E |
Early death .... God’s mercy .... Old age ....
Earth - School for the spirit .... Means to an end .... An end in
itself ....
Earth is a place of perdition .... Devils ....
Earth Rotation .... Earthly Tremors ....
Earth, A renewal of earth must come ....
Earth, Abilities .... Task .... Regression .... New earth ....
Earth, About the Last Judgement and the New Earth ....
Earth, Advantage of contact from earth to the beyond ....
Earth, `All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth ....’
Earth, Attainment of childship to God only on this earth ....
Earth, Belief in a continuation of life .... Consequences of earthly
life in the beyond ....
Earth, Blissful spiritual beings require process of development on
earth for childship to God ....
Earth, Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word
of God ....
Earth, Childship to God .... Tremendous suffering on Earth ....
Earth, Christ’s descent to earth and reason ....
Earth, Christ’s descent to earth once and now .... Act of Salvation
Earth, Collision of Earth and Sun .... Researchers .... The Earth’s
core ....
Earth, Creation of the new earth in a moment of time ....
Earth, Destruction of earth is the result of experiments ....
Earth, Destruction of Earth ....
Earth, Development of earth and human being ....
Earth, Embodied beings of light .... Jesus’ disciples during His time
on earth ....
Earth, Emergence of the Work of Creation `Earth’ ....
Earth, End and Rapture .... Paradise of the new earth ....
Earth, Establishing spiritual contacts on earth .... Help from the
beings in the beyond ....
Earth, Evidence of Jesus’ existence on earth ....
Earth, Experiments towards the end of the earth .... Activating forces
Earth, Fate in the beyond corresponds to thoughts and wishes on earth
Earth, Fatherly Words to His servants on Earth ....
Earth, Fighting against oneself on earth ....
Earth, Free will .... Knowledge of good and evil .... The new earth
Earth, Gathering spiritual treasures on earth .... Regret in the
beyond ....
Earth, `God sent His Son to Earth ....’
Earth, God-inclined will is the passed test on earth ....
Earth, Guests on earth .... Right custodians ....
Earth, Harmonious life on the new earth ....
Earth, Indications of natural event .... Jesus’ reference on earth
Earth, Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of
earth ....
Earth, Is knowledge necessary on Earth? .... Commandments of love ....
Earth, Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end ....
Earth, Jesus’ activity on Earth ....
Earth, Jesus taught love on Earth ....
Earth, Last Judgment .... Spiritualisation of earth ....
Earth, Life on earth is but a passageway back home ....
Earth, Life on earth is just a moment in eternity .... Suffering and
pleasures ....
Earth, Messages concerning the continuation of Earth are more likely
to be believed ....
Earth, Natural event, Indications of natural event .... Jesus’
reference on earth ....
Earth, New earth .... Romans 8 ....
Earth, New wonders of creation on the new earth .... Brittle matter
Earth, Origin of the creation work `earth’ ....
Earth, Paradisal condition on the new Earth.
Earth, Particles of the Soul .... Process of Development on Earth and
in the Beyond ....
Earth, Passing on the divine Word to the new earth ....
Earth, Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on
earth ....
Earth, Process of development on earth ....
Earth, Purification of earth ....
Earth, Reason and forces of earth’s disintegration .... (Nuclear
Earth, Rebirth .... Futile life on earth ....
Earth, Right assessment of life on earth ....
Earth, Satan bound .... The new earth ....
Earth, Satan’s disguise where light is conveyed to Earth ....
Earth, Serious Admonition .... The Final Phase of the Earth ....
Earth, Significance of the era .... Christ’s embodiment on earth ....
Earth, Souls of the deceased close to earth ....
Earth, Spiritual low level necessitates upheaval of earth ....
Earth, Spiritual turning point .... Alteration of this earth ....
Earth, Spiritual turning-point .... Total transformation of earth ....
Earth, State of paradise on the new earth ....
Earth’s state of peace depends on spiritual attitude ....
Earth, Success at the end of an earth-period .... Scientists ....
Earth, The `redeemed’ at the end .... Inhabitants of the new earth
Earth, The adversary clothed in light .... Paradise on the new earth
Earth, The condition to attain perfection on earth ....
Earth, The correct use of time on earth ....
Earth, The destruction of the old earth .... Experience in the flesh
.... Warning ....
Earth, The earth’s last hour ....
Earth, The Eternal Light descended to Earth ....
Earth, The human being’s task on earth .... Childship to God ....
Earth, The light descended to Earth ....
Earth, The Lord’s return .... Present time .... Witnesses of the new
earth ....
Earth, The reason for the earth’s restoration ....
Earth, The servants’ mission on earth after the natural disaster ....
Earth, The significance of life on earth as a human being ....
Earth, The transformation work of Earth ....
Earth, Time concept of earth’s evolution ....
Earth, Total Disintegration of the Earth .... Spiritualization ....
Earth, Transformation of earth ....
Earth, Transformation of earth .... Change .... Disintegration ....
Earth, What is the purpose of life on earth? ....
Earth, Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants ....
Earthly adversity should result in contacting God ....
Earthly and spiritual issues .... Inhabitants of other planets (flying
Earthly destiny corresponds to will ....
Earthly flourishing .... Swift decline ....
Earthly improvement .... Worldly progress ....
Earthly knowledge in the beyond? ....
Earthly knowledge is not `wisdom’ ....
Earthly knowledge is worthless in the beyond .... Wisdom ....
Earthly life - illusive life ....
Earthly life is the path but not the goal ....
Earthly limitations can be exceeded by spiritual means ....
Earthly or spiritual thought currents ....
Earthly precautions against the disaster are futile ....
Earthly task: Fulfilment of the commandments of love ....
Earthly task: Volition .... Wrong endeavour ....
Earthly, Conclusion of earthly progress only with Jesus Christ ....
Earthly, Deposing the earthly power ....
Earthly, Detachment from earthly possessions ....
Earthly, Diversity of earthly existence .... You would pray for
suffering ....
Earthly, Every soul starts its earthly progress consciously ....
Earthly, Evil forces .... Earthly possessions .... Treasures for the
beyond ....
Earthly, God’s ceaseless help on the earthly path ....
Earthly, God’s creative will .... Spiritual and earthly creations ....
Earthly, Help in earthly and spiritual adversity .... Reciprocated
love ....
Earthly, Information relating to purpose and reason of earthly life
Earthly, Informing the soul about earthly life ....
Earthly, Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual treasures
Earthly, Matter .... Loss of earthly possessions .... Free will ....
Earthly, Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s
love ....
Earthly, Purpose of earthly existence as a human being ....
Earthly, Purpose of earthly existence ....
Earthly, Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character ....
Earthly, Relinquishing the world .... Fulfilment of earthly duties and
the blessing of God ....
Earthly, Responsibility in earthly life ....
Earthly, Separation of the spirits .... The end of an earthly period
Earthly, Spiritual and earthly change close at hand ....
Earthly, Spiritual hardship greater than earthly .... The adversary’s
activity ....
Earthly, Standstill of earthly life ....
Earthly, Temptation in form of earthly amusements ....
Earthly, The earthly path of angel-beings ....
Earthly, The meaning of earthly life .... Kind-hearted activity ....
Earthly, The short phase of earthly life decides the fate in the
beyond ....
Earthly, The soul consciously starts earthly life .... Past memory
Earthly, Togetherness in love .... Easy earthly path ....
Earthly, Total change earthly and spiritually ....
Earthly, What was the human being and what is his earthly task? ....
Earthly, Worthlessness and transience of earthly possessions ....
Earthly, Worthlessness of earthly knowledge in the beyond ....
Easter ....
Easy reception .... Blessings of faith ....
Ecclesiastical commandments ....
Ecclesiastical organisation ....
Ecclesiastical, Collapse of ecclesiastical organisations .... True
church ....
Ecclesiastical, Infallibility .... Ecclesiastical commandments ....
Ecclesiastical, Peter’s successors. .. Ecclesiastical-secular power
Ecclesiastical, Unification of ecclesiastical organisations? ....
Spoilt teachings ....
Ecclesiastical, Unity of ecclesiastical denominations? ....
Effect of atheism in the beyond ....
Effect of free will .... Sudden death ....
Effect of misguided teachings in the beyond ....
Effect of the strength of love ....
Effect on uninformed spiritual beings ....
Effect, Beneficial effect of God’s Word .... Awakening - Life ....
Effect, Forgiveness .... Atonement .... Justice .... (Law of cause and
Effect, Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will .... Deed and
effect ....
Effect, The effects of God’s Word ....
Effect, Tradition .... Sacraments .... Sacramental effect ....
Embodied beings of light .... Jesus’ disciples during His time on
earth ....
Embodied beings of light .... Lack of past memory .... Forerunner ....
Embodied beings of light, Satanic activity .... Countermeasure by
embodied beings of light ....
Emergence of the Antichrist ....
Emergence of the Work of Creation `Earth’ ....
Emissaries .... Prayer .... Admonition ....
Emotional and intellectual thinking .... Truth ....
Encouragement for diligent vineyard work ....
End and Rapture .... Paradise of the new earth ....
End of a Period of Salvation and Start of a New One ....
End of the period of Salvation .... God’s plan of Salvation ....
End of the world conflagration .... Establishing divine order ....
End of the world .... Judgment Day ....
End Prophecies .... Are you My Own? ....
End time prophesies and admonitions ....
End time, Spreading the Gospel .... End time disciples ....
End time, The end time disciples’ faith without proof ....
End, Announcement of the end and signs of the time ....
End, Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters for God
End, Concerning end time revelations ....
End, Determining the time of the end - False prophets ....
End, Doubting God’s existence in the end time ....
End, Earth - School for the spirit .... Means to an end .... An end in
itself ....
End, Experiments towards the end of the earth .... Activating forces
End, Faithless humanity .... The end is near ....
End, God’s intervention .... The end of the struggle ....
End, `I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world ....’
End, `I will remain with you ....’ `I will send you the Comforter
End, `I will send you the Comforter ....’ (Explanation of apparent
End, Indicating the end of an era ....
End, Is life on earth an end in itself or the means to an end ....
End, Separation of the spirits .... The end of an earthly period ....
End, Spiritual low level .... The end of a salvation period ....
End, Success at the end of an earth-period .... Scientists ....
End, Sudden end amid the ecstasy of worldly pleasure ....
End, Sudden end even for the believers ....
End, The day of the end is decided for eternity ....
End, The day of the end will be adhered to ....
End, The end is determined by people themselves .... Low level ....
End, The end of a period of Salvation is assured to you ....
End, The end time justifies the gifts of grace ....
End, The end will come for certain ....
End, The end will come unexpectedly ....
End, The end will come without fail ....
End, The near end demands increased vineyard work ....
End, The near end should be mentioned time and again ....
End, The powerful Voice of God .... The End of the Battle ....
End, The predetermined day of the end will be kept .... Time
indication .... Distribution ....
End, The time of the end is imminent ....
End, Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants ....
Ending the struggle between the nations ....
Enemies of the human race .... Battle .... `Victory is yours ....’
Enforced actions are worthless for eternity ....
Enforced teachings ....
`Enter into thy closet ....’
Errors .... The Lord Himself walks amongst people .... Proclamation of
a wise disciple ....
Eruptions .... Activity of unbound spirits ....
Eruptions are an Act of Liberation for the Spiritual Substances Bound
in the Solid Form ....
Eruptions .... Diversity of stars ....
Eruptions .... Natural forces .... Divine Order ....
Eruptions .... Work of Creation .... Researchers ....
Eruptions, Fulfilment of the Scripture .... Eruptions .... Ocean and
mainland ....
Eruptions, Inner Earth activity .... Eruptions ....
Eruptions, Spiritual explanation for the eruptions .... Service in the
light ....
Eruptions, Sun systems .... Fire-spewing mountain .... Eruptions ....
Establishing spiritual contacts on earth .... Help from the beings in
the beyond ....
Eternal damnation ....
Eternal order is love .... Satan’s activity ....
Eternal, Do not forfeit your eternal life ....
Eternal, Free will is fundamental eternal law .... Attaining beatitude
Eternal, God’s Word will be heard eternally ....
Eternal, Good and evil .... Eternal law ....
Eternal, It concerns eternal life ....
Eternal, Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life ....
Eternal, Knowledge of the eternal plan of Salvation ....
Eternal, Living water .... Source of eternal life ....
Eternal, Retribution - Atonement .... Eternal Order .... Forgiveness
through Christ ....
Eternal, The Eternal Light descended to Earth ....
Eternal, The eternal Trinity ....
Eternal, The path to the eternal home ....
Eternal, Violation of eternal law .... Temptations ....
Even suffering is grace .... `Father, Your will be done ....’
Everlasting battle against the world ....
Every being fell and ascends voluntarily ....
Every day is a gift ....
Every person has to accept the consequences of his knowledge ....
Every person is addressed by God ....
Every soul is an original spirit ....
Every soul starts its earthly progress consciously ....
Everyone can hear God’s speech .... in form of thoughts ....
Everyone would be able to hear God speaking ....
Everything has meaning and purpose .... Pests .... Weeds ....
Everything serves to attain perfection ....
Everything that happens serves to perfect the soul ....
Evidence of Jesus’ existence on earth ....
Evidence, Countless evidence of God ....
Evidence, Freedom of will excludes evidence of faith ....
Evidence, Healing the sick .... Signs and miracles .... Evidence of
faith ....
Evidence, Historic evidence of Jesus and His act of Salvation does not
exist ....
Evidence, Moods .... Depressions .... Evidence of love ....
Evidence, The human being may not be compelled into believing by way
of evidence ....
Evidence, The working of the spirit in the wakeful state ....
Evidence: reasons ....
Evil forces .... Earthly possessions .... Treasures for the beyond
Evil forces .... Good spiritual beings .... Reason and miracle of the
proclamations ....
Evil, About the origin of evil ....
Evil, `Deliver us from evil ....’
Evil, Free will .... Knowledge of good and evil .... The new earth
Evil, Good and evil .... Eternal law ....
Evil, Good and evil .... Law of eternity ....
Evil, How did Evil Arise? ....
Evil, Regarding the question of the origin of evil ....
Evil, Thinking apparatus .... Influx of good or evil strength ....
Evil, Unbelief and devils during the last days .... Battle of faith
.... The coming of the Lord ....
Evil, Unjustified objection, being destined to be evil ....
Evil, Warning .... The Saviour’s love .... Warning against evil forces
Evil, Where did evil come from? ....
Examination of spiritual `receptions’ ....
Examination, Answers to questions .... Serious examination of the
origin ....
Examination, Danger of accepting established traditions ....
Examination ....
Examination, Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God’s
support ....
Examining deviating spiritual information .... (Spiritualism?)
Examining Spiritual Information ....
Exceptional help at the time of misery ....
Exceptional, Apparent calm .... Exceptional strength .... The coming
of the Lord ....
Exceptional, God’s exceptional help after the natural disaster ....
Exceptional, Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person ....
Exceptional opportunity for God to reveal Himself ....
Exercise to hear the voice of the spirit ....
Existence of God .... Worldly scholars .... Heart and intellect ....
Existence, Belief in the existence of Jesus ....
Existence, Can God’s existence be proven? ....
Existence, Diversity of earthly existence .... You would pray for
suffering ....
Existence, Doubting God’s existence in the end time ....
Existence, Evidence of Jesus’ existence on earth ....
Existence, Explanation about the `existence as a human being’ ....
Existence, Purpose of earthly existence as a human being ....
Existence, Purpose of earthly existence ....
Existence, Struggle for existence is essential ....
Existence, Who believes in the long path before human existence ....
Expediency of creations .... God’s will ....
Experiments towards the end of the earth .... Activating forces ....
Experiments .... Work of destruction ....
Experiments, Destruction of earth is the result of experiments ....
Experiments, Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the
destruction of earth ....
Explaining the process of transcription .... Truth ....
Explaining the various characters of the Word-recipients ....
Explanation about baptism with water ....
Explanation about different Word-reception ....
Explanation about re-incarnation .... Jesus and Salvation ....
Explanation about `spiritual spark’ and `soul’ ....
Explanation about strokes of fate ....
Explanation about the coming of the Lord ....
Explanation about the `existence as a human being’ ....
Explanation and reason for an arduous destiny ....
Explanation for the unusual knowledge ....
Explanation of `blessing’ ....
Explanation of matter and its task ....
Explanation of the many cases of death: Closing the gates to the
beyond ....
Explanation of this remarkable gift of grace ....
Explanation regarding free will ....
Explanation regarding original spirit and apostasy ....
Explanation, Bible message is teaching of love .... Jesus’ explanation
.... Transcripts ....
Explanation, Body, soul and spirit .... Explanation ....
Explanation, Further explanation regarding the soul ....
Explanation, Hour of death .... Explanation of suffering ....
Explanation, `I will send you the Comforter ....’ (Explanation of
apparent contradictions)
Explanation, Spiritual explanation for the eruptions .... Service in
the light ....
Exposure of misguided teachings is God’s will ....
Expression of the Divine Spirit .... Satan as an Angel of Light ....
Extent of divine love ....
Extraordinary disposition .... Christian teaching changed into secular
teaching ....
Extraordinary events are signs of the approaching end ....
`Eye has not seen ....’