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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Your well-ordered life will only last a little while longer in order to then be plunged into a chaos which you cannot escape with your own strength. For then the earth will enter its final phase, it will be approaching its end.... This prediction has to be taken very seriously, since it is intended to make you aware that your time, too, is coming to an end, that you don't have a long lifespan left and many will even have to brace themselves to be suddenly recalled before. Every day you are still alive is a gift you should value, for every good deed you do in one day will increase your strength, which you will sorely need to make use of in the coming time. However, anyone who thoughtlessly lives without love and faith will be completely without strength or hand himself over to the one who will certainly provide him with strength but will not protect him from the end, from the last Judgment, from the renewed banishment in solid matter. Don't sell your soul for a price which will truly not make up for the hardship the soul has yet to go through when its earthly life comes to an end.... I cannot admonish you often and seriously enough about this, because I want to prepare a blissful fate for you. Yet you humans don't believe what I repeatedly let seers and prophets proclaim to you.... you don't believe it and I cannot force you to believe. You are truly worldly-minded and incredibly distant from being spiritual, you are completely immersed in matter and this matter will overwhelm you, it will completely imprison you again because you don't want to let go of it as long as you have the strength to hold on. __Try to imagine just for once imprisonment in hardest matter and being unable to free yourselves from it. The thought would give you tremendous strength to avoid this fate, yet you lack belief in it and I cannot give you this belief, you will have to acquire it for yourselves through a life of love.... Then the whole context will become clear to you and also the significance of your earthly life as a human being.... And you would be alarmed as to how much you deviate from the task given to you for the time of your existence on earth.... Do good works, force yourselves to do so, learn to do without for the sake of your fellow human being, alleviate suffering and hardship, comfort and refresh those who are sick and weak, lend a merciful hand wherever you see misery.... you won't just do it for others but also for yourselves, for your soul will come alive and every good deed will gain you spiritual enlightenment.... you will attain spiritual vision and recognise My great love where you still see today the merciless reign of a power which only wants to torture you on earth.... Listen to My repeated call of warning and admonition and don't let it bypass your ears unheeded, let go of your desire for material things, only consider the salvation of your soul and don't worry, for I will also take care of you in an earthly sense if only you seriously take care of your soul, which is in utmost danger because the end is near.... __Amen
Listen to Me when I speak to you humans through the mouth of a servant: An inevitable judgment is about to happen to you. Nothing can avert this judgment from you anymore, for the time is fulfilled, a period of Salvation has expired and a new one shall start again, so that higher development of the spirits will be able to continue, since it has considerably slowed down due the human being's free will, who is no longer aware of his real purpose and therefore does nothing to further his complete maturation on earth, who even frequently prevents the progress of the spiritual substance bound within matter because he is spiritually utterly unenlightened. You humans, pay attention to the call from above: The last Judgment is about to happen.... Your lack of belief will not halt it, for it was planned by My love and wisdom from the start, firstly, in order to help the still bound spiritual substance to achieve freedom one day, and for another, in order to place the more liberated spirit, the human being, into a state he has created for himself through his will.... Freedom or renewed banishment, blissful activity in the spiritual kingdom or languishing in the matter he himself desired during his life on earth. You humans, listen to Me and believe Me, you are approaching the end.... I already announced the end to you long in advance so that you could prepare yourselves. But now the time has come when My announcements will be fulfilled, now the day comes ever closer which will be the last day on this earth for all of you.... the day, when the external shape of the old earth will be completely changed, which means destruction and annihilation of every work of creation on it. __You humans know of this, because the prophesies about the end of the world did not remain concealed from you, yet you never want to associate this with your time, you never believe yourselves to be affected by it, until the day takes you by surprise. But I don't want you to be taken unawares and experience this day entirely unprepared.... And thus I keep giving you the information from above time and again, I inform you through a human being's spirit what is about to happen to you. I would tell you far more, but if you don't believe this then more knowledge will not benefit you either, because you would only misuse it for worldly gain and this would not help your soul. Nevertheless, you should at least know that you can avert the worst from yourselves if you appeal to Me for help. Even if you call upon Me at the last minute you will still receive help, although in a different way than you expect. I will send My angels to fetch those who speak My name with complete confidence that they will be helped, yet I will not thwart My eternal plan of Salvation.... it will proceed as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... The last Judgment will be the end of this earth, the goats will be separated from the sheep, the realm of the earth will receive all that pertains to Satan and I, as good shepherd, will gather My sheep and lead them to green pastures, the earth will be desolate and bare, without any life whatsoever.... it will wait for the working of My love and then new creations will emerge again which will reshape it into the paradise of Eden once more.... a new earth will arise which will be inhabited by a happy human generation, and all hardship will have ceased for those people who proved their love and loyalty to Me in the last days before the end.... __Amen
Spiritual turning point.... Alteration of this earth....
Don't entertain false hopes and expect a turn for the better on this earth by thinking that people's spiritual nature could improve and that a life of faith and love might be recognisable on earth again. This earth will not experience a spiritual change in people anymore, yet the spiritual turning-point is about to happen.... And thus the earth will become a different one, but first it will undergo a change, a transformation, and the spiritual level of the human race which then will populate this new earth will be high.... __But anyone who believes and hopes that the people on earth will still change, that another era is dawning on this earth, is very much mistaken and not very familiar with God's plan of Salvation, in which the earth's transformation serves other purposes still than just a spiritually highly evolved human generation. It is also intended to further the advancement of the spiritual substances which are still bound in the material form and thus start a new period of Salvation or development which first necessitates a transformation of the earth's external form. Humanity's spiritualisation on earth would, in fact, also correspond to this divine plan of Salvation and also be beneficial for the still bound spiritual substance in the works of creation. But in view of people's present spiritually low level a change cannot be expected from them any more; they are completely controlled by matter and ignore their spiritual development. Hence they strive ever more towards the abyss and thereby bring about the end themselves.... a disintegration of the earthly creation, a release of everything that is bound within and their own banishment into solid matter in the new creations of earth.... Hence a teaching which upholds that a spiritual change is yet to happen on this earth is wrong, even though a spiritual turning point is in sight. People, however, don't want to believe in a destruction or an end of this earth. This thought is totally incomprehensible to them but since, on the other hand, they are convinced that a change is about to happen they expect this turn of events to be for the better. __Yet the fact that people lack belief in a forthcoming end of earth has a negative effect, for if they believed it they would truly make better use of their time, they would live consciously, that it, they would try to live up to divine will in the realisation that only their own change of nature would protect them from the fate of also getting embedded into the new creation. People are lacking knowledge and faith and both can seldom be convincingly conveyed to them, nevertheless they receive enough indications although it is up to their free will whether they allow themselves to be impressed by them. They certainly suspect or feel that they are approaching significant occurrences but never want to believe that these occurrences will be so drastic that one earth period comes to an end and a new one begins, although they would be able to believe it if people would care to love, if they gave their suffering fellow human beings the kind of love which would result in their own enlightenment. Then they would realise the hour they live in and nothing they are told about the approaching end would be doubtful to them anymore.... __Amen
Hence the last Judgment is preceded by a serious admonition, an indication of the near end and at the same time the evidence of it, because My proclamation fulfils itself and thus you human can equally assuredly expect the end, which not long afterwards is intended to come upon this earth and its inhabitants. Humanity's fate is an irrevocably deep abyss, regardless of whether they stay alive for just a short or a very long time, for they are in a completely dark spiritual state and do nothing of their own accord in order to remedy it. This is why I will have to disturb their tranquillity.... Something has to happen which is so inconceivable to them, which horrifies them and makes their bodily death clear to them.... Only death scares unbelieving people and thus I will bring death home to them, yet only with the intention of motivating them into calling upon Me in greatest fear, Who alone can keep them alive when earthly rescue no longer seems possible. Such a call can still result in the person's salvation.... such a call can bring him closer to Me again if it arises from the heart and then surely will also be granted by Me. People have no idea of the event with which I want to remind them of My existence again.... __All elements will rage against each other, it will be as if all hell was let loose against people, and there will be no escape for them.... until I Myself command the elements and end the hour of dread and terror.... Nothing is impossible for Me, and this belief in My omnipotence, love and wisdom will truly have a miraculous effect in these fearful hours. For My Own will emerge unharmed from this experience, openly praising My grace and strength and My love.... And those who found Me in their adversity will join them in their praises, they will support their fellow human beings by helping and comforting them in realisation of the strength of faith, which they want to pass on to them as well. I have announced this event in advance and time and again will refer you humans to it.... Learn to believe and call upon Me if you thus recognise Me, and then also believe that My last proclamation will fulfil itself, that the end will come and with it the last Judgment.... And make use of this last time of grace, catch up on what you have neglected, don't let the last day arrive and find yourselves unprepared, for then there will be no more salvation for those who have as yet not found Me.... then people will remain in sin and be destroyed because they ignored My admonitions and warnings and thus will be unable to find mercy once the end has come.... __Amen
Strength of faith.... Antichrist.... Counteraction....
Don't harbour any false hopes by expecting permanent advancement. Everything you own, everything you acquire, will be taken away from you again and immense misery will come upon people everywhere, for the end is approaching. And where people keep their possessions, where they appear to enjoy earthly security, My arm must brandish a different rod upon people, for I will try to educate people everywhere according to their will and way of life, and no-one will be able to really enjoy their life apart from the few who are enlightened and may truly and joyfully look forward to the end which will limit a period of time, which will include a new life in paradise and therefore may be yearned for by My Own. But where people live in sin there is a noticeable advancement, albeit with an opposite effect.... For this worldly progress is Satan's way of making people increasingly more pliable, it is the purchase price for their souls, which will go astray for an infinitely long time. If you humans can recognise this earthly progress then you will know that the end is not far away, for you will only be able to notice it where faith and love are missing, where My adversary is clearly in control and where action will be taken against the faith, against My Own, without a second thought.... For this reason, all over the world immense misery can be found next to people living in sinful luxury, all over the world unkindness will gain the upper hand and love will be gagged and the craving for matter will be obvious in the whole world, while spiritual aspirants will be treated with hostility.... Small and large scale destruction will happen everywhere, dramatic changes will be observed all over the place, either naturally or humanly induced, and everything will be thrown off its track.... Things will happen which no-one will be able to explain, obvious forces will be at work which scare people because they will feel helpless in the face of them; the undecided will be influenced in every way, since those who live in sin won't pay any attention to these phenomena, they won't let their lifestyle be disturbed, they will mock and laugh and talk about God in an unbelievably frivolous way. And all those who are purely worldly-minded will agree with them, for they are in the grip of matter which will not let go of them anymore. They will try to gain their possessions, pleasure and status forcefully and won't shy away from betraying their fellow human beings and pushing them into poverty.... The world is full of devils and cannot continue like this any longer. But I know every soul and I will still recall many before the end has come. And the sudden death of so many will also signify an anxious time and immense suffering for people through which minor success can still be achieved, for the souls in the spiritual kingdom will still be able to influence people on earth and many a soul will succeed in changing the survivors' minds and steering them towards the spiritual kingdom, in which case this suffering will have been a blessing which will have saved many a soul.... Pay attention to all this, you humans, and don't expect a future improvement of your earthly situation, for it would not be a sign for you, unless you are already in My camp and experience the last days consciously.... However, most people will need to be strictly dealt with by Me in order to protect them from the worst, from the fall into the abyss, when the end has come.... __Amen
Faith in Jesus Christ.... Doubting Thomas....
Only your faith in Jesus Christ can lead you humans towards consciously working at improving yourselves, for only when you believe in Him will you also accept His teaching of love and make an effort to live in accordance with this teaching.... Consequently, anything that is done in order to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ will have My total approval and is blessed by Me.... Jesus must be proclaimed, His act of Salvation must be clearly emphasised so that people will find the path through Jesus Christ to their God and Father of eternity. The end is near and humankind is far, far removed from the One Who sacrificed His life on the cross for everyone in order to save them from ruin.... Anyone who does not unite himself with Him will go astray, that is, the prince of darkness will retain his power over him and the heavenly kingdom will remain closed to him, for Jesus Christ is the gateway to eternal beatitude.... The end is near and countless people still don't know Him or refuse to acknowledge him.... Only I know what this means for the vast number of souls who live thoughtlessly without Him and who die without him and perish.... it is no longer possible by natural means to lead them to Jesus Christ. Hence I would have to let My living creations go astray were I to leave it to natural processes which make absolutely no impression whatsoever on people. But I know the few who belong to Me and stand up for Me and My name before the world; I know that a small circle of people recognise Me in Jesus Christ who I now use as tools for the strength and power of the One Who people refuse to recognise. I let them preach the Word of the Lord.... I let them proclaim the doctrine of Jesus Christ and confirm their Words with extraordinary deeds so that they will be believed. But for this the proclaimers require extremely strong faith and the kind of love which will provide them with the strength in order to also work miracles in My name.... It is always I Myself Who performs these miracles, nevertheless through My servants, because it is My will that people shall take notice again of their Saviour and physician Jesus Christ, so that they will remember and learn to believe in His act of Salvation, His crucifixion and His resurrection.... The fact that I will reveal Myself once more before the end through My devout servants on earth is an act of love and mercy by Me; people shall be helped once more to find faith in Him because then they will also have found faith in Me in order to never lose it again. __Even if their faith has not brought forth the right fruits as yet, because it can only become a living faith through a life of love, the knowledge of Jesus Christ will nevertheless have reached a degree which will allow for further progress, even if the soul is prematurely recalled without having found total redemption on earth as yet.... It knows Him and calls upon Him in its adversity, and since it calls upon Me Myself in Jesus Christ I will also be able to help the soul.... Nevertheless, it is incomparably more valuable if a person has found faith in Me in Jesus Christ through My Word.... if he believes it and does not require miracles in order to be convinced of the truth of My Word.... Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe.... But I also helped the doubting Thomas to attain faith. And so I also help the many unbelievers today if they are not ill-willed, and I prove Myself to them as God as soon as a person stands up with fiery zeal for Me and My teaching, in order to increase the number of believers before the end and in order to also gain those people to whom the act of Salvation is still insignificant and who are therefore in great danger that the gates to the kingdom of light will remain closed to them for an infinitely long time.... I take pity upon their fate and accept the will and love of those who want to help their neighbour, and I bless their intentions by granting them the strength of healing and of performing miracles in My name.... For it is My will that My name shall be revealed and the blessings of My act of Salvation shall clearly manifest themselves. It is My will that people shall voice the name of Jesus Christ with profound faith so that I can enter into contact with them.... in order to let My Word be effective again and to make people realise the tremendous importance of acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom I manifested Myself so that I can be a visible God for you.... I want to save you humans for eternity, and therefore I Myself will still come to meet you in the final hour.... For the end will soon be here.... __Amen
The `redeemed' at the end.... Inhabitants of the new eart...
When, due to My will and My might, the destruction of this earth will take place, i.e. when everything living on this earth will be destroyed, it will become evident who is truly redeemed, for only they will survive the end and be able to enter My paradise on the new earth. For in order to survive this final work of destruction it is necessary to have utmost faith in Me in Jesus Christ as well as utmost devotion to Me.... thus it requires a complete separation from My adversary.... it necessitates the state of freedom which was purchased for humanity by Jesus with His death on the cross.... Only a being redeemed by His blood can inhabit the new earth where Satan has no more power; where I Myself can dwell amongst My Own because their original state has been re-established.... __Admittedly, salvation through Jesus Christ can be experienced by people called away by Me from this earth prior to the final end.... They, too, will be blissfully happy inhabitants in My kingdom where no evil power can harm or oppress them anymore, precisely because they are `redeemed' from it.... Yet the people who shall inhabit the new earth will live in the same bliss, in complete freedom, full of light and strength, but nevertheless in earthly spheres, because they shall become the root of the new human race, because they shall help the following generation towards complete redemption, which has to live on earth until everything is completely spiritualised. Being redeemed themselves, the first human beings on the new earth are able to exert an extraordinary beneficial effect on their descendants as well as on the spiritual substances surrounding them and which are still constrained in the creations of the new earth. Thus this spiritual substance will be able to cover its process of development faster.... __For the time when My adversary is still bound in chains has to be used well.... while he has no access to the people on earth, since the strength and light of the `redeemed' is so strong that it prevents his every approach to people.... In the same way as his working and raging was clearly noticeable in the last days before the end, in the same way as he used his every influence to draw people into the abyss, so will the influence of the Divine predominate on earth now.... everything will strive towards ascent and achieve it extremely easily because no adverse power can prevent it.... The redeemed human beings will bring forth new people who are full of love, thus the divine principle is dominant in them, enabling them to mature fully within a very short time in order to enter My kingdom of light after their earthly life comes to an end.... __Amen
The congregation of Jesus Christ....
It is My will that My small congregation should firmly remain united, so that one supports the other spiritually and earthly.... All shall gather around the font of life and refresh themselves, they shall draw the strength from it which they will need more than ever the closer it gets to the end.... And the fact that the end is coming will be known and believed by everyone who allows himself to be permeated by My living water, for then he will have deeper insight and know why the end is approaching.... And it is My will that many people shall receive this knowledge, I want the elixir of life offered to all who cross your path.... And then it will be left to every person as to whether he wants to stay with you or turn away again from the source that My love has opened up for you.... Share the living water that flowed forth from My font with everyone.... Spread My Word which comes from above and is imparted to you.... and help to constantly increase the circle of those to whom I can impart strength through My Word because I know how urgently everyone will need this strength in the forthcoming time. Whatever can be done in order to spread My Gospel throughout the world shall be done by you, and I will bless everyone, for I alone know that ailing souls can still be saved by taking refuge in the healing font and recover through the delectable living water.... __All of you, who receive My Word directly or through My servants on earth, belong to My small flock which is protected by its shepherd.... You all belong to My church which I founded when I lived on earth.... You are all My apostles of the last days whom I send into the world with the instruction to proclaim My Gospel to people.... Know, that I Am with everyone of you who wants to work for Me and My kingdom.... know, that I will lead you to those whom you shall refresh in turn with nourishment and drink; know, that every person can render vineyard work who offers himself to Me for service.... But also believe that I need every one of you because a lot more work needs to be done until the end and because this work can only be undertaken by people who are willing to do My will, who thus accept instructions from Me Myself.... Believe, that I certainly know what will help erring souls in order to become enlightened and that I will always hand you the means which will beneficially affect them.... that I will always speak to them the right Words through you, on account of which My Words are imparted to you, so that I can address every person directly, and My Words can truly not fail to make an impression as long as their will is good and I still see an opportunity to save the human being.... Work together with combined strength and rest assured that I will stay within your midst, that I Myself invite people to come to the font of love and to allow themselves to become refreshed and invigorated.... Rest assured that I will bless every person's services for Me and My kingdom, spiritually and earthly, and therefore be diligently active in My vineyard, for the time of harvest has come and I need many reapers, because there is not much time left until the end.... __Amen
Beings from other worlds?....
There is spiritual contact between the earth and other worlds as long as it concerns beings of light which influence you on My behalf into taking the right path that leads to Me. The world of light constantly endeavours to influence you in a helpful sense.... But the forces of darkness, too, use every opportunity to mislead you, to keep you from the path of truth in order to confuse your thoughts. And much will happen, especially during the last days before the end, which you humans will not be able to explain.... Yet always remember that people have to take the path to Me without force, that My side will never use phenomena to compel people into believing, even when people experience utmost spiritual distress. Always remember that the world of light works on My instruction, thus it would never do anything of its own accord which does not comply with My will and My wisdom. __Therefore, if `beings of light' consider helping you they will never choose an appearance which will cause doubt, confusion and questionable results in human beings, but they will always express themselves to people in all clarity.... and always such that they can be recognised as sources of light. And then they will always express themselves to those who want to establish spiritual contact for the purpose of spiritual ascent.... But they will never exert a disturbing influence by using inexplicable means, for they want to drive out ambiguity, they want to give light and not increase the darkness which is spread by every unnatural phenomenon.... Countless beings of light are concerned for your spiritual wellbeing.... Countless spiritual beings want to help you to still find the light before the end.... For the end will come without fail.... because My love and wisdom also considers the spiritual substances bound in hard matter which one day shall also be released from the solid form.... You humans willingly interfere with My natural laws and will thus cause the final work of destruction on this earth yourselves.... Nor would the presentation of those who know dissuade you from your intention, even if the angels from heaven came down to warn you.... otherwise I would not constantly have referred to the end through seers and prophets if I had detected even the slightest change of will.... __Thus, your intention can no longer be prevented, the end will come without fail.... And therefore the concern of the spiritual world only ever applies to your soul.... And this is attempted by good as well as by evil forces, only in completely different ways.... The world of light only ever appeals to your spirit, whereas the world of darkness appeals to your senses.... The world of light reveals itself to you in various ways but always through mediators who, due to their spiritual maturity, are in contact with the beings of light, so that they are then able to pass these revelations on to their fellow human beings.... In contrast, the world of darkness expresses itself directly.... It addresses people at random, it finds belief with its own followers and causes confusion with others, and no positive results will come to light.... No definite divine manifestation of strength will be recognisable but constant questioning, constant ambiguity can be observed wherever evil powers are at work.... But whatever comes from above, whatever originates from Me or the world of light on My orders will always spread light.... And only by the light will you humans be able to recognise the working of the light, but then you will no longer question but know.... __Amen
Explanation of this remarkable gift of grace....
My direct communication with human beings is an undeserved grace because a person only rarely achieves a degree of maturity on earth which brings him close enough to lead to a direct illumination of love from Me. However, in the final days before the end I speak to all human beings in a way that they can hear Me, even though it may not be direct. To this end I need a human form which allows My direct work on itself.... which is willing to submit itself to Me.... and I use this willingness in a remarkable way because people are in urgent need of help. Although I can only choose a form as My instrument if it has already achieved a certain maturity of soul, but this maturity would not suffice for the kind of illumination which is the share of a true child of God.... of a human being who will leave this earth completely spiritualised to be received by Me as My child, who will now receive all the privileges of a child and thus can also closely relate to Me as a child to its Father.... You have to understand that such a degree of maturity is the primary prerequisite for the emanation of My love's strength to touch another being directly in order to then be transmitted by numerous recipients of light to wherever there is a desire for it. __Hence I call it an undeserved grace when I use a less mature human form to send this emanation of My love's strength directly to people. In view of the approaching end the flow of mercy has to be increased in order to help people.... what otherwise would be impossible can still be achieved with an extraordinary input of strength.... For this reason I Am prepared to accept a person's mere sincere will to be of service to Me.... providing he has met the requirement which allows My spirit to work within him. Because this is My promise: `I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth, who will teach you everything and remind you of everything which I tell you....' Thus My spirit works in every human being who, as a result of his love, has shaped himself into a receptacle of My spirit.... It leads him to the right knowledge, it enlightens his thoughts, it provides him with insights, and thus the human being will live in truth, the light will be within him and he will also be able to impart his knowledge to other people.... He will be filled by My spirit and be entitled to speak of My presence within himself. And this working of My spirit in a person requires a certain degree of love which every person of good will can achieve on earth. __However, this degree of love can be continually increased and lead to a unity with Me which will become close enough for Me to seize My child with all the fervour of My love, so that, with indescribable happiness, it will be able to hear My voice and be filled with such strength of love that it will long to pass it on.... However, this degree of love is rarely found on earth.... But My direct communication has a tremendous effect.... an effect, which no human being on earth could endure. For this reason I can only use a very small amount of strength when I take care of people, when I want to help them, but it still has an incredible effect on people while their degree of maturity is still low.... In fact, when I use a human being to speak to them I also speak to them directly.... but the strength which compels people to believe in Me is reduced, in as much as My communication will always be the language of the person I use.... whether I speak to them directly through this person or whether they hear the Words which this person has received directly from Me.... the people will always feel that the spiritual values were `passed on' to them, they will always first hear the words of the human being acting as mediator, and, depending on their degree of love, will become aware of Myself and My love.... so that, in fact, something extraordinarily important will be given to human beings which can be of real help, but which will never affect them in its fullness of strength, because they would not be able to bear it.... __And likewise the mediator.... the form I use to express Myself.... will be affected by this, in accordance with his degree of love, because he too will only be able to hear the sound of My voice after he has achieved a higher degree of maturity, so that he will receive clear evidence of My presence.... But for the most part he will merely hear My message, the working of My spirit in him, in his thoughts. Although in that case he indeed serves Me as a mediator, I can reveal Myself through him to all human beings, but the flow of My love's strength will affect him just as little as the people to whom I speak through him.... because he too has to walk the earthly path with complete freedom of will.... which would be prevented by any extraordinary communication on My part. Nevertheless, amongst the people who offer themselves to serve as My instrument I can only choose those who can meet the specific conditions.... Because I offer people a tremendous gift of grace even before the end, and it takes strong faith and willpower to place oneself at My disposal as a mediator for this gift of grace, which will have only become that strong by virtue of a life of love.... __ (11.7.1956) Love and faith are indispensable for a mission, which constitutes a service to Me as well as a service to other people, to be a mediator between Me and the people. The person must be completely convinced that I can and want to communicate in order to help people.... and this conviction of faith has to be obtained by a life of love. Only then can I mould this person into an instrument and let My emission of grace flow towards all people.... which will, in fact, result in a state of bliss for their souls but which will not be experienced as unusual by the people themselves. __However, if My strength of love also touched the person's mind he would no longer be calm enough to hear and record My spirit's pronouncement, then he would only be affected by My illumination of love himself. Imparting it to other people, however, would be impossible.... Nevertheless I want to use him to talk to all people, and that requires an instrument which will completely submit to My will, which will only want to be My instrument for the purpose of a mission.... __And thus it can only receive its reward in the spiritual kingdom, whilst it will not receive any particular privileges during its earthly life apart from those which I have promised to all labourers in My vineyard: that I will look after them spiritually and physically, that they are under My protection and will be constantly directed and guided by My care. They should not be prompted to surrender to Me due to an unusual feeling of blissfulness which would be synonymous with a force of will, but they should be prepared to serve Me and other people of their own free will and unconditionally believe that their dedication can be a service to Me.... This kind of faith and will is blessed by Me, and My blessing will help the soul to mature. Thus, people can receive an undeserved grace during the final days, an unimaginably effective emission of grace which, if it is used correctly, can help them to ascend, yet without being spiritually compelled to do so. My direct message can be heard in a manner which is endurable for people because the illumination by the light of My love will occur in disguise, which the said human form shall facilitate.... Consequently, people will receive an amount of strength which will benefit their maturity of soul but which can be increased at any time depending on how My gift of grace is used.... by way of which I still want to save people during the final days before the end.... __Amen
You humans are not aware of the immense spiritual hardship you suffer because your senses are still captivated by the world and thus you cannot even assess the darkness surrounding your thinking. Every day can be the last one for you on this earth.... No-one knows the hour of his death, and no-one can extend his life for an hour.... And you do not consider this.... or you would prepare yourselves for what will come afterwards since you know, after all, that you cannot take anything with you when you have to pass away from earth. But what is your soul like? Do you ever seriously contemplate what your fate will be afterwards? You resist such thoughts, you push them far away from you once they emerge, and yet your soul can be in a state of distress because it has to leave the body without light when the hour of passing away has struck.... when it finds itself in profound darkness in the spiritual kingdom wandering about deprived and unhappy because it doesn't know where to turn to in this darkness. It is you, it is your actual Self which cannot vanish even if the soul had to leave the body.... But don't think that you will no longer exist, that your existence will have come to an end with the death of your body.... Your existence will be just as real as on earth, and you will experience suffering and torment just as much and even more intensely because you suddenly realise that you lack all strength to change your situation.... a fact which is extremely agonising to you because you have to endure it due to your own fault. For if only you lived a little more consciously on earth the soul would not enter into the beyond in such a wretched state, because a small glimmer of light would show the path it has to take in the beyond in order to ascend. For every soul has the possibility to continue what it had failed to do on earth, if only it has the will to do so. But whether it makes use of this possibility is up to itself but first it requires a small glimmer of realisation without which it will remain helplessly and miserably in the same state. __And if only the human being on earth would actively endeavour to gain faith in life after death, to live a life after God's will, if only he would try to discard his faults and weaknesses and be lovingly active towards his fellow human being, he would leave the profound darkness and step into a faint twilight, and if he enters the kingdom of the beyond with such a faint light his soul would get on better, it would recognise its further task and try to fulfil it.... For it will not be entirely blind and spared the worst suffering. Yet how many people don't even consider their soul's salvation just once a day, all their thoughts and intentions only relate to the material world and to the attainment of purely earthly advantages.... The immense spiritual hardship consists of the fact that people are entirely unaware of why they are on earth, that they only ever think of 'life itself' as important and never ask why they were given this life. And in this darkened state they are approaching the end of the earth which will suddenly and unexpectedly come upon them and finish innumerable people's lives prematurely who don't even consider pondering thoughts of death because they believe that they have plenty of time left. All these people are so earthbound that they will also remain within the sphere of Earth when the end has come.... so that an ascent in the beyond will be impossible for these souls because they will not be able to detach themselves from the material world for a long time.... And many of them will have to take abode in matter again because they are not yet mature enough for a spiritual sphere. And this is the beginning of the state of torment again which they had long overcome already.... But people do not believe it if they are being admonished to make use of the short time on earth for the salvation of their soul; the do not believe it and cannot be forced to adopt another way of life either. Only the love of knowledgeable fellow human beings can try to influence them, and occasionally love will indeed be able to achieve something, even though every human being will keep his freedom of will. Yet the struggle for such a soul shall be continued until the end, the battle of light against the darkness shall be waged until the end, because precisely the forces of darkness are fighting especially fiercely and the forces of light must therefore not abandon the battle on their part. And just a small ray of light can ignite and penetrate the darkness, which always signifies the salvation of a soul which will be infinitely grateful for it, even if at first it is only surrounded by some twilight. Yet to have escaped the most profound darkness also means a detachment from the prince of darkness and to walk towards the light.... __Amen
Contact with inhabitants of other worlds.... `In My Fathe...
Countless heavenly bodies circle the universe, and they all have the task of helping immature souls reach maturity..... __So now you can understand the Words: `In My Father's house are many mansions....' And every star receives the souls whose state of maturity is suitable to its conditions; in other words, the potential for maturity differs on every star and the souls are placed accordingly. But the living conditions, too, are always different, because the stars' nature and consistency vary. A detailed description cannot be given to people on earth because much would be incomprehensible to them and requires spiritual knowledge in order to be understood. But for all souls, whatever their degree of maturity, suitable stars exist for maturing, where souls of good will are able to ascend. For even there the spiritual beings' free will is taken into account, even there spiritual constraint is not applied, although the respective living conditions constrain the beings to the extent that they have to accept them or they could not survive in their world. And everywhere the beings will receive a light which reveals the purpose of their existence.... Whether they accept and utilise the light is up to them but it is decisive for their ascent. And all these works of God's creation are `mansions in the Father's house....' __Hence all spiritual essence will one day achieve the degree of maturity which will enable it to exchange physical creations with purely spiritual ones.... which you humans are unable to perceive with your physical eyes. Because everything that is visible to you are creations which shelter beings which are still immature, since perfected beings are active in the kingdom of light and no longer require `visible' creations for their abode. But the distance between all these works of creation is vast and they are not within reach of each other either.... The inhabitants of all these worlds are tied to their planet, to the star on which they live.... They are only able to change their abode after reaching a certain degree of maturity, and not arbitrarily but in line with God's fundamental law.... to which all His creations must submit, including the beings who are allocated to them. It is therefore foolish to assume that the inhabitants of these worlds could arbitrarily depart from them and approach other worlds without fearing their own destruction. Because the living conditions are different on all stars and these cannot be excluded arbitrarily. However, during the last days even such plans are being worked on. __ (17.5.1960) God's opponent takes advantage of people's gullibility by feigning that they can have contact with inhabitants of other worlds and that these, for apparently good reasons, also want to make contact with the inhabitants of earth. He intends to undermine the belief in an end of the old earth and thereby prevent people from preparing themselves for this end.... But people should be informed that earth is a planet on its own which has no connection with other worlds, and that any connection with other worlds can only be spiritually established.... Hence the human being is, in fact, able to make contact with inhabitants of advanced worlds, with the kingdom of light, by way of good and appealing thoughts for help at times of spiritual hardship.... which will then be given to him spiritually.... but that it is not advisable for him to call on beings on other stars whose spiritual degree of maturity and their ability to offer spiritual help is unknown to him. Physical help is definitely out of the question, as God's adversary would like people to believe that these beings could exert their influence on the inhabitants of earth before a final destruction. Only God can provide the right kind of help when the time arrives which is feared by you humans, and if you believe it He will grant this help to everyone who asks for it. __And He truly has enough angels who exclusively comply with and implement His will, and they will also take care of people when the hour comes.... But God's adversary has found fertile ground in people's gullibility onto which he can sow many bad seeds. People would rather accept his misguided instructions than pure truth, which shows the value of his seeds. Because error is always accepted over truth, the human being will always seek to gain advantage from error and reject the truth, which does not promise him any profits. The end is near, and it will come without fail.... Every teaching is wrong which questions an end or provides people with a way out that does not correspond with God's will.... For God Himself will lead everyone out of danger who entrusts himself to Him, who takes refuge with Him, who belongs to His Own who need not fear an end.... __Amen
The end will come unexpectedly....
And unusual intervention by God will take place when the time is right.... This has been announced to you over and over again, yet you doubt it, because the time I still grant to you as a reprieve seems too long for you; however, you fail to consider that I regard time differently, that a short extension of time is irrelevant in view of the magnitude of My intervention, in view of the overwhelming act of destruction which this intervention as well as the forthcoming end will mean to humanity. You forget the fact that you were nevertheless only granted a short time of grace but that even the longest period of time will one day come to an end and that you should, therefore, expect every day that My announcements will fulfil themselves. And this is how you should also look at your life, always thinking that every day could be the last day for you. One day, when you no longer live on earth in the flesh, you will realise how short your whole lifetime on earth has been. And then you will also understand the urgency of My admonitions and warnings, for only then will you realise that your concept of time on earth is different from that in the spiritual realm. However, you should already recognise this while you are living on earth and therefore accept My admonitions and warnings, you should not doubt even if you think it takes a long time until My intervention will take place. It will nevertheless come unexpectedly and cause tremendous adversity to those people who are not yet so united with Me that, in their distress, they simply take refuge with Me. __The day will come unexpectedly, like all big natural disasters of a similar kind, which you humans are unable to prevent or evaluate in advance.... Even so, it will come without fail.... I will repeat this time and again with all urgency, because it is necessary for you to prepare yourselves for it, for you to believe and always live your life in view of this natural event. For no human being will know whether he will belong to the survivors, no-one will know where the event will take place and which countries will be affected by it. You all should count on it and be thankful to Me if it passes you by. For in that case you will still have to fulfil the task of carrying out labours of love for those affected unfortunate people and of showing them the path to Me, so that I can comfort and uplift them and lead them out of all adversity. For truly, nothing is impossible for Me, and an intimate prayer can avert much suffering and hardship, wherever it may be. This is why I repeatedly come in the Word to you, so that you can draw strength from it in advance and calmly face whatever will affect you. And time and again I say to you: take care that you belong to My Own, who will find refuge and protection with Me, whom I will strengthen over and over again and to whom I will impart extraordinary strength to work for Me and My name. And then the end will not be far away anymore. And you should all prepare yourselves for this end and learn to believe ever more firmly what is proclaimed to you through My Word.... For everything will come to pass when the time is right.... __Amen
Proclaiming the Gospel....
Every opportunity where My Gospel can be proclaimed should be used, for time is flying by and everything should still be done in order to lead people towards a living faith in Me, in order to announce the near end and to inspire them to prepare themselves for this end. I will therefore bless every meeting which serves to accomplish vineyard work, dwelling amongst My Own and enlightening their spirit I Myself will speak through the mouths of those who want to serve Me, and the souls which move within spiritual spheres can only ever gain from it. My teaching should be carried to all places because people repeatedly need to be told to fulfil their true purpose of life on earth by eagerly working at improving their souls so that they can be accepted in the kingdom of light and bliss one day. The world has no spiritual possessions to offer but if you bring the Gospel to them, they will be offered everlasting possessions which will follow them into eternity, for as soon as they comply with My Gospel their souls will mature and enable them to enter the kingdom of light and bliss after their physical death. The proclamation of the Gospel is, at the same time, also the proclamation of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation.... and people must be informed of this, for without Jesus Christ they cannot become blessed. This makes the work in My vineyard extremely important, many fallow fields shall still be reclaimed.... many hearts shall still be made receptive for the seeds I distribute to you, My labourers on earth, and which can truly bear the most magnificent fruit if the ground has been cultivated and nurtured, if it has been well prepared in order to accept the seed. Your work, My servants on earth, consists of repeatedly bringing My Word to those people who want to accept it.... of constantly drawing their attention to My love and grace which manifests itself in the direct passing on of My Word.... You should speak wherever possible, that is, place yourselves at My disposal so that I Myself can speak through you. My Word will have great strength and occasionally also soften hearts which were still disinclined towards Me but which cannot resist My address. And I will bless you for this, for evening has come and it won't take long for the night to fall from which there will be no awakening in the morning.... because the time people where granted for striving towards perfection has come to an end. For this reason you should also keep announcing the end and admonish your fellow human beings to be diligent in making sure that their souls will not go astray; you should tell them time and again that they are facing a turn of events in the world, even if they don't want to believe it.... You should announce the forthcoming natural disaster and the subsequent end.... so that they can still make an effort in the final hour, so that they will learn to believe if they pay attention to the sign of the times. Therefore you should be busy servants for Me, for I still want to address people as often as you enable Me to do so.... Bear in mind that your fellow human beings are suffering great spiritual adversity and try to help them.... Preach the Gospel to them, preach to them about love, time and again give them My Word, and I will be with you with My blessing and with all those who do not close their hearts if I want to speak to them through you.... __Amen
Renewed banishment is the reason for the unusual revelati...
I Am revealing Myself in an unusual way before the end to you humans by conveying knowledge to you from which you should draw the consequences.... knowledge which so far had been withheld from you because it was of no significance for your salvation of soul, because you still had time to change your character and were also still able to achieve this in the beyond although under far more difficult conditions.... But it was still possible for you to be redeemed for as long the time you were granted for releasing yourselves from the form had not yet run out.... This time, however, is drawing to an end and that means either your return to Me or the renewed path through the creations of earth. But the knowledge about the latter has been withheld from you until now, for it would only have induced you to spend your earthly life under a certain amount of duress, which I, however, will not use for the sake of your perfection.... But now it concerns the human being's last free decision, it concerns the soul's salvation or its renewed banishment, because after the end of this earth higher development in the spiritual kingdom will become impossible for a long time to come, since the gates of this kingdom will remain closed until the new earth has again entered the state in which immature people will depart once more from this earth, in which case My merciful love will also want to help them attain maturity in the beyond again. Yet before this period of Salvation comes to an end I will still make use of all means in order to save you from the awful fate of a renewed banishment.... And therefore I inform you humans of the path you have already travelled before you reached your embodiment as a human being on earth. And My revelations are so unusual because most people are lacking this knowledge. But since the fate of a renewed banishment is only now becoming the imminent disaster.... since until now the opportunity still existed to mature in the kingdom of the beyond if it was neglected on earth, it was not necessary for people to know about the prior long process of development before.... although occasionally I was able to address people directly and so introduced them to this knowledge.... __However, now the time has come when people are in utmost danger but when it is still possible for them to avoid this danger if they have the serious will to endeavour towards a change.... And the knowledge about the process of development, of a repeated banishment in matter is intended to motivate them into this change of will.... This is why I reveal Myself in an unusual way, this is why I convey a knowledge to earth which can have tremendously beneficial results for people by just paying attention to it, by allowing My Words to take effect on them, think about them and then also live their life accordingly. But there are only a few who believe what is conveyed to them by extraordinary means.... And I cannot compel faith.... Therefore I cannot reveal Myself by any other means but through a human mouth either, for an enforced faith is worthless and will not result in the soul's progress. But the fact that I Myself reveal My plan of Salvation to you is a significant light which you humans are still being granted.... If you want to live in this light you will definitely take the right path.... For although I speak through a human mouth it is nevertheless the evidence of My love.... if I send My Word directly to earth, it is the evidence of My presence, in other words: you can call it an extraordinary gift of grace if you are taught about things which are inaccessible to a person's intellectual knowledge.... which therefore cannot be explained to you by other people if I Myself do not work extraordinarily in this person too.... Therefore pay attention to My unusual revelations, don't discard them as human work but believe that it is only My love which wants to reveal Itself to you because I would like to save you before the end, because I want to spare you the fate of a renewed banishment which, however, is inevitable, if you do not believe.... __Amen
Space exploration is not God's will....
The strength which emanates from Me and My Word will touch your soul and you will find peace in Me.... When you are ready to serve Me then the strength to accomplish My will, which I place into your heart Myself, will also flow to you. And you will think, want and act in accordance with My will.... And thus you can always safely proceed on your way, My blessing will always accompany you, I will take you by your hand and guide you such as it is right for you and your fellow human beings' salvation of soul. Just put your trust in Me and truly, I will never disappoint your confidence.... For even if your body does not feel the evidence of this strength but your soul receives it in abundance and is grateful for every support, the soul matures and unites itself with its spirit, and this strives towards the Father-Spirit, and the unity with Me will become ever closer. And if I Am then able to speak to My child My presence will be confirmed too and peace has to enter its heart, every worry has to vanish and the child only has to listen to what his Father has to say to him: __And I still want to reveal much more to you, for the end is swiftly approaching.... You will still experience things which will make you doubt Me and My Word.... You will ask yourselves why I do not intervene with My might when humanity arrogantly dares to penetrate the universe.... But a limit has been imposed on their projects, they will not be able to implement their experiments for long, for even these actions merely hasten the end, the forthcoming Judgment. (6.5.1961) I will let them have their way, so that time and again they will have to realise that their capability will never suffice to complete their projects. They have handed themselves over to My adversary who will constantly influence their mind and also give them a certain amount of strength which, however, will always have disastrous effects on people as well as the works of creation My adversary wants to destroy. It is the time of the end, which is merely emphasised by such actions, for people's spiritual state itself will give rise to the end. My adversary wants to destroy the belief in My existence and My might, and such people are already subject to him due to the fact that they have lost all faith, deem themselves masters of creation and try to prove it. Yet they will not have much time left for that, because they hasten the end themselves since they revoke the laws of nature themselves and thereby pave the way for a work of destruction which will encompass the whole world and every living creation in, on and above the earth.... __People's actions oppose God and that will also result in appropriate consequences.... But I allow My adversary's rage, yet people themselves could resist it and would not need to become subject to his rule.... Time and again people are reminded of Me and My might and could quite easily take the path to Me.... Their will, however, is free and thus I do not prevent their actions, but My might and My will shall also reveal itself those responsible for the anti-God activity that can be witnessed by all people.... They, too, will repeatedly be shown that a divine Power keeps expressing Itself Which proves their wrong thinking, for until the body dies I invite every soul to return to Me.... but I will not force it. And since My adversary cannot force it either, he influences all bad characteristics in a person even more and gains the soul for his disgraceful plan, since the craving for power and recognition is particularly strongly developed in people who do not believe in Me. For they are My adversary's characteristics.... It is his nature, which he passes on to them. But his time will soon be over, and My might, too, will soon visibly express itself.... Yet I will never give you such obvious proof of Myself that you have to believe in Me.... Time and again you have to bear in mind that I expect your voluntary faith which you should awaken through love.... And then you will also recognise the signs of the time; you will understand that you live in the last days when My adversary will work in unusual ways, until his hour has come when he and his followers will be constrained, as it is has been proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Reason for painful strokes of fate....
I will still create many opportunities for you before the end which shall enable you to find the path to Me.... Time and again I will reveal Myself to you, though often in a painful manner, yet you shall always recognise that you are unable to determine your own destiny, you shall always recognise a Power above yourselves Which intervenes in your life, and harshly so if there is no other option, in order to pull you back from the abyss towards which you are blindly striving..... __I want to save you, and all My admonitions and warnings bear no fruit.... this is why every so often I have to treat you harshly and inflict pain on you.... I have to take your most precious possession on earth away from you, I have to inflict death and disease on you, you will have to be struck by all kinds of misfortunes because you don't believe in a Power to Which you owe your life. __And there will be more and more instances when I will tear people apart, when death will come marching, when disasters will abruptly end people's lives.... I will manifestly show Myself, yet only be recognised by the willing person who then will find his way to Me and no longer can go astray.... The end moves ever closer, and thus My love, wisdom and might still will also have to frequently intervene.... Time after time humanity has to be shown the transience of earthly things anew, they have to come to realise the triviality of their aspired goals, and as a result will often have to suffer physically and psychologically, but they shall always also receive help if they turn to Me and appeal for My support in their adversity. And their fellow human beings, too, shall consider that they could suffer the same fate and realise that they don't live on this earth for earthly life's sake.... __Every stroke of fate can result in making other people think and question whether their own way of life corresponds to God's will, if they believe in a God.... Each stroke of fate can help people to believe if they turn to Me and through My obvious help will also be able to recognise Me.... Thus you, who receive My Word, should explain to your fellow human beings My occasionally harsh and cruel appearing interventions in people's lives.... explain to them that I will use all means in order to win people over for Me, and that I will not stop to keep expressing Myself, for every misfortune is an expression of Myself which can happen to anyone yet it only ever intends to turn their thoughts into My direction.... For there is only little time left and you humans merely pay attention to the world but not to the salvation of your soul.... __The world will pass away, that is, you won't be able to take anything belonging to the world across into the kingdom of the beyond.... You only ever chase after dead commodities, and therefore you will be repeatedly made aware of the world's fleeting nature. Again and again you will hear of accidents and all kinds of disasters, again and again you will have to suffer the loss of human lives, and again and again you will ask yourselves why a God of love allows this to happen.... The God of love wants to win you for Himself, he wants to make you blissfully happy, and therefore He wants you to turn your thoughts to Him.... __My love alone is the reason for everything that affects you badly, for you will go astray again for an infinitely long time if you don't remember Me.... And only for this reason I reveal Myself to you and also intervene harshly and painfully if you ignore My loving admonitions and warnings.... For I don't want you to go astray.... I still want to save you before the end and protect you from a far worse fate.... from the new banishment into the creations of earth, which will be inevitable if you don't find Me anymore before the end of the earth.... __Amen
Low spiritual level.... Test of faith.... Battle.... Rapt...
My Own, too, will have to suffer adversities because their faith shall become increasingly stronger when, time and time again, I will lead them out of their predicament. For they shall persevere until the end and thus need a strong and unwavering faith from which they will then draw the strength for their resistance. The battle against faith will come last but this will be brutally waged.... A living faith, however, will offer resistance to it, for then you will be so closely connected to Me that you will not fear anything, regardless of what the adversary will do in order to bring you down. A strong faith is a living bond with Me.... Then I will no longer be the distant God for you but I will be your Father Who is with His child, which therefore cannot be anxious anymore since it knows itself to be safe in His protection. This will then be proof of who belongs to My church, which I founded Myself.... of whose faith is like Peter's, a faith which does not waver irrespective of how many onslaughts are undertaken.... It will be proof of who is closely united with Me, who knows the truth and therefore also My eternal plan of Salvation. And they will fearlessly face up to everything that will be done against them. You, who are My Own, will recognise ever more clearly that the end is not far away, and you should also look at the world with open eyes; then you will recognise the low spiritual level which soon cannot sink any lower and for that reason necessitates an end. __However, the day has been determined for eternity and will definitely be adhered to. Yet people will incredulously want to reject your announcements, they will barely listen to you when you admonish and warn them, they will make plans for the future and will not want to let go of them, they will only ever think in a purely earthly way and pay no attention to spiritual reproaches.... And therefore they will be taken by surprise by the coming event and also experience the end unprepared unless My final wake-up call still lets them find Me and change their way of life. And against the background of all these events you, who are and want to remain My Own, will have to be forearmed. Your faith must not start to waver; you must be as steadfast as a rock.... And I want to help you gain this faith by allowing you to experience My help ever more obviously when you are in great distress. I truly will not leave you because you handed yourselves over to Me and want to be of service to Me. But I also know what demands will still be made on you in the last days and I want to prepare you such that you can do justice to everything, that you will have the strength of faith at your disposal which is your fortitude no matter what will happen. Whatever you are lacking still requires My help; every one of you still has to be taught by Me because it is My will that you shall persevere, that you will prove yourselves in all temptations, that you will come to Me in every adversity and faithfully rely on Me and My help.... Time and again you shall be allowed to experience Me, time and again you must feel My love and might, I want to be present for you at all times so that your bond with Me grows ever stronger, and then you will no longer be at risk of failing, for I will keep hold of you and protect your from My adversary, regardless of his actions against you. The final battle on this earth will be short because I Myself will shorten the days for the sake of the elect.... But it will irrevocably happen, after all it concerns the final separation of the sheep from the goats.... My Own will openly have to testify to Me before the world, and they will truly have the strength to make this public confession, because in awareness of My presence they will not fear the adversary.... and because they will face him with an abundance of strength and will not be afraid to speak when a confession is demanded of them. And even if it then seems to appear as if the adversary is winning.... he will not be able to kill you for I Myself will come in the clouds.... I Myself will rescue you from utmost adversity, I will lift My Own up to Me and constrain My adversary again for a long time.... I will put an end to his activity.... I will lift My Own up to heaven and then accomplish the work of the transformation of earth, so that a new period of Salvation can begin and the spiritual beings' process of development will be able to continue according to the eternal plan of Salvation.... __Amen
Purification of earth....
I want to purify the earth and turn it into a place of peace again, where love will reign and where I will be able to stay amongst My Own because their love for Me allows Me to do so.... But first a purification process has to take place, My adversary's activity has to be stopped, and thus he has to be chained up together with his followers.... that is, all souls enslaved by him have to be banished into hard matter again, all spiritual substances on the path of higher development have to be placed into forms which correspond to their state of maturity; and thus My adversary has lost all power, for the spiritual substances which will travel the path across earth in the state of compulsion again will have been removed from him.... and the people whose will he was able to influence have turned away from him and came back to Me for good, so that they, as root of the new human race, can no longer be bothered by him. All power, which he associates with his adherents, has been taken from him, for he has no control over the spiritual substances bound in matter, in the creations of earth.... And there will be peace on earth again for a long time.... __Hence it has to be preceded by a purification process, and this will come about through a work of destruction of inconceivable proportions, for a total transformation of the entire earth's surface will occur, all creations will be disintegrated and shaped anew, which also means the downfall of all people and living beings, the disappearance of everything that shelters spiritual substances.... Although the creation work `Earth' will indeed remain yet the power of natural forces will penetrate far into the core, dissolve the solid matter and give all constrained spirits the opportunity to receive new forms. For everything has become disorderly because people live and act in complete opposition to My eternal order.... Consequently, everything has to be arranged anew, which first requires the disintegration of the works of creation which, to you humans, is the same as your downfall, for no-one will survive the end apart from those who will be taken away by Me before the end.... __Yet this last event will only be dreadful for the human being, because his soul will be banished into solid matter again, whereas the development of all other spiritual substances can only advance, for new forms will be created for all spiritual substances to shelter them.... And the creations on the new earth will be incomparably delightful, and the spiritual substances will be given the opportunity to be of active service again whereby all spirits will be able to ascend and time and again change their present form. __This work of transformation of the old earth is about to happen to you humans.... And although you don't know the day and the hour, you, who do not want to be doomed, who want to belong to Me and not suffer the dreadful judgment of a new banishment, should prepare yourselves for the end.... Believe that you live in the time of the end and consider the thought that you are creating your own fate.... that you can exceedingly blissfully live a glorious life in the paradise of the new earth.... but that you can also descend into utter darkness, if you are not granted the grace to be called back before in order to still find the opportunity of ascent in the beyond.... And take your psychological work seriously, that is, live a life of unselfish neighbourly love and you will thereby establish the bond with Me and without doubt be saved from this downfall. Time and again I will send you My messengers to admonish and warn you, and time and again you will hear of or be afflicted by all kinds of misfortunes and disasters, for they all are reminders for you to consider a sudden departure and your souls' fate, if it has not yet reached the state to enter My kingdom of light and beatitude.... __I don't want you to go astray, I want you to achieve eternal life, but you humans live irresponsibly, you don't consider Me and neither do you consider your soul's fate after the death of your body.... And your attention shall repeatedly be drawn to the fact that you are approaching a dreadful fate.... that you, banished into hardest matter again, will have to start the path of evolution all over again in inexpressible agony and distress.... but that you will be able to prevent this fate if you listen to Me, if you believe those who proclaim in My name that you are shortly before the end.... For the time is fulfilled and it will come to pass as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Exceptional help at the time of misery....
Even the worst misery in the coming time should not alarm you, for to the same extent as My adversary works during the last days before the end, when his raging will be plainly recognisable, I will let My flow of grace pour into you, so that you will certainly be capable of resisting him.... And the closer it gets to the end the more distinctly you will also perceive My reign and activity.... I have to manifest Myself in an exceptional way in order that you will not despair and fall prey to him. For he will not shy away from using cunning and trickery, he will develop extraordinary power and you will need much strength in order to resist him.... I will truly not leave you without help during this time of need and I will also be perceptible to you, time and again you will hear about remarkable help people receive who faithfully call upon Me, you will experience instances yourselves which demonstrate My love for you and reinforce your faith.... For I will reveal Myself in extraordinary ways to you providing you don't relinquish the bond with Me but trustingly rely on Me that I will lead you out of all the misery in the last days.... And you may also be permitted to witness My personal appearance where your love will allow for it.... And I will appear to you in your dreams and bestow comfort and strength upon you.... You only need to spend sincere thoughts on Me and in prayer establish the relationship of a child with its Father.... Then you may truly experience Me as a loving Father, for I don't want to lose any one of you who already belongs to Me due to his will, who desires to become blessed and to be one of My Own. __However, you will certainly need this extraordinary help, for the time which is still at My adversary's disposal is running out, and since he is aware of it, he will still rant and rave and try to pull you down by oppressing you in every conceivable way. But I, too, will influence you remarkably and protect you from his onslaughts, since I know that your will applies to Me which therefore gives Me the right to avert him from you. And even My vineyard labourers will want to work more diligently still because My adversary's activity will be so obvious to them that they will thereby recognise which hour has struck on the world's clock. Therefore they will also know that the end is imminent and that his activity will come to an end, that he will be placed in chains for a long time again. But it requires an exceptional flow of strength, for you will be too weak on your own, given that My adversary will go to any length in order to plunge you into ruin, and were I not to confront him with My power and My light he would certainly succeed.... Even so, you should fearlessly approach this time, you will survive it and remain victorious, because I Myself will walk next to you and fight on your side against your souls' enemy. And thus I promise you, who want to belong to Me, My every assistance; I will always be present to you and a mere thought will call Me to you, for love unites Me with you, who once came forth from My love, and this love will not let go of you and protect you in all adversity and danger.... Therefore it will manifest itself remarkably when the time of immense misery befalls the earth because the end has come.... __Amen
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