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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
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`I will shorten your days....`
The time still granted to you until the end gets ever shorter according to My promise `And except that those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh saved: but for the sake of My Own those days shall be shortened....' so that they will not be forced to go down on their knees before him who remains My enemy and opponent until the end. For he will still cause you serious problems and you will still need much strength in order to resist him. And yet you need not fear this time regardless of the menacing actions he will take against you. He will not reach his goal, for I will protect My Own from falling into his hands. However, they themselves will thank Me for every day without his influence, just as they will also be eternally grateful to Me once I put an end to his activity and put him into chains once again.... The time until the end will seem like a dream to you, that's how soon it will pass.... certainly often alarming yet then shadowy-like again because a host of spiritual beings of light will surround and protect you and direct everything in a way that it will be bearable for you. Nevertheless, great caution has to be taken for he is utterly evil-minded because the end is approaching. What you don't consider possible will still happen due to his influence, for many people in the world are willingly at his service and therefore will also turn against you due to his stimulus. __However, don't fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul.... Don't fear any danger at all because I Am with you and assure you My protection. And regardless of what will happen you will be able to endure because I will give you the strength, because I will make sure that it will not affect you too harshly, that you will persevere and emerge victoriously from the battle against him. But it will remain a battle, I keep telling you time and again so that you will not distance yourselves from Me but join Me ever more and in My proximity remain unassailable for the enemy. And anyone who joins Me so closely that he will always feel My presence need no longer fear anything, for due to the strength he receives from Me he will be superior to him.... The time is approaching the end.... And the days will fly by ever more rapidly, which you will also become ever more conscious of.... but then you will also know that you belong to My Own, for Whom I will shorten the days for your own sakes. Let yourselves be addressed by Me ever more frequently, don't become half-hearted and sluggish in your work for Me and My kingdom, for you will draw much strength from it, you will receive as you give, and a lot more spiritual nourishment needs to be given so that it will flow to everyone who desires it and accepts it through My Word. This is why you, My labourers in My vineyard on earth, should be constantly working and always know that not much time will be left.... You should take the Words seriously `I will shorten the days for the days of My elect....'The end will arrive sooner than you think, and you should all fortify yourselves for the time prior to it and commend yourselves to Me and My protection. And the end will come like a thief in the night.... and I will fetch those whom I do not find asleep away from Satan's place, and all their suffering will be over for them.... __Amen
False Christs and prophets.... Apparitions of Mary....
During the short time which is still left to you until the end much is yet to happen which time and again will draw your attention to the fact that My proclamations are justified for the Scripture, that foretells what you will be able to observe if only you take notice, will fulfil itself. And I told you `Pay attention to the signs which precede the near end....', `For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets....' The name of Jesus Christ will be misused by associating Him with apparitions produced by My adversary in order to deceive those people who are only too quickly willing to assume a divine origin of the manifestations. And an indication of these kinds of apparitions rests in the fact that they all originate from a place where particular piety is being displayed, where Jesus Christ to some extent merely contributes towards the glorification of the mother of God, thus the latter is the motive for an appearance which intends to take credit for being divine, although Jesus Christ is mentioned and indeed acknowledged by the mother of God she nevertheless seeks more honour and acknowledgement for herself than for the Son of God. __This is a first rate game by Satan which is so well camouflaged that it is only rarely recognised as a deceptive image by the adversary, and which therefore is also more likely to be acknowledged than the fact that Jesus speaks to people Himself, and as a result He is not recognised in His Word and thus rejected. The Word of God, which comes directly from above, is not recognised by people as the Father's voice; on the other hand they instantly accept an evil spirit manifesting himself and don't recognise him as a false prophet, despite the fact that his word does not correspond to the pure Word of God, since he promises people long life and prosperity. And such words are much rather believed than My pure Word from above, which predicts an end to the period of Salvation and constantly admonishes them to prepare themselves for the last days. For the opposing spirit will not announce these last days, he will confuse people by promising that they still will have happy times ahead if only they worship the mother of God, who is used by My adversary in order to conceal deceitful prophesies behind her back, which sound more agreeable to people than the pure truth from above. The messengers of the pure truth, however, are made out to be false Christs and false prophets, they are even denied the truth of their predictions, for the pure truth is only desired by a few and only recognised by them as such. __But attention has already been drawn to this in the Scriptures and thus cautioned against false Christs and false prophets.... But where, in that case, are people looking for the right prophets if they negate everything that provides them with an insight about the events of the last days?.... They gladly hear when it is claimed that an end is questionable, when everything is negated what is announced by God's messengers in advance in order to warn and admonish people in the last days. They are the false prophets who don't want to accept the pure truth and who time and again appease people by disputing a near end.... Even the people who regard God's love as incompatible with the fact that he strikes earth with unusual kinds of judgments and who therefore also try to influence their fellow human beings' minds belong to these wrong prophets, even if they are of good will and also strive towards good. But they lack realisation.... the knowledge, which stage of spiritual development humanity has arrived at and why God will intervene when the deadline granted to humanity for achieving full maturity has expired. God's love is always at work, even if you humans cannot understand that, and God's love admonishes and warns people in good time and refers them to these unusual events, so that they will have time to adjust their lives appropriately, so that they will be able to justify themselves at any time if these events suddenly overwhelm people. __And these admonitions and warnings will always come from above, that is, God will address those people through the spirit who are voluntarily receptive to the voice of the spirit. And thus purest truth is conveyed to earth, and these messengers can never be regarded as false prophets, for they only pass the pure truth from God on to people. The fact that people don't always like these predictions nevertheless does not entitle them to discard everything as lies and errors and attack the truth and with it the proclaimers of the truth as false prophets, humanity cannot be informed in any other way than through the spirit of what is about to happen very soon. God Himself cannot instruct people in any other way about the last days and the end than through His Word. Hence these proclaimers will not find credence, while belief is granted to people who proclaim a long life in prosperity to their fellow human beings and talk about a spiritual turning point in terms of humanity's return to faith and to God.... They pretend to be saviours themselves, who dismiss every end time prophesy as being anti-divine, who thus expect earthly progress together with a spiritual ascent for humanity. They harm people insofar as that they deprive them of their accountability by claiming that the work of improving the soul is unimportant and only ever place earthly interests into the forefront, until one day the end will come upon humanity and they will be called to account in total immaturity.... with the result that they will not have reached the slightest degree necessary in order to enter the kingdom of light, and the only fate open to them will be a renewed banishment into solid matter.... which is precisely what God is trying to prevent with His predictions through seers and prophets. You humans should not spend these last days irresponsibly, you should know that not much more time is granted to you and that you can still make good use of this short time if you believe and are of good will.... if you listen to the prophets which time and again are sent by God's love to cross your path in order to save you from ruin, from the fate of a new banishment in the creations of earth.... __Amen
REVELATION 16, 18.... A STAR....
An enormous quake will shake the earth; spiritually as well as physically the earth will face a tremor humans have never experienced as yet, since the beginning of this epoch. But this is prophesied for it is the initiation to the end that will follow not long after that. There is no long period left and your attention to this is pressing more and more because you are to make use of everyday yet to help maturing your soul, for the time is short and you are approaching the very end with giant steps. And there will follow a long night for all who have not made use of the day to work for the well-being of the soul. For there will be just a few to survive this last end and to be allowed to live on the new earth, a few only will stand firm in the last battle on this earth. __Again and again, the signs of the end are being presented to you humans and the last colossal sign is the great quake. The way it will come about you were told already: A star leaves its orbit and heads for the earth with gigantic speed. The reason why you don’t know anything about it as yet is due to the great distance this star will have to cover yet until it enters the focus range of those who will notice it. But at that point the excitement will be big because everybody recognizes the danger the star “earth” now is in but nobody can do anything about it to remove the danger. And, since you’re aware of it, this last short time you ought to utilize especially well, for none of you knows as to whether or not he will survive the event. None of you knows which part of the earth will be particularly befallen and nobody should count on being spared, for it is the last big reminding-call of God which He still lets sound prior to the end in order to find faith for just this end and a turn around of the few who are not quite enslaved to the adversary altogether as yet. __Do not think lightly about these prophesies, do not let yourselves be disconcerted by the apparent work of building up you can observe from the side of the world, but be aware that the shadows of annihilation are already showing up. There’s not much time left to pass by until you will receive word of that disaster approaching you in the form of a star to be hurled out of its orbit because it is God’s will that the earth be stricken by a quake that is meant to, and can possibly save those people who’s will is good. There truly won’t be a lack of signs for the close end but this one sign has a tremendous effect and many people will lose their life in the course of it. And no one will be able to play deaf, for it is too enormous than that it couldn’t possibly touch everybody. Only, the success is different, for people will partly revive their weak faith and again return to God, but also partly lose their weak faith and completely turn to the opponent which will be expressed in chasing after material possessions, mostly in an illegitimate manner. And there will be a great misery amongst people. And that’s when the true faith will prove itself, which means help for every person who faithfully submits to God. For He will help all those who want to be His, who in their greatest affliction remember Him Who alone is able to help. And the time will begin where there will have to be performed proper vineyard work for the sake of helping all those who are still weak in the spirit and are to experience a strengthening of their faith. For that’s when the time of the last struggle of faith will follow that will still demand a last decision of the believers; yet, whoever will be steadfast until the end shall be blessed. __Amen
End and Rapture.... Paradise of the new earth....
A blissful fate in the paradise of the new earth is awaiting those of you who will stand firm during the last battle of faith, who will remain faithful to Me until the end. It will certainly still be a difficult time for you but you will be able to prevail, for you will receive an exceptional flow of strength from Me, you will be so evidently taken care of by Me and My love that you will patiently accept all difficulties and profess Me and My name before the world. You and your strength of faith will also lift those of your fellow human beings' who are still of weak faith. They will recognise My might and strength if only a person has living faith in Me. But you should not stay with Me for the sake of reward, instead your love for Me should motivate you to resist all hostilities by the adversary. And you will indeed possess this love in view of the distinct help, the love, which I Myself will prove to you.... Then burning love for Me will arise in you and nothing will be able to frighten you anymore, nothing will be able to separate you from Me, Who is and wants to remain your Father, Who wants to transfer you as His children into the paradise of the new earth.... and Who therefore will help you until the very end. And I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own.... This promise shall be your comfort when you look at the chaos around you, when you are subjected to persecutions which originate from My adversary and affect all those who believe in Me. Don't let yourselves be misled by the promises of those who don't want to acknowledge Me.... don't let yourselves be deceived by their apparent good living standard and don't desire it yourselves, for My adversary and his followers will not be able to enjoy it for long.... Everything will cease to exist on the Day of Judgment, and only you will survive this day and be allowed to enter the kingdom of peace when I will carry you away before their very eyes. __And so that you will remain strong in your resistance, so that you will remain loyal to Me until the end, I will fortify you in every adversity of body and soul.... And I will also visibly come to you, if your strength of faith and your love allows for it.... I will provide you with such remarkable strength and comfort that you will be firm enough to resist and that you will also live through the short time without incurring the slightest damage to your body and soul.... For My power is truly great enough to protect you in every adversity and danger. Therefore, if you are unusually put under pressure for the sake of your belief you can count daily on My coming.... Then you will know that the Day of Judgment is not far away anymore, and then wait in love and patience, for I have promised My help to you and I will rescue you from all distress. You don't know how close you are to the end and the day and hour will remain a secret to you as well; but pay attention to the signs which proclaim the end to you.... and you will realise that you are living in the twelfth hour and that time flies. This is why you should make use of it to the best of your ability and always remain in contact with Me so that you will constantly receive strength and increase your strength of faith and your love for Me.... I will truly save you from destruction if only you have the will to belong to Me, therefore I will also give you the strength to prevail until the end or I will recall you before, so that you will not fall prey to My adversary in your weakness.... For as soon as your will applies to Me I shall no longer leave you to My adversary but take hold of you and draw you up to Me.... Yet blessed is he who experiences the end, who will remain loyal to Me and profess Me before the world.... I want to endow him with the delights of paradise, I want to transfer him onto the new earth when the Day of Judgment has come.... and all adversity and suffering will be over for him, he will live in peace and beatitude and I Myself will be with My Own, as I have promised.... __Amen
A renewal of earth must come....
Earth will have to be renewed if the higher development of the spiritual beings is to progress; all works of creation will have to release the spirits so that they can continue their development within new forms, as this is the purpose of the work of creation called `earth'.... For it does not just concern you humans who voluntarily ought to reach your final goal on earth but fail to do so.... it also concerns the spiritual substance bound within the form which has not yet been able to arrive at the possibility of being of service and to which the path of service shall be opened. As long as you humans do not know the meaning and purpose of creation, you will not consider the possibility of an impending transformation of the earth's surface either. And yet it is about to happen and may only be experienced by people who have fulfilled the purpose of their earthly life, who have matured fully and therefore will populate the new earth.... Hence they also know God's plan of Salvation, they believe that they live in the last days and expect the end and with it the coming of the Lord, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture. But there are only few of them.... __People's low spiritual level is so obvious that the time has come when a change must happen again.... when all spirits have to be placed into forms which correspond to their state of maturity.... And thus the human being, having completely failed, will also have to be banished into hard matter again and start a new process of development; whereas the spiritual being bound within matter may occupy increasingly softer forms until it reaches the stage one day when it can take the path across earth as a human being for his last decision of will. The fact that people will experience this harsh fate of a new banishment is the result of their free will, for they no longer have any spiritual aspirations on earth, they are totally attached to matter and will therefore become what they aspired to in this earthly life. Nevertheless, they have been sufficiently admonished and warned, during their earthly life they have been informed of the purpose of earthly life, and no person will be able to say that he had absolutely no knowledge of it. The fact that he, of his own free will, had rejected everything that could have increased his maturity is his own fault which he consequently will also have to pay for. A continuation of the old earth, however, would never ensure that these people would change; they would only ever descend further and also prevent the spirits within the form from progressing further. But who will believe this if he is informed of it? __As soon as people no longer believe in God, in a continuation of life after death, in a responsibility on their part, the said low spiritual level will have been reached which necessitates the end, the dissolution of earthly creations. For in that case people's existence on earth would be pointless, the blessing of an embodiment as a human being would no longer be made use of, the earth will have ceased to be a place of education for the spiritual beings and a total transformation will have to happen to put an end to this unspiritual state of affairs. And you humans will shortly face this transformation, you will shortly face a spiritual and earthly turning point, for the time which was granted to you for the maturing of your souls has come to an end. Until the end you will be warned and admonished, until the end you will be instructed about the purpose of your existence, you will receive the knowledge of God's plan of Salvation, of His infinite love for all His living creations and of the possibility and help on His part to become blessed before the end arrives.... However, you have to accept all this of your own free will, you have to seriously want to fulfil the purpose of your human existence.... you have to acknowledge a God above yourselves and appeal to Him for mercy.... And truly, you will still be saved in the last hour, otherwise the Judgment will take effect on you, otherwise you will get what you are striving for.... you will turn into matter again which had kept you tied to the earth so that you didn't take the path of ascent and therefore will end up in the abyss again.... __Amen
The end time justifies the gifts of grace....
It is an unmerited act of grace that you humans may hear the Word from above, for in the time shortly before the end the human race will have reached a spiritual low level which will necessitate a disintegration of the earthly creation, a transformation and new embodiment of all still constrained spiritual substances as well as the souls which presently live on earth as human beings and, for the most part, are failing in their test of earthly life. People therefore don't strive towards unity with Me of their own accord, they keep their distance from Me and, in their rejection, are not worthy of being spoken to by Me.... It is therefore an extraordinary grace that I nevertheless lean down and speak to people, that I also allow My Word to be given to those who keep away from Me. Hence I forget about their state of unworthiness, I pursue those people who turn away from Me precisely because the time of the end has come and because this end signifies a renewed banishment into matter for many human souls which I would still like to avert while there is still time.... I call and coax, I let My light ray of love shine in all places, I touch people's hearts with this ray purely in order to make them come to their senses, accept and ponder My Words in their hearts and then live their lives accordingly.... I just don't want them to go astray for an infinitely long time again.... And this great risk exists, for only a few people have a living faith in Me which will protect them from the downfall when the hour of the end has come. For this reason My love grants you this final gift of grace, even though you do not deserve it.... And you need only not reject it when My servants want to convey My Word to you.... Listen to them and reflect without inner resistance on what I say to you.... Then you will also be able to gain faith in your God and Creator which will not be a blind faith.... And soon you will feel My love in you as well, because you will not dismiss the impression of thoughts coming to you because you will sense that they correspond to the truth. Simply let go of your inner resistance and you will be saved for time and eternity. __Listen to Me.... and the strength of My Word will take effect in you, because My Word will illuminate you with divine strength of love.... You won't hear empty human words when My messengers bring My gifts of grace to you.... Human words are easily discarded, but the Words of God exert an influence, provided that the human being does not fight this influence. Therefore I do not expect anything else of you than to listen to Me when I come to you Myself in the Words conveyed to you by My messengers.... I do not ask for anything other than that you do not turn away in indignation, but to think about it for once.... And I will truly help you to recognise the truth of My Word, your heart will feel addressed by Me and your thoughts will gradually turn towards Me, your resistance will grow weaker and the strength of My Word will begin to take effect in you. Simply surrender your resistance and, truly, I Myself will look after every individual person and convey to him Words of love and grace, Words of support and comfort, Words of wisdom, according to his soul's need so that it will recognise Me Myself in the Words brought to people by My messengers. For verily, I say to you: it is the time of the end.... And time and again My love and mercy approaches you anew and wants to protect you from the fate of a renewed banishment when the end has come.... And therefore I will still shower you with My gifts of grace and will still try to gain anyone whose heart is not yet entirely hardened for Me and My kingdom .... I will try to reveal Myself to him as the most loving God and Father of eternity and he will truly be affected by the ray of My love. He will be able to recognise My Word as the Father's voice Who wants to help His child, Who wants to protect it from the abyss, Who still wants to save it before the end has come.... __Amen
'Judging' the souls at the end....
The hour of reckoning will come, the hour when every person will have to justify himself before his Judge.... For order will have to be restored again sooner or later and everyone who has transgressed this eternal order will have to be answerable.... The sentence will be passed in accordance with justice.... Every soul will experience the fate it has prepared for itself; the spiritual essence, which has taken the path through the creations, will be moved to where it belongs in relation to its degree of maturity.... the old creation will be dissolved, i.e. all forms will be reshaped into different kinds of works of creation, and the unredeemed spiritual substance will be placed into these forms either to re-start or to continue the path of salvation, depending on its degree of maturity. At present you humans still do as you want and please, and you are not prevented from doing so, irrespective of how God-opposing your actions are.... But the end will come soon, and you will no longer be able to do as you want, because the time will have passed when you were able to work for your soul's salvation. For you will not have used the time in accordance with God's will but strengthened your soul's cover even more and thereby will have prepared your own fate by becoming increasingly enslaved by matter, and thus you will become matter again yourselves, which you had already long overcome. Yet the law of eternal order will have to be fulfilled again one day. Every spiritual essence, which lived on earth as a human being, will have to receive new forms, since higher development has to continue where it was interrupted.... And the spiritual essence which had failed in its embodiment as a human being has to be given a new opportunity to integrate itself in the process of return.... This could indeed be called an extremely harsh judgement but it only ever corresponds to the human being's own free will, which he had misused on earth.... with the result that his soul will gain banishment into matter, it will be dissolved again and will have to take the infinitely long path through the creations until it once again enters the stage of a human being.... __One day it will achieve the final goal and leave every external shape behind, but it extends or shortens its own time until it can finally enter the kingdom of light in a redeemed state. And although God is inconceivably merciful and patient and in His love constantly tries to encourage people to make the right decision of will.... one day the time will come to an end and then His righteousness will come to the fore, and He will re-establish the old order which, however, will also signify a 'judgement of the soul'.... a transfer into the external form which corresponds to its state of maturity.... And, at the same time, this 'judgment' is the end of an earth- or salvation-period.... It will necessitate a destruction of all works of creation on earth which shelter unredeemed spiritual substance that travels along its process of development in a state of compulsion, as well as people who did not use their earthly existence to progress in their development. They, too, will be 'judged'.... that is, according to their spiritual maturity they will be placed into hard matter again.... You humans are now facing the end of this old earth, whether this seems credible to you or not.... Time and again your attention will be drawn to this fact in order to improve yourselves before the event and to enter the law of eternal order, which only requires a life of love, for love is a divine principle which you, too, as His living creations, will have to acquire if divine order is to be observed. __You are constantly admonished by seers and prophets, who proclaim this near end to you, to consider your real purpose of earthly life, so that the end will not catch you unawares and you will have to step before God's judgment seat laden with sin if you have done nothing to fully mature in the final form.... as a human being, even if you are not yet released from your original sin by having taken this guilt under the cross and prayed to Jesus Christ for redemption from it.... Only he can take all guilt from you, and then you can step before God's judgment seat free of guilt, and you will not have to fear the Last Judgment, then you will be able to exchange your stay on earth with the spiritual kingdom, which is your true home.... You will be able to enter the kingdom of the blissful spirits and neither have to fear the end of the old earth nor new banishment, for the eternal God is not a strict but a righteous Judge, Who will give to you all in accordance with your own will.... __Amen
`The powers of heaven shall be shaken....'
I also foretold that by the signs of the time you will recognise the end is near.... And these signs will be so obvious that you will no longer need to doubt and know the hour you live in.... For the powers of heaven shall be shaken, you will be able to detect cosmic changes, natural phenomena which should make you think; they will be observable and even the lawful order of nature will seem to have been revoked.... and yet this, too, is governed by divine law, for everything that will happen and take place is based on My will. Yet only the truth of what was proclaimed by seers and prophets and what I foretold you Myself about the end shall be revealed to you humans. For everything will become disorderly during the last days so as to make you humans take notice.... Since you no longer accept any faith in a God and Creator, since you think that My works of creation are subject to your influence, since you consider yourselves powerful and extraordinarily knowledgeable, you will also have to be given evidence to the contrary, you will have to recognise your powerlessness in view of phenomena which cannot be stopped or changed by you at will.... Furthermore, you must recognise that such predictions, which you cannot deny, have already existed for a long time and that the time has finally come when what is written and what is repeatedly proclaimed to people through My Word will be fulfilled.... Yet people will even regard the cosmic changes to be the consequences of their own activities and consider themselves as masters with the ability to cause such cosmic changes, and thus they will deny God with absolute conviction. For My adversary's activity in the last days are intended to dethrone Me and therefore he will be bound again.... __But there will also always be people who are aware of the time and speak on behalf of Me and My kingdom to the world, to those who are entirely without faith.... For they know that the last hour will soon strike, they also consider the cosmic changes as evidence because I predicted them Myself when I lived on earth. `The powers of heaven shall be shaken....' this Word, too, has a spiritual meaning which you humans are as yet unable to grasp.... Everything that comes forth from Me, that is based on My will, is alive, and since My strength, which always generates life, will express itself every rigid form will be brought to life.... In the last days before the end My strength will flow out abundantly, everything will become less dense everywhere, that is, the sun of My spirit will penetrate the darkness of night which enshrouds the whole of the earth.... The sun of My spirit will flare brightly and its radiance will give life to everything, it will awaken what is sleeping and give life to the hitherto dead as it is struck by this beam.... Thus the powers of heaven, which you humans are incapable of stopping, will express themselves.... But in the end My power will also express itself in a purely natural sense which no-one will be able to explain, for I predicted unusual signs before the end, and these will happen in such a way that humankind will be able to observe the events in nature with horror since they cannot prevent them with their own countermeasures.... Instead they will even contribute by releasing forces whose effects have not been ascertained as yet and which therefore result in all-destroying consequences and accelerate the final end which, admittedly, is intended in My eternal plan of Salvation because I have always known people's will and therefore based My plan of Salvation on it.... but which nevertheless will be carried out by people themselves who believe themselves able to surpass Me and who are visibly under the adversary's influence whose devastating effect will then become apparent.... __It will happen as it is proclaimed, and anyone who pays attention can already recognise the signs of the time.... anyone who pays attention also realises that My Word is truth, which is conveyed from above to people as a greater than great gift of grace for anyone who wants to accept this gift.... For at no time have I ever left humanity without forewarning when it was faced by events for which I had to send over people as soon as they were at risk of utterly losing themselves to My adversary.... My judgments have always been preceded by warnings and admonitions, for I always wanted to offer people the opportunity to come to their senses and make use of the short time they had left so that their souls' could emerge unscathed from all such judgments. Yet these admonitions and warnings were never allowed to compel belief, and this is why My present proclamations will also find little credence no matter how clearly the signs can be observed.... People try to explain everything in a way that is more to their liking, and this is why the end will take them by surprise, for the time is fulfilled, the end is near.... __Amen
As it was before the great Flood....
The time will come when it will be just as it was before the great Flood.... Once again people will take pleasure in their life on earth with exuberant joy, once again they will strive to reach the highest goals, yet their every thought will purely be materialistically inclined.... Once again sin will become rife and people will be Satan's obvious servants, the truth will be ridiculed and error will be idolised.... God's voice will not be heeded, yet for Satan's voice people's hearts will be receptive and thus they will only ever accomplish what is wrong and constantly infringe against the eternal order, they will be entirely without love but posses excessive selfish love instead and only ever look after and work for themselves and mercilessly bypass their needy fellow human beings. But this time has been predicted to you and will come as certainly as one day follows another, for one day even the future will become the present, and one day all predictions will come true, thus you humans are facing the end and there is not much time left. Therefore, all those of you who have offered to work in the vineyard of the Lord should still be diligent. You should do everything possible in order to enlighten your fellow human beings, and for this purpose spiritual information is conveyed to you from above which is truly suitable to make people take stock of themselves if they seriously consider it. Nevertheless, God can look into all human hearts and also see who can still be saved. For the sake of these few He sends His messengers to bring them the Word which will grant them complete clarification and also informs them of the guidelines for a correct way of life. Accepting this Word of His will already signify salvation from darkness and deliverance from ruin, for anyone who takes possession of God's Word will also receive everything else he needs, so that he will have an abundance of strength and light and will no longer fear any onslaughts by the opposing spirit. Do you still doubt this if you look around in the world, if you pay attention to the worldly children's activity and observe all world events, which truly take on such forms that only a momentous act of destruction by God can still shake people up? Do you really think that the adversary's activity will subside, that he will abandon the dominion again which he managed to achieve over people?.... Do you think that people will fight against their selfish love and helpfully attend to their fellow human beings so that they will kindle love in them and make contact with God?.... __Only very few will succeed in doing so, and they belong to His Own whom He will remove at the end of days, who will occupy the new earth as ancestral parents of the new human race, as it is constantly proclaimed. Yet their number will be very small, and the sole goal of the vineyard labourers is to increase this number and to induce all people capable of changing to implement this change so that the harvest at the end will not be too small.... But the end will come with absolute certainty.... For even if you humans do not know the time and hour, and neither will God ever give you the exact date, it will nevertheless come rapidly closer, because it was predetermined from the start. You will be admonished ever more urgently to prepare yourselves for the end because you still have the opportunity of changing yourselves and of joining your God and Creator Who, as your Father, wants to grant you the happiness of eternal life.... __Nevertheless, precisely because the day and hour of the end is unknown to you, you should continue with your daily work, but you should always take it into account, otherwise the end would not be pointed out to you increasingly more urgently.... Just pay attention to all the signs, for it will be as it was before the great Flood, people's craving for pleasure will find no bounds, and the adversary will constantly incite them to live a rampant life, to commit all manner of sins and crimes, and they will utterly comply with his will because they lack the strength to resist him and because they don't avail themselves of the blessings of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation Who, through His death on the cross, acquired a stronger will for them. Judging by people's satanic state of activity the adversary's power will seem to be greater than God's power, yet it is people's free will which gives rise to this great power.... Even so, God Himself will stop him when he exceeds his power, when he proceeds against God Himself and tries to eradicate the knowledge of Him in Jesus and His act of Salvation.... Then the Light of Eternity Itself will penetrate the darkness, then Jesus Himself will come in the clouds and fetch the flock of believers, who remain faithful to Him until the end. Then He will carry them away in full sight of people governed by Satan, and they will fall prey to certain death, for the earth will split open and receive all those who failed their final test of earthly life and who will therefore be banished anew in the creations of the new earth. As incredible as it may seem to you, you must accept it as truth and should not believe that you will remain on this earth for very much longer.... Sooner than you think the day will come and blessed is he who, prior to that, will still accept the truth when it is offered to him by you, who serve as loyal labourers in the vineyard of the Lord. Blessed is he who lives his life on earth consciously, knowingly turns to God and tries to attain the goal on earth, for he will truly be guided through all temptations and also be able to withstand the onslaughts by God's adversary, for the adversary only has power over a person who grants him this power himself.... But no person whose will belongs to His God and Creator, Whom he has recognised as his Father and solely strives towards Him, can ever be forced to be enslaved by the adversary.... And since humanity itself has enthroned God's adversary it will also share his fate when he is enchained and thrown into the darkness.... __His followers will also be banished into matter and will have to travel the path of higher development once more, and that will necessitate a transformation of the earth's total surface area, a destruction of all works of creation, so that the indwelling spirits can be released and placed into new forms in the creations of the new earth again. For God will never let the process of development come to a standstill, new possibilities will always be created when the soul has failed as a human being, for sooner or later every soul must reach the goal, sooner or later every soul will come alive and never lose this life again.... __Amen
The voice of God will sound loudly and insistently and the fate of the nations will be decided upon for God Himself will, by means of the powers of nature, pronounce the decision. And nobody will be able to oppose His judgement for it will be just and will strike those people who have caused great misery and who don't want to acknowledge their wrong. It will be an exceedingly sad event and countless people will loose their lives, and the event is also unstoppable because people cannot be shaken by anything that human will manages to accomplish and will therefore have to be disturbed by an event which cannot be turned away or terminated by human will, and it will for this reason cause great horror because everyone will visualize death facing them and will have to get ready for the transitory end. And this event is moving closer and closer, day by day passes by without the changing of mankind, and the forbearance of God keeps on waiting in order to still grant an opportunity to mankind to change until His voice will sound. __But now the world event, too, is turning towards its end because the natural phenomenon is preparing itself, because the interior of the earth is turning into a turmoil and is just waiting for the moment where God grants the natural powers freedom to unleash. For people find no end to it; that's why God intervenes and puts a stop to it. Bad happenings are terminated but even worse ones will be their consequences, for people are in terrible distress and are at a great loss in facing the natural powers. They can't either flee nor halt or reduce their [the power's] raging, they are at their mercy and have but one Savior whom they can entrust themselves in their misery, Whom they can call upon for help and who has the power to help them. __Yet, only a few accept Him, few feel they are guilty, humbly awaiting His judgement in recognition of their sinfulness. And God will certainly look after those few in the hours of destruction which divine will is going to call for because there's no other way for the spiritual need to be eliminated and the earthly misery, caused by human will, is continuously increased. And because people are finding no end to it, God establishes the end of a battle involving the whole earth. And there will be a cry of horror rebounding from across the earth leaving people petrified, for the extent of the catastrophe leaves everybody prick up their ears and trembling for a [possible] repetition. And this is the intention of God for the whole humanity to take part of it, to listen to His judgement, to recognize the guilty ones and [also] God's righteousness. Because every fighting party still believes to be in the right; power alone and not the right is still being valued and God's blessing cannot remain on actions that are detestable, because they violate against the divine commandment of love.... __And God will punish people with the same they do....only, His work of destruction is much more colossal so that He may by that be recognized by them. For the spiritual ,too, still constrained, is indignant when torn away from the divine order and feels this condition painfully ; even though it became free by human will it cannot enjoy its freedom for it is not the freedom of completeness, but it's because the opportunity of an activity is taken away from the spiritual, about which it is indignant. And it will get active wherever there is an opportunity given to it. But, particularly, it will combine with the still bound spiritual and try to entice it, to likewise blast its shell, at which action it is supportive. By that, it tries to force man to again act constructively for the purpose of providing new possibilities to enter new creations, as a continuation for its development. __And God does not hinder the spiritual having become free by human will, as He also gives His consent when matter in the interior of the earth moves, when the spiritual strives for the light and attempts to blast its shell. For a short time, God withdraws His will and He lets the will of the spiritual have its way which, however since it is still completely immature, means a work of destruction of a monstrous extent. And thus the human will is opposed by another will which outdoes the first one, seemingly lacking every divine love and wisdom and which finds the full consent of God. __Yet mankind does not bow down before God, it does not put an end to their battle of annihilation, it is possessed by demons, and lets themselves be driven by them. It is more and more enslaved to the evil power and proves this by its works and actions. And in order to put a stop to this decline God's will and omnipotence steps into obvious action. He shakes the earth and mankind with it so that it may come to its senses and change. For it is the last time that there can still be used for the souls. And therefore God lets His voice sound powerfully and massively, and He calls upon people: Put a stop to your raging, which means dragging your souls into ruin; change before it is too late and remember Him Who rules over heaven and earth Who is your Creator and Sustainer and Whose love you treat with disrespect. You on your earth, take heed for it is about to happen.... __Amen
Danger of idleness....
You should not give yourselves to laziness during the time of the last days, you should not stay inactive and indifferently await the end, but instead you should work tirelessly, spiritually as well as earthly, where necessary. For your soul only benefits from activity and never from a state of rest. Moreover, the end time will necessitate vigorous activity as a result of severe hardship which will force the human being to participate in every kind of work. For only those who betray Me, who have completely deserted Me, will have a good living standard. Those who abide by Me will have to struggle with acute hardship, worldly too; nevertheless, with My help they will be able to overcome it if they work diligently. But I will keep them occupied until the end, I do not want them to stay inactive and wait for My help since I do not want them to run the danger of deserting Me by comparing their life with the life of the atheists and begin to falter in their faith in Me. Diligent activity will protect them from misguided thoughts because activity is life, and as long as a task is performed for the benefit of other people it is also a blessing for the human soul. And the difficulties of the time will necessitate supportive action for other people, My Own will have to be very industrious, and even the representatives of My Word, My servants on earth, are not exempt, and I will bless everyone's efforts and remove their worst hardship although it will seem to the world as if the human being helps himself.... since My help only shows itself visibly to the world when the strength of faith is intended to become evident. __However, every person will be able to work and aspire spiritually in spite of utmost demands on his physical strength before the end.... If he aspires towards Me, My spiritual strength will carry out the person's work and his thoughts will be able to freely wander into the spiritual realm, he will be able to be in contact with Me at any time, his physical labour will not prevent him from working for the kingdom of God where appropriate. For I will give everyone a place where he will be able to work physically and spiritually in accordance with his abilities. Besides, time appears to pass more quickly to an active person, whereas the inactive human being extends his own time due to his idleness. Idleness does not lead to any kind of success, neither spiritually nor earthly.... the lord of the underworld takes possession of a lazy human being; he tempts him with worldly promises and diverts his attention from his real task on earth. And, because he wants to improve his life, the idle person follows him only too willingly. And I seriously warn My Own against idleness.... I will bless every deed which is not a blatant unkindness, and My blessing will result in constant help during spiritual as well as earthly hardship. Therefore, remain tirelessly active; remember that there is not much time until the end and that any kind of activity is life. Don't end the experience of life before its time, and also use the flow of vitality correctly, then the spiritual strength will also be increased, you will persevere to the end and need not fear adversities because then you will be living in accordance with My will in this respect too and will always be able to be certain of My protection, My love and My strength.... __Amen
Irrevocable end.... Divine order and infringement....
The time for the end has definitely arrived, and anyone can see that if he so wants. I do not keep My living creations in ignorance, I inform them of this Myself, but anyone who lacks belief in Me and My Word, anyone who does not reflect on the cause of the total decline and is unable to associate it with the spiritual low level, cannot receive additional information either. Nor can the credibility of My Word be proven to him since he rejects all evidence. The time of the end is making itself noticeably felt, however, anything that is earthly recognisable can also be explained by people in an earthly, i.e. natural, way. And yet there is a spiritual cause for everything which has to be observed first; people have to try to resolve the spiritual cause if the consequences are to be averted. But people do not make this attempt, and thus the time is irrevocably approaching the end, i.e. the earth is experiencing its last days in its present form. I speak to people clearly but they cover their ears, they cannot muster the will nor the strength to accept information which would enable them to discover an orderliness even in the decline, in the immense misery and all events.... they don't want to know about it and don't want to be truthfully instructed either. And time and again I send them My servants and messenger to guide them into the right way of thinking.... __But My plan of eternity is predetermined, My wisdom recognises the necessity of changing the existing state, and My love and My will carry out what is unavoidably needed in order to still save the few which want to be saved. Because humanity's activity has to stay within limits, and once these are exceeded the time of the end will also have arrived. And the fact that people are behaving in opposition to divine order can be easily seen by everyone. Thus, what would be more logical than to restore the order again in accordance with My will? Nevertheless, it cannot happen in a humanly aspired way but has to take place in keeping with My law of eternity.... A humanly devised change on this earth would not result in any spiritual change, it would not result in any spiritual progress, but this is the only purpose for My living creations' life on earth, and this has to take place; hence the necessary conditions have to be available for it too and consist of entirely new creations for the spiritual substances which still remain opposed to Me. __Thus the old earth will pass away in as much as all creations on it will be destroyed, in order to be inhabited again by completely new creations according to My will, which signifies the start of a new earth period, the start of a new era of redemption in a spiritual sense. It is easy to understand that a change on earth in opposition to My order also has to result in complete disintegration; but anyone who does not acknowledge an eternal Lawmaker will also refuse to acknowledge a violation of My order, since he is not living within My order himself in as far as he values earthly matter more than the spiritual kingdom which, however, should be the purpose and goal of his earthly life. A person who does not stay within My order through actions of love and conscious contact with Me will not have orderly thoughts either, and his knowledge is deceptive knowledge without lasting value. But anyone who opens his eyes and ears will recognise the spiritual decline and also know that the end is near. He will strive to stay within My eternal order and thus not fear the end because it is the beginning of a new life for him, a life of eternal bliss.... __Amen
Urgent admonition to detach from matter....
Recognise the time and adjust your life accordingly.... Anyone who is unable to detach himself from the possessions of the world will find the last days before the end very difficult, for he will lose everything if he does not belong to those who are completely corrupt, who will receive everything so as to completely renounce Me. Then I will have to take that which you are unable to relinquish voluntarily from you by force if I want to save you from entirely falling prey to the one who wants your eternal ruin. For earthly matter belongs to him and must never become the principle of your life, instead you should use it to cover your most essential physical needs so that you can consider your soul the more abundantly.... For this alone is needed in the coming time, because you only have little time left until the end. But if you spend it by just taking care of your physical well-being then your soul will go short and will have to suffer indescribably if I still want to rescue it before the end. Therefore remove whatever your body does not require and give it to your needy fellow human being, for there will be much hardship with My permission. Recognise the last days before the end by the fact that a great tribulation will befall the earth which you will be unable to avert by yourselves and which will be made even worse through My will, through My last intervention before the end. Then you all must realise that I only want you to have very little for your body, that I want to direct your mind more towards the soul, towards the spirit, and humbly submit yourselves to My will. Ignore your body and only take care of your soul, then I will take care of your physical well-being and keep you alive until the end, and you will be able to endure your last stage of life because I will help you. __And thus liberate yourselves from all earthly matter, detach your heart from it, and gladly share whatever you own with your needy neighbour. And you will not have to go short despite your externally most modest living conditions, you will be able to live and work because your soul will receive doubly what your body gives up. I must take your earthly possessions away from you if you don't part from them voluntarily, I must implement a forceful solution if you are too weak to separate yourselves from them. But it is far better if you already detach yourselves from them in your heart before, that you no longer let yourselves be enslaved by matter, but that you leave everything up to Me of your own free will if you sacrifice everything you own to Me.... Then I will return to you what you need and also make your earthly life easier, and you will make proper use of the time until the end for your soul. For if I tell you that you that your life will not last long anymore, why should you still anxiously worry....? You will have to leave all earthly possessions behind when your body dies, your soul, however, will remain chained to it even in the spiritual kingdom if it hasn't detached itself on earth already. And I want to help the soul learn to overcome it on earth and free itself from all longing for it.... Detach yourselves from matter.... I let this call resound more urgently than ever, for the care of your soul is paramount in the forthcoming time.... __Amen
Transformation of earth.... Change.... Disintegration....
You must always remember that nothing on this earth can last forever, and therefore even earth itself will not last, thus it has to change if it will not completely disintegrate in its fundamental substance. The latter will occur after an infinitely long time, but a transformation of earth will take place shortly. Just as earthly matter achieves its higher development through the dissolution of an existing form in order to rise again in a new form, so the earth as such is also subject to temporary changes, and all creations on earth will enter a new stage of development. Not just the constrained spirits within every work of creation strive to ascend but matter itself has to undergo this path of higher development by becoming increasingly softer, thus sheltering the spirit which, due to its maturity, is able to escape its form faster. Consequently hard matter, which has already existed for a very long time, has to be dissolved eventually too. Its development has to be continued in softer matter and new hard matter needs to be produced to shelter the spiritual substance which, in the stage of knowledge.... as a human being.... had failed and joined God's adversary. __Such total transformations of earth's external forms only take place within certain periods of time and are therefore unbelievable to people, because each such transformation happened so long ago that the truth can no longer be ascertained and upheld. Although a developmental period is infinitely long it will nevertheless come to an end one day. __People cannot verify or calculate the time when the end can be expected and neither can they deny it, but God wants people to believe in it because He Himself has revealed it to people through His Word and, through seers and prophets, has pointed it out time and again. That the destruction of earth, i.e. its total change, is only a matter of faith is due to the fact that the human being has to bring about the change of his soul in utmost freedom of will, and this would be instantly restricted if the timing of the end could be calculated. The beginning and end of an earth period are so far apart because the human being has to decide to believe it or reject it completely, without being forced into either. But as soon as he thinks about it and observes the growth and decay in nature he can see the process of disintegration and transformation repeat themselves so often that he will also apply this change to the creation `earth' and find it easy to believe in an end. But he will never be told when it will happen because such knowledge would be detrimental to the soul. God, however, reveals that the end of this earth is approaching soon and good for him who believes His Word and prepares himself. The day will not come unexpectedly for him; the thought of the end will no longer terrify him in view of the blissful state God has promised His Own after the transformation of this earth.... __Amen
Spiritual turning point is not a reversal but renewed ban...
Development for the better is no longer possible on this earth, people will not even remain on the same level but descend constantly, they live beyond all bounds and distance themselves from Me to such an extent that they live their earthly life entirely without strength, hence it is totally pointless. And therefore a substantial change is intended to put an end to humanity's spiritual decline and to pave a new path which will lead to an ascent again. You humans are unaware of My plan of Salvation apart from the few to whom I reveal Myself. But you would be able to take notice of it were you at all interested in the issue as to what forms the basis of all events around you. Yet your questions are different, the questions you are concerned with only relate to earthly advantages, to ways and means of procuring a wealth of earthly goods. You only increase your knowledge in this field and ignore all spiritual matters. But therefore you will also be taken by surprise by the forthcoming events and will be unable to find an explanation if you intellectually search for it. However, the knowledge of My plan of Salvation would explain everything to you, the knowledge of My eternal plan of Salvation would let you look at everything from a different perspective, and it would awaken your sense of responsibility because your soul's fate after death is determined by your way of life. Then a small improvement could still be achieved, although only a few will take the explanation seriously which is offered to them by knowledgeable people. And therefore I will bring one period of development to a conclusion and let a new one begin. __This should certainly be looked upon as a spiritual turning point yet not as a reversal or a sudden advancement of the souls' development, instead it is far more a total failure on the one hand and the creation of new possibilities for development on the other. For that which failed during the old period of development will start its process of development again in the deepest abyss; hence it will not continue an interrupted process of purification. This is why the time before the end of this epoch is so extremely significant since it will, after all, shape the fate of countless souls as to whether they live or die. A continued existence of this earth would by no means benefit these souls, because they severed the bond with Me long ago, thus they are entirely without faith and in this state will not make use of the blessings either which could ensure their spiritual progress. Until the end every effort will still be made to save the individual souls, that is, to draw their attention to their purpose, yet they cannot be supported against their will and this will only strives to descend, it only applies to matter which shelters the lowest developed spiritual substances. And I always take the soul's will into account, it shall receive what it desires.... and therefore hard matter will become the external cover of that which had already reached the last stage of development on earth.... the souls of the furthest distanced living creations will be banished again in the creations of the new earth. And time and again this dreadful fate shall be presented to people, time and again they shall be given the information of My eternal plan of Salvation, because it is the time of the end when every person should become aware of the great responsibility he bears for his soul, because he can still use the last days for the salvation of his soul if he has the will to do so. He should know that an end will come and what this end means for his soul, he should know that there will be no postponement but that it will come true what seers and prophets have announced since the beginning of this epoch of Salvation, that the end will come without fail and with it the last Judgment, which will decide over life and death, over light and darkness, over reward and punishment.... over hell and damnation and paradise and beatitude.... __Amen
Great affliction before the end....
People everywhere will experience immense affliction when the final adversity before the end starts. Every nation will go through suffering and distress, partly caused through human will, partly through the influences of nature or fateful events, and people everywhere will have the opportunity to place themselves at the service of neighbourly love, for wherever there is adversity it can be alleviated by people who are able and willing to love. All people will be affected apart from those who receive their strength from below, that is, whose hearts are so hardened that they are enslaved by God's adversary who will provide for them to an exceptional extent. The contrast between good and evil will strongly emerge everywhere, and thus a spiritual battle for people's souls will also be waged before the end. Spiritual influence will therefore trigger all instincts in the human being during the end time, both good as well as evil will visibly manifest themselves and, therefore, a separation will also be noticeable, for good people will keep away from evil ones and yet will constantly be pursued with hatred, on account of which good, and therefore God-inclined, people will suffer progressively more distress. There will be an extraordinary scale of adversity.... The words of the seers and prophets who have proclaimed this immense affliction for the time of the end can be applied in all instances; it is merely the cause of affliction which will not be the same everywhere. But a separation of the spirits will happen in all places and thus the time of end can be recognised. The earth and the spiritual realm will be the goal of people's efforts, and anyone aiming for the earth with its possessions will be lost for the spiritual kingdom, he will pay homage to the world and therefore to the one who governs the world. And the majority of people will focus on the world, whereas the spiritual kingdom will only have a few followers; only a small flock compared to the whole of humanity will consciously or unconsciously strive towards God with a will for good and abhorring evil. For this reason there will always be just a small number of spiritual aspirants present among people, at first they will be laughed at and ridiculed by their fellow human beings until people's evil nature breaks through and expresses itself in hostile actions against all those who abide by God and remain steadfast in faith. __This will be the start of an affliction the world has never before experienced.... Evil will prevail everywhere and suppress good, evil will indulge itself in all places and good will suffer adversity. Until, finally, even the life of God's faithful followers will be in danger, they will have no more protection because people will reverse the laws, that which is right will no longer be acknowledged and only the power of the stronger will count. And this will be with those whose attitude committed them to Satan. They will be favoured by him throughout their temporal lives, for they will have sold their souls to him in return and will have elevated themselves as masters over the weak, treating them vindictively and denying them all earthly necessities. The extent of distress will be such that the believers will require, and indeed receive, an extraordinary supply of strength so that they will not give up during the final battle, which will only last for a short time and will be shortened for the sake of the chosen, so that they will not weaken in view of the hardship within their own ranks and the affluence in the ranks of the adversary. Then salvation will come to them from above, as it is proclaimed. The Lord Himself will come in the clouds and deliver all those who remain true to Him. The affliction will come to an end and a new life will begin on earth, and God's faithful followers will receive their reward.... just as Satan's children will be punished, because God's justice demands their atonement. It will come to pass as it is written.... The Lord will fetch His Own and place them into a realm of peace, He will pass strict Judgment on all sinners and they, too, will receive what they deserve, and the hardship on earth will be over.... __Amen
Spreading the Gospel on God's behalf....
Influencing spiritual adversity should be your greatest concern; you should help to lead people back to faith, by imparting the truth give them something that seems credible to them, you should give to them what you received from Me Myself and lead them out of spiritual darkness which still keeps them captive and will bring about their ruin if they don't escape it before it is too late. The day of the end draws ever closer and humankind has no idea what is about to happen.... because it ignores what has been proclaimed since the beginning of this period of Salvation, because it does not believe what seers and prophets have predicted on My instructions. And thus it approaches the end totally unaware, for it rejects the knowledge with which it is presented because it considers it incredible.... And the only option left is to offer this knowledge to people time and again and to inform them that they are not offered human intellectual knowledge but that it has been conveyed to you by Me Myself in order to inform humanity of the forthcoming event.... I take pity on people that the end will find them unprepared, I take pity because the humanly distorted religious doctrines are the reason for their total unbelief, and because I would like to help them find the right belief I send you to meet them in order to instruct them in My name.... in order to offer them in all purity that which they have so far rejected because it was spoilt. __Give them food which is palatable and lets them desire more, so that their soul will be strengthened and they won't want to miss this nourishment for the soul anymore.... Spread My Gospel amongst the people and remember the great spiritual hardship which can only be remedied by passing on My Word, and don't exclude anyone, for all of those who do not yet belong to My church, who have no living faith in Me and My teaching as yet, suffer this hardship.... For it is a huge mistake that people belong to the church founded by Me if they merely verbally confess a school of thought, if they don't have a living faith and are subject to the working of the spirit.... These, however, know about the end, they know what to expect and that there is only little time left until the end.... Yet only a few know about it, because there are only a few in whom My spirit can work, who belong in truth to My church which I founded Myself. This is why spiritual hardship is so extensive, and this is why you should work diligently in order to still win people over for My church, in order to inform them of the near end and to caution them to eagerly work at improving their soul, so that it will not go lost when the end has come.... so that they, by belonging to My church, will remain faithful to Me during the last battle of faith until I come to fetch My Own into My kingdom.... Take My Word to them which will give them light and strength providing they are willing to hear and accept it in their hearts.... help them to find faith and lead them out of the great adversity before it is too late.... __Amen
Earth - School for the spirit.... Means to an end.... An ...
Consider the earth merely as a school for the spirit, as a place for your soul to mature, which still has to pass through a school before it can enter the spiritual kingdom. You cannot be forcefully shaped in a way that makes you suitable for the spiritual kingdom; you have to transform yourselves.... And for that reason life on earth was given to you.... But you humans don't recognise the purpose and goal of earthly life.... you misinterpret it, you only strive to benefit your body without thinking of your soul.... you look at the earth as an end in itself, whereas it is only the means to an end.... the means for the spirit to attain final maturity. __The real task is to pass the test of volition which you should accomplish during your life on earth and which must be taken in complete freedom. For that reason you will only receive enlightenment about the meaning and purpose of earthly life when you consider this question seriously yourselves. However, God gave you intelligence which allows you to pose the question as to why and for what reason you are on earth.... There are enough incentives around you which can cause you to ask this question but it has to come entirely and freely from within yourselves in order to be answered correctly as well. Even the worldly human being should occupy himself with this question, even he should occasionally think about the cause and purpose of earthly existence, providing he takes the time to occupy himself with such thoughts.... __He certainly should not see the purpose of his life in the satisfaction of his body's wishes and desires, but if he does then the thought of death will always frighten or unsettle him too.... or he will reject all thoughts of that nature by believing that he will cease to exist after death. Only someone who doesn't think much could have this opinion because he would find enough proof during his earthly life to teach him to think otherwise, if only he seriously investigated the problem of life after death. The human being was given intellect.... but if he does not use it he will exist from day to day like an animal because the correct use of intelligence will enable him to think and behave differently.... it will enable him to live consciously. However, the worldly human being who believes earthly life to be an end in itself has not used his intelligence correctly yet. He has only activated it into one direction, he has not yet thought about a spiritual world which also can be accepted to exist outside the physical world.... otherwise the human being would have the unrestricted right of determination over the whole of creation, therefore over the natural processes and his own destiny too.... __For as long as the human being himself is dependent on a higher power, on a higher will, which is proved to him by the course of his earthly life, he also has to acknowledge a world or a region where this higher power presides. Since he knows that he is at the mercy of this power, that this power determines the course of his life, he also has to ask himself why and for what purpose his earthly life happens as it does.... and whether he is achieving this purpose, which cannot be merely a physical life of pleasure but is more likely to be a spiritual development.... The human being can come to this mental conclusion as soon as he has the will to receive enlightenment about whether earthly life is an end in itself or only the means to an end.... The gift of intelligence should and must be considered because one day he will be held responsible for his will to oppose everything that God gave to him to attain his goal on earth.... __Amen
Battle of faith....
The battle of faith still lies ahead of you and I want to find you prepared for this battle.... For this reason My great concern beforehand is to strengthen your faith and to introduce you to knowledge which totally explains to you what lies ahead of you, what is still to come before the end. You must believe in this end so that you can also understand everything, so that you can also understand the battle of faith, which is extremely significant for every individual person. It will not simply be a battle which will result in victory for one or the other of the fighting powers after a certain length of time.... It will be a battle which Satan's followers will wage against God.... a battle which will not involve earthly possessions but spiritual wealth, a battle in which the souls must decide which side they want to support, although people will also be adversely affected in an earthly way, yet only the soul will triumph or lose, and therefore the outcome of the battle will extend to eternity.... And therefore I will do whatever I can before in order to prepare people for this battle, in order to strengthen them and to inspire them with courage of conviction.... I will seek to increase the army of My fighters, not, because I want to win but because I want them to reap the fruit of a victory themselves, because I don't want them to descend, to become enslaved by My adversary anew and to remain captive again for an infinitely long time.... At the moment you humans pay little attention to faith, you are rather indifferent towards that which is important.… towards spiritual striving.... you must first be shaken up in order to form a serious opinion about faith.... And that will happen as soon as the battle of faith erupts, for then everyone will be requested to profess Me before the world or to deny Me, to give Me up. And only then will you stand up for Me, if your are conscientious, or abandon Me without hesitation.... for the sake of earthly advantages.... And since the end is very close, this decision is necessary, not before Me, since I know your will; however, you shall be encouraged to think about it once more because you won't do so of your own accord unless you are forced to do so by the earthly authority.... A few certainly exist who will dwell on it before and who, therefore, will also receive My obvious help by making it easy for them to understand, yet they are only a few, and since I would like to increase their number I will let them point out the end.... Yet these few will barely find credence, for those without spiritual aspiration do not consider an end of this earth possible, yet the manifestations of the last days will not fail to impress the still undecided who could become thoughtful and return to the faith if they are instructed correctly. Correct and truthful instruction can lead to great success where spoilt religious doctrines caused the apostasy from faith, where people are not unwilling to believe but took offence at misguided teachings. They can be won over again for Me and My kingdom, and for the sake of these few many more signs will still occur which will announce the near end and which will not remain without effect on them. The right decision of faith will only be made if such strength of faith exists which accepts all physical disadvantages resulting from it, for the human being with the right realisation knows what it is about and he will gladly give what is taken away from him so as not to endanger the life of the soul. It is the final test of will on this earth; the decision to profess Me before the world regardless of the earthly consequences will determine your fate in eternity. And only a strong and convinced faith will pass this final test, only a strong and convinced faith will stand firm until the end.... __Amen
Disbelief regarding the announcements....
You humans give no credence to references regarding the end.... you live in the world and don't want to accept that which is readying itself outside of the material world and which will, with certainty, come to pass in the time designated by Me. I cannot plant the belief into you, it has to emerge in you yourselves; I can only ever help you by directing your eyes to the events of the time which should truly make you attentive. For I announced the signs of the last days through seers and prophets, who only proclaimed in My will what they saw happening in the last days. And even now I can only ever draw your attention to it, I can only ever admonish you again to take notice of what happens around you.... And then you will certainly recognise the hour you live in. For I will not let you experience the end without warning, it will not come upon you without being announced; yet as soon as you don't give credence to these proclamations it will take you by surprise, because My Word fulfils itself because it is the only truth. Even if progress is promised to you on the part of humans.... it will not prevent the end either, and it will only become clearly apparent where no faith exists anymore, where only the world in which My adversary has gained the upper hand will be taken notice of. And that, too, is a sign of the approaching end.... __For it will be as in the time of Noah.... People will live in sin, they will only indulge themselves and try to get what they can out of the world.... but they will pay no more attention to Me. And if only you observe people's attitude towards Me, towards your God and Creator of eternity, then you will also be able to discover therein a sign of the last days.... The reason why people no longer have faith is due to their lack of love.... Love has grown cold amongst people.... and, therefore, faith has died away as well, for even those who call themselves religious, who don't entirely deny a God and Creator, have no living faith, otherwise they would prepare themselves for the end, otherwise they would unhesitatingly believe the indications of the end… All admonitions and warning are in vain for those to whom they are addressed.... And even if I knock very loudly and clearly at the door of their heart, even if I scare them through unexpected events in their lives or their surroundings, they will only look at them in a worldly sense and won't recognise My voice, even if it clearly speaks to them.... And the more the end approaches the more determinedly they reject the references, the fact that a higher power will intervene seems ever more improbable to them.... but the more ready people will be for their downfall.... And everything will come to pass as I proclaimed.... __Amen
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