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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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Experiments.... Work of destruction.... II
I truly know what is beneficial for all the beings I once created.... I know how effective everything will be, and I can also direct the effect of everything such that it will only be good for the development of the spirits.... And so My adversary's truly satanic actions during the last days will merely result in the fact that most of his followers will be snatched from him again and bound into matter, thus they will be removed from him and his influence for an infinitely long time. He believes he has won the spirits over from Me and owns them again, nevertheless he will lose them and the spiritual substance will start its higher development once more. For My love will never end, time and again My love will create new possibilities for development in order to help the spirits' ascent. And My love will time and again also find new ways.... Even if the being in the state of free will, as a human being, very frequently conducts itself contrary to My eternal plan and endangers higher development.... I will repeatedly restore order again which is and remains divine law; but never to the detriment of the spirits and always with the goal of deifying the beings which are still very distant from this state. Therefore, regardless of what happens in this world.... My love and wisdom knows every outcome and will always steer it for the benefit of the spiritual beings, and the final goal will always be their salvation, their return to Me and the perfection of the souls.... The final goal will be the attainment of the original state, where the being, as an 'image of God', will be able to work and create with Me in beatitude.... __Amen
Implementation of the plan of Salvation....
My plan of Salvation is so clearly presented to you that you will also be able to recognise My infinite love therein, that you need not doubt a God of love even when you have to include the final work of destruction in the plan of Salvation. __Could I ever do anything that is not motivated by My Love?.... But you humans are unable to assess everything, and yet My eternal plan of Salvation should explain to you what your intellect would rather refuse to accept. Only My infinite love determines Me to implement the plan of Salvation, which My wisdom recognised to be right and which will be carried out by My omnipotence at the predetermined time. And you humans should not believe that you can change My decision.... for it no longer concerns the sole deliverance of humanity, but a phase of development for all spiritual substances will start again, which will lead into a new period of Salvation.... __It concerns the reintegration of all spiritual substances and a separation of the spirits which have already acquired self-awareness and which consequently will also be placed to where they belong in relation to their maturity. In the course of a period of Salvation there have always been short periods of time when I had to intervene in the form of various kinds of judgments.... Time and again people have been warned and admonished, and depending on their willingness to improve, these judgments could be deferred or cancelled. Time and again My love intervened and tried to guide people onto the right path.... before My justice expressed itself.... But the duration of a Salvation period is limited, and it would truly have sufficed to redeem the souls completely had people's will used it for this purpose. Yet one day even this limited time will come to an end, and the constrained spiritual substances in the creations will have to be considered again, which must and want to take the same path of development in order to get released from the form sooner or later. __For My love also applies to these still constrained spiritual substances.... My plan of Salvation includes all once-fallen spirits.... And this is what you humans have to remember when this plan of Salvation seems to you incomprehensible and not compatible with My love. A reintegration of all spiritual substances has become necessary and humanity, too, has reached a spiritual low which demands an end, a disintegration of the creation and of those people who have not found the way to Me and will not find it anymore either..... Therefore you should believe that I in My wisdom recognise and have recognised this since eternity, that I knew the human beings' will and state of maturity in the last days and correspondingly established My plan of Salvation, which will now truly be implemented when the time has come. Every day is still a blessing, since it can be used for the return to the Father. Every day can still help the soul to mature, and therefore you should even now recognise every day as a gift of grace and be thankful for My love, which will certainly help you until the end, until the last day has arrived.... But that it will arrive is certainly true, for My Word is and remains eternal truth.... __Amen
You all have to acquire a much firmer faith and that means that you have to love even more, because love brings forth a living faith.... Performing labours of love creates a direct bond with Me, Who is eternal love.... It should be self-evident that you can no longer doubt or have a weak faith when you are connected to Me because then I Am the guarantee Myself that your faith won't be destroyed.... And although your will to believe can be strong.... but you must have an equally strong will to do works of love.... Love has to be the inner driving force of all your intentions and actions, then your faith will be firm and steadfast.... you simply will not be able to doubt anymore but will be sure of what you should believe. And this convinced faith will fill you with joy and give you inner peace because then I Am with you Myself, because your deeds of love draw Me closer to you without fail, because `those who love are in Me and I Am in them....' Love unites us permanently and love gives birth to an unwavering, living faith. And when you pray for a firm faith then you have to pray for a strong will to love at the same time and you will achieve a firm faith indeed. __I repeatedly give you this information because you are approaching the time when you need a firm, unwavering faith to remain resolved until the end.... If you have this faith nothing can upset you, no matter what happens, because then you know that I will help you and thus you are giving yourselves into My hands with blind faith.... And then I Am indeed always willing to help, I will not leave you at times of physical or spiritual distress because your willingness to love, your way of life, has made you My Own already, you have joined Me again and I Am now able to work in and through you. __A firm faith is the best guarantee you can have because it gives you inner peace and calmness during all earthly events which I can avert from you or reduce their effects because you have faith.... And thus you should always pray: `Father, help me to do works of love and let my will to love become ever stronger....' And the will to love will grow at the same rate because love guarantees My presence and My presence guarantees help at all times of distress.... Love also guarantees the recognition of all correlations and hence the understanding for everything which, in turn, contributes to the strengthening of faith. Love is everything.... and if you have love you are also filled with strength from Me and this strength enables you to do unusual things when necessary, when love is the driving force that makes you want to help.... Then you have the faith that moves mountains.... and then you won't fear whatever happens to you. Because then you are connected to Him, Who is Lord above all, Who can command the elements to spare you and Who wants to prove Himself as your Father.... Who loves His children and will not leave them to become victims of destruction.... Ask Me every day for the strengthening of your faith and the will to love, as this is a spiritual request which I certainly will fulfil because love and faith are necessary for your perfection.... __Amen
Reason for the catastrophe....
In the last days before the end I pour a large measure of grace upon humanity.... For I know of their weakness, of their spiritual darkness and their inclination for the earthly world, their craving for earthly possessions, honour and fame.... I know that they are held captive by My adversary and in their weakness are incapable of releasing themselves from his power. And I try to help people in various ways since everyone requires support in his spiritual hardship. And I also know what each person needs and therefore consider everyone according to his attitude towards life itself or towards Me. For I want to win every single person for Myself. __But people don't know that My adversary keeps them imprisoned when they desire earthly possessions, since they are oblivious to the true purpose of their earthly existence. Consequently they don't try to escape his control either. And people who cling to material possessions with heart and mind have to be helped by Me in a special way which, however, is not recognised by them as help.... I have to deprive them of their belongings, I have to let them get into situations where they learn to recognise the fleeting nature of all earthly things, I must make them realise their own vulnerability so that they will remember Me in their helplessness and consciously approach Me for help.... For I want them to find Me, Whom they have not found in the world and will hardly be able to find either.... This is a manifestation of Myself which affects people painfully but they cannot be aroused from their indifference in any other way.... __And yet, even this manifestation is a blessing in the last days, for a heartfelt prayer to Me and its fulfilment can direct the human being towards Me so that he will not leave Me again, so that he will ask for My guidance from that moment on and hand himself over to Me.... And then I have won him over and saved him from the adversary, who has lost his power over him. You humans will only ever see the destruction in every kind of natural disaster and make thoughtless judgments as long as you are not affected by them yourselves.... Yet nothing happens without My will or permission, and you should always bear this in mind when you hear about unexpected events threatening people's life and property, when people are powerless and only able to help according to their meagre strength.... But I know every individual person's will and also the possibility of leading erring souls onto the right path to Me.... And truly, I will take care of every individual who prays to Me in spirit and in truth and appeals for My help.... And the time of the end justifies such events which human will is unable to prevent if they had been taken into account by My will.... You humans will often still be subject to the fury of natural forces and only rarely recognise therein My loving care for those whose souls are at risk.... I only want to help you release yourselves from My adversary which initially happens when you send a heartfelt appeal to Me and thus acknowledge Me as your God and Creator.... and then recognise the transience of things which still belong to My adversary. Try to let go of your desire for earthly matter, for all sorts of possessions.... For you will always receive whatever you need when you join Me and recognise your real earthly task and aim to comply with it.... __But don't let yourselves be shackled by My adversary who so temptingly portrays worldly goods to you that I have to intervene Myself by showing you that you can lose them at any time if this is My will. These interventions are painful but they can be a blessing for you.... And the One Who takes away from you can also always give to you. And He will help anyone in distress if he hands himself over to Him in complete faith and appeals for His help.... But always recognise My will in every natural event, for My will is truly determined by love and wisdom and thus everything is a blessing for you as long as you find the right attitude towards Me and realise the true purpose of earthly life.... then you will come ever closer to Me and know that everything I allow to befall humanity is a gift of grace.... For it is the time of the end.... __Amen
You are given a light from above where it is still dark within you. And My messengers are instructed to make the light accessible to all who desire it. Whatever contributes towards the enlightenment of spirit will be conveyed to them, so that they will indeed be able to distinguish between truth and error and always recognise the One Who is truth Himself. You, My earthly children, are destined for the greatest bliss I can prepare for you; but the degree of beatitude will always correspond to your will, for this is not determined by Me. Utmost bliss, however, also makes utmost demands on your will, for in order to achieve childship to God, which assures you the Father's inheritance, you have to be perfect too, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. I expect much of you earthly children, but I give infinitely more still. What I expect of you is complete subordination to My will and transformation to a high degree of love. For the degree of bliss in eternal life can differ considerably, it always depends on the degree of love you kindle and activate within yourselves. __Hence this activity of love determines the degree of maturity and therefore also the degree of bliss, so it follows that childship to God requires a life of utter love on earth, so that the human being's nature will be changed into love, into My image, into My true child, for whom I have prepared all delights, as I have promised. The soul's childship to God has to be the result of a single life on earth, because this high degree of maturity cannot be achieved in the kingdom of the beyond anymore, albeit even there a being will still be able to attain an undreamt of abundance of light. Nevertheless, a being of light can, if it re-incarnates in the flesh on earth for the purpose of a leadership mission, acquire its childship to God, but this necessitates an extremely sorrowful and difficult earthly life as well as a redeeming activity on earth, which was the reason of its repeated embodiment. Only beings with a high degree of light will undertake a repeated incarnation on earth, but purely for love of misguided human beings, whom they want to help in times of greatest spiritual hardship. __Alternatively, every light-receiving soul in the spiritual kingdom can also be called blissful to a degree, and this bliss suffices to trigger its will into helping beings who still languish in darkness, whose condition they know and want to remedy. No soul of light lacks this willingness to help, because receipt of light presupposes love, and love constantly wants to express itself. Every loving deed in the spiritual kingdom increases the beings' beatitude, and such a being will never ever desire to return to earth, after all it recognises a vast sphere of activity for its strength of love and also feels the ever increasing abundance of light and happiness. But no being will be returned to earth against its will, since this would contravene My divine order. Beings of light, even of a low degree, do not harbour this will, only exceptionally elevated spirit beings descend to earth in oder to carry out the above mentioned mission. As soon as a soul has but a modest degree of awareness it also knows about the opportunity of further development in the spiritual kingdom, for then its love has been kindled or it would still be completely in the dark.... But if a soul is still spiritually blind then its desire to return to earth might surface, but never for the purpose of spiritual maturing, it is only drawn to earth by its desire for matter which I, on My part, will not comply with.... For this desire can be more easily overcome in the kingdom of the beyond than on earth, and without the surmounting of this desire there will be no light, no spiritual progress. __Anyone who neglected to acquire a tiny spark of understanding on earth, which thus assumes deeds of love, will also be in profound darkness in the beyond, and to return him to earth would not be an act of mercy but an infringement of My eternal order, which pursues constant progress and excludes any kind of regression due to My will. However, in this case re-incarnation would be an unfair compensation for the soul's failure on earth, it would not be love and mercy on My part but a huge burden for the soul, which would have to accept the responsibility for a second time without any guarantee of achieving its goal. And it would not achieve its goal either, for repeated embodiment would understandably present it with far greater demands in order to balance the exceptional privilege, whereas its will would once again remain free.... Thus it would have to undergo a test of will twice, which would mean the same as if I would double a person's life time on earth and thus bypass an existing natural law.... Also, having failed on earth once, a soul would be constrained and its will weakened by My adversary again, since the path to Me, to the divine Redeemer, is blocked by Satan by means of the world, since it will have desired it as well as matter and will receive what it desires.... Only the being's will is decisive at all times, but this very will is not interested in embodiment on earth once the soul has but a glimmer of knowledge. __However, a soul which is still lost in utter darkness will not be allowed to re-incarnate because My wisdom knows of the danger and frequent futility of a repeated earthly progress and My love does not support regression but only advancement. My eternal law is development and progress.... I only encourage opportunities for higher development which, admittedly, could also be unsuccessful but then only due to the being's will. Regression can only be caused by the being's will, never by My will. Individual instances of re-incarnation to earth happen for a special reason but do not justify the assumption that every soul will be able to return to earth deliberately once it has completed its path unsuccessfully or with only slight success. __Yet the fact that the soul repeatedly incarnates itself is certain, because it has to continue its higher development in the kingdom of the beyond and this always necessitates that it carries out its designated activity in a new embodiment on one of the countless creations which all serve as places to mature for the spiritual essence. But activity and tasks are of a different nature than on earth and cannot be explained to you humans either, merely the principles of redemption and maturity always consist of loving service. __Countless possibilities are at My disposal to beneficially influence the souls which had departed from earth in a still immature state. Life on this earth had promised exceptional success which, if unused, can never be made up again such that the beings can re-incarnate on earth any number of times; this is why the teaching of re-incarnation is misleading; thus isolated, justified instances should not lead to the assumption that every soul will re-incarnate on this earth, which would be far more detrimental than advantageous for the soul. The soul's free decision of will has to be made on earth, and with the help of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ it is certainly possible to do so during one earthly life.... Anyone who rejects Him has forfeited an exceptional grace and has to struggle in the beyond until he acquires the understanding and still accepts His help over there. __Jesus' death on the cross is of such enormous significance for the salvation of all souls that it only requires the human will to become redeemed, but a will that fails also has to accept the consequences: indescribably difficult higher development in the spiritual realm or descent into the abyss, with the result of a repeated path through the whole of material creation.... a re-incarnation of undesirable consequence.... a tormenting state of endless duration until the human state has been reached again, which will then gives him a new opportunity to make his free decision of will. No being will be lost forever, but the time it takes to achieve beatitude is determined by the human being's will itself. Yet the law of eternal order will remain, for it is based on My wisdom and love which will never change.... __Amen
Re-incarnation for special reasons....
Every once fallen original spirit must attain perfection of its own free will. And this requires an infinitely long time of development from the deepest abyss to the pinnacle. This process of development needs My constant help, since the entity has no strength whatsoever and is so weak at first that My strength must be of assistance in order to make this higher development possible. I always had to convey sufficient strength to the fallen beings so that they were able to accomplish the task allocated to them.... They had to be able to fulfil a helpful activity, and thus the development of the spiritual substances irrevocably progressed. Time and again I have explained to you the reason why this helpful activity had to be performed and that it required an incredibly long period of time until the fallen original entity was allowed to embody itself as a human being.... However, in this final human stage the original entity has free will, which can achieve the final perfection but also cause a renewed fall into the abyss. Thus free will can strive to achieve the complete release from the form, in which case the human being will also receive the strength to accomplish the work of attaining perfection. Then he will enter into eternity as a fully enlightened spirit, he will come into My kingdom of light and beatitude and continue to progress ever more, because the degree of perfection knows no limitation since the striving for Me will never end and yet is incredibly blissful.... If the human being fails his final test of will on earth, his earthly existence will nevertheless come to an end when his body dies.... he will enter the kingdom of the beyond but not be admitted into the spheres of light. He will remain in darkness or in twilight, depending on the soul's degree of maturity, but always corresponding to the way of life the human being had lived on earth. And thus the soul will have to accept the consequences.... It cannot be granted beatitude because the law of eternal order also demands justice. __Souls which completely lack light usually still move within the spheres of earth, often they are still earthbound, so that they cling to people and try to make them behave according to their will and their attitudes and thereby frequently push the real essence of the person.... his soul.... into the background, thus they take possession of the body and then effectively live a second life on earth without being entitled to it.... and the actual soul of the person is not strong enough to prevail and expel this evil spirit. The person is bothered by afflictions and all kinds of pain caused by the evil spirit until the soul succeeds in establishing a strong bond with Me which then will enable Me to dispel the evil spirit, so that it subsequently will realise that it no longer lives on earth.... To allow such earthbound souls a return to earth again would only result in certain renewed failure, since these souls would return to earth without past memory and yet in possession of free will again.... Hence you humans must never believe in such re-incarnations.... Neither must you believe in the soul's return to earth for the purpose of achieving perfection if it previously failed on earth or had not achieved the degree of perfection required and which it believes it can attain now. Consider that I place an unlimited measure of grace at your disposal.... also consider that I accomplished the act of Salvation for you, that it is possible for every soul to depart from this earth in a redeemed state and that such a soul truly will still be able to ascend in the beyond and become inconceivably happy.... Admittedly, the free will of every soul will also be respected in the spiritual realm and if the soul wants to return to earth its desire will be granted.... But it runs the great risk that it might also descend into the abyss, since in earthly life free will is decisive again. However, a soul which can show only a tiny glimmer of light will recognise the opportunities of achieving maturity in the beyond and will refuse to enter a body of flesh again.... And a completely lightless soul will never be allowed to return to earth, for it first has to provide evidence of its change of mind, and then it will no longer be willing to live on earth. __Nevertheless, during the last days cases of re-incarnation will be allowed, but they happen for special reasons: first of all, beings of light will come to earth for the purpose of a mission because of the immense spiritual adversity.... but their embodiment should not make people believe that every soul will return to earth for the sake of attaining higher maturity.... Yet some souls also exist which.... once a tiny glimmer of realisation dawns on them.... recognise their immense sin they had burdened themselves with during their life on earth.... These are individual cases which require much atonement, which certainly could also be removed in the beyond but which impel these souls to sincerely ask for permission to redeem this guilt on earth.... and which are willing to fulfil a helpful mission at the same time.... But such cases must never be generalised, since this would be a serious deception which can only result in disaster for people. And these souls will also have to endure unusual destinies of suffering which might often make their fellow human beings doubt My love but which have their explanation in the considerable guilt of these souls, which is the real reason of their earthly life. Profound and living faith in Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation guarantees that all guilt has been redeemed through His blood.... But these souls had not found redemption through Jesus Christ in their earthly life and therefore brought it over into the spiritual kingdom. Yet the soul must have achieved a certain degree of light already to be allowed to live on earth again.... it must have found the path to Jesus Christ in the afterlife, it must have appealed for forgiveness of this guilt and then have decided of its own free will to accomplish this act of atonement and have asked for My permission.... otherwise its return to earth will not be granted. __I always say that the doctrine of re-incarnation is a misguided teaching if it is applied to all people who departed from this earth in an imperfect state. And I have always mentioned special reasons which justify such re-incarnation. Not to have accepted or utilised the grace of My love is a repeated sin against My love, and you cannot brush this sin aside as you please with a repeated return to earth.... You have the opportunity to cleanse yourselves from all guilt through Jesus' blood while you live on earth.... And My love for you really will not leave any stone unturned in order to help you attain perfection. And this love should not be rejected by you otherwise you will meet with a painful fate in the beyond, as My justice demands, even if My love for you is greater than great, and even then I will still help you to reach the light one day. For My love can only be effective within the scope of divine order.... __Amen
Reply to a question about `Yogis'....
Your appeal to Me will never be in vain when you come to Me in spiritual distress.... and you are in spiritual distress when you are moved by questions which you cannot answer yourselves, and when answers are demanded of you who work as My messengers on earth. There is no question I could not answer since no other being exists but Me Who knows everything and can therefore also instruct you appropriately. However, it also necessitates a certain degree of maturity to understand what I want to explain to you, because you need a small amount of spiritual knowledge already.... you need to know the reason and purpose of your existence as human beings on this earth. Thus you must have received the first piece of information already, then you will also understand what follows. __You know that beings of light, non-fallen beings, also live on earth at all times. They have the constant mission to inform their fellow human beings of a God and Creator and let them know of His will. Because the same happens everywhere on earth, people indeed have a spiritual concept but they rarely live in truth and will always obey human laws because they have a certain amount of fear of the Power which is figuratively presented to them. They are hardly ever taught the pure truth because error is predominant in all places on earth. And therefore spiritual mentors will arise among humanity everywhere.... people who were given the task by Me of conveying the belief in a God to their fellow human beings and of informing them of My will, so that every human being will be able to lead a way of life which will help his soul to achieve full maturity. And the more primitive people are, the stronger are the beings of light which embody themselves amongst them. But these beings live life on earth as human beings, they, too, have to struggle for comprehension first, they have to live a life of love, since love is the only strength they need to become true leaders of their fellow human beings. This concerns the question: do people receive supernatural strength, which they unfold to perform remarkable actions, from Me or from My adversary? Love assures their flow of strength from Me, for as soon as they live with love they are also closely united with Me and will then be able to accomplish whatever they want. But they can also acquire strength from below, they are equally supported by My adversary who will provide them with strength if they are not pure spirits of love.... thus originated from Me to accomplish their mission on earth. __If, however, they have love then they will also be enlightened, they will be aware of their fellow human beings' state of suffering, but they will also know of the relationship between the human being and the whole of creation with Me, the God and Creator of eternity. They can now make His strength their own and I will not withhold it from them, because I see a sincere effort for perfection in these people, and because they are no longer burdened by the original sin and therefore need no longer fear a restriction of power on My part either. Consequently, they themselves.... as already enlightened beings.... do not need salvation through Jesus. But all their fellow human beings are in need of it, and they have to inform them as well of the One, in Whom I manifested Myself as a human being in order to atone the original sin of all beings. They don't lack this knowledge but they themselves, being the representatives of other religions, spread a veil across one of the most important problems, they do not enlighten their fellow human beings because they do not want to acknowledge Jesus' special position. They regard Him as one of their own and not as the One, Who was the external cover for the eternal Deity Himself, and Who is and will eternally remain a visible Lord and God to all beings. __It is barely understandable that people, who are in heartfelt contact with their God and Creator, ignore this problem.... that they, on earth and later from the spiritual kingdom as well, teach innumerable people and always introduce themselves as beings of superior and exalted standing and yet do not emphasize the One, Who actually and absolutely is God: `Jesus'. These spirits of light also walked the path through the abyss once, they recognised and acknowledged Me and passed their test of will, but they did not achieve the highest degree of childship to God. This requires complete acceptance of My will, but they stop short of completely submitting themselves to Jesus.... Who is and remains God eternally.... They undeniably achieved the highest degree of maturity on earth, they have utilised My strength and are able to work (although they now make use of My strength on earth) and accomplish miracles with it, but Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was not the decisive factor for them. Consequently, they only ever portrayed Jesus to their fellow human beings as a most perfect human being, as a master like many of themselves.... and not as Someone in Whom I wholly manifested and worked Myself, in Whom I Myself atoned the guilt of sin by way of the death on the cross. But when any of the exalted spiritual leaders on earth recognised and acknowledged the Redeemer Jesus Christ, he also sought to guide his fellow human beings into the belief. __And thus many people belonging to completely different religions will not find Jesus until they are in the beyond and will only then be delivered from the original sin, because this sin cannot be atoned by any other human being on their behalf. The original sin can only be redeemed by Jesus Christ.... by God Himself.... and therefore He also has to be acknowledged as divine Redeemer. And no-one will ever attain beatitude without first having been delivered from his original sin, which can only happen through the One, Jesus Christ, Who was the external shell of the Eternal Deity Himself. __There are certainly many people who live a saintly life, who aspire to attain the highest perfection on earth. And yet there is a difference between them and Jesus.... because He had known of His mission since the beginning of eternity, He also knew of the agonising death He would have to suffer.... but, furthermore, He knew of the original sin which burdened humanity. His soul descended to earth and travelled the path as a human being in order to atone this original sin. And He invited all people to follow Him, He bridged the vast gulf which then could be entered by all people, since until that time there had been no way to get from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of light. The beings of light, which had been sent to earth as prophets prior to this, announced Him, the Messiah, Who was to bring salvation to people. And only true following resulted in people's perfection again.... the attainment of the original condition. God's will was proclaimed to people by prophets first and Jesus Himself, since it was no longer known to them due to the original sin by which they were burdened. Thus people, who were burdened by the original sin, have never been able to achieve a high degree of maturity on earth as their will was completely weakened. However, those who performed remarkable deeds on earth, who developed supreme spiritual abilities and were already perfected masters to their fellow human beings, would never have been able to reach this elevated position had they been subject to the restriction of the original sin. __But they had descended from above in order to help people. They were not fallen original spirits but had remained loyal to Me.... yet they can, at any time, also walk across the earth in order to voluntarily shape themselves into `Gods'.... which I could not create for Myself and which had to be achieved by the human being's free will itself. And again, I have to emphasize that it only required a life of love, that those beings could develop all divine abilities in themselves as human beings and that every human being can achieve this if he genuinely strives for highest perfection, which is proven by My Words `Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father Who is in heaven is perfect.' Thus this high degree of maturity can also be achieved by people who were redeemed of their original sin by Jesus Christ. __But if a human being is an embodied being of light, which is not burdened by this original sin, it can more than ever achieve this deification on earth, and in view of his exalted maturity of soul he will also be able to recognise the work of Jesus and His special mission, but he will always only attempt to motivate people to also achieve the highest perfection. Yet even such an exalted spirit will not be able to free people from the burden of the original sin, since only Jesus' act of Salvation has accomplished this. __He can only atone the sins `on behalf' of someone which were committed by the human being as such, if he has greater than great love and he wants to help his fellow human being. But atonement for the original sin was only achieved by one human being: Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, in Whom God manifested Himself as human being, because love atoned for this sin and I Am love Itself. Even the most exalted beings of light in the spiritual kingdom acknowledge Me in Jesus, since I also became a visible God in Jesus for these beings. __And this human manifestation of Mine in Jesus is the difference between Him and exalted, mature spirits, and this human manifestation has to be acknowledged by every being which desires to see Me one day, otherwise even the most exalted beings of light would never be able to see Me face to face, and therein rests utmost beatitude. __Thus it can be rightly stated that no human being can become blessed without Jesus Christ, and the final goal will always be the complete union with Me.... nevertheless, every being maintains its own consciousness. Jesus, however, has received Me fully.... He and I are the same.... But you will only completely understand this when you have entered the kingdom of light.... __Amen
Childship to God.... Tremendous suffering on Earth....
In order to gain childship on earth the human being must shape himself into love and thereby enable himself to already establish union with God on earth, so that he will enter the spheres of light in a completely mature state when he passes away from earth. Hence his soul must have become so purified through kind-hearted activity that God Himself can take abode in it and his spirit unites with the Father-spirit. In that case the human being will have fulfilled his task on earth completely and achieved his goal and, as a being of light, will have found entry into the spiritual realm, where it will subsequently create and work. However, this degree of maturity necessitates a complete renunciation of material possessions.... This fusion with the eternal Deity is impossible as long as a person still clings to matter, since his heart is not entirely cleansed from cravings and therefore not yet prepared for the acceptance of the divine spirit. Then the human being will have to accept much suffering in order to accomplish the soul's final refinement, and therefore much suffering will be imposed upon extremely benevolent and devout people so that the soul's refinement can take place. Where people are burdened by particularly harsh suffering and nevertheless profound faith is displayed, the soul might have chosen a particularly difficult life for itself in order to attain the final goal on earth, the childship to God. This goal must be aspired to and reached on earth and will always necessitate the most arduous living conditions, because the soul must enter the kingdom of the beyond completely pure and unadulterated and this calls for a particularly effective process of purification. Suffering is always the means of help in order to attain the spiritual goal.... It shall lead towards God if the soul is still disinclined towards God, or it shall purify and crystallise the soul, so that it can come close to God as the purest being in order to be able to enter into the most blissful union with Him. Suffering and love must always work together towards deifying a person on earth; consequently, a loving human being should not fear suffering but humbly take it upon himself bearing in mind the high goal he can reach on earth, for he has chosen his earthly path himself in realisation that it will help him attain highest maturity if his will does not offer resistance. __Nevertheless, the delights of the childship to God make up for all suffering in earthly life a thousand fold. And the time on earth is short, it is like a moment in the span of eternity.... And as soon as a person is profoundly faithful he also can always receive the strength from God to endure everything that is imposed upon him, for then he will send his heartfelt prayer to God and God Himself will give him strength and make him a conqueror of life on earth.... God Himself will fetch His child if it has passed its test of earthly life and departs from earth as a pure being.... But his life on earth will always be characterised by love and suffering, because without it the soul will not be totally purified for admitting God into the human being's heart. This heartfelt bond with God must already take place on earth, otherwise the soul will not stand firm against the temptations of the world nor would it achieve total purification through suffering because it would lack the strength to bear the latter without complaining, and all grumbling or resisting still indicates a lack of complete submission to God's will. However, the soul must become as one with God.... It must have the most intimate bond with Him, it must want the suffering itself and also gratefully accept it as a gift from God in realisation that it pulls down the last barriers between God and itself and that only an overcoming of them will result in the highest bliss.... to become a child of God with all rights and duties.... This is every person's goal on earth but only a few attain it. Only a few are in such intimate contact with God through love that even in suffering they recognise His greater than great Fatherly love which would provide them with the most blissful fate in eternity.... Their fate on earth is not an enviable one, yet in the kingdom of the beyond they occupy the highest level.... They are in God's immediate vicinity and therefore indescribably happy, for they can act independently according to their will, which is also always God's will.... They can create and shape and, time and again, contribute towards the redemption of that which, still being distant from God, requires the most varied creations in order to advance their development. And this is the most blissful fate which fully compensates and makes up for the suffering of earthly life and should therefore be all people's goal on earth.... __Amen
New redemption period....
No major spiritual advancement can be expected on this earth any longer, only a few more people will find and walk the right path which leads to Me.... back to the Father's house. There will certainly be people everywhere making every effort to work for Me and My kingdom, supporting the doctrines of the various ecclesiastical organisations with sincere dedication for Me.... They will have the good will to guide the human being into truth and are successful too when My spirit can work through them as soon as they preach for Me and My kingdom. __But only few people take the development of their soul seriously, whose faith in Me also includes the belief that they have a responsibility towards Me and who therefore consciously live their earthly life. However, most people are and remain indifferent, even if they are confronted by the most powerful speaker.... They simply dismiss everything spiritual with a superior smile, because people consider it a fantasy and unreal and are therefore not captivated by it either. But for the sake of the few the work shall still be done eagerly, because to have saved only one soul from its downfall, to have prevented it from a repeated progress through the earth's creations, is such a tremendous accomplishment that no effort should be spared, since every soul will eternally thank its saviour to have guided it onto the right path. __Many people apparently revert back to faith.... But greater still is the number of those who fall away and carelessly sacrifice their faith in Me and who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ's act of Salvation as an act of atonement for the whole of humanity either.... And precisely because the belief in Jesus Christ is increasingly declining, spiritual hardship is getting progressively worse. This will finally lead to the disintegration of the earth so as to prevent an even deeper descent into darkness, which shall be accomplished by releasing the spirits which belong to My adversary and confining them again in the material creation. __Time and again I tell you that this earth cannot expect a spiritual change for the better, that a new period of redemption will start and that this, at the same time, will be a spiritual as well as an earthly turning point, because nothing which lives and exists on, in and above the earth will remain, but everything will be transformed, a new earth will emerge, and this new earth will start again in lawful order, so that the development of all spiritual substances thereon will be safeguarded and the process of return within this lawful order will continue. __My eternal plan does not depend on whether you humans believe this or not, but those of you who do not believe My statements will be surprised how soon the day will dawn when the first revelations fulfil themselves: when you may yet witness a last sign from Me which shall confirm all revelations of this nature.... Especially those people who deem themselves intellectually superior to their fellow human beings deny such last day revelations and thus also doubt the truth of My Word, which is transmitted to earth directly from above.... Yet who else could make such a specific prediction but He Who has every power at His disposal and Who is Lord of all the forces of heaven and earth?.... __You can indeed accept His Word to be true and certain, for I do not merely speak but also substantiate every event to be inflicted on you by My love, wisdom and power, because this is necessary for your souls which should still call for Me in the last hour before the end. My predictions are not intended to achieve anything but to stimulate your sense of responsibility, by believing that you are soon approaching the end and by asking yourselves whether and how you can stand before the eyes of your God and Creator.... You should not believe those who deny an end, who want to awaken in you humans the expectation of changes for the better.... for a spiritual renaissance on this very earth that only requires a different human generation which observes My will.... On this earth no such human generation will be found anymore, because the decline of spirituality is continuing, and this alone will result in the end of this earth's era. __For the earth is meant to be a school for the spirit, but people's thoughts are dominated by matter and therefore they themselves will become matter again too, which they desire above all else. By doing so they completely forget God Who gave them their earthly life for the sake of a specific purpose.... And people do not fulfil this purpose, even the earth itself does not fulfil this purpose any more, because divine order has been completely reversed, the earth has become My adversary's kingdom who wants to prevent the higher development of all spiritual substances.... __And you, who still believe in humanity's spiritual turning point on this earth, are spiritually deluded, you have no inner enlightenment, you are merely directed by your human intellect to make accusations and to deny divine revelations and to portray them as an expression of the opposing spirit. Otherwise you would know yourselves which level humanity has arrived at, and you would do better to be quiet, if you yourselves cannot believe in an end.... than to expose your lack of awareness by allegations which oppose My predictions.... Because you too will have to be answerable for this, since you are, after all, preventing people from evaluating their failed life and thus from a return to Me, which will have to take place before the end if the soul is to be saved from the appalling fate of repeated captivity in the creations of the earth.... __Amen
Contact with the deceased.... Souls close to Earth....
Countless souls are close to earth whose state of maturity is still very low and who therefore still harbour the desire for earth because the higher spheres are still inaccessible to them. These souls are often still unaware of the fact that they no longer belong to earth, that is, they still don't know that their physical life on earth has come to an end, and therefore they still remain in their old environment and want to talk to people without, however, being heard by them. Sometimes it can take a long time until they realise that they have nothing to do with the Earth anymore. It takes a long time until they find themselves in their new environment and finally stay away from Earth. This stage of ignorance is not very satisfactory for the soul, for it finds no understanding and help anywhere because it turns to people who cannot help in the way it desires to be helped. Only the realisation that it has passed away from earth for good and that people can only offer their help through prayer motivates the soul to reflect on its present state and to consider the possibility that it might be able to change this state itself. Then it will pay attention to every opportunity which raises its degree of maturity. Only then will it take stock of itself and try to hold itself to account, which will often result in bitter remorse that it did not use earthly life in accordance with God's will. And during this remorseful mood it is often visited by beings of light which approach it under a cover so as not to be recognised as beings of light. These draw the soul's attention to the suffering of other souls and try to awaken its compassion for them. Then it will depend on its inner attitude as to whether the beings of light will provide it with strength or leave it to its fate again until its compassion for the needy souls outweighs its own suffering and the beings of light continue their influence anew, and then with successful results. Earth is surrounded by countless souls which, in a manner of speaking, still live on earth, but unknown to those people who define everything they cannot see and touch as non-existent, and who therefore refuse to believe that the souls of the deceased surround the people who stay behind. For they can only be seen with spiritual eyes, however, the physical eye is blind, consequently the souls are unable to make themselves known by any means, because people do not react to them, since they are dependent on the divine natural laws in which God Himself has placed them. They only see and hear with physical organs, but the souls of the deceased require spiritual vision. __And so there is no connection between the souls of the deceased and people on earth, in a purely worldly sense; only an entirely spiritual connection exists, and this can only be established if the human being on earth is willing to harmonise with the souls, that is, if the human being on earth believes in the soul's life after death and as a result of this belief tries to communicate with these souls. Consciously getting in touch with the spiritual world is the prerequisite so that contact can be established between people and the souls in the beyond, which makes a mutual understanding possible. And then it depends on who is more knowledgeable, the human being or the soul in the beyond. For the informed participant shall instruct the uninformed one. If the soul in the beyond is in a very immature stage, then the human being can convey his knowledge to it by speaking to the soul, which the souls can understand and hear very well. But, if a human being lacks knowledge, he will be instructed by knowledgeable spiritual beings once his will desires this instruction. And thus you humans on earth can very beneficially influence the souls which are close to earth, since the state of their maturity is usually inadequate, with little knowledge and therefore not much strength. By transmitting the knowledge with loving thoughts they can be helped insofar as it enables the souls to detach themselves more easily from earth and at the same time turn their attention to equally suffering souls in the beyond. This can awaken love in them and they will subsequently be introduced to further knowledge by the beings of light, which recognise the souls' change of heart, and then, on their part, helpfully support the souls.... __Amen
With the Lord a thousand years are as one day....
Infinite periods of time will still pass by until all works of creation, the whole material world which shelters unredeemed spiritual substances, can be dissolved.... until everything of a material nature has spiritualised itself.... until everything that had become imperfect has achieved perfection again.... Infinite periods of time will pass by.... But with the Lord a thousand years are as one day, for He exists for ever and ever, to Him any length of time is like an instant.... Yet for the imperfect spiritual being it takes infinite periods of time until it reaches perfection again, but then the time of retransformation will also seem to it like an instant. And thus you humans can rest assured that the earth, too, will continue to exist for an endless time in order to serve its purpose of helping people to attain childship to God; you can believe that time and again people will populate this earth and that therefore an 'end' of the creation work Earth cannot be spoken of yet.... However, you can just as confidently believe that the earth will time after time change itself again, i.e., renew itself, that it will have to be repaired time and again in order to comply with its task, and that this will repeatedly take place after certain periods of time, although the process of development will be far from completed and you cannot speak of an end of the world.... if you thereby understand the complete cessation of all earthly-material creations. As yet countless spiritual beings are still waiting for salvation, only a very small portion of the once fallen spirits have been redeemed and returned to God.... As yet the greater part is still subject to judgment, i.e., it is bound in all kinds of creations.... And all these bound substances must still reach the stage as a human being and be allowed to embody themselves as a human being on earth.... And this is why the earth will repeatedly arise anew once such a developmental period begins to slow down. __But the emergence of a new earth always signifies the total transformation of the earth's surface, an end for the people inhabiting the earth.... apart from a few whose earthly process resulted in their maturity. And this is why humanity also has to be informed of an approaching end, it has to be explained to them what it entails because they don't want to and cannot believe in a termination of the entire creation of the world and you will be unable to refute their arguments against it.... It is, however, irrelevant for people as to whether an 'end of the world' is possible.... They shall only get used to the idea that their end is imminent, that this planet earth will go through a transformation to which people will fall prey, even if it still takes forever until the earth has one day spiritualised itself completely. As yet this point in time has not arrived and yet the human race is facing its end.... because an orderly continuation of development for the spiritual beings on earth necessitates a disintegration and renewed transformation of the creation and this will always take place within certain periods of time. This knowledge can only be spiritually conveyed to people and will therefore find little credence. And it will be even less believed the closer it gets to the end, because people's ignorance is also a sign that the souls' higher development on earth begins to falter, that people no longer reach the degree of maturity they are intended to and would be able to reach.... or they would understand God's plan of Salvation. For an infinitely long time to come the earth will still remain a place of education for the lowest fallen spirits, but it will always have to be repaired anew in order achieve the maturing of the spiritual substances in accordance with the divine plan of Salvation. Time and again new human generations will populate the earth, for God Himself will lead the people to the newly-formed earth from whom such generations shall arise.... who, at the end of a period of Salvation, are close to their perfection, so that every epoch will start again in utmost harmony with God and striving for unity with Him, and that then it will also be guaranteed that people will reach perfection and return as blissfully happy and illuminated spiritual beings to their Father of eternity.... __Amen
The progression of spirit substances over the earth extends over eternities, because spirit itself had turned into matter, of which the earth and all creations consist. Hardened spirit substance became matter by will of God; the entire work of creation "earth" therefore, as well as all creations in the universe as a whole, are erstwhile spirit energy formerly emanated from God, having been emitted from Him as beings, which nevertheless had altered to the extent of mere compacted spirit in the end, which was reshaped into creations of every kind. __Endless times were necessary for this, as the transformation proceeded in strict order - the development of what can now be seen as the "inhabited earth" took countless phases of development - it was not a work of God's creative power cast up suddenly - slow development too pursues its aim. Ceaselessly, dissolved spirit-particles were apprehended and recast. A developmental process of unimaginable time-duration had taken place, before the earth had shaped itself into a work of creation that could serve the ever-ripening spiritual for an abode and for natural life, as provided in God's eternal plan of salvation. __And this spirit substance also needed endless times to reach a level when it could be allowed to walk the earth as man, for final perfecting. This passage ultimately as man is as a moment compared to the eternities of the earth's pre-development. The creation of any form is, for God, indeed a moment's work, as any thought He sets forth as finished work, through His will and His power, but it is the resistance of the once-fallen spirit which determines the time-lapse to its material re-modelling. Because God did not compel this reluctant spiritual, but His love-power apprehended it instead, until it relented somewhat in its resistance, to then encase it in accordance with His plan - to give it some form within which it should carry out a certain function, which was nevertheless so minimal that interminable times passed before these forms could again be slowly dissolved and changed. __It thus took endless times for the earth to develop sufficiently to be inhabited by living beings, and these in turn, after interminable times made the earth fit for man's ultimate training-ground. Man's sol had nevertheless in all its particles passed through the creations, because the fall to the depths, from the greatest heights, had been so immense that endless times were necessary for it to rise sufficiently to again be given self-consciousness which then makes possible its final perfecting, its ultimate ascent. __First of all the creation came into being, and this now harbours the fallen spirits, whose numbers were without limit, and whose return to God also shall require interminable times, and thus an end to creation is not foreseeable. It shall be animated by ever-new spirit-particles, which by perpetual change of outer form are, in their development, forever in the ascendant, and hence manifest a constant emerging and passing of every material creation. And all works of creation are in this way constantly renewed, serving the spiritual they harbour in its maturing - whilst also serving man in his fulfilment, by supporting his physical life on earth. __So long as free will is withheld from the spiritual, bound within the creations, upward development assumes its God-imposed path. The fettered spiritual serves within a given form, and it thereby gradually matures. But as soon as the spiritual passes over the earth at the level of man, it again possesses free will and may, instead of rising, also remain at a standstill, or even regress. In its last stage of development it can fail - and this retrogression can also lead to the spiritual in man - the soul, the once-fallen primordial spirit - to again harden it nits spirit-substance as heretofore, with the necessary consequence of its renewed dissolving into countless particles, demanding renewed progression through the material creations. __And the necessity of this last resort presupposes also the dissolving and transformation of creations of every kind - which can be described as the end of an earth-epoch, and the beginning of another. And you men need thus to understand that, over time-spans set by God, violent acts of transformation take place upon the work of creation earth, which nevertheless are founded upon God's love and wisdom - and which always serve only for the salvation of the once-fallen spiritual. And you must also, at all times, reckon with such interventions on God's part, when men no longer recognise the true purpose of their existence - and therefore do not utilise their earth-life for the maturing of their souls, for final perfecting. __Because that is the sole object of every creation, to bring man's soul to maturation, to help it to become what it was in the beginning - a supremely perfect being - which came forth from God's love, but fell away from Him in free will. It is to return to Him, and God Himself has forged the path for its return by a progression through all the creations of this earth. __Amen
The souls' fate after death varies....
I Am present with you Myself when you hear My Word, and My presence has to fill you with light and strength because I Am the primary source of light and strength Myself. The fact that purely physically you do not feel it cannot be helped for you own sakes, since My permeation of light would destroy your weak body if I would not just impart it to the soul which is already able to tolerate a greater measure of light and strength and is happy in this state. __Hence you have to believe this, for I cannot provide you with any other evidence but the fact that you hear My Word and that this Word also has to make your soul very happy, it demonstrates My direct contact after all, for My Word is strength and light and this is what you hold on to, it cannot vanish anymore, it is the obvious sign of My presence which continues to please you even if you detach yourselves from this heartfelt bond by complying with the world and its requirements again. But you have an abundance of light and strength and are able to resist all temptations by the world, you constantly look into My direction, and you will no longer leave Me, just as I will not let go of you, who have become My Own through your heartfelt bond with Me. __And time and again I want to delight you anew by initiating you into profound secrets, into a knowledge which only I Am able to impart to you, because it touches on spiritual areas which are still locked to you as human beings as long as I Myself don't open them for you. And such knowledge will always please you and demonstrate My boundless love for you: __The transition from earthly existence into the spiritual realm entirely corresponds to a person's state of maturity and varies considerably.... A still imperfectly shaped soul possessing little love, usually does not know that it is physically dead, it still moves within the same environment and just can't quite understand itself, for it keeps coming across obstacles arising from the fact that it still believes to live and yet it is neither listened to nor able to do the things it used to do on earth. And such souls are also in darkness which, corresponding to their low degree of love, is impenetrable or occasionally changes into a faint state of twilight.... A soul like that is not blessed, it wanders about, it clings to similar natured souls on earth, it tries to impose its thoughts on them and resists all beings wishing to improve its position, which can last, or even get worse, for as long as it will not withdraw and reflect on its state.... __If, however, a soul departs from earth which had not lived a bad way of life, which even had acquired small merits through deeds of love but had little will to believe and failed to find Me in Jesus on earth, it will also be frequently unaware that it is no longer physically alive on earth, it will walk through vast deserted regions, admittedly in a slight twilight yet unable to perceive anything, meet no other beings and be alone with its thoughts.... And it will still dwell on many worldly thoughts, hanker after many different things and grieve its lack of possessions, which it is unable to understand and thus believes that it was placed into barren stretches of land as a result of disasters or by people with ill-intentions, and then keeps looking for ways out.... __And it is possible that it will wander through such areas for an infinitely long time until, due to the bleakness, it will gradually change its way of thinking and subsequently also meet similar minded beings, which already signifies a small ascent. As soon as it is able to communicate with others it is possible to instruct such souls, for they are usually approached by beings of light under the same cover in order to help them become aware of themselves. And then these souls will also gradually start their ascent.... __And a soul which leaves its earthly body having recognised Me on earth, having lived a life of love, believing in Me in Jesus and thus is redeemed from its original sin, will enter the kingdom of light, that is, it will find itself in a delightful region where it feels profoundly happy, where it is met by beings which, like itself, are permeated by light.... it will meet its loved ones again, it will have discarded all earthly heaviness.... it will be able to move itself to wherever it desires to be, wherever it wants to stay, it will experience the kind of bliss it had no idea of on earth.... it will come aglow with burning love for Me, Who prepares such splendours for you.... it will also recognise in a flash what it didn't know before, be it awareness of profound wisdom, be it the spiritual sphere which cannot even remotely be described to you on earth.... overflowing with love it will turn towards the beings requiring its help, be it on earth or also in the kingdom of the beyond.... It will want to serve Me in utter devotion and unite with equally mature beings for greatest activation of strength in order to tackle rescue missions which necessitate immense power. The transition from earth into the spiritual kingdom is but an awakening from a hitherto dead state into life for these souls.... For now that it has attained true life, it considers the state as a human being merely as a state of death, and with an abundance of merciful love it will devote itself to the `still dead' in order to help him come likewise alive. For `eye has not seen, nor ear heard, the things which I have prepared for those who love Me....'

If only you humans on earth were able to get an idea of what fate might await you on the other side, you would truly strive to create this fate for yourselves; yet this knowledge cannot be given to you in advance, it can certainly be presented to you, but as long as you have no evidence of it the knowledge will mean too little to you as to make serious use of it. __Nevertheless, it is extremely wonderful for a soul if it is able to immediately exchange its life on earth after death with the spiritual kingdom, if it no longer has to go through the difficult process of maturing in the beyond, for this can often necessitate an infinitely long time if it does not receive loving intercession on part of people, and again, only those will experience this intercession if loving thoughts follow them, and this will only ever be gained by the person who has carried out labours of love himself. In that case his further development will proceed more easily, and the longing to meet his loved ones again can also be a great incentive.... just as every instructing spiritual friend will help him to reach maturity faster, if his instructions are accepted by the soul. But as long as you humans live on earth you will be unable to form an accurate concept, just as the various spheres in which the souls will be able to stay can only vaguely be described to you. And every human being should be grateful for all kinds of ailments and afflictions, which will guaranteed lead to a better fate for the soul, irrespective of its nature.... than if it would depart from earth without suffering.... providing its degree of love and faith do not assure the soul the kingdom of light.... __Yet the majority of people are without love and faith in Jesus Christ.... And their transition from life to death will not be a pleasant one, for they will meet on the other side what they had pursued on earth. The longing for the earthly world will still be excessive in worldly people and yet no longer be fulfilled, in its illusive existence the soul will indeed create a world for itself, however it will soon realise that it only created mental images, until it eventually loses interest and realises that it is in a miserable state and yearns to change its situation.... Then it will also receive help.... __Yet even those who neither lived a good nor a bad life on earth cannot expect an enviably fate in the kingdom of the beyond.... Admittedly, they will not be depressed by most profound darkness yet their lack of knowledge will torment them, for they cannot understand why they are unable to see anything, unable to speak to anyone and yet exist.... They will have little strength, and only when they think of Me will it become a little lighter around themselves, and only then will My messengers of light be able to cross their path and help them to improve their situation.... providing they allow themselves to be taught and let go of their previous attitudes. But blessed are those who won't have all these difficult experiences in the kingdom of the beyond, for whom the kingdom of light is open and who may take possession of all glories which the Father offers to His children in abundance because I (He) love them and now they also respond to My (His) love.... __Amen

Spiritual and earthly change close at hand....
You are approaching a spiritual turning point which, however, also causes a total earthly transformation, for people will not strive for and accomplish it themselves, instead I have to reshape the earth Myself, I first have to disintegrate all earthly creations or it would be impossible to create a spiritual state on earth again which is in complete contrast to the existing one. It can no longer be expected that people will acquire a higher state of maturity on earth, that the utterly unspiritual human race will so change that one can speak of a spiritual revival on this earth. At this present time people are aiming more and more towards the abyss and only a few strive to ascend, who are on a spiritually different level by having recognised their actual purpose of life and trying to attain it. The majority, however, are still infinitely far-away from everything of a spiritual nature and will not get any closer to it on this earth anymore. In any case, this low spiritual level cannot carry on because it signifies a darkness which will only result in utter disaster, both spiritually as well as physically.... This is why I set a limit and decided on a complete transformation from the start, since I have always foreseen this low spiritual level.... __People's present way of life on earth is without meaning and purpose because they derive no benefit from it for the soul, since the real life in the spiritual kingdom is never even taken into consideration, although it is the reason why you humans were given your earthly life. A total transformation of the earth's surface, a reshaping of all earthly creations and a new embodiment of all spiritual beings into external forms suitable for their degree of maturity has become imperative, and then people's spiritual state will be an elevated one again because the new human race will consist of spiritually mature people who have overcome the great distance from Me and will be so close to Me that I can dwell amongst them on this earth. Then a true spiritual change will have taken place, then the earth will have a different appearance and all living creations.... human beings and animals,.... will live in peace and harmony on this earth.... It will truly be a paradise on earth, a new period will begin in happiness and bliss, but a new banishment will also be imposed upon the spiritual essence which will have descended into the abyss again and thus failed its last test of will on earth.... __All of you are facing this spiritual change.... And each one of you can still improve himself in this short time until the turning point, each one of you can overcome his low spiritual level and develop a degree of maturity which can still qualify him to become a fellow inhabitant of the new earth.... All options are still open to everyone, because I still lovingly and mercifully draw everyone out of the abyss who longingly stretches his hands out to Me.... But this opportunity will soon end, when the end has come the gate to the kingdom of the beyond will be closed, when the reshaping of the earth's surface takes place, when the spiritual change occurs just as the earthly change happens through the disintegration of the earthly creations, through the liberation of all bound and the banishment of all free spirits.... Then the separation of the spirits will have taken place and all spiritual substances will have been `judged'.... i.e. placed into a form which corresponds to their state of maturity. The spiritual change is near and an earthly change is therefore inevitable; but a blissful time will be granted to all those who are and want to remain My Own, who prove themselves during the last battle on this earth and despite suffering and adversity remain faithful to Me until the end.... __Amen
Pre-historic human beings.... Responsibility....
Throughout infinitely long periods of time earth has evolved such that it can be home to countless living beings and therefore complies with its true task as a place of education for the spirit.... During this time of evolution the living beings still had a different nature, they were more or less akin to the evolving earth as far as any living being was at all able to live. There were numerous developmental periods and from a certain point onwards earth was able to shelter living beings on its surface. However, as earth evolved the more these increased in number, and thus the development of earth's external form advanced as well as the living beings, which were assigned to earth for the purpose of higher development. It took an inconceivably long time yet this process of evolution was necessary because the spirit within, on the surface and above earth first had to prove itself during the condition of constraint, which the spirit in every work of creation is subjected to. During this time of development the spirit passed its test and could slowly evolve into a living being. The living conditions were considerably more difficult but it asserted itself and gradually evolved into some kind of human being which, however, was completely different from the present day human being. __The being was still constrained, i.e. it acted instinctively, to some extent it was still guided and did not have its own free will and intellect. Although outwardly the being resembled the human being, it was still on the level of the animal world in every other respect and lived in accordance with divine natural law and therefore instinctively, without consciousness of its actions. This being was not accountable yet, its life was subject to the law of compulsion, motivated by its inherent instincts, which in turn expressed themselves in the beings in accordance with divine will. These living beings were compatible with the primitive conditions of the earth's surface, but to a certain extent they contributed towards the earth's development by multiplying themselves and with their unconscious actions accelerated the changes on the earth's surface, which became increasingly more suitable to shelter more evolved living beings until the first human beings, equipped with free will and intellect, were assigned to live on this earth. They could make use of everything on earth and, instructed by God Himself, live or were supposed to live a conscious life, which was the actual meaning and purpose of their embodiment on earth. However, now the human being was also answerable to God for his actions and thoughts. He had achieved a certain degree of maturity which enabled him to live in keeping with God's will and in view of this ability he now was also responsible how he used his life, since it was up to him to utilise all his gifts. However, he was informed of the consequences of his life during this incarnation on earth and thus he is able to make use of his free will.... __Amen
Re-incarnation.... Beings of light - Mission....
I will never let you fall prey to error if you want to know the truth. And where you lack the right knowledge, where you have the wrong idea, I will enlighten you Myself, because I do not want you to think wrongly. Although you only live for a short time on this earth as a human being, it is not too short to enable you to achieve beatitude. During your life on earth you are able to change your nature completely. You are able to entirely discard your selfish love, which was strongly developed in you at the start of your earthly life, and change it into unselfish love for other people, and thereby acquire a degree of maturity which will allow you to enter the spheres of light and thus be blissfully happy.... __Yet the degree of beatitude in the spiritual kingdom varies considerably, depending on the extent to which the soul's state is receptive to the rays of light which affect it directly, which have their origin in Me and thus require My presence. Hence, it signifies unity with Me, and that can only happen with a being that has shaped itself into love. Therefore the degree of love also determines the degree of happiness.... The human being is certainly able to attain this degree of love while still on earth and depart from it as My true child. Then his fate will be infinite bliss. __But it is also possible for him not to achieve this perfection and yet shape his soul on earth through deeds of love such that it becomes receptive to light. In that case he will have passed the test of earthly life by having turned his will towards Me, and he will have proven it through labours of love. The kingdom of light will now accept his soul, which subsequently will be able to develop further. However, it will never be able to reach the degree that can be achieved on earth by a person who seriously strives for perfection. For his soul will be seized by Me and My emanation of light will find no resistance, because the soul became crystallised through love and thus My love is able to permeate it completely. __And now you will understand that this degree of beatitude requires the prerequisite of just one earthly life, or there would be less merit, thus the reward would also have to be reduced. You will understand that unification with Me has to take place voluntarily and with utmost effort on earth already, and that this bliss is My gift in return for absolute devotion to Me, which I will also reward with My undivided love. It therefore follows that it would be an act of injustice on My part if I gave the same reward to souls who did not make use of their earthly life in the same way.... __Every human being has the same opportunities to achieve maturity. All means of help are at his disposal, he is able to request blessings, that is, utilise any amount of blessings, and with correct use of will every human being is able to reach the goal of becoming perfect, because he is only required to shape himself into love, and love can be practised by every person if he wants.... I truly do not expect anything unattainable from you humans, since the help of Jesus Christ is available to you after all, which so strengthens the right will that it can be put into practise. You humans could all become blissfully happy if only you wanted to.... Consequently, the right will has to be rewarded accordingly; the soul has to be rewarded differently in the spiritual kingdom than a soul who was negligent in its self-discipline during its earthly life, who did not take its endeavour for perfection seriously. A soul like that will have, understandably, attained a different degree of light, even though it can also be called blissful, because it has lifted itself out of darkness, out of the state of complete ignorance, because it will have become a recipient of light, albeit to a lesser degree.... __The soul in the spiritual kingdom is able to ascend to ever greater beatitude, for the constant emanations of light it receives will increase its degree of light. This explains why a re-incarnation on earth for the purpose of full maturity would be unnecessary as well as pointless, since the soul's past memory has to be taken away and only free will would be decisive once again, which could just as well fail. In that case, the already achieved degree of light would be at risk; whereas in the spiritual kingdom the soul will keep what it has already achieved and is able to work with it most successfully. The return of a being of light to earth for the purpose of a mission is an act of utmost love and mercy, because every liberated soul finds life in the flesh intolerable once it has but a glimmer of knowledge. __A being which departs from earth so immaturely that it will find itself in utter darkness, will indeed stay close to earth, but it is usually unaware of its lost physical life. It has an immense craving for earthly possessions, yet to return a being like that to earth would truly be neither wise nor loving, for its will would never endeavour towards higher development, because the greed for matter needs to be overcome. This is far more difficult on earth than in the spiritual kingdom, where the being is able to recognise the insubstantiality of matter, and disassociation from it already signifies the beginning of its ascent. A being with a faint glimmer of awareness is extremely happy in its spiritual state and will never long for the restraint of earthly life again. __But to possess a faint glimmer of awareness means to possess a small amount of knowledge that corresponds to the truth, and this possession makes the being very happy already, because it is able to work with its spiritual wealth.... thus it is urged by love to share its possession with needy souls. __However, every deed of love increases the influx of light, it increases knowledge and intensifies beatitude. Such a being will never surrender its free spiritual state in order to return to earth because it realises that it is able to ascend in the spiritual kingdom and that its work is needed.... __When, by comparison, a being of light incarnates on earth, it is an act of utmost love and mercy, which already needs a high degree of love, for it involves helping misguided people living in utter darkness who require exceptional help so as not to descend into the abyss. Such an incarnation can result in the childship to God.... the highest degree of perfection which, however, can only be gained in earthly life; for the soul has to take the same path in the flesh with all temptations by the powers of darkness. It enjoys no privileges as a result of its former maturity, merely a total descent into the abyss is impossible since it is protected by spiritually mature souls who will indeed help but not force its will. As a human being it has to struggle and fight and has no past memory. It has to live a life of love in order to then serve its fellow human beings as a guide. This soul's earthly fate will be far more difficult yet it will reach the goal, because its earthly progress was motivated by love, and love is strength which conquers everything, which achieves everything. And since it signifies the unification with Eternal Love Itself it will also always find support from Me.... __Amen
Paradisal condition on the new Earth.
I will again make the Earth into a place of Peace where Love alone reigns, where there is no enemy, where all creatures live together in harmony and happiness, where the Love of mankind shines out to touch the still bound spirituality. There men will help their fellowmen, physically and spiritually, and I Myself as Eternal Love can dwell among them. Nothing that is negative can obscure My presence. __It is My Will that the Earth serves to bring mankind to the highest maturity. Many will leave this Earth fulfilled because they have become closely united with Me and are no longer burdened by original sin. If they are redeemed through Jesus Christ on Earth they can be placed on the new Earth. Their being removed from the old Earth be fore the days of judgment will be a proof that they belong to Me. They found union with Me on the old Earth, be- coming free of all burdens and desires, so that I can place them on the new Earth. __A new redemption period will begin which will at first bring many souls to maturity because My opponent is bound and cannot oppress these souls. They have willingly surrendered their resistance and have become My Own. They will live on this new Earth for the sake of the succeeding generations, because they can witness to My Power and Majesty. They will be able to speak of their own experiences, about the situations on the old Earth. They will be able to speak about My Love to their descendants. Their children and children's children will also be filled with Love. Thus their soul will not be far from their original state. They will be conceived in pure unselfish Love, because My opponent has no influence on those who live on the new Earth. __Love is the power, which can truly speed up the maturing of souls. It can help bound spirituality out of its form, so that it will give up its resistance and advance according to My Will. This condition will continue for a long time. In this period many of the fallen spirits will return completed, to Me. In that day I will win many "children". Then, their happiness as well as My own will know no bounds, because I know that all who have fallen will return to Me. My Everlasting plan of salvation shall be successful. __Yet this condition on the new Earth will change again. More and more souls, who have gone through the Earth creation, will be incarnated, and the tendency for the material will break through again. At first only scarcely but later it will increase more and more, and the desire of people for material things will loosen the chains of My opponent, because men will not resist him. But My Love will still help those spirituals continually. There will again be a struggle for souls, and the free will of men must decide which master will be victorious over them. __That generation will also be told about Jesus Christ, the Divine Redeemer. They will therefore not be left helplessly to My opponent, but will surrender their resistance because their faith in Me, as God and Creator is still strong enough. I will also exert My influence on them through the voice of conscience. __However, it will not be that paradise-like situation anymore. There will be an inner battle for man, and the temptations of My opponent will not fall to come. The struggle for existence will increase. It will be more tolerable for those who remain faithful to Me and develop their Love. Then, My messengers of Light will also support them, partly influencing men spiritually, partly incarnated as man among them, if they will only yield and stay constantly in contact with Me. __As long as Love reigns people will make progress in their maturity. As long as Love rules My influence on people will be strong. Then backsliding to the depths need not be feared. For My opponent the fight against Love is in vain. __Amen
Answer to questions about Immaculate Conception and advan...
I want to help you in every earthly and spiritual adversity so that you believe in My love, in My wisdom and might.... For I love you, My living creations, infinitely, and I also want to gain your love.... I know of your adversity and also how to end it, and I have the power to do so. I gladly demonstrate My love, wisdom and might to children who turn to their Father and trustingly appeal to Him for His consideration and help. I want to eliminate your earthly and spiritual adversity, yet occasionally I demand your patience in earthly hardship for only I know why it had to happen to you. But I will take it from you.... However, anyone experiencing spiritual adversity will not have to wait long, for as soon as he calls upon Me to consider him I Am already willing to help. Spiritual adversity consists of: psychological weakness, thus a diminished will, spiritual darkness and constantly recurring doubts.... spiritual adversity is My opponent's activity and influence, who very frequently especially dares to tackle people who are already My Own and whom he wants to get back under his control.... And as long as the human being lives on earth he will try to exert his influence intending to weaken him time and again. Yet as soon as the person turns to Me he displaces My adversary, and I will let My strength flow and give the person light and perception, I fulfil his request to avert his spiritual hardship.... __You should know that it is My adversary's intention to extinguish the bright radiance of the light of truth which penetrates everywhere and disperses the region of darkness where only My adversary is able to work. Thus he will try to extinguish the light. He will want to cast shadows across it by raising doubtful questions in the person and thereby intending to obscure the light of awareness. But I will not allow the latter, instead My light of truth from above will shine down even more brightly, and the light he tried to obscure will illuminate the night even more.... and wherever a shadow still exists it will be consumed by the all-permeating light from Me, for nothing dark can endure this light.... And thus the `Eternal Light Itself' will proclaim to you: __You, who are living on earth.... as well as all spirits which once had already lived an earthly life as a human being.... you are the `once fallen spirits', with few exceptions; for beings of light also embody themselves on this earth. Thus beings from the kingdom of light descend to you humans in order to assist you in serious spiritual hardship. Therefore you must differentiate between spirits having fallen away from God and original spirits remaining with God.... the former exist in the abyss as followers of My adversary and the latter stay with Me in all perfection. Furthermore, you have to differentiate between beings which still harbour the adversary's will within themselves and those which have already entered into My will but are not yet perfected and therefore still subject to his influence. And then you will be able to understand that the latter need to be helped because they are too weak to resist his influence. Thus the mission of these beings of light, which voluntarily also embody themselves on earth in order to help them, will be explicable to you too. And then you will also comprehend the mission of the human being Jesus.... who, as such a being of light, wanted to accomplish a rescue mission which defeated My adversary's power.... __All were children of My love.... the fallen beings as well as those remaining with Me, but the beings did not stay the same, they had become different now.... . they were radiant and dark beings which could not stay in the same spheres together. And thus the `kingdom of light' and the `kingdom of darkness' became the abode for these different-natured beings. And no bridge existed between these two realms until the arrival of Jesus, one of My remaining angel spirits, Who wanted and succeeded in bridging this distance through a unique act of compassion. The beings which once had lost their perfection due to their rebellion against Me required someone to help them, since they were too weak by themselves even though the connection had been established, for My adversary also had great power which he was able to use against his former followers. But the beings which had stayed with Me were strong too, since they constantly let themselves be permeated by the strength of My love.... Thus the strength of a non-fallen angel spirit would have fully sufficed in order to achieve victory over My adversary and to save his followers from him.... Yet this contradicted My law of eternal order, given that the free will of all beings which once had followed My adversary would have been ignored, and such an attained victory would have prevented the beings from becoming perfect. __Consequently, another way had to be found.... `Love' had to make a sacrifice, and it had to be every fallen being's decision to avail itself of this sacrifice, thus to want that it was also made for itself.... But only a human being can offer a sacrifice; a being of light can indeed have the will to sacrifice itself but then it has to render it as a human being, for a being of light is unable to suffer and also has so much strength at its disposal that it is able to do anything. __* A human being, however, is a weak, imperfect being and sensitive to suffering and torment, which needs to muster a vast amount of willpower when it voluntarily accepts sufferings and torments in order to achieve something, not for itself but for its fellow human beings, and which wants to bestow its love on the wretched human race.... It had to make the sacrifice as `a mere human' for its fellow human beings.... It had to be capable of suffering and dying.... __And thus you will understand that the human being Jesus was not allowed to demonstrate any advantages which would characterise Him as an extraordinary person, even though His soul was a spirit of light.... Although it had not passed through the creation like the human beings' souls, the fallen brothers; nevertheless, this soul, when it entered the body of flesh.... which, like other people's bodies, was a cluster of immature spiritual substances, thus also subject to the same feelings, longings and passions.... had to learn to overcome these as the human being Jesus during His earthly life. For His mission, apart from the salvation.... the redemption of the gravest guilt of sin.... was to exemplify to people the only way of life which would guarantee them a return to Me. Thus, if people who were completely inadequate, weak and captivated by passions were asked to do something it should be possible for them to accomplish this request.... And if the human being Jesus wanted to serve as an example He had to be just like His fellow human beings. __His extraordinary origin, like that of the embodied beings of light on earth which want to be of help to people, by no means infers unusual abilities or advantages which would have required a less stringent fight with himself in order to thus find the unification with Me on earth, which is the goal and task of every human being on earth and for which the human being Jesus set the example that it can be achieved. All the advantages Jesus had as a spirit of light He surrendered before His incarnation as a human being, or His work could not have been what it is: a sacrifice made by love, the blessing of which should benefit all people.... But neither can it ever be denied that `God Himself' made this sacrifice because love was the determining factor which so infused the human being Jesus that I thus was able to be in Him after He, as a human being, had voluntarily shaped himself such that I could take abode in Him, that He became a vessel for Me and thus He then possessed strength and light in abundance.... which again is a process that could not just take place in the human being Jesus but which all people should and are able to achieve because they now have help through the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ.... since due to his act of Salvation as a human being he gained an amount of grace which is now available to every person.... And anyone who avails himself of it will also reach the goal. He will likewise find unification with Me on earth, he will be able to receive light and strength without limitation.... __However, you shall continue to receive clarification, because as long as questions arise in you it is also necessary to provide you with the correct answer. And the more sincerely you desire this answer the sooner you will receive it. __The souls evolving from the abyss can expect as the last stage of their development on earth to be embodied as a human being, then the process of development will be completed and the soul will enter the spiritual realm, irrespective of how it is shaped when it discards its physical shell. Hence these souls proceed in accordance with divine order, they release themselves from hard matter by way of service and yet rise gradually.... Souls of light embodied on earth, however, only descend to earth for the purpose of a mission, they take abode in the human body straight away but then they indeed travel their earthly path like every other person and are thus also subject to natural law and equally have to struggle on earth.... Their external shell will make the same demands on them, because it is composed from still completely immature spiritual substances, from tiny particles of the soul of a once fallen original spirit which is still in utter opposition to God and which first has to be pacified and changed by the soul, which is always a struggle. The soul is not conscious of its earlier state of light, the earthly body has caused its own darkening, only love will arise sooner and more intense in such a person and disperse the darkness more rapidly too.... __A soul from above will also always turn its eyes upwards towards God, Whom it very quickly learns to recognise. Such a soul usually will not need a long time to unite itself with the divine spark within, which can easily influence it and then spirit and soul try and succeed to influence their external shell too. Still, the fact that the soul is travelling the path across earth is always associated with the self-evidence that the soul has to fight, because it constantly has to overcome obstacles in this earthly-material world in order to attain the spiritual goal. __Thus no soul is able to ascend without pain, not even a soul of light, since at the beginning of its incarnation it has descended into the abyss, into a state of ignorance, of constraint and weakness.... This should therefore always be taken into consideration when the earthly life of an embodied being of light is assumed to be an easy one. The earthly body is and remains a shackle for the soul until it leaves it. __And yet even the body can still vary. The flesh can still be steeped in sin, thus still incorporating much of Lucifer within itself if it is born out of sin, if the people creating a new life are only controlled by satanic attributes. And then again, a being, newly awakened into life, may owe its life to two people's urge to love, predominantly good instincts could therefore also have entered this being, and thus the external shell will be appropriately natured.... It will carry much of the `genetic makeup' within itself and more or less has to fight hard in earthly life and therefore also arrive at its goal with more or less difficulty.... Yet no human being's earthly existence remains without struggle.... A light being's earthly life is in fact frequently even exceptionally difficult, because the soul unconsciously experiences its stay in the earthly world as torment and for the sake of its mission often also accepts a very arduous earthly fate. __The process of procreation is now, due to Adam's failure, unblessed, for it did not correspond to God's will, Who wanted to give the first human couple His blessings at the right time.... Lucifer participated in the procreation of the people, and he will never relinquish this right (granted to him through Adam's will) either.... He will always participate in the emergence of new life, even if people's degree of love can keep him at bay to a point and God's protection against him is requested.... And now you will understand that God Himself, however, opposes His adversary, when He creates a bodily shell for Himself which He wants to take possession of Himself one day and which should already serve Him as an abode at the time of birth. For God Himself will never ever unite with His adversary in His activity.... And likewise He will not allow the natural carrier of His shell to be taken over by His adversary.... For He, the God and Creator of eternity, Who brought everything into being, Who assigned purpose and destiny to everything, truly has the power to externalise from Himself everything He wants.... thus it will surely also be possible for Him to bring forth a human being without the lawful act of procreation; and it will also truly be possible for Him to keep His adversary at bay until His will is done.... __For God only takes shelter inside a pure cover, He will not unite with something impure.... which, however, does not exclude that the human being in this kingdom of imperfection, in the kingdom belonging to His adversary, is nevertheless subject to all harassments and that his earthly progress is therefore no less anguished and full of conflict like that of his fellow human beings. For without fight there could be no victory.... God's adversary, however, had to be defeated, and Jesus has truly won the most arduous battle which ever was fought on earth.... and He has won it as a human being, not as God.... __Amen
Attainment of childship to God only on this earth....
Only on earth is it possible for you to attain the highest degree of perfection, so that you, as God's true `children', will be able to enter into supreme happiness. Earth is the place of education for the spiritual essence which makes the greatest demands on the human being's will. All places of education in the entire universe serve to mature the souls, and they can also help them to achieve immeasurable bliss, but only the process across earth can gain the being the childship to God, a degree of happiness which signifies a direct influx of strength and light, utmost proximity to the heavenly Father and the beholding of Him face to face in all glory. There are so many different degrees of blissfulness in the kingdom of light, and it already denotes happiness and bliss if a being has found admission to the realm of light at all. But the degree of bliss can constantly increase, and this concept cannot be easily explained to you humans as long as your thinking is still limited, as long as you still live on earth. However, you can nevertheless be educated to strive for the highest goal that can be achieved by your life on earth. You shall know and believe that God has embodied you on this earth precisely because He wants to prepare an inconceivably magnificent fate for you, but which you have to acquire for yourselves, which he cannot just give you, but He is providing you with all possibilities to make sure that you can attain the goal. __The souls which travel the path across this earth have already ascended from the lowest abyss, they have left such an appalling path of suffering behind themselves that they are indeed sufficiently prepared to still travel the last short path, but precisely this last time of trial is dangerous, since after the infinitely long time of extremely painful constraint they now sense a certain amount of freedom and can easily misuse it. Especially this earth is a place of temptation, because the embodied souls on this earth have been the most loyal followers of God's adversary, which he doesn't want to release and thus he constantly influences the souls which strive to ascend. But if these once most loyal followers of the fallen original spirit can detach themselves from his bondage then an really wonderful fate will await them, for then the change from God's `living creation' into God's `child' will have taken place, but this also necessitates complete dedication to God, a total change of their nature, a shaping into a high degree of love.... hence an extremely difficult and sorrowful earthly life, if it is to lead to the goal. But only few people will reach this high degree of perfection, nevertheless, the path across earth will be more highly valued by God than a path across other places of development which offer easier conditions for the beings yet also grant them happiness and bliss as long as they fulfil the tasks required of them in all these schools of divine love. __All souls shall return again, and their bliss consists of the fact that there will be no end, that the being will constantly strive in order to constantly receive fulfilment, that the bliss, too, will forever increase, which God is bestowing on those who approach Him. However, people on earth don't know what they are able to attain through their earthly life.... they don't know that they can pass over untold intermediate stages, that it is possible for them to gain a place at the Father's heart which will eternally compensate them for the most difficult earthly fate, for a life on earth which almost seems unbearable to them.... God therefore has embodied Himself as a human being on earth in order to demonstrate to people what kind of life a person ought to live in order to attain the highest goal. He has shown to them that it is possible to so spiritualise the soul through love and suffering, that it can completely merge with God, in order to then be and remain forever indescribably happy in total union with the Father.... __Amen
Origin of the creation work `earth'....
The path of the spirits across the earth will extend into eternity.... For the spirits themselves became the matter which earth and all its creations consist of.... God's will turned solidified spiritual substance into matter, thus the whole of the creation work earth.... as well as all creations in the entire universe.... is God's once emanated strength which He externalised as a `being' but which so changed itself that it finally became mere hardened substance, which was then transformed into creations of all kinds. __This took place over an infinitely long period of time, because the `transformation' also occurred in lawful order, the rise of what is now visible as `inhabited earth' happened during countless phases of development.... it was not an instantly externalised work of God's creative power.... since even the slow development served its purpose.... Time and again minutely disintegrated spiritual particles were captured and reshaped, the process took an inconceivably long time before earth had formed itself into a work of creation which could serve as an abode and sustain physical life for the constantly maturing spiritual substance, as it was designated by God's eternal plan of Salvation. And even this spiritual substance took an endless time before it reached the degree when it was allowed to live as a human being on earth for the purpose of its final perfection. __This last earthly progress as a human being is but a moment in time compared with the infinitely long period of the earth's preliminary development.... Although the creation of every form was indeed the work of an instant for God, because His will and His strength externalised every thought as an existing work.... yet the resistance of the once fallen spirits determined the length of time until their physical transformation. For God did not force this spiritual substance but His strength of love captured it until its resistance had somewhat subsided in order to then encase it in accordance with His plan, to then shape it into various forms where it would perform some kind of activity which was so minimal that, again, an infinitely long time passed before these forms could gradually disintegrate and change.... __The development of earth took ages until it could be inhabited by living beings, and these, in turn, prepared the earth for yet another inconceivably long time to become suitable for serving human beings as a last place of development.... The tiny individual particles of the human soul, however, had passed through all creations..... The fall from the highest pinnacle into the abyss had taken so long that thus an equally long time had been necessary to ascend from the abyss to the point when the being could receive its self-awareness again, that this final perfection then made it possible to travel the last path of ascent. But for the time being the creation had emerged, and this incorporates the innumerable fallen spirits whose return to God will subsequently also take an infinitely long time, hence an end of creation cannot be foreseen as yet.... __Nevertheless, the `creations' exist and everything will take its lawful course.... They are brought to life by ever new minute particles of spirit whose higher development takes place by way of constantly changing their outer form, and thus a continuous developing and disintegrating of every material creation can be observed.... All works of creation repeatedly renew themselves in this manner and thus serve the inherent spirit to achieve maturity, just as they serve humanity's continued development by safeguarding their physical life an earth. As long as the spirits bound in the creations do not have free will their path of higher development proceeds in accordance with God's will.... the constrained spiritual substance serves in some form or other and thereby matures gradually.... But as soon as the spirit lives on earth as a human being it is once again in possession of free will and then it is able.... instead of continuing to ascend.... to stop its development or to regress again. During the final period of its process of development it is able to fail.... And this regression can lead to the result that the spirit in the human being.... the `soul' or the once `fallen original spirit'.... will harden again as before. The outcome will be a disintegration of the soul into countless minute particles again which will have to take the path through the material creations once more.... And this process, which has now become necessary again, also requires the disintegration and transformation of all works of creation.... which can be described as the end of one earthly period and the start of a new one. __And thus you humans should try to explain it to yourselves, that such periodically enforced processes of transformation concerning the creation work earth will take place in accordance with God's will. They are always based on God's love and wisdom and only ever serve the redemption of the once fallen spirits.... And you need to also be prepared for such interventions by God when people no longer recognise the true purpose of their existence, when they thus do not use their earthly life for the maturing of their souls, for their final perfection. For the sole purpose of every work of creation is to bring the human soul into maturity, to help it become what it once was in the beginning.... a supremely perfect being, which originated from God's love but voluntarily apostatised from Him.... It shall return to Him again, and God Himself has provided it with the path of return through all the creations on earth.... __Amen
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