Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Keyword List Sorted by - W -

formed from the headlines of all currently
translated Revelations by Bertha Dudde

Warning about communicating with the beyond ....   7673
Warning against amendments ....   8802   8805
Warning against rejecting the divine Word .... `Test all things and ....’   4587
Warning .... The Saviour’s love .... Warning against evil forces ....   0211   0212
Warning, A Warning not to Change the Word of God ....   9030
Warning, Duty of distribution .... Warning of unfamiliar knowledge ....   5808
Warning, Serious admonition and warning of transience ....   5594
Warning, Serious warning about God’s intervention and consequences ....   7052
Warning, Serious warning about the end ....   7596
Warning, Serious warning against psychic receptions ....   7977
Warning, Speaking in tongues .... Warning against wrong spirit ....   6013b
Warning, Spiritual protection .... Warning ....   0213
Warning, The destruction of the old earth .... Experience in the flesh .... Warning ....   4116
Was Adam the only human being created by God? ....   8236   8237
Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human manifestation? ....   8750
`Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation ....’   4662
Wave of awakenings during the last days ....   5457
Weak faith or unbelief ....   8197
Weak faith, Prediction of a swiftly approaching end .... Weak faith therein ....   3964
Wealth or poverty is neither an advantage nor a hindrance to attaining beatitude ....   7110
What are -means of grace- ? ....   6831
What can be regarded as divine revelation? ....   8862
What did Jesus’ body consist of? ....   8586   8620
What fate is the world heading towards ....   9020
What is a right prayer? ....   7274
What is faith? ....   4017
What is love? .... Changing selfish love into neighbourly love ....   8032
What is Spiritual Hardship? ....   7209
What is the purpose of life on earth? ....   7797
What is the soul ....   6647
What is the world? ....   8919
What is truth? .... Where can it be found? ....   5700
What is, Spiritualisation of soul and body .... What is the physical body? ....   8573
What kind of prayer will be granted ....   8738
What was the human being and what is his earthly task? ....   8582
What would have happened if Adam had not failed? ....   9005
`Whatever you ask the Father in My name ....’   6374
When and why did the perfect beings become imperfect? ....   8887
When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the spirit? ....   5569
Where did evil come from? ....   7618   7618a
Where God’s Word is recognised, that is where He is present ....   8514
`Where two or three are gathered together in My name ....’   2107   4507   7075
Which forces trigger natural disasters? ....   6875
Which knowledge is `patchwork’? ....   8769
Which messages guarantee the truth ....   9013
Whitsun experience ....   7897
Whitsun, Deification .... Spiritual spark .... Whitsun May 25, 1955   6269
Whitsun, The outpouring of the spirit .... Whitsun ....   8516
Who admires the world also honors Satan   5776
Who believes in the long path before human existence ....   8819
Who has the right to `teach’? ....   8758
Who was embodied in Adam? ....   7463   7465
`Whoever is loved by God ....’   5647
Whoever is taught by God requires no further external knowledge ....   5150
`Whoever loves his life shall lose it ....’   5024
`Whoever remains in love ....’ Strange gods ....   6796
`Whoever sees Me sees the Father ....’   3621
`Whose soever sins ye remit ....’   6709   8373
`Whoso eateth My flesh ....’   3728
`Whosoever shall confess Me before men ....’   7216
Why constantly New Revelations? ....   9002
Why do People so Easily Fall Prey to Error? .... Truth ....   8644
Why do we have to do penance for Adam’s sin? ....   9006
Why is God speaking to people? ....   8568
Why is our past memory taken from us ....   7127
Why is the information about the process of return not known? ....   8465
Why prayer is necessary ....   2409
Will and deed .... Responsibility ....   2489
Will and grace .... (Which comes first? ....)   2468
Will for descendants .... Waiting souls ....   2795
Will - Grace .... (Objection Philippians 2 - 13)   1937
Will of resistance to truth (Bible) ....   6125
Will to help and work of the beings of light ....   5536
Willing to help, The souls’ wretchedness .... Being of service and willing to help .... Reward ....   0252
Willingness to give, Contact with the beyond .... Willingness to give .... (Spiritualism) ....   2496
Willingness to transcribe .... Receiving the living Word .... Authenticity ....   0718
Willingness, All willingness to help is blessed by God ....   5635
Willingness, Selfless service in every walk of life .... Poverty .... Willingness to give ....   3918
Willingness, The embodied light beings’ willingness to help ....   8664
Willpower .... Strength and might ....   3724
Wise disciple, Errors .... The Lord Himself walks amongst people .... Proclamation of a wise disciple ....   0247
Wisdom, light and strength are as one ....   2194
Wisdom, Earthly knowledge is not `wisdom’ ....   6931
Wisdom, Earthly knowledge is worthless in the beyond .... Wisdom ....   7415
Wisdom, `I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’   4744
Wisdom, Light .... Radiance .... Wisdom ....   7900
Wisdom, Love - Wisdom .... Selfish love - Error - Darkness ....   3649
Wisdom, Love is the key to wisdom ....   7251
Wisdom, Teaching ministry .... `I will destroy the wisdom of the wise ....’   8069
Wisdom, The ability to receive divine wisdom through the heart ....   4498
Wisdom, `The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed ....’   2375
Wisdom, Words of love .... Words of wisdom .... Teaching ministry .... Criticism on publishing ....   4963
`With God nothing is impossible ....’   4082
With the Lord a thousand years are as one day ....   6479
Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants ....   5743
Witnesses, The Lord’s return .... Present time .... Witnesses of the new earth ....   5077
Wolf in sheep’s clothing .... Forerunner of the Lord before His return ....   0685
Wolf, Achieving beatitude - Free will .... Wolf amongst sheep ....   5041
Word of God, Resistance to evil through desire for God .... Spirit of light .... The Word of God as weapon ....   0382
Words of comfort .... Suffering - Illness .... Connection with God ....   6124
Words of love .... Words of wisdom .... Teaching ministry .... Criticism on publishing ....   4963
Words of, Fatherly Words of blessing ....   5482
Words of, Serious Words of admonition regarding the end ....   7211
Words, Comforting Words ....   1923
Work and be active for the eternity   6305
Work of love for misguided souls ....   3483
`Work of the spirit’ and the work of the spirit world ....   7829
Work, Emergence of the Work of Creation `Earth’ ....   7924
Work, Hallowed halls .... Blessing of the work for spiritual beings ....   0187
Work, Jesus’ act of Salvation was the beginning of a new phase in the work of return ....   8600
Work, Purpose of the Work .... Numerical Prediction .... Transmission of Inconceivable Significance ....   1086
Work, Reason for the work of transformation ....   8609
Work, The Magnitude of the Work of Destruction ....   4441
Work, `Work of the spirit’ and the work of the spirit world ....   7829
Working for God and His kingdom ....   4171
Working for the kingdom of God .... Mission ....   3284
Working, Incarnated beings of light .... The working of the spirit - Channeled communications ....   8207
Working, Understanding the working of the spirit ....   8254
Working, When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the spirit? ....   5569
Working, Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures .... The working of the spirit ....   7103
Working, Characteristic of the church of Christ: The working of the spirit ....   5174
Working, Clarification regarding the working of the spirit ....   7637
Working, Conditions for the working of the spirit ....   3615
World clock .... Final hours ....   5266
World conflagration .... Natural disaster .... Decision ....   9025
World conflagration, End of the world conflagration .... Establishing divine order ....   2803
World conflagration, Spiritual chaos .... World conflagration .... Messiah .... The forerunner of the Lord ....   0801
World event .... Chaos .... Antichrist ....   6762
World event .... Natural disaster .... Battle of faith ....   6590
World events, Confirmation of prophesies .... World events ....   1842
World events, Logical reasons for world events ....   6588
World events, Omnipotence of divine love .... World events ....   1456
Worshipping the mother of God ....   4752
Worthlessness and transience of earthly possessions ....   0671
Worthlessness of earthly knowledge in the beyond ....   5801
Wrong image of God .... Misguided teachings ....   8035
Wrong interpretation of Jesus’ Words ....   8688
Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures .... Misguided teachings ....   2524
Wrong interpretation of the Scriptures .... The working of the spirit ....   7103
Wrong portrayal of God .... Error ....   8615
Wrong, Creation of the beings .... Wrong will ....   2100
Wrong, Fate in eternity corresponds to will .... Love of matter is wrong ....   3969
Wrong, Immortality of soul .... Wrong doctrine ....   4723
Wrong, Speaking in tongues .... Warning against wrong spirit ....   6013b
Wrong, Strength of faith of a living but wrong belief ....   4936
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