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 Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Transcripts from 01/1937 till 12/1965 have been searched
Time of trials.... Jesus, the bearer of the cross....
If God puts you to the test, humbly accept His trials and faithfully wait for His help.... For the suffering and trials will not end until the last day has come. It is still necessary to purify and to reform souls until their physical death or to gain souls which still stand apart from God's love. And the time left until the end of the old earth is only short. Hence, it needs to be used in every way. Only adversity and afflictions of the body will still bring the soul's transformation about. And these adversities will also affect those people who strive towards God. Yet they, too, can gain the greatest blessings from these adversities if they are recognised as means used by God's love in order to reduce the distance between Himself and people within a short time, so as to enable the soul to receive God's illumination of love directly, which signifies eternal life for the soul. Endure your destiny without complaining, for it is determined by God's love for your soul's speedier maturing. And know that He will never leave you without the strength to pass the tests; know that He will always help you carry your cross if you, in faith of the divine Redeemer, appeal to Him for it. Know that all adversity will come to an end when you leave the earthly valley in order to enter the spiritual kingdom. It is only a short time of trial, nevertheless it is a blessing for you if you recognise divine will therein and don't grumble and complain. That which has been destined for you since eternity serves you, who believe, to benefit your soul, or to transform those of you who are still distant from God. Therefore bow down to divine will and carry your small cross, and if you deem it to be heavy let yourselves be helped by Jesus, the bearer of the cross, Who took the crucifixion upon Himself for the sake of your adversity and Who suffered on your behalf out of greater than great love. Call upon Him and His help will be assured to you. His love is always on hand for you, and your earthly adversity will be endurable, you will overcome the trials and stand firm in faith. The whole of humanity needs the adversities and sufferings, and therefore God pours them upon the earth in order to gain its inhabitants for the spiritual kingdom. And even if His Own must suffer too, they nevertheless still attain even greater perfection, and they will be eternally thankful to their Creator and Provider, their Father of eternity, Who, in His love, uses the right means to shape their souls into bearers of light while they are still on earth. And therefore don't despair and don't let yourselves be disheartened by the adversities of the time.... The end is near and with it the time of your deliverance and your entry into the spiritual kingdom, where all suffering comes to an end.... __Amen
Battle of light against darkness at the end....
Understand and pay attention to the information given to you by My spirit: You are approaching a period which reveals both My will and might, My working on earth, as well as My adversary's influence, for the battle between Me and him, the battle between light and darkness, will reach its climax because the end is near. You will be tossed to and fro like a plaything, both in a spiritual as well as an earthly way.... you will be besieged in order to confuse your thoughts and attitude, but at the same time My messengers will bring you tidings from Me.... you will also be plunged into earthly difficulties so that you will feel helpless and abandoned.... Yet one path will always be open to you, you will always be able to call upon the One for help in every spiritual and earthly adversity. And as long as this path is still open to you, you need not fear the forthcoming time. Satan's influence will always be recognised everywhere, but so will My abundantly loving and merciful effect on all people who merely acknowledge Me, who do not forget about Me during the harshest time of battle and who therefore prompt Me to fight by their side, so that they will not be defeated by the enemy of their souls. Yet My adversary works with cunning and force.... He shrouds himself in a garment of the Messiah; he promises people earthly improvements and thereby entices gullible people into this net, who have so far been unable to detach their heart from worldly possessions. And the darkness will spread to a frightening extent, people everywhere will follow the deceptive light, they will bypass the true light and chase after a flame which does not emit light, which does not signify enlightenment in humanity's spiritual darkness. And the bearers of light will be ignored; indeed, an attempt will even be made to extinguish their flame and, in so doing, to force the bearers of light to remain secret. But then I will provide My messengers with overwhelming strength so that they will nevertheless work freely and need not worry that the light will be extinguished.... __Then I will also obviously come to the fore, bestowing strength and grace when My Own suffer adversity, so that the battle of light against darkness will become clearly recognisable and My Own will know that the end is not far away. For the prospect of the end will allow them to endure everything, since then they will only wait for the fulfilment of My Word to see Me Myself coming in the clouds in order to deliver them from all adversity and to banish My opponent. And My grace and love will ease their earthly fate and make every tribulation bearable, for as soon as they fight for Me I will provide them with great strength on account of which they will be capable of offering Satan resistance and fearlessly put up with earthly threats, for I Myself will always stand by their side and, in certainty of that, they will remain faithful to Me until the end. I will come soon.... Satan will only work for a certain length of time, and I Myself will shorten the days so that My Own will be able to persevere.... However, because of this Satan will rage in a shocking manner, for he knows that his time of activity is only short.... he knows that he only has little time left.... But don't be afraid, My faithful followers.... I announce this to you beforehand so that you can find strength of faith and inner peace in the truth of My Word, so that you can draw strength from My Word at any time and make heartfelt contact with Me, Who will not abandon you, neither on earth nor in eternity.... __Amen
Belief in the immortality of the soul.... Truth....
The death of the body is not the end of the soul. People fail to realise and believe this and therefore do not evaluate earthly life in accordance with My Will. They more or less only care for the needs of their body but not for their soul.... they behave irresponsibly towards their soul because they are not certain of its existence and of its immortality. For that reason they have to be taught about the immortality of soul first if their efforts to modify their way of life are to be successful. But a belief in this also requires their own reflection which in turn requires their own will which cannot be compelled. The immortality of soul makes the meaning and purpose of earthly life understandable, and only then is it possible for the human being to change himself, to regard the life of the soul as more important than the life of the body. __Humanity is confronted by two major dangers.... disbelief in the soul and its immortality, and misguided teachings. The latter are a hindrance to spiritual ascent even to those who believe in the immortality of soul, because they portray a wrong image of the eternal Deity and because people usually neglect to implement one thing.... to establish a sincere relationship with Me either mentally or by means of the right kind of prayer.... Only this will guarantee their spiritual ascent because then I will be able to become effective Myself. Thus My servants' most important work on earth relates to the eradication of misguided teachings and the awakening of faith in a continuation of life after death.... And people will have to listen to My servants if they want to be successful during the brief time on earth which remains to them before the end. They will only be able to obtain completely truthful explanations where such are sent down from heaven; they can only be taught about the soul's life after death and the teaching of Christ by Myself either directly or indirectly, but then their faith can become a convinced one that will stand firm against all contentions, which ensures spiritual ascent and brings the soul everlasting life in blissful happiness. Otherwise the fate of the soul is unhappiness, because it will never cease to exist and yet it is in a state in eternity which it has voluntarily created for itself due to its disbelief and an earthly life in opposition to My Will. __Anyone who firmly believes in the immortality of the soul will start the work of improving his soul much sooner, but the person who believes that his life will end with the death of his body remains indifferent and lethargic or totally incapable and unwilling. You, My servants, cannot describe to them the soul's continuation of life seriously enough, even though you cannot prove it to them. Yet with serious thought the human being can come to the inner conviction that you speak the truth because I Myself will help them to recognise the truth providing they genuinely want it and do not refuse to listen to you. Earthly life takes on an entirely different meaning for the believer; he will no longer perceive it as an end in itself but only as a means to an end and will reproach his own way of life which he will subsequently try to improve, depending on his strength of will. And as soon as he is presented with the pure truth his faith will be strengthened while misguided teachings will only destroy him and let him relapse into darkness.... Thus the truth must be spread to bring life to all souls, because misconceptions and lies are the soul's death in the spiritual kingdom but not its passing away, it merely means complete weakness and is therefore a state of severe distress which I would like to avert the soul from by sending My messengers to bring help before it is too late.... __Amen
Coming in the clouds.... Last days....
My coming in the clouds will be preceded by a time of the most awful suffering ever seen on earth, as proclaimed in Word and Scripture. I will constantly draw people's attention to this and have done so ever since the start of this era in order to strongly advise those who are not walking the right path to change their mind. For the sake of these humans I used to occasionally let plagues come upon earth to remind them of the approaching end so that they seriously consider their souls and change themselves. But the last days had not yet arrived, the period of redemption had not yet reached the time chosen by Me in accordance with My plan of eternity. The earth was not yet ready for the last work of destruction, neither were people's souls ready for their total downfall, i.e. for their banishment into the creations of a new earth.... But My prophecies would always fulfil themselves in times of greatest spiritual hardship.... when increased affliction and misery came upon earth, so that during each time of such hardship the approaching end had to be dreaded. And it was My intention that the precise time of the last days should always remain hidden from people.... Such times of need were also more or less successful for the people involved as they found their way back to Me and entered into a different relationship with Me than before. But they became ever more persistent, and their distance, their opposition, from Me grew ever larger.... __And thus the time has arrived when no description, no admonition and warning will have an effect, when humanity remains unimpressed even in the light of utmost worldly suffering, i.e. when the latter does not lead to people recognising Me and entering into the right relationship with Me.... Their will remains opposed to Me, they are purely earthly minded and do not strive for any kind of spiritual progress. No adversity, irrespective of how harsh it is, will be able to change people's thoughts, and thus the time of the end has irrevocably come, as I have known since eternity.... The earth has ceased to be a place of spiritual education for its inhabiting humanity, and as a result it will be dissolved and its creations totally reshaped, so that a new period of redemption can begin.... And thus enormous suffering will come upon earth, so that the last people can still gather who recognise My voice therein. And even My Own will have to experience this suffering, although extraordinarily strengthened by Me but also affected by it so that they longingly anticipate My coming, which I always and forever proclaimed for the end of this earth. And when the hardship gets unbearable, when the believers find themselves in greatest distress and see no earthly way of rescue, I will come Myself.... __And there will be rejoicing amongst My Own when they see Me in all glory, but for their physical eyes still veiled by clouds which soften the intensity of My light, so that My Own, who still belong to the earth, will be able to endure Me. They will be triumphant and shout for joy because My Word has come true.... But the immense hardship, which I have announced time and again through My seers and prophets, through My servants on earth, will have strengthened their faith. Because everything will come to pass as I have foretold, and thus they will wait for My coming in the clouds with complete confidence.... And yet I will arrive suddenly and unexpected even for My Own.... For I will shorten the days of suffering because they will become intolerable and I do not want My Own to grow faint-hearted in view of the immense difficulties. And thus I will take them into My realm at the right time, and then the end will come.... Because My Word is truth and will come to pass, and the time of the last days has arrived.... __Amen
Christ's Second Coming....
My birth on earth occurred at a time when people's thoughts were in total disarray, at a time of great heartlessness and profound unbelief, it happened at a time when the human race was incredibly distanced from God.... That is, when I came to earth Myself in order to bring help in spiritual adversity. It was not the serious earthly difficulties of individual people which motivated Me to do so, but purely the spiritual hardship, for this signified certain downfall for an infinitely long time to come. I came to them Myself because their hearts remained unaffected by the written Word, thus I came Myself and brought them the Word through the mouth of Jesus, the man, in Whom I took abode and thus spoke through Him, because no-one can attain bliss without My Word.... And now it is just as it was at the time of My birth on earth, the same immense spiritual hardship prevails, the human race is in a hopeless situation if it does not receive help. Heartlessness is rife, faith is paralysed, the written Word has become meaningless for people, for they no longer live up to it and therefore cannot release themselves from their adversity either. And therefore I have come to earth again, except that I Am in spirit amongst people, as I have promised that I will stay with My Own until the end of the world.... I Am with them in spirit and reveal Myself to them through the spirit.... Once again I bring My Word to them, I speak to people, and those who are of good will can also recognise My Word. And what would be more understandable than that I will not leave people without help? How else can they be helped unless I speak to them Myself? And in order to do so I must avail Myself of a person, I can only speak through a human mouth so as not to aggravate people's state, i.e., so as not to deprive them of their freedom of faith, which would exclude any improvement of their spiritual state. My Word needs to be conveyed to people again in all purity as it originates from Me, so that it can also take effect on them. And since I Am the Word Myself I come to you Myself, I Am amongst you spiritually, I have descended to earth again in order to bring you help. And as I speak to you I also inform you of the time you are approaching, since it is My will that you know the great responsibility you have for your souls. This is why I address you, I draw your attention to the end, I admonish and caution you, I advise you and explain everything you need to know. And thus My presence is irrefutable for every thinking human being.... For once a person has recognised Me, once he believes in Me, he will never be able to deny a connection between the Creator with that which He has created; thus it will also be self-evident for him that I Am close where My presence is not resisted, and he will also believe that I want to prove My presence through My Word, which comes forth from Me directly and thus testifies to Me. I Am with you in the Word, it is My Second Coming, which I predicted would happen prior to the end.... And thus you can also expect this end with certainty, for I Myself told you the signs which precede the final end, and everything I proclaimed in Word and Scripture will come to pass , for My Word is and will remain truth for all eternity.... __Amen
God's messengers' task before the end....
Proclaim My Word to those who are sent to you by Me.... This is My will, for time is pressing towards the end. Therefore you always will have to take the paths I predetermined for you from the start, and you will always recognise My wisdom and love in My guidance, you will learn to understand that you also need difficult circumstances in order to mature, for the more highly developed you are the more successful your activity will be before the end, for then you will be active representatives of My Word. But My Word must be made accessible to people, they should become aware of the great responsibility they have towards their soul. Only I Myself can give them the right information, and this has to happen through you, for a human mouth has to proclaim what originates from Me and testifies to Me. I want to speak to all people through a human mouth and you shall be My mouthpiece through which I proclaim My will. This important task is extremely beneficial for yourselves as well as for your fellow human beings and you will indeed gladly comply with this task, you will feel happy if you work in My name and eagerly strive to use every opportunity. Yet you must completely hand yourselves over to My guidance; you must take the direction I show you, and what I tell you to do through the voice of the spirit you must accomplish without reluctance and therefore constantly listen to the voice within, and you will act according to My will. __Countless souls suffer hardship for they do not know the truth, and every misconception is a danger for the soul. To bring them truth is an act of neighbourly love, for truth alone sets people free, it ends hardship, and only truth leads to Me, Who is eternal Truth Himself. Hence anyone who wants to reach Me should not take wrong paths, he needs to be shown the right path and he has to travel it.... He has to comply with the Word which directly comes from Me and is conveyed to earth through My messengers and distributed.... And therefore I Myself will guide those people to My servants who desire clarification, who live in error, and they will be able to succeed in all places, they will find good ground which they can plant on and cultivate, so that I can gather a rich harvest on the Day of Judgment. I will send My messengers to all places where spiritual hardship exists, so that they will bring people the pure Gospel, as I Myself proclaimed to them. For the time is approaching its end, and great spiritual hardship can be controlled if you are willing servants for Me, if you stand up for My Word and appeal to Me for My blessing and My grace. For you are My pillars during the last days before the end, you are the labourers I hired to work in My vineyard, you are My servants and the great task awaiting you is to cultivate countless fields.... Countless souls need to be guided into truth, and if you contribute towards it, the immense spiritual hardship can be controlled and every soul helped by you will be eternally grateful to you.... __Amen
Satan's raging during the last days.... Apostasy from fai...
During the end time the number of unbelievers will increase and almost threaten to overwhelm the small flock of believers. And, with the apostasy from faith, Satan's raging will also become progressively more evident, for people will lose their last sense of responsibility towards a righteous Judge because they don't believe in Him. This is why God will noticeably manifest Himself in order to first strengthen the faith of His Own so that they will not waver in the face of the unbeliever's ungodliness and their worldly accomplishments. But He also wants to give them the opportunity of taking stock of themselves, and thus he so obviously takes care of His Own that even an atheist would be able to recognise God's strength and, with even the tiniest effort, regain his lost faith. God will perform many signs and miracles through His instruments on Earth.... Hence His servants on earth will apparently accomplish extraordinary things, yet it is God Who will be expressing Himself through them, Who will manifest Himself and even visibly dwell among His Own as a sign that the end is near, yet He will only be recognised by those who love Him with all their heart and keep His commandments.... who have shaped themselves into love on earth and work exceedingly diligently for His kingdom. They will also possess extraordinary strength, because God Himself will be able to take abode in their hearts and permeate them with His strength of love. The unbelievers will be able to convince themselves of this strength, they will have to admit that a higher Power is at work, providing they are willing to think about the extraordinary phenomena which the last days before the end entail. However, they are far too worldly minded and pay no attention to the former; they despise and pursue the believers and inflict serious difficulties and hardship on them through which only God's obvious support helps them to persevere. For God's working among His Own will be so evident that they will firmly unite and offer resistance to all worldly onslaughts; stronger in faith than ever they will completely hand themselves over to God and His guidance, so that they will neither fear earthly adversity nor death and therefore also find it easier to bear the pressures of the last days. Where God has manifested Himself once no target will exist for God's adversary anymore, for their faith can no longer be shaken. And God will be close to His Own, just as He has promised.... He will provide them with comfort and strength; He will educate them and promise His impending arrival, He will impel them into increased activity of love, for His presence, whether in an earthly or spiritual sense, will fill them with love for Him and their fellow human beings and therefore also with strength.... But the time of the end will necessitate God's evident working for this, too, will contribute towards the separation of the spirits. It will provide those who are still half-hearted and undecided with the opportunity to decide which camp they want to belong to, since they will still be given a final impetus for this. They will be able to convince themselves of the strength of faith which will master even the greatest earthly adversity and thereby change their attitude towards God by establishing the right relationship with Him. Where God visibly manifests Himself there will be peace and hope despite all the misery, and since the believers' fate is an extraordinarily difficult one, this will surprise the unbelievers. Anyone who pays attention to His Word, who listens to His servants on earth, will change his will and then every willing soul will be seized and helped by God in His love and mercy and will be saved from eternal darkness.... He will revive their hitherto weak faith and give them strength to persevere until the end, until He will come in the clouds and fetch the flock of His devout followers to Himself.... __Amen
What I proclaim to you humans through seers and prophets must be taken seriously.... Such is My will, and if you want to comply with My will then you should not half-heartedly and indifferently accept what My love gives to you. But you are indifferent if you indeed listen to My Word yet fail to arrange your life in line with My predictions, if you do not seriously strive for a change in your character and fulfil My commandment of love. With My announcements I want to warn you not to waste your life, I want to admonish you to still make use of the time remaining to you until the end, I want to stimulate your spiritual aspiration and guide all your thoughts so that you fully mature while you still live on earth. But if you do not take My Word, My prophesies, seriously, you will let all these instructions pass your ears by unheeded and My admonitions and cautions will have been futile. And when the hour comes that you are called away you will only be able to claim a poor testimony, for you will have failed on earth by not taking hold of My loving Fatherly hand when it was offered to you. If you have a spiritual guardian you must also unconditionally entrust yourselves to him for he will surely guide you in the right direction. But now, during the time of the end, I Myself want to be your Leader and Guardian, and if you only grant Me a little trust you truly need no longer take care of yourselves, neither bodily nor spiritually, for I Myself will take care of you, you only have to make sure that you constantly accept strength from Me which guarantees you the path towards ascent. And you can only receive this strength in the form of My Word. So if I give you the knowledge about the forthcoming event it is a very great blessing for you, for then you will have the opportunity to gain My affection with your right way of life, to such an extent that I will never leave you again, that I will take hold of you and pull you up to the pinnacle. __However, I now make it a matter of specific urgency, because you don't have much more time left to change your souls. And this is why I come close to and call you with every revelation, with every proclamation, and if you recognise the Father's voice you will also respond to it, like little lost sheep you will pay attention to the voice of the good shepherd, you will follow His call and it will be to your greatest advantage. But anyone who does not take notice of My voice will hardly find contact with Me, and once the hour of the end has come he will be weak and not turn his eyes heavenwards because he will still be far too earthbound. And this is what I want to avert from you, I want to help you and therefore repeatedly send to you My Word from above and with it also the reason for My Word, so that you take it ever more seriously, so that you listen to and read it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Believe My Word, believe that you won't have much time left until the end, so that you very seriously start your psychological task, so that you still receive many blessings from it, for the time is gravely serious and it is urgently necessary for you to try to imagine that the end will take you by surprise and you will not have time anymore for your actual earthly task. Listen to Me and believe My Word and it will always and forever fill you with strength, I Myself will be able to take care of you as soon as you look for Me in thought. And you will be able to master all difficulties because it is My will that much strength shall be sent to those who keep their faith in My might and love, and I will help them to progress spiritually.... __Amen
Luminous appearance in the sky.... The cross of Jesus Chr...
Pay heed to the occurrences of the last days. And thus you will soon become aware of changes in nature; you will be able to observe a peculiar power-play, a phenomenon which will make you think, if you regard it with the right attitude towards Me, the Creator, Who also causes these appearances to take place in order to turn all people's attention to Himself. And you will notice that only few people have the right attitude towards Me, that most try to explain everything in a worldly sense and are not especially impressed by extraordinary manifestations. This luminous sign will show itself during the day, it will be visible in the sky without prior warning and will not permit any other interpretation than a reference to Christ's act of Salvation, because it is in the shape of a cross with the unmistakable face of the Redeemer. And this luminous phenomenon will give rise to much debate, and now My servants should prepare themselves since this manifestation will be the beginning, it is more or less intended for all people, because it can be seen by all. But how differently it will be regarded and how little it will be understood.... __I will cause a visible sign to appear in the sky and yet find very little attention; I will place the work of Salvation before their eyes that they may believe in Jesus Christ and become blessed, but their faith in Him will be as good as gone and will no longer be found or strengthened either, in spite of this luminous appearance. Because humanity has become too worldly minded and does not want to believe, because they would like to evade all responsibility which they could not do if they had faith in Christ. And thus, this luminous appearance will again be a sign from heaven, a sign of the last days, for only a few people. Although many will indeed be seized by inner unrest it will soon give way to tense attention which, however, is only due to the appearance as such. They will not believe that it is related to the forthcoming end and will merely mock the believers, who will proclaim these predictions to their fellow human beings so that they can prepare themselves for the end. They will find little belief and yet may not slow down in their work for My kingdom, because such opportunities are a special grace for people on earth to reflect and consider the thought of possible intercession by supernatural forces through extraordinary natural phenomena, that the appearance will have been planned by Me to remind people of the end. Science will provide an explanation which will also be accepted, but anyone with spiritual aspiration will recognise Me therein and will cheer and rejoice in view of the imminent end. Because the world will have nothing more to offer him yet his heart will be full of hope for life after death, and he will long for the last hour which will release him from earthly hardship, as I promised, that I will come in the clouds to take My Own home into My kingdom. He will know that the hour has arrived when earthly tribulations increase and no more worldly help can be expected. Then I will shorten the days so that My Own will remain faithful and endure to the end.... __Amen
Reference to events.... Chaos.... Speedy arrival....
Expect My speedy arrival, for there is not much time until the end.... You will shortly experience things which will confirm what My love has made known to you long in advance.... namely, that the final phase before the end has already started. You will wonder why I allow such disasters to happen, why I let such immense adversity come upon humankind and I can only ever give you the answer that it is necessary for those people who have as yet not recognised Me and only ever look upon each event from an earthly point of view but never associate people's spiritual development with it. These are irrevocably the final pangs, and the end will follow soon without fail. Time and again I call your attention to the fact that you should not go through earthly life in a secular-minded way, as it only lasts for a short time and it can still be of greatest significance for you if you consider your purpose and make appropriate use of life. However, you humans are half-hearted and complacent regarding My admonitions and warnings, for you don't believe in My Word. And I can't give you further proof about the truth of My Word, because you must take the right path without influence, you must feel impelled from within to comply with My will, otherwise your souls cannot mature. Yet you can draw visible proof from the forthcoming event, for thereby I will come extraordinarily close to you, revealing Myself to those who know about My gifts of grace and confirming these to them so that they will be able to recognise Me. And those of you who want to be of service to Me should know that you do not have a long lifetime ahead of you and that the mission incumbent upon you allows for no further delay, and that you, for the sake of this mission, should first convince yourselves of the truth of My Word so that you can spread it without inhibition. And thus you will see that everything I have proclaimed to you in Word and Scripture will come true. You will learn to despise the world and examine the spiritual kingdom more thoroughly, for your own advantage, for the transformation of your soul. Countless beings of light are at My disposal, and through these I influence you humans time and again by constantly steering your thoughts to the forthcoming event, by allowing you to go through so much adversity and misery until you yourselves will yearn for the downfall of Earth in order to escape from the harsh pressures inflicted upon you by fellow human beings. Then you will gradually prepare yourselves for the end, for then you will believe in it and make an effort to live on earth to please Me. This time will be followed by incredible chaos, during which you should trustingly expect My help from utmost adversity, for I assured you of this and will not disappoint your faith. And thus these Words of Mine are your best guarantee that no harm will come to you even though you will be put under pressure from all directions. However, you must give your love to Me, and if you love Me you will long for Me, and for that reason I will come to fetch you from the place of perdition into My kingdom, where you will never ever be persecuted again, where only I Am in charge and evil is not allowed to enter. And all hardship will have come to an end for the believers, but for the others the adversity will have just started, as I have proclaimed.... they will be condemned into darkness.... they will be banished on the new Earth into creations which are beyond your imagination until you populate the new Earth yourselves.... __Amen
And I will come to you to carry you into My kingdom.... Remember this promise during your hours of distress and wait for Me and My help, firmly believe that I will come as your Saviour when the adversity becomes insufferable. And don't be afraid, for I Am stronger than the one who wants to ruin you. You should know that it would be easy for Me to destroy him; yet nothing would be achieved by this for his many followers would continue his work if they were not destroyed as well. This, however, is not acceptable, for that which came forth from My creative spirit will continue to exist forever, it cannot cease to exist because it is everlasting strength from Me. Nevertheless, I will rescue you from his power by banishing him and all those who are enslaved by him. You, however, will be led into the kingdom of peace where you will live as if you were in paradise, until I return you to the new earth which you then shall populate according to My will. No-one will believe this promise, this prophesy, for when I come in the clouds I will repeal the natural laws by lifting you up to Me in the flesh before your fellow human beings' eyes who succumbed to My adversary. They will effectively experience something unnatural, which they currently don't want to believe in. __But you, who are My Own, you know that nothing is impossible for Me, and therefore you also know that I can stop or revoke natural laws if it benefits My eternal plan of Salvation, thus you also know that there will be an end and that you are living in the last days before the end. Consequently you do not doubt this proclamation either, which I imparted to humanity at the beginning of this period of Salvation. You consider it possible, and you should firmly believe it, so that you subsequently will be able to survive the difficult time, always thinking and hoping for my assured help and My coming from above. Regardless of what evil people will do to you, don't take offence, for they will receive their punishment which will be bitter indeed. They will see you being lifted up before their eyes while death is lurking around them and they will be unable to escape in any direction; they will be devoured by the earth and be granted a wretched fate on the new earth. You, however, will receive your just compensation, all hardship will have come to an end, you will live in freedom and with joy on the new earth amid a paradise, amid love and in direct contact with Me, Who will often stay amongst the people who have become love. And this is the end which was predicted by seers and prophets time and again, which was announced ever since the beginning of this epoch of Salvation so that humanity will believe. Yet no-one takes these predictions seriously, nevertheless, the day will come when all this will happen and the last Judgment will occur, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
You are all returning to the condition of the most primitive lifestyle, for only by that it is possible to get you to serve in love for the neighbor, which alone can redeem you. To all people is now given the opportunity to work in love but the free will is decisive as to how far the opportunity is utilized. And thus mankind is out to again create improved life conditions and just according to the will of the individual with just or unjust means at that, for there will be just a few serving but most of them letting themselves be served and at the expense of the neighbors to again attain prosperity, even though for a short time only, for very soon the end will follow. __But the preceding to the end is set from eternity. A partial destruction of inconceivable extent affecting vast areas of land and demanding countless human lives. So, for these people then the end has come, however, as a result of that their souls will enter the beyond yet. The last hour for this world has not yet come where also the portals to the spiritual kingdom will be shut. But to the survivors is yet granted a last reprieve, an exceedingly hard earthly life that may still be called a time of grace though, that yields an increased maturity to many who are still of good will. __The great happenings [actually] should get all people thinking and have them seek contact with God but there are just a few who draw an advantage for their soul from that by entrusting themselves to their Creator and Father from eternity and asking Him for mercy and help. And to all those help shall be granted. For the misery will be big and so general that help from the outside cannot be expected. Only mutually people can help each other and in this love for the neighbor they will be strongly supported from above; they will be able to manage jobs that are actually beyond their strength. Yet the will to help will bring them extraordinary supply of strength, the will to help will have a blessed effect also on themselves so that the helpful person receives spiritually and physically what he/she is willing to pass on, and thus one's own need is removed by that as well. The power of faith and love will visibly appear and every person can ease one's lot by readily remembering one's neighbor and not just one's own need. It's for the sake of reviving love this great need comes upon you because only love can redeem you, and it continuously keeps cooling off the closer it is to the end . And whoever is still capable and willing to love won't be crushed down by the need but they will overcome it by virtue of one's love for the neighbor. __Still, there will be great sorrow everywhere. People will get torn apart, they won't have contact with each other anymore and everyone is now offered the opportunity to devote all one's energies for the ease of the surrounding plight. And man can accomplish a lot if just calling upon God for support and having a desire of help for others. But whoever makes use of one's neighbor and tries to take advantage of his need for one's own self will, at the end, be counted to the ones to be swallowed up by the earth at the last day. He will be counted to the ones to be damned because they turned into true devils and will have to share his [satan's] wages, who will be put in bondage and be again banned in the new earth for an endless long time. __Amen
God's voice can be heard everywhere.... The gravity of th...
You live in an extremely difficult time and are constantly made aware of it because it not only concerns the earthly development in the history of the world but humanity's spiritual development, which you should recognise as being at risk in view of the near end. You have to admit to yourselves that extraordinary events direct your thoughts to spiritual problems; you also have to admit that the references to the last days match old prophesies regarding the end, and thus you must pay attention to them and be full of gratitude when thinking of the One Who is admonishing and warning you. You ought to take every reference seriously and look at all earthly happenings in relation with people's process of development.... you ought to know that every occurrence is merely a means to induce the human being to work at improving his soul, so that he will voluntarily strive towards God.... This time is so grave because the consequence of a person's life on earth is of utmost importance, since missed or wrongly used time on earth cannot be repeated and yet no-one can be spared the responsibility for it. But all admonitions and warnings are only possible such that they will not result in compulsory faith. They certainly point to the end, to the Creator and Preserver of all things, but they don't prove anything, and therefore there are just a few people who recognise the approaching end by the signs and who, aware of the spiritual hardship, hand themselves over to God. Then they shall speak on behalf of God and His kingdom, they shall try to convey their assured faith to their fellow human beings, they shall at all times be in contact with their Father of eternity and accept the warnings and admonitions imparted to them in order to pass them on to those who are still distant from God. __He that hath eyes to see, let him see. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.... God's voice can be heard everywhere, His activity can be seen far and wide, and in all places people are mentally influenced from above.... Yet their will is free, and God will not forcibly influence anyone even if an extraordinary experience clearly reveals God's activity. The time until the end gets ever shorter, the signs will increase, thereby facilitating everyone's realisation and belief; and if a person is of good will he will not resist and close himself to these indications. For God's grace takes effect in all places, the rays of the tiny lights which flare up everywhere can be persuasive if a person does not obscure them by not allowing himself to be affected by the rays.... And blessed is he who follows such a ray of light and need not spend the last days in darkness.... He will take the right path which will safely lead him to the goal, to God, his Father of eternity.... __Amen
Reference to the end....
You only have a short period of time left.... Time and again I say this to you because you are of weak faith and don't want to believe that you are living in the last days and that My warnings and admonitions are therefore meant for you. But you should believe it, for it depends on your faith how you use this final time for your soul and its progress. Whatever you do without faith is only done for the world; but this will pass away and all your efforts will be in vain, all commodities will disintegrate and nothing will stay behind which will be useful to you in eternity. You will only keep that which is not of this world; only the spiritual treasures you gathered will remain with you. If you, therefore, believe in a speedy end, then you will no longer create and work for this world, for the body and its requirements, but you will first take care to improve the state of your soul, and thus you will work for your eternal life. The world stops you from doing this work, the world tries to captivate you with earthly pleasure and all kinds of enticements. And fulfilment of earthly wishes always results in a slackening of spiritual work, thus the loss of everlasting spiritual treasures. __For this reason I caution you against the world.... Don't take more notice of it than is necessary for your earthly life; don't seek it but avoid it wherever possible; don't ascribe any value to it other than that it is the necessary means for your maturation on Earth, and don't let it triumph over you but strive to rise high above the earth. And you will be able to do so once you allow the belief of the near end to come alive in you. Know that I Myself Am talking to you, your God and Father of eternity, and know, that every Word is truth because I tell you so. And therefore, only take care of today and don't worry what will happen tomorrow, for you worry about useless things and should only take your spiritual maturing and spiritual preparation for eternity seriously. You should always let this be your first concern, then you will not need to fear an end, you will await it calmly and collected and be prepared for My coming at the end of the time which you are still granted to release yourselves from Satan's shackles.... __Amen
Explanation and reason for an arduous destiny....
An arduous destiny on earth will profit the salvation of your souls. For every day brings you closer to the end and the end is near. And do you know whether you will experience the last days? Do you know that you won't be called back before the end and that your earthly life might only last a short time yet? Always consider that tomorrow could be your last day and that you will then be grateful to have reached that particular degree of maturity which entitles you to enter the realm of light. Consider that earthly life is only the means to an end and that it won't last forever. Everything is temporary, joy and sorrow, desire and pain. Only the soul is immortal and its suffering should be reduced. Therefore the body has to suffer as long as the soul lives on earth. Those who are spared suffering on earth cannot expect a painless hour of death because the soul will still have much ballast which it will take across into the spiritual realm. Yet the agonies in the beyond are considerably greater and can often last an endless time if a soul is hardened and thus will find little help. __People still have to endure much adversity because time is passing swiftly and rapidly bringing the end. Only the soul which has been purified by grief and suffering will have the strength to resist during the last days.... because such a soul can receive My strength, while a soul within a dense cover cannot be touched by My emanation. For this reason the human being should look at each day as a gift of grace and be grateful, he should use his time well since he does not know when it ends, because one day he will regret every day which has not brought him spiritual progress. Suffering and love mature the soul and therefore you human beings must patiently endure what is given to you as this is in your best interest; everything My will inflicts on you can lead you to perfection.... __Amen
Pillars of the church.... Vineyard work.... Labourers - i...
I have drawn you close to Me due to sheer love.... I have known for eternity who has surrendered his opposition to Me and whom I can therefore use to serve Me as an instrument in the last days before the end. As yet you don't know the hour of the end, I still spread a veil across the final things happening on this earth. Yet you, My loyal followers, shall be informed of My plan of Salvation; I will also let you know the time if necessary, so that you use the knowledge for the benefit of your fellow human beings without informing them of it, because the knowledge of the day and the hour would cause them harm, and thus I can only notify My most privy and loyal labourers and only in a way which will not restrict their faith and will. This is why I test My servants' hearts in advance, but I also give them the strength to pass every test, and thus the few will emerge who, in the end, will have to render a great service for Me and shall also be capable of doing so. I know your hearts, I know your will and I Myself come to bring you what you desire.... light and strength. And thus you will become strong pillars of My church on earth which no earthly and spiritual power will be able to pull down because you will firmly resist those who want to attack its foundations. I will need strong-minded and staunchly faithful people at the end of this earth.... __And I know such people everywhere and prepare them for the final battle that will be waged against Me and everything of a spiritual nature. However, the preparation will take place by introducing them to My eternal plan of Salvation, in order to explain My reign and activity as well as all events to them for the first time and in order to thereby strengthen their faith in Me, which will afterwards enable them to work diligently and successfully in My vineyard. In addition I will convey light and strength to them, i.e., extensive knowledge which will qualify their work as teachers and also give them strength and inner conviction to prevail against all hostilities from the side of darkness. I will educate an army of strong fighters for Myself, but whom I will also sustain and support until it has completely fulfilled its task.... until it has gained victory over the enemy in the last battle on this earth. I know you and your will and bless you that you have submitted yourselves to Me, I take possession of you and will never ever let you go again.... I need you during these last days because I want to influence your fellow human beings through you, whom I will send to you so that you can carry out your vineyard work on them.... And because I need you I will also take care of you until you have fulfilled your mission, until the end has come, which is imminent for all of you. I want to pour out My spirit over all of you so that you realise which time you are living in and My spirit will let you know when the day will come which is proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
Serious reference to the end....
Your days are numbered.... You won't live on this earth for long anymore, your lives will be shortened because the time I granted humanity for its salvation has come to an end, and you, who are presently alive, belong to those who will live to see the end.... I will certainly still recall many beforehand whose souls would not survive the last battle for Me and My kingdom, and many will die far and wide, and the various reasons will not make you humans aware of the fact that the last action has already started, that it is already an act of mercy, because I give those souls the opportunity to continue their process of development in the kingdom of the beyond, which will no longer be possible once the last day has come.... You all have not much time left yet none of you know if he will not be snatched from the midst of life earlier, no-one knows when his hour has come.... Don't mourn those who go before you, for they are recalled by My love; but often remember them in your prayer so that they will make use of the blessings which will also be granted to them in the afterlife. I seriously admonish you all to prepare yourselves for your last hour, for you don't have much time left. I urgently warn you through the events in the world, and if only you kept your eyes open you would recognise the gravity of the hour, for I clearly speak to you through the signs of the time. __However, you humans only have eyes for the world, you give the world your every attention but fail to think of Me, and irritably you shrug everything off what could draw your attention to Me and the end.... You don't want to believe and therefore remain untouched by all happenings which only too clearly demonstrate the truth of My Word to you. It is high time.... yet not in a worldly sense but for penance, for a change of will, for turning back and for reflection.... Don't remain indifferent when I admonish you for whatever it may be.... Ask yourselves in what state you are in when you are being called to leave the earth and to enter through the gate of death into eternity.... Ask yourselves as whether you will be able to stand before My eyes and believe that the hour will soon arrive when your earthly life comes to an end.... Therefore, only take care of your souls and turn your eyes away from the world, for it will perish, the soul, however, is everlasting and its fate in eternity will be according to your way of life on Earth.... __Amen
And it will come to pass as I have proclaimed.... A large number of deaths will happen prior to it, and you will look upon it as a coincidence, as an accident, you will accept any other explanation but the right one, that I Myself recall people in large numbers who would fail in the last battle on this earth, who are too weak to offer resistance and who nevertheless shall not fall into My adversary's hands either.... For I know the hearts of people and will never ever let anyone become a victim of ruin who still carries a small spark of love within himself and can still revive this spark, if not on earth then in the kingdom of the beyond, to where My love and mercy also reaches in order to bring help. It will come to pass as I have proclaimed. The scale of adversity and unhappiness will be such that everyone can recognise the time of the end if he wants to. But there will only be sorrow where My Own can be identified, for their sorrow will be caused by their fellow human beings in order to destroy My Own's belief in their God and Creator of eternity in Whom they see their Father and to Whom they want to remain faithful. My opponent works against Me and uses people belonging to him to accomplish most disgraceful actions against My Own.... He wants them to desert Me and thus proceeds by using brutal means against which My Own are barely capable of standing up to. Yet the strength of My love supports them, the strength of My love prevails, even if My Own outwardly suffer greatest adversity.... they remain firm and surmount everything that is hostile, because My strength enables them to do so. The time draws to a close.... __What does not seem believable to you today you will soon experience, there will be a momentous change in every respect which will adversely affect all people and demand of all people an attitude towards Me, the Creator and Provider of eternity. And this attitude can only consist of acknowledgment or rejection. That is the decision which will still have to be taken before the end. I will powerfully intrude into your thoughts and you can accept Me or reject Me.... yet the decision you then make will be for eternity.... And this is why My adversary's evil activity is being allowed, because he contributes towards the final decision for Me or for him.... he far exceeds his designated limits of authority, he presses My Own extraordinarily hard and gives to his followers in abundance.... earthly possessions, honour and fame, and therefore they would rather acknowledge him as their lord and renounce Me. Yet I will only allow those who are strong to experience the end, who are and will remain faithful to Me and constantly accept My strength of love. However, I will take care of the weak by recalling them before the end arrives, so that they will not fall into My adversary's hands and have to do penance for an infinitely long time. But those who are strong in doing evil will suffer death on the day of Judgment, for they, too, receive My grace often enough yet they take no notice of it and consciously join My opponent's camp, and thus they shall also share his fate when the end has come.... for everything will fulfil itself which was proclaimed through seers and prophets.... __Amen
Battle of faith.... Time of adversity.... Strength of fai...
You must prove yourselves in the time ahead. Those of you who believe in Me will survive the time of adversity, for you will turn to Me for help; however, without assistance you will find it difficult to cope with life unless you receive strength from below, from My adversary, who will support anyone who is a servant to him and the world. Yet someone who finds the path to Me, who joins Me and prays for My assistance will have surprising strength in order to endure even the most difficult event if it also affects him for the sake of his unbelieving fellow human beings. But he will also remain visibly protected and unharmed, if this is My will because the person's relationship with Me is that of a child and faithfully expects My assistance. It will be a tough struggle, both in an earthly as well as a spiritual sense, for the earthly adversities will distress the spiritual aspirant as well, yet only until he has established heartfelt contact with Me and the strength of My spirit can permeate him. Then he will boldly confront every adversity and danger since he will feel My presence and nothing can frighten or depress him anymore. The end is drawing ever closer, the signs and indications are becoming ever more frequent, the battle between light and darkness is getting increasingly more obvious, the labourers in My vineyard work increasingly more diligently and the danger posed by the Antichrist, to whom the believers are exposed, becomes constantly more threatening. For Satan knows that there is not much time left and his activity will be evident in the time ahead. Yet time after time I draw your attention to it, so that your faith will not waver when it is demanded of you to renounce Me in exchange for assured worldly prosperity.... Don't let yourselves be tempted, for this exchange would be disastrous for you.... Don't forget that the end is near and that nothing of the world and its possessions and pleasures will remain.… But if you have sold your soul to My adversary for these possessions, you will have nothing else at the end but eternal ruin.... a time of infinite torment and hardest captivity.... Relinquish gladly and voluntarily everything that is taken away from you but remain faithful to Me until the end.... your loyalty will be regally rewarded and you will be assured of My assistance during the forthcoming time of need, so that you will be able to endure all difficulties. Besides, this time will not last long.... for I will shorten the days for the sake of My Own.... Everything that is proclaimed in Word and Scripture will happen in quick succession.... Admittedly, the adversity will become worse once you are demanded to make a decision for or against Me but then you may anticipate My arrival any day, then the earth will be approaching its end and your hardship will also soon be over, then the time will have come when My adversary and his followers will be bound, when the creations on the old earth will be disintegrated and a new earth will arise, then I will come in the clouds and fetch you home into the paradise on the new earth.... Then all adversity will be over and your life will be a peaceful and happy one.... __Amen
The last day will come suddenly and unexpected....
A sudden end is being announced to you.... This has to be understood in a way that no-one is able to determine the day, that no-one knows the day which only My Own will be able to discern in view of the immense, almost unbearable adversity that has also been announced as an event occurring before the end. Many people certainly know that the time of the end has started and that it, sooner or later, will finish with this day.... they know this because it is talked about everywhere but they don't believe it so firmly as to prepare themselves for this day. Worldly people will be seized by a tremendous craving for pleasure, ever more greedily they pay homage to worldly pleasure and unscrupulously enjoy themselves at the expense of others, their wishes and demands become ever greater, and they sneeringly laugh at those who, in their belief in Me, ignore worldly pleasures, and cause them harm wherever possible. The world lives in sin.... And this shall be your certain sign, for you will experience things you wouldn't believe possible.... The evil conduct of your fellow men will reveal the hour on the world clock.... __And despite the fact that you will be able to observe everything and that the signs of the time are completely obvious, you, too, will be taken by surprise, for the end will come sooner than you think.... The end will come from one day to the next, that is, the activity of the world will pulsate extraordinarily sprightly and make people believe that they are on top of life, that they are in control and can shape their life to their liking.... My Own will closely watch this commotion and anticipate the downfall, yet they, too, believe that the Judgment will still be delayed in view of people's seething joy of life although their nature is appalling and heartless. However, the harassments by the latter will grow and I Myself will stop them.... For this reason I will come suddenly and unexpectedly even for My Own, for the sins of worldly people are disgraceful, Satan oversteps his authority and therefore his hour has come.... When no-one expects it the day will come which has been determined from the start.... the last day on this earth, which brings fear and horror for those people who belong to Satan, but which also signifies deliverance for My Own from utmost adversity.... the day of Judgment, when it will come to pass what has been proclaimed in Word and Scripture.... __Amen
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