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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Your collection contains 2 transcriptions | ID of collection 641382
Fear and misery.... God's intervention - Battle of faith....
You may take it for granted that you will soon enter the last stage before the end.... For the signs will be noticeable which were predicted in Word and Scripture.... However, under no circumstances will you be compelled to believe it, for every person is free to find his own explanation as to whether it corresponds to the truth or not.... Yet the spiritually minded person knows that a period is coming to an end, and he also knows that a new one will start again, because countless spiritual beings shall still be redeemed which travel the path across earth partly in a constrained state and partly as free beings for the purpose of their return to God.... Everything will take place in lawful order, both the disintegration of the creation as well as the reshaping of the earth, because God's plan of Salvation has been predetermined for eternity.... And due to your eternal God and Creator's immense grace you humans who live in the last days are permitted to be informed of what lies ahead of you.... You will be initiated into His plan of Salvation if you want to know the truth about it, and therefore you may receive His Word which in all truthfulness informs you of everything pertaining to the act of creation and deification.... For it is not His will that you should experience the end in complete ignorance because.... if you just possess a small glimmer of realisation.... you will make an effort to fulfil the purpose of your earthly life which entails that you will bring the act of deification to fruition in earthly life and thus reach your goal.... __However, it requires your free will to know the truth, and then you will also be able to believe everything that is conveyed to you humans through the Word of God from above. Then you will also find it credible that the end and a total transformation of the earth is near, for your spirit will explain much to you and all correlations will fall into place.... And thus you will also be able to observe happenings in the world which will have alarming consequences for the whole of mankind.... You will watch how people proceed against each other and the measures all participants take in order to assert their authority.... You will get very frightened, for you humans will be threatened by an exterminatory war of immense proportions, there will be widespread fear which will only bypass the few who completely hand themselves over to their God and Creator, their Father of eternity, and who therefore will be led out of every adversity.... And His guidance will be truly remarkable, for He Himself will intervene.... Yet, instead of diminishing, the tribulation will become much worse, for then people will be faced by and find themselves at the mercy of a natural disaster, a raging of elements, which cannot be humanly prevented, because it is the expression of that Power Which is in control of all forces and Which the elements have to obey in accordance with Its will.... __And this will be the dawning of a time which can truly be regarded as the greatest misery that has ever come across this earth.... but which, again, will not be quite so severely felt by His Own because they may receive God's extraordinary help at all times.... Yet those who are distant from their God and Creator, who do not believe in His love and wisdom, in His greater than great might, will have to suffer great hardship because they won't call upon the One Who can help them in their distress.... They will not acknowledge Him and are still of the same opposing spirit as they were at the time of their apostasy from God, and thus they will return to the abyss again, from where they had already raised themselves with the help of God and just had to pass their last test of will in order to be completely redeemed from all guilt. For in the last days a brutal battle will erupt against Jesus Christ, Whom you humans have to acknowledge as God's Son and Redeemer of the world in Whom God Himself became a human being.... so that you can then enter the spiritual kingdom in a redeemed state.... Yet God's adversary will declare war on all those who believe in Him, and therefore everyone will have to publicly profess Him before the world.... And only those who have accepted His Word which was transmitted to earth from above will be able to profess Him, for they will recognise the truth and know Who Jesus Christ was and why He has to be acknowledged, and they will remain faithful to Him until the end and belong to those who will be carried away when the day of the end has come.... The battle of faith will be the last test of endurance for you humans, but which you who know the truth will be able to pass.... This is why God time and again conveys His Word to earth, so that all people can partake of the truth in order to also uphold it before the world during the final battle of faith, for only the truth will provide them with the information about Jesus Christ, and only faith in Him will give you the strength to persevere until the end.... until He comes Himself to fetch you into His kingdom.... __Amen
There is no coincidence.... Nothing happens arbitrarily....
Believe Me, there is no coincidence, instead everything is divine providence and every human being's course of life proceeds in accordance with divine will.... For whatever does not correspond to My will nevertheless has My permission so that you may derive spiritual benefit from it if you make the right use of everything.... However, you are not at the mercy of a blind power, every experience during the course of your life has its reason and serves a purpose.... But how you use it is up to yourselves, because what matters in earthly life is the test of your will. And in order to evaluate every happening properly you should always request My support, and truly, you will think and act in the right way, because I will not guide you the wrong way if you entrust yourselves to Me voluntarily.... And thus everything confronting you is determined by Me or permitted for the purpose of your perfection.... __When you are in constant contact with Me through works of love, sincere prayer or in thoughts which relate to Me, you can also be certain that you will not think and act in opposition to My will, because then I will bless your every action and your souls will mature.... Hence you should view whatever confronts you every day as My direct action on you, because I direct all threads, I start relationships, I bring those together who shall serve Me and seize every opportunity to guide you humans into truth, who sincerely desire it.... This is most important in the last days, because passing the test of volition, which will determine your future fate, entirely depends on the truth. Sparks of light will flash on earth and tear the dark night apart, yet only few people will ever strive for them, the majority will be content with the night and flee the light.... But there will also be deceptive lights causing confusion as their light is short lived and plunges people into even deeper darkness than before.... But where there is desire for light the darkness will lift and people will find their way into the light of day.... __You, who ask for it, shall all become enlightened, and need only ever take notice of where the light is coming from.... If its radiance is bright it will make you feel good, you will be able to penetrate the darkness and be happy with the light which shines for you.... Deceptive lights, however, will confuse you, you will not be able to find complete understanding and therefore feel uneasy, if you are interested in the pure truth.... if you genuinely just want the pure truth.... But I know My Own, and thus I can speak to them, and they will recognise the Father's voice, and as soon as I can speak to them Myself they will be saved for time and eternity.... And thus it is only important that you humans do not walk any path alone without first praying for My guidance. Because this prayer guarantees My protection and My help when you are still too weak and inexperienced to differentiate between true and deceptive light by yourselves. But I will place the right thoughts in your heart and then you will always live in truth, because you are seeking it.... __I can prepare vessels for Myself anywhere, which fulfil all conditions and thus allow the `working of My spirit' within them.... And anyone with an awakened spirit also knows whether and when I speak Myself, because My sheep know My voice.... And when I Am able to send revelations to earth I will also take care of their distribution.... But My adversary will do the same by also trying to communicate with people who are gullible and facilitate his actions, and he will also try to spread error and find people to help him.... Nevertheless, the truth will shine like a brightly radiating light, whereas the adversary will only be able to ignite deceptive lights which will merely increase but not disperse the darkness.... But people's free will has to be upheld, and this free will must sincerely want the truth and request it from Me Myself.... __Amen
Guarantee for receiving the truth....
You ask, how it is possible for My adversary to frequently intervene with people's thought even if they are willing to be of service to Me.... Bear in mind, that you humans are imperfect, that all of you still shelter much unredeemed spiritual substances which react to My adversary's influences if you don't unite yourselves so intimately with Me that a protective shield is erected which My adversary cannot and will be unable to climb, because he knows that I Myself stand before this wall. Consider furthermore, that you are often mistaken when you believe that you hear My voice.... that you often formulate and quote your own thoughts or are driven by the forces of the beyond to express such thoughts if you are of weak will and allow yourselves to be taken possession of by those who claim to be 'spiritual guides'.... You establish the connection with the world of the beyond yourselves because you want information from it.... And although you hope that I should be the Provider you are frequently lacking the preconditions which enable My direct communication with you. Who gives you the right and the guarantee to claim that I Myself, your God and Father, audibly express Myself? Don't you think that the concept 'audible communication by the Father' is greatly abused?.... I certainly speak to all people who desire My communication, yet this communication will be felt by the person within himself, it is the voice of conscience which constantly advises him, which admonishes and warns him to comply with My known will and to refrain from all anti-divine actions.... I certainly speak to a person directly too, if he has to accomplish a great task.... then he will be able to hear Me directly.... Yet then I will also expect this person to fulfil all conditions which guarantee him to hear My Word audibly, for the fulfilment of these conditions also erect the said wall which My adversary will not climb.... In that case he cannot intervene, and then the purest truth from Me is guaranteed, which should subsequently be spread, for that is the great task which is linked to the receipt of the truth.... __I continually want to convey purest truth to earth, yet people themselves prevent the transmission of the pure truth as long as they are not completely permeated by their desire for it and as long as they don't release themselves from the spiritual knowledge they already possess.... but which prevents the influx of pure truth from Me. I can never express Myself through My spirit where a heart is not entirely empty, so that I Myself can thus fill it.... However, that is precisely where My adversary's influence will be and express himself in the disguise of an angel of light. And sometimes it will be very difficult for you to test the spiritual knowledge which is given to you.... You wonder why My adversary intervenes where I Am speaking.... And I say to you: I don't speak where My adversary has the opportunity to slip in and express himself.... They are misguided assumptions to presume that it is My working which he can interfere with.... Where I Am working the said wall is erected, for wherever I Am working the prerequisites are in place which justify the erection of a protective wall, and that is where My adversary will fight in vain, that is where countless spiritual guardians prevent his entry and drive him back with their bright light. And thus he will only ever choose those spheres for his activity which won't deny him entry, where he is entitled to intrude due to the similar disposition of those whose circle he tries to penetrate. Negative thoughts alone suffice to motivate him into misguided thinking which he tries to transfer on those who are willing to accept spiritual infiltrations.... And that will always be the case when all the people coming together.... in order to receive spiritual statements.... are not in the same spiritual state and thus a defence against immature forces is not guaranteed. If I say time and again that I speak to all people who desire My Word you should not conclude from this that you will audibly hear My divine voice.... but that I speak to every person's heart and that he need only listen within himself in order to be able to understand Me.... To hear My Word audibly requires such an exceptionally high degree of maturity that this only happens very rarely and then it will be in connection with an important spiritual mission too.... If you therefore hear a person speak and believe that you hear Me Myself, i.e., that you hear My voice directly, then you will generally be mistaken, although it is possible.... But then it will not and cannot happen within a large circle, because not all will have the same degree of maturity which is required for My voice to be audibly heard.... And you can believe that every single person also needs to be handled differently if he is to derive a blessing for his soul.... Unless two or three come together and I can be in the midst of them, then I will also express Myself through them, but they will speak in their own way but in absolute truth, as I have promised you.... __Amen
People's duty is to draw attention to error....
Everything motivated by love is pleasing to Me.... And thus, when you live with love everything you do or don't do will be in accordance with My will.... However, you have to consider the motives of your actions, whatever they may be.... Do you want to help a person or the world at large.... do you want to help and protect your neighbour from all manner of harm?.... Do you want to give light and understanding? In short, do you want to give or do you want to take, destroy, cause confusion and burden your fellow human beings.... or do you want to take action against error and bring truth to your fellow human beings instead?.... You have to consider all this in the light of love, thus it has to permeate you if your every action is to correspond to My will.... __But I also want to draw your attention to the fact that I want erroneous belief to be corrected, that I expect you to spread the truth and that this task has priority.... For I transmit pure truth to earth so that its light should shine into the darkness.... And spiritual knowledge which originates from Me will never contradict itself, or I would not be the source of the flow of spirit.... __Erroneous spiritual knowledge cannot originate from Me and thus you, who receive the pure truth from Me, have the right and the duty to fight it, but always beware not to offend against the law of love, that you are messengers of truth when you approach those who live in error. As soon as you, with My Word from above, can refute the doctrine they believe to have received from Me, they can, with good will, recognise who speaks to them through you. For I will always use reason to expose the error so that it can be recognised as such, and I will be able to do so through a vessel which is suitable to receive My flow of spirit.... __It is true, though, that everyone will claim to be a `vessel of God' but the genuine investigator will recognise My voice and will not find it difficult to come to the right conclusion. Because error will be exposed in a manner that demonstrates knowledge. Nevertheless, people also have to employ their will in order to recognise My voice.... If this will is not present then even the most lucid reasons will not be understood, and the person will hold on to his misguided belief in spite of clarifications and appropriate references. But this is certain, every spiritual instruction by Me also reveals Me Myself as the Provider, in so far as its wording and content give evidence of a perfect Provider, Who clearly and understandably solves the kind of problems which cannot be solved intellectually.... Imperfection and ignorance are eliminated, for by the latter you humans recognise the influence of powers which are not yet perfect, not yet enlightened, to carry out My instruction of transmitting spiritual knowledge to earth.... __If the human being himself in his arrogance fails to recognise such imperfection then the pure truth given to him by My messengers will not give him clarity either, because he lacks the inner humility which would also guarantee his understanding of eternal truth. Hence time and again you will meet with resistance where the adversary has already established himself by giving false information and people are not willing to let go of him in the firm belief to have received the information from Me Myself. However, I allow every human being's freedom of will, I will merely contact him now and again and try to make him take notice.... but only his will makes the choice.... __Amen
Indication of the adversary's activity.... (Speaking in t...
You should believe that My adversary will try anything in order to overrule Me, to undermine My activity, to prevent you humans from hearing My Word which signifies light for you in the darkness. And he will always find people complying with his will; he will try to beguile them into believing that they are being of service to Me Myself, and yet they are his servants. He has already largely succeeded in confusing people by igniting deceptive lights for them, so that they believe themselves to be standing in the radiance of light, yet they are far removed from the light of truth. I cannot forcibly eliminate his activity because the human being must make his own decision as to whether he listens to him or to Me.... However, as soon as he has the serious will to know the truth he will also be able to recognise it. No person would ever reject My Word from above were he in heartfelt contact with Me and desired the pure truth from Me.... Yet as soon as he is indifferent or fanatically holds on to spiritual information of unknown origin, he will not be able to recognise the truth and spread his own spiritual knowledge. If he then wants absolute clarity, he must first of all be serious about it, he must appeal to Me Myself for protection from all deception by the adversary.... And I will protect him and grant him light.... he can be assured of that. I know what methods My adversary is using and that people are therefore in great danger of falling prey to his temptations. And yet I can only provide them with obvious help when I recognise their will to be of service to Me and the truth.... Then the adversary's power will be broken. He will no longer succeed in applying his artful deceptions, for then he will always be recognised as the one he is.... My adversary has many opportunities to work against Me, for he presents himself in the garment of an angel of light, he does not shy away from using My name and causing immense confusion among people. The pure truth exposes his activity and everyone who knows this truth will recognise him, providing he is of good will. Therefore, you humans bear a great responsibility, because it is you who allow his working, you could just as well prevent his activity if you seriously wanted to escape his power and his influence.... For I will always support this serious will by giving you strength to put it into action. It is always just a certain indifference which allows him to influence you. And if you want to liberate yourselves, then he will often use stronger methods to keep you enthralled: by trying to confound you through unusual phenomena. But then take notice: His activity will not grant you clear light; instead, it will always produce incomprehensible results whose mystic character will baffle you, thus they will seem supernatural, yet they are basically merely unpleasant deceptions from which you derive no gain whatsoever. Can you receive greater clarification than through My Word? For it is comprehensible to everyone and only requires good will in order to be felt by you as 'light'? As soon as something is incomprehensible to you, reject it, for I, your Father of eternity, will always speak to My children such that they can understand Me, but not in a way that you become even more confused than before.... Where My spirit expresses itself, there shines brightest light.... where My adversary's spirit is active, you will always be drawn into profound darkness, by this alone you already know what you should make of experiences which all belong to the manifestations of the end, when My adversary will try anything in order to win people over for him. Therefore beware and don't lose yourselves to him, for as soon as you sincerely appeal for My protection you belong to Me and against Me he cannot win.... __Amen
No beatitude without Salvation through Jesus Christ....
You humans should bear in mind that I want to help you attain the degree of maturity in earthly life which enables you to enter the kingdom of light after you pass away from this earth.... Indeed, sooner or later you will all enter this kingdom, yet the time it will take until then can still cause you inconceivable pain if you enter the realm of the beyond in an entirely unspiritual state and the gates into the realm of light are still closed to you. Although My mercy and grace apply to every single soul even if they lived a sinful life on earth, I cannot provide it with anything else than that which My justice permits, consequently, in the spiritual realm it can only ever take possession of spheres which correspond to its way of life and will still have to endure inconceivable suffering and agony in order to redeem its guilt of sin. And if it fails to find Jesus Christ in the beyond, its suffering will be endless; it will continue to descend further and will finally have to accept the fate of renewed banishment, because there is no other atonement for the original sin than through Jesus Christ. None of you realise the full significance of the act of Salvation.... And precisely this accounts for your immense spiritual hardship.... I want to help My living creations to find the path to the cross while they still live on earth, for this will guarantee the soul an entirely different fate.... For to attain forgiveness of the sin of guilt before the human being's death is the most worthwhile goal to strive for.... as it opens the gate into the kingdom of light and the soul will be able to enjoy beatitudes in abundance.... However, the human race is not aware of the immense significance the act of Salvation holds and My adversary makes a diligent effort to keep you ignorant.... And even if people believe that the man Jesus had lived on earth in the past, exemplifying to people the most perfect way of life and calling upon them to emulate Him, they still don't want to believe that an exalted mission had been the reason for Jesus' life on earth.... They don't want to believe that it concerned an act of greatest mercy, that Jesus, through His crucifixion, wanted to redeem and indeed redeemed an immense sin, which could not be expiated by any other means than through an act of greater than great love and an inordinate measure of physical suffering.... which thus bridged the vast gulf between the kingdom of light and the realm of darkness. From then on everyone was able to cross this bridge providing he believes in Jesus Christ's act of Salvation as well as My human manifestation in Him. This human manifestation is another enigma which can only be understood by a spiritually awakened person, because people's state of sinfulness rules out all understanding for it, thus a person must first have an affirmative attitude towards Jesus' act of Salvation, appeal for forgiveness of his sin and in heartfelt contact with Him be taught by the spirit within, which can only express itself after the forgiveness of the original sin has taken place.... In that case My human manifestation in Jesus will be understandable to him, for he can be guided by the spirit into all truth and informed of all spiritual correlations.... Hence he can attain the realisation again which he once lost through his rebellion against Me. He will only gain the knowledge of all these correlations through his spirit. This knowledge can nevertheless be presented to a person, and if he received a truthful account about Jesus Christ, His act of Salvation and My human manifestation in Him, then the truth can also convince a person and make him take the same path, the path to the cross.... And he will better understand what he previously was merely told by an enlightened fellow human being. This is why I consider the spreading of the pure truth so important. It is, after all, My will that this truth shall also reach people who live a good way of life but who do not believe as yet, who will subsequently feel addressed by the truth and affected by the strength of truth and thus can also attain faith. __If you humans realised how much you could improve your fate on entering the kingdom of the beyond if you were redeemed from you guilt of sin by Jesus Christ, you would also grasp why I keep highlighting this problem, why I repeatedly explain the spiritual correlations and try to stimulate your intellect to think about it; for merely the slightest will to fulfil your purpose of life on earth is already sufficient for Me to guide you and create every opportunity for you to gain realisation.... And the final knowledge, especially, can only be granted to you through the working of My spirit, for under My adversary's influence people will always want to negate the most important thing: the Salvation from all guilt through Jesus Christ.... They certainly make concessions by admitting to His existence and also portray Him as a human being who attained highest perfection in His earthly life. Yet they do not want to believe that it concerns an entirely different problem.... that without Him the human race would forever remain separated from its God and Creator and that the souls' development in the beyond could not progress, instead they will remain in a sorry state as long as they are burdened by the original sin. Therefore they lead a wretched and pitiful existence until they find the divine Redeemer on the other side, until they comply with the light beings' efforts and without resistance allow themselves to be guided to Him, Who will lift them up from the abyss and forgive their guilt of sin as soon as they appeal to Him for it.... Thus they must first believe that Jesus Christ redeemed the human race through His act of mercy, through His death on the cross. Only this substantiates Jesus' mission on earth, but not purely His way of life.... which certainly is part of it, since no person can become blessed without love, and the teaching of love was the essence of every one of the instructions He gave to people, who He wanted to save from spiritual darkness, from the shackles of the prince of night. __People lived in profound ignorance, they did not recognise themselves as living creations of a supremely perfect Being, they did not notice their imperfection and only loved their own Self, and their selfish love impelled them into sinfulness, into sins they might well have been able to atone for in the beyond, even if it had meant an infinitely long time of suffering.... Yet these sins were not the reason for My descent to earth in the human being Jesus.... instead, it concerned the immense original sin of the past apostasy from Me, which no human being would have been able to atone for, even if he spent eternities in a wretched state.... This sin was the reason why I Myself came down to earth and accomplished the act of Salvation in Jesus, the man.... For Love Itself redeemed the guilt, and the Love was in the man Jesus.... Time and again I will inform you humans of this through My spirit, time and again I will try to explain to you the greatest mystery of all, and I will send out My disciples during the last days in order to proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, Who sheltered Me Myself within Him and He and I are, and will remain, as One for all eternity.... __Amen
Addressing the vineyard labourers.... Urgency of spreadin...
Every day you grant Me by undertaking spiritual work will be blessed, and your reward will truly not be small.... Yet you should not work for Me for the sake of reward, instead, your love for Me and your fellow human being should inwardly impel you to do so. You are unable to assess the immense spiritual adversity, but it is known to Me and I will guide you to wherever I still know there is a person who would be touched by receiving My Word so that you can inform them of My love, wisdom and power, of My longing for them and My constant willingness to help.... You should eagerly support Me, and even if only a few listen to you.... but each one of them will speak on My behalf and mention My Words again. For he will be knowledgeable, he will kindle a light within him and understand and will no longer want to miss My Word.... And these people will live in truth.... But they will also know that it is the truth which they receive from Me through you. For this reason only rarely will one of them fall away because they were serious about receiving the truth. But I do know where My pure Gospel can be conveyed to, who will accept it with a grateful heart.... And with My Word I Myself Am with everyone who receives it. Since I Myself will then be able to address him Myself through you, I can also answer every question they inwardly ask which will brightly enlighten their thinking and the origin of their mental knowledge, along with My Word, will become their innermost conviction.... they will no longer doubt and gratefully accept everything from My hand. And believe that no work will be done in vain.... for countless souls in the kingdom of the beyond can join in wherever My Word is read.... A circle of souls gathers around every person and they are all offered the bread of Heaven so that they will be able to nourish themselves with the food I Myself have in store for them. And thus you can also work in this kingdom where countless souls derive strength from this nourishment. Hence all those of you who take part in distributing these writings are doing redemptive work, and every labourer will receive his reward.... However, you must not tire, for the distribution of My Word will become increasingly more urgent the closer it gets to the end. And your task will become increasingly more difficult. As a result of the ever-increasing lack of faith.... fewer people will be willing to listen to you. Yet this should not dishearten you, for each individual soul is a gain for Me, therefore you should seek to attract them with all your love, try to deliver them from spiritual darkness and constantly request strength from Me. Truth can achieve a lot, no person can close himself to the truth.... providing he is still of good will, providing he still accepts Me and wants to know the truth about Me.... You are in possession of the truth from Me.... Distribute it wherever you can and don't let failures discourage you.... I want to bless you on earth already and later in eternity, where all work for Me will find its reward.... __Amen
Giving account.... Urgency of distribution....
I can only every admonish you to remain steadfast if you are held accountable for the sake of My teaching. You will still be heavily attacked because no-one wants to listen to the pure truth. For this reason you should request much strength from Me now, so that you will be able to cope with all onslaughts. Admittedly, you cannot be swayed by any counterarguments because you are convinced that you have received the truth. Nevertheless, your opponents are clever, they will try to make you waver and it will truly require firm faith and much confidence in My strength in order to confront them. Then I will still gain a few people over for Me who find the pure truth more agreeable than the distorted teachings which you must denounce. Only My Word from above is the pure truth, and you can also endorse it as such without having to fear that you would be acting against My will if you also enlighten your fellow human beings as to what I Myself expect them to believe. Time and again I conveyed the knowledge of this to people, yet as long as they still felt committed to a school of thought, they still held too deeply rooted opinions and the acceptance of teachings which blatantly opposed their ideas met with resistance.... But now I have been offered the opportunity by a tool, which is entirely devoid of personal opinions, to permeate it by My spirit and this truly instructs it correctly. And the urgency of My doctrine's truthful portrayal is indeed very obvious, since people are lukewarm and do not comply with My divine commandments of love at all, apart from a few exceptions which will be judged according to their degree of love and not according to external appearances, which are an abomination before My eyes. It is the time of the end.... And this alone should make the conveyance of the pure truth understandable to you, for no-one shall be able to say that they have not been informed of the truth.... I will shake all those up who are capable of receiving the truth and induce them to think about it.... but whether they are willing to receive it is their own decision, but they will also have to give account for their will. For this reason I have referred to the time when My Gospel will require purification, which consequently necessitated a vessel which submissively opened itself to Me in order to let a powerful light shine in, which offered no resistance and thus gave Me the opportunity to express Myself and to reiterate My teaching as I wanted them to be understood.... If only you humans would believe that I solely judge the degree of love when you depart from earthly life.... Then you would also make an effort purely to fulfil these two commandments, you would thereby receive everything I promised while I was living on earth.... You would receive an abundance of strength and grace and would not have to worry about earthly things, for then you would truly only take care of your soul and live your life according to My will. You would recognise and acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world.... You would recognise Me Myself in Him, for all this knowledge would be conveyed to you if you lived a life of love, which would awaken the spirit in you. But those of you who want to serve Me shall stand firm and draw your strength from the wealth of knowledge which will always flow to you when you make contact with Me through kind-hearted activity and heartfelt prayer.... __Amen
Rejecting the strength of love was the 'sin'....
If you are spoken to from above it is a sign of My never-ending love which takes pity upon humanity and wants to come to their aid.... And this love will always and forever apply to you, for you are also part of Me, even though you followed My adversary into the abyss of your own free will. Nevertheless, your fundamental nature is love. And I will not rest until you have changed yourselves into your fundamental nature again. So if you are now spoken to from above you will also recognise by My address that it can only be the work of a good power, for I only ever endeavour to cultivate love in you and to refer you to Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, since then you will travel the right path which results in your change while you are still on this earth. Hence you should not doubt the origin of that which comes to you from above.... Its content cannot be anything but good, and thus it must be free from error.... For you are taught by the Eternal Truth Itself and can be completely confident that It will not offer you misguided teachings. But during the last days this assurance is absolutely essential, for it is even intended to make My light bearers doubt the truthfulness of their messages. Yet let it be sufficient for you to know that I Myself protect My bearers of light from all errors. For who else can give you the guarantee for pure truth if not I Myself, Who knows their will and their desire for truth? Time and again I say to you that the adversary's working is especially aimed at those of you who want to spread the light.... that he intends to prevent this and therefore avails himself of all means in order to cast doubts into people's hearts regarding the truthfulness of these proclamations.... Yet My influence, too, will become more and more evident. I will ever more obviously highlight the error he has pushed you into, for his aim is to prevent you from knowing the truth.... although he will not succeed with those who genuinely desire the truth. And thus everyone must seriously scrutinise himself as to whether he desires the pure truth.... in that case he cannot be misled anymore; he will recognise it and liberate himself from error. The moment of creation was an act of incomparable bliss for Myself as well as for My bearer of light, for the products of his will and My strength of love were so extraordinarily magnificently shaped that they made both of us indescribably happy so that the light bearer's love for Me flared up ever brighter. For the same creative power was inherent in them.... they were able to take pleasure in it and likewise actively fashion spiritual creations, thereby raising their blissful happiness beyond measure. If I therefore state the fact that these created beings did not lack anything, that they were all externalised in My image and that they were able to work and be creatively active as long as they were permeated by My light of love.... then it must also be obvious to you that they forfeited their activity when they rejected this flow of My strength of love.... that they thereby lost their light, their realisation, so that their thinking became confused and they were no longer capable of being active.... that they hardened but were nevertheless My once emanated strength which I therefore reshaped into creations of the most varied kinds.... __This process has been described to you so often already and you can accept this as the purest truth, you can unhesitatingly accept that only the rejection of My strength of love was the sin against Me, since the brightest light was kindled in them in which they were entirely aware of the implications of their rebellion. Consequently, I will also highlight the misguided notion of any portrayal that I determined or caused the fall of the bearer of light as well as the fallen beings. All beings acted according to My will until they rejected the flow of My strength of love. But this also resulted in the hardening of the spiritual substance.... and the strength I once emanated as a being had to become active in different ways, which happened through the dissolution of the substance into tiny particles and thus Creation emerged from these. Only from then on did the being have to fight against all kinds of obstacles, since it had to overcome them in order to develop higher again. The activity of the non-fallen beings consisted of using the strength flowing from Me to them.... but these beings were in a state of brightest enlightenment.... hence in a state of realisation.... and therefore these beings used nothing else but what was according to My will.... As long as the being remained faithful to Me it worked and created in My will. But when it turned away from Me it lost the strength for creating and shaping. It hardened and remained inactive.... which then resulted in the emergence of Creation. I certainly knew from the very beginning that Lucifer and the beings would fall and, for sake of his free will, I did not stop him. Nevertheless, I took no part in it because I had granted the bearer of light.... Lucifer.... the same power, and neither did I limit it, so that he was able to do anything he wanted to do.... And so it was possible for him to persuade the beings to fall away from Me in order to create a second world, in a manner of speaking, a world in complete opposition to Me.... Yet all this was only possible by closing himself.... and afterwards also his followers.... to the flow of My strength of love.... So the rejection of My strength of love was the actual sin, for it was aimed against Me Myself, since the beings were utterly enlightened regarding their past origin from Me. The fact that the beings' thinking ability expressed itself in a completely opposite will to Mine, that it gave rise to something utterly adverse to God, did not originate from Me, however, the rejection of My strength of love resulted in this wrong direction of will because it signified spiritual darkness, spiritual blindness. From then on Lucifer became My direct opposite who was able to transfer all evil thoughts.... which originated from himself.... onto the beings. For from the moment they consciously rejected My love he gained full control over these beings and kept it until I let Creation arise in order to snatch them from his power and to inaugurate the process of return. __But then the beings had to travel a painful path until they.... in the stage of self-awareness and free will as a human being.... were able to dispel all their wrong thoughts, completely change their will and utterly deify themselves again. Thus they must discard everything of a satanic nature and, of their own free will, strive towards the divine. This alone already proves that evil cannot originate from Me or I could not be called divine, since only good can be understood by it.... that light and darkness cannot exist at the same time, that I do not incorporate love and hate.... in short, all opposites within Myself. The free will was indeed able to choose between Me or My adversary, but he was already evil when he became My adversary.... and then also created everything that was in opposition to Me.... as he was a power like I Myself was.... with the exception that he had a beginning. The worst deception used by My adversary is to make you believe that everything of an evil nature originates from Me as well. This is why I repeatedly draw your attention to the fact that the actual sin was.... the rejection of My strength of love, because this caused the state of confusion in the beings.... the state in which they refused every kind of activity according to My will and therefore were dissolved and bound in all kinds of creations. For it is the law of eternity that My emanated strength must become active.... that this strength must voluntarily be requested again in order to enable the re-transformation into a perfect being. That these implanted thoughts in the being originate from Lucifer and thus must be fought against during the time of embodiment as a human being has, through My love, become the process which is intended to turn the 'creatures' into God's true 'children'. And thus Lucifer unwittingly takes an active part in this process of return, which I certainly foresaw from the beginning but I Myself have not destined him to become My direct opposite, because he, too, was a free being which came forth from Me in all perfection.... __Amen
Why constantly New Revelations?....
If the Word of God cannot be protected from being changed because human will is free and translations were not always handled by spiritually awakened people, who thus were also able to err, you can understand that this is the reason for New Revelations which time after time had to correct the distortions, so that the Word of God would be able to lay claim to the pure truth.... Exposing such misguided teachings would have been impossible without such New Revelations, especially if people relied on the fact that I Myself protect My Word from all changes.... However, it must also be understandable to you that the human being's free will makes this impossible for Me since I will never inhibit it, even if it concerns the pure truth.... for I also gave the human being the assurance that he is guaranteed to live in truth if he desires it himself. __And thus you can never rely on the fact that you will receive unchanged spiritual knowledge if the `Word of God' is preached to you, but you have the assurance that you will receive the truth if only you desire it.... Then the preacher.... even if he is spiritually unawakened.... will be guided in his sermon, so that he often will not say what he had intended to say but that his words will be given to him by Me.... precisely because a person seriously requests to be instructed in the truth. If the wish only to learn the truth arose in many people then the preachers soon would also recognise the error and they would try to listen more to their inner voice which is instructing them otherwise. Yet all people have the option to recognise what is wrong in My `supposed Word', for love enlightens their spirit and only ever accepts the correct and unadulterated information. The person will no longer be able to think wrongly once he is illuminated by the inner light of love. And only then will he notice where error has crept in, where the adversary was able to take effect because people were lacking the light of love. Then he will also know that the human being cannot solve problems with his intellect alone if the spirit within him is not supporting him. Then he will know why the necessity for corrections arises time and again, which I constantly send to humanity again in the form of New Revelations..... __And I will continue to reveal Myself to people who love Me and keep My commandments, as I have promised.... For one misguided thought results in many more, until finally just a distorted image remains of Me, which reflects everything but a good and exceedingly loving God, Who wants to be a Father to you all.... And since you have already accepted so many misguided spiritual values, a God of Love is strange to you, you are still distant from Him, you do not recognise Him as your Father and therefore do not strive towards Him either. And whatever you hear from Him is likely to separate yourselves from Him even more.... I, however, want to gain your love and therefore make use of every opportunity to speak to you, if not directly then through people who allow My spirit to work in them, who either convey My direct Word to you or who think correctly and are also able to instruct you truthfully. For it is extremely important that you can be guided into correct thinking, that you know what you can accept and what you ought to reject.... But don't believe that your correct thinking is guaranteed if you gather your knowledge from the Book of Books, since I do not coerce the human being's will I cannot prevent him from interpreting the spiritual information from this book according to either his own preferences or to his imperfect understanding. For every Word I have spoken conceals a spiritual meaning, and only the human being's spirit is able to recognise it, which will be awakened to life through love but then will also guide the human being into every truth, as I have promised.... __Amen
Divine truth.... Science....
Accept what you are offered, recognise God's will and be careful never to lose your trust in the Lord.... your love for the Saviour and His divine grace. The arguments about the divine truth will be endless and the one who does not desire divine knowledge or presumes that he can uncover the great mystery by himself will always be the loser.... If he is to be successful he must beseech God for enlightenment and it will certainly be granted to him. The human being can investigate earthly subjects, yet regardless of how much he achieves, he will still not come closer to divine truth, for one is entirely separate from the other.... It is only accessible to the one whose heart detaches itself from everything of an earthly nature.... who considers nothing else worth striving for than the acceptance of eternal truths. Everything on earth will seem distant and unreal to him, and he will search full of yearning for the profundity of divine truth and be constantly permitted to receive it from the Father's hand, but only if he turns his heart solely to the Father.... So many attempts have already been made to penetrate this region.... and yet, if only those with great knowledge at their disposal were successful.... if they alone held the key to truth in their hands because of their knowledge.... it would not benefit humanity.... God has prepared His kingdom for all people, and were the Lord not to judge the earthly children's heart but only their knowledge instead, barely a tiny fraction would acquire His kingdom.... And if God the Lord has ordained that all those of good will can acquire His kingdom, then you are, after all, offered far more than only to serve the sciences on earth.... All of you are aspirants, and the onus rests entirely upon you as to whether you will reach the Father.... indeed, science is more likely an obstacle to bliss.... On earth it makes you great and powerful, yet often very unsuitable to contact the Lord as a small and humble person.... and how can you enter the Father's kingdom without His help?.... You only ever focus on the one goal of ascertaining the nature of Creation.... you want to penetrate what is closed to you and inform the human race of it.... even though you have so little knowledge yourselves, because you still have not understood the simplest fact.... that you are small, if the Lord does not help you.... that you will never understand the meaning and purpose of the universe with your own effort.... You can only come closer to the true knowledge when you have found the path to God.... And then you will gladly relinquish all fame on earth, for then you will know that all striving for earthly things is worthless.... and that all earthly knowledge will not bring you closer to the eternal truth, for God distributes this only to those who desire deep down in their hearts to behold and experience God.... The will to reach God elevates you far above all science.... Where others make a lifelong effort to solve the mysteries of Creation, you will often receive it overnight.... providing you have the desire and allow yourselves to be instructed by the divine Teacher. __Amen
Willingness to transcribe.... Receiving the living Word.....
Infinite wisdoms are given by the Lord to those who are faithful to him. It often takes years before a child that is willing to transcribe offers its services to the Heavenly Father again and this also explains why such scripts remained incomplete for so long and that only the willing devotion of a new scribe made the imparting of new spiritual knowledge possible. The will was good, and thus ensued a work which was pleasing to the Lord, for it expresses His spirit and His love just as clearly, even though the wording has different characteristics. Anyone who understands the right meaning also recognises the Lord and attaches no importance to the style of writing as such, yet it is also advisable to exercise the same care in the assessment of spiritual issues.... It always has to be remembered that many a person indeed believes himself to be called and yet does not possess the necessary qualifications for such an important task.... to only devotedly and truthfully want to fulfil the Lord's will. Anyone who makes every effort to strive only for that will also be welcomed by the Lord as a servant. Receiving the living Word is a responsibility in itself for the servant too. He must constantly check himself as to whether his will is totally subject to divine will.... he must accept the spiritual knowledge without resistance, make no personal judgment whatsoever while he is receiving it, and keep everything away from his heart which might weaken the spiritual power.... he must keep his heart pure and make himself worthy of a personal relationship with the Lord.... only then will he directly receive the Lord's love in the form of His Word, and only then will he be able to be completely convinced of the truth of what he had received and transcribed. __The sentence structure of whatever the Lord gave to humanity was, at all times, so worded that it combined profound meaning with intelligibility.... so that everyone looking for truth and being lovingly active could recognise it.... Anyone who has different motives for wanting to investigate the authenticity of God's Word and His revelations will hardly be able to find clarification as to what extent the scripts are of divine origin. For whoever endeavours to live in His spirit, whoever truly wants to be of service to Him and humanity will never again need to fear the spirit of lies, for his aim and striving solely applies to the Lord, and therefore the Lord will also protect their work and will not allow it to become detrimental to humankind. Hence, anyone who strives to remain subject to the Lord's will has also the best guarantee of remaining in truth, and therefore only the spirit which rests within the Word will be crucial and not the wording by itself.... Anyone who therefore lives in love for the Lord will also recognise the Lord if He reveals Himself through a human mouth or in writing. Only ever pay attention to what your heart reveals to you.... whether the received Word kindles or enlivens your heart or whether it leaves you dull and indifferent and makes no impression on you. Your heart will always tell you what is lie and what is truth.... if you look for and desire truth. And don't worry that the Father will let you fall prey to error, He is, after all, Truth Himself and always wants to give to people and therefore would not allow the God-loving earnest seeker to go astray.... __Amen
Confused thinking - Unbelief.... Faith - Grace....
The explanation for their unbelief rests in people's confused thinking. When people join a school of thought, which can be called utterly wrong in comparison to the pure teaching of Christ, it is misguided thinking, and the less it corresponds to the truth, the more serious are the consequences. Thoughts which are opposite to the truth must, understandably, detract from true belief and prepare the ground for unbelief. However, a person will be unable to grasp a clear thought but will disjointedly believe one moment this and another that, i.e. he will deem it to be the truth. And thus his train of thought is confused, he will hardly recognise what is right as truth and this state is scarcely satisfactory. It cannot result in a person's spiritual progress but instead will cause him constant anxiety and he will keep insisting on his point of view for a long time. He will walk past the pure truth because he excludes God. Hence he will try, by way of his own thinking, his own strength, to fathom what is incomprehensible to him, and his thoughts will therefore be led astray. Or his will for truth is not strong, consequently, it cannot be offered to him either, whereas the person who desires knowledge for its own sake will receive brightest wisdom. Belief and unbelief are based on opposite conditions. In order to have faith, the human being must have a childlike relationship with God. He must totally hand himself over to the eternal Deity.... he must consider himself small and insignificant and recognise in the eternal Deity a Being of profound perfection.... For this is faith.... The atheist, however, negates everything, he deems himself intelligent and wise and no instruction gets through to him. He will never subordinate himself to a higher Being because he denies His existence. Thus he is high and mighty; consequently, the preconditions are entirely different.... the believer's thoughts are clear and righteous, while the thoughts of the unbeliever lack order and therefore cannot reach a correct conclusion either. Spiritual clarity can never be given to an arrogant person since he does not pray for grace, therefore he cannot receive it. Without divine grace, however, the human being cannot think correctly. But the human being's will is frequently too weak in order to seek help from God Himself, and thus he will live in ignorance until he prays for spiritual clarity and then humbly waits for divine grace.... __Amen
Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God....
The spiritually seeking human being experiences a certain lack of freedom as long as he cannot intellectually free himself from human teachings which don't correspond to the truth. Such doctrines prevent him from cognition and thus he thereby erects his own limitation of knowledge because pure truth cannot be given to him until he has liberated himself or.... if it is given to him he does not recognise it as such. Although God moves indeed towards the seeking human being, He wants to be unreservedly accepted. __Misguided opinions, however, are barriers erected by the human being which, in a manner of speaking, still signify a partition between God and the person. Every false doctrine that the human being won't give up is such a barrier which still separates the person from God. God will now stimulate the human being to pull the barrier down, i.e. other people will shake his convictions by unfavourably criticising his misguided teachings and the person will thus become inclined to quash these. If he does, he will soon gain insight because now he is taught by God Himself Who will send him the right thoughts, which the human being readily accepts. But as long as he holds on to his misguided opinions he cannot become enlightened. He finds no connection, and therefore his knowledge is patchwork and not sufficient to teach other people either, for someone can only give that what he owns himself and not what he is lacking. However, the more willing a human being is to walk the right path, i.e. to live in accordance with divine will, the more certainly God will guide him towards cognition, it just takes a long time to remove those obstructions which make it impossible to achieve cognition. __One must try with great patience to disprove another person's false opinions. The love of a fellow human being can achieve this as long as he knows the truth and thus can also impart the truth. The human being is always victorious when truth is on his side because the truth is of God and God cannot be defeated. Anyone seeking God will find Him without fail because He makes Himself known to anyone who sincerely endeavours to find Him.... __Amen
Remitting or retaining sins.... Jesus' disciples....
'Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained....' These, too, are Words of Mine which were frequently interpreted differently than I had intended them. Only a person with an awakened spirit who hears My voice and conveys My explanation to you is able to correct this, so that you can liberate yourselves from error and know the truth.... My disciples were endowed with the power of working miracles in My name, of healing, of reviving the dead and thereby proving to people the strength of their undivided belief in Me. Their spiritual state allowed for all supernatural activity, for when My spirit poured into them it filled them with strength and light, with power and wisdom. Hence they were able to spread the truth because they knew it themselves, and by the mere voicing of words they were able to achieve things which exceeded all human ability. For they had been My disciples.... I had instructed them through the inner Word while I lived on earth, they lived in love and believed in Me, therefore they were also able to accept My spirit within themselves and work through it. These extraordinary acts were signs of their souls' maturity which, in turn, were intended to prove to people what extraordinary abilities a person can achieve if he lives according to My will, that is, if he shapes himself after My image.... into love.... For love is strength, consequently, a person who loves is also permeated by strength and light, because he can be permeated by the spirit of God, His emanation of strength. And I exemplified to people a life of love.... I demonstrated to them how much strength the human being can attain and after My death I left living examples behind which were meant to proclaim My teaching of love again to demonstrate their strength and thus make it easier for people to believe in Me.... Even if I was no longer visible, I Myself was in the midst of My disciples in spirit.... I guided them, since everything that is permeated by My spirit is subject to My divine guidance.... because I Myself was subsequently able to take effect through those who were working in My name. Hence the disciples had the same power and the same right, because everything they accomplished was My will; they were enlightened by My spirit, which is the emanation of Myself. Consequently, they also had the power to forgive sins in My name, especially if illness was the result of sins and, in order to cure this illness, they had to remit the human being's sins as well. However, if they recognised a person's unworthiness, his unbelief and God-opposing will, they were just as entitled to leave him in his sinful state, for they were not governed by human understanding but by the divine spirit within them, My spirit, which knows everything and thus also a person's unworthiness and the futility of a merciful action on him. Thus I gave My disciples the right to grant to people according to their realisation, because My spirit was active in them and guaranteed that My disciples thought correctly.... __But now people assume the same right even though My spirit is not effective in them as yet.... They associated the right to forgive or retain sins with the person itself and not with the divine spirit in this person and thus conferred this right to all followers of the disciples according to the word and not according to the spirit and therefore misunderstood the meaning of My Word, although they would also think correctly if they realised who is really My disciple.... Not those who appoint themselves but those who I have appointed for their teaching ministry on earth.... For I gave My disciples the instruction 'Go ye therefore, and teach all nations....' But in order to teach, My spirit must be effective in them so that they will be able to distribute the pure truth to people and to spread My commandment of love in the world. Yet the truth can only be taken possession of through the working of the spirit. Therefore, it is imperative that My disciples must be enlightened by the spirit of God before they can count themselves as My disciples. In that case they will also be permeated by light and strength and able to accomplish extraordinary feats , the power of the spirit will enable them to heal the sick, thus to release people from sin and its consequences as soon as they believe in Me and My name.... To these spiritually enlightened people I gave the power of forgiving sins, since they also recognise in their spiritually mature state when a person deserves to have his sins forgiven, for then they will act on My behalf and it is I Who really forgives their sins. But if people feel themselves appointed to carry out the act of forgiveness of sin even though they have never been called by Me Myself, who are neither enlightened by My spirit nor hear My Word within themselves, their calling can rightfully be disputed, since this is already demonstrated by the fact that they are incapable of recognising their fellow human being in order to judge whether to remit his sins or to let him keep them. The assessment of this already presupposes the working of the spirit which, however, has to be denied to most of those who deem themselves called as servants of God as long as they do not possess the inner Word. Only through My Word are they called to work for Me, for only My Word gives them knowledge, that is, it conveys the pure truth to them, and this is absolutely necessary in order to be able to work for Me. Anyone who knows the truth can also pass it on and thereby helps his fellow human being to achieve liberation. Anyone who has My Word will also have the competence of judgment when a person's will is inclined towards God. For the human being's spoken word is often deceptive, the heart need not be involved in what is voiced by the mouth. But a true disciple has the gift of recognising his fellow human being and therefore also knows which person is serious about the forgiveness of his sin and does not allow himself to be misled by many words which lack inner conviction. Therefore, the remission of sin cannot be a general act since it can only take place if it was preceded by profound repentance and recognised as such by My disciples. But in that case the judgment of the latter will be valid before Me, for he only acts on My instructions and his deed is according to My will. With those Words I gave My disciples the understanding that their activity and thinking will be in complete concordance with Me if they work for Me in My name, that they cannot think and want anything else but what is My will if the divine spirit is working in them which, however, characterises them as My disciples in the first place. For I Myself appoint My servants on earth because I truly know who is qualified for this ministry and upon whom I can endow those gifts which are required by a teaching ministry on earth.... And to them I will also give the authority, for then they will only carry out My will.... __Amen
Obligation to pass on spiritual knowledge....
You are constantly instructed to increase your knowledge, and strength is also constantly conveyed to you which you ought to use for spiritual work as well. Therefore you should make use of this strength by distributing what is conveyed to you through the spiritual instruction, use it by passing on what you have received yourselves. Spiritual strength should never rest, that is, a person with strength at his disposal should never remain inactive, and thus spiritual strength should also continuously be used or it will be taken away from the person who leaves it lying idle. Spiritual work, however, is everything which contributes towards another person's knowledge.... It is irrelevant in which way this knowledge is imparted to him, only the fact that it is imparted is important. And this task is given to you who receive the spiritual knowledge from God either directly or through His instruments. Everyone who is offered spiritual knowledge, who accepts it and, after deliberating on it, accepts it as his spiritual possession, will only benefit from it if he passes it on with love. For once it has become valuable to him he shall also share it with his fellow human being, otherwise he is still gripped by powerful selfish love and the blessing of God's grace will barely be felt by him. Spiritual knowledge should never lie fallow if a person does not want to risk having it entirely withdrawn from him. For it is divine law that he who gives will receive, because unselfish neighbourly love is a prerequisite that the human being can receive. The spiritually striving aspirant should pay attention to his feelings.... his desires will be granted but it also obliges him to give the truth to the one who, like him, desires to know it. Furthermore, it also commits him to convey the truth to wherever error still exists, for the truth shall displace the error. __And therefore a bearer of truth must make an active effort to bring light to all places where darkness still exists. This is spiritual work which may never be excluded again if the human being is blessed to be educated by the spiritual kingdom. For the human being is only ever the organ of being's of light which want to bestow truth upon all people, especially those who are entrusted into their care to be spiritually guided by them. People themselves can only rarely hear the light beings' gentle voice; therefore they cultivate instruments for themselves which shall speak on their behalf.... This activity should never be ignored by a recipient of light, he should speak wherever the opportunity presents itself, he should communicate verbally and in writing, he should make use of every day and every hour and thus carry out the work he himself had offered to do for God, and constant achievement will be granted to him. He will be able to advance himself spiritually and likewise the people who are spiritually endowed by him. This admonition applies to all who are being refreshed by the font of eternal life and draw strength and fortitude from the divine Word. Everyone moves within a field of duty where he can be very industrious, and he should not neglect this, otherwise he makes himself unworthy of receiving the truth that is offered to him from above. For it is precious knowledge and shall be passed on for the benefit of people, so that it will remedy the immense spiritual adversity which is the cause of humanity's spiritual decline and which also results in earthly adversity and suffering.... __Amen
Thought transmission from the spiritual kingdom....
Every idea is a spiritual emanation, it can merely originate from different sources, i.e. it can be transmitted to you humans from the kingdom of light but also from the kingdom of darkness, it all depends on your will. As expected, the kingdom of light will radiate truth, whereas the kingdom of darkness will transmit entirely earthly, material thoughts to people with the intention to spread them. From an earthly point of view, mental activity is indeed the function of organs, but they actually only receive and process the transmissions from the spiritual kingdom which affect the organs. Because the origin of every thought will always be found in spiritual spheres, since the work of the spiritual kingdom's inhabitants is to influence people mentally, and thus they endeavour to pass on their own ideals to people. And thus valuable but also worthless, even harmful, ideas can flow from this kingdom, and it is up to the human being himself to evaluate the importance of what he receives.... By using his will he can guide his thoughts into the right or the wrong direction, and the beings in the spiritual realm will always eagerly support his will. The human being has to be informed how he can contact the beings of light if he wants to acquire pure truth, if he wants his thoughts to be right, just as he should be informed of the cause of wrong thinking in order to protect himself from it. Hence he has to be taught that the transmission of mental concepts from the spiritual realm is the result of his conduct, which is more or less in accordance with God's will and thus more or less induces the beings of the spiritual kingdom to hand out truth or untruth.... __Just as the human being's will behaves towards God the spiritual beings' behave towards the human being, and this is reflected in the transmission of spiritual knowledge, in thoughts and the intelligence of the human being. Because the beings of light are only able to come into contact with people who give themselves to God, who aspire towards God, or the influence from the kingdom of light against his will would inhibit the human being's will. Whereas the forces of darkness can likewise only get access to those of God-opposing will and who show this in their heartless behaviour, thinking and talking. Because these beings' influence is powerful but only effective if the human being abandons himself to them. However, if his will is turned towards God he can protect himself at any time from these forces by calling upon the beings of light and by requesting God's help. This person's thinking will always be guided right because the beings of light will not meet with opposition as they impart their spiritual knowledge to him. __The forces of darkness usually try to draw people's thoughts towards earthly matters and to prevent their desire for spiritual knowledge, or to distort it and then offer it infiltrated by lies and errors so that they find themselves in complete ignorance and falsehood, because every spiritual being only gives what it has itself.... The kingdom of darkness will never offer the truth since, due to their obstinate will, no light is shining for the beings. These forces will always endeavour to maintain a person's materialistic attitude, and they will always meet with his approval as long as his will is not turned towards God. People's thinking will only be right and their ideas only correspond to the truth where the beings of light are able to work. And thus God's most important commandment has to be fulfilled first.... the human being has to live with love.... Only then can he also tell his fellow human beings that his mental concepts are true and from the realm of light. Only then will he fulfil the first condition given by God so that he can guide people into truth himself and he need never fear to go astray, i.e. live in error, because he is then under the direct influence of the beings of light who work on behalf of God by transmitting wisdom to those who finally have relinquished their resistance to God.... __Amen
Gift of teaching.... Teaching ministry....
You will be granted the gift of teaching once your mission starts.... You will feel imbued by My spirit and consequently also be able to speak with conviction, because I will express Myself through you. I will place the Words in your mouth and yet your intellect will grasp what you say, what you, impelled by My spirit, are conveying to your fellow human beings, because you receive the meaning of My Word from above, from the kingdom of light where the truth originates from. And therefore you will only spread pure truth if you teach in My name. Thoughts will flow to you which your heart and mind will grasp and it will fill you with inner joy that you are allowed to spread exceedingly valuable spiritual knowledge. And thus, impelled by the love of your heart, you will distribute that which makes you happy yourself. For the teacher has an abundance of knowledge and is therefore called by Me for his teaching ministry. Yet he must confront the wrong teachers and prophets in all seriousness and seek to invalidate their doctrine insofar as they do not correspond to the truth. He should not fear that he is not up to the challenge; for once again it is not he himself but My spirit which speaks through him. And My spirit is superior to all human reasoning, it can solve the most difficult problems, expose and refute the greatest error and no opponent on earth can surpass its wisdom. But the opportunity of its working must be given by your willingness to adopt the teaching ministry even with those people, that is, you must not shirk or allow yourselves to be intimidated if you are confronted by the wisdom of human intellect in order to disarm you or to undermine your teachings. Then you need only enter into heartfelt unity with Me and you will be able to defeat even the greatest speakers, because I Myself will speak through you and, truly, no-one is a match for Me.... Let your spirit carry you along, it will guide you correctly, it will let you act and speak in the right way, it will put your thoughts in order, for anyone who receives a teaching ministry from Me will also receive My help to administer it correctly. For it is My will that the truth shall be spread, that untruth and error shall be denounced and that people's thoughts shall take the right direction, because only through truth can people become blissfully happy. This is why you, My disciples on earth, shall place yourselves at My disposal as bearers of truth wherever and whenever I need you, and My spirit in you will be informed of this, so that you will be absolved from all responsibility of acting wrongly, for I Myself will guide and direct anyone who has offered himself to Me, so that he can fulfil My will.... __Amen
Living water.... Source of eternal life....
Don't study and speculate but live in love.... For what do you achieve by the former if you have no love?.... You will arrive at mere misguided intellectual conclusions which are useless for your souls, only the body occasionally will benefit if your investigations and speculations relate to material things. But even earthly thinking will be blessed if you practise love at the same time, but earthly thinking without love entraps the soul ever deeper in matter, from which it should liberate itself. Study and speculation is really not enough to understand spiritual matters, without love it leads you to misguided results, because then you avoid the Giver of truth, Who is love in Himself, Who transmits the truth to the person who aspires to become like Him. Thus look for the truth where love is evident to you, where kind speech, thinking and actions give you the guarantee that the Giver of truth Himself is actively spreading it. And from there you should draw and revive yourselves because there you will find the source of eternal life, the spring from whence living water flows, as God has promised. He Himself has made that spring accessible to you, He turned the human being's body and soul into the carrier of His spirit and guaranteed its working as soon as you live in love.... __Indeed, He also gave intellectual ability to everyone but he made correct intellectual activity, correct thinking, dependent on your way of life since only this, providing it corresponds to His will, activates the effect of His divine spirit in the human being. The earthly and spiritual world are two opposing worlds, just as the human being's intellect and his spiritual activity oppose each other as long as the earthly world does not subordinate itself to the spiritual world. Only the fusion of both will result in the same thoughts of intellect and heart, i.e. the spirit within the human being will govern the intellect as soon as the spiritual world has deadened the human being's senses for the material world and permeates his whole being. Then the human being will be living in truth, then he will be permeated by knowledge which is given to Him by the Giver of truth Himself through His spirit. Then he will not need to study and speculate because he will be taught by the Eternal Love Himself since his way of life is an activity of love and this means an overcoming of all matter, thus an absorption into spiritual spheres, a life in God.... Then the human being's body will be a vessel for the divine spirit from which living water flows eternally, he will be an inexhaustible spring of divine wisdom, a fountain of life which can be used by everyone to revive themselves if they so desire. And anyone who draws from it will live for eternity, as God has promised.... __Amen
God's messengers' task before the end....
Proclaim My Word to those who are sent to you by Me.... This is My will, for time is pressing towards the end. Therefore you always will have to take the paths I predetermined for you from the start, and you will always recognise My wisdom and love in My guidance, you will learn to understand that you also need difficult circumstances in order to mature, for the more highly developed you are the more successful your activity will be before the end, for then you will be active representatives of My Word. But My Word must be made accessible to people, they should become aware of the great responsibility they have towards their soul. Only I Myself can give them the right information, and this has to happen through you, for a human mouth has to proclaim what originates from Me and testifies to Me. I want to speak to all people through a human mouth and you shall be My mouthpiece through which I proclaim My will. This important task is extremely beneficial for yourselves as well as for your fellow human beings and you will indeed gladly comply with this task, you will feel happy if you work in My name and eagerly strive to use every opportunity. Yet you must completely hand yourselves over to My guidance; you must take the direction I show you, and what I tell you to do through the voice of the spirit you must accomplish without reluctance and therefore constantly listen to the voice within, and you will act according to My will. __Countless souls suffer hardship for they do not know the truth, and every misconception is a danger for the soul. To bring them truth is an act of neighbourly love, for truth alone sets people free, it ends hardship, and only truth leads to Me, Who is eternal Truth Himself. Hence anyone who wants to reach Me should not take wrong paths, he needs to be shown the right path and he has to travel it.... He has to comply with the Word which directly comes from Me and is conveyed to earth through My messengers and distributed.... And therefore I Myself will guide those people to My servants who desire clarification, who live in error, and they will be able to succeed in all places, they will find good ground which they can plant on and cultivate, so that I can gather a rich harvest on the Day of Judgment. I will send My messengers to all places where spiritual hardship exists, so that they will bring people the pure Gospel, as I Myself proclaimed to them. For the time is approaching its end, and great spiritual hardship can be controlled if you are willing servants for Me, if you stand up for My Word and appeal to Me for My blessing and My grace. For you are My pillars during the last days before the end, you are the labourers I hired to work in My vineyard, you are My servants and the great task awaiting you is to cultivate countless fields.... Countless souls need to be guided into truth, and if you contribute towards it, the immense spiritual hardship can be controlled and every soul helped by you will be eternally grateful to you.... __Amen
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