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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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received through and written down by Bertha Dudde

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
The Word of God: Unadulterated truth....
Why do you humans hesitate to accept the pure truth?.... I herewith speak to those who reject spiritual knowledge purely because it was received in an unusual way, because it was not acquired through study or intellectual thought but clearly reveals that it flowed forth from a different source. Why do you value the knowledge you possess so highly that you are unwilling to let go of it? Who guarantees you the truth of this knowledge, which certainly was passed on from person to person time and again but which was naturally also always subject to changes because nothing remains as pure as it was given to the imperfect human race in the past. I, the Eternal Truth, will always take care that the pure and unadulterated truth is conveyed to people but, for the sake of their freedom of will, I cannot prevent this pure truth from being repeatedly spoilt. But it should also make sense to you humans that no guarantee can be given that it will be kept clean.... Hence, each one of you should be able to understand that time and again I will make sure that people will be able to live in truth.... and you should be grateful for this and longingly accept this truth as soon as it is offered to you. But what do you humans do?.... You are hostile towards those who offer you something very exquisite; you shake them off you like irritating insects and thus throw away the opportunity that I speak to Myself and 'guide you into truth', as I have promised. You are satisfied with something that has become worthless, with nourishment which no longer contains any nutrients, for your soul is meant to mature fully during your life on earth and, for this purpose, needs hearty sustenance which only My Word, which is the truth from God, can provide. If, however, it is offered food which no longer contains any strength whatsoever, the soul cannot possibly mature.... And this food is the knowledge you traditionally adopted, of which you did not even once seriously form an opinion but which you diligently endorse as truth and ignore the pure truth from Me, which is offered to you by My love time and again. Admittedly, as human beings you believe yourselves incapable of judging what is truth or error.... and likewise deny this power of judgment to your fellow human beings and, therefore, insistently adhere to the knowledge you possess.... but you forget that I Myself.... the Light of Eternity.... want to bring light to you as well and certainly have the power to do so. But on account of your freedom of will My activity must take place within a natural framework, otherwise it would be easy for Me to address you loudly and clearly from above and inform you of My will. And thus I repeatedly transmit the truth to you humans in an entirely natural way, as I have promised. For My Word 'Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away....' is also a confirmation of this, because only the pure truth is My Word.... If this is to remain, I must convey it to you over and over again in all purity, because people do not protect it from becoming spoilt, because people change and distort both its words as well as its meaning as long as they have not awakened their indwelling spirit, and because this spiritual awakening has only rarely happened with those who deemed themselves called to interpret My Word. __You humans move within a tangled mass of error.... you usually merely hold on to words whose meaning you don't understand.... Nor do you know the correlations, because the knowledge of this is only the result of the awakening of the spirit.... Neither have you got the deep desire to hear your Father's voice, if you actually listen to the 'Word of God'.... It is more an involvement of the intellect than the heart, and I Myself can only speak to you through the heart, thus My Word bypasses your ears ineffectively.... Besides, you can only receive the pure truth from Me if you seriously desire truth, because then you will also desire to enter into contact with Me as the Eternal Truth, because through your desire you also prove your love and your faith in Me. Consequently, you humans, who reject the messengers wanting to bring you the truth, know that you are without love and without faith even if your mouth says otherwise.... You know that your Christianity merely observes formalities, that it is not a living Christianity, otherwise you would have come alive and would also be able to speak of the 'working of the spirit' in you.... that your thinking would then be guided right through the spirit. Then you would also learn to distinguish between the pure truth flowing forth from Me and the 'additional human work'.... the teachings, which certainly originated from Me once but which have become so distorted by people that they can no longer be described as 'My Word'. But the fact that I constantly convey My pure Word to you again ensures that you receive the 'pure truth', which can only originate from Me, the Eternal Truth. For this reason you can only receive it again directly from Me or be taught by those who receive it directly.... for your fellow human beings will be unable to guarantee that they distribute truth if they gained the knowledge intellectually or adopted it according to tradition. You must always take into account that the truth will never remain pure as soon as it is guarded by imperfect people.... unless they are enlightened by My spirit. But they will also unhesitatingly condemn and denounce what does not correspond to the truth from Me.... The living water will always have to be drawn from the source. I Myself, as the Eternal Truth, will always have to be the origin of the knowledge you humans ought to accept as truth, and therefore you will always have to establish the bond with Me Myself first if you want to gain possession of truth.... But you can rest assured that it will not be denied to those of you who earnestly desire truth.... __Amen
Sincere desire for truth guarantees truth....
Understand that it only requires a sincere desire for truth in order to be able to receive it.... Yet this sincere desire is rarely to be found, even though every person claims to strive for truth. But this, too, is just something people say without spending any thought on it, given that the desire for truth ought to arise from deep within the heart and not leave the person again.... he should dread nothing more than falling prey to error, and therefore he has to approach Me in his heart and appeal to Me to impart the truth to him. And it will be given to him.... If, however, the human being has received knowledge and holds on to this knowledge without ever having checked that it is true, then it will also be difficult to offer him the truth if it does not correspond to his knowledge, for he will refuse to let go of his knowledge in exchange for the pure truth.... In that case he lacks the inner desire for truth, and he will also be incapable of examining it because he fails to make contact with Me, because he fails to appeal to Me for spiritual enlightenment in order to be able to form a correct opinion. This is why it is not always possible to convey the pure truth to earth, this is why so much spiritual information is assumed to be true although it cannot lay claim to it. And yet it is endorsed as truth.... especially if it originated from the spiritual kingdom, if people believe that they definitely have received the truth. But since the recipient's sincere desire is a prerequisite for the conveyance of truth, the `origin from the spiritual kingdom' does not always guarantee the truth of what is transmitted to earth.... rather, it necessitates serious examination. And this has to be conducted with Me, with My support. __For the spiritual kingdom also shelters beings of darkness or imperfect beings which still uphold the incorrect knowledge they have taken across from earth and which they just as eagerly endorse in the kingdom of the beyond as they have done on earth. The human being is unable to detach himself from what he loves even in the spiritual kingdom. And that is significant for his process of development, since it can last eternities until such a soul has liberated itself, until it finally starts to accept the truth. But it can influence people in the spiritual kingdom detrimentally if it finds willing people to whom it can mentally transmit wrong information or through statements made to people who consider themselves mediums who consciously establish contact from earth to the spiritual kingdom. Such contact can and will only be beneficial if the human being is governed by the sincere desire for truth and always appeals for support through My spirit.... Then there will be no risk, then the person will build a firm wall around himself which ignorant beings cannot overstep and only the world of light will have access to him, which will truly only impart the truth from Me because it works on My instructions and because it is My will that you shall be taught the pure truth.... __And everyone should examine himself as to what extent he wants the truth.... He shall fear error and always pray to Me for protection from it and his appeal will be granted, for I Myself want you humans to live in truth; I Myself want you to receive it, hence I will also provide you with the opportunity, always assuming that the same will for truth is inherent in you which is your certain protection from misguided spiritual information, from erroneous thinking and wrong interpretation of what you are offered. For the truth-desiring human being will also have the right power of judgment, because I convey it to him at the same time as the truth and therefore he is also able to examine the value of the spiritual information. I Myself Am the Truth, I Myself want to enter into contact with My living creations and thus I also want My living creations to live in truth.... And I will protect them from the influence of beings which try to spread error and disguise themselves as beings of light in order to deceive you into becoming victims of misconceptions. The close bond with Me also guarantees correct thinking, correct instruction, it guarantees you the transmission of truth through the spirit.... For the spiritual spark inside of you is part of Me, and it will truly instruct you correctly.... You should all endeavour to be directly taught by your spirit so that you won't need to abide by transmissions from the spiritual world which you cannot verify because you don't know the spiritual state of those who receive such channelled messages.... for there is always a great danger of interference by beings who lack realisation.... But wherever My spirit is at work you will know that I speak to you Myself and that I really impart the truth to you because I want My living creations on earth to live in truth.... because only through truth can they attain Me and therefore also bliss.... __Amen
Truth is light.... Darkness the result of heartlessness....
He who seeks will also find, yet intellect alone will never be able to differentiate between truth and error.... His will to possess the pure truth has to come from the bottom of his heart, and then his heart will be able to separate truth from error.... __There is widespread error in the world which means that one can indeed speak of dense darkness, for truth alone is light.... And it almost seems as if the truth would no longer be able to prevail but be overwhelmed by darkness.... But time after time it will penetrate again as a ray of light and enlighten a person who yearns for the truth. Yet it cannot be attained purely intellectually, otherwise clever people would indeed always have to have the truth and a less gifted person would be shut off from all light.... But coming into possession of the pure truth is determined by a different factor.... __A heart has to be willing and able to love, then the light will ignite in the human being by itself, and then he will be able to distinguish truth from error.... He will avidly accept the truth and reject every inaccuracy. The fact that the earth is engulfed by profound darkness is due to people's heartless way of life.... Heartlessness is the equivalent of spiritual darkness.... Only love is the light which bestows brightest realisation, love awakens the human being's spiritual spark to life, and love emanates the light of wisdom. And thus someone with a heart that is willing to love will not fall prey to error either, his thinking will move within the truth for he is already connected to Me through love, and then the light ray of My love can enter his heart and tell him everything he desires to know. __And only a loving person will actually ponder whether he is thinking correctly, whether he receives the truth or has fallen prey to error when he is offered spiritual knowledge.... For a heartless person couldn't care less whether his thoughts are right or wrong.... Yet only the human being who recognises and accepts the truth will be happy, for the truth will set him free and only then will he find the right purpose in his earthly life.... Only the truth will inform him about the meaning and purpose of his earthly existence, the truth will always provide inner peace, and he will find the goal worth striving for which he believes he has recognised in the truth.... __Through truth the person will also come close to Me, he will recognise and strive towards Me, and he will regard every error to be against Me and reject or fight it. His earthly life, too, will only appear worth living to him when he has received truthful knowledge about all correlations and the human being's correct relationship to God, his Creator and Provider, and he will strive towards Him in the knowledge of finding beatitude which, as a human being, he is as yet unable to experience. Earthly life will also only appear meaningful to him when he is truthfully instructed about everything.... Darkness, in contrast, cannot make a person happy, and every misguided teaching is spiritual darkness which can never please a person but should be penetrated by a ray of light, which denotes truthful knowledge.... __The person requesting truth is rich indeed, for he will receive it without fail, because I Am truth Myself and every wish for Me will be granted.... Nevertheless, it is very difficult to bring light into the profound spiritual darkness in which people live at present, precisely because people are blind and no longer able to even see a ray of light.... Their eyes have been weakened by deceptive lights and can no longer perceive a soft ray of light.... And they chase after these deceptive lights and get caught in ever greater darkness.... But they cannot be forced to accept the true light, being in darkness they have to yearn wholeheartedly for a ray of light, then they will also be illuminated from within and be so pleasantly touched by it that they will want to escape the darkness. And time and again I let the light shine to earth and I also know who desires the truth.... and truly, he will receive it, but first it has to be preceded by a genuine desire for it.... __But every human will is free, and if he turns to the light he will truly not need to regret it.... If, however, he seeks darkness he will perish in darkness, for it will only ever lead into My adversary's domain, whereas truth will lead to Me Who can only be reached through truth, for truth gives you humans a clear idea of what you need for your soul, and thus truth is the path that leads to Me and to eternal life.... Truth is the light that emanates from Me and enlightens the heart of every person who lives with loves and wants to unite with Me, the Eternal Love.... He will reach his goal, permeated by light he will return to his Father's house.... __Amen
Truth emanates from God himself....
Desire the truth.... and truly, this spiritual request will be granted to you. But don't search for this truth in books which are based on human intellect again, which are purely intellectual thoughts.... assumptions, for which no evidence can be provided. For as soon as you assume that people are capable of ascertaining the truth by themselves, you are mistaken, because pure truth originates from Me alone, as I Myself Am the Eternal Truth. Therefore I say, request the truth from Me, sincerely appeal to Me for it and you shall receive it. The truth, as I want it to be understood and which you should request of Me, is a wealth of knowledge of a spiritual nature.... It is knowledge which extends into spiritual spheres and which can never be substantiated by evidence.... it is the knowledge of your existence, its reason and purpose.... it is the knowledge of the Power Which brought everything into existence and of the relationship between you humans and this Power.... It is the knowledge about the nature, reign and activity of this Power, Which has created everything that exists.... It is impossible for any human being's intellect to provide a truthful explanation of this, such an explanation can only be given by the Eternal Truth Itself.... Hence you have to ask It yourselves. It is I Who can and wants to give you an answer because I Am the highest Authority and also the Love, Which wants to please you, My living creations, with this knowledge. But I can only reveal Myself to those who sincerely desire truth.... yet they will not ask Me in vain to impart the truth to them.... __However, only a few people have this sincere desire.... Mostly they are indifferent or they unreservedly accept what is given to them by their fellow human beings who also merely use their intellect but cannot guarantee that their reasoning was guided correctly. Not many are interested in the basic questions relating to their existence as human beings, and the belief in a God of love, wisdom and might is not always strong enough to ask Him for enlightenment. The pure truth, however, can only emanate from Me, and their wrong attitude towards Me, their God and Creator, is the reason why people live in error and devoid of all truthful knowledge and thus don't make use of their earthly life which could lead them to perfection.... Their indifference towards truth is a side effect of the human souls' immense immaturity, for they are still dominated by My adversary who tries to prevent everything which could provide people with clarification, because he doesn't want to lose them and can only control them as long as their spirit is dark, far removed from the truth; but only truth leads people to perfection, truth alone is beatitude, it is a light which illuminates the darkness of night that is spread across the earth.... __I Myself Am the Truth, and thus anyone who knows the truth is closely united with Me.... As long as you humans are not truthfully instructed you lack the light for your earthly path of life.... Admittedly, you keep walking, but where is the path leading to without truth?.... It can only lead into the abyss, whereas you will irrevocably ascend if you take the path of truth, for this is brightly illuminated and leads you to the goal, to Me Who is Eternal Truth Itself. And I Am truly always willing to guide you into truth, as I promised when I lived on earth.... I will reveal Myself in My love, wisdom and might to every person who simply desires in his heart to hear Me, to be guided into truth by Me.... This is the most important prayer you can send to Me, for this plea demonstrates your serious will to return, it also proves to Me that you acknowledge Me as your God and Father, and it is a spiritual request which will surely be granted.... For as soon as I can convey the pure truth to you, you will also learn to get to know and love Me in My nature.... And I want your love, I yearn for your love which is only deep and pure if you, through the conveyance of pure truth, know about everything, your origin and past relationship with Me and the goal which shall unite you with Me again.... Then love will ignite in you and you will push ever closer to Me and thus can also be guided into ever more profound knowledge which will make you extremely happy.... You will learn about My eternal plan of Salvation, about the Father's love for His children and the great work of return, for which every single person can also offer Me his services.... You will learn to love Me.... And this love will make you blissfully happy, for it will lead to the final union with Me, to eternal life.... Yet only the truth leads to the goal and thus you humans should strive for the truth, you should lovingly hand yourselves over to Me and let yourselves be taught by Me, and then you will indeed be instructed by Me, your God and Father, Who knows everything and Who thus can and wants to teach you everything because He loves you.... __Amen
Teaching ministry.... 'I will destroy the wisdom of the w...
You can only correctly administer a teaching ministry if you possess the correct teaching material which corresponds to the truth. And precisely this teaching material should be seriously scrutinised by you if you want to educate your fellow human beings, because only that which came forth from Me as pure truth is a blessing. Yet this scrutiny is usually omitted, people accept unhesitatingly and as a matter of course what they receive as truth and even take care to spread it without having established the origin, without being firmly convinced themselves of having received the truth. But a teacher's position is a responsible one, for he can bestow great blessings but also poisonously influence people's hearts because only truth benefits the soul, while error is genuine poison. And anyone who wants to teach can clarify for himself whether he represents pure truth, providing he has the serious will to stand up for it and appeals to Me Myself for assistance to enlighten His thoughts and not to let him go astray. He will certainly find My support and I Myself will guide him into truth. For this is My promise to you and it will come true because My Word is truth. And you must know the truth, for then you will walk with Me, whereas error will time and again result im My adversary's company, who only wants to cause you damage and therefore prevents you from attaining the light of truth. For this reason, every teacher has a great responsibility if he spreads something that does not correspond to the truth. And you humans believe that you can acquire truthful knowledge through study.... you believe, that you can attain spiritual knowledge by intellectual means and only pay attention to those people who thus have adopted ample intellectual knowledge, and are also willing to acknowledge it as truth. But I will 'destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent....' Do you now understand the meaning of these Words? You will never come into possession of the pure truth if you don't come to Me yourselves and desire the truth from Me.... For I have reserved it for Myself to guide you into truth, because I alone know who is receptive for it, who has the spiritual maturity in order to recognise the truth as such.... And the spiritual maturity, in turn, depends on the human being's serious will to live according to My will. Contact in spirit and in truth must have been established with Me first, so that My flow of love can pour into the person, and this flow of love is the transfer of My Word, of the truth, in the form of thoughts or the audibly conveyed Word.... Then the person will be guaranteed to know the truth, his thinking will be right, and he need not fear to fall prey to error, for the heartfelt bond with Me and the desire for truth will protect him from it.... But where can such desire be found among the teachers, who believe themselves to know the truth.... who have not yet understood the spiritual correlations, who do not know which prerequisites need to be fulfilled in order to be deemed worthy by Me to receive the truth?.... Spiritual knowledge is indifferently adopted through tradition and taught, and people accept it again without thinking it through, and thus enter into spiritual darkness or they cannot find their way out of the darkness they are in.... For misguided teachings cannot enlighten anyone, instead, they only increase the darkness and cause spiritual hardship to souls, because they need light in order to take the right path which leads to higher spheres. And all this must also make the urgency of My revelations understandable for you humans, for the time left is only short, and if people are to find and take the right path they will need light to illuminate the path for them. Light, however, can only come from above, and everyone administering a teaching position should first make contact with the light of eternity in order to be illuminated by this light himself, and truly, the spiritual hardship would not be as great if the truth were accepted by people.... And whatever can still be done by Me will certainly happen, for only truth sets people free, only truth guides people back to Me, and only through truth can you humans become blissfully happy.... __Amen
God Himself is the source of the revelations....
Time and again you receive the assurance from Me that you will be able to come into possession of the pure truth providing it is your sincere will.... For you may rest assured that it is indeed possible for Me to convey the truth to earth, because I have the power to do so.... You may also believe that I Am motivated by My greater than great love to bestow upon you the pure truth because you can only attain eternal life by way of truth. And although I determine which conditions have to be fulfilled in order to receive the truth I will surely also know Myself which human being can and wants to fulfil these conditions.... And thus I will also choose the right vessel for Myself through which I can transmit the pure truth to earth. Therefore you need not doubt every communication from the spiritual kingdom and presume that it is interspersed with error, and you will also be able to examine each one with My help, that is, by invoking Me Myself to enlighten your spirit if you want to make this examination. __But what would happen to you humans if there was no possibility for the pure unadulterated truth to get to earth?.... As long as you acknowledge a God Who is truth Himself you can also ask for and expect to receive the truth from this God, because He is a God of love, wisdom and might.... Who wants to win you back and also knows all ways and means to reach his goal, and Who also has the power to accomplish what love and wisdom decide. But you humans have to believe in Me, your God and Creator Who, as Father, wants to give you everything you need in order to mature and become blissfully happy. __And the most important thing is the truth, which every human being can and will receive if he seriously desires it.... But if you doubt that pure truth can be given to you.... if you always fear the influence of opposing forces, then you truly also deny My love, wisdom and might and give supreme control to My adversary.... which he has indeed over people who do not genuinely strive for Me, who thus still grant him power over themselves.... And it has to be clear to you whether your desire for the pure truth is genuine and heartfelt.... you also have to know that your intellect alone is unable to scrutinize it.... You have let your heart speak, and this will clearly tell you what you may accept as truth.... for your intellect can still be full of wrong ideas which you don't want to give up.... In that case, however, you cannot speak of a sincere desire for truth either.... You have to completely free yourselves from your previously socially acquired knowledge and only desire the pure truth from Me.... And then you will truly get everything back that corresponds to the truth.... You will become particularly distinctly aware of all correlations, and only then will you blissfully feel that you are in possession of the truth.... Much spiritual information is spread as truth which cannot lay claim to such, and therefore everything has to be examined. Your intellect alone, however, is unable to do so, yet as soon as you are in intimate contact with Me and desire the truth I will be able to enlighten your intellect, and then you will also think in accordance with the truth and be able to make a correct judgment. But what would it look like on earth if the transmission of pure truth from above would not be possible?.... In that case I could not demand responsibility from anyone of you, then the adversary would be in full control over you, and you would never have the opportunity to find Me, to love and to unite with Me, for all this would be prevented by the prince of darkness. My light, however, also penetrates the darkness, My light shines from above down to earth, and truly, every person may enter into this illumination.... __But light will only ever be spread by the truth, and therefore you can always be certain that I.... being Eternal Light Myself.... will also emanate it in form of My Word, which is purest truth and will be conveyed to those who thus sincerely desire the truth.... This is the condition I make, for whoever desires the truth desires Me Myself, he allows Me to be present in himself, since then he is also full of love for Me because his will applies to Me. He tries to escape from the adversary, the prince of darkness, and with it also from all error which he recognises as the adversary's doing.... I truly will not withhold the truth from anyone, for the human being should return to the light again, to brightest realisation and thus enter his original state in which he was immensely happy in the beginning.... __Amen
Characteristic of truth.... Meaning of the letter.... Scr...
Truth is what is good, and a loving person will precisely know how to differentiate between good and bad, whereas a heartless person still steeped in selfish love only deems what is useful to him and what gives him an advantage to be good. He does not distinguish between good and bad and therefore not between truth and error either. He does not recognise the Divine or the truth since he does not strive for them as a result of his unkindness. Therefore, where love is revealed, love for God and one's neighbour, the truth is also advocated. So the characteristic of truth is that it breathes love and emanates love; that it teaches love and leads to God, for everything that is good and noble must unite people with God. Consequently, the truth can never be identified by the meaning of the letter but only by its effect.... If it nurtures love, it can only come from God; if knowledge, however, encourages selfish love then it is the work of God's adversary who seeks to alienate people from God and can never provide truth. This is the guideline you must use if you want to check the information.... if you are unable to recognise what is offered to you. If you are able to love and be helpful your heart will educate you, providing you don't resist this voice of the heart through previous intellectually accepted knowledge. The truth is not academically conveyed to a person, instead it is dictated to him by the spirit, and your indwelling spirit enlightens you so that you are able to recognise the pure truth no matter where and how it is offered to you. Yet the heart's ability and willingness to love is the first condition if the spirit is to take effect in you. But then you will brightly and clearly recognise that everything good and referring to God must be the truth which originates from God Himself. Then you will not doubt anymore because the truth will make you happy once you have penetrated it with help of the divine spirit, which will guide your thinking towards the right realisation. __Therefore, let the spirit become active in you; don't forestall its working by trying to scrutinise intellectually what can only be done by your heart. Pay attention to your feeling; accept the effect of what is offered to you as truth without resistance. And you will affirm what is good and reject what is bad, thus you will be able to discern truth from error. Yet do not consult your book knowledge. If the latter was not offered to you by spiritually enlightened people, by people who were likewise able and willing to love, you only received the information of letters which lack inner life. Life, however, is only awakened by love. Thus only a loving person is capable of grasping the true meaning of letters. And this will always concur with the eternal Truth which God conveys to earth when the pure truth is no longer endorsed by it. God's love and goodness truly knows how to protect His truth and to offer it in an unspoilt form to a truth desiring person, but if a person's desire is not exclusively inclined towards the truth then his ability to scrutinise it will also wane; then he will hardly be able to distinguish truth from error. And every weakness of will, all lack of desire for truth is used by God's adversary in order to reinforce error in a person, in order to make him doubt and to undermine the truth, because it is the adversary's endeavour to displace the truth which leads to God.... And you can only withdraw from this power by sincerely appealing to God for spiritual enlightenment if you confront Him as weak and ignorant little children who plead for strength and grace and for recognition of the pure truth.... God will truly not leave this prayer unanswered; He will strengthen you and enable you to distinguish the truth from error.... __Amen
What is truth?.... Where can it be found?....
You humans have to be informed of the truth in order to be able to fulfil the purpose of your earthly life.... But what is truth? And how can you attain truth? __God Himself is the eternal truth, and therefore anyone who desires truth has to turn to God Himself and ask Him for the truth. There is no other way but this direct one, for even if it is offered to someone in a different way he will only be able to recognise it as truth if he prays to God for the enlightenment of his spirit, for the right kind of thinking. Thus a person has to acknowledge God first, he has to believe in Him.... And this faith will only be alive in him, it will only have become his inner conviction, if he lives a life of love, for faith will only come alive through love. Love is the key to wisdom, love guarantees correct thinking that corresponds to the truth, for love, truth and God are one.... __You humans first have to adopt the fundamental truth that love is the first condition for correct thinking, that you can only speak of an enlightened spirit if you make the effort to live a life of love, which is to be understood as selfless neighbourly love and through which you also express your love for God. You humans ought to know that where love is, God Himself is also present, and where God is, there is also love.... You ought to know that it is God's will to lead you into the pure truth, that He does not want to withhold anything from you, that you shall change your state of ignorance into a state of realisation and that He is at all times willing to guide you into the truth but that you first have to fulfil the conditions if you want to live within the truth. You should not assume yourselves capable of being able to ascertain the truth with your intellect alone, for your intellectual thinking will move into the wrong direction as long as God is excluded, just as the will for truth, the serious request for it, has to be present, which God considers to be the request for Himself, for He Himself is the truth of eternity.... And prerequisite for this sincere request is the fact that the person is willing to relinquish his prior knowledge in exchange for pure truth, that he opens himself to the knowledge he is allowed to receive after he has proven his faith in God with his sincere appeal for spiritual enlightenment, for receiving the pure truth. God will impart the truth to anyone who seriously desires it, and He will give him the power of realisation at the same time.... __But what is to be understood by truth in this context?.... It is the truth coming from God, which is earthly not verifiable.... it concerns problems which occupy every thinking person, which he would like to solve and which are insolvable by purely rational means.... It is the knowledge of the very first beginning and the ultimate goal of everything in existence.... the knowledge of meaning and purpose of creation, of meaning and purpose of earthly life.... it is the knowledge of all correlations between the Creator with His living beings and creations.... It is the answer to all questions which you humans are unable to answer intellectually, rather, for which you cannot provide the evidence for the accuracy of your answer.... You can only ever assume and think correctly or wrongly.... God, however, gives you the truth.... if you comply with His conditions.... __And this pure truth shall be presented to everyone. It is up to you humans whether you want to accept it, whether you adjust your attitude such that you will recognise it as truth, for you have free will.... And even the most precious spiritual information will not compel an acceptance, for it is offered to you in a way that you can accept or reject it, depending on your attitude towards Him, towards faith and towards love.... __Amen
Fighters for truth.... Misguided teachings....
You task is to teach.... to spread the truth amongst people, to disperse the darkness which engulfs and prevents them from feeling the benefit of the light. As long as his spirit is still in the dark the human being is taking the wrong path, for the right path is called truth.... Truth only comes forth from Me and leads back to Me again. You humans should understand that I cannot make any concessions concerning your beatitude.... Understand that I, the Eternal Truth, cannot be tolerant of lies or errors.... Understand that I transmit the truth to earth because you need to know it, because every day lived without truth is lost to you. Only truth portrays Me as I Am, and only a true representation of Me enables you to love Me and thereby attain beatitude. Every wrong teaching is My adversary's attempt to distort My image and lessen your love for Me. Every wrong teaching is a good foundation for new misguided teachings, and soon you are faced by an inextricable thicket which no longer lets the light shine through to illuminate your spirit. __And therefore I prepare bearers of light for Myself who are to bring the truth to you humans, thus I first guide them into the truth and instruct them to bring illumination wherever it may be. I frequently confront misguided teachings with the truth so that they can oppose each other, because I want to raise doubts in people's hearts, because only a doubter will start to think and look for truth. The teaching I gave to people on earth has been so infiltrated by error from the human side that it no longer has a healing effect on people.... And therefore I want to purify it; therefore I give it to you in its purest form again and make sure that this teaching is conveyed to people of good will. Anyone who wants to accept it will gain utmost blessing, anyone who rejects it also has to accept the consequences.... __Nevertheless, I need messengers to spread My pure truth on earth, I need disciples to whom I can say once again: go and teach all nations.... Thus I need apostles who speak in My name on earth and proclaim My Word to people. And these should courageously confront the representatives of misguided teachings, because the office to which I have called them is to unhesitatingly confront error with truth, to freely explain what damage is caused to the soul as long as it is wrongly educated, as long as it is not living in truth which alone leads to Me. Although you humans can certainly strive to attain Me in spite of misguided teachings it is, however, a futile effort, for you need to understand that error and lie are not Mine but My adversary's doing and that every ascent is therefore prevented (made impossible). Furthermore, My adversary's works can never result in progress, only truth will help you to ascend. __I cannot make concessions and assess the error the same as the truth, I can only acknowledge good will and bless it by making the truth available to you, but then you will also have to be receptive, you should not close your eyes to the truth or your will is going to fail.... You have to long for Me and thus for truth, and then you will surely receive it. But do not assume that I agree with you if you want to hold on to your misconceptions. Anyone who receives the truth from Me is also able to examine and recognise it as truth, for I do not demand the impossible from you. But anyone who receives it from Me should also support it and not shy away from upholding it, he should not fear to appear too harsh since error cannot be emphasized harshly enough since it is My adversary's work who is manifestly turning against Me.... __Error and lies cause hopeless confusion and strip a person of all realisation; they are not light but come forth from intense darkness. Therefore you should proceed boldly against error and untruth, because you have a weapon in truth which will assure your victory. I have chosen you as My fighters, and you should fight with the sword of your tongue, you should not be afraid to remove your fellow human being's childish faith.... as it will not help a person to attain perfection as long as it is wrong. But you can replace it with something good, pure and extremely effective, the truth, which you have received from Me Myself. You will be able to give them more than you take away, you will seize their soul from My adversary's power and lead it back to Me.... __Amen
Spiritual decline due to error and falsehood....
If only you humans would understand that the blame for people's spiritual decline rests in error and falsehood, that only truth can lead towards ascent.... You are unaware of the fact that error and falsehood are Satan's web of lies which intend to entangle you and that he only ever tries to prevent you from receiving the truth.... Pure truth is a life-giving drink, in contrast to untruth, which is poisoned water that leads to your death. Am I to give you life, as I promised, then I must also convey the truth to you, I must draw your attention to the impending harm your acceptance of error and falsehood will cause.... of misguided teachings which contradict the truth.... And I must warn you of the risk of being taken in by these misguided teaching. You humans will never be able to heal your soul if you constantly provide it with poisoned water, hence, its state will become increasingly worse, and it is Satan's sole intention that you will no longer be able to lift yourselves up, that you will be too weak to strive upwards and he can assuredly keep you in the abyss. Therefore I will always be anxious to offer you the elixir of life, to convey the truth to you which, since it originates from Me, will always affect you with its full strength and pull you up to Me. People don't recognise the danger and therefore don't try to release themselves from misguided mental knowledge, from teachings which contradict the truth from Me.... They sip the poisonous drink ever more greedily because, on account of their imperfect state, they prefer it to the life-giving water of pure truth. However, as long as their thinking is still misguided they are also incapable of feeling the benefit of light.... As long as they still hold on to the wrong image as presented to them by My adversary, they cannot recognise Me properly as yet, because both My love as well as My wisdom and omnipotence will seem doubtful to everyone who does not know the truth. As long as people remain unaware of the truth they will come across contradictions, whereas the pure truth rules out every inconsistency. __People rarely think the same and the many various opinions should prove to you that you are still very far removed from the truth. For all points of views come together in the truth and then people will adhere to the truth with conviction. No peace, no harmony, no clarity exists amongst people anymore, every person thinks differently, and My adversary plays a part in all of this because he confuses people's thinking. And as long as a person is not inspired by the serious wish to only know the truth he will also find an excellent breeding ground for his seeds.... Only a person desiring the truth can protect himself from his influence, from his poisonous touch.... However, most people flirt with their own mental knowledge, with the information they received and no longer want to let go of but which not always came from the source which guarantees pure truth. And thus ever more errors can be conveyed to them by My adversary, because they don't resist it.... Yet it will also prevent them from reaching the pinnacle, for this peak can only ever be reached through the truth and never through error, through deliberate untruthfulness. But you humans should know about the danger that the adversary wants to keep you down and always tries to obscure the path towards ascent for you.... You must also know that he still exerts great influence on you as long as your close bond with Me and your sincere desire for truth does not deny him this influence.... You can defend yourselves against him but you must also want to do so.... You must desire nothing else but the pure truth and in this desire appeal to Me for protection from error, from misguided thinking, from My adversary's influence.... And this serious desire is your most assured protection, it is the guarantee that the truth will be conveyed to you, that you will then most brightly realise what contradicts this truth from Me.... For as soon as you desire the truth you desire Me, and I will truly not deny Myself to you because I want to give you life and not death.... and because life can only be gained through truth.... __Amen
Fulfilment of divine promises.... Truth....
You are guided into truth by My spirit.... Since I spoke these Words to you humans Myself it must therefore be possible for you to live in truth and thus you cannot say: No one knows what and where the truth is.... You just have to seriously think about the problem of how you can arrive at the truth. A truth exists which is irrefutable, which comes forth from Me as the `Eternal Truth Itself' and which will never change. And you have to approach this primary source of truth yourselves by wanting to get hold of the truth from its origin.... from Me Myself.... I know everything, I know all correlations, nothing is concealed from Me, and I also want you, as My living creations, to know everything.... I want you to become as illuminated as I Am.... I want you to know where you came from and the goal you ought to reach. Your fellow human beings, however, are unable to inform you of this unless they have received this knowledge from Me. __However, many people claim to be knowledgeable and also try to convince their fellow human beings of what they have acquired through intellectual study. But their intellectual conclusions do not correspond to the truth as long as they have not approached Me directly for enlightenment of their thoughts.... as long as they have only applied their intellect.... And then the justifiable objection can be raised: No human being knows what and where the truth is.... But God knows and therefore also the person to whom God imparts the truth.... And I have told you that My spirit will guide you into truth, and My Word is and will remain truth.... __But far too little attention is paid to this Word of Mine, the great promise I thereby gave to humanity is not being recognised.... For they have no interest whatsoever to be instructed in the `truth' but unreservedly accept everything as truth that is presented to them by their fellow human beings, or they reject all credibility of it. And that signifies a major spiritual decline. For every person must possess spiritual knowledge, and therefore everyone should want to have the right spiritual knowledge. This determination alone will take him closer to the truth, for I will not let a person live in darkness if he desires to become enlightened.... I will intervene Myself and direct his thoughts such that he will start to search and take the path to the right source.... I Myself will offer the truth to him, if not directly then through My messengers, which he then will also recognise as My messengers, for I only require the desire for truth in order to be able to distribute it, because I want people to live in the truth, because I want them to be instructed through My spirit, if only they are of good will. But then a person will no longer doubt the truth of what is imparted to him by My spirit, and he will also remember My Words `But the comforter, which is the holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you....' __Hence you also have a criterion insofar as that you will hear the same Words from Me through the spirit which I spoke to people when I lived on earth.... And thereby you can recognise who speaks to you and then also believe with conviction that it is I Myself Who makes His promise come true, Who instructs you through His spirit.... And it will remind you of many a Word I spoke to people Myself. And then you should also seriously consider every one of My Words because they are God's Words which will never pass away, even if heaven and earth shall pass away.... And if you thus believe these Words of Mine unreservedly then you will penetrate the truth ever deeper, for then you will live accordingly, and you will experience the effect that you are not just hearers but doers of My Word.... You will experience the effect of love which is preached to you through My Word time after time and which will grant you enlightenment, so that you will grow in realisation, so that you will attain the knowledge again which you had lost.... so that you will completely live in truth again because you have entered into association with the Eternal Truth Itself.... Which guided you into the right knowledge, as I promised you.... __Amen
Pure truth.... The Word from above....
You should only ever keep to My Word. And if you are given spiritual information from external sources then check whether it concurs with My directly imparted Word to you and reject what contradicts it. For what the spirit from Me has proclaimed to you is pure truth, which you can also endorse as pure truth at all times. You need not fear spreading error as long as you keep to what I convey to you from above. For since it is My will that the truth shall be spread amongst people I will also take care that you receive it, and I will only ever express Myself through the spirit where the guarantee is given that it will be received and also passed on without being altered.... And I know if and when this is possible, and this is where My spirit will flow.... I want you humans to live in truth.... But I also know how much My adversary is affecting you, who will always try to infiltrate the truth with error.... I know who desires the truth and where My adversary has little influence.... And thus I also know when the request for truth gives Me the opportunity to convey it to earth and in turn to pass it on to other people if only they have the will to serve the truth. I Myself proclaimed the Gospel to people when I lived on earth and they only received pure truth from Me, irrespective of what I taught them.... __Likewise purest truth is coming forth from Me again, and it merely requires a desiring and open heart in order to be received and evaluated as truth. But then it will also spread light, and the characteristic of truth is that the human being will subsequently grow in realisation, that he will gain the kind of knowledge which will illuminate him.... which only truth is able to achieve. Every error, however, causes confused thinking; it darkens the spirit and can never have pleasing effects. Anyone who desires the truth will also feel the blessing of the light.... anyone who lives in error is not aware of it but he lives in the darkness of spirit. However, no person will be able to say that the truth is unattainable, that it can never be accessible to people.... Everyone who seriously wants the truth and enters into contact with Me will be able to receive it. And it is now clearly imparted to you through My Word from above and you can always scrutinise it as to what extent the spiritual knowledge given to you by external sources corresponds to the latter in order to then also know whether you have the truth. For what I convey to you Myself cannot be anything else but the truth which you should keep in high esteem and never relinquish again, for it is an incredibly significant gift of grace which intends to resolve people's spiritual adversity, which intends to place you into a state of light and strength and help your soul to mature, and which is offered to you by My great love so that you will not keep living in spiritual darkness. __My spirit descends upon you, it pours itself into an open vessel and time and again fills it anew.... My spirit gives you the truth that can only originate from Me and thus the spiritual information can also be confidently upheld as truth towards other people, because no untrue spiritual information can come forth from Me.... And that it comes forth from Me is repeatedly proven to you again by the fact that My human manifestation and My act of Salvation are constantly mentioned.... that I Myself, your God and Father, Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, draw close to you in order to bear witness to Myself. You can detect extraordinary activity and can therefore conclude that a spiritual power is at work.... And it will also be easy for you to acknowledge that this spiritual power is divine, since you are constantly only instructed to love and made aware of the fact that Jesus Christ ought to be your only and most important goal.... And therefore you can also believe what is conveyed to you through My spirit, for the Eternal Truth Itself draws close to you and instructs you.... because It wants you to live in truth.... __Amen
Are you living in truth?....
The will to attain truth also guarantees its receipt.... however, such genuine will is rarely to be found.... People unreservedly accept whatever is presented to them as truth and accordingly adjust their outlook, i.e. depending on the information conveyed to them they either live within light or within darkness.... For only light can grant pure truth.... whereas error will always darken the spirit. This concerns spiritual knowledge and not earthly information which can be substantiated by evidence but which has no influence on the inner life of a human being who was given his earthly existence for the purpose of attaining full maturity of soul. Aspire only to pure truth and you will receive it with absolute certainty.... Yet what you are presently offered as truth.... who gives you the guarantee that it can lay claim to be the truth?.... Time and again you should ask yourselves this question. You should know that many schools of thought advocate their spiritual knowledge as truth, that all teach something different but that there can only be one truth.... __Thus you should not `unreservedly' believe either one or the other but always turn to the highest Authority.... to the Eternal Truth Himself.... you should turn to the One Who is in charge of everything, Who has created everything, Who is supremely perfect, Who knows all and Who is Love Himself.... Who therefore also wants to give light to you, His living creations, because He loves you.... Who truly did not create the beings in spiritual darkness but did not prevent them from striving towards the darkness of their own accord by following the prince of darkness.... Lucifer.... into his realm. But He Who gave you life does not want you to remain in darkness; He wants to give you light which you can accept from His hand at all times, He is always willing to illuminate your thinking and provide you with clear insight regarding all questions you might have.... regarding the reason and purpose of your existence.... And if you are taught by the `Eternal Truth' Itself It cannot impart anything but the purest truth to you, and then you will also be able to believe with conviction, you will know that you live in truth. You can be absolutely certain that the truth will be granted to you providing you earnestly desire it.... This is the first requirement, for if a person acknowledges God as the Eternal Truth he will also approach Him directly and appeal to Him for providing him with the truth.... Thus he consciously opens himself to the ray of light.... he establishes the bond which is the purpose and goal of earthly life.... which once was voluntarily interrupted and thus resulted in the being's fall into the abyss, into darkness.... __The fact that the human being consciously opens himself to be illuminated by God's love also means that his lightless state changes into a state of light.... and then the human being will receive the kind of knowledge which hitherto had been concealed from him.... You humans can be assured that this process is possible and does happen.... you may also believe that everyone is able to experience it.... but not everyone can meet the necessary requirements which, however, only limits the direct receipt of truth and not the indirect supply of pure truth.... For truly, everyone who desires the truth will receive it.... Yet everyone can also shape himself such that he can receive the pure truth directly by merely living a life of unselfish love whereby he awakens the spirit within himself which, being part of God, lies dormant in every person and also knows everything and thus can teach a person from within. Take the path to the higher Authority; don't be satisfied with what people offer you even if they likewise believe it to represent the `truth'.... There would not be so much darkness on earth if the truth had established itself amongst people. But it is obvious that dense darkness prevails or earth would be in a state of harmony and peace, when in fact the opposite is the case.... __Amen
God's true representatives are appointed by God Himself....
Anyone who voluntarily offers to serve Me has achieved a certain degree of love which also provides the prerequisite of being suitable for service in My vineyard. And thus, all of you who genuinely want to work for Me and My kingdom can also rest assured that I accept your service. However, many people claim to be God's servants without being so because they lack these very prerequisites which guarantee cooperation with Me.... Yet it is not always easy for you humans to know the difference; it isn't always easy to recognise My true servants since the others also use fine words although they have no direct instruction from Me; they present themselves as My servants yet were not called by Me to this service. And only the rightful servant, having been appointed to his office by Myself, will recognise who speaks in My name, who truly works for Me and My kingdom. For My servants have to establish a living connection between themselves and Me, the God of love has to be recognised as a Father with Whom the child can enter into direct contact.... Yet generally people, and even those who deem themselves to be leaders of people, still look for Me in the distance, they are still far away from Me, they don't establish intimate contact, consequently, the one thing that characterises a true servant appointed by Me cannot take place, namely, that he is taught by Me directly, that he receives every instruction from Me directly, that he desires to hear My Word in heartfelt unity with Me and thus also receives the purest truth from Me.... __What nowadays still exists in the world as a spiritual movement, ecclesiastical functions and organisations, can just be considered a shell which lacks its kernel: the pure truth.... There will be people everywhere who do establish this intimate relationship with Me and who can be taught by My Word directly but they will have no success with their fellow human beings, either because they are bound to their spiritual movement and lack the resistance to oppose it when they have recognised the truth.... or they will be persecuted and prevented from working for Me and My kingdom.... For he who is My adversary and enemy has great power, yet it was granted to the adversary by people themselves, because they are all blind supporters who thoughtlessly and without reservation accepted everything they were given and no longer want to let go of it.... And thus the number of My true representatives on earth is not very large, yet they alone live in truth and therefore can also pass it on, if only people asked themselves just for once as to whether they really know the truth and, in desire of it, sincerely appealed to Me for clarification, for spiritual enlightenment.... However, as a rule they are indifferent as to what they believe, they don't express their own opinion about the spiritual knowledge that is imparted to them.... And they don't realise the effect of this indifference on their souls which will have to bear the consequences when they enter the kingdom of the beyond. __There are only a few who work for Me in My name, but through them I convey the pure truth to earth and also make it available for everyone who earnestly desires truth. However, I do not force anyone to accept it, just as I do not forcibly determine a human being to receive the pure truth from Me.... Everything is determined by free will which I do not infringe upon. And you who ask why I have allowed such distortion of truth to happen can find the explanation for it in this free will.... Every human being can kindle love in his heart and let it flare up ever more brightly.... And love emanates light.... So if he has the will to live in truth he can also recognise My adversary's fabrications, who always tries to undermine the truth, and he will approach Me directly and desire clarification from Me, which I will surely send to him.... And thus people who are willing to live a life of active love will feel repelled by misguided teachings and gladly and eagerly accept the truth.... The loving person will always consider Me first before all ecclesiastical organisations, irrespective of which school of thought they represent.... He will always take the path to Me and thus join the church which I established on earth Myself, which is built on living faith.... as a result of love. __You humans should all belong to this church, this church is the only beatifying church, for this church is a spiritual community of believers and its members can come from all schools of thought.... They only need to fulfil the commandments which I gave on earth Myself: The commandments of love for God and one's neighbour.... Then they will gain a living faith, they will enable My spirit to work within them, which is the characteristic of the church I founded on earth. Believe that I only judge you in accordance with your degree of love and believe that love also guarantees you wisdom, the realisation, the knowledge which corresponds to the truth. And where this working of the spirit cannot be found, My true representatives are not there, there are no servants whom I have called Myself and appointed to their teaching ministry.... For they have no teaching material themselves since they cannot receive it from Me directly and use what My adversary has time and again interspersed with errors.... which can no longer be considered the pure truth. Bear in mind that I Myself promised to `guide you into truth....' through My spirit. And ask yourselves why I gave you this promise since I had, after all, brought you the truth Myself when I lived on earth as Jesus the man.... From these words alone you can deduct that I knew that the truth would not remain pure for long amongst people and that I would be unable to prevent this if I didn't want to render people's will unfree.... __But time and again I made sure that the pure truth was conveyed to you knowing that only truth can make you blissfully happy and because I also know the state of those who enter the kingdom of the beyond with misguided spiritual knowledge. In order that you can be blissfully happy you must be able to bestow the truth upon those who find themselves in spiritual darkness.... Hence you must first possess the truth yourselves and completely free yourselves from wrong spiritual knowledge.... For you will surely understand that conditions in the material world would not be so confused if people's heart were filled by the light of truth. And from the earthly state around you, you can draw your conclusion as to people's low spiritual level, the sole reason for which rests in heartlessness and its resulting total spiritual blindness. Anyone who wants to become enlightened will be illuminated.... and the will of anyone who wants to remain in darkness shall be respected, yet his fate one day will be a very painful one.... __Amen
Faith is the first condition for truth....
Regardless how conscientiously a person endeavours to know the truth, its certainty is not guaranteed as long as his striving is not based on profound faith. Without the latter, everything presented and accepted by people is interspersed with error.... In contrast, the slightest thought in faith will also result in purest truth. And then a person should pay attention to the abundance of thoughts flowing to him, if he, in faith of God, deliberates on any subject.... In a manner of speaking, he will be grasped and most profound knowledge will be imparted to him, and he can be assured that it will be purest truth, for this is the fundamentally inherent way of thought transference that a person questioningly turns to the teaching enabled beings when merely a thought desiring clarification arises in him. The only way for a correct instruction is the questioning desire, which will be instantly answered. Who is the only one to clarify all things? Only the divine Creator Himself, and He does this by giving the beings of service to Him the task of informing every living creation of what they desire to know. Every person's train of thought is the result of a more or less strong will for truth. For God Himself is the truth.... If a person desires the truth with complete faith in God then he also desires God Himself. This desire of the person's spirit for God also establishes the connection with the divine spirit, and thus the spirit in the human being will be instructed by the divine Spirit Itself and can therefore only receive purest truth.... However, where, vice versa, the same desire prevails but without faith in God, the Deity cannot make contact with the person's indwelling spiritual spark and thus the adversary avails himself of the opportunity of transmitting his will to the person and leads him into error and wrong thinking. The inner link with God safeguards every communication.... anyone who calls upon God, opens his heart and listens to the answer will only be able to hear absolute truth, for God is willing to give wherever a faithful heart requests divine gifts, and truth is always and forever a gift from above.... __Truth can only come from above but never arise from the abyss.... And thus people are wise to consider the divine Lord in every question, for truth can only be provided by the One Who is Truth in Himself.... And again, no earthly child will appeal for it in vain, since the Father in Heaven will always guide His children into truth.... Hence the spiritually perfect beings must also manifest themselves as bearers of truth to those who want to receive truth.... they must not encounter any opposition if they want to express themselves and this, in turn, requires profound faith in God again, in spiritual strength and their transfer of thoughts to the human being. Faith is therefore the first condition without which a truthful conveyance of knowledge is unthinkable.... Once a person has found this simplest of solutions, whereby his correct thinking is guaranteed, he will neither be tormented by doubt nor downheartedly and hesitantly scrutinise such transmissions for their truth.... but he will unconditionally accept what the spirit imparts to him, since his attitude towards God assures him correct thinking after all.... By comparison, a person who constantly longs for worldly things will not desire truth.... He instinctively feels that worldly pleasures and the fulfilment of cravings cannot be the purpose of earthly life.... but does not want to admit to it, and thus he also shies away from strictly searching for truth in all aspects of life, and precisely this deliberate avoidance of truth results in the fact that the prince of lies gains power over his soul. The eternal Deity can send little help to such a soul since the same opposition will also result in the same evil influences again, because God, the eternal Truth Himself, wants to be acknowledged and therefore faith is the first condition in order to attain the truth.... __Amen
Examining deviating spiritual information.... (Spirituali...
Don't fail to appeal to God for clarification when you have questions or doubts in your heart, because He, Who is the eternal Truth Himself, also wants you to live in truth and brightly and clearly recognise it as such. You have the right to raise questions, as bearers of light you must be knowledgeable in order to be able to instruct your fellow human beings correctly, and thus you are entitled to criticise if you are not convinced that the spiritual knowledge you receive from external sources is the truth. In that case it is not just your right but also your duty to establish clarity for the sake of truth, in yourselves as well as in regards to those who spread error and claim it is truth. God always remains true to Himself and thus His Word will also always be the same, just as His will turns into an action in keeping with His plan of eternity. No-one will ever be able to claim to have received something from God as truth which deviates from His eternal Word, for His Word will never change. Whatever He announces through seers and prophets will come to pass according to His Word. But the meaning of His Word can be understood differently by people and therefore it is necessary to explain time and again how He wants His Word to be understood. And these explanations can only be conveyed to people from the spiritual kingdom, which repeatedly happens through divine revelations, through the direct transmission of the pure truth, by God speaking to suitable people through the voice of their heart directly but also by way of beings of light, which themselves live in absolute truth and also want to impart it to people on earth. Consequently, only the purest truth comes forth from God as well as from the kingdom of light to people, providing they sincerely desire it and the recipient himself accepts this truth without distorting it, which depends on his degree of maturity.... God does not deny Himself to anyone who appeals to Him for the pure truth, He grants it to him without reservation, yet the applicant is not always capable of receiving spiritual knowledge, that is, of understanding it as it should be understood.... The truth comes forth purely and clearly from the spiritual kingdom, however, a heart not entirely pure will cloud it and then pass on ambiguous spiritual knowledge; this is why the degree of maturity of someone who wants to spread the truth on earth will determine its purity. The spiritual information does not come spoilt from above; instead it is distorted by the human being's will if he lacks the necessary degree of maturity which shapes him into a proper recipient of divine truth. Hence this is the explanation for minor variations which nevertheless cannot be considered an error. __However, completely contradictory messages from the spiritual kingdom claiming to be irrefutable truth necessitate a serious examination. For then different forces will be the points of origin of the proclamations and should therefore be subjected to a stringent review. And again, the degree of maturity of the one who desires to receive spiritual knowledge has to be examined first, albeit this is not easy for you humans, since a person's inner nature is not so openly accessible to you as to be able to assess the person's quality. But then you must keep to the Word which was once spoken by God and which will never lose its meaning, even if eternities pass by.... If therefore an explanation completely deviates from this Word you can rightfully believe it to be a deception by dark forces which pretend to be knowledgeable and which only succeed with people who seek contact with the spiritual world without having the necessary maturity to be a receiving terminal for the pure truth. Hence their hearts are not yet pure enough in order to serve as a receiving vessel for the divine spirit but who are nevertheless spiritually arrogant.... since they want to be something they are not and so fall prey to the forces of the underworld. The latter will understandably instruct them regarding their raised questions, but not truthfully so as to deepen the darkness with error where light is sought. God imposed conditions which must be fulfilled if the human being wants to hear His Word in direct contact with Him, which guarantees purest truth.... and the first condition is to shape the heart into a worthy vessel of His spirit through selfless love.... Love includes profound humility, childlike prayer and the utter submission of will to the divine will. Anyone fulfilling these conditions can confidently establish contact with the kingdom of light and need not fear to receive error or not to recognise the truth as such. As a recipient of divine truth he will also be able to legitimately advocate it, and his teaching, his knowledge, will always concur with the Word of God, which eternally remains as unchanged as it came forth from Him.... He will always know the truth because he will be instructed by God Himself, the Eternal Truth.... __Amen
When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the ...
You can be confident that the truth is imparted to you, for God Himself, the eternal Truth, is instructing you, as it is written that you, in order to know the truth, must be taught by God. Therefore you should not doubt as long as you desire the truth and appeal to God Himself for it. And your most certain sign is the fact that you previously did not have the slightest knowledge, but that the knowledge you now possess was not imparted to you externally and yet, its profundity and wisdom surpasses all intellectual knowledge. You need not fear that you are instructed by forces which do not know the truth themselves, for God hears every call and answers it directly or through messengers of light, who work according to His will and only pass on divine knowledge, thus the pure truth. But forces trying to cause confusion are also at work, forces, which influence people who entitle them to do so by holding on to erroneous information, who therefore do not allow themselves to be instructed entirely without resistance. In that case doctrines can be spread which contradict divine truth.... The spiritual spark within a person is inseparably connected to the eternal Father-Spirit and its share is truth, because God Himself is Truth. If you are thus taught by the divine spirit within you, then you accept knowledge that arises from within yourselves, knowledge, which you can never acquire intellectually. So if you receive knowledge from within which enlightens you about spiritual correlations, knowledge, which clearly and logically explains divine-spiritual issues, then a source of this knowledge must be in you which cannot be scientifically explained, instead, it is the indwelling divine spiritual spark itself which is part of the eternal Deity.... And nothing but truth can be drawn from this source.... However, the intellect can be influenced by forces, as it is possible for a human being to purely intellectually try to penetrate the spiritual realm and be likewise inspired.... that is, he can be affected by surrounding thought currents, which also originate in the spiritual realm, but the realm from which they originate cannot be controlled. Earthly knowledge can merge with spiritual emanations; a person's intellect can want to think in a specific way, and according to this will the forces intervene and support him.... And then there will always be a danger that the person will not want to let go of certain opinions or previous knowledge and instead allows spiritual forces to intervene by continuing to work in the same direction, which leads away from the truth.... __It should never be assumed that messages from the spiritual realm are always supervised by an elevated being of light if the preconditions are missing.... unreservedly requesting the pure truth, which always necessitates deferring one's own will. Benign spiritual forces must always fit in with divine will, and this always respects the human being's freedom of will. Consequently, where a person's will does not allow for unlimited influence by these forces, they may not push themselves in front, they must respect a person's will, and that means that they may not deny access to those forces which a person himself calls out to on account of his own will. Holding on to wrong information always offers evil forces the opportunity to speak. For this reason, self-criticism cannot be exerted stringently enough where the pure truth is concerned. And all of you must be instructed by God.... God Himself wants to convey the pure truth to you; He gave you this promise.... Therefore, approach God if you want to receive the pure truth.... appeal to Him for clarification, appeal to Him for enlightenment of spirit, present your questions and considerations to Him and He will truly grant what you are asking for.... He will convey the pure truth to you, directly or through messengers of light, but then they will always instruct you according to His will, their words can be accepted as God's Word, because they are bearers of light, bearers of truth from God, thus also devoid of all error.... Call upon God Himself and He will hear you.... His Word is truth, and anything that does not tally with this Word does not originate from Him, even if it seems good to you.... Only one truth exists, and this is God Himself.... However, since the battle between light and darkness is constantly waged, you must also take God's adversary's influence into account and thus be vigilant and check. He creeps in wherever he can find cover and tries to cause confusion.... He will always endeavour to demean, question or present Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation such that a redeeming result will fail to materialise.... so that the human being will lose faith in the One without Whom no beatitude can exist. This is why he tries to confuse the concepts, even where the will is good but the complete dedication to God has not yet taken place. Take all your love, your every wish, all your doubts, adversities and worries to God.... and He will give you what you need, He will teach you and guide you into eternal truth, He will protect you from error and always be with you with His love.... __Amen
The will for truth guarantees its receipt....
The will for truth also guarantees its receipt. You humans should believe that He Who is the essence of truth, Who is full of love and mercy, Who would like to help all people become enlightened.... since only light can give beatitude.... wants everyone to know the truth and thus will also bestow it upon anyone who requests it.... Believe that He also has the might to repel the prince of falsehood and darkness every time he tries to interfere, but that the desire for truth must be present.... And because this desire is only rarely to be found My adversary succeeds in spreading error and lies all over the world. If you are therefore indifferent and unreservedly accept whatever is offered to you, then your desire for truth is not present in you and you will hardly live in truth, for then God's adversary has the prerogative which you have granted him yourselves. But where the desire for truth prevails, you must not dispute God's might.... nor should you doubt that His love wants to give what is beneficial for you. It is so simple to accept this explanation that God will always prove His might and love where people submit to Him. And it is foolish to assume that the human being cannot possibly receive the pure truth because he is imperfect.... __Only the person's will is the decisive factor but this cannot be substituted by fine words. And thus you need only ever ask yourselves whether you aim for nothing else but the pure truth, whether you desire the `truth' from the bottom of your heart, for then you desire `God' and He will also give Himself to you. And even if your thoughts were to go astray, even if your thoughts gave room to error, He is nevertheless able to enlighten you so that you can recognise wrong thoughts and turn towards the only truth. But a person who only wants the truth will also be protected from misguided thinking, he simply will not be compelled. Yet the spirits of light, the messengers of truth, will have far more influence on his thoughts than the forces of darkness, and can protect the person from misguided spiritual knowledge.... They, on their part, can send him mental impulses which are more readily accepted and invalidate the wrong thoughts. Due to the desire for truth they are entitled to do so, given that this desire acknowledges God Himself Who is `Eternal Truth'. __People should never forget that it is God's aim to lead people to beatitude, that everything which is immature and imperfect is not beatitude and that error and falsehood simply demonstrate imperfection, that they are a part of the one who brought all evil into the world. __Spiritual darkness, lack of realisation, is also a sign of imperfection. But all these are just the consequences of a wrongly directed will by the self-aware spiritual being. If, however, this will is turned in the right direction.... which is proven by the desire for truth and thus for God as the Eternal Truth.... then the effect of the wrong thoughts will be neutralised.... Then God Himself must take the being's ignorance away and lead it into realisation. And that necessitates an imparting of truth. Hence people can always count on it that God will place the person into a state of enlightenment as soon as he wants this himself.... But the fact that he wants it is a prerequisite which has to be fulfilled by the person himself. In that case, however, his initiation into the truth will be assured, then his thinking will be enlightened, and he brightly and clearly will be able to distinguish error from truth.... For God's love wants to help its living creation find beatitude and not plunge it into darkness again, if it desires to receive light.... __Amen
Clarifying traditional doctrines....
You have already been assured many times that everything you have received from Me Myself through the working of the spirit within you can be supported by you as pure truth.... I will certainly not let you live in error if you have the sincere will to live in truth.... to think correctly.... and if you always ask Me to impart the truth to you.... But people are frequently unwilling to abandon erroneous thoughts because they have accepted a mental concept which they deem to be irrefutable truth.... because they had repeatedly adopted and passed it on over a long period of time. And since no particular knowledge was necessary for the souls to mature, but more likely would have confused people's thoughts, they did not need additional knowledge either. But if a person's desire to attain (receive) clarification is very strong, he will also receive it, because only I can give clarification, only I can instruct those people correctly, who allow the working of My spirit within themselves.... __The Word I convey to people excludes all error, but the person who receives My Word has to free himself from all spiritual knowledge received from other sources, because truth can only be given to a heart devoid of error.... in other words, I can only exist where My adversary has left.... __You humans rely on the Book of Books and believe that its content has not been subjected to forgeries.... But I repeatedly tell you that nothing remains pure once it is handled by imperfect human beings. Although it will indeed always be similar to what had originally emerged from Me but you have no guarantee for undistorted spiritual truth.... and this even less the further back you look at the earliest time of people on this earth.... Whatever you are told about it now is only partially true, because pure truth is an attribute of perfection and people are not perfect, consequently you cannot rely on the reports from primeval times which you still consider to be the only truth.... __The truth will never remain pure throughout the generations, whereas error and a misguided doctrine will be tenaciously supported and even maintained for a long period of time without infringement. And these misguided teachings are people's foundation, and they are not willing to be taught differently either.... until once again an opportunity arises when the purest truth from above can be conveyed to people.... But this is not accepted if it differs from adopted ancient spiritual dogma, and only those who desire the truth with all their heart will be touched by it and accept a teaching even if it contradicts traditional doctrines. __My spirit does not err, but My spirit cannot always work in a person who allows himself to be drawn into the world.... when he wants to know things which cannot be considered to be spiritual knowledge, which are of no importance for the maturing of the soul and which the person usually has already answered himself, and thus by his own thoughts he prevents the expression of My spirit.... This is a danger which can only be eliminated by means of an intimate bond with Me and a constant request for protection from error. And if it now concerns a teaching which has never been doubted since time immemorial, which every person has accepted as his mental property by being unable to believe any other account, it cannot be disproved either if I don't want to compel a person's thoughts.... But anyone who desires the pure truth will receive it and then also gain the inner conviction that it is the truth.... The point is to transmit spiritual knowledge to earth during the last days which should make My reign and activity in the universe understandable to people, so that they can extract from it the right explanation for everything, because this pure truth shall be taken along to the new earth. __Consequently, misguided teachings will have to be revealed and counteracted by pure truth, and that is only possible if I Myself, as the Giver of truth, can work within a human being who is so loyally devoted to Me that he unconditionally accepts what I offer him, and then also distributes what he receives.... Particularly at the time of the battle of faith it depends on who has accepted this truth, for he will endure all attacks because the truth has also given him the necessary strength to defend it. The issue is not that the human being should know everything, but every misguided teaching, which was spread amongst humanity by My adversary himself, will be used by My adversary during the last battle of faith to destroy all faith in people when they will have to recognise that they had supported implausible doctrines, and these very doctrines will be quoted by your enemies themselves to encourage you into surrendering everything. You do not known his cunning and trickery, but I know how he proceeds against you who want to believe. __And therefore I inform you of the facts wherever possible. And you, who are receiving My Word, will soon be faced with questions which you cannot answer in any other way but with My given clarification from above, and then you can also understand why such knowledge was given to you by Me, which appears to contradict the Book of the Fathers and yet is the pure truth.... For the origin of this book can no longer be examined by you for its credibility.... __But when I speak to you Myself then I Am also the origin of the spiritual information you receive, and then you need not fear that you receive errors, because I Am the truth of eternity, and I give it to those who sincerely desire it. And ever since the beginning I have informed the people Myself, because the first human beings heard My Word within themselves, but they only possessed the degree of knowledge which was necessary to recognise Me Myself and to fulfil My will. However, due to My adversary's influence the light of awareness faded steadily, the less they observed My commandments. Amongst the first human beings were also embodied beings of light who would let their light shine amid the people, but the growing heartlessness of people resulted in an increasingly darkened state of mind.... And time and again I spoke through the mouth of the prophets to repeatedly kindle a light in them again.... __When Jesus descended to earth, because the darkness had become almost impenetrable, a bright light was emitted yet again into humanity's spiritual night.... And you must know that error could always establish itself during such times of spiritual darkness.... And the people who had accepted the task to record the events which were compiled in the Book of Books had not been without misconceptions either.... __Consider the length of time which has passed since and don't believe that such records have been truthfully preserved throughout this time.... But I have always been able to tell you through enlightened human beings what you require for the maturing of your souls.... And these messages have always remained the same, time and again they have been made known to people as `My Word', and I will continue to convey My Word to earth time and again so that humanity can obtain the pure truth. However, historical records cannot be described and valued as `My Word' as long as they do not relate to spiritual events which had taken place in the spiritual realm at the time of and after the creation of the beings, which had been brought into existence by My love.... __You should know of these events, and thus you will be instructed in all truthfulness, because you should know the meaning and purpose of your earthly existence.... And thus I will also give you clarification about the process of return of what had deserted Me and shall return to Me again.... and this in all truthfulness.... Hence you were also given clarification about the origin of creation and the path of all fallen spirits through the works of creation up to the human being.... The origin of the human being has also been explained to you, but every event of creation had occurred countless times, because I have no limitations and My strength is constantly at work.... besides, countless (innumerable) spiritual beings were also in need of the works of creation, the human being cannot even imagine their huge number. But the human being limits himself even in his thinking and therefore he will also be subject to wrong conclusions, which can only be rectified again by Me if My spirit is allowed to work in him. Then the correct clarification can be given but only if a truthful clarification about it is requested.... because it has nothing to do with the achievement of a person's spiritual maturity.... But such a clarification has been requested and therefore the prayer has been fulfilled.... __Amen
Accepting truth is a commitment.... Errors....
You are supposed to spread the truth.... That is the task you accepted voluntarily and which you should now put into practice if you want to serve Me as My disciples in the last days. But to spread the truth also includes fighting against error as soon as an error becomes evident to you. I keep telling you that you cannot be tolerant where it concerns the pure truth from Me, that you should support it firmly and not, due to alleged tolerance, allow for a continued existence of error.... You should denounce it as error and not shy away from proceeding against it, because it is My adversary's doing and will never serve to provide benefit for the human soul. __And especially you, who recognise the error because you have been instructed in the truth by Me Myself.... should not shy away from it, because you have the right to fight it. You are sent by My amongst people as bearers of light with an ample supply of spiritual knowledge that justifies your actions against error because you are able to refute and decry it as a work of My adversary.... He is at work where error exists because only purest truth originates from Me, but he constantly tries to undermine the pure truth. __The human being has free will which will be seized by the direction of its choice. If he looks for contact with Me he will be given pure truth indeed, and he should work with it too, i.e. he should pass it on to his fellow human beings whose thoughts remain misguided as long as they are not educated by Me Myself as the eternal truth. __My adversary will try to work in the same manner and will also be successful with people who are not aware of the great responsibility, who do not understand what it means to receive purest truth and to pass it on.... who do not fear error as it should be feared and who therefore do not inwardly resist when My adversary tries to convey error to them. My adversary will also disguise himself as an angel of light but he will not be able to deceive you, My bearers of light. You will recognise his activity and then should also take action against it, since this is the task which you have volunteered to do for Me. __Wherever you recognize wrong thoughts you should enlighten your fellow human beings about the pure truth, you should help them to let go of the error and realise what is right. Show them their wrong opinion clearly and openly, so that they, too, will arrive at the truth and deliver themselves from My adversary, who is still able to influence them because he still somehow has a claim on those he plunged into error due their similar inclinations.... It is not advisable to abandon such a misguided person, rather, he should be helped to recognise his error and agree to accept the truth, only then will he derive a benefit from it himself, and only then will he, too, be a true vineyard labourer for Me. __A bearer of truth cannot be tolerant and leave his fellow human beings in error due to kindness.... He should clearly point out that the other person does not think correctly, that he was influenced by My adversary irrespective of how the error was imparted to him.... For the adversary will always be able to interfere with a person's thoughts who is not so intimately in contact with Me that I can protect him.... But it is certain that I Myself do not transmit spiritual knowledge to a person which does not correspond to the truth, and this has to be clear to the person, otherwise My love, wisdom and might could in fact be doubted.... It follows that a direct transmission of My Word to a person cannot have taken place if it is associated with error.... __You humans cannot be careful enough and always have to fear the adversary's influence as long as you do not give yourselves to Me completely and ask for My protection, which I will truly grant everyone who sincerely wants to live in utmost truth and pass it on to his fellow human beings in turn, if they are destined by Me for this truth.... Error is true poison for the human soul, consequently you should take action against it and repeatedly oppose it with truth, since you received it from Me because it is necessary that light should shine into the darkness.... Your free will allows the influx of misguided thoughts, for if you would inwardly resist them in the awareness only to serve the pure truth, misguided mental concepts could not become established in you.... But I can never acknowledge that something which contradicts the pure truth has originated from Me.... You therefore should only ever make sure to spread purest truth and declare uncompromising war on error, and you will act in accordance with My will and on My behalf.... __Amen
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