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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
The day of the end is decided for eternity....
Even if you inwardly resist the thought that everything around you shall perish, as it is constantly proclaimed to you, it will nevertheless come to pass with certainty, for My Word is truth and the end of this world in its present form has been decided for eternity.... My plan of Salvation will proceed, for once I make a decision it will not change, because profound wisdom has recognised what serves My intention from the start.... the return of all fallen spirits.... and therefore I will implement what has been decided. The fact that the precise date will never be given to you humans is explained by your freedom of will, which would be at risk were you to know the exact day and hour. But the human race will never remain without warning, I will always announce what is to come, so that they can prepare themselves and the end need not be an end to be scared of for people. And thus I reiterate over and over again that the length of time the souls were granted for this salvation or earth period has expired.... that the total transformation of the work of creation called Earth is also necessary because everything has become disorderly, because nothing which furthers the soul's development is utilised anymore and because the earth shall fulfil its purpose again: to help the souls attain maturity, which, however, makes a total transformation of its surface unavoidable. And even if you are still granted a reprieve, you should not believe that the end has been revoked.... The day will be upheld which has been preordained for eternity.... You should merely know that you have already reached the lowest point which entails an end, thus, according to the state of you souls the prerequisites for a disintegration of earth would exist already.... However, My decision is irrevocable, and thus you may regard your remaining time as a gift of grace, for you can still change, since it is never too late for that.... And therefore I call to you time and again: Believe that you are shortly facing the end. For even if a short time still passes by, it is nevertheless but a moment compared to the immense happening which will subsequently take place, which will conclude one period, the beginning of which you are incapable of ascertaining because the beginning and end of an earth period are so far apart that you cannot produce any clear evidence, nevertheless, you can be convinced that they are infinitely long periods of time. __Although the individual human being is apparently unimportant and tiny in the great events of the world, he is nevertheless a once originally created spirit whose return means a lot to Me and whom I would therefore like to save before this end, so that he will not have to spend infinitely long times in agony and wretchedness again, which he can avert from himself by merely paying attention to My admonitions and warnings which he will still receive during the last days. The remaining time of grace is only short, and every day should be regarded by you as a gift which can manage to achieve your inner change, it can mean turning back on the path you are walking.... providing you believe in an end of this earth and therefore also in an end of all living beings on earth, as it is constantly proclaimed to you. You don't believe because one day goes by like another and nothing unusual happens, and yet I give you so many wake-up calls.... you are constantly faced by different natural disasters, time and again different commotions bother you, which are intended to arouse you from the state of sleep you find so comfortable.... But you don't want to accept anything as a sign from above.... You continue with your thoughtless way of life, you smother every sense of responsibility.... You live on earth and yet do not acquire eternal life but approach death instead. Nevertheless, you have reached the end of an earth period, and if you don't believe this you will be taken by surprise and will find no way out, but prior to this you can still find it if you take the path to Me, if you hand yourselves over to your God and Creator and appeal for My shelter and protection from all difficulties of the impending time.... if only you acknowledge Me as your God Who wants to be your Father.... Then you truly no longer need fear the end, for then your return to Me will have been accomplished and I will be able to accept you in the spiritual kingdom where you can still continue to ascend if you leave this earth in a low degree of maturity. Nevertheless, you will have found Me and accomplished your return to Me in the last minute, you will have escaped My adversary and, while still on the old earth, have come to the correct realisation that you can only find salvation and beatitude in Me, and then you won't need to fear the end anymore either.... __Amen
The bond with God.... Adversities and suffering....
And if you succeed to closely unite with Me in thought by longing for Me with a loving heart, then I will be present to you too, because your love for Me attracts Me tremendously, and I will never deny Myself to love. My presence, however, always assures you an influx of strength albeit it is only felt by the soul, but it will steadily mature and become ever more perfect because then I will no longer exclude it. Then you have demonstrated your free will to belong to Me again, then you have passed your test of will which is the reason why you live on earth as a human being. __Yet only few people occupy themselves with Me in thought, and if they do then only at certain times, and a process which should be deeply internal in order to result in spiritual success always just becomes an external formality. Only few people think frequently during the day of the One Who is their God and Creator and Who wants to be acknowledged and called upon by them as Father.... The world and its demands leaves people almost no more time for inner reflection, their thoughts are taken up by earthly affairs and worries, and regarding spiritual considerations utterly pointless and without value they completely exclude them, therefore they are never able to notice the divine blessing which rests on their daily activities.... Only when they are troubled by worries they occasionally think of the One Who is powerful and able to help, and then it is already a considerable achievement if they turn to the One with a silent appeal, for then they have to establish the contact with Me as soon as they send a prayer in spirit and in truth to Me up above. But mere lip-prayers will not reach My ear, for they lack the heartfelt contact which ensures that their plea will be granted. And yet, adversities and suffering are the only means to turn people's thoughts to Me, adversities and suffering can cause hours of inner bonding with Me, and then they will always attain a benefit for their soul since no connection will remain without an influx of strength, and this influx of strength will always have a spiritual effect. __Blessed are the people who often raise their thoughts to Me, who don't have to be prompted to do so by adversities and suffering first but whose love impels them to unite with Me, who only find true comfort and true happiness of heart in the close relationship with Me.... blessed are those who have already detached themselves from the world to a degree that they find time for spiritual thoughts, that they communicate with Me because they feel the urge to enter into contact with Me..... __For these will be constantly pulled by Me Myself and their souls' maturity will be assured. The separation between the beings and Myself, which they once undertook voluntarily, is now annulled by the voluntary bond with Me which is evidenced by every heartfelt thought, every prayer and every deed of love.... for now, in the human stage, the being has changed itself back to its original state again, which also signified an innermost bond with Me.... And I will try everything in order to awaken in people the desire for a bond with Me, I will step into every person's path Myself, or I will answer the call for help of those who are suffering in order to give evidence of Myself and My love.... I come to meet every person Myself with My love but I cannot force him to accept it.... They have to accomplish the return to Me completely of their own free will and entirely voluntarily appeal to Me for strength and love (light) and My presence.... But then I will never ever leave them again. Then their earthly path is truly not in vain, for My strength will constantly flow to them so that the soul will already attain a degree of maturity which will guarantee it a blissful life in the spiritual kingdom. And it is truly easy to gain the certainty of a blissful fate after death, for the heartfelt bond with Me is the right relationship I want My child to establish with Me, and a father will always want to make his child happy.... He will constantly give to the child what it needs, and thus He will also convey to the soul what it needs to mature: light and strength and grace.... Only the contact has to be established first which ensures that My emanation of light and grace can flow across. Then the human being will safely reach his goal on earth.... he will acquire for himself eternal life in absolute bliss.... __Amen
Cosmic changes....
It is an unusual event which I announce to you.... you will think that you are mistaken yet time and again experience the same.... earthly tremors which are not caused by eruptions but always occur when the earth stands in a certain constellation to the stars.... so that the tremors can be anticipated on a regular basis and will not fail to happen. __They will be barely perceptible and hence disturb few people, yet the investigations by scientists will give rise to apprehensions of the worst kind. Furthermore, as the phenomena intensify they will also unsettle indifferent people once they realise the threat to earth from other heavenly bodies, because having left their path the latter are moving towards earth and time and again form a constellation which triggers these very effects. __In view of the approaching end people shall still be aroused from their calm, they shall remember their Creator and think about their own transience and the fact that they have no guarantee of passing into complete oblivion after their physical death; they have to be reminded of the end of their lives and also of the fate which will await them if they believe in the continuation of their soul's life. The last days will exhibit so much that is contrary to nature, given that people's activities and thoughts are already unnatural and result in consequences of the worst kind.... People presumptuously and beyond their authority undertake explorations of the universe.... They disregard natural laws and yet, their actions and intentions will not be prevented, the repercussions, however, will fall back upon themselves. Nevertheless, the end moves ever closer, and if people are yet to be helped by taking stock of themselves and becoming aware of their great responsibility then an unusual activity on God's part will also have to be shown to them, even though it is still up to their own free will to take notice of it and adjust accordingly. __And such unusual activity will be experienced by humanity in the forthcoming time. It will not be caused by people but takes place in the cosmos, in a region which is entirely subject to the Creator Himself, which now seemingly slides into lawlessness, and yet even this event is integral to the plan of returning the spirits, since it is capable of leading to a change in many people because it is too extraordinary.... but without compelling them to believe, for the unbelieving person will not even take the trouble to find an explanation since he lives utterly irresponsibly. __And people's spiritual state in the last days has already sunk so low that even extraordinary natural events would not make them believe, consequently even these methods can still be used for the benefit of undecided people who need strong motives to seriously reflect on it and aim their will into the right direction. For whatever can still be done in order to keep the souls from the fate of a new banishment will be done by God, Who loves humanity and does not want them to go astray.... But every time He manifests Himself in the manner it was announced there will be fatalities, otherwise people would not allow themselves to be impressed and mutually accuse each other of self-deception.... For the effects will vary from place to place, and it will take scientists a certain length of time before they succeed in finding the right explanation, but then the signs will repeat themselves with ever increasing frequency and provide people with the evidence that something is happening in the cosmos which they cannot counteract themselves. __And thus they are also subject to the periodically recurring consequences until, finally, the huge natural event will take place which will demonstrate God's might and greatness to people who believe in Him and who will also be protected in every adversity. Yet although people are repeatedly informed of an approaching end, although the preceding natural disasters are repeatedly pointed out to them.... they won't believe nor change their way of life in the slightest, they do nothing to prepare themselves, they live in the world and love it, and look at the world as their God.... And therefore they will remain attached to matter when the end has come.... Yet everything is determined in the divine plan of Salvation and nothing will come to pass that has not already been taken into account since eternity.... __And thus even this unnatural event will take place according to divine will, and the day for this is also predetermined and will be upheld.... Nevertheless, you shall be informed in advance so that your faith may be strengthened, because everything will come to pass as was said before and because you will ever more recognise the truth of what is conveyed to you from above.... For you ought to establish the connection between God and the world, with your fellow human beings who live without faith or thought.... Admittedly, you will only be able to speak about it after the initial occurrences have taken place since prior to that no-one will want to listen to you.... you will only find open ears and hearts after a tremor has happened which will make people wonder and only then should you speak, and then it will depend on people's willingness as to what benefits they will draw from these events.... __Amen
God only created beings of equal perfection.... II. (Cont...
However, after the creation of My first being of light nothing of inferior value emerged from Me Myself and this being of light. Your human thinking is still limited because you are not perfect yet, and thus the thought occurred to you that the beings, having emerged from our mutual love, cannot be put on par with the first-created being. But this thought is misguided, because it was the same strength and the same will of love which brought them to life, therefore there were only ever supremely perfect beings.... true images of Myself.... You humans indeed compare your fellow human beings, you can detect more mature and immature traits of nature, consequently you also assume that you can make such evaluations regarding the originally created beings. But surely you understand that such valuations are not appropriate concerning the creations which came forth from Me and My love. All creations of a spiritual nature were only of the highest perfection, and in particular the created beings were of supreme perfection. The fact that part of them nevertheless fell does not entitle you to assume that these `fallen' beings were less perfect and fell because their creator Lucifer, due to his recurring rejection of My strength of love, had created inferior beings. For even a number of the first beings which were created by our will of love followed him when he turned away from Me and proceeded towards the abyss. Nor did the individual beings' strength of will differ; it was, however, free.... and that explains everything. For freedom knows no limitations, and a free will must be able to develop in all directions. The individual beings' wrong thinking is the second explanation for the fall. The ability to think also allowed for wrong thinking, to wrongly interpret My Word which the beings, due to their constant illumination of love, heard within themselves. They were not compelled to interpret the Word only in one direction.... by virtue of their faculty of thought they were also able to apply a different meaning to it and so they did when they rejected My love, for thereby they also lost their power of perception and their thinking became confused. In addition, the limitless flow of strength of love made them arrogant, so that in their abundance of strength they believed themselves to have the same power, so that their love for their Creator therefore diminished and the being more or less made demands.... which was demonstrated by their desire to visibly present Myself to the beings.... They believed themselves to be entitled to it, and this wrong way of thinking was transferred on to them by My first-created being. It expressed this desire despite the fact of knowing full well that it had to remain unfulfilled were My created beings to continue to exist. Thus it can certainly not be said that any of the fallen beings has merely been a victim of its creator's will, for every single being had the right of self-determination and was also in possession of brightest realisation. But every fallen being became spiritually arrogant and forgot, or refused to acknowledge, that it had originated from Me.... that I therefore had been its Creator and Father, against Whom its revolt was the worst sin which the being would never ever be able to redeem by itself again. All beings were created in equal perfection, and the fact that a number of equally created beings remained loyal to Me is already proof in itself of a greater than greater guilt.... they only did not relinquish their love for Me.... whereas those which had `fallen' rejected My love, and this was their immense original sin which was subsequently intended to be redeemed by One Who belonged to the beings which remained faithful to Me. The fallen beings cannot be excused by some kind of imperfection, with lacking perception, less illumination or a weak will. They had the same nature as those who remained loyal to Me, yet in awareness of their immeasurable strength they arrogantly no longer accepted My strength of love and were thereby also deprived of all strength. They must laboriously gain strength again if they want to become what they were in the beginning. Any kind of imperfection would have been an excuse for a being's apostasy, but this did not exist, and when Lucifer saw the countless multitudes of created beings in brightest illumination and supreme strength which had emerged from his will by using My strength he exalted himself above Me because he was unable to behold Me, but he himself was visible in his magnificence to the countless multitudes of spirits. __However, untold original spirits remained faithful to Me, they were created to be exactly the same as the fallen spirits and not advantaged by Me in any way, they merely returned their infinite love to Me which permeated them and which they constantly received from Me and thus became increasingly more blissful, whereas the love of the fallen beings became a selfish love which no longer wanted to please but only wanted to take. This process is and will remain inexplicable to you humans because it was a spiritual process which can only be understood by the spirit; nevertheless, the circumstances which motivated Me into bringing the material world and its creations into being can be roughly explained to you, and time and again I will try to enlighten you, as far as your intellect is able to grasp it, and correct any misguided opinion, since one single misguided thought is already enough for you to construct a wrong edifice of ideas which you will no longer be able to dismantle and yet you will be far removed from the truth. You would also do well not to brood over things which are irrelevant for your soul's salvation.... which only show some kind of craving for knowledge, the satisfaction of which does not contribute in the slightest towards attaining full maturity of soul. For what you need to know will be conveyed to you by Me, yet always on condition that your own maturity of soul will determine the measure I hand out.... __Yet you shall always know that I Am supremely perfect, that everything is based on My love, wisdom and might and that no imperfections can be present when this bond with Me exists. And this existed at the creation of the beings, for the being I externalised.... the bearer of light.... was most intimately devoted to Me and was therefore able to receive boundless beatitudes through the influx of My strength of love. And it used this strength of love again in accordance with My will, because its will was in line with Mine as long as we were united by deepest love. Every act of creation, however, necessitates the flow of My strength of love, and therefore every created being had to be called perfect when it was brought into life. The fact that it then changed into the opposite and became an imperfect being was purely the result of its free will, which was the same as Mine as long as the being's love belonged to Me. When it resisted My love it had to leave the eternal order and continued to possess brightest illumination until it decided to turn away from Me for good. Only then did it lose its realisation, only then its spirit darkened, and only then did it become My opposite. It was no longer a divine being but adopted all the qualities of the one who first revoked his love for Me and became My adversary. Henceforth it forfeited its perfection, it became poorly shaped and was hostile minded towards Me, My strength of love was no longer able to touch it, and thus all spiritual substances hardened which I subsequently reshaped into material creations.... into the complete opposite which it had been in the very beginning. Nevertheless, this fallen spiritual being always has the opportunity to regain its original state if it is willing to abandon its resistance to Me and once again voluntarily allows itself to be illuminated by My strength of love. The apostasy from Me happened out of free will, and the return to Me must therefore also take place out of free will. Then the being will be and remain infinitely happy again.... __Amen
Who believes in the long path before human existence....
Since your apostasy from Me eons of years have gone by.... this concept of time is incomprehensible to you but you can put an end to it now if you have the will to return to Me for good. You travelled this path dissolved into minutely tiny particles, and all creations first had to arise for you, which required an incredibly long time, until all particles came together again as the former original spirit that you were when you came forth from Me.... Every stage of your development included untold preliminary periods, no stage could be left out.... every flower, every animal had to be passed through, for you cannot see anything that hasn't taken on shape in your soul already.... Yet who will believe this? Who believes that you have covered an infinitely long time before your existence as a human being, and who lives up to the consequence of handing his entire will over to Me during this last stretch of the way of return into the Father's house and finally brings the long time of his development to an end? __You can only believe it all, but then you will do your utmost in order to reach the end.... the release from the form. Yet who can disprove what you learn from Me directly? Who can better explain the meaning and purpose of earthly life? And why do you believe the one who presents life as an end in itself? Because you are shrouded in spiritual darkness which is My adversary's doing who instigated your apostasy from Me.... And this spiritual darkness can only be lifted if I give you the right explanation, but in order to respect your free will I leave it to you as to whether you accept it. And if I put it to you that you will be banished again into hard matter, if I warn and admonish you to seek release from the last shackle then it should indeed prove My love for you, since I want to win all of you, My children, back again.... But you don't believe it; you would rather believe that you will completely cease to exist after your physical death.... You will indeed pass away but not in your spiritual substance, instead your consciousness will be taken away from you again but your soul will travel the very painful path of higher development once more.... __Oh, if only you believed, if only you realised that you are immortal and that everything will be placed again where it belongs according to its degree of maturity, that you can liberate yourselves from every physical form and at last.... after an infinitely long time.... return into your Father's house again, that you only have to apply your will during the short lifetime on earth for your soul's final purification. Then you would truly do whatever it takes, for the glories waiting for you in the kingdom of the beyond are without equal.... But what makes you so certain that everything will be over with this life? Who can prove this to you? You counteract My revelations with your own reasoning. Your intellect, however, is subject to My adversary's influence if your thinking does not strive towards Me. Hence there is great spiritual darkness for he will keep you spiritually blind so as not to let you find the path to Me. And I can only be noticed by you through unusual events which have an adverse effect on you, and blessed is he who will then still come to believe in Me, who wants to find out the truth. I will reveal Myself to him and help him gain realisation. For I take pity on all My living creations who would be able to liberate themselves from their bondage but, due to their weak will, My adversary will not set them free and they cannot release themselves without the flow of strength from Me.... which, however, I cannot give to them as long as their will opposes Me.... __Amen
Unidentified flying objects....
What you are told about unidentified flying objects can be flatly dismissed by you as error (lie), for it is mere fanciful wishful thinking of those who thereby hand themselves over to the adversary because they do not have the bond with Me Who could explain it to them.... The need of worldly people who refuse to acknowledge a definitely approaching end is great and they look for ways to escape it. All this fits in with the signs of the last days, that they hope for rescue by other worlds without considering that there is no connection between the earth and the inhabitants of those worlds. It is certain that people claiming to have seen such objects to some extent link up with the powers of the underworld, that they become captivated by the remaining power of the prince of darkness which he uses more than ever during the last days and focus on him. __He manifests himself in the form of appearances which can be described in minute detail, which is also a sign of people's attitude towards Me.... Profoundly devout people will not experience such appearances, for they believe in the rapture of My Own before the end which, however, will not take place by sending My messengers to earth but I Myself will come in the clouds, as I have told you. Those supposed representatives are forces of darkness who have great power indeed at the end by assembling visible illusions which, however, vanish as swiftly as they appear.... and which can only be sighted by people who are already subject to the adversary or who have not yet found the right kind of relationship with Me. For anyone who holds on to Me is taught by My spirit, and that in all truthfulness indeed.... But what do you humans expect from those appearances? __You also believe the mediumistic promises you receive and thus more than ever live in darkness.... What you believe to see are no visible creations from Me but mere illusions by the one who takes advantage of the wishes and desires of people who want to preserve their lives and with this desire strengthen his power. And the occupants of these `visible' objects which briefly materialise themselves only to vanish again are also from his world. The adversary has great power at the end.... You are told this time and again by Me Myself.... And in view of the end he will also use this power to entice those who do not firmly hold on to Me and as a result of their will are easily influenced. Yet you will hear no such messages from circles belonging to Me, for the adversary has no access where I Myself let My light shine. __However, anyone who is already on his territory will be able to cite ever more `evidence' which is all but deception and illusion. Accept My Word that no connections exist between the inhabitants of different worlds and that.... when the end has come.... no-one will be able to escape it but will either be bodily lifted to heaven by Me Myself or fall prey to banishment once more. But for this I truly do not need messengers from another world or you, who should spread the truth across the world, would also receive the relevant information.... Hence, abide by what I tell you and do not allow yourselves to be deterred, for My adversary is your enemy too, who tries to ruin you but will not succeed with those who are faithful to Me, whom I will rescue from all adversity on the day of Judgment.... __Amen
Importance of the missionary work.... Making use of the k...
Time and again you need to be told that your task solely consists of searching for Me so that I can let Myself be found by you, because I want to be the object of your love, and what you search for is what you desire, what you love.... I only want to gain your love and then you will have accomplished your purpose in life. Then I will be able to return your lost realisation to you while you are still on earth and you will enter an enlightened state, all darkness will have been overcome, you can let all abilities in you break through again, your earthly life will result in visible progress because you will have established a heartfelt bond with Me which gives you light and strength in abundance. And if you are therefore instructed by Me Myself about your original state, about the purpose and goal of earthly life, you need not fear any decline anymore, for this realisation will stay with you forever. Your only task remains to let your fellow human beings partake in this realisation of yours, even though it is up to them whether or not they want to accept this. You, however, possess the knowledge, and this can no longer be taken away from you.... However, as long as you still live on earth you must also make use of this knowledge, you cannot use it just for yourselves, it is connected to the task of passing this knowledge on to your fellow human beings who are still completely ignorant and who will react to it entirely differently. That which seems perfectly natural to you is incomprehensible to them as long as they are not seekers themselves and have an open ear for your disclosures. So this is the work you should do for Me, because it is My will that a bright light shall shine in all places, because I want to counteract My enemy and because I want you to participate in this battle. For he has done an excellent job by covering humanity with impenetrable darkness.... he has done everything in his power in order to undermine the pure truth from Me. And he has succeeded, for only a few people know their purpose in earthly life, only a few people keep My two commandments which I gave people as a basic prerequisite in order to gain the knowledge again. Love is indeed necessary in order to understand the offered information, without love it will remain dark in them, and without love they cannot establish contact with Me which would give an understanding of the knowledge to them. And therefore I can only ever tell you again: inform people of My commandments of love and, depending on their attitude towards them, the knowledge they are offered will either appeal to them or not. But you must not fail to constantly draw their attention to My love and explain to them that I do not implement anything which is not based on My love.... For people cannot understand that all kinds of misfortunes shall only ever impel them to turn to Me, to appeal to Me for advice and help, and I will truly help them as well, but this cannot happen if they don't believe in Me.... Hence you must teach them to believe in a God of love, wisdom and power.... Once they have gained this faith they will take the path to Me by themselves, and then your help will become evident, then they will also accept the knowledge and it will bring them peace and joy, just as you yourselves have received. I want to draw close to all people, I want to lead all people to the light, each one of them is dear to Me and I want to gain their love. Nevertheless, My adversary's activity will continue until the end and he will still win many victims for himself. For this reason you should class yourselves as My fighters who fight by My side for the salvation of souls. Even if only a few listen to you, every single soul is a gain for Me and it will be eternally grateful to you that you protected it from the fate of a renewed banishment. Always listen to what I have to say to you and don't think that I don't require your help.... I Am always willing to speak to you and to constantly increase your knowledge, and thus I want to continue instructing you because I still have much to say.... The time is approaching its end and you cannot be nourished often enough with My Word, for with My Word you also constantly receive strength, which is urgently needed by all of you for the work in My vineyard.... __Amen
What can be regarded as divine revelation?....
The great quantity of that which is accepted by people as 'divine revelation' is also a sign of satanic activity, for he seeks to undermine My pure Word in the same way by availing himself of My Words in order to confuse people. However, the comment 'I shall pour out My spirit over all flesh' must not be understood such that everyone believes themselves to hear My speech, but the thoughts of those who desire to be instructed in the truth are guided by Me accordingly. And where two or three are together, I Am in the midst of them, so that they, too, will know themselves to be guided by My spirit if I Myself Am the subject of their conversation.... Everyone will certainly be able to hear Me within himself if he appeals to Me for guidance on the right path.... And thus the working of My spirit will be observable in every person who preaches love for Me and in turn motivates other people to love. I will also speak through him but always in his usual manner of speaking, so that a hearing of the 'inner Word' cannot be spoken of.... For this is only recognisable by the fact that I emanate a light of such radiance at the same time that it illuminates the darkness and provides people with the right clarification about all questions posed by the spiritual seekers.... for they shall receive light in order to pass it on. For this reason I have, very wisely, announced such bearers of light for every era whom I enlighten time and again about the actual purpose of life and the human being's task.... about the reason of embodiment and the final goal.... in short, about everything that humanity lost as a result of their lack of faith and their ever increasing distance from Me.... Hence, the fact that bearers of light exist in the truest sense of the word cannot be denied, however, they are not often to be found and therefore I announced them as returning 'in every era'.... From this alone it is evident that such Word-recipients are unique.... and that they can be granted utter credibility. But once a person is so intimately in contact with Me and listens within during this contact then he will indeed be able to hear Me, for I promised you that I will be with everyone who unites with Me in prayer. __Nevertheless, you humans must not forget that the adversary is able to express himself in the same way if your thoughts digress and you enter into his sphere, and that he will then speak to you under the guise of piety as soon as you allow him to influence you. For this reason you must be extremely careful, you must withdraw into your closet if you want to hear Me, you must not believe that I speak through you to people directly but that you, if you communicate with people, speak in your usual manner.... Then I will certainly be able to guide your thoughts correctly so that they voice what is right but you will always express yourselves in your normal manner of speaking. You must make the distinction that you can indeed speak as I want, that your thoughts will be guided by My, but that you will never hear Me Myself such that you can say: I Myself Am speaking through you.... and the same applies to 'where two or three are gathered together in My name....' or 'I shall put the Words in your mouth' so that you will then speak according to My will. However, the Words people write down, the Words they hear in the silence of their heart, can certainly be endorsed by them as My direct speech, but where I Myself Am supposed to speak through a person to a congregations, so that they therefore believe they are hearing Me Myself, that they no longer speak in their normal manner of speaking, I will not express Myself even if they want to verify it with the name of Jesus.... For this gift of the audible Word is so rare and requires such a high degree of maturity that it is almost impossible to find a suitable vessel for it.... And those who audibly hear My Word within themselves will only hear it occasionally, in great adversity or danger or when a person is embraced by My great love.... But then it will only be moments when a person can state that he has clearly heard Me.... Yet the saying 'I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions....' is generally interpreted according to wishful thinking, so that everyone believes himself to hear the Father's Words which, however, can only be received in seclusion and which then can indeed motivate a person to truthfully point out the forthcoming Judgment to people.... For it is the time of the end which makes it necessary for Me to let such prophets and seers appear and to speak according to My will, as I have promised.... __Amen
As soon as you humans see your God and Creator in Me, as soon as you have established the right relationship with Me.... the relationship of a child with its Father.... you will also have the right contact with Me, that is, you will be filled by profound humility and expect to hear My Word, which I will not deny to anyone of you who prays to Me in the right way.... which requires absolute humility without fail. For I bestow My grace upon the humble.... But you humans have to be receptive to My Words, you must recognise every thought arising in you after heartfelt prayer as a reply from Me, for then it will be impossible for you to think differently than it is My will, because I have given you the promise that you will only have to pray correctly to Me.... i.e. in spirit and in truth.... so that I will listen to and grant your prayer. Nevertheless you need not expect unusual results.... such as audibly hearing My voice.... but every thought arising in you after a heartfelt prayer is My answer, and then you will truly only have benevolent thoughts which cannot have emerged from any other source but from Me. You must always bear in mind that I know when you think of Me, and that you then cannot be affected by adverse thoughts. __You ought to know that this attitude of yours towards Me is pleasing to Me and that I can then give to you what suits your maturity of soul.... that I can express Myself audibly which, however, is only rarely possible. But if I Am able to express Myself audibly then it will exclude all error, for then it will sound in you like a delicate little bell, you will be overjoyed if you can hear My voice like this. And then I will be able to convey revelations of profound wisdom to you and you can unhesitatingly believe such revelations.... Only one thing has to be remembered, that the human being's intellectual considerations of such problems can lead him onto the wrong path which provides the adversary with an opportunity to intervene, in which case he will in fact also hear a voice but it will not make him happy, instead it will trigger a mild sense of unease in him. And this voice will then solve the problem according to the human being's will. Therefore questions of this kind make it particularly necessary to first send an appeal for 'protection from error' up to Me above, because this appeal will protect him from the adversary's activity. Then he will make himself receptive to the answer which can be imparted to him from Me directly, because his appeal displaces the adversary.... __And especially the question as to whether evil also came forth from Me is still occupying you humans today as much as at the time of these revelations.... But I can only ever tell you that I cannot have an evil thought within Me, that everything that emerged from Me can only be good. How, then, did 'evil' come into the world?.... The explanation rests in the being's 'thinking ability'.... For this was free, thus it was able to voluntarily change the good thought transmitted by Me to the being. And free will signifies the ability to develop in either direction.... Hence evil was born out of free will, it did not previously exist but is a product of free will, it is.... since its thinking ability did not impose any barriers on the being.... a product of creation by the one who declared his power in opposition to Me and My will, who therefore.... since he was creatively inclined.... also 'created' evil.... that it was his responsibility for bringing it into the world and thereby became a deceitful being. You always want to accuse Me, the most perfect Being, of evil, which could never have found room in Me. But you do not comprehend the fact that My adversary himself was the origin of evil, that he changed his faculty of thought into evil because he distanced himself from the circuit of My flow of love and that this was therefore a 'departure' from My eternal order.... __The fact that he, like I Myself, was an independent being who was capable of changing and had changed the good thoughts I transmitted to him into the opposite of his own free will was the beginning of the sin against Me, for I had given free will to all beings, I had endowed all beings with the faculty of thought.... How else could it be that not all beings used their free will and their thinking ability in the same way?.... He himself brought evil forth from himself which started because he felt the wrong kind of love, because he was envious of My strength and from this emerged everything bad but which originated within himself because he used his thinking ability wrongly and which I was unable to change due to his freedom of will. Yet he did not receive any wrong thoughts from Me. You must always consider that this being.... Lucifer or the bearer of light.... differed from the beings which our combined strength and will created.... that I created an image of Myself in him, a being whose nature was exactly like My own and to which I also gave the greatest power of creation.... and which was also exceedingly good. But the profusion of our mutually produced beings made him arrogant, and this arrogance temporarily clouded his faculty of thought, which was already a slight hint of selfish love that opposed My nature. __And therefore I say: whatever existed outside of Me no longer existed in My order. And this being.... Lucifer.... disassociated himself from Me and everything in him changed into an arch-evil being, he produced all characteristics and brought them into the open himself. You can only ever state that he, being a power like Myself.... brought evil into the world, but not that evil is in Me as well and that I had transferred it onto these beings. For the fact that non-fallen beings existed should convince you that the 'faculty of thought' did not have to lead to the fall but that My adversary had many means at his disposal in order to make his followers fall as well. Just the fact that I, as the highest Being, was not visible to them but that he shone in an abundance of light and they acknowledged him as their God even though they were brightly enlightened. For the apostasy took place over an infinitely long period of time, thus he could not have been created by Me as a deceitful spirit, and all these evil attributes were gradually able to evolve, yet they never originated in Me but in the one who was as powerful as Me and merely had a beginning, which he knew full well. And thus evil, too, has had a beginning with the start of the spirits' apostasy from Me.... __Until then, however, everything was perfect and therefore he also emerged in all perfection from Me which, however, did not exclude that he used his gifts differently than I had intended them to be used.... And this was subsequently achieved by his 'thinking ability' which, however, was not determined by Me, in fact only good thoughts flowed to him from Me.... And time and again I draw your attention to the myriad of non-fallen beings which likewise had the faculty of thought but which discovered Lucifer's abuse of strength, who brought evil into the world and then accused Me Myself that I have evil within Me, and thus he will also always lead those people astray who are receptive to this.... __Amen
Comforting Fatherly Words....
If only you trusted Me wholeheartedly then nothing in your earthly life would be able to worry you, because your destiny is in My hands and depending on your trust in Me I can give you what you need. Little faith, however, prevents Me from considering you in a way I would like.... Therefore you should let everything approach you and not do anything of your own will, for especially you who want to be of service to Me can rest assured that I will smooth your every path if only you always commend yourselves to My love and grace, for truly, all means are at My disposal and I guide your destiny such that it will benefit you and the vineyard work you shall still carry out for Me. After all, it should be obvious to you that I Myself wouldn't want you to disrupt the work.... You can imagine that nothing is unknown to Me that will help you, and therefore you will also be led wherever and however My will decides. And I will make the decision easy for you, for all of you will be of one mind. And then you will also know that I Am involved, that you should hold on to My hand and believe that I will keep helping you.... For I still want a great deal of work to be done and you should place your efforts at My disposal for it involves exposing further errors and confronting them, which you can only do with My support.... __And thus I also need loyal servants who, on the one hand, are willing to accept the spiritual knowledge, and on the other to distribute it, for the spiritual crisis is getting increasingly worse and people are in urgent need of explanations, because they instinctively reject the misguided teachings and, alongside these, also the right ones and are therefore lacking all faith.... And the fact that I need you for this service should already suffice to make My care of you and your earthly requirements understandable to you. For one day you will find out how richly blessed this work of yours has been, even though it does not compel but leaves every individual person free to believe. Yet your work is visible as rays of light in the beyond, thus everyone following the light can come to realise the truth, and there are not just a few who help themselves to strength and light, even if it seems to you that your effort on earth is often in vain. And therefore believe that I guide My servants on earth through all dangers of body and soul and never take My hand away from them, and only wish you to hold on and faithfully place your trust in Me.... Then every problem, every unpleasant situation will resolve itself so self-evidently that you will only ever recognise the obvious protection of My kind Fatherly hand which does not allow you to be harmed. And the more you trust Me the more evident will also be My help, which then will be without limitation.... __Amen
Acknowledgment of Jesus.... Final decision of faith....
It depends on your free decision of will as to whether the gate into the eternity of light after the death of your body will be open for you, it depends on whether you establish such a close bond with Me that you acknowledge your God and Redeemer, that you recognise Me as the Saviour from sin and death and completely hand yourselves over to Me.... and thus can no longer separate Me from Jesus, that you bring all your guilt to Me under the cross and appeal to Me for forgiveness of this guilt.... I really don't ask much of you in order to then receive you into the kingdom that is permeated by light.... I only want your acknowledgment of Jesus, who descended to earth as the Son of God and became My external shell so as to enable Me to become visible to you.... I don't ask for much and yet you find it so difficult to acquire the heavenly kingdom because you have to fight against pride, selfishness and all bad habits which are the signs that you still belong to My adversary, who transferred all these vices and bad habits onto you so that you became like-minded and distanced yourselves from Me abysmally. And for the most part these bad habits still exist in you when you live as a human being on earth, but with the help of Jesus you can easily discard them, for he has acquired a stronger will on your behalf, thus it is not impossible for you to free yourselves from these bad habits. __But then again it depends on to whom you grant your will, and this alone shall determine your fate in eternity. The knowledge about the Salvation through Jesus Christ is only very weak these days, only a few believe in the act of Salvation and completely hand themselves over to Me in Him, who make use of the blessings acquired on the cross and want to liberate themselves from all guilt.... But they are certain to find redemption and will be able to enter in brightly radiating light through the gates into My kingdom. Time and again I speak to people and explain to them what is most important, what they have to know.... about Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... However, the fact that most people keep their ears closed, that hardly a single spiritual Word can be spoken to them, is My adversary's doing, who in the last days will make every effort in order to still seduce those of weak faith, presenting everything to them as a myth which no-one believes anymore. __And again, I can only admonish you to establish a heartfelt bond with Me, your God and Creator, and to look for the light inside yourselves which I will kindle in every one of you if only you have the sincere desire to get to the bottom of the truth. Then you will also receive enlightenment about Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and no longer be unbelievers. But try to obtain this enlightenment before the battles of faith begins, for then you will be required to make the decision for or against Me. Then you will have to stand firm and must have acquired so much knowledge about it already that you will not need to fear any contradictions, that you can stand up for Him and His act of Salvation with full conviction.... Yet this time ought to be feared by all those whose faith is still so weak that it will only take a small push to surrender it completely.... And that will be the last decision of faith which nevertheless has to be taken before the end.... And then it will become evident how many will forsake their faith and how many people will be lost and have to approach a new banishment because there is no way out anymore. Therefore I can only ever speak to, let you know in advance what fate awaits you and admonish all people to establish a more heartfelt bond with Me, who have not yet entirely abandoned Me and also know about the divine Redeemer even though they lack faith.... But it is My serious endeavour to guide them into faith, to describe the blessings of the act of Salvation to them and to admonish them to obtain a true light in regards to it, which I will gladly kindle in them so that they, too, will find redemption from sin and death.... __Amen
Different status of the created beings....
Believe Me that I still have to correct many misconceptions if you are to live in truth and defend it. You have a completely wrong concept of My creative strength, which is unlimited and endowed the created beings with infinite abundance of strength. Thus they, like Me, were also able to constantly and without knowledge of limitation externalise creations into the universe.... Hence there are no different degrees of creative power in the beings who remained faithful to Me, who did not voluntarily move into a different sphere from Mine, where I Myself amid My hosts have the domain of My creativeness.... All beings were created perfect, and that means that no being is subject to any restriction, but that every being is given a task which it conscientiously fulfils. But one task is no more important than another, and thus there is no difference of status either.... all those beings' love culminates in their love for Me, and they indeed always aspire towards Me in order to become even more blissfully happy through the response of My love, which you humans cannot measure by any standard. Merely the degree of love can differ in beings who overcame the abyss without having achieved childship to God on earth but who nevertheless achieved a degree of love and constantly seek to increase it. Their happiness, that they escaped the abyss and had to walk the path of evolution, knows no limits. They are conscious of their present beatitude, and their eternal life is a constant singing of praises and thankfulness.... They, too, are allowed to create and give life to the universe but always in accordance with their abundance of light, which constantly increases. __Thus everything perfect knows no limit, consequently there cannot be any beings who take precedence, and your idea of dividing these beings into groups of more or less able beings is wrong, since perfection renders this null and void. These are always human concepts, because you are more or less inadequately shaped and thus also want to transfer these attributes to the absolutely perfectly shaped beings. Whether the smallest or the largest being is created.... it takes the same creative strength, because it is the same work of wonder in My creation. And the supreme perfection of the beings rests in the fact that one helps the other, that not one wants to take precedence before another and therefore neither the expression `angel' nor `archangel' is justified, but all beings belong to My vast host of created original spirits, only you humans imagine the world of spirits to be status orientated, just as you create different positions on earth for yourselves. As long as you still have a low degree of maturity the degree of love will differ too, and you cannot create in strength and might. You have to aim to increase this degree of love until you attain your original condition again, from which your fall into the abyss took place. In addition, you also have to acquire the childship to God on earth, and for this purpose a being of light can return to earth for a mission, if it had previously failed on earth but achieved a degree of light in the beyond which sanctions a repeated embodiment. Just as every non-fallen spirit may take this path through the abyss in order to test its free will, although it can never descent further, rather the original spirit's urge for creation becomes ever more powerful. Then it will make constantly greater demands on My strength of love and aspire towards Me and thus create with My strength, which completely permeates this spirit. Perfection, however, is unlimited.... or, what is perfect knows no limits. It is as powerful as I Myself and can make and shape the largest as well as the smallest creations, for it will always help and assist the wretched to attain beatitude.... __You can only understand this when you know what `love' is in its fundamental essence, and therefore I assess everything by the degree of love. But this assessment ends as soon as the being is perfect.... because to be perfect means to be infinitely blessed, then every being's love is only intended for Me as the utmost perfect Being, Which will always gratify its longing for love and yet it will never end.... __Amen
God corrects a big error....
I want to give you a very important explanation which should enlighten those of you who are still convinced that evil is inherent in Me too, and that I have hence supposedly created beings with all their bad instincts and attributes.... You, who have to fight against all these instincts in order to regain your original condition, did not emerge from Me like that, because if that were the case I would have created a spirit world which could not be deemed to be in My image. Everything emerged from Me in absolute perfection and has remained perfect for an infinity. Therefore, if they were in My image, in accordance with your opinion I Myself would have to have all kinds of evil attributes within Myself, hence I would have to be a God of duality, Who created good as well as evil simultaneously.... In this case, however, the beings could not be considered to be guilty, because they would have detached themselves from Me as a result of their inclination.... But then the act of Salvation by Jesus Christ would not have been necessary either, because a `sin' is an offence against Me which, however, the being was unable to commit since it was not created in any other way.... hence, I Myself would have been the cause of this alleged sin.... __If you believe that all opposites are inherent in the most perfect Being then you are contradicting yourselves, because perfection has to be good, it cannot be associated with all evil attributes because then it would not be perfect any longer.... But every fallen spirit is burdened with the original sin which it cannot eternally redeem of its own accord.... Hence you can see from this the enormity and gravity of this sin against Me, so Am I supposed to have been the cause of it Myself? Of a sin which demanded an act of mercy such as the human being Jesus has accomplished?.... Who realised that this very sin had to be redeemed one day for the sake of justice.... __One of the purest angel beings volunteered for this act of atonement in the knowledge that the sin of apostasy from God was the ultimate offence against His love.... And was I supposed to have supported this sin Myself by creating beings with `all opposites'? In order to then, because of My induced sin, make them walk an excruciatingly painful path through matter, which would thus once again imply an utterly evil Being but not the boundless love a of supremely perfect God and Creator Who wants to be Father to you all. __Everything that has resulted from the original sin is on account of My adversary's doing, who has been the cause himself, who has implanted you with all evil instincts and who was able to do so the moment you rejected My emission of love and thus had no further strength to resist him. As long as you support this misguided teaching you still have a very obscured concept of Me.... as long as you look for the origin of evil in Me you do not yet understand Christ's act of Salvation properly.... Because you can only speak of the original sin when you are fully responsible for it.... and this would not be the case if I had created you with the tendency of sin already within yourselves. However, since you are burdened with the original sin, from which you can only be redeemed by Jesus Christ, but cannot accuse Me of any injustice, it is clearly self-evident that the sin against Me was committed by you yourselves, that My adversary has induced you to commit this sin, which you committed voluntarily and therefore you are also fully responsible for it.... that you therefore brought about all past torments and suffering yourselves and Jesus Christ will help you to become free of this guilt.... __To you, who want to serve Me by spreading the truth, the act of creation has been extensively explained, as far as you are able to grasp it.... And from all this follows that the spirit world was originally created in complete perfection, and that I was extremely happy with the host of the first created spirits for an eternity.... But I have also known about My first externalized spirit's antagonism for an eternity, I've known about his opposition and the confusion he would cause amongst My earliest spirits.... I knew of their apostasy from Me, but I had externalized him as My image with the same creative power and creative strength.... and I did not stop him when he misused this power and transferred all of his bad attributes on to those who followed him voluntarily, because I had allowed the will of all beings to be free.... And this explained the fall into the abyss, only it occurred voluntarily and was particularly grave because the beings were still within the light of awareness and yet they have accepted all evil attributes which My adversary has imbued in them, but for which I Myself cannot be held responsible.... __Amen
1 Corinthians 15, 29.... `Act of baptism on a dead person...
Let Me explain what you desire to know: You can only be taught by My spirit if you are unable to intellectually grasp the meaning of the words because your intellect moves in the wrong direction, especially when it concerns a word which has not originated from Me. Then it is necessary to ask for My spirit which can and will provide clarification. There has never been an `act of baptism on a dead person', however, there has been an `act of baptism of a dead person' and you can only accept this as a symbol when someone takes pity on his fellow human being and wants to bring a `spiritually dead person' to life and offers him the water of life and thus `baptises' him by presenting My Word to him with love.... which is the meaning of `baptism' after all.... __Time and again I have spoken of `the dead', and time and again those dead in spirit were what I meant by that.... When I said to you `Let the dead bury their dead' it was, after all, the most comprehensible word which had to make you all realise that I was speaking of the dead in spirit. And this is how the words spoken by My disciple should be understood, which more than clearly meant that every person should take pity on the spiritually dead. But that a person should let himself be baptised over a dead person is a distortion of the word, it did not even originate from Me and could not have been adopted by My disciples either. People have included purely worldly concepts which betrayed their low spiritual state. However, such concepts could have been recognised as wrong by every spiritually awakened person and may not be passed on as `My Word' since such words cause immense confusion. __Anyone who understands the spiritual meaning of baptism will not let himself become confused by such words, he will recognise them as wrong and as not having originated from Me, Who will only ever give you explanations which will never contradict each other. And if I explained the significance of baptism to you comprehensibly then the distorted word cannot possibly be true because it would completely contradict My Word. Thus you have to believe what is conveyed to you through revelations because I do not want to leave you in your wrong thinking when you desire the pure truth.... __Amen
Faith and love lead to unification with God....
If you bear My infinite love in mind, which took the most bitter suffering and dying for your sins upon itself in order to open the gate into the kingdom of light for you again, then this act of atonement alone should already induce you to respond to My love with as much depth you are capable of feeling.... Yet precisely this is what you are lacking, you are no longer able to muster such love because My adversary still keeps you in chains and will do whatever he can to prevent your kind-hearted actions. It is not as if you were entirely incapable, because you shelter a tiny spark of My love in you which you need only nurture to grow into a bright flame. Yet this requires your will again, which is free and therefore not compelled by Me nor My adversary. And this free will can do anything.... It is able to establish the most heartfelt bond with Me but it can also completely submit to My adversary.... However, even the slightest will for Me is already enough for Me to grant you strength and constantly prove My infinite love to you.... If you therefore call upon Me Myself in Jesus for help against him, your resolve will be strengthened and you will have escaped My adversary, you will strive towards the light, live your life purposefully and indeed reach the final goal, unity with Me. __But what should you do first so as not to live your life in vain? __First, you must believe in a Power Which created you.... If you acknowledge this Power it will be easy for you to establish mental contact with Me, for your belief in Me is already evidence that you want to detach yourselves from your present lord, for he will try to shake any belief you have.... But since you turn to Me of your own accord I will help you take the right path which leads to Me. First of all, I will inform you of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, in Whom I became a human being, and explain the significance He has for you.... And as soon as you know that you can always turn to Him, that He and I are as One, you will always hand your guilt, which was the cause of your human existence on earth, over to Him.... From then on you will be able to feel the great love I expect of you, which is needed to enter into union with Me. __Thus you can all attain faith in a Being Which is exceedingly powerful, wise and loving.... And when you recognise that this Being is exceedingly perfect you will also be able to love It.... In that case you will also know that you should strive towards this Being, that you are still distant from It as a result of your past sin of apostasy, that He wants to win you back again and seeks to attract your love which alone can revoke the original sin when it has been handed over to Jesus Christ, Who has redeemed the guilt of sin on the cross.... __Only love can lead you back to Me again, only love is needed to enable you to enter the kingdom of light again, only love returns to you all abilities which you once possessed in abundance and relinquished! Love alone is the bond between Me and you, for it is your fundamental element, just as I Myself Am love.... Consequently, if you believe in Me, then the spark in you, which brings this faith into being, has already come alive and it will flare up ever more frequently and finally lead to unity.... Therefore, believe that I exist, that I have created you as well as everything you see around you, and you won't be able to help yourselves but to make mental contact with Me and thereby receive strength, you will become knowledgeable. That is, the right thoughts will flow into you so that you will know the truth, for the result of transferring My strength of love is that you may also have an insight into previously closed spheres.... However, it always depends on your degree of love.... __Therefore, let love become active in you, for love is everything; it gives you clarity of thought as well as the strength to implement what benefits your soul. It will take you to Jesus Christ, and once you have recognised Me in Jesus Christ you will assuredly also take the path towards perfection, you will return into your Father's house from which you once voluntarily distanced yourselves.... __Amen
You should all prepare yourselves for the end, so that you will at least be able to enter the kingdom of the beyond with a small glimmer of realisation. Only a short time will pass but this fully suffices if you have the good will to achieve your transformation into love. You will have ample opportunity for this as soon as My intervention has taken place.... as soon as you are afflicted by a natural disaster which dwarfs all previous events. You cannot possibly imagine what will happen and yet, you should believe that My voice will resound most powerfully with which I shall speak to you humans just once more before the final end arrives. It will mean a terrible experience for all of you.... only My Own will not be affected as much because their faith is so strong that they entrust themselves to Me completely and therefore will also always receive the help they expect. And then every person will have the opportunity to practise unselfish love in order to still achieve full maturity, for there will be very much hardship and everyone will be able to help, if only with comforting words of encouragement which refer people to a God of love Who only requires a trusting prayer to Him in order to be able to visibly demonstrate His help to them. For whatever you can still give to a person in a spiritual sense will help his soul and save him from the dreadful fate of a new banishment. But you will also be able to help them in an earthly way, for the resolve to help will also place you into a state of being able to help, for where human will is unable to help I still have countless helpers at My disposal who will look after you in remarkable ways. I only require firm faith from you, and you will have this when you realise that everything I predicted is coming to pass and when you therefore hand yourselves over body and soul and only want to work for Me and My kingdom. __And this time should be used well by you, you should constantly practise love which again and again will give you strength, you should only ever think of your souls, because you don't know for how long you will still be allowed to live on earth, since the time left to you can only be limited, especially if you cannot attain the strength of faith which enables you to endure until the end. In that case My mercy will be greater if I call you away from this world ahead of time.... if you can still enter the kingdom of the beyond where it will yet be possible for you to progress but where you will not be at risk of descending into the abyss again in the end.... for I fight for every soul and know its will, and thus I also know where there is still a possibility of salvation, and I will certainly make use of this.... only one thing I cannot do, I cannot forcibly release you from My adversary's hands.... For he has the same right over you because you once followed him of your own free will. And thus I can only ever just help those of you who want to release yourselves from his control. And I will truly do so by every means, for alone the fact that you are being informed of the approaching immense adversity.... that you can increase your strength through prayer if you believe in it.... is a very significant help. For you all are capable of uniting yourselves with Me in prayer, of appealing to your Father that He should grant you the mercy of not becoming quite as badly affected by this natural event, which is at all times in My power. And every such prayer sent to Me in spirit and in truth will be granted by Me, this is why not all people will be equally affected, and My will shall visibly express itself and also strengthen the faith of those who were still doubtful.... Yet even those who don't believe will begin to wonder, their hatred towards the believers will increase and subsequently degenerate into hostility, which My Own will also have to suffer. Nevertheless, they have My guaranteed protection, because as long as they work for Me and My kingdom I will also know how to guide their steps so that they will not remain unsuccessful, and the souls which received help from them in their spiritual and earthly adversity will be very thankful to them.... __Amen
The doctrine of the soul's sleep....
The fact that you are willing to support My Word, which is sent to you from above, gives Me reason to inform you of an error you have advocated up to now. It concerns the doctrine of the sleep of the soul, which gives you a completely wrong idea about the soul and its state when it enters the spiritual kingdom. This doctrine is substantiated by the assertion that there is no mention of an immortal soul anywhere in the Scriptures.... which, however, can be refuted with the Words `Whosoever believes in Me will have eternal life....' And sleep is a brother of death.... thus someone asleep will not be alive but dead, in the darkness of night he will fall into the state of death, consequently a life in eternity is out of the question. Those of you who depart from earth with this idea will be in dire straits, for you really lack all knowledge and will take a long time to gain a glimmer of understanding. In fact, you will depart from this earth in complete blindness and will receive only little light in the beyond, if you lived a life of love on earth. __But until you let go of this misguided teaching you will not know that you have died either, since you are still in the state of self-awareness, which is your consciousness of continued life. You merely believe that you were transported into different surroundings but will never be able to find rest.... the kind of rest you associate with the state of sleep. And so you will still live but not in a state of beatitude, rather, you will live in the confusion of thought which corresponds to the teachings you advocated on earth. __Everything that emerges from Me remains immortal for all eternity, but it can enter the kingdom of the beyond in a state of death. And all of you who spread this misguided teaching choose this state of death. You do not strive for the life that should be your destiny when you enter the spiritual kingdom. Because only this is the beginning of your life, providing you live a life of love and are able to let go of this misguided teaching. If you believe in a `resurrection on the day of Judgment', when all who rest in their graves will be awakened, then it will also be your fate not to come to life until you realise the foolishness of this teaching. And your existence in the beyond will be the same, you will linger in an eternal state of inactivity, in a state of sleep, or you will find yourselves in a world you believe to be earth, which you left a long time ago. __Particularly you humans who advocate this misguided teaching, have no idea what anti-spirit you have accepted, and you will have to muster an enormous amount of love in order to suddenly recognise the reality of things. Consider yourselves fortunate if you leave someone behind on earth who will pray on your behalf, who will help you gain the right insight. However, your degree of love is always the decisive factor as to whether or not you recognise the truth in a flash when you pass away from earth. But since you do not believe in the `immortality of soul' you do not believe in communications from the spiritual kingdom either, which would provide you with knowledge. And that is your disadvantage, because it would inform you of the constant ascent of souls who enter the spiritual kingdom, and you would reject this misguided teaching as satanic and only intended to prevent you from ascending in the beyond, which would soon result in the true life you are all meant to reach one day.... __Amen
Jesus descended into the abyss after His crucifixion....
When I lived on earth My constant thought was to save people from descending into utmost darkness so that they would be unable to enter the vestibule of hell, (which even denied their entrance to the vestibule of hell), on account of which I continuously proclaimed the teaching of love to make it easier for them to believe in My act of Salvation, and thereby the work of redemption was already achieved in these human beings. Yet people were still too occupied with the earthly world, only a few believed in life after death and they were receptive for My teaching of love, and they recognised Me Myself with ease since I was also able to instruct them and they accepted everything as truth. Thus a large proportion of those who experienced Me Myself were able to enter My kingdom in a `redeemed' state, yet far more rejected My teaching, they remained heartless and had to endure their fate in the beyond.... __After My crucifixion I also descended into this kingdom and was able to release all those who stayed in the vestibule of hell.... all the people who had lead a God-pleasing life but for whom the kingdom of light was still locked because they were still burdened by the original sin, since My act of Salvation had yet to be accomplished.... I approached them as the `human being Jesus' for they, too, should not be compelled to believe, I joined them in My figure of suffering which made many ask the question: If You are the Messiah Who was promised to us, why did Your power not prevent this.... why did You have to suffer this appalling death on the cross? For they had been waiting for Me, for the One Who was promised to them as Saviour. They, too, had to follow Me entirely of their own free will, and it was not difficult to convince them that I was this promised Messiah.... __Then, however, followed My descent into hell.... into the region where I also wanted to bring salvation from the original sin.... There I was less successful in convincing the souls, precisely because I appeared in the same figure and was visible to them as the `beaten Jesus' to Whom they denied all power and thus they did not want to acknowledge Him either. Nevertheless, anyone who wanted to was allowed to follow Me and I released him from his bondage. And time and again I descend into the abyss to ignite a small light for everyone, so that they momentarily will remember the One Who once came to them and gradually lessen their resistance, so that they, who previously had been stubborn and only had words of hatred and scorn for Him, will also let themselves be redeemed by His love. Yet My love will not hold anything against them, My love is constantly concerned that everyone should be rescued, that no-one will return again into the bondage of the one who had owned them for so long, and that My act of Salvation for these, too, has not been made in vain. But I cannot prevent it if their resistance to Me is so strong that all endeavours on My part are in vain, for I will never force anyone to acknowledge Me, I will only offer everyone the best possible opportunities to find their way out into the light. __And thus you humans render Me a great service by praying for these souls, for there will always be a few who will let go, who will be touched by the power of prayer and then can be guided into the light. And in sincere gratitude these souls will do the same and entice other souls out of the abyss.... since they know each other and they understand and try to disperse the objections which still dominate them. __Once it is possible that they at least take notice of My greatest act of mercy then they will also reflect on it and try to make contact with Me.... And then the forgiveness of their immense sin is ensured, then the gate into the kingdom of light will be opened for them and a long state of torment will have finished. Yet those who are unwilling will be subject to a new banishment at the end, for one day they will have to regain their self-awareness as a human being and decide once more.... And thus the process across earth can indeed happen more than once, and sooner or later even these beings' will shall surely turn to Me as well, one day the hour of salvation will also come for them.... __Amen
Why do we have to do penance for Adam's sin?....
All your questions will come to nothing as soon as you are offered the pure truth, for this is so easy to understand as long as it is offered to you in the right way. You know that the apostasy from Me took place in a state of brightest realisation. Consequently, all beings were equally responsible for falling away from Me, they could not have been forced by the adversary's will to revolt against Me, instead the 'rejection of My strength of love' was every being's own affair.... Free will made them become sinful which, at the time of the apostasy, had not been subject to My adversary.... because they had the right of self-determination.... it was still able to make a free decision and thus consciously chose the adversary. But now the latter had control over his followers, and this control was taken away from him by Me by letting Creation arise in order to induce the strength which, through the apostasy, had become incapable of any kind of activity, to become active again in different ways.... Thus, the adversary gained nothing from his followers and was only allowed to exercise his power again once the being had regained it self-awareness in the stage as a human being. And I had to leave him this right, on account of which he was then able to tempt these beings. And so he did with all manner of cunning and trickery, he understood how to deprive the first human being of his faith in My Word again which promised them eternal life if they followed My easy commandment. In this human being, Adam, an extremely strong spirit was embodied, whose fall was easily achieved yet again by the adversary.... So was it not obvious that no spirit would have been able to resist him who became subject to the same artful temptations by My adversary? It is not about the fact that the descendants had to do penance for the first human beings' sin, but it is about the fact that I.... had the first human being resisted these temptations for love of Me.... would, for the sake of compassion, have done the same as Jesus, the human being, did at a later time: that He accomplished the act of atonement for the sake of love.... that I would have been satisfied with the strength of resistance by the one person who handed himself over to Me and should have enabled My illumination again.... __And for his will of love I would have written the guilt off, and the path across earth as a human being would merely have served everyone to kindle the love for Me into brightest fire. Instead, My adversary had proved his power over the first human beings and thus did not surrender the right to subsequently use his artful temptations on every person, which I cannot deny him due to the fact that the beings once voluntarily followed him into the abyss.... Hence you cannot say that these people will now have to do penance for the sins of their ancestors but it has always been up to each person to prove himself during the temptations and he will also receive the strength from Me to do so, for I bless this determination and will never abandon such a person to My adversary. However, the first people could have helped their descendants to have an easier life on earth, but since they failed, it was not possible to protect the latter from the adversary's temptations.... unless they appealed to Me for My protection and then their earthly path was indeed an easier one, which was also the case with those original spirits which were receptive to instructions from the world of light and over whom My adversary no longer had full control. Therefore, the fact that those people always had an easier earthly path, that they did not fall prey to My opponent's enticements, that he did not keep full authority over them, is a sign that I have helped and always will help every soul which starts earthly life less burdened and whose will is already devoted to Me.... that I therefore do not indiscriminately give grace and strength to souls to accomplish their path of return.... However, time and again I have to mention that the first human beings made the whole path of return more difficult because of their failure, it would have been far easier to navigate had the strongest, once fallen spirit resisted and followed My easy commandment, had he believed more in My Words which promised him eternal life.... and through his resistance had broken the power, which then would have made it impossible for the adversary to use it on his followers, for this victory would have affected all fallen spiritual beings.... __Amen
Pre-historic people?....
And if you think that I let you believe something that is wrong you must always consider that you harbour intellectual misconceptions, since the intellect can easily interfere if your contact with Me is not firmly established.... but also consider that I always endeavour to clarify even seemingly apparent discrepancies, for you shall be instructed according to truth. The slow development towards ascent often led people to believe that it was to be understood as a purely physical development.... hence relating to the external form.... however, only the spiritual development was meant by it, the ascent of the substances of soul within every individual work of creation. __And thus My work of creation included countless external forms, which in groups can certainly be referred to as the same creations but which, even then, still consisted of infinitely many groups where one differed again from the other but always continued as the same species.... thus there can be no question of higher development as such. However, as the substances of soul continued to mature, new external forms also arose time and again which only were concluded when the work of creation `Man' came into being, who then had to fulfil the last task on earth: to spiritualise himself, to change himself into the living creation he had been in the beginning.... in order to then be able to end his earthly path and return to Me from where he had originated.... __The fact that all these pre-historic creations had to contribute towards this change was an exceedingly happy process for Me which sooner or later had to lead to success. Yet to inform a human being of this, who only has a limited intellectual capacity, is only possible to some degree, albeit in the state of light he can instantly comprehend all correlations and the purpose of every external form. But for earthly life it is enough if he receives sufficient light in order to roughly grasp the process of return so that he can also give his fellow human beings a faint idea about the meaning and purpose of creation. And then it depends on every individual person as to what extent he will delve into My eternal plan of Salvation, which only ever aims to achieve My living creations' happiness.... __Amen
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