spiritual forces offer support to you, because they will carry you if you request them to do so. You can overcome the world if only you seriously want to. Use every day you are still given as an extraordinary gift of grace but bear in mind that every day can also be the last one for you and that only a very short time separates you from the end of this earth. For the end is not only granted to individual people but to the whole human race, because the law of eternal order is coming to pass and this law has existed for eternity. What you humans regard as a delay is part of the plan of eternity and can only be assessed as a delay insofar as that people already have reached the low spiritual level before the time which results in a disintegration of Earth.... However, God is merciful and will not pass Judgment ahead of the time.... In His love He still seeks to save people and distributes remarkable gifts of grace which are intended to contribute towards the redemption, but He will not change the Day of Judgment and announces it ever more admonishingly and warningly.... Yet He meets with little belief and the end draws ever closer.... And despite all predictions by His seers and prophets it will take humanity by surprise. And he who believes will be blessed, only he who believes will prepare himself even if he does not know the hour of the Lord's coming.... but he expects his coming and perseveres until the end.... __Amen
The natural event is the last admonition before the end....
You are repeatedly advised to remember the end which is approaching the whole human race but which can also be encountered by each one of you beforehand already, because no person can protect himself when I recall him from this earth. Time and again you will be admonished and warned, time and again you will be reminded of previous predictions by seers and prophets which likewise refer to the end of this earth, and time and again you will also be made aware of death by the events surrounding yourselves. Yet only if you seriously consider such thoughts will you also give account to yourselves, you will be sincerely critical of your way of life and make an effort to still gain spiritual benefit on this earth. If, however, all these indications and the admonitions and warnings leave no impression on you, then the end will take you by surprise and you will fall prey to it entirely unprepared. When people inform you of it on My instructions you laugh at them and mock them and deem yourselves spiritually far superior to them.... And thus there only remains one way in order to instruct you more credibly.... that the forces of nature will remind you of an end.... I have to use this means for the sake of the many unbelieving people who carry on as if they will live on earth forever. What My Word cannot achieve can still be accomplished by this natural event: inner reflection and also a conscious turning to Me; although people can also fight even harder to stay alive and mentally still oppose Me.... Yet the power Which they refuse to acknowledge must give evidence of Itself, and this is why the natural disaster will have immense consequences, because I want to address people everywhere and direct their thoughts towards their end.... And thus all people shall receive knowledge of My intervention, even though it will still be limited, hence not affecting the whole earth. Yet it will not be possible to ignore My voice since it is, after all, a final warning of the end of this earth, which can be expected soon afterwards. __However, prior to that I can only ever announce an end as well as this natural disaster through My Word. And therefore My servants will time and again mention what humanity can expect. And extraordinary suffering and a time of need, which every human being will have to endure, shall support these servants and demand attention to their words.... For every person shall experience that he can be victorious if he has faith and calls upon Me in his distress. In view of people's low spiritual level My intervention no longer signifies compulsory faith either, for they try to explain everything rationally and even then will still not acknowledge a Power Which is in command of life and death. But they shall be offered every opportunity to change their thinking, and that can only be brought about by a natural disaster on this scale. This is why I will still use this last resort.... while leaving the free decision to every individual person, thus not forcibly affecting him.... Consider your own end if you are incapable of believing in an end of this earth. For there is not much time left until the hour will come when that which I constantly announce to you will happen, because I love you and want to save you, because I want to protect you from renewed banishment into hard matter.... For each one of you can still change himself for the better if it is his will.... __Amen
Reference to the end.... Renewed banishment....
It has been amply proclaimed to you humans that you are approaching difficult times, time and again you have been admonished and warned to stop and change your conduct into a God-pleasing way of life.... Time and again it has been pointed out to you that your soul will be in great danger if it suddenly has to give up its earthly life and enter through the gate to eternity.... Imminent Judgment has been announced to you, the spiritual and earthly upheaval of earth.... your attention has been drawn to the renewed banishment on the Day of Judgment. You have been exhorted to eagerly work at improving your soul in order to avert this fate of a new banishment from you.... But you listen to it and yet do not seriously believe that everything that has been predicted might come true.... You have no faith, and without faith you don't have the right sense of responsibility towards your soul, which suffers dire adversity.... For only a few more days remain which, however, would be enough to provide it with a certain degree of maturity if this were seriously aspired to. People lack faith and even the believers harbour slight doubts when the near end is being mentioned to them.... even the believers don't want to accept unreservedly what they are told about the end, although it comes from above. And you must keep your freedom of will, you may not be coerced, and so the days pass by without any achievement for you as long as you do not willingly strive to attain spiritual maturity. Yet then you will no longer doubt that which you were foretold.... As soon as you spiritually strive of your own accord everything you were expected to believe will also become a certainty for you. Then you will also be able to confidently inform your fellow human beings as to what time it is and that the end is near.... __Only someone who is convinced of it will also be able to proclaim the near end with conviction and everything else which humanity is approaching. Only a few are certain that the end is near, for they recognise the signs of the time and are able to recognise it because they look at everything from a spiritual point of view and thus also consider that the time of the end has come. You humans should pay attention to the signs which were announced long ago. Then you will also realise the hour in which you live and it should not be difficult for you to believe in an end and in everything that is associated with this end. Whether you like it or not, you don't have much time left.... Only, the believer will still endeavour to draw a spiritual benefit from this information, whereas the unbeliever will not even utilise these last days, which he will bitterly regret one day, if he is not granted a renewed banishment, which is such a dreadful fate that the human being should do everything in his power in order to avoid it. This is why he will be informed of it time and again, the knowledge will be conveyed to him as to what will happen to the souls which fail during their earthly life and which will no longer be admitted into the kingdom of the beyond because the time has come to an end.... This knowledge should motivate them to eagerly work at improving their soul. But only a few people believe in it, and proof may not be given.... For this reason countless souls are at risk of losing their earthly life and, at the same time, having their substances dissolved again for a new process of development through the creations of the new earth. They would still be able to avert this danger from them during the last days but they must voluntarily work at improving themselves, they must.... if they think that they cannot believe.... consider the possibility that it is true what they are told and subsequently live accordingly, and they would gain a considerable plus for their souls and not get lost when the day of Judgment has come.... __Amen
Announcement of the end and signs of the time....
The announcements of a near end seem unbelievable to people, consequently they reject them and also doubt the truth of the spiritual messages I convey to Earth.... And yet it will not take long for these announcements to fulfil themselves, for My Word is truth.... And precisely the fact that people don't have much time left to change their nature into love causes Me to repeatedly draw their attention to the end and to seriously admonish them to listen to My Word and to live their life accordingly. However, people don't want to believe and I cannot forcibly affect their thoughts and intentions, I can only ever inform them of that which is about to happen to them and leave it up to their free will as to how they assess and make use of such proclamations. And since the process of the end has never taken place before, since people have no knowledge of this, it is also difficult for them to believe it, even though from the beginning of this earthly period I have indicated this end time and again. Yet they should also take notice of the signs which I foretold as well.... They will notice that the signs are increasing and that, purely from a worldly point of view, a change must come about, for everything is intensifying to an abnormal degree, people find themselves on a level which should make them stop and think.... There is no more love, instead, people outdo each other with heartlessness, living next to each other in harmony no longer exists, people are hostile towards each other and allow free reign to their low instincts and passions, they chase after material goods and do not strive towards any spiritual contact whatsoever.... Like it was at the time of the great Flood, people are only searching for worldly pleasure and even obtain it by unlawful means due to the fact that love has grown cold.… Anyone looking around with open eyes should already recognise the signs of the last days and know that one day restitution will have to come, that one day God's power and righteousness must come to the fore, if a God is believed in at all. If this faith is completely missing, people will truly have reached a low spiritual level which will also draw in the end of this earth.... Yet from My side nothing else can be done but to repeatedly point out the end, to constantly keep addressing people through the mouths of prophets and seers and to enlighten them about the cause and effect of people's lives.... but always leaving it up to their freedom of will to grant credence to the proclaimers of My Word or to reject it. Nevertheless, every person's destiny will proceed faster than you think; all of you will have to experience this time if you are not blessed by being recalled before. My plan of Salvation was established an infinitely long time ago and will certainly be implemented because the time the spiritual beings were granted for releasing themselves from the physical form in this period of salvation has come to an end.... And even the exceedingly short time you have left until the end could still be enough for your final release if only you make your serious will known to fulfil your purpose of life on earth, consciously strive towards Me and appeal for My support to achieve perfection.... For I will truly comply with this serious plea, I will help you in every spiritual adversity and with profound mercy draw you to Me, so that you will not go astray again for an infinitely long time when the end of this earth has come.... __Amen
Determining the time of the end - False prophets....
The intention to determine the time of the approaching world judgment does not correspond to My will and My wisdom, which recognises full well that knowing the time and hour would not be beneficial to you humans, as it would influence your thoughts as well as your actions and therefore it will be kept a secret by Me, in spite of My constant announcements, warnings and reprimands. You humans have to conduct your life in free will, constant references to the approaching end are certainly good but not the exact knowledge of time and hour. Indeed the end, the world judgment, is very close at hand and I will repeatedly mention it to you, nevertheless you all will be taken by surprise because no one will expect it with certainty and believe in the approaching end. But anyone who believes that he can specify the time and hour is not My messenger, and his words should not be trusted even though he claims to speak on My behalf, even though he wants to guide his fellow human beings to the right faith in Me. All the same, this claim can not have been imparted to him by My spirit, it can not have originated from Me, it is his own product of thought which he firmly believes to be truth and therefore he tries to spread it.... __`No one knows the day and hour....' Remember these Words, which I spoke to My disciples on earth.... As God and Creator of infinity I Am well aware of this day and hour since eternity, yet My wisdom prevents Me from proclaiming this knowledge to you humans. For it concerns the human being's will which may not be infringed, but it would be infringed by any precise revelation of the last day.... The day itself has indeed been predetermined since eternity, but so are all events preceding it which aim to contribute towards the voluntary change of the human being's will. And thus I will do everything which helps and enables the human being to expect My judgment on the last day in the right frame of mind.... But if a person himself makes no use of it, his fate is already decided for an infinitely long time. __To know the day and hour of the end would then result in a compulsory change of his nature which, however, would neither entitle him to enter the kingdom of light nor the paradise of the new earth, but it would not result in eternal perdition either.... because anguish and fear determine his will and not love, which should be the only reason for a change of will. Thus his love would not be sufficient, and therefore one cannot speak of a change of disposition; nevertheless, the human being has to be given credit for his will to do right, he effectively would be obedient, not due to love but due to fear.... yet love is the crucial factor in the end.... For I want to separate the sheep from the goats, I want to initiate a purification process and thereby end one period of redemption before the beginning of a new one.... Hence a clear decision of will has to take place, for which people have ample time and opportunity, and in order to motivate them they are informed of the end. __But they have to make their choice entirely without compulsion. Therefore I will keep the day and hour a secret but it will come like a thief in the night.... it will arrive when no-one is expecting it, when people find their satisfaction in the enjoyment of life, when they chase one enjoyment after another, when they forget everything around themselves and are merry, when they experience utmost joy of life.... Then the day will dawn which brings everything to an end.... And then it will emerge who will stand by Me or by My adversary, who is lord of this world.... Everything will then be revealed, light and darkness, truth and lie, love and hatred.... no-one will be able to hide himself or conceal his true nature.... Then everyone will show his true face, because the hardship around him pulls the mask off his face, and then everyone will receive his fair reward.... light or darkness, heavenly bliss or eternal damnation.... __Amen
You should prepare yourselves for the coming time.... What My seers and prophets have proclaimed will come to pass, for time has expired and according to eternal law humanity is facing a radical change, which has to be understood in a spiritual as well as a material sense. It is the time of the end, the earth is changing and for the inhabitants of earth an era comes to an end and a new one begins. Yet only a few of the people who are presently alive will experience this new era, for preconditions have to be complied with which only those few will carry out. For this reason the earth will come to an end and countless people will die as a result because they cannot experience the new era anymore. I Am indeed lenient with those who will still come to Me in the last hour, who will call upon Me for mercy, yet only a few will suddenly change and realise their sinfulness and therefore still be accepted by Me in the last hour. But it is My will that the small flock of My Own shall reach the final goal, that they will survive the ending of this era and enter the new era where I will need them to uphold My law of order. And therefore I say to you: __Prepare yourselves for the coming time, for it will make extraordinary demands on you, on your will, your faith and your loyalty to Me. The approaching time enables you to achieve exceptionally high maturity but it will also lay claim to all your strength. For the closer it gets to the end the more that which is actually reality will appear unreal to you, the more your faith will be attacked and My name dragged through the mud. But if you seriously prepare yourselves you will be above it all, for as soon as you belong to those who know, your faith can no longer be shaken. Knowledge, however, is the consequence of love.... therefore you should make an effort to live a busy life of love for then you will prepare yourselves well for the end.... This is My advice which you should not ignore.... Cultivate love.... and an abundance of strength and light will flow to you which will enable you to resist everything that will be inflicted on you in the last days and nothing will be able to incapacitate you in the final battle. Prepare yourselves and don't hesitate, for the time is approaching the end, this period of Salvation will be terminated because it corresponds to the eternal order that a change will have to take place as soon as no further progress can be achieved in the spiritual development.... No spiritual impetus can be found amongst people, only a few are striving towards the light and for these few I have a new task in mind which will only start after the change that takes place at the end. Hence they, My small flock, will once again be admonished to eagerly work at improving their souls, for the last great onslaught will happen soon, the last battle begins which shall find forearmed fighters who will enter the battle with Me and therefore will also win.... who will triumph in the end over the opponent and his followers.... __Amen
Prevalence of sin.... Battle of faith.... End....
When sin gets out of hand, when there is no more faith in God's justice among people, when people irresponsibly live their lives to the full and give their instincts free reign, when no love whatsoever is found among humanity, when all desires purely concern the world and its possessions, then the end will have come and the Scripture will come to pass, the prophesies of the seers, having always announced the end on God's instruction, will come true.... And if you humans look around yourselves, if you keep your eyes open and observe everything that happens on earth, then you will know, providing you are of good will, which hour you live in.... You will recognise that these are all signs of the near end, that humanity itself gives rise to the end because it lives in sin and pays no more attention to God.... As yet there are still people who are not entirely corrupted, who as yet do not belong to the adversary completely but who have no faith either and therefore thoughtlessly go on living.... nevertheless, the closer it gets to the end there will also be increasingly fewer of these people.... They will partly descend further and become subject to the adversary's power and partly be recalled from this life into the kingdom of the beyond.... The number of depraved and evil people will increase, and only a few will remain faithful to God and live on earth as it is His will. They will have to suffer greatly under the former, because they will be hated and persecuted on account of their faith.... And as soon as open actions are taken against all those who profess God in Jesus Christ, the end is imminent for you humans. This, too, was announced to you humans a long time in advance so that you will have to justify yourselves and be judged for the sake of Jesus' name.... So as soon as all spiritual aspiration is treated with hostility, as soon as God's servants are prevented from working for the kingdom of God, as soon as they are ridiculed and laughed at because of their faith, the time will have come when satanic forces are at work which, at the end, will rage against everything that points to God. And all those who are weak and not entirely evil will be recalled from earth, so that they will not fall into the hands of God's adversary when the final days dawn, when the believers are treated in such a way that only people with strong faith and absolute trust in God will stand firm, because their faith will give them strength and because they can be manifestly helped by God on account of their faith. Then Satan's activity will reveal itself, for he will embody himself in all people who belong to him as a result of their disposition.... And the works done by each one of them will scream for retribution.... And retribution will come.... The day will come which will put an end to this activity, when God's righteousness will come to the fore and every person's actions will be revealed.... The Day of Judgment will come as it is written.... when everyone will receive the reward he deserves.... when the Word of God will come to pass because it is the eternal Truth.... __Amen
The Coming of the Lord (to be understood literally)....
The hour of My return comes ever closer, for the end of the earth is near, and once the last day has come, I, too, will come in the clouds in order to fetch My Own before the earth's destruction ensues.... However, this is not to say that Earth will cease to exist as a planet, instead, only its surface will go through a complete transformation which for you humans is nevertheless the same as a complete destruction, since nothing alive will escape this destruction because all creatures will be affected. This is why I can come to Earth Myself in order to save My Own from this final work of destruction, for apart from My believers there will be no-one else who survives the final work of destruction and thus might be able to describe it afterwards. I Myself will come when My Own can no longer see a way out, when on account of their faith My adversary will openly proceed against them. They will experience serious difficulties until the end, and only their firm faith will keep them going and able to resist, for they will await My coming and I will not disappoint their faith. I will appear in brightly radiating light and yet soften My brilliance so that My Own will be able to endure it.... Nevertheless, that which will trigger great joy and jubilation in My Own will cause panic in the others and be their judgment.... For although they will be unable to see Me, they will nevertheless notice the unusual occurrence that the people they had pursued will disappear upwards before their eyes.... And this experience will become their judgment, for suddenly they become aware of their wickedness and also convinced that they are facing the certain end, which they cannot escape. Were they able to behold Me in this hour, they would certainly all stretch out their hands to Me.... Yet this handing-themselves-over to Me would be utterly pointless, because it would be an enforced faith caused by the supernatural phenomena of Me Myself.... Yet even the rapture of My Own could still let their belief in Me arise at the last minute, I would truly be merciful to them before the very end.... However, they will already be too ensnared by the adversary and will no longer be able to release themselves, hence they will descend into the earth and a renewed banishment in solid matter will be their self-inflicted fate.... Almost all people will doubt My Coming on the day of Judgment.... And yet, My promise will come true.... I will come to you and you will be able to behold Me in splendour and magnificence. For My Own truly have earned their deliverance from profound adversity and because nothing seems supernatural to them anymore which relates to the end they recognised as certain. The end will come, and I Myself will descend to earth just as I once ascended to Heaven.... in all glory and visible again to those who believe in Me, who are My disciples in the last days before the end. These are not metaphorical Words, not parables for future events.... they are the events themselves and it will literally happen as I have promised you, and you can await it every day when you are extraordinarily besieged by those who are enslaved by My adversary.... As soon as the battle of faith begins you will know that the last hour has come, for this will be his final act, it will be the last battle on Earth which will end with his ultimate defeat.... Then a time of peace will commence on the new earth, for with My coming to Earth and your rapture this period on Earth will end and a new one will start.... The Earth will be transformed and changed into a totally new one and you, whom I will fetch, shall be the new inhabitants of this paradise-like world.... a time of peace and heavenly bliss shall be your fate in the paradise of the new Earth.... __Amen
The time of the end is imminent....
The end has certainly been announced to you by Me as being imminent, yet you don't know the day and hour, and therefore even you, My believers, are not diligent enough in your work of improving your soul, for you, too, still reckon that it will still take a while until My announcements will come to pass.... Even you don't expect the end so quickly, otherwise you truly wouldn't think your earthly affairs so important anymore.... otherwise you would live as if you anticipated something extraordinary to happen for which you must to prepare yourselves and act accordingly. Admittedly, until the end you should fulfil the tasks which your earthly field of duty demands of you, nevertheless, the care of your souls should come first and the thought that tomorrow you might already be relieved from every earthly worry, that tomorrow you might be judged according to your soul's maturity, should impel you to work eagerly, for time and again I say to you: The day will come sooner than you think.... but until the end you will count on a postponement or a delay because the idea of a sudden end is inconceivable to you.... __And for this reason you, too, will be taken by surprise although you don't disbelieve My announcements. Your fellow human beings, however, don't believe at all, hence they will never believe that the time is very near.... but you should therefore be twice as diligent in your work of improving yourselves, for you will still be able to help a few people to attain faith before the end if your own faith is unshakable so that you, by virtue of your faith, can overcome conflicts which are inevitable due to the near end.... The more you accept the thought that the last day will strike very quickly the calmer you will also deal with earthly affairs, with all kinds of failures and worries, because you will realise that they are necessary and regard the state of your soul as more important.... And don't let yourselves be misled by the apparent calm.... no person will be able to enjoy it for long, for suddenly everything will change, and all of a sudden global affairs will also take an alarming turn, and then the end will be approaching with giant strides, and good for him who has prepared himself for this, who takes My Words seriously and lives as if only a few more days are granted to him.... For he will not be surprised that everything will come to pass as I have announced long in advance.... __Amen
Consider the end....
I send the same admonition to all human beings: Consider your end. For it is granted to all of you; right now you all have to count on a natural recall from this earth when your hour has come. But many of you will have to leave earthly life prematurely, because I don't want to let them fall into My adversary's hands since their resistance is not strong enough to resist his coercion in the last days.... __However, even the people who will experience the end will have to count on a shorter lifespan than they would naturally expect, for this end will happen to you soon.... And you humans are not yet mature enough to anticipate this end without reservations.... And thus, in view of the near end I admonish you all to make every effort to improve your soul. I caution you to live consciously and not to let a day go by without having done a kind deed, without having offered your soul a gift to help its ascent.... I urgently remind you all to accept My Word, to let yourselves be addressed by Me in My Word and thereby also receive the strength to help you ascend.... Don't just live your earthly life but engross yourselves at least once a day in My Word, briefly communicate with Me and commend yourselves to Me and My grace.... __Just a heartfelt thought to Me is already refreshment for your soul, and if you read or hear My Word in silent devotion you will provide your soul with the nourishment that will help it mature for sure. I only admonish you humans to live consciously.... to remember that your life will not last much longer and that you will prepare a bearable fate for your soul after the death of its body.... __Don't let the time you have left until the end slip away.... don't let it pass by without using it for your soul, and you only provide for your soul when you entertain spiritual thoughts, when you make mental contact with your God and Creator of eternity, Who is Father of you all, Who would like to admit you into His kingdom but requires your own will to do so: to create a state of soul which allows its entry into My kingdom.... Therefore I admonish you time and again: Consider the end.... __As long as you stand in the midst of life you will always resist this idea because you don't know that you can be granted an extremely blissful fate afterwards.... But My love would like to grant you a blissful fate, consequently you will constantly hear these Words of exhortation from above, because you yourselves have to want to become blissfully happy.... Every pensive hour, every moment of inner reflection will be of utmost benefit for you.... Yet woe to those who will never find time for this, who are so attached to the world that they are incapable of detaching themselves for a short time.... For they are firmly under My adversary's control from which they will hardly be able to escape if they are not helped through loving intercession, through calling upon Jesus Christ to be helped by Him directly.... You can call upon Me at any time and I will hear you, for I want to release you from his chains and not prolong your captivity.... __Consider the end.... and consider the state of your souls. Call upon Me for help.... This is what My never-ending admonitions intend to achieve, that you will remain in contact with the only One Who can help you.... that you will direct your eyes and appeals heavenwards and become and remain conscious of the fact that you will not live forever on this earth.... __Amen
With the Lord a thousand years are as one day....
Infinite periods of time will still pass by until all works of creation, the whole material world which shelters unredeemed spiritual substances, can be dissolved.... until everything of a material nature has spiritualised itself.... until everything that had become imperfect has achieved perfection again.... Infinite periods of time will pass by.... But with the Lord a thousand years are as one day, for He exists for ever and ever, to Him any length of time is like an instant.... Yet for the imperfect spiritual being it takes infinite periods of time until it reaches perfection again, but then the time of retransformation will also seem to it like an instant. And thus you humans can rest assured that the earth, too, will continue to exist for an endless time in order to serve its purpose of helping people to attain childship to God; you can believe that time and again people will populate this earth and that therefore an 'end' of the creation work Earth cannot be spoken of yet.... However, you can just as confidently believe that the earth will time after time change itself again, i.e., renew itself, that it will have to be repaired time and again in order to comply with its task, and that this will repeatedly take place after certain periods of time, although the process of development will be far from completed and you cannot speak of an end of the world.... if you thereby understand the complete cessation of all earthly-material creations. As yet countless spiritual beings are still waiting for salvation, only a very small portion of the once fallen spirits have been redeemed and returned to God.... As yet the greater part is still subject to judgment, i.e., it is bound in all kinds of creations.... And all these bound substances must still reach the stage as a human being and be allowed to embody themselves as a human being on earth.... And this is why the earth will repeatedly arise anew once such a developmental period begins to slow down. __But the emergence of a new earth always signifies the total transformation of the earth's surface, an end for the people inhabiting the earth.... apart from a few whose earthly process resulted in their maturity. And this is why humanity also has to be informed of an approaching end, it has to be explained to them what it entails because they don't want to and cannot believe in a termination of the entire creation of the world and you will be unable to refute their arguments against it.... It is, however, irrelevant for people as to whether an 'end of the world' is possible.... They shall only get used to the idea that their end is imminent, that this planet earth will go through a transformation to which people will fall prey, even if it still takes forever until the earth has one day spiritualised itself completely. As yet this point in time has not arrived and yet the human race is facing its end.... because an orderly continuation of development for the spiritual beings on earth necessitates a disintegration and renewed transformation of the creation and this will always take place within certain periods of time. This knowledge can only be spiritually conveyed to people and will therefore find little credence. And it will be even less believed the closer it gets to the end, because people's ignorance is also a sign that the souls' higher development on earth begins to falter, that people no longer reach the degree of maturity they are intended to and would be able to reach.... or they would understand God's plan of Salvation. For an infinitely long time to come the earth will still remain a place of education for the lowest fallen spirits, but it will always have to be repaired anew in order achieve the maturing of the spiritual substances in accordance with the divine plan of Salvation. Time and again new human generations will populate the earth, for God Himself will lead the people to the newly-formed earth from whom such generations shall arise.... who, at the end of a period of Salvation, are close to their perfection, so that every epoch will start again in utmost harmony with God and striving for unity with Him, and that then it will also be guaranteed that people will reach perfection and return as blissfully happy and illuminated spiritual beings to their Father of eternity.... __Amen
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