Bertha Dudde 1891 - 1965

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Keyword List Sorted by - G -

formed from the headlines of all currently
translated Revelations by Bertha Dudde

Gathering spiritual treasures on earth .... Regret in the beyond ....   4455
Gathering strength ahead of the chaos ....   8549
Genuine prophecy ....   7392
Genuine, Scrutiny of genuine revelations ....   5320
Gift of grace before the end .... Jesus Christ ....   8494
Gift of teaching .... Teaching ministry ....   3730
Gift, Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the deceased ....   9014
Gift, Every day is a gift ....   5507
Gift, God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state ....   7109
Gift, God’s gift: the spark of love, a part of Himself ....   6941
Gift, Prophetic gift .... A spiritual gift which demands action ....   6587
Gift, The gift of healing the sick ....   7032
Gift, The working of the spirit .... Scrutiny .... Proof: Oratorical gift .... Truth - Error .... God’s messengers ....   4588
Gifts of the spirit ....   7703
Gifts of the spirit .... Conditions ....   6241
Gifts, Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts ....   5754
Gifts, Listening within .... Gifts from above .... Everything that is good is divine ....   2787
Gifts, Misuse of divine gifts (Talents) ....   8660
Gifts, Misuse of the gifts which distinguish the human being from the animal ....   2083
Gifts, Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace ....   4887
Gifts, Striving for spiritual gifts .... Characteristic of the church of Christ ....   6551
Gifts, Suitability for scrutinising spiritual gifts ....   2894
Gifts, The end time justifies the gifts of grace ....   7908
Gifts, Various gifts of the spirit ....   6013a
Giving account .... Urgency of distribution ....   8843
Globe .... Voice of thunder ....   0197
Glory, Heavenly bliss .... Eternal glory ....   1792
Glory, Heavenly glory .... Spiritual vision ....   2284
`Go and teach all nations ....’   1517
God and Jesus are one .... Human manifestation of God ....   8250
God and nature .... Consciously working at attaining perfection ....   0240
God answers every question through the heart ....   7858   7859
God as a loving Father ....   7648
God as Mentor .... He allows Himself to be found ....   3987
God became visible in Jesus Christ ....   7147
`God breathed a living soul into him ....’   6599
God Cannot `Excuse’ the Sins ....   8864
God carries out his plan of Salvation ....   8656
God corrects a big error ....   8923
God corrects misguided teachings ....   8572
God Demands Deliberation ....   7448
God demands faith in His immense love ....   8289
God does not condemn but wants to redeem ....   5593
God does not condemn, people condemn themselves ....   5950
God Himself conveys the truth to people ....   8599
God Himself is the source of the revelations ....   8733
God Himself substantiates the revelations with the near end ....   8925
God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus ....   7828
God is aware of the human will .... Natural disaster .... Protection of the servants ....   9000
God is good and righteous ....   5212
God is inscrutable ....   8275
God is love ....   8082
God is the Word .... God’s Presence .... Different Conveyance of the Word ....   3596
God needs His servants, who offer to serve Him ....   8809
God only created beings of equal perfection ....   8797   8798
God permits the battle of faith ....   3184
God requires a living faith ....   8503
God Requires Many Labourers in the Time Before the End ....   5259
God reveals Himself in the Word ....   6573
God reveals Himself in times of spiritual hardship ....   8098
`God sent His Son to Earth ....’   8537
God speaks as a Father to His child ....   6615
God wants His Word understood differently ....   8830
God wants to answer questions .... Error ....   8536
God wants to be Loved and not Feared ....   8348
God Wants to be the Subject of Our Thoughts ....   7376
God wants to reveal Himself ....   7193
God will implement His act of Salvation ....   8338
God .... Father ....   5481
God-inclined will assures His guidance ....   7119
God-inclined will is the passed test on earth ....   5460
God, A Warning not to Change the Word of God ....   9030
God, Accountability towards God .... Doing one’s duty is not enough ....   6952
God, Admonition to work for God .... Catastrophe ....   3713
God, All willingness to help is blessed by God ....   5635
God, Attainment of childship to God only on this earth ....   6955
God, Battle of faith .... Fighters for God ....   5840
God, Belief in God in Jesus ....   8541
God, Blessing of mental communication with God ....   6859
God, Blissful spiritual beings require process of development on earth for childship to God ....   3908
God, Bond of love .... Unification with God ....   3636
God, Bond with God ....   7377   7573
God, Calling upon beings of light after prayer to God ....   7655
God, Cause of Lucifer’s apostasy from God ....   8672
God, Ceremonies .... Childship to God ....   1376
God, Certain sign of the end is the small flock of fighters for God ....   4027
God, Childship to God is the object of life on earth .... The Word of God ....   8367
God, Childship to God .... Conditions ....   5099
God, Childship to God .... Severe trials ....   2882
God, Childship to God .... Tremendous suffering on Earth ....   3352
God, Complete devotion to God ensures paternal care ....   5545
God, Connection with God guarantees truth ....   6075   7530
God, Consciously turning to God is passed test of will ....   7783
God, Constant contact with God ensures success ....   5785
God, Contact with God .... Influx of strength ....   3482
God, Controller of fate .... God of love ....   6289
God, Countless evidence of God ....   7624
God, Danger of selfishness .... Love for God and one’s neighbour ....   0343
God, Did God cause the apostasy? ....   7932
God, Distance from God is a wretched state .... No separation ....   5123
God, Divine spark .... Correct relationship with God ....   6090
God, Do `non-fallen’ spirits attain childship to God? ....   8793a   8793b
God, Does God punish the children for the sins of the fathers? ....   8296
God, Duration of returning to God ....   7529
God, Earthly adversity should result in contacting God ....   5491
God, Every person is addressed by God ....   6200
God, Everyone would be able to hear God speaking ....   8654
God, Existence of God .... Worldly scholars .... Heart and intellect ....   4541
God, Faith and love lead to unification with God ....   8973
God, Faith in God in free will ....   7665
God, Father-child relationship with God ....   6800
God, First created being .... Light bearer .... Apostasy from God ....   5612
God, Frequent Question: Why did the God Of Love Let a Human Beeing Suffer so? ....   8715
God, Heartfelt contact with God .... Inner voice ....   6421
God, Indirect and direct Word of God ....   8160
God, Instruction by God Himself .... Audible Word .... Jesus’ disciples ....   3955
God, Instruction for teaching ministry by God Himself .... Mission ....   5374
God, Intellectual thought .... Truth from God ....   5199
God, Intercession for people distanced from God ....   2172
God, Jesus Christ was dedicated to God body and soul ....   2345
God, Jesus heard the Word of God .... Mediator between God and people ....   6145
God, Jesus is God ....   8422
God, Knowledge about goal and purpose .... Childship to God ....   5222
God, Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person .... Exceptional opportunity for God to reveal Himself ....   2878
God, Light from above .... The Word of God ....   6434
God, Love for God and one’s neighbour ....   4961
God, Love for God is demonstrated through neighbourly love ....   8584
God, Love of the world - Satan’s followers .... Love of God - Overcoming matter ....   5039
God, Marriage .... In the presence of God and before the world ....   4357
God, Means of grace .... Walking with God ....   6340
God, Mentally directing the will towards God ....   7981
God, Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God ....   2372
God, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?   8201
God, Only God can convey the truth to a person ....   8757
God, Only God is Ruler of the universe ....   8457
God, Only God is the Lord of Creation .... Star ....   7423
God, Only love recognises the Deity .... Seekers of God ....   0721
God, Opportunities for attaining the childship to God ....   5575
God, Path of life predetermined by God .... Free will .... Deed and effect ....   2441
God, Personification of God ....   3443
God, Phase of development unique during a period of salvation .... Incarnation of beings of light .... Mission - Child of God ....   2875
God, Purpose of harsh strokes of fate: Bond with God ....   8206
God, Recognising and acknowledging God .... Atheists ....   6481
God, Relinquishing the world .... Fulfilment of earthly duties and the blessing of God ....   4436
God, Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God ....   4742
God, Return to God necessitates sincerity of will ....   6823
God, Right prayer is the bridge to God .... Jesus Christ .... The bridge to Me is the prayer ....   5686
God, Salvation-plan of God .... Primordial-sin .... Adam’s fall .... Work of redemption   6973
God, Scrutiny of spiritual knowledge presupposes bond with God ....   8828
God, `Seek ye first the kingdom of God ....’   6968
God, Severe suffering can result in childship to God ....   8980
God, Sincere longing for unification with God ....   7303
God, Spiritual knowledge proves awakening and bond with God ....   8210
God, Surrendering the will to God ....   5632
God, `Test the spirits whether they are of God ....’ 1 John 4:1-3 ....   8962
God, The bond with God .... Adversities and suffering ....   8737
God, The close bond with God ....   6724
God, The doctrine of the Trinity of God ....   4484
God, The Father’s concern for His children .... Childship to God ....   4994   4995
God, The human being’s task on earth .... Childship to God ....   5490
God, The Intervention of God ....   3151
God, The path of love and faith .... Acknowledging God ....   6033
God, The path of return to God ....   7257
God, The powerful Voice of God .... The End of the Battle ....   3318
God, The right concept of God ....   7816
God, The right, lawful marriage before God ....   4834
God, The spirit of God works where He wants ....   5864
God, The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth from God ....   6252
God, The will’s decision in favour of God ....   6885
God, The Word of God ought to be listened to ....   8544
God, The Word of God .... Ray of light .... The door of your heart .... Guest ....   5715
God, The Word of God: Unadulterated truth ....   7152
God, True servants of God .... Instituted words .... Working of the spirit ....   8325
God, Trust in God .... The blessing of prayer ....   0235
God, Truth emanates from God himself ....   8700
God, Ultimate goal is union with God ....   8093
God, Unattainability of God .... Recognising His fundamental nature ....   4877
God, Unification .... Blissfulness of the images of God ....   7627
God, Union with God - The human being’s goal ....   4871
God, Unity with God .... School of suffering ....   4352
God, Vast distance from God .... End ....   7672
God, Voluntarily turning to God .... Bond of love ....   6381
God, Voluntary bond with God ....   6484
God, Was Adam the only human being created by God? ....   8236   8237
God, `Whoever is loved by God ....’   5647
God, Whoever is taught by God requires no further external knowledge ....   5150
God, `Whoever remains in love ....’ Strange gods ....   6796
God, Why is God speaking to people? ....   8568
God, `With God nothing is impossible ....’   4082
God, Words of comfort .... Suffering - Illness .... Connection with God ....   6124
God, Working for God and His kingdom ....   4171
God, Working for the kingdom of God .... Mission ....   3284
God, Worshipping the mother of God ....   4752
God, Wrong image of God .... Misguided teachings ....   8035
God, Wrong portrayal of God .... Error ....   8615
God’s Act of Creation and Goal ....   7556
God’s address to souls in the beyond ....   8900
God’s adversary in disguise as an angel of light ....   8788
God’s appointed servants .... Truth ....   3785
God’s blessing and guidance of the spiritual work ....   8810
God’s blessing for every action .... Marriages ....   6940
God’s blessing gained, all is obtained.   0241
God’s blessing should be requested ....   7603
God’s blessing .... Plan of Salvation .... Change of will ....   7081
God’s bond of love ....   5961
God’s call to service .... Inner voice ....   2099
God’s call within your heart ....   4170
God’s care for the human being ....   7540
God’s care for the vineyard labourers ....   8356
God’s ceaseless help on the earthly path ....   8328
God’s constant care for the human being ....   6338
God’s creative will .... Spiritual and earthly creations ....   3943
God’s decision is final ....   8370
God’s end-time revelation ....   6023
God’s exceptional help after the natural disaster ....   7331
God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state ....   7109
God’s gift: the spark of love, a part of Himself ....   6941
God’s help towards attaining beatitude .... Free will ....   6085
God’s human manifestation in Jesus ....   7731
God’s human manifestation ....   8445
God’s Infinite Love for his Living Creations ....   8248
God’s infinite love wants to give itself away ....   7867
God’s instruction to educate fellow human beings about Jesus ....   8464
God’s intervention ....   3773
God’s intervention .... The end of the struggle ....   3143
God’s justice demands atonement ....   7625
God’s Language Through Nature’s Elements ....   8002
God’s love and justice ....   7482
God’s love can also be found in suffering ....   5920
God’s love determines people’s destiny ....   3317
God’s love .... Last days ....   7709
God’s love .... Suffering or happiness .... Granting of prayer ....   3382
God’s merciful guidance of the vineyard labourers ....   8928
God’s message to rationalists .... Deniers of God ....   5744
God’s messengers and their work ....   0480
God’s messengers’ task before the end ....   3942
God’s nature is a mystery ....   8006
God’s or the adversary’s entitlement over the soul is determined by the person himself ....   7038
God’s perfection knows no limits of time and space ....   8777
God’s permission .... Human free will ....   2044
God’s plan of Salvation is based on the human being’s free will ....   7277
God’s presence during spiritual conversations ....   3983
God’s presence protects against the adversary ....   7329
God’s promise of help .... Strength of faith ....   6704
God’s protection from the adversary’s temptations ....   8520
God’s protection in the battle of faith ....   7954
God’s reply to thoughts .... Presence ....   6116
God’s revelation ....   4866
God’s special care for His labourers ....   8547
God’s Spirit does not Contradict Itself ....   8077
God’s spiritual and physical care for His Own ....   3701
God’s strength can also grant physical recovery ....   7980
God’s true representatives are appointed by God Himself ....   8716
God’s voice can be heard everywhere .... The gravity of the time ....   4861
God’s ways are not always people’s ways ....   6993
God’s will - voice of the heart .... Inner urging ....   4104
God’s will or permission .... Free will ....   3756
God’s will to help is greater than the adversity ....   3936
God’s will: Fulfilment of the commandments of love ....   4932
God’s will, Battle .... Works of destruction .... Against God’s will ....   2535
God’s Word intends to attract people’s love ....   8917
God’s Word is felt as a flow of strength by the souls in the beyond ....   5745
God’s Word provides comfort and strength in greatest need ....   3448
God’s Word reflects the spirit of love ....   3698
God’s Word will be heard eternally ....   8522
God’s Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days ....   5367
God’s, Accountability before God’s judgment seat ....   6236
God’s, An hour of Christianity .... The way to God’s heart ....   6649
God’s, Awakening the dead through God’s Word ....   5605
God’s, Bearers of light .... God’s protection ....   3725
God’s, Becoming God’s `children’ .... Childship to God ....   7907
God’s, Belief in the soul’s life after death .... God’s mercy ....   2767
God’s, Beneficial effect of God’s Word .... Awakening - Life ....   6768
God’s, Book of Books .... God’s Word ....   5710
God’s, Call to work .... The mission of God’s servants ....   4174
God’s, Call upon God’s help is indispensable in the last days ....   3703
God’s, Can God’s existence be proven? ....   8265
God’s, Catastrophe .... Fulfilment of the Scriptures .... God’s love for humanity ....   2033
God’s, Change of character into love .... God’s presence ....   7351
God’s, Correct proclamation of the Word .... God’s presence ....   6559
God’s, Correct thinking .... God’s guidance .... Stars ....   0772
God’s, `Correcting’ God’s Word .... Corruption of truth ....   8448
God’s, Creation is God’s work ....   8613
God’s, Cup of suffering .... God’s love ....   3733
God’s, Destiny of life is God’s will ....   3211
God’s, Destiny .... Free will - God’s will ....   3259
God’s, Destiny .... Submission to God’s will ....   3819
God’s, Destructive will of God’s adversary .... Bound spirits - Human being ....   4965
God’s, Developing the ability to hear God’s voice ....   7104
God’s, Development is a matter of free will and not God’s arbitrary use of power ....   5144
God’s, Difficult Living Conditions .... God’s Guidance and Help ....   4058
God’s, Disputed question about God’s human manifestation ....   6794
God’s, Doubting God’s existence in the end time ....   4069
God’s, Doubts Abiout God’s Revelations .... The Elements of Nature ....   4020
God’s, Early death .... God’s mercy .... Old age ....   3260
God’s, End of the period of Salvation .... God’s plan of Salvation ....   5278
God’s, Everyone can hear God’s speech .... in form of thoughts ....   5469
God’s, Expediency of creations .... God’s will ....   3739
God’s, Exposure of misguided teachings is God’s will ....   8814
God’s, Faith in God’s presence ....   8128
God’s, Fear and misery .... God’s intervention - Battle of faith ....   8317
God’s, Forthcoming event .... God’s intervention .... Time of adversity ....   2388a   2388b
God’s, Free will .... God’s will .... Divine order ....   5751
God’s, Grasping and discarding thoughts according to God’s will .... Fear of death ....   0722
God’s, Harassing the bearers of truth through God’s adversary .... God’s help ....   3996
God’s, Heartfelt desire guarantees God’s Word ....   7002
God’s, Human commandments .... Neighbourly love .... God’s commandment ....   3697
God’s, Human contention that God’s Word is completed ....   1857
God’s, Information about God’s plan of Salvation ....   8760
God’s, Inner prompting is God’s instruction .... Subordination of will ....   3308
God’s, Jesus’ body was also solidified substance in accordance with God’s will ....   8756
God’s, Jesus has satisfied God’s justice ....   8222
God’s, Justice towards fellow human beings .... God’s order ....   3906
God’s, Knowledge of God’s will .... Responsibility ....   7923
God’s, Labourers for God’s kingdom .... Jesus Christ ....   6736
God’s, Lack of knowledge and disbelief in God’s address ....   8722
God’s, Light is life .... Influence of God’s messengers .... Christmas Eve ....   0236
God’s, Light of realisation through God’s address ....   7813
God’s, Listening to God’s voice ....   5753
God’s, Living conditions, Difficult Living Conditions .... God’s Guidance and Help ....   4058
God’s, Predetermined earthly life .... Whims of destiny .... God’s love ....   4756
God’s, Predetermined fate .... God’s love and help ....   5845
God’s, Prediction .... Destruction of God’s Word and Scriptures .... Prayer ....   0641
God’s, Prerequisite for hearing God’s voice: Detachment from the world ....   7258
God’s, Prerequisites for hearing God’s Word ....   8530
God’s, Redeeming work for souls in the beyond in God’s will ....   5964
God’s, Renewed Prediction by God’s Word ....   7830
God’s, Revelations are God’s help towards ascent ....   8268
God’s, Seeming contradictions in God’s Word ....   4172
God’s, Selfishness .... God’s intervention is the last resort ....   2223
God’s, Serious examination of spiritual knowledge with God’s support ....   7584
God’s, Serious warning about God’s intervention and consequences ....   7052
God’s, Shield of faith .... Trust .... God’s protection ....   4720
God’s, Space exploration is not God’s will ....   7886
God’s, Spreading the Gospel on God’s behalf ....   5746
God’s, Striving towards the goal .... God’s help ....   6329
God’s, Suffering proves God’s love .... Fire of purification ....   4959
God’s, Taking notice of God’s plan of Salvation ....   7881
God’s, The ability to hear God’s voice .... Conditions ....   4462
God’s, The concept of `hell’ .... Renewed banishment .... God’s infinite love ....   6638
God’s, The effects of God’s Word ....   0215
God’s, The mystery of God’s human manifestation ....   8282
God’s, The purpose of God’s revelations ....   3377
God’s, The reason for God’s remarkable action .... (12th anniversary of receiving the Word)   4670
God’s, The soul matures through suffering .... God’s care .... World and God ....   4672
God’s, The spirit of love protects against temptations and God’s adversary ....   6118
God’s, The truth reveals God’s perfection ....   6467
God’s, The work of God’s servants concerning formal believers .... The church of Christ ....   4061
God’s, The work of God’s servants in the last days ....   4848
God’s, The working of the spirit .... Scrutiny .... Proof: Oratorical gift .... Truth - Error .... God’s messengers ....   4588
God’s, Treasures .... God’s means to gain realisation ....   0223   0224   0225
God’s, Vineyard work according to God’s will ....   8635
God’s, Was Jesus’ soul already incarnated before God’s human manifestation? ....   8750
God’s, Where God’s Word is recognised, that is where He is present ....   8514
Good and evil .... Eternal law ....   8910
Good and evil .... Law of eternity ....   3901
Good Friday ....   7083   8964
Good Friday .... The path to Golgotha ....   5643
Good, A good farmer scatters good seeds ....   8792
Good, A Natural Event .... Victims of Good and Bad People   3348
Good, Free will .... Knowledge of good and evil .... The new earth ....   3359
Good, God is good and righteous ....   5212
Good, Jesus, the good shepherd ....   7455
Good, Listening within .... Gifts from above .... Everything that is good is divine ....   2787
Good, Parable of the good shepherd ....   4360
Good, Peace to all men of good will ....   6144
Good, `Test all things and keep what is good ....’   6676   8037
Good, Thinking apparatus .... Influx of good or evil strength ....   2363
Gospel, Carry My Gospel into the world ....   5725
Gospel, Spreading the Gospel .... End time disciples ....   5226
Grace of the act of Salvation: fortified will ....   8418
Grace, Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love, grace, mercy ....   5023
Grace, Confused thinking - Unbelief .... Faith - Grace ....   1894
Grace, Divine revelation is the greatest source of grace ....   4015
Grace, Even suffering is grace .... `Father, Your will be done ....’   0659
Grace, Explanation of this remarkable gift of grace ....   6592
Grace, Gift of grace before the end .... Jesus Christ ....   8494
Grace, God’s gift of love and grace .... Attaining the original state ....   7109
Grace, God’s Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days ....   5367
Grace, `I bestow My grace upon the humble ....’   7057
Grace, Means of grace .... Prayer ....   6321
Grace, Means of grace .... Walking with God ....   6340
Grace, Much suffering - Much grace ....   4117
Grace, Only a short time of grace left ....   7207
Grace, Period of grace until the divine intervention ....   3396
Grace, Prayer for grace and strength ....   3714
Grace, Prayer for strength and grace .... Pride .... Humility ....   8589
Grace, Remorse of souls who rejected divine gifts of grace ....   4887
Grace, Self-knowledge .... Psychological work .... Grace .... Humility ....   3244
Grace, Strength and grace in the last days ....   3750
Grace, The end time justifies the gifts of grace ....   7908
Grace, The grace of receiving the Word is a commitment ....   7878
Grace, The Word (grace) recipients’ advantage compared to the atheists ....   5394
Grace, Time of grace .... Speaker - Forerunner of the Lord ....   3276
Grace, Utilizing the time of grace before the end ....   5729
Grace, What are -means of grace- ? ....   6831
Grace, Will and grace .... (Which comes first? ....)   2468
Grace, Will - Grace .... (Objection Philippians 2 - 13)   1937
Granting prayers .... Faith ....   6569
Granting prayers .... The right relationship of a child with its Father ....   8073
Grasping and discarding thoughts according to God’s will .... Fear of death ....   0722
Gratitude ....   5019
Gratitude, Happiness and gratitude of redeemed souls ....   6423
Great affliction before the end ....   4883
Great work of redemption in the beyond .... Jesus Christ ....   7386
Guarantee for receiving the truth ....   8546
Guarantee, Awakening the divine spiritual spark will guarantee a change in character ....   7984
Guarantee, Connection with God guarantees truth ....   6075   7530
Guarantee, Dispensations of providence are divine will .... Guarantee for highest maturity ....   1386
Guarantee, Guarantee for receiving the truth ....   8546
Guarantee, Heartfelt desire guarantees God’s Word ....   7002
Guarantee, In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed .... but as human being? ....   8936
Guarantee, Sincere desire for truth guarantees truth ....   7629
Guarantee, Study does not guarantee spiritual knowledge ....   8842
Guarantee, The will for truth guarantees its receipt ....   6841
Guarantee, The working of the spirit .... Guarantee for pure truth ....   2877
Guarantee, When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the spirit? ....   5569
Guarantee, Which messages guarantee the truth ....   9013
Guardian spirit .... Spiritual guides ....   6636
Guardian, Beings of light are people’s spiritual guardians ....   3981
Guests at the table of the Lord ....   5771
Guests on earth .... Right custodians ....   6454
Gulf and Bridge .... Renewed Banishment .... Circuit of Flow of Love ....   4807
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