Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Keyword List Sorted by - I -

formed from the headlines of all currently
translated Revelations by Bertha Dudde

`I Am the beginning of all things ....’   0750
`I Am the way, the truth, and the life ....’   3767
`I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world ....’   7681
`I bestow My grace upon the humble ....’   7057
`I came into the world ....’   6719
`I came to My Own and they did not accept Me ....’   5114
`I need you ....’   0209
`I Will Come Like a Thief in the Night ....’   2534
`I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’   4744
`I will guide you into truth ....’   8872
`I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh ....’   7501
`I will remain with you ....’ `I will send you the Comforter ....’   4850
`I will send you the Comforter ....’ (Explanation of apparent contradictions)   4580
`I will shorten your days ....’   7225
I will, Battle of faith .... Publicly professing Christ .... `I will shorten the days ....’   4635
I will, `He that keepeth My commandments .... to him I will come and manifest Myself ....’   4107
I will, John 14 .... `I will not leave you comfortless ....’   7702
I will, Teaching ministry .... `I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’   8069
I will, `Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My church ....’   4942
Ignorant and misguided people’s attitude regarding truth ....   5764
Illness and suffering are necessary to purify the soul ....   7028
Illness, Blessing of illness and suffering .... Maturing fully ....   5194
Illness, Words of comfort .... Suffering - Illness .... Connection with God ....   6124
Immorality .... Unwritten laws ....   2461
Immortality of soul .... Wrong doctrine ....   4723
Immortality of the soul ....   1874a   1874b
Immortality ....   8790
Immortality .... Eternity .... Suicide ....   0974a   0974b
Immortality, Belief in the immortality of the soul .... Truth ....   3699
Impending turning point ....   5567
Implementation of the plan of Salvation ....   7728
Importance of the missionary work .... Making use of the knowledge ....   8855
Importance, Knowledge about Jesus Christ is of utmost importance ....   8696
Important mission .... Spreading the Gospel ....   5977
Important, The most important commandment has to be fulfilled: Love ....   8678
Important, Unchanged Word .... Important missionary work ....   7938
Improvement, Life on earth for improvement .... Sorrow of spiritual friends ....   0229
`In My Father’s house are many mansions ....’   5449
`In the beginning was the Word ....’   6852   8739
In the Father’s house are many mansions ....   6022
In my Father’s house, Contact with inhabitants of other worlds .... `In My Father’s house ....’   7601
In my Father’s house, `Did you not know, that I must be in My Father’s house ....’   3634
In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed .... but as human being? ....   8936
Incarnated beings of light .... Mission of spiritual leaders ....   3391
Incarnated beings of light .... The working of the spirit - Channeled communications ....   8207
Incarnation of beings of light .... Forerunner ....   4899
Incarnation of many light beings in the last days ....   8245
Incarnation of many light souls during the last days ....   4803
Incarnation .... Instincts .... Preliminary stages ....   2775
Incarnation, About the incarnation of light beings ....   7831
Incarnation, Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus ....   8264
Incarnation, Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarnation ....   8751
Incarnation, Forerunner .... Knowledge about previous incarnation ....   7604
Incarnation, Phase of development unique during a period of salvation .... Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God ....   2875
Incarnation, Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human manifestation? ....   8750
Indicating the end of an era ....   6812
Indication of natural events ....   6388
Indication of the adversary’s activity .... (Speaking in tongues)   8641
Indication of the many adversities before the end ....   8387
Indications of disasters ....   7475
Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference on earth ....   2437
Indication, Adversary, Indication of the adversary’s activity .... (Speaking in tongues)   8641
Indication, Further indication of disasters and war ....   8717
Indication, Scholars .... Rich and poor .... Pound .... Indications ....   0191   0192
Indication, Signs and indications pointing to the end ....   6501
Indication, The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... Time indication .... Distribution ....   8500   8501   8502
Indirect and direct Word of God ....   8160
Individuality of each soul ....   5063
Infallibility of the head of church ....   2383a   2383b
Individuality, The soul’s individuality ....   8117
Infallibility .... Ecclesiastical commandments ....   1514
Infallibility, Forgiveness of sins .... Infallibility .... Routine actions ....   1482
Infinitely long fall into the abyss .... Path of return ....   7469
Infinitely, Has the infinitely long path of development been in vain? ....   5230
Influence by the prince of lies on people’s thinking ....   1580
Influence, Reception of one’s own strength .... Without outside influence ....   0244
Information about God’s plan of Salvation ....   8760
Information about the end ....   6487
Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life ....   8020
Information, Spiritual information without material gain ....   6391
Information, Why is the information about the process of return not known? ....   8465
Informing the soul about earthly life ....   8243
Inner Earth activity .... Eruptions ....   2448
Inner life... Withdrawing into seclusion ....   4343
Inner prompting is God’s instruction .... Subordination of will ....   3308
Inner reflection .... Hours of rest - Introspection ....   1590
Inner voice difficult to hear .... Turmoil - silence ....   4378
Inner voice .... Thought .... Deed ....   2020
Inner voice, God’s will - voice of the heart .... Inner urging ....   4104
Inner voice, Heartfelt contact with God .... Inner voice ....   6421
Inner voice, The inner voice ....   3199
Inner voice, Voice of the spirit is truth .... Jesus Christ’s teaching .... Inner voice ....   4775
Inner word, The inner Word during the time of affliction ....   3408
Inner word, The inner Word .... Light .... Truth ....   5461a   5461b
Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life ....   2104
Inscrutability of the Deity ....   8622
Insight into all beings’ activity ....   0217
Instincts of preliminary stages determine character .... Heredity .... Disposition .... Parents ....   1933a   1933b
`Instituted words’ for the Last Supper ....   6717
Instituted Words ....   7666
Instituted words, True servants of God .... Instituted words .... Working of the spirit ....   8325
Instruction by God Himself .... Audible Word .... Jesus’ disciples ....   3955
Instruction for teaching ministry by God Himself .... Mission ....   5374
Instruction to work for spiritual possessions .... Realisation ....   0218
Instruction, Belief in Jesus Christ’s mission .... Truthful instruction ....   5747
Instruction, God’s instruction to educate fellow human beings about Jesus ....   8464
Instruction, Inner prompting is God’s instruction .... Subordination of will ....   3308
Intellectual knowledge .... Study .... Revelations ....   6488
Intellectual thought .... Truth from God ....   5199
Intellectual, Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts ....   5754
Intellectual, Emotional and intellectual thinking .... Truth ....   2302
Intercession for fellow human beings ....   6582
Intercession for people distanced from God ....   2172
Intercession for souls in the beyond .... I.   8611
Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II. Reply to the doctrine that only `qualified’ praying men are entitled to pray for souls ....   8616
Intercession, Change of will through intercession ....   5313
Intercession, Clarification about intercession ....   8470
Intercession, Community of `Saints’ .... Intercession pointless ....   4328
Intercession, Fatherly Words .... Faithful prayer and intercession ....   1862
Intercession, Love recognises the error in the beyond .... Intercession ....   8960
Intercession, Strength of intercession ....   5161
Intercession, The souls’ hardship in the beyond .... Intercession .... Change of will ....   5318
Interpretation of the divine Word ....   8845
Interpretation, Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words ....   8688
Interpretation, Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures .... Misguided teachings ....   2524
Interpretation, Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures .... The working of the spirit ....   7103
Introduction to spiritual knowledge ....   8341
Introspection ....   8064
Introspection, A mediator’s introspection ....   8783
Introspection, Frequent introspection is necessary ....   7307
Introspection, Inner reflection .... Hours of rest - Introspection ....   1590
Involuntarily premature deceased people .... Beyond ....   1589
Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of earth ....   4708
Irrevocable end .... Divine order and infringement ....   3749
Is knowledge necessary on Earth? .... Commandments of love ....   7507
Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end ....   7100
Is the Bible completed ....   8054
Israel .... (meaning of the name)   8857
It concerns eternal life ....   5000
`It is finished ....’   7668
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